Defines functions QNH normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.filter normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.C hidden.states simulateRJaCGH plotQNH get.viterbi.seq2 MetropolisSweep.C RJMCMC.NH.HMM.Metropolis scale.bound.Dist RJaCGH tempdir.RJaCGH check.no.float summary.iRJaCGH summary.RJaCGH.Chrom summary.RJaCGH.Genome summary.RJaCGH print.summary.iRJaCGH print.summary.RJaCGH.Genome print.summary.RJaCGH.Chrom print.summary.RJaCGH smoothMeans smoothMeans.iRJaCGH smoothMeans.RJaCGH.Genome smoothMeans.RJaCGH.Chrom smoothMeans.RJaCGH states states.iRJaCGH states.RJaCGH.Chrom states.RJaCGH.Genome states.RJaCGH modelAveraging modelAveraging.iRJaCGH modelAveraging.RJaCGH.Chrom modelAveraging.RJaCGH.Genome modelAveraging.RJaCGH plot.RJaCGH.Genome internal.plot.obs.pred plot.RJaCGH.Chrom plot.RJaCGH trace.plot get.jump akaike genomePlot relabelStates relabel.core relabelStates.iRJaCGH relabelStates.RJaCGH.Chrom relabelStates.RJaCGH.Genome relabelStates.RJaCGH pREC_A pREC_S pREC getStretchedStateProbs createRegionsList f2tmp print.pREC_A.none print.pREC_A print.pREC_A.Chromosomes print.pREC_S print.pREC_S.none print.pREC_S.Chromosomes plot.pREC_S the.time.with.ms tempdir2 tempfile2 tempfile3 tempfile00 writeRO2 readRO2

Documented in genomePlot modelAveraging modelAveraging.RJaCGH normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.C plot.pREC_S plotQNH plot.RJaCGH pREC_A pREC_S print.pREC_A print.pREC_A.Chromosomes print.pREC_A.none print.pREC_S print.pREC_S.Chromosomes print.pREC_S.none print.summary.RJaCGH print.summary.RJaCGH.Chrom print.summary.RJaCGH.Genome QNH relabelStates relabelStates.RJaCGH RJaCGH simulateRJaCGH smoothMeans smoothMeans.RJaCGH states states.RJaCGH summary.RJaCGH trace.plot

#### FIXME: hay que arreglar trace.plot!!!!!

####  Copyright (C) 2005-2008  Oscar Rueda Palacio and Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
#### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#### modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#### as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#### of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#### GNU General Public License for more details.

#### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307,
#### USA.

### zz: FIXME: remove .__DELETE_GZIPPED <- TRUE ## turn to true for real
####            .__DELETE_BETA <- FALSE  ## later set to TRUE, when we have summaries from C
####    return name of temporary directory!! and have a function for extraction

#### TODO:
####      - Rewrite getEdges using the stored viterbi sequences!!!!

#### DEFINE SUPERSEED; only needed for debugging
#### SUPERSEED <- 123

#### Includes the code that returns probs of states being gained/lost/no-change

#### For now until we set in stone what we do with dummy chroms.
##   this is just for having nice names in output

dummyChr <- "-"

.__DELETE_GZIPPED <- TRUE ## turn to true for real
.__DELETE_BETA <- FALSE  ## later set to TRUE, when we have summaries from C

##Functions for Non Homogeneous Hidden Markov Models with normal
##probability emissions

##Function to compute the transition matrix
## q are the intercept probabilities
## beta is the vector of regression coefficients
## x is the distance to the next gene
QNH <- function(beta, x, q=-beta) {

  k <- nrow(q)
  Q <- exp(q + beta*x)
  Q <- Q / rowSums(Q)

## filter and likelihood of the non - homogeneous HMM
## q, beta, x are the same as before
## mu & sigma.2 are the normal distribution parameters
## stat is the initial distribution
## k is the number of hidden states

normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.filter <- function(y, k, beta, x, mu, sigma.2,
                                     stat=NULL, q=-beta) {
  ## Prevents that c, denominator never gets zero
  TOL <- 1E-10
  if (is.null(stat)) stat <- rep(1/k, k)
  ##last x is not observed. Besides, it doesn't count on the likelihood
  x <- c(x, 0)
  n <- length(y)
  if (k==1) {
    loglik <- sum(dnorm(y, mu, sqrt(sigma.2), log=TRUE))
    filter.cond <- matrix(rep(1, n+1), n+1)
    filter <- matrix(rep(1, n), n)
    res <- list(loglik=loglik, filter.cond=filter.cond, filter=filter)
  else {
    filter <- matrix(NA, n,k)
    filter.cond <- matrix(NA, n+1,k)
    c <- rep(NA, n)
    filter.cond[1,] <- stat
    for (i in 1:n) {
      c[i] <- sum(filter.cond[i,]*dnorm(y[i], mu, sqrt(sigma.2)))
      c[i] <- ifelse(identical(c[i], 0), TOL, c[i])
      filter[i,] <- filter.cond[i,]*dnorm(y[i], mu, sqrt(sigma.2))/c[i]
      Q <- QNH(q=q, beta=beta, x=x[i])
      for (j in 1:k) {
        filter.cond[i+1,j] <- sum(filter[i,]*Q[,j,drop=FALSE])
    res <- list(loglik=sum(log(c)), filter.cond=filter.cond, filter=filter, c=log(c))

## likelihood of the non - homogeneous HMM. C version
## q, beta, x are the same as before
## mu & sigma.2 are the normal distribution parameters
## stat is the initial distribution
## k is the number of hidden states

normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.C <- function(y, x, mu,
                                       sigma.2, beta, stat=NULL) {
  k <- length(mu)
  if (is.null(stat)) stat <- rep(1/k, k)
  ##last x is not observed. Besides, it doesn't count on the likelihood
  x <- c(x, 0)
  q <- -beta
  loglik <- .C("normalNHHMMlikelihood", y=as.double(y), k=as.integer(k),
               x=as.double(x), n=as.integer(length(y)),
               q=as.double(as.vector(q)), ## beta=as.double(beta),
               stat=as.double(stat), mu=as.double(mu),
  loglik$x <- loglik$x[-length(x)]

## Function to simulate hidden state sequence by backward smoothing
## The call to normal.HMM.likelihood.NH should be changed for c++ version
## Slightly modified. Doesn't sample, it chooses the state with maximal
## probability.
## now can do model averaging
## now viterbi is used instead of this one
hidden.states <- function(obj, x) {
  k <- length(obj$mu)
    n <- length(obj$y)
    filter <- normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.filter(y=obj$y, k=k, q=-obj$beta,
                                       beta=obj$beta, x=x, mu=obj$mu,
                                       sigma.2=obj$sigma.2, stat=obj$stat)$filter
    states <-rep(NA, n)
    B <- array(NA, c(n, k))
    B[n,] <- filter[n,]
    states[n] <- which.max(B[n,])
    for (i in (n-1):1) {
      Q <- QNH(q=-obj$beta, beta=obj$beta, x=x[i])
      den <- sum(filter[i,]*Q[,states[i+1]])
      den <-ifelse(den==0, 1, den)
      B[i,] <- filter[i,]*Q[,states[i+1]]
      B[i,] <- B[i,] / den
      states[i] <- which.max(B[i,])
  res <- list(states=states, prob.states=B)

simulateRJaCGH <- function(n, x=NULL, mu, sigma.2, beta, start) {
  y <- rep(NA, n)
  states <- rep(NA, n)
  k <- length(mu)
  if (is.null(x)) x <- rep(0, n-1)
  states[1] <- start
  y[1] <- rnorm(1, mu[states[1]], sqrt(sigma.2[states[1]]))
  for (i in 2:n) {
    Q <- QNH(beta=beta, x=x[i-1], q=-beta)
    states[i] <- sample(x=1:k, size=1, prob=Q[states[i-1],])
    y[i] <- rnorm(1, mu[states[i]], sqrt(sigma.2[states[i]]))
  list(states=states, y=y)

## Plot transition probabilities

plotQNH <- function(x, beta, q=-beta, col=NULL,...) {
  n<- length(x)
  k <- nrow(q)
  prob <- matrix(NA, n, k)
  if (is.null(col)) {
    col <- rep(1, k)
    col[grep("[G]", rownames(beta))] <- 2
    col[grep("[L]", rownames(beta))] <- 3
  for (i in 1:n) {
    prob[i,] <- diag(QNH(q=q, beta=beta, x=x[i]))
  plot(prob[order(x),1] ~ sort(x), type="l", ylim=c(min(prob), max(prob)), col=col[1], ...)
  ## case with homogeneous probabilities
  if (min(x)==0 && max(x)==0) abline(h=prob[1,1], col=col[1])
  if (k >1) {
    for (i in 2:k) {
      lines(prob[order(x),i] ~ sort(x), col=col[i])
        ## case with homogeneous probabilities
      if (min(x)==0 && max(x)==0) abline(h=prob[1,i], col=col[i])


get.viterbi.seq2 <- function(res) {
    ffnames <- unlist(strsplit(res$viterbi.filename, "\n"))
    ## the following does not work well
###     mapply(function(x, y, z)
###            list(num_sequences = x,
###                 sum_mcmc_iter = y,
###                 gzipped_filename = z),
###            x = res$viterbi.num_sequences,
###            y = res$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter,
###            z = ffnames)

    retv <- list()
    n1 <- length(res$viterbi.num_sequences)
    if(n1 != length(ffnames))
        stop("FATAL error in get.viterbi.seq2")
###     if(n1 == 1)
###         return(list(num_sequences = res$viterbi.num_sequences[1],
###                     sum_mcmc_iter = res$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter,
###                     gzipped_filename = ffnames[1]))
###     else {
    for(i in 1:n1) {
            cat("\n get.viterbi.seq2 cannot find file ", ffnames[i]," \n")
        retv[[i]] <- list()
        retv[[i]]$num_sequences <- res$viterbi.num_sequences[i]
        retv[[i]]$sum_mcmc_iter <- res$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter
        retv[[i]]$gzipped_filename <- ffnames[i]
###     }

MetropolisSweep.C <- function(y, x, k.max, Chrom, model=NULL,
                              burnin, TOT, prob.k, pb, ps, mu.alfa,
                              mu.beta, s1, s2, init.mu,
                              init.beta, sigma.tau.mu, sigma.tau.sigma.2,
                              sigma.tau.beta, tau.split.mu=NULL,
                              tau.split.beta=NULL, stat, start.k,
                              NC, deltaT,
                              window = NULL,
                              singleState = FALSE,
                              delete_gzipped = .__DELETE_GZIPPED,
                              temp.dir) {
  n <- length(y)
  ##Size of vectors
  ## Now we've had to put 2 * TOT beacuse of swap move
  ## In a sweep, we can get two values for a same r
  size.mu <- 2 * TOT * k.max*(k.max+1)/2
  size.sigma.2 <- 2 * TOT * k.max*(k.max+1)/2
  size.beta <- 2 * TOT * k.max * (k.max+1) * (2*k.max+1) / 6
  mu <- rep(0, size.mu)
  sigma.2 <- rep(0, size.sigma.2)
  beta <- rep(0, size.beta)
  probStates <- rep(0, n*(k.max^2 - k.max) / 2)
  loglik <- rep(0, 2 * TOT * k.max)
  if (is.null(start.k)) start.k <- 0

