validity.PTModule <- function(object)
if (length(object@pattern.order.length) != 1) return (F)
if (!(as.integer(object@pattern.order.length) > 0 &&
as.integer(object@pattern.order.length) < 129)) return (F)
if (length(object@name) != 20) return (F)
if (length(object@pattern.order) != 128) return (F)
if (length(object@tracker.byte) != 1) return (F)
if (object@tracker.byte != as.raw(0x7F)) return (F)
# We're only being compatible with ProTracker, which holds 31 samples
if (length(object@samples) != 31) return (F)
if (!all(unlist(lapply(object@samples, class)) == "PTSample"))
return (F)
if (!all(unlist(lapply(object@samples, validObject, test = T)))) return (F)
if (!all(unlist(lapply(object@patterns, class)) == "PTPattern"))
return (F)
if (!all(unlist(lapply(object@patterns, validObject, test = T)))) return (F)
if (length(object@tracker.flag) != 4) return (F)
if (!all(object@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M.K.")) &&
!all(object@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M!K!"))) return (F)
tf <- all(object@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M!K!"))
if (length(object@patterns) > 64 && !tf) return (F)
if (length(object@patterns) > 100 && tf) return (F)
if (length(object@patterns) < 1) return (F)
if (!all(unlist(lapply(object@patterns, class)) == "PTPattern"))
return (F)
if ((max(as.integer(object@pattern.order)) + 1) > length(object@patterns)) return (F)
return (T)
#' The PTModule class
#' The PTModule class provides a container to store and modify and use ProTracker
#' module files.
#' MOD is a computer file format used primarily to represent music. A MOD file
#' contains a set of instruments in the form of samples, a number of patterns
#' indicating how and when the samples are to be played, and a list of what
#' patterns to play in what order. The simplified structure of a module class is
#' visualised in the scheme below. Details are given in the slot descriptions
#' below.
#' \if{html}{\figure{protrackerscheme.png}{ProTracker conceptual scheme}}
#' \if{latex}{\figure{protrackerscheme.pdf}{options: width=6in}}
#' This class is designed to hold all relevant information of a ProTracker
#' module (MOD) for which ProTracker 2.3a documentation was used. The ProTrackR
#' package may be compatible with earlier or later versions, but this was not
#' tested. Use [`read.module`] and [`write.module`] to import
#' and export objects of class `PTModule`.
#' @slot name A `vector` of length 20 of class `raw`, representing
#' the name of the `PTModule`. The name
#' of a module can be extracted or replaced with the [`name`] method.
#' @slot pattern.order A `vector` of length 128 of class `raw`. The
#' `raw` values represent the indices of `PTPattern` tables and indicate
#' in which order these patterns need to be played. Note that the `raw` values
#' are conform the indices used in ProTracker, starting at zero. In R, indices of
#' objects start at one. Users need to compensate for this discrepancy theirselves.
#' The pattern order table can be extracted or replaced with the
#' [`patternOrder`] method.
#' @slot pattern.order.length A single value of class `raw`. Indicates
#' the length of the visible (and playable) part of the pattern order table.
#' Use the [`patternOrderLength`] method to extract or replace the length
#' of a pattern order table of a module.
#' @slot tracker.byte A single `raw` value. Gives an indication of which
#' Tracker was used to produce a module file. In ProTracker modules, this byte
#' is set to 0x7f, which is also used in `PTModule` objects. This value
#' should not be changed.
#' @slot tracker.flag A `vector` of length 4 of class `raw`, indicates
#' the version of a module, which basically reflects how many patterns the module
#' can hold. For details, and extracting and replacing this flag see the
#' [`trackerFlag`] method.
#' @slot samples List of length 31 of class "[`PTSample`]".
#' @slot patterns List of class "[`PTPattern`]" (the pattern tables).
#' The list should have at least 1 element, and can have a maximum of 64 or
#' 100 elements (depending on the state of the [`trackerFlag`]).
#' @name PTModule-class
#' @rdname PTModule-class
#' @aliases PTModule
#' @references
#' <>
#' <>
#' @examples
#' ## create an empty PTModule class object:
#' mod.empty <- new("PTModule")
#' ## get an example PTModule class object
#' ## provided with the ProTrackR package:
#' data("mod.intro")
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @exportClass PTModule
representation(name = "raw",
pattern.order = "raw",
pattern.order.length = "raw",
tracker.byte = "raw",
tracker.flag = "raw",
samples = "list",
patterns = "list"),
prototype(name = raw(20),
pattern.order = rep(as.raw(0x00), 128),
pattern.order.length = as.raw(0x01),
tracker.byte = as.raw(0x7F),
tracker.flag = charToRaw("M.K."),
# We're only being compatible with ProTracker by supporting 31 samples
samples = lapply(rep("PTSample", 31), new),
patterns = list(new("PTPattern"))),
validity = validity.PTModule)
#' Plot a PTModule object
#' Plots the waveforms of the (non-empty) [`PTSample`]s in a
#' [`PTModule`] object.
#' A plotting routine based on the [`lattice::xyplot`] from the
#' lattice-package. Plots each (non-empty) waveform in a separate panel. Use arguments
#' of the [`lattice::xyplot`] function to customise the plot.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot
#' @name plot
#' @aliases plot,PTModule,missing-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] object for which the
#' waveforms of the [`PTSample`]s need to be plotted.
#' @param y `missing`. Argument from the generic plotting method, don't use.
#' @param plot.loop.positions A `logical` value indicating whether
#' loop positions need to be visualised. For looped samples, the starting
#' and ending positions are marked by a vertical green and red line, respectively.
#' @param ... Arguments that are passed on to [`lattice::xyplot`].
#' @returns Returns an object of class `trellis`. See documentation of
#' [`lattice::xyplot`] for more details.
