
Defines functions is_sparse_pk pk.calc.sparse_auclast pk.calc.sparse_auc sparse_to_dense_pk cov_holder var_sparse_auc sparse_mean sparse_auc_weight_linear sparse_pk_attribute as_sparse_pk

Documented in as_sparse_pk cov_holder is_sparse_pk pk.calc.sparse_auc pk.calc.sparse_auclast sparse_auc_weight_linear sparse_mean sparse_pk_attribute sparse_to_dense_pk var_sparse_auc

#' Generate a sparse_pk object
#' @param conc Concentration measurements (must be numeric, finite, and not NA)
#' @param time Time of concentration measurements (must be numeric, finite, and
#'   not NA)
#' @param subject Subject identifiers (may be any class; may not be null)
#' @return A sparse_pk object which is a list of lists.  The inner lists have
#'   elements named: "time", The time of measurement; "conc", The concentration
#'   measured; "subject", The subject identifiers.  The object will usually be
#'   modified by future functions to add more named elements to the inner list.
#' @family Sparse Methods
#' @export
as_sparse_pk <- function(conc, time, subject) {
  if (is.data.frame(conc) & missing(time) & missing(subject)) {
    time <- conc$time
    subject <- conc$subject
    conc <- conc$conc
  checkmate::check_numeric(conc, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE)
  checkmate::check_numeric(time, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=length(conc), null.ok=FALSE)
  checkmate::check_vector(subject, any.missing=FALSE, len=length(conc), null.ok=FALSE)
  unique_times <- sort(unique(time))
  ret <- list()
  for (current_time in unique_times) {
    current_mask <- time %in% current_time
    ret <-
  class(ret) <- "sparse_pk"

#' Set or get a sparse_pk object attribute
#' @param sparse_pk A sparse_pk object from \code{\link{as_sparse_pk}}
#' @param ... Either a character string (to get that value) or a named vector
#'   the same length as \code{sparse_pk} to set the value.
#' @return Either the attribute value or an updated \code{sparse_pk} object
#' @keywords Internal
sparse_pk_attribute <- function(sparse_pk, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  stopifnot(length(args) == 1)
  if (is.null(names(args))) {
    vapply(X=sparse_pk, FUN="[[", args[[1]], FUN.VALUE = 1)
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(args[[1]]) == length(sparse_pk))
    for (idx in seq_along(sparse_pk)) {
      sparse_pk[[idx]][names(args)[1]] <- args[[1]][idx]

#' Calculate the weight for sparse AUC calculation with the linear-trapezoidal
#' rule
#' The weight is used as the \eqn{w_i}{w_i} parameter in
#' \code{\link{pk.calc.sparse_auc}}
#' \deqn{w_i = \frac{\delta_{time,i-1,i} + \delta_{time,i,i+1}}{2}}{w_i = (d_time[i-1,i] + d_time[i,i+1])/2}
#' \deqn{\delta_{time,i,i+1} = t_{i+1} - t_i}{d_time = t_[i+1] - t_i, and zero if i < 1 or i > K}
#' Where:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\eqn{w_i}{w_i}}{is the weight at time i}
#'   \item{\eqn{\delta_{time,i-1,i}}{d_time[i-1,i]} and \eqn{\delta_{time,i,i+1}}{d_time[i,i+1]}}{are the changes between time i-1 and i or i and i+1 (zero outside of the time range)}
#'   \item{\eqn{t_i}{t_i}}{is the time at time i}
#' }
#' @inheritParams sparse_pk_attribute
#' @return A numeric vector of weights for sparse AUC calculations the same
#'   length as \code{sparse_pk}
#' @family Sparse Methods
#' @export
sparse_auc_weight_linear <- function(sparse_pk) {
  times <- vapply(X=sparse_pk, FUN="[[", "time", FUN.VALUE = 1)
  half_diff_times <- diff(times)/2
  weights <- c(0, half_diff_times) + c(half_diff_times, 0)
  sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk=sparse_pk, weight=weights)