  ## new parameter for split/combine
  tau.split.beta <- 1/ (1-median(x))
  if(model != "Chrom") {
      index <- c(which(!duplicated(Chrom)) - 1, length(y))
      genome.param <- length(index) - 1
      num_sequences <- rep(-99, genome.param)
  } else { 
      index <- c(0, length(y))
      genome.param <- 1
      num_sequences <- -99
  if(length(y) != (length(x) + 1)) {
      stop(paste("Length of vector of distances and data vector are different in MetropolisSweep.C", model))
  ## viterbi seqs stuff
  if(write_seq) {
      filename <- tempfile2(pattern = "rjacgh_seq", tmpdir = temp.dir)
      if(model != "Chrom") {
          filenames <- paste(filename, "_chr_", unique(Chrom),
                             ".gz", sep = "")
          lapply(filenames, file.create) ## create now, so no same name later
          filename <- paste(filenames, collapse="\n")
      } else {
          if(is.null(Chrom)) {
              chtmp <- "na"
          } else {
              chtmp <- Chrom[1]
          filename <- paste(filename, "_chr_", chtmp, ".gz", sep = "")
  } else {
      filename <- NULL
## set.seed(SUPERSEED)
## cat("\n            RUNIF BEFORE METROPOLIS ", runif(1), "\n")
  res <- .C("MetropolisSweep", y=as.double(y), x=as.double(x),
            varEqual=as.integer(var.equal), genome= as.integer(genome.param),
            kMax=as.integer(k.max), n=as.integer(length(y)),
            TOT=as.integer(TOT), times=as.integer(rep(0, k.max)),
            probB=as.integer(c(0,0)), probD=as.integer(c(0,0)),
            pb=as.double(pb), ps=as.double(ps),
            s2=as.double(s2), init.mu=as.double(init.mu),
            k=as.integer(rep(0, 3*(TOT-1)+1)), mu=as.double(mu),
            sigma2=as.double(sigma.2), beta=as.double(beta),
            stat=as.double(stat), startK=as.integer(start.k),
            RJ=as.integer(1*RJ), maxVar=as.double(maxVar),
            write_seq = as.integer(write_seq),
            filename = as.character(filename),
            num_sequences = as.integer(num_sequences)
## cat("\n            RUNIF AFTER METROPOLIS ", runif(1), "\n")
  ##Reconstruct objects
  obj <- list()
  obj$fit.k <- list()
  indexStat <- 1
  indexStates <- 1
  indexJointStates <- 1
  indexMu <- 1
  indexBeta <- 1
  indexLoglik <- 1
  for (i in 1:k.max) {
    obj$fit.k[[i]] <- list()
    obj$fit.k[[i]]$stat <- res$stat[indexStat:(indexStat + i-1)]
    ## we create some tmps so that computing prob.xyz does not require readRO2
    tmp.mu <- matrix(res$mu[indexMu: (indexMu + res$times[i]*i -1)],
                     ncol=i, byrow=TRUE)
    tmp.sigma.2 <- matrix(res$sigma2[indexMu: (indexMu + res$times[i]*i -1)],
                          ncol=i, byrow=TRUE)
    tmp.loglik <- res$loglik[indexLoglik:(indexLoglik + res$times[i] -1)]
    tmp.beta <- array(res$beta[indexBeta: (indexBeta + res$times[i]*i*i-1)],
                      dim=c(i, i, res$times[i]))

    obj$fit.k[[i]]$mu <- writeRO2(tmp.mu, "mu", temp.dir)
    obj$fit.k[[i]]$sigma.2 <- writeRO2(tmp.sigma.2, "sigma.2", temp.dir)

    obj$fit.k[[i]]$loglik <- writeRO2(tmp.loglik, "loglik", temp.dir)
    obj$fit.k[[i]]$beta <- writeRO2(tmp.beta, "beta", temp.dir)

    indexMu <-  indexMu + TOT*i
    indexLoglik <- indexLoglik + TOT
    indexBeta <- indexBeta + TOT*i*i
    indexStat <- indexStat + i

    frull <- function(x) return(length(unique(x))/length(x))
    if(i == 1) {
        ## zz FIXME: all except beta are the same for i==1 or more!!!
        obj$fit.k[[1]]$prob.mu <- frull(tmp.mu)
        obj$fit.k[[1]]$prob.sigma.2 <- frull(tmp.sigma.2)
        obj$fit.k[[1]]$prob.beta <- frull(tmp.beta) ## but this is always 1! zz??

        obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- writeRO2(matrix(rep(1, length(y)), ncol=1),
                                               "prob.states", temp.dir)

    } else {
        obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.mu <- frull(tmp.mu[, 1])
        obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.sigma.2 <- frull(tmp.sigma.2[, 1])
        obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.beta <- frull(tmp.beta[2, 1, ])

        if (nrow(tmp.mu) > 0) {
            tmp.psts <- res$probStates[indexStates : (indexStates +
                                                      n*(i-1) -1)]
            tmp.psts <- matrix(tmp.psts, nrow=n, ncol=i-1)
            obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- writeRO2(cbind(tmp.psts, 1 - rowSums(tmp.psts)),
                                                   "prob.states", temp.dir)
        else {
            obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- NULL
    indexStates <- indexStates + n*(i-1)

  obj$y <- writeRO2(y, "y", temp.dir)
                    ##it has to be here, as simpler for many calls.
  obj$sdY <- sd(y)
  obj$lengthY <- length(y)
  obj$k <- res$k
  ## If there are random moves we won't have 3*TOT k values ##
  ## we take out the missing values (zero's) ##
  obj$k <- obj$k[obj$k > 0]
  obj$k <- factor(obj$k , levels=1:k.max)
  ## Relabel states
  sllist <- relabel.core(obj = obj,
                         normal.reference = normal.reference,
                         window = window,
                         singleState = singleState)
  k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(obj$k)))
  for(i in (1:k.max))
      obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- sllist[[i]]
  obj$prob.b <- res$probB
  obj$prob.d <- res$probD
  obj$prob.s <- res$probS
  obj$prob.c <- res$probC
  obj$prob.e <- res$probE
##   obj$x <- x
##   obj$x[obj$x==-1] <- NA
  obj$viterbi.filename <- filename
  obj$viterbi.num_sequences <- res$num_sequences
  obj$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter <- sum(unlist(res$times))
  class(obj) <- "internal.Metropolis.Sweep.C"

RJMCMC.NH.HMM.Metropolis <- function(y, Chrom=NULL, x=NULL,
                                     index=NULL, maxVar, 
                                     model=NULL, var.equal, max.dist=NULL,
                                     window = NULL,
                                     burnin=0, TOT=1000, k.max=6,
                                     stat=NULL, mu.alfa=NULL,
                                     s1=NULL, s2=NULL,  init.mu,
                                     init.beta, prob.k=NULL,
                                     sigma.tau.mu, sigma.tau.sigma.2, sigma.tau.beta,
                                     tau.split.mu, tau.split.beta,
                                     start.k, RJ=RJ, 
                                     NC, deltaT,
                                     temp.dir) {
  if(is.null(mu.alfa)) mu.alfa <- median(y)
  if(is.null(mu.beta)) mu.beta <- diff(range(y))
  if(is.null(s1)) s1 <- mu.beta
  if(is.null(s2)) s2 <- mu.beta
  if(is.null(maxVar)) maxVar <- diff(range(y))^2
  ## Prior over the number of states  ####################

  if (is.null(prob.k)) {
    prob.k <- rep(1/k.max, k.max)
  pb <- c(1,rep(1/2, k.max-2),0)
  ps <- c(1, rep(1/2, k.max-2),0)

  if (is.null(stat)) {
    for(i in 1:k.max)  stat <- c(stat, rep(1/i, i))
  if(is.null(sigma.tau.mu) | is.null(sigma.tau.sigma.2) | is.null(sigma.tau.beta)
   | is.null(tau.split.mu)) {
      cat("Searching jump parameters...\n")
      if(length(y) != (length(x) + 1))
          stop("Length of vector of distances and data vector are different in get jump!")
      params <- get.jump(y=y, x=x, k.max=k.max, Chrom=Chrom, model=model,
                         var.equal=var.equal, mV=maxVar, 
                         window = window,
                         prob.k=prob.k, pb=pb, ps=ps,  
                         mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta, stat=stat,
                         temp.dir = temp.dir)
      if (is.null(sigma.tau.mu)) sigma.tau.mu <- params$sigma.tau.mu
      if (is.null(sigma.tau.sigma.2)) sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- params$sigma.tau.sigma.2
      if (is.null(sigma.tau.beta)) sigma.tau.beta <- params$sigma.tau.beta
      if(is.null(tau.split.mu)) tau.split.mu <- mean(params$sigma.tau.mu) ^2

  ## These checks have to live here: cannot be anywhere before
  ## prior params are set.
  if(k.max != length(sigma.tau.mu)) stop("k.max != length(sigma.tau.mu)")
  if(k.max != length(sigma.tau.sigma.2)) stop("k.max != length(sigma.tau.sigma.2)")
  if(k.max != length(sigma.tau.beta)) stop("k.max != length(sigma.tau.beta)")
  cat("    Starting Reversible Jump\n")
  if(length(y) != (length(x) + 1))
      stop("Length of vector of distances and data vector are different in metropolis!")
  res <- MetropolisSweep.C(y=y, x=x, k.max=k.max, Chrom=Chrom,
                           model=model, var.equal=var.equal,
                           window = window,
                           burnin=burnin, TOT=TOT,
                           prob.k=prob.k, pb=pb, ps=ps,
                           mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta,
                           s1=s1, s2=s2,  init.mu=init.mu,
                           tau.split.beta=tau.split.beta, stat=stat,
                           start.k=start.k, RJ=RJ,
                           NC=NC, deltaT=deltaT,
                           write_seq = 1,
                           temp.dir = temp.dir)

scale.bound.Dist <- function(x, max.dist, nrowy) {
    ## Distance vector: scale, bound, and miscell checks
    ## would allow to use a max.dist that differs by chromosome
    x.old <- x
    ## if all distances are the same, they should be zero
    if (is.null(x) |
        isTRUE(all.equal(min(x.old, na.rm=TRUE),
                         max(x.old, na.rm=TRUE)))) {
        x <- rep(0, nrowy) ## zz:??? a "rep"?
    ## Scale x'2 to avoid overflow
    if (!is.null(max.dist)) {
        x <- x/max.dist
    else {
        xmax <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
        if(xmax < 0)
            stop("Negative distances. There is probably a problem with the Pos you used")
        if(xmax != 0)
            x <- x/max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    ## bound x, and delete NAs
    x[x > 1] <- 1
    x[x < 0] <- 0
    ## in Genome model, there are NAs, which are never used, but we do not
    ## want C to complaint
    x[is.na(x)] <- -1

RJaCGH <- function(y, Chrom=NULL, Start=NULL, End=NULL, Pos=NULL,
                   Dist=NULL, probe.names=NULL, maxVar=NULL,
                   model="Genome", var.equal=TRUE, max.dist=NULL,
                   window = NULL,
                   burnin=10000, TOT=10000, k.max=6,
                   stat=NULL, mu.alfa=NULL, mu.beta=NULL,
                   s1=NULL, s2=NULL, init.mu=NULL, init.sigma.2=NULL,
                   prob.k=NULL, jump.parameters=list(),
                   start.k=NULL, RJ=TRUE, 
                   NC=1, deltaT=2,
                   delete_gzipped = .__DELETE_GZIPPED,
                   singleState = FALSE) {
    cl <- match.call()
    sigma.tau.mu <- jump.parameters$sigma.tau.mu
    sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- jump.parameters$sigma.tau.sigma.2
    sigma.tau.beta <- jump.parameters$sigma.tau.beta
    tau.split.mu <- jump.parameters$tau.split.mu
    tau.split.beta <- NULL

    ## one or more arrays?
    if (is.null(dim(y))) {
        narrays <- 1
        y <- matrix(y, ncol = 1)
        colnames(y) <- "array1"
    } else {
        narrays <- ncol(y)
        if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
            colnames(y) <- paste("array", 1:ncol(y))

    if (!is.null(Pos)) {
      if (length(Pos) != nrow(y)) {
        stop ("Positions and log-ratios must have the same length\n")

    if (!is.null(Chrom)) {
      if (length(Chrom) != nrow(y)) {
        stop ("Chromosomes and log-ratios must have the same length\n")

