
Defines functions olink_pca_plot.internal olink_calculate_pca

#' Function to plot a PCA of the data
#' Generates a PCA projection of all samples from NPX data along two principal components (default PC2 vs. PC1) including the explained variance and dots colored by QC_Warning using stats::prcomp and ggplot2::ggplot.
#' The values are by default scaled and centered in the PCA and proteins with missing NPX values are by default removed from the corresponding assay.
#' Unique sample names are required.
#' Imputation by the median is done for assays with missingness <10\% for multi-plate projects and <5\% for single plate projects.
#' The plot is printed, and a list of ggplot objects is returned. \cr\cr
#' If byPanel = TRUE, the data processing (imputation of missing values etc) and subsequent PCA is performed separately per panel. A faceted plot is printed, while the individual ggplot objects are returned. \cr\cr
#' The arguments outlierDefX and outlierDefY can be used to identify outliers in the PCA. Samples more than +/-outlierDef[X,Y] standard deviations from the mean of the plotted PC will be labelled. Both arguments have to be specified.
#' @param df data frame in long format with Sample Id, NPX and column of choice for colors
#' @param color_g Character value indicating which column to use for colors (default QC_Warning)
#' @param x_val Integer indicating which principal component to plot along the x-axis (default 1)
#' @param y_val Integer indicating which principal component to plot along the y-axis (default 2)
#' @param label_samples Logical. If TRUE, points are replaced with SampleID (default FALSE)
#' @param drop_assays Logical. All assays with any missing values will be dropped. Takes precedence over sample drop.
#' @param drop_samples Logical. All samples with any missing values will be dropped.
#' @param n_loadings Integer. Will plot the top n_loadings based on size.
#' @param loadings_list Character vector indicating for which OlinkID's to plot as loadings. It is possible to use n_loadings and loadings_list simultaneously.
#' @param byPanel Perform the PCA per panel (default FALSE)
#' @param outlierDefX The number standard deviations along the PC plotted on the x-axis that defines an outlier. See also 'Details"
#' @param outlierDefY The number standard deviations along the PC plotted on the y-axis that defines an outlier. See also 'Details"
#' @param outlierLines Draw dashed lines at +/-outlierDef[X,Y] standard deviations from the mean of the plotted PCs (default FALSE)
#' @param label_outliers Use ggrepel to label samples lying outside the limits set by the outlierLines (default TRUE)
#' @param quiet Logical. If TRUE, the resulting plot is not printed
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether warnings about the number of samples and/or assays dropped or imputed should be printed to the console.
#' @param ... coloroption passed to specify color order.
#' @return A list of objects of class "ggplot", each plot contains scatter plot of PCs
#' @keywords NPX PCA
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' npx_data <- npx_data1 %>%
#'     filter(!grepl('CONTROL', SampleID))
#' #PCA using all the data
#' olink_pca_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning")
#' #PCA per panel
#' g <- olink_pca_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning", byPanel = TRUE)
#' g[[2]] #Plot only the second panel
#' #Label outliers
#' olink_pca_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning",
#'                outlierDefX = 2, outlierDefY = 4) #All data
#' olink_pca_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning",
#'                outlierDefX = 2.5, outlierDefY = 4, byPanel = TRUE) #Per panel
#' #Retrieve the outliers
#' g <- olink_pca_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning",
#'                     outlierDefX = 2.5, outlierDefY = 4, byPanel = TRUE)
#' outliers <- lapply(g, function(x){x$data}) %>%
#'     bind_rows() %>%
#'     filter(Outlier == 1)
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select group_by ungroup mutate mutate_at if_else n_distinct summarise left_join arrange distinct
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @importFrom rlang ensym
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes xlab ylab geom_text geom_point geom_segment  labs guides arrow
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_label_repel
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom grid unit

olink_pca_plot <- function (df,
                            color_g = "QC_Warning",
                            x_val = 1,
                            y_val = 2,
                            label_samples = FALSE,
                            drop_assays = FALSE,
                            drop_samples = FALSE,
                            n_loadings = 0,
                            loadings_list = NULL,
                            byPanel = FALSE,
                            outlierDefX = NA,
                            outlierDefY = NA,
                            outlierLines = FALSE,
                            label_outliers = TRUE,
                            quiet = FALSE,
                            verbose = TRUE,