#' @examples
#' ## get the example PTModule provided with the ProTrackR package
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## The most basic way to plot the module samples:
#' plot(mod.intro)
#' ## By using xyplot arguments, we can make it look nicer:
#' plot(mod.intro, type = "l", layout = c(1,4),
#' scales = list(x = list(relation = "free")))
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("plot", c("PTModule", "missing"), function(x, y, plot.loop.positions = T, ...){
amplitude <- NULL
samp_name <- NULL
`time (s)` <- NULL
plot.loop.positions <- as.logical(plot.loop.positions)
for (i_sample in 1:31)
if (length(x@samples[[i_sample]]@left) > 0)
len <- length(x@samples[[i_sample]]@left)
amplitude <- c(amplitude, x@samples[[i_sample]]@left)
samp_name <- c(samp_name,
rep(paste(sprintf("%02i", i_sample),
rawToCharNull(x@samples[[i_sample]]@name)), len))
`time (s)` <- c(`time (s)`,
seq(0, (len - 1)/noteToSampleRate(),
length.out = len))
if (plot.loop.positions)
has_data <- unlist(lapply(x@samples, function(x) (length(x@left) > 0)))
start <- unlist(lapply(x@samples, function(x) rawToUnsignedInt(x@wloopstart)))
len <- unlist(lapply(x@samples, function(x) rawToUnsignedInt(x@wlooplen)))
panel.loop <- function(...)
if (!(start[has_data][lattice::packet.number()] == 0 &&
len[has_data][lattice::packet.number()] == 1))
lattice::panel.abline(v = 2*start[has_data][lattice::packet.number()] /
noteToSampleRate(), col = "green")
lattice::panel.abline(v = 2*((len[has_data] - 0.5) + start[has_data])[lattice::packet.number()] /
noteToSampleRate(), col = "red")
lattice::xyplot(amplitude~`time (s)`|samp_name,
panel = function(...){lattice::panel.xyplot(...); panel.loop(...)}, ...)
} else
lattice::xyplot(amplitude~`time (s)`|samp_name, ...)
setMethod("show", "PTModule", function(object){
#' @rdname print
#' @aliases print,PTModule-method
#' @export
setMethod("print", "PTModule", function(x, ...){
cat("\nPTModule Object:\n")
cat(paste("\tModule name:" , rawToCharNull(x@name), "\n", sep = "\t\t\t"))
cat(paste("\tNumber of samples:",
sum(unlist(lapply(x@samples, function(x) length(x@left) > 0))), "\n", sep = "\t\t"))
cat(paste("\tNumber of patterns:", 1+max(as.integer(x@pattern.order)), "\n", sep = "\t\t"))
cat(paste("\tPattern order table length:", as.integer(x@pattern.order.length), "\n", sep = "\t"))
#' @rdname playSample
#' @aliases playSample,PTModule-method
#' @export
setMethod("playSample", "PTModule", function(x, silence, wait, note, loop, ...){
silence <- abs(as.numeric(silence[[1]]))
wait <- as.logical(wait[[1]])
note <- as.character(note[[1]])
loop <- abs(as.numeric(loop[[1]]))
if (loop == 0) stop ("'loop' should be greater than 0.")
wf_all <- NULL
for (i_sample in 1:31)
samp <- PTSample(x, i_sample)
if (length(samp) > 0)
ft <- fineTune(samp)
vl <- volume(samp)
wf <- samp@left
if ("finetune" %in% names(list(...)))
sr <- noteToSampleRate(note, ...)
sr <- noteToSampleRate(note, ft, ...)
if (loopState(samp))
n_samp <- round(loop*sr)
if (loopStart(samp) + loopLength(samp) > n_samp) n_samp <- loopStart(samp) + loopLength(samp)
wf <- loopSample(samp, n_samples = n_samp)
## seewave not available for OS X replace resampling with custom
## resampling algorithm
wf <- resample(vl*(wf - 128)/(128*0x40), sr, 44100, method = "constant")
wf_all <- c(wf_all, wf, rep(0, silence*44100))
if (wait)
audio::wait(audio::play(wf_all, rate = 44100))
} else
audio::play((wf_all - 128)/128, rate = 44100)
setGeneric("read.module", function(file, ignore.validity = F) standardGeneric("read.module"))
#' Read a ProTracker module file
#' Reads a ProTracker module file and coerces it to a [`PTModule`]
#' object.
#' The routine to read ProTracker modules is based on the referenced version
#' of ProTracker 2.3A. This means that the routine may not be able to
#' read files produced with later ProTracker versions, or earlier versions with
#' back-compatibility issues. So far I've successfully tested this method
#' on all modules I've composed with ProTracker version 2.3A (which I believe
#' was one of the more popular versions of ProTracker back in the days).
#' It should also be able to read most of the .mod files in
#' [The Mod Archive](
#' @docType methods
#' @name read.module
#' @rdname read.module
#' @aliases read.module,character,logical-method
#' @param file either a filename or a file connection, that
#' allows reading binary data (see e.g., [`base::file`] or [`base::url`]).
#' @param ignore.validity A `logical` value indicating whether the
#' validity of the `PTModule` should be ignored. When set to
#' `FALSE` (default), the validity of the read object is checked; an
#' error is thrown when the object is not valid. When this argument is set to
#' `TRUE`, the validity of the object will not be checked and a potentially
#' invalid object is returned. As the validity check of `PTModule`
#' objects is very strict, it can be useful to ignore this check. This way
#' you can try to read a broken module file, try to fix it such that it becomes valid and
#' save (with [`write.module`]) it again.
#' @returns Returns a `PTModule` object read from the provided ProTracker file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## first create an module file from example data:
#' data("mod.intro")
#' write.module(mod.intro, "intro.mod")
#' ## read the module:
#' mod <- read.module("intro.mod")
#' ## or create a connection yourself:
#' con <- file("intro.mod", "rb")
#' ## note that you can also read from URL connections!