    ## FIXME ZZ: verify no array name is the same as a name of
    ## any of the other components of the object. If it is, rename.
    ## set to null el colnames(y) and do el rep
    ############# Checks
    if (k.max < 2) stop("k.max must be 2 or more\n")
    if(!is.null(start.k)) {
        if(k.max < start.k)
            stop("start.k cannot be larger than k.max")
        if (length(init.mu) != start.k &
            length(init.sigma.2) != start.k &
            length(init.beta) != start.k * start.k) {
            stop ("lengths of starting values incorrect\n")
    if (!is.null(start.k) & is.null(init.mu) & is.null(init.sigma.2) &
        is.null(init.beta)) {
        stop ("If start.k is selected, starting values must be provided\n")
    ## Allow Chroms to have numbers or characters or a mix
    if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
        Chrom <- as.character(Chrom)
        uniqueChrom <- unique(Chrom)
    } else {
        Chrom <- rep(dummyChr, nrow(y))
        uniqueChrom <- dummyChr
    ## Pos, Pos.rel, Distances, etc
##     Pos.rel <- NULL
    if(is.null(Pos) && (xor(is.null(Start), is.null(End)))) {
        stop("If Pos is NULL, BOTH Start and End must be provided")
    if(is.null(Pos) && is.null(Start) && is.null(End)) {
        warning("Pos, Start, End are all NULL: ",
                "Pos created as vector of consecutive integers")
        Pos <- 1:nrow(y)
    if(!is.null(Pos) && !is.null(Start) && !is.null(End)) {
        warning("Pos, Start, End are ALL non-NULL. ",
                "Only Pos will be used")
    if(is.null(Pos) && !is.null(Start) && !is.null(End)) {
        Pos <- Start + (End - Start) / 2
        ## Sort data in case...
        if (!is.null(Dist)) {
            if(length(Dist) != (nrow(y) - 1))
               stop("Length of Dist should be number of observations minus 1")
            Dist <- c(Dist, NA)
        ## In order to subset chromosome from Dist
        for (i in uniqueChrom) {
            if (any(Pos[Chrom==i] < 0)) {
                ids <- order(Pos[Chrom==i])
                if(!identical(ids, seq_along(ids)))
                    warning("Need to reorder data because of Pos, Start, End. ",
                            "In addition, a probably meaningless value of 0 might ",
                            "be assigned to one entry of Dist")
                y[Chrom==i,] <- y[Chrom==i,][ids,]
                Start[Chrom==i] <- Start[Chrom==i][ids]
                End[Chrom==i] <- End[Chrom==i][ids]
                Pos[Chrom==i] <- Pos[Chrom==i][ids]
                if (!is.null(probe.names)) {
                    probe.names[Chrom==i] <- probe.names[Chrom==i][ids]
                if (!is.null(Dist)) {
                    Dist[Chrom==i] <- Dist[Chrom==i][ids]
        if (!is.null(Dist)) {
            ## Take out last value and check last NA has not moved
            ## As we re-order Dist, the last position (NA)
            ## could have moved. We ensure Dist is the correct length,
            ## and set to 0 all NA.
            Dist <- Dist[-length(Dist)]
            Dist[is.na(Dist)] <- 0
        if (is.null(Dist)) {
            ## Posible definition of distance between probes
            Dist <- Start[-1] - End[-length(End)]
    Pos.rel <- Pos
    if (!is.null(Chrom) && any(diff(Pos)<0)) {
        ## zz: FIXME: but Pos.rel only saved rarely!!!
        ## save relative positions for pREC_A, plots, etc.
##         Pos.rel <- Pos
        last.Pos <- 0
        for (i in 2:length(Pos)) {
            if (Chrom[i] != Chrom[i-1]) {
                last.Pos <- Pos[i-1]
            Pos[i] <- Pos[i] + last.Pos
    chrom.Dist <- diff(Pos) - 1
    for (i in uniqueChrom) 
        chrom.Dist[Chrom==i][length(chrom.Dist[Chrom==i])] <- NA
    if(any(na.omit(chrom.Dist) < -1))
        stop("chrom.Dist < - 1; the Pos values used are not valid")

    if (!is.null(Dist)) chrom.Dist <- Dist
    x.for.model <- chrom.Dist

    if(model != "Chrom") {
        x.for.model <- scale.bound.Dist(x.for.model, max.dist, nrow(y))
    if(model == "Chrom") {
        for(chr in seq_along(uniqueChrom)) {
            x.for.model[Chrom == chr] <-
                scale.bound.Dist(x.for.model[Chrom == chr], max.dist,
                                 sum(Chrom == chr))
    temp.dir <- tempdir2()
    out <- list()
    for(arr in colnames(y)) {
        cat(" Doing Array ", arr, "\n")
        ## This big loop we do not want to duplicate code for either
        ## iterating over Chroms (model == Chrom) or not. We always
        ## iterate, though might iterate only once if model not chrom. If
        ## model = "Chrom", we make as many fits as Chromosomes,
        ## otherwise, a single fit.

        ## If same model, this is fixed
        if(model != "Chrom") {
            yyC <- y[, arr]
            ChromC <- Chrom
            chrom.DistC <- x.for.model[-length(x.for.model)]
        if(model == "Chrom") {
            iterChrom <- uniqueChrom
            tmp.viterbi <- list()
        } else iterChrom <- 1
        for(chr in iterChrom) { ## loop over chroms, if needed
            ## if Chrom, need to alter arguments
            if(model == "Chrom") {
                yyC <- y[Chrom == chr, arr]
                ChromC <- Chrom[Chrom == chr]
                chrom.DistC <- x.for.model[Chrom == chr]
                chrom.DistC <- chrom.DistC[-length(chrom.DistC)]
                cat("    Doing Chromosome", chr, "\n")
            ## FIXME: code for filenames of viterbi could come here?
            res <- RJMCMC.NH.HMM.Metropolis(y=yyC, Chrom=ChromC,
                                            max.dist=max.dist, maxVar=maxVar, 
                                            window = window,
                                            burnin=burnin, TOT=TOT,
                                            k.max=k.max, stat=stat,
                                            mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta,
                                            s1=s1, s2=s2,  init.mu=init.mu,
                                            init.beta=init.beta, prob.k=prob.k,
                                            start.k=start.k, RJ=RJ,
                                            NC=NC, deltaT=deltaT,
                                            temp.dir = temp.dir)
            ret.list <- list(normal.reference = normal.reference,
                             window = window,
                             singleState = singleState,
                             prob.s = res$prob.s,
                             prob.b = res$prob.b,
                             prob.d = res$prob.d,
                             prob.c = res$prob.c,
                             prob.e = res$prob.e,
                             k = res$k,
                             y = res$y,
                             sdY = res$sdY,
                             lengthY = res$lengthY,
                             fit.k = res$fit.k
            if(model == "Chrom") {
                ## tmp.viterbi is used to force viterbi to be the last
                ## component in object
                tmp.viterbi[[chr]] <- get.viterbi.seq2(res)[[1]]
###                 out[[arr]]$viterbi[[chr]] <- get.viterbi.seq2(res)
                out[[arr]][[chr]] <- ret.list
                class(out[[arr]][[chr]]) <- "iRJaCGH"
                out[[arr]] <- ret.list
        } ## end loop over chroms
        if(model != "Chrom") {
            out[[arr]]$viterbi <- get.viterbi.seq2(res)
            class(out[[arr]]) <- c("RJaCGH.Genome", "iRJaCGH")
        else {
            out[[arr]]$viterbi <- tmp.viterbi
            class(out[[arr]]) <- "RJaCGH.Chrom"
    } ## end loop over arrays
    out$array.names <- colnames(y)
    out$Start <- Start
    out$End <- End
    out$Pos <- Pos
    out$Pos.rel <- Pos.rel
    out$Dist <- Dist
    out$Chrom <- Chrom
    out$Dist.for.model <- x.for.model
    out$probe.names <- probe.names
    out$call <- cl
    out$temp.dir <- temp.dir
##    out$Y <- y
    class(out) <- "RJaCGH"

tempdir.RJaCGH <- function(obj) {
    cat("\n Directory for files associated to this object is ",
        obj$temp.dir, "\n")

check.no.float <- function(x) {
    ### Checks a vector is made up of integers
    our.float <- function(x) {
        else if(!is.null(x))
            !(isTRUE(all.equal(round(x), x)))
                   "seems to cointain non-integer values"),
             call. = FALSE)

summary.iRJaCGH <- function(object, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL,
                             k=NULL, point.estimator="median",
                             quantiles=NULL, ...) {
  res <- list()
  if (is.null(k)) {
    k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(object$k))))
  res$stat <- object$fit.k[[k]]$stat
  if (point.estimator=="mode") {
      dens <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$mu), 2, density, bw="nrd0")
      res$mu <- unlist(lapply(dens, function(x) x$x[which.max(x$y)]))
      dim(res$mu) <- c(k, 1)
      colnames(res$mu) <- "mode"
      dens <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2), 2, density, bw="nrd0")
      res$sigma.2 <- unlist(lapply(dens, function(x)
      dim(res$sigma.2) <- c(k, 1)
      colnames(res$sigma.2) <- "mode"
      if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
      dens <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$beta), c(1,2), density, bw="nrd0")
      res$beta <- unlist(lapply(dens, function(x) x$x[which.max(x$y)]))
      res$beta <- matrix(res$beta, k)
      diag(res$beta) <- 0
      } else {
          res$beta <- NA

    if (is.null(quantiles)) {
      quantiles <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9)
    res$mu <- apply(matrix(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$mu), ncol=k), 2, quantile,
    res$mu <- t(res$mu)
    dim(res$mu) <- c(k, length(quantiles))
    colnames(res$mu) <- paste(round(100*quantiles), "%", sep="")
    res$sigma.2 <- apply(matrix(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2), ncol=k), 2,
                         quantile, probs=quantiles)
    res$sigma.2 <- t(res$sigma.2)
    dim(res$sigma.2) <- c(k, length(quantiles))
    colnames(res$sigma.2) <- paste(round(100*quantiles), "%", sep="")
    if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
        res$beta <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$beta), c(1,2), point.estimator)
    } else {
        res$beta <- NA
##  browser()

  if (!is.null(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)) {
      rownames(res$mu) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
      rownames(res$sigma.2) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
      if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
          rownames(res$beta) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
          colnames(res$beta) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
      names(res$stat) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
  res$k <- table(object$k)
  class(res) <- "summary.iRJaCGH"

summary.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(object, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL,
                                  k=NULL, point.estimator="median",
                                  quantiles=NULL, ...) {

  res <- list()
  if(length(Chrom) == 1) {
    res <- summary(object[[Chrom]], k=k, 
                   point.estimator=point.estimator, quantiles=quantiles)
  else {
    for (chr in Chrom) {
      k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(object[[chr]]$k))))
      res[[chr]] <- summary.iRJaCGH(object[[chr]], array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=k, 
    names(res) <- Chrom
    class(res) <- "summary.RJaCGH.Chrom"

summary.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(object, array=NULL,
                                   Chrom=NULL, k=NULL,
                                   quantiles=NULL, ...) {
  res <- summary.iRJaCGH(object, array=array,
                          Chrom=Chrom, k=k, point.estimator, quantiles)

summary.RJaCGH <- function(object, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL,
                            k=NULL, point.estimator="median",
                                 quantiles=NULL, ...) {
  res <- list()
  if (is.null(array)) {
    array <- object$array.names
  if (is.null(Chrom)) {
    Chrom <- unique(object$Chrom)
  for (i in array) {
    res[[i]] <- summary(object[[i]], array=array, Chrom=Chrom,
                        k=k, point.estimator=point.estimator,
  class(res) <- "summary.RJaCGH"

print.summary.iRJaCGH <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nDistribution of the number of hidden states:\n")
  print(round(prop.table(x$k), 3), ...)
  cat("\nModel with ", length(x$stat), " states:\n")
  cat("\nDistribution of the posterior means of hidden states:\n")
  print(round(x$mu, 3), ...)
  cat("\nDistribution of the posterior variances of hidden states:\n")
  print(round(x$sigma.2, 3), ...)
  cat("\nParameters of the transition functions:\n")
  print(round(x$beta, 3), ...)

print.summary.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(x, ...) {
  print.summary.iRJaCGH(x, ...)

print.summary.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(x, ...) {
  for(chr in names(x)) {
      cat("\nSummary for chromosome ", chr, ":\n")
      print(x[[chr]], ...)

print.summary.RJaCGH <- function(x, ...) {
  for(arr in 1:length(x)) {
    cat("\nSummary for ARRAY ", names(x)[arr], ":\n")
    print(x[[arr]], ...)

