
# @set class=PairedPSCBS
# @RdocMethod getBootstrapLocusSets
# @alias getBootstrapLocusSets
# @title "Generates original and bootstrapped segment-specific index sets"
# \description{
#  @get "title", which can be used to calculate various bootstrap summaries,
#  e.g. segment mean levels.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{B}{A non-negative @integer specifying the number of bootstrap samples.}
#   \item{by}{Should \code{betaTN} or \code{betaT} be used?}
#   \item{seed}{An (optional) @integer specifying the random seed to be
#     set before sampling indices.  The random seed is set to its original
#     state when exiting.  If @NULL, it is not set.}
#   \item{verbose}{See @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
#   \item{.validate}{If @TRUE, additional sanity checks are performed
#     to validate the correctness.  This is only needed for troubleshooting
#     if it is suspected there is a bug.}
#   \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns a @list.
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
#   This is used internally by various bootstrap methods.
# }
# @keyword internal
setMethodS3("getBootstrapLocusSets", "PairedPSCBS", function(fit, B=1000L, by=c("betaTN", "betaT"), seed=NULL, verbose=FALSE, .validate=FALSE, ...) {
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'B':
  B <- Arguments$getInteger(B, range=c(0,Inf))

  # Argument 'by':
  by <- match.arg(by)

  # Argument 'seed':
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    seed <- Arguments$getInteger(seed)

  # Argument '.validate':
  .validate <- Arguments$getLogical(.validate)

  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Bootstrapping (TCN,DH,C1,C2) segment mean levels")

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Set the random seed
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    randomSeed("set", seed=seed, kind="L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
    on.exit(randomSeed("reset"), add=TRUE)
    verbose && printf(verbose, "Random seed temporarily set (seed=%d)\n", seed)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Extract data and estimates
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  data <- getLocusData(fit)
  tcnSegRows <- fit$tcnSegRows
  dhSegRows <- fit$dhSegRows
  segs <- getSegments(fit)
  params <- fit$params

  # Sanity checks
  if (!params$joinSegments) {
    stop("Cannot bootstrap TCN and DH by segments unless PSCNs are segmented using joinSegments=TRUE.")
  if (regexpr(",", params$flavor, fixed=TRUE) != -1L) {
    stop(sprintf("Cannot bootstrap TCN and DH by segments if PSCNs are segmented using flavor=\"%s\".", params$flavor))
  # Sanity check (same as above, but just in case)
  .stop_if_not(all(segs$tcnStart == segs$dhStart, na.rm=TRUE))
  .stop_if_not(all(segs$tcnEnd == segs$dhEnd, na.rm=TRUE))

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Get signals
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Get (x,TCN,BAF) data
  chromosome <- data$chromosome
  x <- data$x
  CT <- data$CT
  betaT <- data[[by]]
  muN <- data$muN
  rho <- data$rho
  hasDH <- !is.null(rho)

  # Not needed anymore
  data <- NULL

  # Sanity checks
  .stop_if_not(all(!is.na(chromosome) & !is.na(x)))

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Classify each locus as (i) heterozygous SNP, (ii) homozygous SNP,
  # or (iii) non-polymorphic loci
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  verbose && enter(verbose, "Identifying heterozygous & homozygous SNPs and non-polymorphic loci")
  nbrOfLoci <- length(x)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of loci: ", nbrOfLoci)

  # SNPs are identifies as those loci that have non-missing 'muN' (& betaTN')
  if (hasDH) {
    isHet <- !is.na(rho)
    isSnp <- isHet
  } else {
    isSnp <- (!is.na(muN) & !is.na(betaT))
    isHet <- isSnp & (muN == 1/2)
  snps <- which(isSnp)
  nonSNPs <- which(!isSnp)
  nbrOfSNPs <- sum(isSnp)
  nbrOfNonSNPs <- sum(!isSnp)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of SNPs: ", nbrOfSNPs)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of non-SNPs: ", nbrOfNonSNPs)

  # Sanity checks
  .stop_if_not(length(intersect(snps, nonSNPs)) == 0L)

  # Heterozygous SNPs
  hets <- which(isSnp &  isHet)
  homs <- which(isSnp & !isHet)
  nbrOfHets <- length(hets)
  nbrOfHoms <- length(homs)
  if (!hasDH) {
    verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of heterozygous SNPs: %d (%.2f%%)\n",
                                        nbrOfHets, 100*nbrOfHets/nbrOfSNPs)
    verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of homozygous SNPs: %d (%.2f%%)\n",
                                        nbrOfHoms, 100*nbrOfHoms/nbrOfSNPs)