#' mod2 <- read.module(con)
#' ## don't forget to close the file:
#' close(con)
#' }
#' @references <>
#' @family io.operations
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("read.module", c("character", "logical"), function(file, ignore.validity){
ignore.validity <- as.logical(ignore.validity)[[1]]
con <- file(file, "rb")
mod <- read.module(con, ignore.validity)
#' @rdname read.module
#' @aliases read.module,ANY,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("read.module", c("ANY", "missing"), function(file, ignore.validity) {
read.module(file, F)
#' @rdname read.module
#' @aliases read.module,character,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("read.module", c("ANY", "missing"), function(file, ignore.validity) {
read.module(file, F)
#' @rdname read.module
#' @aliases read.module,ANY,logical-method
#' @export
setMethod("read.module", c("ANY", "logical"), function(file, ignore.validity) {
ignore.validity <- as.logical(ignore.validity)[[1]]
# function to read module from file
# connection following the specs listed here:
# check if we got a connection we can use (otherwise throw error):
con <- file
if (!("connection" %in% class(con))) stop ("argument con is not a file connection!")
con_info <- summary(con)
if (!(con_info$text == "binary" && con_info$`can read` == "yes")) stop("Unsuitable connection provided. read.module() requires a binary connection from which can be read.")
mod <- new("PTModule")
# read module name from file
mod@name <- readBin(con, "raw", 20, endian = "big")
samp.lengths <- list()
# loop the 31 samples and read all required info,
# except for the wave data itself, from the file
for (i_sample in 1:length(mod@samples))
# read the sample name from the file
mod@samples[[i_sample]]@name <- readBin(con, "raw", 22, endian = "big")
# sample length in words, multiply by two for length in bytes
samp.lengths[[i_sample]] <- readBin(con, "raw", 2, endian = "big")
# read the fine tune value for the sample:
mod@samples[[i_sample]]@finetune <- readBin(con, "raw", 1, endian = "big")
# read the default volume value for the sample,
# ranging from 0x00 (min) to 0x40 (max):
mod@samples[[i_sample]]@volume <- readBin(con, "raw", 1, endian = "big")
# the sample loop start position in words (0 when loop is off):
mod@samples[[i_sample]]@wloopstart <- readBin(con, "raw", 2, endian = "big")
# the sample loop end position in words (1 when loop is off):
mod@samples[[i_sample]]@wlooplen <- readBin(con, "raw", 2, endian = "big")
# clean up memory:
# read the length of the table specifying the order of patterns to be played:
mod@pattern.order.length <- readBin(con, "raw", 1, endian = "big")
# read a byte that may give us some info on
# the tracker used to create the module:
mod@tracker.byte <- readBin(con, "raw", 1, endian = "big")
# read the table specifying the order of patterns to be played:
mod@pattern.order <- readBin(con, "raw", 128, endian = "big")
# read a tag that can help us to determine which
# tracker was used to create the module:
mod@tracker.flag <- readBin(con, "raw", 4, endian = "big")
# Go for ProTracker compatibility. Forget about other trackers:
pattern_count <- max(as.numeric(mod@pattern.order)) + 1
# read pattern data from file. <- array(
readBin(con, "raw", maximumPatternTableRowCount*maximumTrackCount*4*pattern_count, endian = "big"),
c(maximumTrackCount*4, maximumPatternTableRowCount, pattern_count))
mod@patterns <- apply(, 3, function(x) {
res <- new("PTPattern")
res@data <- t(x)
# read sample wave data
for (i_sample in 1:length(samp.lengths))
mod@samples[[i_sample]]@left <- as.integer(128 + rawToSignedInt(readBin(con, "raw", 2*rawToUnsignedInt(samp.lengths[[i_sample]]), endian = "big")))
# test if the end of file is reached (should be the case):
test_byte <- readBin(con, "raw", 1, endian = "big")
if (length(test_byte) > 0) warning("\nFinished reading module data from file,\nbut end of file is not reached.")
if (!ignore.validity && !validity.PTModule(mod)) stop("File is not a valid ProTracker Module.")
return (mod)
setGeneric("write.module", def = function(mod, file){
#' Export an PTModule object as a ProTracker module file
#' Export an [`PTModule`] object as a ProTracker module file,
#' conform ProTracker 2.3A specifications.
#' The routine to write ProTracker modules is based on the referenced version
#' of ProTracker 2.3A. This means that the routine may not be able to
#' write files that ar compatible with later or earlier ProTracker versions.
#' @docType methods
#' @name write.module
#' @rdname write.module
#' @aliases write.module,PTModule,ANY-method
#' @param mod A valid PTModule object to be saved as a ProTracker *.mod file
#' @param file either a filename to write to, or a file connection, that
#' allows to write binary data (see [`base::file`]).
#' @returns Writes to a module file but returns nothing.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## get the PTModule object provided with the ProTrackR package
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## save the object as a valid ProTracker module file:
#' write.module(mod.intro, "intro.mod")
#' ## or create the connection yourself:
#' con <- file("intro2.mod", "wb")
#' write.module(mod.intro, con)
#' ## don't forget to close the connection after you're done:
#' close(con)
#' }
#' @references <>
#' @family io.operations
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("write.module", c("PTModule", "ANY"), function(mod, file)
con <- file
if (!("connection" %in% class(con))) stop ("argument con is not a file connection!")
con_info <- summary(con)
if (!(con_info$text == "binary" && con_info$`can write` == "yes")) stop("Unsuitable connection provided. write.module() requires a connection to which binary data can be written.")
# write module name to the file
writeBin(mod@name, con)
# loop the 31 samples and write all required info,
# except for the wave data itself, from the file
for (i_sample in 1:length(mod@samples))
# write the sample name from the file
writeBin(mod@samples[[i_sample]]@name, con)
# sample length in words, multiply by two for length in bytes
writeBin(unsignedIntToRaw(length(mod@samples[[i_sample]]@left)/2, 2), con)
# write the fine tune value for the sample:
writeBin(mod@samples[[i_sample]]@finetune, con)
# write the default volume value for the sample,
# ranging from 0x00 (min) to 0x40 (max):
writeBin(mod@samples[[i_sample]]@volume, con)
# the sample loop start position in words (0 when loop is off):
writeBin(mod@samples[[i_sample]]@wloopstart, con)
# the sample loop end position in words (1 when loop is off):
writeBin(mod@samples[[i_sample]]@wlooplen, con)
# clean up memory:
# write the length of the table specifying the order of patterns to be played:
writeBin(mod@pattern.order.length, con)
# write a byte that may give us some info on
# the tracker used to create the module:
writeBin(mod@tracker.byte, con)
# write the table specifying the order of patterns to be played:
writeBin(mod@pattern.order, con)
# write a tag that can help us to determine which
# tracker was used to create the module:
writeBin(mod@tracker.flag, con)
# Go for ProTracker compatibility. Forget about other trackers:
pattern_count <- max(as.numeric(mod@pattern.order)) + 1
# write pattern data from file.
writeBin(as.vector(, lapply(mod@patterns,
function(x) as.vector(t(x@data))))), con)
# write sample wave data
writeBin(, lapply(mod@samples,
function(x) signedIntToRaw(x@left - 128))), con)
#' @export
#' @rdname write.module
#' @aliases write.module,PTModule,character-method
setMethod("write.module", c("PTModule", "character"), function(mod, file)
if (!validity.PTModule(mod)) stop("provided object is not a valid PTModule object.")