  #checking ellipsis
  if(length(list(...)) > 0){

    ellipsis_variables <- names(list(...))

    if(length(ellipsis_variables) == 1){

      if(!(ellipsis_variables == 'coloroption')){

        stop(paste0('The ... option only takes the coloroption argument. ... currently contains the variable ',



      stop(paste0('The ... option only takes one argument. ... currently contains the variables ',
                  paste(ellipsis_variables, collapse = ', '),

  #Check data format
  npxCheck <- npxCheck(df)

  # Stop if duplicate sample ID's detected
  if (length(npxCheck$duplicate_samples) > 0) {
    stop("Duplicate SampleID(s) detected: ", paste(npxCheck$duplicate_samples, collapse = ", "),". Each sample ID must be unique. Please check your data and ensure that each sample has a unique identifier.")

  df <- df |> dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% npxCheck$all_nas)) #Exclude assays that have all NA:s

  #Filtering on valid OlinkID
  # df <- df |> dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% npx_Check$non_conforming_OID)) # Exclude non-recognized OlinkIDs
  df <- df |> dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(OlinkID,

  #Check that the user didn't specify just one of outlierDefX and outlierDefY
  if(sum(c(is.numeric(outlierDefX), is.numeric(outlierDefY))) == 1){
    stop('To label outliers, both outlierDefX and outlierDefY have to be specified as numerical values')

  #If outlierLines == TRUE, both outlierDefX and outlierDefY have to be specified
    if(!all(is.numeric(outlierDefX), is.numeric(outlierDefY))){
      stop('outlierLines requested but boundaries not specified. To draw lines, both outlierDefX and outlierDefY have to be specified as numerical values')

    # Convert color_g variable to factor
      df[[paste(color_g)]] <- as.factor(df[[paste(color_g)]])
    df <- df |>
      dplyr::mutate(Panel = Panel |> stringr::str_replace("Olink ", "")) #Strip "Olink" from the panel names

    plotList <- lapply(unique(df$Panel), function(x) {
      g <- df %>%
        dplyr::filter(Panel == x) %>%
        olink_pca_plot.internal(df = .,
                                color_g = color_g,
                                x_val = x_val,
                                y_val = y_val,
                                label_samples = label_samples,
                                drop_assays = drop_assays,
                                drop_samples = drop_samples,
                                n_loadings = n_loadings,
                                loadings_list = loadings_list,
                                outlierDefX = outlierDefX,
                                outlierDefY = outlierDefY,
                                outlierLines = outlierLines,
                                label_outliers = label_outliers,
                                verbose = verbose,
                                ...) +
        ggplot2::labs(title = x)

      #Add Panel info inside the ggplot object
      g$data <- g$data  |>
        dplyr::mutate(Panel = x)

    names(plotList) <- unique(df$Panel)
    if(!quiet) print(ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plotList, common.legend = TRUE))

  } else{
    pca_plot <- olink_pca_plot.internal(df = df,
                                        color_g = color_g,
                                        x_val = x_val,
                                        y_val = y_val,
                                        label_samples = label_samples,
                                        drop_assays = drop_assays,
                                        drop_samples = drop_samples,
                                        n_loadings = n_loadings,
                                        loadings_list = loadings_list,
                                        outlierDefX = outlierDefX,
                                        outlierDefY = outlierDefY,
                                        outlierLines = outlierLines,
                                        label_outliers = label_outliers,
                                        verbose = verbose,
    if(!quiet) print(pca_plot)
    plotList <- list(pca_plot) #For consistency, return a list even when there's just one plot


olink_calculate_pca <- function(procData,
                                x_val = 1,
                                y_val = 2,
                                outlierDefX = NA,
                                outlierDefY = NA) {