smoothMeans <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {

smoothMeans.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
  n <- obj$lengthY # n <-  length(readRO2(obj$y))
  sumfit <- summary(obj$k)
  if (!is.null(k)) {
    if (sumfit[k] == 0) stop("No observations in that model\n")
    probs <- 1
  else {
    k <- as.numeric(names(sumfit))
    probs <- prop.table(sumfit)
  res <- matrix(0, n, length(k))
  for (i in 1:length(k)) {
    if(sumfit[i] > 0) {
##      res[,i] <- apply(obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states *
      prob.states <- readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k[i]]]$prob.states)
      mu <- readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k[i]]]$mu)
      res[,i] <- apply(prob.states *
                       matrix(rep(apply(mu, 2, mean),
                                  n), n, byrow=TRUE), 1, sum)
    else {
      res[,i] <- 0
  res <- res %*% probs

smoothMeans.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
  res <- smoothMeans.iRJaCGH(obj, array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=NULL)

smoothMeans.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, array=NULL,
                                      Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
  res <- list()
  for (chr in Chrom) {
    res[[chr]] <- smoothMeans.iRJaCGH(obj[[chr]], array=array,
                                       Chrom=Chrom, k=k)
  res <- do.call("c", res)

smoothMeans.RJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
  if (is.null(array)) {
    array <- obj$array.names
  if (is.null(Chrom)) {
    Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom)
  if (inherits(obj[[array[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
    N <- obj[[array[1]]]$lengthY
  else if (inherits(obj[[array[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
    N <- 0
    for (i in Chrom) {
      N <- N + obj[[array[1]]][[i]]$lengthY
  res <- matrix(NA, nrow = N,
                ncol = length(array))
  for (i in seq_along(array)) {
    res[, i] <- smoothMeans(obj[[i]], Chrom=Chrom, k = k)

states <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
## Now does the same with joint probs.
states.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
  res <- NULL
  if (is.null(k)) {
    k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(obj$k))))
  ##if (nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)==0) stop ("No observations in that HMM\n")
##  res$states <- apply(obj$fit.k[[k]]$prob.states, 1, which.max)
  res$states <- apply(readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k]]$prob.states), 1, which.max) ## This could easily be done in C?
  res$states <- factor(res$states, levels=1:k)
  res$prob.states <- readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k]]$prob.states)

    ## Region of normal, gain and loss
  if (is.null(obj$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)) {
    ref <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(res$states))))
    colnames(res$prob.states) <- 1:k
    colnames(res$prob.states)[ref] <- "Normal"
    levels(res$states)[ref] <- "Normal"
    if (ref < k) {
      colnames(res$prob.states)[(ref+1):k] <- paste("Gain", 1:(k-ref), sep="-")
      levels(res$states)[(ref+1):k] <- paste("Gain", 1:(k-ref), sep="-")
    if (ref > 1) {
      colnames(res$prob.states)[1:(ref-1)] <- paste("Loss", (ref-1):1, sep="-")
      levels(res$states)[1:(ref-1)] <- paste("Loss", (ref-1):1, sep="-")
  else {
    idnames <- apply(obj$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels, 1, which.max)
    all.names <- colnames(obj$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)[idnames]
    colnames(res$prob.states) <- all.names
    levels(res$states) <- all.names
  res <- list(states=res$states, prob.states=res$prob.states)

states.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom =NULL, k=NULL) {
  res <- list()
  for (i in Chrom) {
    if (is.null(k)) {
      k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(obj[[i]]$k))))
    res[[i]] <- states(obj[[i]], array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=k)

states.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL, k=NULL) {
 states.iRJaCGH(obj, array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=k)

states.RJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL, k=NULL) {
  res <- list()
  if (is.null(array)) {
    array <- obj$array.names
  if (is.null(Chrom)) {
    Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom) 
  for (i in array) {
    res[[i]] <- states(obj[[i]], array=array, Chrom = Chrom, k=k)

modelAveraging <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {

modelAveraging.iRJaCGH <-function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
  res <- list()
  n <- obj$lengthY # n <- length(readRO2(obj$y))
  probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
  Loss <- rep(0, n)
  Normal <- rep(0, n)
  Gain <- rep(0, n)
  k.max <- max(as.numeric(as.character(obj$k)))
  for (i in 1:k.max) {

    if (probs[i] > 0) {
      objSummary <- states.iRJaCGH(obj, k=i)
      prob.hiddenStates <- obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels
      prob.states <- objSummary$prob.states
      prob.states <- prob.states %*% prob.hiddenStates
      Loss <- Loss + probs[i] * prob.states[,1]
      Normal <- Normal + probs[i] * prob.states[,2]
      Gain <- Gain + probs[i] * prob.states[,3]
  res$prob.states <- cbind(Loss, Normal, Gain)
  colnames(res$prob.states) <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
  res$states <- apply(res$prob.states, 1, function(x) names(which.max(x)))
  res$states <- ordered(res$states, levels=c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain"))
  if (!is.null(obj$probe.names)) {
    names(res$states) <- obj$probe.names
    rownames(res$prob.states) <- obj$probe.names
  res <- list(states=res$states, prob.states=res$prob.states)


modelAveraging.RJaCGH.Chrom <-function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
  res <- list()
  for (ch in Chrom) {
    res[[ch]] <- modelAveraging(obj[[ch]])

modelAveraging.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
  modelAveraging.iRJaCGH(obj=obj, array=array, Chrom=Chrom)

modelAveraging.RJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
  res <- list()
  if (is.null(array)) {
    array <- obj$array.names
  if (is.null(Chrom)) {
    Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom)
  for (i in array) {
    res[[i]] <- modelAveraging(obj[[i]], array=array, Chrom = Chrom)

plot.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(x, array=NULL, k=NULL,  Dist.for.model=NULL, 
                               model.averaging=TRUE, cex=1,
                               smoother=FALSE, Pos=NULL,
                                Pos.rel = NULL, Chrom=NULL, ...)  {
  layout(matrix(c(1,3,5,2,4, 5),3,2), heights=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))
  opar <- par(cex.lab=cex*0.8,   cex.main=cex*0.9,
              cex.axis=cex*0.8,  mar=c(5,4,4,4) + 0.1)
  y <- readRO2(x$y)
    if (is.null(k)) {
        k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(x$k))))
    if (model.averaging) {
        res <- modelAveraging(x)
        cols <- colnames(states(x, k)$prob.states)
    else {
        res <- states(x, k=k)
        cols <- colnames(res$prob.states)
    barplot(prop.table(table(x$k)), xlab="# of hidden states", ylab="probability",
            main="Prob. of number of hidden states", col="red", ylim=c(0,1))
    if(model.averaging) {
        names.colors <- colnames(states(x, k)$prob.states)
        col <- rep(1, k)
        col[grep("[G]", names.colors)] <- 2
        col[grep("[L]", names.colors)] <- 3
    } else {
        col <- rep(1, k)
        col[grep("[G]", cols)] <- 2
        col[grep("[L]", cols)] <- 3
    mu <- readRO2(x$fit.k[[k]]$mu)
    sigma.2 <- readRO2(x$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2)
    plot(density(mu[,1], bw=sd(mu[,1])), col=col[1], xlim=range(y),
         main="Posterior probability of mean of hidden states")
    if (k >1) for (i in 2:k) lines(density(mu[,i],
                                           bw=sd(mu[,i])), col=col[i])
                 bw=sd(sigma.2[,1]), from=0), col=col[1], main="Posterior probability of variance of hidden states")
    if (k >1) for (i in 2:k) lines(density(sigma.2[,i],
                                           bw=sd(sigma.2[,i])), col=col[i])
    summary.obj <- summary(x, k)
  plotQNH(q=-summary.obj$beta, beta=summary.obj$beta, x=Dist.for.model[!is.na(Dist.for.model)],
              main="Probability of permanence in the same hidden state", xlab="Distance", ylab="Prob.", col=col)
  internal.plot.obs.pred(y = y,
                           Pos = Pos,
                           Pos.rel = Pos.rel,
                           states = res$states,
                           Chrom = Chrom,
                           model.averaging = model.averaging,
                           prob.states = res$prob.states,
                           smoother = smoother,
                           cex = cex, k=k)

internal.plot.obs.pred <- function(y, Pos, Pos.rel, states, Chrom,
                                   model.averaging, prob.states,
                                   smoother, cex, k, prob=TRUE) {
    if (model.averaging)
        main.text <- "Prediction of copy gain/loss. Bayesian Model Averaging"
        main.text <- paste("Prediction of copy gain/loss. Number of hidden states: ", k)
    ylim <- range(y)
    margin <- diff(ylim) / 4
    ylim[1] <- ylim[1] - margin - 1
    ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + margin
    col <- rep(1, length(y))
    col[as.numeric(states) %in% grep("[G]", levels(states))] <- 2
    col[as.numeric(states) %in% grep("[L]", levels(states))] <- 3
    pch <- rep(16, length(y))
    pch[as.numeric(states) %in% grep("[2-9]", levels(states))] <- 17
    if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
        ## Start of every Chromosome
        start.Chrom <- c(Pos[which(!duplicated(Chrom))],
                         Pos[length(Chrom)] + 1)
        xx <- rep(start.Chrom, rep(2, length(start.Chrom)))
        ## Small hack for the case of even number of chroms
        if (length(start.Chrom) %% 2 !=0) {
            xx <- c(xx, xx[2])
        yy <- rep(c(ylim, rev(ylim)), length.out=length(xx))
        ##         Pos <- x$Pos
    } else {
        ##         Pos <- x$Pos
        if (!is.null(Pos.rel)) Pos <- Pos.rel
    plot(y ~ Pos, pch=pch, col=col, ylim=ylim, ylab="Log2 ratio", xlab="Pos.Base",
         main=main.text, type="n")
    if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
        ## here, or points will not be visible
        polygon(xx, yy, col="gray85", xpd=TRUE)
        text(x = start.Chrom[-length(start.Chrom)] + diff(start.Chrom)/2,
             y = rep(ylim[2] , length(start.Chrom)), labels=unique(Chrom),
             cex=cex*0.6, pos=1)
    points(y ~ Pos, pch=pch, col=col)
    abline(h=0, lty=2)
    if (smoother) {
        smoothed.means <- smoothMeans(y)
        lines(smoothed.means~Pos, col="orange")
    if (prob) {
      plot(apply(prob.states, 1, max) ~ Pos, yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="",
           col="blue", ylim=c(0,5), type="s")
      abline(h=c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,1), lty=2, yaxt="n")
      axis(4, at=c(0, 0.5, 0.75, 1), labels=c(0, 0.5, 0.75, 1))
      mtext("Probability", side = 4, line = 2, cex = cex*0.6, at = 0.5)

plot.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(x, Chrom=NULL, array=NULL,
                              model.averaging=TRUE, cex=1, k=NULL,
                              smoother=FALSE, ...)  {
  if (is.null(array)) stop ("Must specify array\n")
  if (is.null(Chrom)) {
        states <- NULL
        prob.states <- NULL
        ## Always model.averaging if Chrom==NULL
        model.averaging <- TRUE
        res <- modelAveraging(x)
        ## FIXME: cambiara algo de esto cuando guardemos summaires
        ## en el objeto? Creo que no. Pero estar al loro!!!
        max.levels <- lapply(res[[array]], function(x) levels(x$states))
        max.levels <- names(table(unlist(max.levels)))
        states <- lapply(res[[array]], function(x) as.character(x$states))
        states <- factor(unlist(states), levels=max.levels)
        prob.states <- lapply(res[[array]], function(x) x$prob.states)
        prob.states <- do.call("rbind", prob.states)
        par(cex.lab=cex*0.8, cex.main=cex*0.9, cex.axis=cex*0.8)
        par(mar=c(5,4,4,4) + 0.1)

        ##         y <- NULL
        ##         for (chr in unique(x$Chrom)) {
        ##             y <- c(y, x[[chr]]$y)
        ##         }
        ncrom <- length(unique(x$Chrom))

        y <- numeric(length(x$Pos))
        id <- 1
        for (i in 1:ncrom) {
          tmp <- readRO2(x[[array]][[i]]$y)
          y[id:(id + length(tmp)-1)] <- tmp
          id <- id + length(tmp)
        Pos <- x$Pos
        internal.plot.obs.pred(y = y, Pos = Pos, Pos.rel = NULL,
                               states = states, Chrom = x$Chrom,
                               model.averaging = model.averaging,
                               prob.states = prob.states,
                               smoother = smoother,
                               cex = cex, k=k)
  else {
    plot.RJaCGH.Genome(x[[array]][[Chrom]], array=array,
                        Dist.for.model = x$Dist.for.model, 
                        cex=cex, k=k, smoother = smoother,