con <- file(file, "wb")
write.module(mod, con)
#' @rdname name
#' @aliases name,PTModule-method
#' @export
setMethod("name", "PTModule", function(x){
#' @rdname name
#' @aliases name<-,PTModule,character-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("name", c("PTModule", "character"), function(x, value){
if (length(value) > 1) warning("Provided name has more than 1 element. Only first element used.")
value <- as.character(value)[[1]]
value <- charToRaw(value)
if (length(value) > 20)
warning("Name is too long and will be truncated.")
value <- value[1:20]
if (length(value) < 20) value <- c(value, raw(20 - length(value)))
x@name <- value
return (x)
setGeneric("patternOrder", function(x, full = FALSE) standardGeneric("patternOrder"))
#' Get the pattern order table
#' The pattern order table is a `vector` of `numeric` indices of
#' [`PTPattern`] tables, which determines in which order the patterns
#' need to be played. This method returns this `vector`.
#' The actual length of the `vector` containing the pattern order is 128
#' as per ProTracker standards. Only part of this `vector` is `visible'
#' and will be used to determine in which order pattern tables are to be played.
#' This method can be used to return either the visible or full (all 128) part
#' of the table. It can also be used to assign a new patter order table.
#' Note that [`PTPattern`] indices start at 0, as per ProTracker
#' standards, whereas R start indices at 1. Hence, add 1 to the indices obtained
#' with `patternOrder`, in order to extract the correct
#' [`PTPattern`] from a [`PTModule`].
#' The maximum index plus 1 in the full pattern order table should equal
#' the number of pattern tables (see [`patternLength`]) in the
#' [`PTModule`]. Is you assign a new pattern order, with a lower
#' maximum, [`PTPattern`] objects will get lost (see also examples)!
#' @rdname patternOrder
#' @name patternOrder
#' @aliases patternOrder,PTModule-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] object for which the pattern order table
#' needs to be returned or modified.
#' @param full A `logical` value indicating whether the full (`TRUE`,
#' default), or only the visible (`FALSE`) part of the pattern order table
#' should be returned. This argument will also affect how new pattern order
#' tables are assigned (see `value`).
#' @param value A `numeric` `vector` (maximum length: 128) holding
#' [`PTPattern`] indices minus 1 for the new pattern order table.
#' When `full = TRUE`, the `vector` will be padded with zeros to a
#' length of 128, and the [`patternOrderLength`] will be set to the
#' length of `value`. When `full = FALSE`, `value` will only
#' repplace the part of the order table up to the length of `value`. The
#' remainder of the table is not changed. The [`patternOrderLength`]
#' is also not modified in this case.
#' @returns For `patternOrder`, a `vector` of `numeric`
#' [`PTPattern`] indices is returned.
#' For `patternOrder<-`, an updated version of object `x` is returned,
#' in which the pattern order table is modified based on `value`.
#' @note The maximum number of [`PTPattern`]s cannot exceed either 64 or
#' 100 (depending on the [`trackerFlag`]). This means that values in
#' the order table should also not exceed these values minus 1.
#' @examples
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## get the visible part of the patternOrder table:
#' patternOrder(mod.intro)
#' ## get the full patternOrder table:
#' patternOrder(mod.intro, full = TRUE)
#' ## add 1 to get extract the right PTPattern from
#' ## mod.intro:
#' first.pattern.played <-
#' (PTPattern(mod.intro, patternOrder(mod.intro)[1] + 1))
#' ## set a different playing order:
#' patternOrder(mod.intro) <- c(0:3, 0:3, 0:3)
#' ## The assignment above uses a value that
#' ## longer than the patternOrderLength.
#' ## This means that a part ends up in the
#' ## 'invisible' part of the order table:
#' patternOrder(mod.intro)
#' patternOrder(mod.intro, full = TRUE)
#' ## Let's do the same assignment, but update
#' ## the visible part of the table as well:
#' patternOrder(mod.intro, full = TRUE) <- c(0:3, 0:3, 0:3)
#' ## note that the maximum of the order table plus 1
#' ## equals the patternLength of mod.intro (always the case
#' ## for a valid PTModule object):
#' max(patternOrder(mod.intro, full = TRUE) + 1) ==
#' patternLength(mod.intro)
#' ## Let's do something dangerous. If the replacement
#' ## indices do not hold a maximum value that equals
#' ## the patternLength minus 1, PTPatterns will get lost,
#' ## in order to maintain the validity of mod.intro:
#' patternOrder(mod.intro) <- rep(0, 12)
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @family pattern.operations
#' @family module.operations
#' @export
setMethod("patternOrder", c("PTModule"), function(x, full){
full <- as.logical(full)
if (full)
return(as.integer(x@pattern.order)) else
setGeneric("patternOrder<-", function(x, full = FALSE, value) standardGeneric("patternOrder<-"))
#' @rdname patternOrder
#' @name patternOrder<-
#' @aliases patternOrder<-,PTModule,ANY,numeric-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("patternOrder", c("PTModule", "ANY", "numeric"), function(x, full, value){
full <- as.logical(full)
value <- abs(as.integer(as.vector(value)))
if (any( stop ("NAs are not allowed in replacement!")