  #### PCA ####
  pca_fit <- stats::prcomp(procData$df_wide_matrix,
                           scale. = TRUE, center = TRUE)

  #Standardizing and selecting components
  scaling_factor_lambda <- pca_fit$sdev * sqrt(nrow(procData$df_wide_matrix))

  PCX <- pca_fit$x[, x_val] / scaling_factor_lambda[x_val]
  PCY <- pca_fit$x[, y_val] / scaling_factor_lambda[y_val]
  PoV <- pca_fit$sdev^2 / sum(pca_fit$sdev^2)
  LX <- pca_fit$rotation[, x_val]
  LY <- pca_fit$rotation[, y_val]

  # Sort order is dependent on locale -> set locale here to make code
  # deterministic
  old_collate <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
  Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")

  scores <- data.frame(cbind(PCX, PCY))  |>
    tibble::rownames_to_column()  |>
    dplyr::arrange(rowname, .locale = "C")  |>
  loadings <- data.frame(variables = rownames(pca_fit$rotation), LX, LY)

  Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", old_collate)

  range_PX <- c(-abs(min(PCX, na.rm = TRUE)), abs(max(PCX, na.rm = TRUE)))
  range_PY <- c(-abs(min(PCY, na.rm = TRUE)), abs(max(PCY, na.rm = TRUE)))
  range_LX <- c(-abs(min(LX, na.rm = TRUE)), abs(max(LX, na.rm = TRUE)))
  range_LY <- c(-abs(min(LY, na.rm = TRUE)), abs(max(LY, na.rm = TRUE)))

  loadings_scaling_factor <- 0.8 / max(range_LX / range_PX, range_LY / range_PY)

  #Identify outliers
  if (!is.na(outlierDefX) && !is.na(outlierDefY)) {
    scores <- scores %>%
      tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "SampleID")  |>
      dplyr::mutate(PCX_low = mean(PCX, na.rm = TRUE) -
                      outlierDefX * sd(PCX, na.rm = TRUE),
                    PCX_high = mean(PCX, na.rm = TRUE) +
                      outlierDefX * sd(PCX, na.rm = TRUE),
                    PCY_low = mean(PCY, na.rm = TRUE) -
                      outlierDefY * sd(PCY, na.rm = TRUE),
                    PCY_high = mean(PCY, na.rm = TRUE) +
                      outlierDefY * sd(PCY, na.rm = TRUE))  |>
      dplyr::mutate(Outlier = dplyr::if_else(PCX < PCX_high &
                                               PCX > PCX_low &
                                               PCY > PCY_low &
                                               PCY < PCY_high,
                                             0, 1))

  return(list(scores = scores,
              loading = loadings,
              loadings_scaling_factor = loadings_scaling_factor,
              PoV = PoV))

olink_pca_plot.internal <- function(df,
                                    color_g = "QC_Warning",
                                    x_val = 1,
                                    y_val = 2,
                                    label_samples = FALSE,
                                    drop_assays = FALSE,
                                    drop_samples = FALSE,
                                    n_loadings = 0,
                                    loadings_list = NULL,
                                    verbose = TRUE,
                                    ...) {

  #Data pre-processing
  procData <- npxProcessing_forDimRed(df = df,
                                      color_g = color_g,
                                      drop_assays = drop_assays,
                                      drop_samples = drop_samples,
                                      verbose = verbose)

  #Did we drop any of the of the assays specified in the loadings_list?
    #Dropped because of NAs
    dropped_loadings <- intersect(procData$dropped_assays.na,

    if(length(dropped_loadings) > 0){
        warning(paste0("The loading(s) ",
                       paste0(dropped_loadings, collapse=", "),
                       " from the loadings_list contain NA and are dropped . "))

      loadings_list <- setdiff(loadings_list, dropped_loadings)