  # Sanity checks
  .stop_if_not(length(intersect(hets, homs)) == 0L)
  .stop_if_not(nbrOfHets + nbrOfHoms == nbrOfSNPs)

  # Sanity checks
  .stop_if_not(length(isSnp) == nbrOfLoci)
  .stop_if_not(length(isHet) == nbrOfLoci)

  # Not needed anymore
  muN <- isSnp <- NULL
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Precalculate DH signals
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (!hasDH) {
    # Calculate DHs for heterozygous SNPs
    rho <- 2*abs(betaT - 1/2)

    # DH is by definition only defined for heterozygous SNPs.
    # For simplicity, we set it to be NA for non-heterozygous loci.
    rho[!isHet] <- NA

  # Not needed anymore
  betaT <- isHet <- NULL

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Resample (TCN,DH) within each segments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  nbrOfSegments <- nrow(segs)

  # Allocate JxBx4 matrix M of bootstrap means
  dim <- c(nbrOfSegments, B, 4L)
  dimnames <- list(NULL, NULL, c("tcn", "dh", "c1", "c2"))

  # Identify all loci with non-missing signals
  idxsCT <- which(!is.na(CT))
  idxsRho <- which(!is.na(rho))

  # Not needed anymore
  CT <- rho <- NULL

  # Vectorized pre-adjustments
  for (key in c("tcnNbrOfLoci", "dhNbrOfLoci")) {
    counts <- segs[[key]]
    counts[is.na(counts)] <- 0L
    segs[[key]] <- counts
    counts <- NULL # Not needed anymore

  hasTcnLoci <- (is.finite(tcnSegRows[,1L]) & is.finite(tcnSegRows[,2L]))
  hasDhLoci <- (is.finite(dhSegRows[,1L]) & is.finite(dhSegRows[,2L]))

  # Identify "splitter" segments which have no data
  chrs <- segs[["chromosome"]]
  tcnIds <- segs[["tcnId"]]
  dhIds <- segs[["dhId"]]
  dhMeans <- segs[["dhMean"]]
  isSplitter <- (is.na(chrs) & is.na(tcnIds) & is.na(dhIds))

  # Get all segment indices except for "splitters"
  jjs <- seq_len(nbrOfSegments)
  jjs <- jjs[!isSplitter]

  # Allocate list to hold the results
  res <- list(
    nbrOfSegments = nbrOfSegments,
    segments = jjs,
    nbrOfLoci = nbrOfLoci,
    loci = list(
      all = seq_len(nbrOfLoci),
      tcn = idxsCT,
      dh  = idxsRho
    by = by,
    seed = seed
  locusSet <- vector("list", length=nbrOfSegments)

  # For each segment jj = 1, 2, ..., S
  for (jj in jjs) {
    chr <- chrs[jj]
    tcnId <- tcnIds[jj]
    dhId <- dhIds[jj]

    verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Segment #%d (chr %d, tcnId=%d, dhId=%d) of %d", jj, chr, tcnId, dhId, nbrOfSegments))

    # Sanity check
    if (.validate) {
      .stop_if_not(!is.na(chr) && !is.na(tcnId) && !is.na(dhId))

    # Get the segment data
    segJJ <- segs[jj,,drop=FALSE]
    nbrOfTCNs <- segJJ[,"tcnNbrOfLoci"]
    nbrOfDHs <- segJJ[,"dhNbrOfLoci"]

    if (verbose) {
      print(verbose, segJJ)
      cat(verbose, "Number of TCNs: ", nbrOfTCNs)
      cat(verbose, "Number of DHs: ", nbrOfDHs)
    if (.validate) {

    tcnSegRowJJ <- unlist(tcnSegRows[jj,], use.names=FALSE)
    dhSegRowJJ <- unlist(dhSegRows[jj,], use.names=FALSE)

    # Indices of all loci
    if (hasTcnLoci[jj]) {
      idxsAll <- tcnSegRowJJ[1L]:tcnSegRowJJ[2L]
    } else {
      idxsAll <- integer(0L)

    if (verbose) {
      str(verbose, idxsAll)
      print(verbose, hpaste(idxsAll), level=-120)
      str(verbose, idxsCT)
      print(verbose, hpaste(idxsCT), level=-120)

    # Keep only loci with finite TCNs
    idxsAll <- intersect(idxsAll, idxsCT)
    if (verbose) {
      str(verbose, idxsAll)
      print(verbose, hpaste(idxsAll), level=-120)

    # Sanity check
    if (length(idxsAll) != nbrOfTCNs) {
      verbose && str(verbose, setdiff(idxsCT, idxsAll))
      stop("INTERNAL ERROR: length(idxsAll) != nbrOfTCNs: ", length(idxsAll), " != ", nbrOfTCNs)