## There could be a weights argument for array precision
plot.RJaCGH <- function(x, array=NULL, k=NULL, Chrom=NULL, show="average", weights=NULL,
                         cex=1, smoother=FALSE,...)  {
  if (!is.null(array)) {
    if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Genome'))
      plot.RJaCGH.Genome(x=x[[array]], k=k, Dist.for.model = x$Dist.for.model, 
                          model.averaging=model.averaging, cex=cex,
                          smoother=smoother, Pos=x$Pos, Chrom=x$Chrom,...)
    if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom'))
      plot.RJaCGH.Chrom(x=x, array=array, k=k, Chrom=Chrom, model.averaging=
                          model.averaging, cex=cex, smoother=smoother,...)

  else {

    if (show!="average" & show!="frequency") {
        stop("'show' must be either 'average' or 'frequency'\n")
    uChrom <- unique(x$Chrom)
    array.names <- x$array.names
    ##To make apply only on arrays we take out element 'array.names'

    ## FIXME!! Ojo, no, mejor hace apply solo en los elementos apropiados
    ## (1:numero arrays) y asi evitamos modificar x.
    # x$array.names <- NULL
    if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1/length(array.names), length(array.names))
    weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    model.averaging <- TRUE
    res <- modelAveraging(x)
    y <- matrix(0, length(x$Pos), length(x$array.names))
    prob.states <- matrix(0, length(x$Pos), 3)

    if(inherits(x[[array.names[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
      res <- lapply(res, function(x) x$prob.states)
      for (i in 1:length(array.names)) {
        prob.states <- prob.states + res[[i]] * weights[i]
        y[,i] <- readRO2(x[[array.names[i]]]$y)

      states <- apply(prob.states, 1, which.max)
      states <- factor(states, levels=1:3, labels=
                       c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain"))
    else if(inherits(x[[array.names[[1]]]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
      ncrom <- length(unique(x$Chrom))
      res <- lapply(res, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) y$prob.states))
      for (i in 1:length(array.names)) {
        id <- 1
        prob.states <- prob.states + do.call("rbind",res[[i]]) *
        for (j in 1:ncrom) {
          tmp <- readRO2(x[[array.names[i]]][[j]]$y)
          y[id:(id + length(tmp)-1),i] <- tmp
          id <- id + length(tmp)
        id <- 1
      states <- apply(prob.states, 1, which.max)
      states <- factor(states, levels=1:3, labels=
                       c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain"))
    if (show=="average") {
      y <- y %*% weights
      internal.plot.obs.pred(y = y, Pos = x$Pos, Pos.rel = NULL,
                             states = states, Chrom = x$Chrom,
                             model.averaging = model.averaging,
                             prob.states = prob.states,
                             smoother = smoother,
                             cex = cex, k=k)
    else {
      code <- apply(prob.states[,-2], 1, which.max)
      max.prob.states <- rep(0, nrow(prob.states))
      max.prob.states[code == 1] <- -prob.states[code == 1,1]
      max.prob.states[code == 2] <- prob.states[code == 2,3]
      internal.plot.obs.pred(y = max.prob.states, Pos = x$Pos,
                             Pos.rel = NULL,
                             states = states, Chrom = x$Chrom,
                             model.averaging = model.averaging,
                             prob.states = prob.states,
                             smoother = smoother,
                             cex = cex, k=k, prob=FALSE)

trace.plot <- function(x, k=NULL, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, main.text=NULL) {

  if (is.null(array)) {
    stop ("'array' must be specified\n")
  if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
    mod <- x[[array]]$k
    if (is.null(k)) {
      k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(x[[array]]$k))))
    mu <- readRO2(x[[array]]$fit.k[[k]]$mu)
    sigma.2 <- readRO2(x[[array]]$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2)
    beta <- readRO2(x[[array]]$fit.k[[k]]$beta)
  if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
    if (is.null(Chrom)) {
      stop ("'Chrom' must be specified\n")
    mod <- x[[array]][[Chrom]]$k
    if (is.null(k)) {
      k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$k))))
    mu <- readRO2(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$fit.k[[k]]$mu)
    sigma.2 <- readRO2(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2)
    beta <- readRO2(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$fit.k[[k]]$beta)
  ## Something must be made with colors
  par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
  matplot(as.numeric(as.character(mod)), pch=16, cex=0.2, main="Trace plot of number of states",
          xlab="iteration", ylab="Number of states", type="l")
  matplot(mu, type="l", main="Trace plot of means", xlab="iteration",
          ylab="Mean of states")
  matplot(sigma.2, type="l", main="Trace plot of variance", xlab="iteration",
          ylab="Variance of the states")
  if (k >1) {
    if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
      matplot(t(beta[1,,]), type="n", main="Trace plot of beta", xlab="iteration",
      for (i in 1:k)
        matplot(t(beta[i,,]), type="l", add=TRUE)
  if (is.null(main.text)) {
    main.text <- paste("Whole genome.", k, "hidden states")
  else {
    main.text <- paste(main.text, k, "hidden states")
  mtext(main.text, outer=TRUE)

## Adapt parameters intra model
get.jump <- function(y, x, Chrom, model, k.max=6, normal.reference,
                     ## normal.ref.percentile,
                     prob.k=NULL, pb=NULL, ps=NULL,
                     s1=NULL, s2=NULL,
                     mu.alfa=NULL, mu.beta=NULL, stat,
                     increment=2, max.tries=10,
                     temp.dir) {
  TOL <- 0.01
  increment.mu <- increment
  increment.sigma.2 <- increment
  increment.beta <- increment
  optim.mu <- rep(0, k.max)
  optim.sigma.2 <- rep(0, k.max)
  optim.beta <- rep(0, k.max)
  for (k in 2:k.max) {
###       set.seed(SUPERSEED + k)
###       cat("\n            RUNIF in get.jump ", runif(1), "\n")

    ##   cat("max", sigma.tau.mu.max, "\n")
    ##   cat("mu", sigma.tau.mu, "\n")
    ##   cat("min", sigma.tau.mu.min, "\n")
    p.mu <- 0
    p.sigma.2 <- 0
    p.beta <- 0
    prob.lim <- c(0.2, 0.5)

    sigma.tau.mu <- 0.005
    sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- 0.005
    sigma.tau.beta <- 0.01

    tries <- 1

    ## Overdispersed init
    init.mu <- runif(k, -2, 2)
    if (!var.equal) {
        init.sigma.2 <- runif(k, 0, mV)
    else {
        init.sigma.2 <- rep(runif(1, 0, mV), k)
    init.beta <- matrix(rgamma(k * k, 1, 1), k)
    diag(init.beta) <- 0
    ## Check if min == max
  while ((!p.mu | !p.sigma.2 | !p.beta) & tries < max.tries) {
###        set.seed(SUPERSEED + k + 8)
###       cat("\n            RUNIF in get.jump before metropolis", runif(1), "\n")

    fit <- MetropolisSweep.C(y=y, x=x, k.max=k.max, Chrom=Chrom,
                             model=model, var.equal=var.equal,
                             burnin=0, TOT=1000,
                             window = window,
##                             normal.ref.percentile=normal.ref.percentile,
                             prob.k=prob.k, pb=pb, ps=ps,
                             mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta,
                             s1=s1, s2=s2,
                             sigma.tau.sigma.2=rep(sigma.tau.sigma.2, k.max),
                             sigma.tau.beta=rep(sigma.tau.beta, k.max),
                             stat=stat, RJ=FALSE, start.k=k, NC=1, deltaT=2,
                             write_seq = 0,
                             delete_gzipped = TRUE,
                             temp.dir = temp.dir)
    prob.mu <- fit$fit.k[[k]]$prob.mu
    prob.sigma.2 <- fit$fit.k[[k]]$prob.sigma.2
    prob.beta <- fit$fit.k[[k]]$prob.beta
##     cat("par=", sigma.tau.mu, " prob=", prob.mu, "\n")
##     cat("le voy a multiplicar por ", increment.mu, "\n")

    ## Check mu prob. of acceptance
    if (prob.mu < prob.lim[1] & !p.mu) {
      increment.mu <- increment * (prob.lim[1] / prob.mu)
      sigma.tau.mu <- sigma.tau.mu / increment.mu
    if (prob.mu > prob.lim[2] | !p.mu) {
      increment.mu <- increment * (prob.mu / prob.lim[2])
      sigma.tau.mu <- sigma.tau.mu * increment.mu
    if (prob.mu > prob.lim[1] & prob.mu < prob.lim[2] & !p.mu) {
      p.mu <- 1
    ## Check sigma.2 prob. of acceptance
    if (prob.sigma.2 < prob.lim[1] & !p.sigma.2) {
      increment.sigma.2 <- increment * (prob.lim[1] / prob.sigma.2)
      sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- sigma.tau.sigma.2  / increment.sigma.2
    if (prob.sigma.2 > prob.lim[2] | !p.sigma.2) {
      increment.sigma.2 <- increment * (prob.sigma.2 / prob.lim[2])
      sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- sigma.tau.sigma.2 * increment.sigma.2
  if (prob.sigma.2 > prob.lim[1] & prob.sigma.2 < prob.lim[2] & !p.sigma.2) {
    p.sigma.2 <- 1
  ## Check beta prob. of acceptance
  if (prob.beta < prob.lim[1] & !p.beta) {
    increment.beta <- increment * (prob.lim[1] / prob.beta)
    sigma.tau.beta <- sigma.tau.beta / increment
  if (prob.beta > prob.lim[2] | !p.beta) {
    increment.beta <- increment * (prob.beta / prob.lim[2])
    sigma.tau.beta <- sigma.tau.beta * increment.beta

  if (prob.beta > prob.lim[1] & prob.beta < prob.lim[2] & !p.beta) {
    p.beta <- 1
##   cat("Iteration=", i, "\n")
##   cat("max", sigma.tau.mu.max, "\n")
##   cat("mu", sigma.tau.mu, "\n")
##   cat("min", sigma.tau.mu.min, "\n")
    tries <- tries + 1

  optim.mu[k] <- sigma.tau.mu
  optim.sigma.2[k] <- sigma.tau.sigma.2
  optim.beta[k] <- sigma.tau.beta
  optim.mu[1] <- optim.mu[2]
  optim.sigma.2[1] <- optim.sigma.2[2]
  optim.beta[1] <- optim.beta[2]
  res <- list(sigma.tau.mu=abs(optim.mu), sigma.tau.sigma.2=abs(optim.sigma.2),

akaike <- function(logliks, param=NULL) {
  if (is.null(param)) {
    param <- 1:length(logliks)
    param <- 2 * param + param * (param-1)
  AIC <- -2*logliks + 2*param
  AIC <- AIC - min(AIC)
  akaike <- exp(-0.5*AIC)
  akaike <- akaike / sum(akaike)

genomePlot <- function(obj, array=NULL, weights=NULL, 
                       col=NULL, breakpoints=NULL, legend.pos=NULL,...) {

  if (!is.null(col) & !is.null(breakpoints)) {
    if(length(col) != length(breakpoints) + 1)
      stop("length(col) must be length(breakpoints + 1\n")
    if(length(breakpoints) < 2)
      stop("length(breakpoints) must be at least 2\n")

  if (is.null(array)) {
    array <- obj$array.names
  if (is.null(weights))
    weights <- rep(1/length(array), length(array))
  weights <- weights / sum(weights)
  res <- modelAveraging(obj)
  y <- matrix(0, length(obj$Pos), length(array))
  probs <- matrix(0, length(obj$Pos), 3)
  Pos <- obj$Pos.rel
  if(inherits(obj[[array[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
    res <- lapply(res, function(x) x$prob.states)
    for (i in 1:length(array)) {
      probs <- probs + res[[i]] * weights[i]
      y[,i] <- readRO2(obj[[array[i]]]$y)
  else if(inherits(obj[[array[[1]]]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
    ncrom <- length(unique(obj$Chrom))
    res <- lapply(res, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) y$prob.states))
      for (i in 1:length(array)) {
        id <- 1
        probs <- probs + do.call("rbind",res[[i]]) *
        for (j in 1:ncrom) {
          tmp <- readRO2(obj[[array[i]]][[j]]$y)
          y[id:(id + length(tmp)-1),i] <- tmp
          id <- id + length(tmp)
        id <- 1