    #Dropped because of to high missingness
    dropped_loadings <- intersect(procData$dropped_assays.missingness,

    if(length(dropped_loadings) > 0){
        warning(paste0("The loading(s) ",
                       paste0(dropped_loadings, collapse=", "),
                       " from the loadings_list are dropped due to high missingness. "))

      loadings_list <- setdiff(loadings_list, dropped_loadings)

    if(length(loadings_list) == 0){
      loadings_list <- NULL

  #### PCA ####
  pca_results <- olink_calculate_pca(procData = procData,
                                     x_val = x_val,
                                     y_val = y_val,
                                     outlierDefX = outlierDefX,
                                     outlierDefY = outlierDefY)

  scores <- pca_results$scores

  if (! "SampleID" %in% colnames(scores)) {
    scores <- scores |>
      dplyr::mutate(SampleID = rownames(scores))

  if (is.numeric(scores$SampleID)) {
    message("SampleID converted to character.")
    scores$SampleID <- as.character(scores$SampleID)
  if (is.numeric(procData$df_wide$SampleID)) {
    message("SampleID converted to character.")
    procData$df_wide$SampleID <- as.character(procData$df_wide$SampleID)

  scores <- scores |> dplyr::left_join(procData$df_wide[,c("SampleID", "colors")], by = c("SampleID"))

  loadings <- pca_results$loading
  loadings_scaling_factor <- pca_results$loadings_scaling_factor
  PoV <- pca_results$PoV

  pca_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(scores, ggplot2::aes(x = PCX, y = PCY)) +
    ggplot2::xlab(paste0("PC", x_val,  " (", round(PoV[x_val]*100, digits = 2), "%)")) +
    ggplot2::ylab(paste0("PC", y_val, " (", round(PoV[y_val]*100, digits = 2), "%)"))

  #Drawing scores


    pca_plot <- pca_plot +
      ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = SampleID, color = colors), size = 3) +
      ggplot2::labs(color = color_g) +
      ggplot2::guides(size = "none")


    pca_plot <- pca_plot +
      ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = colors), size = 2.5) +
      ggplot2::labs(color = color_g) +
      ggplot2::guides(size = "none")


  #Drawing loadings

  if(n_loadings > 0 | !is.null(loadings_list)) {

    N_loadings <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, ncol(loadings)),
    colnames(N_loadings) <- colnames(loadings)

    L_loadings <- N_loadings

    if(n_loadings > 0){

      #Largest loadings based on Pythagoras

      N_loadings <- loadings  |>
        dplyr::mutate(abs_loading = sqrt(LX^2 + LY^2))  |>
        dplyr::arrange(desc(abs_loading))  |>
        utils::head(n_loadings)  |>


      #Selected loadings

      L_loadings <- loadings  |>
        dplyr::filter(variables %in% loadings_list)

    loadings <- rbind(N_loadings,
                      L_loadings)  |>

    pca_plot <- pca_plot +
      ggplot2::geom_segment(data = loadings,
                            ggplot2::aes(x = 0,
                                         y = 0,
                                         xend = LX*loadings_scaling_factor,
                                         yend = LY*loadings_scaling_factor),
                            arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = grid::unit(1/2, "picas")),
                            color = "black") +
      ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = loadings,
                                ggplot2::aes(x = LX*loadings_scaling_factor,
                                             y = LY*loadings_scaling_factor,
                                             label = variables),
                                box.padding = 1,
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                segment.colour = 'gray')

  #Label outliers in figure
  if(!is.na(outlierDefX) & !is.na(outlierDefY) & label_outliers){
    pca_plot <- pca_plot +
      ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = . %>% dplyr::mutate(SampleIDPlot = dplyr::case_when(Outlier == 1 ~ SampleID,
                                                                                           TRUE ~ "")),
                                box.padding = 0.5,
                                min.segment.length = 0.1,
                                size = 3)

  #Add outlier lines
    pca_plot <- pca_plot +
                          linetype = 'dashed',
                          color = 'grey') +
                          linetype = 'dashed',
                          color = 'grey') +
      ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept = PCX_low),
                          linetype = 'dashed',
                          color = 'grey') +
      ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept = PCX_high),
                          linetype = 'dashed',
                          color = 'grey')

  pca_plot <- pca_plot +
    OlinkAnalyze::set_plot_theme() +



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OlinkAnalyze documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 1:07 a.m.