#' Calculate the mean concentration at all time points for use in sparse NCA
#' calculations
#' Choices for the method of calculation (the argument
#' \code{sparse_mean_method}) are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{"arithmetic mean"}{Arithmetic mean (ignoring number of BLQ samples)}
#'   \item{"arithmetic mean, <=50\% BLQ"}{If >= 50\% of the measurements are BLQ, zero.  Otherwise, the arithmetic mean of all samples (including the BLQ as zero).}
#' }
#' @inheritParams sparse_pk_attribute
#' @param sparse_mean_method The method used to calculate the sparse mean (see
#'   details)
#' @return A vector the same length as \code{sparse_pk} with the mean
#'   concentration at each of those times.
#' @family Sparse Methods
#' @export
sparse_mean <- function(sparse_pk, sparse_mean_method=c("arithmetic mean, <=50% BLQ", "arithmetic mean")) {
  sparse_mean_method <- match.arg(sparse_mean_method)
  ret <-
      X = sparse_pk,
      FUN = function(current_time) mean(current_time$conc),
      FUN.VALUE = 1
  if (sparse_mean_method == "arithmetic mean, <=50% BLQ") {
    numerator <-
        FUN=function(current_time) sum(current_time$conc == 0),
        FUN.VALUE = 1
    denominator <-
        X = sparse_pk,
        FUN = function(current_time) length(current_time$conc),
        FUN.VALUE = 1
    frac_blq <- numerator/denominator
    ret[frac_blq > 0.5] <- 0
  } else if (sparse_mean_method == "arithmetic mean") {
    # do nothing
  } else {
    stop("Invalid sparse_mean_method: ", sparse_mean_method) # nocov
  sparse_pk <- sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk, mean=ret)
  sparse_pk <- sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk, mean_method=rep(sparse_mean_method, length(ret)))

#' Calculate the variance for the AUC of sparsely sampled PK
#' Equation 7.vii in Nedelman and Jia, 1998 is used for this calculation:
#' \deqn{var\left(\hat{AUC}\right) = \sum\limits_{i=0}^m\left(\frac{w_i^2 s_i^2}{r_i}\right) + 2\sum\limits_{i<j}\left(\frac{w_i w_j r_{ij} s_{ij}}{r_i r_j}\right)}{var(AUC) = sum_(i=0)^(m) ((w_i^2 * s_i^2)/(r_i) + + 2*sum_(i<j)((w_i * w_j * r_ij * s_ij)/(r_i * r_j))}
#' The degrees of freedom are calculated as described in equation 6 of the same
#' paper.
#' @inheritParams sparse_pk_attribute
#' @references
#' Nedelman JR, Jia X. An extension of Satterthwaite’s approximation applied to
#' pharmacokinetics. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 1998;8(2):317-328.
#' doi:10.1080/10543409808835241
#' @export
var_sparse_auc <- function(sparse_pk) {
  covariance <- cov_holder(sparse_pk)
  var_auc <- 0
  weights <- sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk, "weight")
  # number of subjects at a given time point
  n <- rep(0, length(sparse_pk))
  df <- 0
  for (idx1 in seq_along(sparse_pk)) {
    n_idx1 <- length(unique(sparse_pk[[idx1]]$subject))
    n[idx1] <- n_idx1
    var_auc <-
      var_auc +
      weights[idx1]^2*covariance[idx1, idx1]/n_idx1
    for (idx2 in seq_len(idx1 - 1)) {
      n_idx2 <- length(unique(sparse_pk[[idx2]]$subject))
      n_both <- length(unique(intersect(sparse_pk[[idx1]]$subject, sparse_pk[[idx2]]$subject)))
      var_auc <-
        var_auc +
        2*weights[idx1]*weights[idx2]*n_both*covariance[idx1, idx2]/(n_idx1*n_idx2)
  # df based on equation 6 of Nedelman and Jia 1998
  # df_e <- sum(diag(covariance))
  # df_v <- 2*sum(diag(covariance %*% covariance))
  # df <- 2*df_e^2/df_v
  # df based on equation 6a of Nedelman et al 1995
  df <-
    sum(weights^2 * diag(covariance)/n)^2 /
    sum(weights^4 * diag(covariance)^2/(n^2*(n-1)))
  if (sum(covariance[lower.tri(covariance)] != 0) > 0) {
      message = "Cannot yet calculate sparse degrees of freedom for multiple samples per subject",
      class = "pknca_sparse_df_multi"
    df <- NA_real_
  attr(var_auc, "df") <- df