if (length(value) > 128)
value <- value[1:128]
warning("Replacement has more than 128 elements. Only the first 128 elements used")
} else if(!full)
value <- c(value, as.numeric(x@pattern.order)[-(1:length(value))])
max.patterns <- ifelse(all(x@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M!K!")), 100, 64)
if (any(value >= max.patterns))
value[value >= max.patterns] <- max.patterns - 1
warning(paste("Replacement contained one or more indices above the ",
"maximum number of patterns allowed (", max.patterns,
"). Ceiling is applied to the values.", sep = ""))
current <- as.integer(x@pattern.order[1:as.integer(x@pattern.order.length)])
if (max(current) < max(value))
for (i in (max(current) + 2):(max(value)+ 1))
x@patterns[[i]] <- new("PTPattern")
} else if(max(current) > max(value))
warning(paste("Replacement pattern order contain less patterns ",
"than the original list. These patterns are now lost!",
sep = ""))
for (i in (max(current)+ 1):(max(value) + 2))
x@patterns[[i]] <- NULL
x@pattern.order <- as.raw(c(value, rep(0, 128 - length(value))))
if (full) x@pattern.order.length <- as.raw(length(value))
return (x)
setGeneric("patternLength", function(x) standardGeneric("patternLength"))
#' Get the number of PTPattern tables in a PTModule
#' Get the number of [`PTPattern`] tables in a [`PTModule`]
#' object.
#' The number of [`PTPattern`] tables in a [`PTModule`]
#' object should range from 1 up to either 64 or 100. The maximum depends on the
#' [`trackerFlag`] of the [`PTModule`] object.
#' @rdname patternLength
#' @name patternLength
#' @aliases patternLength,PTModule-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] object for which the number of
#' [`PTPattern`] tables need to be returned.
#' @returns Returns a `numeric` value representing the number of
#' [`PTPattern`] tables in object `x`.
#' @examples
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## Get the number of pattern tables in mod.intro:
#' patternLength(mod.intro)
#' @family pattern.operations
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("patternLength", "PTModule", function(x){
setGeneric("patternOrderLength", function(x) standardGeneric("patternOrderLength"))
setGeneric("patternOrderLength<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("patternOrderLength<-"))
#' Get the length of the pattern order table
#' The pattern order table is a `vector` of `numeric` indices of
#' `PTPattern` tables, which determines in which order the patterns
#' need to be played. This method returns the visible length of this
#' `vector`.
#' The actual length of the `vector` containing the pattern order is 128
#' as per ProTracker standards. Only part of this `vector` is `visible'
#' and will be used to determine in which order pattern tables are to be played.
#' The length returned by this method is the length of this visible part of the
#' pattern order table. The length of this visible part can also be set with this
#' method.
#' @rdname patternOrderLength
#' @name patternOrderLength
#' @aliases patternOrderLength,PTModule-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] object for which the length of the
#' visible part of the pattern order table is to be returned.
#' @param value A `numeric` value which is to be used to set the visible
#' length of the pattern order table.
#' @returns For `patternOrderLength` the visible length of the pattern
#' order table of [`PTModule`] `x` is returned as a `numeric`
#' value, ranging from 1 up to 128.
#' For `patternOrderLength<-` an updated version of object `x` is
#' returned, in which the visible length of the pattern order table is set
#' to `value`. Note that this does not change the pattern order table
#' itself, only which part is `visible'.
#' @examples
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## get the length of the pattern order table:
#' patternOrderLength(mod.intro)
#' ## set the length of the pattern order table to 1:
#' patternOrderLength(mod.intro) <- 1
#' ## note that the pattern order table remained intact:
#' patternOrder(mod.intro, full = TRUE)
#' @family pattern.operations
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("patternOrderLength", "PTModule", function(x){
#' @rdname patternOrderLength
#' @name patternOrderLength<-
#' @aliases patternOrderLength<-,PTModule,numeric-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("patternOrderLength", c("PTModule", "numeric"), function(x, value){
value <- as.integer(value)[[1]]
if (value < 1) stop ("Pattern order length should be at least 1.")
if (value > 128)
value <- 128
warning("Provided length for pattern.order.length is larger than 128. It is set to the limit of 128.")
x@pattern.order.length <- as.raw(value)
setGeneric("trackerFlag", function(x) standardGeneric("trackerFlag"))
setGeneric("trackerFlag<-", function(x, value = c("M.K.", "M!K!")) standardGeneric("trackerFlag<-"))
#' Tracker flag indicating version compatibility
#' Method to obtain a tracker flag, which indicates the version compatibility
#' of a ProTracker module ([`PTModule`] object).
#' ProTrackR supports two tracker flags: `"M.K."` and `"M!K!`". M.K.
#' are presumably the initials of programmers Mahony and Kaktus, unfortunately
#' documentation on this matter is ambiguous. In any case, modules with the
#' flag `"M.K."` can hold up to 64 patterns, whereas modules with the flag
#' `"M!K!"` can hold up to 100 patterns. Use this method to obtain or
#' replace the tracker flag of a [`PTModule`].
#' @rdname trackerFlag
#' @name trackerFlag
#' @aliases trackerFlag,PTModule-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] object for which the flag needs to
#' returned or replaced.
#' @param value A `character` string representing the tracker flag with which
#' that of object `x` needs to be replaced with. Should either be `"M.K."`
#' or `"M!K!"`. Note that if a current flag `"M!K!"` is
#' replaced by `"M.K."`, [`PTPattern`]s may get lost as the
#' latter supports less patterns.
#' @returns For `trackerFlag`, the tracker flag of object `x` is returned.
#' For `trackerFlag<-`, a copy of object `x` with an updated tracker
#' flag is returned.
#' @examples
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## the current trackerFlag of mod.intro is "M.K.",
#' ## meaning that it can hold a maximum of 64 patterns:
#' trackerFlag(mod.intro)
#' patternOrder(mod.intro, full = TRUE) <- 0:63
#' ## If we upgrade the trackerFlag of mod.intro to "M!K!"
#' ## it can hold a maximum of 100 patterns!:
#' trackerFlag(mod.intro) <- "M!K!"