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Identify loci used to calculate DH means
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Identify loci used to bootstrap DH means")

    if (hasDhLoci[jj]) {
      idxsDH <- dhSegRowJJ[1L]:dhSegRowJJ[2L]
      idxsDH <- intersect(idxsDH, hets)
      # Drop missing values
      idxsDH <- intersect(idxsDH, idxsRho)
    } else {
      idxsDH <- integer(0L)

    verbose && cat(verbose, "Heterozygous SNPs to resample for DH:")
    verbose && str(verbose, idxsDH)

    # Sanity check
    if (.validate) .stop_if_not(length(idxsDH) == nbrOfDHs)

    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Identify loci used to calculate TCN means
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Identify loci used to bootstrap TCN means")

    # Identify SNPs and non-SNPs
    idxsSNP <- intersect(snps, idxsAll)
    idxsNonSNP <- setdiff(idxsAll, idxsSNP)
    if (verbose) {
      cat(verbose, "SNPs:")
      str(verbose, idxsSNP)
      cat(verbose, "Non-polymorphic loci:")
      str(verbose, idxsNonSNP)
    # Sanity check
    if (.validate) .stop_if_not(length(idxsSNP) + length(idxsNonSNP) == length(idxsAll))

    # Identify heterozygous and homozygous SNPs
    idxsHet <- intersect(idxsSNP, hets)
    if (nbrOfHoms > 0) {
      idxsHom <- intersect(idxsSNP, homs)
    } else {
      idxsHom <- integer(0L)

    # Drop missing values
    idxsNonSNP <- intersect(idxsNonSNP, idxsCT)
    idxsHet <- intersect(idxsHet, idxsCT)
    if (nbrOfHoms > 0) {
      idxsHom <- intersect(idxsHom, idxsCT)
    idxsHetNonDH <- setdiff(idxsHet, idxsDH)

    if (verbose) {
      cat(verbose, "Heterozygous SNPs to resample for TCN:")
      str(verbose, idxsHet)
      cat(verbose, "Homozygous SNPs to resample for TCN:")
      str(verbose, idxsHom)
      cat(verbose, "Non-polymorphic loci to resample for TCN:")
      str(verbose, idxsNonSNP)
      cat(verbose, "Heterozygous SNPs with non-DH to resample for TCN:")
      str(verbose, idxsHetNonDH)
    # Note that length(idxsHetNonDH) may differ from zero in case CT is non-missing
    # but rho is missing, e.g. CT = sum(c(thetaA,thetaB), na.rm=TRUE) and
    # thetaB is missing. /HB 2010-12-01

    idxsTCN <- sort(unique(c(idxsHet, idxsHom, idxsNonSNP)))
    if (verbose) {
      cat(verbose, "Loci to resample for TCN:")
      str(verbose, idxsTCN)

    # Sanity check
    if (.validate) {
      .stop_if_not(length(idxsHet) + length(idxsHom) + length(idxsNonSNP) == nbrOfTCNs)
      .stop_if_not(length(intersect(idxsDH, idxsHetNonDH)) == 0L)
      .stop_if_not(length(idxsTCN) == nbrOfTCNs)

    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # These numbers should be preserved when the resampling
    verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of (#hets, #homs, #nonSNPs): (%d,%d,%d)\n",
                      length(idxsHet), length(idxsHom), length(idxsNonSNP))

    # Workaround: ... Why? /HB 2013-10-22
    shouldHaveDHs <- (nbrOfDHs > 0L && !is.na(dhMeans[jj]))
    if (!shouldHaveDHs) {
      idxsHetNonDH <- idxsDH
      .stop_if_not(all(idxsHetNonDH > 0L))
    shouldHaveDHs <- NULL # Not needed anymore

    nHoms <- length(idxsHom)
    nNonSNPs <- length(idxsNonSNP)
    nHetNonDHs <- length(idxsHetNonDH)

    locusSetJJ <- list(
      segment = segJJ,
      loci = list(
        all = idxsAll,
        snp = idxsSNP,
        tcn = idxsTCN,
        dh = idxsDH,
        nonSnp = idxsNonSNP,
        het = idxsHet,
        hom = idxsHom,
        hetNonDh = idxsHetNonDH