#' Calculate the covariance for two time points with sparse sampling
#' The calculation follows equation A3 in Holder 2001 (see references below):
#' \deqn{\hat{\sigma}_{ij} = \sum\limits_{k=1}^{r_{ij}}{\frac{\left(x_{ik} - \bar{x}_i\right)\left(x_{jk} - \bar{x}_j\right)}{\left(r_{ij} - 1\right) + \left(1 - \frac{r_{ij}}{r_i}\right)\left(1 - \frac{r_{ij}}{r_j}\right)}}}{sigma_ij = sum_(k=1)^(r_ij)((x_ik-xbar_i)(x_jk-xbar_j)/((r_ij-1)+(1-r_ij/r_i)*(1-r_ij/r_j)))}
#' If \eqn{r_{ij} = 0}{r_ij = 0}, then \eqn{\hat{\sigma}_{ij}}{sigma_ij} is
#' defined as zero (rather than dividing by zero).
#' Where:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\eqn{\hat{\sigma}_{ij}}{sigma_ij}}{The covariance of times i and j}
#'   \item{\eqn{r_i}{r_i} and \eqn{r_j}{r_j}}{The number of subjects (usually animals) at times i and j, respectively}
#'   \item{\eqn{r_{ij}{r_ij}}}{The number of subjects (usually animals) at both times i and j}
#'   \item{\eqn{x_{ik}}{x_ik} and \eqn{x_{jk}}{x_jk}}{The concentration measured for animal k at times i and j, respectively}
#'   \item{\eqn{\bar{x}_i}{xbar_i} and \eqn{\bar{x}_j}{xbar_j}}{The mean of the concentrations at times i and j, respectively}
#' }
#' The Cauchy-Schwartz inequality is enforced for covariances to keep
#' correlation coefficients between -1 and 1, inclusive, as described in
#' equations 8 and 9 of Nedelman and Jia 1998.
#' @inheritParams sparse_pk_attribute
#' @return A matrix with one row and one column for each element of
#'   \code{sparse_pk_attribute}.  The covariances are on the off diagonals, and
#'   for simplicity of use, it also calculates the variance on the diagonal
#'   elements.
#' @keywords Internal
#' @references
#' Holder DJ. Comments on Nedelman and Jia’s Extension of Satterthwaite’s
#' Approximation Applied to Pharmacokinetics. Journal of Biopharmaceutical
#' Statistics. 2001;11(1-2):75-79. doi:10.1081/BIP-100104199
#' Nedelman JR, Jia X. An extension of Satterthwaite’s approximation applied to
#' pharmacokinetics. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 1998;8(2):317-328.
#' doi:10.1080/10543409808835241
#' @export
cov_holder <- function(sparse_pk) {
  ret <-

  time_means <- sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk, "mean")