#' patternOrder(mod.intro, full = TRUE) <- 0:99
#' ## Now let's do something dangerous:
#' ## current flag is "M!K!", by setting it
#' ## back to "M.K.", patterns 65:100 are lost...
#' trackerFlag(mod.intro) <- "M.K."
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("trackerFlag", "PTModule", function(x){
#' @rdname trackerFlag
#' @name trackerFlag<-
#' @aliases trackerFlag<-,PTModule-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("trackerFlag", c("PTModule"), function(x, value){
if (match.arg(value) == "M.K.")
x@tracker.flag <- charToRaw("M.K.")
if (length(x@patterns) > 64)
warning("PTModule holds more patterns than M.K. flag allows. Higher patterns are removed!")
for (i_pat in length(x@patterns):65)
x@patterns[[i_pat]] <- NULL
x@pattern.order[as.integer(x@pattern.order) > 63] <- as.raw(0x00)
return (x)
if (match.arg(value) == "M!K!")
x@tracker.flag <- charToRaw("M!K!")
return (x)
setGeneric("deletePattern", function(x, index){
#' Remove a PTPattern table from a PTModule object
#' This method removes a [`PTPattern`] from a
#' [`PTModule`] object and updates the
#' [`patternOrder`] table accordingly.
#' This method safely removes a [`PTPattern`] from a
#' [`PTModule`] object, guarding the validity of the
#' [`PTModule`] object. It therefore also updates
#' the [`patternOrder`] table, by renumbering the indices
#' listed there. The index of the removed object is replaced with a zero
#' in the [`patternOrder`] table.
#' @note As per ProTracker specification, the pattern indices
#' stored in the [`PTModule`] and obtained with
#' [`patternOrder`] start at 0. Whereas R starts indexing at 1.
#' Beware of this discrepancy.
#' @rdname deletePattern
#' @name deletePattern
#' @aliases deletePattern,PTModule,numeric-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] from which a
#' [`PTPattern`] needs to be removed.
#' @param index A `numeric` index of the [`PTPattern`]
#' table that needs to be removed. The index should be between 1 and
#' [`patternLength`]. It's not possible to delete multiple
#' patterns simultaneously with this method. A [`PTModule`]
#' should always hold at least 1 pattern table, therefore, the last
#' [`PTPattern`] table cannot be deleted.
#' @returns Returns a [`PTModule`] from which the selected
#' [`PTPattern`] is deleted.
#' @examples
#' data("mod.intro")
#' print(mod.intro)
#' ## delete pattern #2 from mod.intro:
#' mod.intro <- deletePattern(mod.intro, 2)
#' print(mod.intro)
#' @family pattern.operations
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("deletePattern", c("PTModule", "numeric"), function(x, index){
index <- as.integer(index)
if (length(index) != 1 ) stop("Only a single index should be used.")
if (index < 1) stop("Invalid index.")
if (index > length(x@patterns)) stop("Index out of range.")
if (length(x@patterns) < 2) stop("You can't delete the last pattern table!")
p.order <- patternOrder(x, T)
p.order[p.order == (index - 1)] <- 0
p.order[p.order > (index - 1)] <- p.order[p.order > (index - 1)] - 1
x@patterns[index] <- NULL
x@pattern.order <- as.raw(p.order)
setGeneric("appendPattern", function(x, pattern){
#' Append a PTPattern to a PTModule
#' Appends a specified [`PTPattern`] to a
#' [`PTModule`].
#' Depending on the [`trackerFlag`], a ProTracker module can hold
#' either 64 or 100 pattern tables. As long as the number of pattern tables
#' is below this maximum, new pattern tables can be added to the module with
#' this function.
#' The [`patternOrder`] table should hold the maximum index of the
#' available pattern tables in a module, otherwise, the module is not valid.
#' As the maximum index increases, by appending a pattern table, the
#' [`patternOrder`] table should be updated. The
#' [`appendPattern`] method does this automatically, by replacing the first
#' non-unique index in the order table, outside the current order table's length,
#' with the new maximum index. If this is not possible, the highest element
#' in the order table is set to hold the maximum index.
#' @note As per ProTracker specification, the pattern indices
#' stored in the [`PTModule`] and obtained with
#' [`patternOrder`] start at 0. Whereas R starts indexing at 1.
#' Beware of this discrepancy.
#' @rdname appendPattern
#' @name appendPattern
#' @aliases appendPattern,PTModule,PTPattern-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] object to which a
#' [`PTPattern`] is to be appended.
#' @param pattern A [`PTPattern`] object which is
#' to be appended to the [`PTModule`] `x`.
#' @returns Returns a [`PTModule`], to which the
#' [`PTPattern`] is appended.
#' @examples
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## append an empty pattern to mod.intro
#' mod.intro <- appendPattern(mod.intro, new("PTPattern"))
#' ## append a copy of pattern # 1 (this is pattern #0 in the
#' ## patternOrder table) to mod.intro
#' mod.intro <- appendPattern(mod.intro, PTPattern(mod.intro, 1))
#' @family pattern.operations
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("appendPattern", c("PTModule", "PTPattern"), function(x, pattern){
max.patterns <- ifelse(all(x@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M!K!")), 100, 64)
if (length(x@patterns) >= max.patterns) stop ("Can't insert pattern. Module already holds maximum number of patterns.")
p.order <- patternOrder(x, full = T)
p.order.len <- patternOrderLength(x)
x@patterns[[length(x@patterns) + 1]] <- pattern
if (p.order.len == 128){
warning("No place in the pattern order table to include the new pattern.
Last item in the order table is replaced!")
p.order[128] <- length(x@patterns) - 1
} else
index <- which(duplicated(p.order) & ((1:128) > p.order.len))
if (length(index) == 0) index <- 128
index <- min(index)
p.order[index] <- length(x@patterns) - 1
x@pattern.order <- as.raw(p.order)
setGeneric("moduleSize", function(x) standardGeneric("moduleSize"))
#' Get module file size
#' Get the file size in bytes of a [`PTModule`] object, when it is to be saved
#' as an original module file with [`write.module`].