  probs <- round(probs, 2)
  ## what if c(0, 0.5, 0.5) ? which.max=2
  states <- apply(probs, 1, which.max)
  ## Assign he normal probes to gain if y>0 or loss if y<0
  index <- 1*(y<0) + 3*(y>=0)
  states[states==2] <- index[states==2]
  index <- states
  colo <- rep(0, length(index))
  for(i in 1:length(index)) {
    colo[i] <- probs[i,index[i]]
  colo[index==1] <- -colo[index==1]
  colo.round <- floor(colo*10) / 10
  colo.recoded <- rep(0, length(colo.round))
    if (is.null(col)) {
    col <- colors()
    col <- col[c(86, 50, 51, 24, 555, 552, 404)]

  if(is.null(breakpoints)) {
    breakpoints <- c(-0.9, -0.7, -0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
  MidPoint <- floor(length(col)/2)
  colo.recoded[colo.round <= -breakpoints[1]] <- col[1]
  label.legend <- paste("P.Loss >= ", -breakpoints[1], sep="")
  if (length(breakpoints) > 2) {
    for (i in 2:MidPoint) {
      colo.recoded[colo.round > breakpoints[i-1] & colo.round <=
    breakpoints[i]] <- col[i]
      label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste(-breakpoints[i],
                                            " <= P.Loss < ", -breakpoints[i-1], sep=""))
  colo.recoded[colo.round > breakpoints[MidPoint] & colo.round <
    breakpoints[MidPoint +1]] <- col[MidPoint +1]
  label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste("P.Loss < ", -breakpoints[MidPoint],
                                        " or P.Gain < ", breakpoints[MidPoint+1], sep=""))
  if (length(breakpoints) > 2) {
    for (i in (MidPoint+2):length(breakpoints)) {
      colo.recoded[colo.round >=breakpoints[i-1] & colo.round
    < breakpoints[i]] <- col[i]
      label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste(breakpoints[i-1],
                                            " <= P.Gain < ", breakpoints[i], sep=""))

  colo.recoded[colo.round >=breakpoints[length(breakpoints)]] <-
  label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste("P.Gain >= ",
                                        breakpoints[length(breakpoints)], sep=""))
  Chrom <- obj$Chrom
  n.chrom <- length(unique(Chrom))
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,2), oma=c(0, 4, 4, 4))
  layout(rbind(c(1, 2), c(3, 3)), widths=c(1,1), heights=c(9,2.5))
  xmax <- max(Pos)
  plot(0,0, type="n", xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(1, ceiling(n.chrom/2)),
       axes=FALSE, ylab="Chromosome", xlab="",...)
  axis(side=2, at=c(1:ceiling(n.chrom/2)), labels=unique(Chrom)[1:ceiling(n.chrom/2)])

  chrom.count <- 1

  for(i in unique(Chrom)[1:ceiling(n.chrom/2)]) {
    lines(c(0, max(Pos[Chrom==i])), c(chrom.count,chrom.count))
    points(Pos[Chrom==i], chrom.count + y[Chrom==i]/ (2*max(abs(y))),
           pch=19,col=colo.recoded[Chrom==i], cex=0.5)
    chrom.count <- chrom.count + 1
  plot(0,0, type="n", xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(1, ceiling(n.chrom/2)),
       axes=FALSE, ylab="Chromosome", xlab="")
  axis(side=2, at=1:(n.chrom - ceiling(n.chrom/2)), labels=unique(Chrom)[(ceiling(n.chrom/2)+1):n.chrom])

  chrom.count <- 1
  for(i in unique(Chrom)[(ceiling(n.chrom/2) +1):n.chrom]) {

    lines(c(0, max(Pos[Chrom==i])), c(chrom.count,chrom.count))
    points(Pos[Chrom==i], chrom.count  + y[Chrom==i]/ (2*max(abs(y))),
           pch=16,col=colo.recoded[Chrom==i], cex=0.5)
    chrom.count <- chrom.count + 1

  if(is.null(legend.pos)) {
    plot(0,0, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
    legend("bottom", legend=label.legend,
           col=col, pch=19, cex=0.9)
  else {
    plot(0,0, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
    legend(x=legend.pos[1], y=legend.pos[2], legend=label.legend,
           col=col, pch=19, cex=0.9)

relabelStates <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
                          singleState = FALSE, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {
    ## singleState = TRUE assigns each state to a single state,
    ## so each state has a p = 1 of being something and
    ## a p = 0 for everything else. Emulates the old
    ## relabelStates.

relabel.core <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
                         singleState = FALSE)  {
    if (is.null(window)) {
        window <- obj$sdY
    } else {
        window <- window * obj$sdY
    k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(obj$k)))
    model.probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
  state.labels.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:k.max) {
      if (model.probs[i] > 0) {
      if(!is.null(dim(obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels))) {
        obj.sum <- summary.iRJaCGH(obj, k=i, point.estimator="median",
                                  quantiles = 0.5)
      else {
          obj.sum <- list()
          obj.sum$mu <- apply(readRO2(obj$fit.k[[i]]$mu), 2, median)
          obj.sum$sigma.2 <- apply(readRO2(obj$fit.k[[i]]$sigma.2), 2, median)
      limits <- normal.reference + c(-1, 1) * window
      probs <- matrix(0, nrow=i, ncol=3)
      probs[,1] <- pnorm(limits[1], obj.sum$mu,
      probs[,3] <- pnorm(limits[2], obj.sum$mu,
      probs[,2] <- 1 - probs[,1] - probs[,3]
      state.labels.list[[i]] <- probs
      modal.state <- apply(probs, 1, which.max)
      if(singleState) {
          msarray <- cbind(seq_along(modal.state), modal.state)
          state.labels.list[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(modal.state),
                                          ncol = 3)
          state.labels.list[[i]][msarray] <- 1
      colnames(state.labels.list[[i]]) <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
      ## rownames of state.labels
      rownames(state.labels.list[[i]]) <- letters[1:nrow(probs)]
      basicLabel <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
      for(ii in c(1, 2, 3)) {
          this.type <- which(modal.state == ii)
          l.this.type <- length(this.type)
          if(l.this.type == 0) next
          this.label <- basicLabel[ii]
          if(l.this.type == 1)
              rownames(state.labels.list[[i]])[this.type] <- this.label
              rownames(state.labels.list[[i]])[this.type] <-
                  paste(this.label, 1:l.this.type, sep = "-")
    } else {## did not visit these states
        state.labels.list[[i]] <- matrix(rep(-9, 3 * i), ncol = 3)
        colnames(state.labels.list[[i]]) <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
relabelStates.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
                             singleState = FALSE,
                                   array=NULL, Chrom=NULL)  {
    sllist <- relabel.core(obj = obj,
                             normal.reference = normal.reference,
                             window = window,
                             singleState = singleState)
    k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(obj$k)))
    for(i in (1:k.max)) {
        obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- sllist[[i]]

relabelStates.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
                                        singleState = FALSE,
                                        array=NULL, Chrom=NULL)  {
  for(chr in Chrom) {
    obj[[chr]] <- relabelStates.iRJaCGH(obj[[chr]], normal.reference=
                                         normal.reference, window=window,
                                         singleState = singleState)

relabelStates.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
                                    singleState = FALSE,
                                         array=NULL, Chrom=NULL)  {
    obj <- relabelStates.iRJaCGH(obj, normal.reference=
                                normal.reference, window=window,
                                singleState = singleState)

relabelStates.RJaCGH <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
                                   singleState = FALSE,
                                  array=NULL, Chrom=NULL)  {
  if (is.null(array)) {
    array <- obj$array.names
  if (is.null(Chrom)) {
    Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom)
  for (i in array) {
    obj[[i]] <- relabelStates(obj[[i]], normal.reference=
                              normal.reference, window=window,
                              singleState = singleState,
                              array=array, Chrom=Chrom)

pREC_A <- function(obj, p, alteration = "Gain",
                   array.weights = NULL,
                   verbose = FALSE) {
    pREC(method = "pREC_A", obj = obj,
         p = p, alteration = alteration,
         array.weights = array.weights,
         verbose = verbose)

pREC_S <- function(obj, p, freq.array, alteration = "Gain",
                   verbose = FALSE) {
    pREC(method = "pREC_S", obj = obj,
         p = p, alteration = alteration,
         freq.array = freq.array,
         verbose = verbose,
         array.weights = NULL)

pREC <- function(method, obj, p, freq.array = NULL,
                 alteration = "Gain", array.weights = NULL,
                 verbose = FALSE) {

    if (method == "pREC_A") {
        method_prec <- 0
        freq.array <- -9
    } else if (method == "pREC_S") {
        method_prec <- 1
    } else {
        stop ("method can only be one of pREC_A or pREC_S")
    if((method == "pREC_S") & is.null(freq.array))
        stop("pREC_S requires a value for freq.array")
    if(alteration == "Gain") {
        alteration.int <- 1
    } else if (alteration == "Loss") {
        alteration.int <- -1
    } else {
        stop("alteration can only be one of 'Gain' or 'Loss'")

    array.names <- obj$array.names
    narrays <- length(obj$array.names)
    idchr <- unique(obj$Chrom)
    nchrom <- length(idchr)

    if(any(array.weights < 0)) {
        stop("array.weights cannot have any negative element")
    if (is.null(array.weights)) {
        array.weights <- -9.9
    } else {
        array.weights <- array.weights / sum(array.weights)

    ## less typing
    first.array <- array.names[1]
    objChrom <- inherits(obj[[first.array]], "RJaCGH.Chrom") 
    objGenome <- inherits(obj[[first.array]], "RJaCGH.Genome") 
    ## we could process objects without chrom as objGenome,
    ## but for coherence with former approaches, and to avoid
    ## ugly "dummyChr" we continue with the objNone approach
    objNone <- ifelse(idchr[1] == dummyChr, TRUE, FALSE)
    if(objNone) objGenome <- FALSE
    ## Main loop: each chromosome is done separately.
    ## For each chrom, do all arrays.
    ## If Genome or None type objects probs of states common for all
    ## chroms.
    if(!objChrom) {
        stretchedProbsList <- lapply(obj[1:narrays],
    tmpres <- list()
    for(chromNum in 1:nchrom) {
        if(!objNone) {
            thisChromChar <- idchr[chromNum]
            tmpres[[thisChromChar]] <- list()
        if(verbose) {
            cat("\n -----------------------------------------------")
            cat("\n  Doing chromosome ", chromNum, "\n")
        if(objChrom) {
            nprobes <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$lengthY
        } else if(objGenome) {
            nprobes <- sum(obj$Chrom == idchr[chromNum])
        } else {
            nprobes <- length(obj$Chrom) ## FIXME!
            ## should be same as obj[[1]]$lengthY

        if(objChrom) {
            stretchedProbsList <-
                       function(x) getStretchedStateProbs(x[[chromNum]]))
        filename.tmp <- sapply(obj[array.names],
                               function(x) f2tmp(x$viterbi[[chromNum]]$gzipped_filename,
                                                 tempdir = obj$temp.dir))
        fe <- sapply(filename.tmp, file.exists)
        if(!all(fe)) {
            m1 <- "Some of the gzipped files which should exist don't.\n"
            m2 <- "Please rerun with option 'force.write.files = TRUE'"
            stop(paste(m1, m2))
        filename <- paste(filename.tmp, collapse = "\n")
        num.sequences <- sapply(obj[1:narrays],
                                function(x) x$viterbi[[chromNum]]$num_sequences)
        ## Indices as C indices: start at 0.
        ## These give: c(0, last index)
        ## and last index = index of starting pos of a new seq.
        ## so last index = total number of sequences.
        starting.indices.sequences <- c(0, cumsum(num.sequences))
        starting.indices.state.probs <-
            c(0, cumsum(sapply(stretchedProbsList, length)))

        res <- .C("wrap_pREC",
                  alteration = as.integer(alteration.int),
                  numarrays = as.integer(narrays),
                  num_sequences = as.integer(num.sequences),
                  num_probes = as.integer(nprobes),
                  starting_indices_sequences =
                  starting_indices_state_probs =
                  filename = as.character(filename),
                  threshold = as.double(p),
                  freq_arrays = as.integer(freq.array),
                  array_weights = as.double(array.weights),
                  state_probs = as.double(unlist(stretchedProbsList)),
                  numregions = as.integer(-9),
                  total_narrays = as.integer(-9),
                  regionsStart = as.integer(rep(-9, nprobes)),
                  regionsEnd = as.integer(rep(-9, nprobes)),
                  regionsProb = as.double(rep(-9.9, nprobes)),
                  verboseC = as.integer(ifelse(verbose, 1, 0)),
                  method_prec = as.integer(method_prec))

        if(method == "pREC_S") {
            ## Second call to C, to get results
            number.regionsS <- res$numregions
            total.arrays.S <- res$total_narrays
            if(number.regionsS > 0) {
                res <- .C("return_pREC_S",
                      regionsStart = as.integer(rep(-99, number.regionsS)),
                          regionsEnd = as.integer(rep(-99, number.regionsS)),
                          regionsNarrays = as.integer(rep(-99, number.regionsS)),
                          allArrays = as.integer(rep(-99, total.arrays.S)))
                ## Recall that C gives last elements first, because the head of
                ## of the linked list is the last region found. Thus,
                ## revert order, for easier visualization of results.
                res$regionsStart <- rev(res$regionsStart)
                res$regionsEnd <- rev(res$regionsEnd)
                res$regionsNarrays <- rev(res$regionsNarrays)
                res$allArrays <- rev(res$allArrays)
                res$regionsCumNarrays <- c(0, cumsum(res$regionsNarrays))
                res$numregions <- number.regionsS
                ## Some redundancy above, but leave for now.
                ## could change C code and return cumulative sum directly
                ## as already available from regS->sum_num_arrays.
                ## But messier with reverse order
            } else {
                res <- list()
                res$numregions <- 0
        ################ Build output objects   ############
        ### Common to all pREC: get Start and End
        if(!objNone) {
            if (!is.null(obj$Start)) {
                Start <- obj$Start[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
                End <- obj$End[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
            } else if (!is.null(obj$Pos.rel)) {
                Start <- obj$Pos.rel[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
                End <- obj$Pos.rel[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
            } else {
                Start <- obj$Pos[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
                End <- obj$Pos[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]