  for (idx1 in seq_along(sparse_pk)) {
    # Variance on the diagonal
    ret[idx1, idx1] <- stats::var(sparse_pk[[idx1]]$conc)
    for (idx2 in seq_len(idx1 - 1)) {
      subject_idx1 <- sparse_pk[[idx1]]$subject
      subject_idx2 <- sparse_pk[[idx2]]$subject
      subject_both <- intersect(subject_idx1, subject_idx2)
      if (length(subject_both) > 1) {
        # Holder covariance on the off-diagonals when there is more than one
        # subject in both times
        cov_ij <- 0
        for (current_subject in subject_both) {
          cov_ij <-
            cov_ij +
            (sparse_pk[[idx1]]$conc[sparse_pk[[idx1]]$subject %in% current_subject] - time_means[[idx1]]) *
            (sparse_pk[[idx2]]$conc[sparse_pk[[idx2]]$subject %in% current_subject] - time_means[[idx2]])
        # Apply the common denominator
        cov_ij <-
          cov_ij /
            (length(subject_both) - 1) + (1 - length(subject_both)/length(subject_idx1))*(1 - length(subject_both)/length(subject_idx2))
        # Enforce the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
        cov_cs <- sqrt(ret[idx1, idx1] * ret[idx2, idx2])
        if (abs(cov_ij) > cov_cs) {
          cov_ij <- sign(cov_ij)*cov_cs
        # The matrix is symmetric
        ret[idx1, idx2] <- ret[idx2, idx1] <- cov_ij

#' Extract the mean concentration-time profile as a data.frame
#' @inheritParams sparse_pk_attribute
#' @return A data.frame with names of "conc" and "time"
#' @keywords Internal
sparse_to_dense_pk <- function(sparse_pk) {
    conc=sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk, "mean"),
    time=sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk, "time")

#' Calculate AUC and related parameters using sparse NCA methods
#' The AUC is calculated as:
#' \deqn{AUC=\sum\limits_{i} w_i \bar{C}_i}{AUC = sum(w_i * Cbar_i)}
#' Where:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\eqn{AUC}{AUC}}{is the estimated area under the concentration-time curve}
#'   \item{\eqn{w_i}{w_i}}{is the weight applied to the concentration at time i (related to the time which it affects, see \code{\link{sparse_auc_weight_linear}})}
#'   \item{\eqn{\bar{C}_i}{Cbar_i}}{is the average concentration at time i}
#' }
#' @inheritParams pk.calc.auc
#' @inheritParams as_sparse_pk
#' @family Sparse Methods
#' @export
pk.calc.sparse_auc <- function(conc, time, subject,
                               options=list()) {
  sparse_pk <- as_sparse_pk(conc=conc, time=time, subject=subject)
  sparse_pk_wt <- sparse_auc_weight_linear(sparse_pk)
  sparse_pk_mean <- sparse_mean(sparse_pk=sparse_pk_wt, sparse_mean_method="arithmetic mean, <=50% BLQ")
  auc <-
      conc=sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk_mean, "mean"),
      time=sparse_pk_attribute(sparse_pk_mean, "time"),
  var_auc <- var_sparse_auc(sparse_pk_mean)
    # as.numeric() drops the "df" attribute
    sparse_auc_df=attr(var_auc, "df")

#' @describeIn pk.calc.sparse_auc Compute the AUClast for sparse PK
#' @export
pk.calc.sparse_auclast <- function(conc, time, subject, ..., options=list()) {
  if ("auc.type" %in% names(list(...))) {
      message = "auc.type cannot be changed when calling pk.calc.sparse_auclast, please use pk.calc.sparse_auc",
      class = "pknca_sparse_auclast_change_auclast"
  ret <-
      conc=conc, time=time, subject=subject, ...,
  names(ret)[names(ret) == "sparse_auc"] <- "sparse_auclast"

  values=c(FALSE, TRUE),
  pretty_name="Sparse AUClast",
  desc="For sparse PK sampling, the area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification"
  description="geometric mean and geometric coefficient of variation",

#' Is a PKNCA object used for sparse PK?
#' @param object The object to see if it includes sparse PK
#' @return \code{TRUE} if sparse and \code{FALSE} if dense (not sparse)
#' @export
is_sparse_pk <- function(object) {

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