#' The ProTracker module has a 1084 byte sized header containing all (meta)
#' information on the patterns, their order and the audio samples. Each pattern
#' holds exactly 1 Kb of information and the length of the audio samples corresponds
#' with the size in bytes, as they are of 8 bit quality in mono. This function
#' calculates the file size of the [`PTModule`] object when it is to
#' be saved with [`write.module`].
#' @rdname moduleSize
#' @name moduleSize
#' @aliases moduleSize,PTModule-method
#' @param x A [`PTModule`] object for which the file size is
#' to be calculated.
#' @returns Returns potential uncompressed module file size in bytes represented
#' by a number of class `object_size`.
#' @examples
#' ## Calculate the file size for the example module 'mod.intro':
#' data("mod.intro")
#' moduleSize(mod.intro)
#' ## Note that this is not the same as the size the object
#' ## requires in R working memory:
#' object.size(mod.intro)
#' ## In working memory it takes more memory to store the module, than in a
#' ## file. This is because the S4 structure of the object consumes some
#' ## memory. In addition, samples are of 8 bit quality, corresponding with
#' ## a byte per sample. In the PTSample object it is stored as a
#' ## vector of integer values. In R, integer values are 32 bit, which
#' ## costs 4 times as much memory as the original 8 bit.
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("moduleSize", "PTModule", function(x){
header_size <- sum(c(20, 1, 1, 128, 4))
sample_header <- sum(c(22, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2))
pattern_size <- 64*4*4
pat.len <- length(x@patterns)
samp.len <- sum(unlist(lapply(x@samples, function(x) length(x@left))))
result <- header_size + sample_header*31 +
pat.len*pattern_size + samp.len
class(result) <- "object_size"
setGeneric("clearSong", function(mod) standardGeneric("clearSong"))
#' Clear all pattern info from module
#' Remove all patterns ([`PTPattern`]) and [`patternOrder`]
#' info from a [`PTModule`] object.
#' Conform the original ProTracker, this method removes all patterns
#' ([`PTPattern`]) and [`patternOrder`]
#' info from a module. You keep the audio [`PTSample`]s.
#' @rdname clearSong
#' @name clearSong
#' @aliases clearSong,PTModule-method
#' @param mod A [`PTModule`] object from which all pattern (order)
#' info needs to be removed.
#' @returns Returns a copy of object `mod` in which all pattern (order)
#' info is removed.
#' @examples
#' data(mod.intro)
#' ## 'clear.mod' is a copy of 'mod.intro' without the
#' ## pattern (order) info. It still has the audio samples.
#' clear.mod <- clearSong(mod.intro)
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("clearSong", "PTModule", function(mod){
mod@patterns <- list(new("PTPattern"))
suppressWarnings(patternOrder(mod, T) <- 0)
setGeneric("clearSamples", function(mod) standardGeneric("clearSamples"))
#' Clear all samples from module
#' Remove all [`PTSample`]s from a [`PTModule`] object.
#' Conform the original ProTracker, this method removes all patterns
#' [`PTSample`]s from a module. You keep all patterns
#' ([`PTPattern`]) and [`patternOrder`] info.
#' @rdname clearSamples
#' @name clearSamples
#' @aliases clearSamples,PTModule-method
#' @param mod A [`PTModule`] object from which all samples needs
#' to be removed.
#' @returns Returns a copy of object `mod` in which all samples are removed.
#' @examples
#' data(mod.intro)
#' ## 'clear.mod' is a copy of 'mod.intro' without the
#' ## samples. It still holds all pattern tables and
#' ## pattern order info.
#' clear.mod <- clearSamples(mod.intro)
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("clearSamples", "PTModule", function(mod){
mod@samples <- lapply(as.list(1:31), function(x) new("PTSample"))
setGeneric("fix.PTModule", function(mod, verbose) standardGeneric("fix.PTModule"))
#' Attempt to fix PTModule to ProTracker specs
#' Try to fix non-valid [`PTModule`] objects in order to meet with
#' ProTracker specs such that they pass validity tests.
#' Almost any file can be read as a [`PTModule`] object (using
#' [`read.module`]) when validity is ignored and no unexpected end
#' of file is reached. This package's object validity are very strickly testing
#' for compliance with ProTracker specifications. As many modules could have
#' been created with other trackers (which often will play just as well in
#' ProTracker) it is desirable to convert such object to ProTracker specs.
#' This method attempts to do so, by fixing each aspect, that is also tested
#' in the object validity functions. Note that the attempts are no guarantee for success,
#' and `fixed' modules may not play as intended.
#' @rdname fix.PTModule
#' @name fix.PTModule
#' @aliases fix.PTModule,PTModule,logical-method
#' @param mod A [`PTModule`] object which needs fixing.
#' @param verbose With the default value of `TRUE`, the method
#' prints a progress report to the [`sink`]. When set
#' to `FALSE`, the progress report is suppressed.
#' @returns Returns a copy of object `mod` in which all non-conformaties are
#' attempted to be fixed. (Attempted) fixes are listed printed
#' in the progress report.