    # Sanity checks
    if (.validate) {
      loci <- locusSetJJ$loci
      for (key in names(loci)) {
        idxs <- loci[[key]]
        # Assert positive indices
        .stop_if_not(all(idxs > 0L))
        # Assert a unique set of indices
      # Assert non-overlapping sets
      with(loci, {
        .stop_if_not(length(intersect(dh,  hetNonDh)) == 0L)
        .stop_if_not(length(intersect(het, hom)) == 0L)
        .stop_if_not(length(intersect(het, nonSnp)) == 0L)
        .stop_if_not(length(intersect(hom, nonSnp)) == 0L)
      loci <- NULL # Not needed anymore

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Identify bootstrap locus sets preserving (#hets, #homs, #nonSNPs)
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    verbose && enter(verbose, "Identifying bootstrap locus sets that preservs (#hets, #homs, #nonSNPs)")
    verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of bootstrap samples: ", B)

    nbrOfTCNs <- nbrOfDHs+nHoms+nNonSNPs
    nbrOfHets <- nbrOfDHs+nHetNonDHs

    # Allocate index matrices
    tcn      <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nbrOfTCNs, ncol=B)
    dh       <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nbrOfDHs, ncol=B)
    nonSnp   <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nNonSNPs, ncol=B)
    het      <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nbrOfHets, ncol=B)
    hom      <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nHoms, ncol=B)
    hetNonDh <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nHetNonDHs, ncol=B)

##    resample <- function(x, size, ...) {
##      .stop_if_not(size == length(x))
##      x
##    } # resample()

    # (1) Bootstrap DH loci
    if (nbrOfDHs > 0L) {
      # (a) Resample heterozygous SNPs (=> resampled DH units)
      for (bb in seq_len(B)) {
        dh[,bb] <- resample(idxsDH, size=nbrOfDHs, replace=TRUE)

    # (2) Bootstrap other loci
    # (a) Resample non-DH hets SNPs
    if (nHetNonDHs > 0L) {
      for (bb in seq_len(B)) {
        idxsHetNonDHBB <- resample(idxsHetNonDH, size=nHetNonDHs, replace=TRUE)
        hetNonDh[,bb] <- idxsHetNonDHBB

    # (b) Resample homozygous SNPs
    if (nHoms > 0L) {
      for (bb in seq_len(B)) {
        idxsHomBB <- resample(idxsHom, size=nHoms, replace=TRUE)
        hom[,bb] <- idxsHomBB

    # (c) Resample non-SNPs
    if (nNonSNPs > 0L) {
      for (bb in seq_len(B)) {
        idxsNonSNPBB <- resample(idxsNonSNP, size=nNonSNPs, replace=TRUE)
        nonSnp[,bb] <- idxsNonSNPBB

    # (d) Resampled hets
    if (nbrOfHets > 0L) {
      for (bb in seq_len(B)) {
        idxsDHBB <- dh[,bb]
        idxsHetNonDHBB <- hetNonDh[,bb]
        idxsHetBB <- c(idxsDHBB, idxsHetNonDHBB)
#        idxsHetBB <- sort(idxsHetBB)
        het[,bb] <- idxsHetBB

    # (e) Update TCN loci
    if (nbrOfTCNs > 0L) {
      for (bb in seq_len(B)) {
        idxsHetBB <- het[,bb]
        idxsHomBB <- hom[,bb]
        idxsNonSNPBB <- nonSnp[,bb]
        idxsTCNBB <- c(idxsHetBB, idxsHomBB, idxsNonSNPBB)
#        idxsTCNBB <- sort(idxsTCNBB)
        tcn[,bb] <- idxsTCNBB

    # Record
    locusSetJJ$bootstrap <- list(
      B    = B,
      loci = list(
        tcn      = tcn,
        dh       = dh,
        nonSnp   = nonSnp,
        het      = het,
        hom      = hom,
        hetNonDh = hetNonDh

    # Sanity check
    if (.validate) {
      loci <- locusSetJJ$loci
      lociB <- locusSetJJ$bootstrap$loci
      for (key in names(lociB)) {
        idxs <- loci[[key]]
        idxsB <- lociB[[key]]
        idxsB <- unique(sort(idxsB))
        .stop_if_not(all(is.element(idxsB, idxs)))
      loci <- lociB <- NULL # Not needed anymore

    verbose && exit(verbose)

    # Record
    locusSet[[jj]] <- locusSetJJ

    # Not needed anymore
    locusSetJJ <- NULL
    verbose && exit(verbose)
  } # for (jj ...)

  # Sanity checks
  .stop_if_not(length(locusSet) == nbrOfSegments)

  verbose && exit(verbose)

  res$locusSet <- locusSet

}, protected=TRUE) # getBootstrapLocusSets()

# 2013-10-22
# o Added Rdoc comments.
# o Added getBootstrapLocusSets() for PairedPSCBS.

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