##         if(objChrom) {
##             if (!is.null(obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Start)) {
##                 Start <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Start
##                 End <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$End
##             } else if (!is.null(obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos.rel)) {
##                 Start <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos.rel
##                 End <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos.rel
##             } else {
##                 Start <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos
##                 End <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos
##             }
##         } else if(objGenome) {
##             if (!is.null(obj[[1]]$Start)) {
##                 Start <- obj[[1]]$Start[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
##                 End <- obj[[1]]$End[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
##             } else if (!is.null(obj[[1]]$Pos.rel)) {
##                 Start <- obj[[1]]$Pos.rel[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
##                 End <- obj[[1]]$Pos.rel[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
##             } else {
##                 Start <- obj[[1]]$Pos[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
##                 End <- obj[[1]]$Pos[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
##             }
##         }
        if(!objNone) {
            regionstmp <- createRegionsList(res, Start, End,
            if(!is.null(regionstmp)) {
                attr(regionstmp, "alteration") <- alteration
                attr(regionstmp, "Chrom") <- thisChromChar
                class(regionstmp) <- paste(method, ".chr", sep = "")
            tmpres[[thisChromChar]] <- regionstmp
    if(objNone) { ## outside the chromosome loop as this has no chrom.
        if (!is.null(obj$Start)) {
            Start <- obj$Start
            End <- obj$End
        } else if (!is.null(obj$Pos.rel)) {
            Start <- obj$Pos.rel
            End <- obj$Pos.rel
        } else {
            Start <- obj$Pos
            End <- obj$Pos
        regions <- createRegionsList(res, Start, End, obj$array.names)
        if(is.null(regions)) regions <- list()
        attr(regions, "alteration") <- alteration
        class(regions) <- c(paste(method, ".none", sep = ""), method)
    } else {
        regions <- tmpres
        class(regions) <- c(paste(method, ".Chromosomes", sep = ""),
        attr(regions, "alteration") <- alteration
    if(method == "pREC_S") {
        attr(regions, "p") <- p
        attr(regions, "freq.array") <- freq.array
    attr(regions, "array.names") <- array.names

################ Some auxiliary functions called only from pREC
getStretchedStateProbs <- function(obj) {
    ## for sequence probs.
    ## returns the state probs, from k = 1 to k = max.k,
    ## in row-major order.
                         function(x) as.vector(t(x$state.labels)))))

createRegionsList <- function(res, Start, End, array.names) {
### Creates the "regions" object, a list.
### Used by both pREC-S and pREC-A.
    if(res$numregions == 0)
    regions <- list()
    for(i in 1:res$numregions) {
        regions[[i]] <- list()
        regions[[i]]$start <- Start[res$regionsStart[i] + 1]
        regions[[i]]$end <- End[res$regionsEnd[i] + 1]
        regions[[i]]$indexStart <- res$regionsStart[i] + 1
        regions[[i]]$indexEnd <- res$regionsEnd[i] + 1
        regions[[i]]$genes <- (res$regionsEnd[i] - res$regionsStart[i]) + 1
        if(!is.null(res$regionsProb[i])) ##pREC-A
            regions[[i]]$prob <- res$regionsProb[i]
        if(!is.null(res$regionsNarrays[i])) { ## pREC-S
            ## rev for nicer output
            regions[[i]]$arrays <-
                rev(res$allArrays[(res$regionsCumNarrays[i] + 1):
                                  (res$regionsCumNarrays[i + 1])]) + 1
            regions[[i]]$members <- array.names[regions[[i]]$arrays]

f2tmp <- function(x, tempdir) {
    ## the name of tempfiles has "./" under Linux and ".\\" under Windoze.
    ## split, and paste.
    fnam <- paste("rjacgh_seq",
                  unlist(strsplit(x, "rjacgh_seq"))[2], sep = "")
    return(file.path(tempdir, fnam))

print.pREC_A.none <- function(x,...) {
    if(length(x) == 0) {
        res <- "No common regions found"
    } else {
        res <- sapply(x, function(y) c(y$start, y$end, y$genes, y$prob)
        res <- t(res)
        if (ncol(res)>0) {
            colnames(res) <-   c("Start", "End", "Probes",
                                 paste("Prob.", attr(x, "alteration")))
            res <- as.data.frame(res)
        else {
            res <- "No common regions found"

print.pREC_A <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod("print.pREC_A", ...)

print.pREC_A.Chromosomes <- function(x,...) {
    if(length(x) == 0) {
        res <- "No common regions found"
    } else {
        res <- NULL
            names(x) <- seq_along(x)
        for(i in unique(names(x))) {
            if(length(x[[i]]) > 0) {
                tmp <- sapply(x[[i]], function(z) {
                    c(i,  z$start, z$end, z$genes, z$prob)})
                res <- rbind(res, t(tmp))
        if(!is.null(res)) {
            colnames(res) <-   c("Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Probes",
                                 paste("Prob.", attr(x, "alteration")))
            res <- as.data.frame(res)

print.pREC_S <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod("print.pREC_S", ...)

print.pREC_S.none <- function(x,...) {
    cat("Common regions of", attr(x, 'alteration'), "of at least",
        attr(x, 'p'), "probability:\n")
    if(length(x) == 0) {
        res <- "No regions found"
    } else {
        res <- sapply(x, function(z)  {
            c(z$start, z$end, z$indexEnd - z$indexStart + 1,
              paste(z$members, collapse=";"))
        res <- t(res)
        if (!is.null(res)) {
            colnames(res) <-   c("Start", "End", "Probes",
            res <- as.data.frame(res)

print.pREC_S.Chromosomes <- function(x,...) {
    cat("Common regions of", attr(x, 'alteration'), "of at least",
        attr(x, 'p'), "probability:\n")
    if(length(x) == 0) {
        res <- "No regions found"
    } else {
        res <- NULL
        if (is.null(names(x)))
            names(x) <- 1:length(x)
        for(i in unique(names(x))) {
            if(length(x[[i]]) > 0) {
                tmp <- sapply(x[[i]], function(z)  {
                    c(i, z$start, z$end, z$indexEnd - z$indexStart + 1,
                      paste(z$members, collapse=";"))
                res <- rbind(res, t(tmp))
    if (!is.null(res)) {
        colnames(res) <-   c("Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Probes",
        res <- as.data.frame(res)

plot.pREC_S <- function(x, array.labels=NULL,
                        col=NULL, breaks=NULL,
                        dend=TRUE, method="single",
                        Chrom=NULL, ...) {
    #### Helper functions used only here
    f.create.grid <- function(x, array.names) {
        probes <- x$indexStart:x$indexEnd
        members <- factor(x$members, levels=array.names)
        probes.length <- (x$end - x$start + 1) / length(probes)
        expand.grid(members, members, probes, probes.length)
    f2 <- function(z, array.names) {
        tmp <- lapply(z,  function(x)
                      f.create.grid(x, array.names = array.names))
        tmp <- do.call("rbind", tmp)
        tmp <- unique(tmp)
        return(list(internal.inc.mat = table(tmp[ , -c(3,4)]),
                    internal.length.mat =
                    xtabs(Var4 ~ Var1 + Var2, data=tmp)))

    array.names <- attr(x, 'array.names')
    if (is.null(array.labels)) array.labels <- array.names
    k <- length(array.names)
    par(oma=c(2, 2, 4, 2))
    layout(matrix(c(1, 2), 1, 2), widths=c(1, 7))
    if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
        if(!inherits(x, "pREC_S.Chromosomes")) {
            stop("With this type of object it makes no sense to use the Chrom argument")
        ## Don't do this before, as array.names
        ## not available in x[[Chrom]]
        x <- x[[Chrom]]
        if(is.null(x)) {
            stop("No common regions with Chromosome ", Chrom)
        class(x) <- "pREC_S.none"

    ###  The only difference between objects with or without chromosomes:
    ###  this if
    if(inherits(x, "pREC_S.none")) {
        t1 <- f2(x, array.names)
        inc.mat <- t1$internal.inc.mat
        length.mat <- t1$internal.length.mat
    } else {
        inc.mat <- matrix(0, length(array.names), length(array.names))
        length.mat <- matrix(0, length(array.names), length(array.names))

        for(chr in names(x)) {
            if(length(x[[chr]]) > 0) {
                t1 <- f2(x[[chr]], array.names)
                inc.mat <- inc.mat + t1$internal.inc.mat
                length.mat <- length.mat + t1$internal.length.mat
    #####  The rest is all common
    length.mat[inc.mat > 0] <- length.mat[inc.mat > 0] /
        inc.mat[inc.mat > 0]
    diag(inc.mat) <- 0
    diag(length.mat) <- 0
    distances <- 1 - (inc.mat / matrix(max(inc.mat),
    obj.dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(distances),
    par(mai=c(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5))
    if (dend) {
        reordering <- order.dendrogram(obj.dend)
        inc.mat <- inc.mat[reordering, reordering]
        length.mat <- length.mat[reordering, reordering]
        plot(obj.dend, ylab="", main="", axes=FALSE,
             xlab="", horiz=TRUE, yaxs="i", leaflab="none")
    else {
        reordering <- 1:length(array.labels)
    if (is.null(col)) {
        ## default palette taken from redgreen from
        ## gplots, Gregory R. Warnes
        col <- c("#FF0000", "#DF0000", "#BF0000", "#800000", "#600000",
                 "#400000", "#200000", "#000000",  "#002000", "#004000",
                 "#006000", "#008000", "#00BF00", "#00DF00", "#00FF00")
        if (attr(x, "alteration") == "Gain") {
            col <- col[8:1]
        else {
            col <- col[8:15]
    if (is.null(breaks)) {
        breaks <- quantile(inc.mat[inc.mat>0],
                           p=seq(from=0, to=1,
                           length=length(col) - 1))
        breaks <- c(0, 0.1, breaks)
        breaks <- breaks - 0.05
        breaks[length(breaks)] <- breaks[length(breaks)] + 0.10
    image(x=1:k, y=1:k, z=inc.mat,
          axes=FALSE, col=col, breaks=breaks, xlab="", ylab="",...)
    axis(side=1, at=1:k, labels=array.labels[reordering], las=2,
    axis(side=2, at=1:k, labels=array.labels[reordering],
         las=2, tick=FALSE,...)
    if (stats) {
        for(i in 1:k) {
            text(rep(i, k), 1:k,
                 paste(inc.mat[,i], " (", round(length.mat[,i], 1), ")",
                       sep=""), col="white", ...)
    list(probes=inc.mat, length=length.mat)

getHostname.System <- function (static, ...) {
    ## From the function of the same name in package R.utils (v. 1.0.1)
    ## by Henrik Bengtsson
    host <- Sys.getenv(c("HOST", "HOSTNAME", "COMPUTERNAME"))
    host <- host[host != ""]
    if (length(host) == 0) {
        host <- Sys.info()["nodename"]
        host <- host[host != ""]
        if (length(host) == 0) {
            host <- readLines(pipe("/usr/bin/env uname -n"))

the.time.with.ms <- function() {
    uu <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())
    return(paste(uu$hour, uu$min,
                 paste(unlist(strsplit(as.character(uu$sec), "\\.")),
                       collapse = ""), sep = ""))

tempdir2 <- function() {
    direxists <- TRUE
    while(direxists) {
        p1 <-  paste(getHostname.System(), round(runif(1, 1, 9999)),
                     the.time.with.ms(), sep = "_")
        p1 <- paste(tempfile(pattern = "tmpdir_RJaCGH_",
                             tmpdir = "."),
                    p1, sep = "_")
        if(!file.exists(p1)) direxists <- FALSE

tempfile2 <- function(pattern = "rjacgh_seq", tmpdir = ".") {
    ## return complete path name to a temp file
    ## generates the root filename
    ## no file type accepted
    p00 <- tempfile00(pattern = pattern)
    filename <- tempfile(pattern = p00, tmpdir = tmpdir)

tempfile3 <- function(fname, tmpdir = ".", ftype = "RData") {
    ## return complete path name to a temp file
    ## root filename is parameter
    filename <- paste(
                      tempfile(pattern = fname, tmpdir = tmpdir),
                      ftype, sep = ".")