#' @note In the current version, pattern data itself is not checked for
#' non-conformaties nor is it fixed.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## Let's do something illegal and destroy mod.intro:
#' mod.intro@pattern.order <- mod.intro@pattern.order[1:9]
#' ## We should have used the 'patternOrder'-method to
#' ## change the pattern order. Now we have broken the
#' ## object:
#' validObject(mod.intro, TRUE)
#' ## No worries, we can fix it:
#' mod.intro <- fix.PTModule(mod.intro)
#' ## See, it's all OK again:
#' validObject(mod.intro, TRUE)
#' }
#' @family module.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("fix.PTModule", c("PTModule", "logical"), function(mod, verbose = T){
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if pattern.order.length is a raw of length 1\n")
mod@pattern.order.length <- as.raw(mod@pattern.order.length[[1]])
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if pattern.order.length value is out of range (1-128)\n")
mod@pattern.order.length[mod@pattern.order.length < 1] <- as.raw(1)
mod@pattern.order.length[mod@pattern.order.length > 128] <- as.raw(128)
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if the module name has a length of exactly 20 raw values\n")
mod@name <- as.raw(mod@name[1:20])
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if the pattern order table length is not equal to 128\n")
mod@pattern.order <- as.raw(mod@pattern.order[1:128])
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if the tracker byte when it is not equal to that of ProTracker (0x7F)\n")
mod@tracker.byte <- as.raw(0x7F)
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if the number of samples is not equal to ProTracker's capacity of 31\n")
mod@samples <- test <- lapply(1:31, function(x) {
samp <- mod@samples[x][[1]]
if (is.null(samp)) samp <- new("PTSample")
for (i in 1:31) {
if (verbose) cat(paste("Fixing sample number", i, "\n"))
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix sample name\n")
mod@samples[[i]]@name <- mod@samples[[i]]@name[1:22]
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix finetune\n")
mod@samples[[i]]@finetune <- mod@samples[[i]]@finetune[1]
mod@samples[[i]]@finetune[mod@samples[[i]]@finetune > 0x0f] <- as.raw(0x0f)
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix volume\n")
mod@samples[[i]]@volume <- mod@samples[[i]]@volume[1]
mod@samples[[i]]@volume[mod@samples[[i]]@volume > 0x40] <- as.raw(0x40)
cat(paste("Check and fix if loopstart is out of the samples range\n"))
if (loopStart(mod@samples[[i]]) > (length(mod@samples[[i]]@left) - 2)) {
ls <- length(mod@samples[[i]]@left) - 2
ls[ls < 0] <- 0
mod@samples[[i]]@wloopstart <- unsignedIntToRaw(ls, 2)
if (length(mod@samples[[i]]@left) > 0 && loopLength(mod@samples[[i]]) == 0)
loopLength(mod@samples[[i]]) <- 2
if ((loopLength(mod@samples[[i]]) +
loopStart(mod@samples[[i]])) > sampleLength(mod@samples[[i]]) &&
loopLength(mod@samples[[i]]) != 2) {
ll <- sampleLength(mod@samples[[i]]) -
ll[ll < 2] <- 2
loopLength(mod@samples[[i]]) <- ll
## will not check if the sample is 8 bit. Can't fix that in
## a proper way anyway. Dito for pcm.
cat("Check and fix if the right channel of the sample is empty\n")
mod@samples[[i]]@right <- numeric(0)
cat("Check and fix if the sample does not contain too much data\n")
if (length(mod@samples[[i]]@left) > 2*0xFFFF)
mod@samples[[i]]@left <- mod@samples[[i]]@left[1:2*0xFFFF]
cat("Check and fix if the sample length is not even\n")
if ((length(mod@samples[[i]]@left)%%2) == 1)
mod@samples[[i]]@left <- mod@samples[[i]]@left[1:(length(mod@samples[[i]]@left) + 1)]
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix the tracker flag if it's not equal to either of ProTrackers values 'M.K.' or 'M!K!'\n")
mod@tracker.flag <- as.raw(mod@tracker.flag[1:4])
if (!all(mod@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M.K.")) &&
!all(mod@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M!K!")))
mod@tracker.flag <- charToRaw("M!K!")
tf <- all(mod@tracker.flag == charToRaw("M!K!"))
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if the number of patterns are out of range (either 1-64, or 1-100, depending on the tracker flag)\n")
ml <- ifelse(tf, 100, 64)
cl <- length(mod@patterns)
if (cl < 1) mod@patterns <- new("PTPattern")
if (cl > ml) mod@patterns <- mod@patterns[1:ml]
if (verbose) cat("Check and fix if the maximum number of patterns is listed in the pattern order table\n")
cl <- length(mod@patterns)
mlo <- max(as.integer(mod@pattern.order)) + 1
if (cl < mlo) {
mod@patterns <- c(mod@patterns, lapply(1:(mlo - cl), function(x) new("PTPattern")))
} else if (cl > mlo) {
mod@patterns <- mod@patterns[1:mlo]
## Pattern data itself is currently not checked and fixed
if (verbose && validObject(mod, T)) cat("Module successfully fixed\n") else
cat("Fixing module failed\n")
#' @rdname fix.PTModule
#' @aliases fix.PTModule,PTModule,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("fix.PTModule", c("PTModule", "missing"), function(mod){
fix.PTModule(mod, T)
#' @rdname as.raw
#' @export
setMethod("as.raw", "PTModule", function(x){
con <- rawConnection(raw(0), "wb")
write.module(x, con)
result <- rawConnectionValue(con)
setGeneric("rawToPTModule", function(x, ignore.validity = F) standardGeneric("rawToPTModule"))
#' Convert a vector of raw data into a PTModule object
#' This method treats a vector of `raw` data as if it where a
#' file, and converts it into a [`PTModule-class`] object.
#' Data is read from a vector of `raw` data as if it where a file
#' and converted into a [`PTModule-class`] object. This
#' method can be useful for module files stored on virtual Amiga Disk Files
#' (adf), which can be read as raw data, using the `AmigaFFH`
#' package.
#' Use [`ProTrackR::as.raw`] to achieve the inverse.
#' @rdname rawToPTModule
#' @name rawToPTModule
#' @aliases rawToPTModule,raw-method
#' @param x A vector of `raw` data, conform ProTracker file specs.
#' @param ignore.validity A `logical` value. When set as `TRUE`
#' this method will attempt to decode the raw data (`x`), even when it is invalid.
#' When set to `FALSE` (default) validity is checked and an error is
#' thrown when invalidity occurs.
#' @returns returns a [`PTModule-class`] object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## convert the example mod into raw data
#' data("mod.intro")
#' mod.raw <- as.raw(mod.intro)
#' ## restore it as a PTModule-class object
#' mod.restored <- rawToPTModule(mod.raw)
#' ## In this case the result is identical to the original:
#' identical(mod.restored, mod.intro)
#' }
#' @family module.operations
#' @family raw.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("rawToPTModule", "raw", function(x, ignore.validity) {
ignore.validity <- as.logical(ignore.validity)[[1]]
con <- rawConnection(x, "rb")
result <- read.module(con, ignore.validity)
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