tempfile00 <- function(pattern = "rjacgh_seq") {
    ## generates "root" (no dir) of a temp file
    pattern1 <- paste(getHostname.System(), round(runif(1, 1, 9999)),
                      the.time.with.ms(), sep = "_")
    return(paste(pattern, pattern1, sep = "_"))

### Using save and load or saveRDS and readRDS are about equally
### fast and memory consuming. But the RDS files deal with an object
### directly, not the name of an object. Some experiments follow way down.

writeRO2 <- function(x, rootn, tmpdir, ftype = "RData") {
    fname <- tempfile3(tempfile00(rootn), ".", ftype = ftype)
    fnfull <- file.path(tmpdir, fname)
    saveRDS(x, file = fnfull, compress = FALSE)
    return(list(tmpdir = tmpdir, fname = fname))

readRO2 <- function(x) {
    fname <- file.path(x$tmpdir, x$fname)
    if(!file.exists(fname)) {
        stop(paste("Cannot acces file", fname,
                   ". Either you are in the wrond directory",
                   "or the file has been deleted (the later is ",
                   "a non-recoverable error)."))

### writeRO <- function(x, rootn, tmpdir) {
###     ## x has to be an object name
### ############################################
###   #########################################
###   ## tempfile2 has only 2 arguments
###     fn <- tempfile2(rootn, tmpdir, ftype = "RData")
###     save(x, file = fn, compress = FALSE)
###     ## zz: FIXME: broken! does not return filenames
### }

### readRO <- function(x) {
###     fname <- file.path(x$tmpdir, x$fname)
###     if(!file.exists(fname)) {
###         stop(paste("Cannot acces file", fname,
###                    ". Either you are in the wrond directory",
###                    "or the file has been deleted (the later is ",
###                    "a non-recoverable error)."))
###     }
###     return(get(load(fname)))
### }


######       chainsSelect stuff     ###############################

###  I stop work with that. The problem is how to, later, collapse
###  the Viterbi sequences.

### Guide to the new code:
### try to have a single select chains (chainsSelect.New)
### that iterates slightly differntly depending on model Chrom or genome
### two small new functs. are used

### gelman.rubin is also obsoleted (does not apply) and collapseChains too.

### note some comments on "multipleChains" function above for further work.

### chainsSelect.New <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL) {
###     if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
###        (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
###         stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
###     n <- length(obj) ## obj is a list
###     uChrom <- unique(obj[[1]]$Chrom)
###     array.names <- obj[[1]]$array.names
###     if (is.null(nutrim)) {
###         nutrim <- floor(n * trim)
###         trim <- NULL
###     }
###     LH <- selectChainsLimit(n, nutrim, trim)
###     newobj <- list()
###     for (j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
###         newobj[[j]] <- list()
###         for(arr in array.names) 
###             newobj[[j]][[arr]] <- list()
###     }
###     viterbi.tmp <- list()
###     for (arr in array.names) {
###         viterbi.tmp[[arr]] <- list()
###         if(model == "Chrom") {
###             for (chr in uChrom) {
###                 viterbi.tmp[[arr]][[chr]] <- list()
###                 cssl <-
###                     chainsToRetain(lapply(obj[1:n],
###                                           function(x) x[[arr]][[chr]]$k),
###                                    LH['Low'], LH['High'])
###                 for(j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
###                     newobj[[j]][[arr]][[chr]] <- obj[[ cssl[j] ]][[arr]][[chr]]
###                     viterbi.tmp[[arr]][[chr]][[j]] <-
###                         obj[[ cssl[j] ]][[arr]]$viterbi[[chr]]
###                 }
###             }
###             for(j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
###                 for(chr in uChrom) {
###                     newobj[[j]][[arr]]$viterbi[[chr]] <-
###                         viterbi.tmp[[arr]][[chr]][[j]]
###                 }
###             }
###         } else { ##model is Genome
###             cssl <- chainsToRetain(lapply(obj[1:n], function(x) x[[arr]]$k),
###                                    LH['Low'], LH['High'])
###             for(j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
###                 newobj[[j]][[arr]] <- obj[[ cssl[j] ]][[arr]]
###             }
###         }
###     }
### ###         obj.temp <- list()
### ### ###         for (j in 1:n) {
### ### ###             obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
### ### ###         }

### ###         obj.temp <- chainsSelect(obj.temp, nutrim = nutrim, trim = trim,
### ###                                  uChrom = uChrom)
### ###         for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### ###             newobj[[j]][[i]] <- obj.temp[[j]]
### ###             class(newobj[[j]]) <- class(obj[[j]])
### ###         }
### ###     }
###     for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
###         newobj[[j]]$array.names <- obj[[j]]$array.names
###         newobj[[j]]$Pos <- obj[[j]]$Pos
###         newobj[[j]]$Chrom <- obj[[j]]$Chrom
###         newobj[[j]]$Dist.for.model <- obj[[j]]$Dist.for.model
###         newobj[[j]]$call <- obj[[j]]$call
###         newobj[[j]]$temp.dir <- obj[[j]]$temp.dir
###         ##    attr(newobj[[j]], 'names') <- attr(obj[[j]], 'names')
###     }
###     class(newobj) <- class(obj)
###     newobj
### }

### selectChainsLimits <- function(n, nutrim, trim) {
###     if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
###        (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
###         stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")

###     if (is.null(nutrim)) {
###         nutrim <- round(trim * n)
###         if(nutrim >= n)
###             stop(paste("Specify a smaller trim: your trim ",
###                        trim, "leads to selecting no chains"))
###     }
###     else {
###         if(nutrim >= n)
###             stop("Number to trim must be smaller than number of chains")
###     }
###     lo <- floor(nutrim/2) + 1
###     hi <- n - (nutrim - lo + 1)
###     return(c(Low = lo, High = hi))
### }

### chainsToRetain <- function(obj, lo, hi) {
###     ##obj: a list; each entry is a the "k"
###     cat("\n chains to retain \n")
###     meank <- unlist(lapply(obj,function(x)
###                            mean(as.numeric(as.character(x)))))
###     keepInd <- order(meank)[lo:hi]
###     print(paste("keepInd ", paste(keepInd, collapse = " ")))
###     return(keepInd)
### }

### chainsSelect <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, ...) {
###   UseMethod("chainsSelect", obj[[1]])
### }

### chainsSelect.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, ...) {
###     cat("\ncs iRJ\n")

###     ## This uses too much memory: obj is passed by
###     ## copy, and we make yet another partial copy at the end
###     n <- length(obj)
###     if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
###        (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
###         stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")

###     if (is.null(nutrim)) {
###         nutrim <- round(trim * n)
###         if(nutrim >= n)
###             stop(paste("Specify a smaller trim: your trim ",
###                        trim, "leads to selecting no chains"))
###     }
###     else {
###         if(nutrim >= n)
###             stop("Number to trim must be smaller than number of chains")
###     }
###     lo <- floor(nutrim/2) + 1
###     hi <- n - (nutrim - lo + 1)
###     meank <- unlist(lapply(obj,function(x)
###                            mean(as.numeric(as.character(x$k)))))
###     keepInd <- order(meank)[lo:hi]
###     print(paste("keepInd ", paste(keepInd, collapse = " ")))
###     newobj <- list()
###     j <- 1
###     for(i in keepInd) {
###         newobj[[j]] <- obj[[i]]
###         j <- j + 1
###     }
###     class(newobj) <- class(obj)
###     newobj
### }

### chainsSelect.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, uChrom) {
###     cat("\ncs genome\n")
###     newobj <- chainsSelect.iRJaCGH(obj, nutrim = nutrim, trim = trim, uChrom)
###     class(newobj) <- class(obj)
###     newobj
### }

### chainsSelect.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, uChrom) {
###     cat("\ncs chrom\n")
###     if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
###        (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
###         stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
###     newobj <- list()
###     n <- length(obj)
###     if (is.null(nutrim)) {
###         nutrim <- floor(n * trim)
###         trim <- NULL
###     }
###     ## trim
###     for (i in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
###         newobj[[i]] <- list()
###     }
###     for (chr in uChrom) {
###         oldobj <- lapply(obj, function(x) x[[chr]])
###         tmpobj <- chainsSelect.iRJaCGH(oldobj, nutrim=nutrim, trim=trim)
###         for (i in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
###             newobj[[i]][[chr]] <- tmpobj[[i]]
###         }
###     }
###     for (i in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
###         newobj[[i]]$viterbi <- obj[[i]]$viterbi
###         ##      newobj[[i]]$Pos <- obj[[i]]$Pos
###         ##      newobj[[i]]$Pos.rel <- obj[[i]]$Pos.rel
###         ##      newobj[[i]]$Chrom <- obj[[i]]$Chrom
###         ## que hacia esto? zz: FIXME
###         ##     attr(newobj[[i]], 'names') <- attr(obj[[i]], 'names')
###         class(newobj[[i]]) <- "RJaCGH.Chrom"
###     }
###     newobj
### }

### chainsSelect.formerdefault <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL) {
###   if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
###      (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
###     stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
###   n <- length(obj) ## obj is a list
###   newobj <- list()
###   uChrom <- unique(obj[[1]]$Chrom)
###   array.names <- obj[[1]]$array.names
###   if (is.null(nutrim)) {
###     nutrim <- floor(n * trim)
###     trim <- NULL
###   }
###   for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
###     newobj[[j]] <- list()
###   }
###   for (i in array.names) {
###     obj.temp <- list()
###     for (j in 1:n) {
###       obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
###     }
###     obj.temp <- chainsSelect(obj.temp, nutrim = nutrim, trim = trim,
###                             uChrom = uChrom)
###     for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
###       newobj[[j]][[i]] <- obj.temp[[j]]
###       class(newobj[[j]]) <- class(obj[[j]])
###     }
###   }
###   for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
###     newobj[[j]]$array.names <- obj[[j]]$array.names
###     newobj[[j]]$Pos <- obj[[j]]$Pos
###     newobj[[j]]$Chrom <- obj[[j]]$Chrom
###     newobj[[j]]$Dist.for.model <- obj[[j]]$Dist.for.model
###     newobj[[j]]$call <- obj[[j]]$call
###     newobj[[j]]$temp.dir <- obj[[j]]$temp.dir
### ##    attr(newobj[[j]], 'names') <- attr(obj[[j]], 'names')
###   }
###   class(newobj) <- class(obj)
###   newobj
### }

### ## very wasteful in terms of storage to use a list of RJaCGH obj.
### ## and slow access
### ## Now a bit less, but still
### ## try also to support futhre parallelization

### multipleChains <- function(...) {
###     ## "standard" RJaCGH
###     ## the rest as lists, with only unique stuff.
###     ## change how RJaCGH runs

###     ## New structure ought to ease:
###     ##  a) collapseChain
###     ##  b) chainsSelect [change to selectChain]
###     ##  c) gelman.rubin plot
###     ## Common:
###     ## "array.names"    "Pos"            "Chrom"         
###     ## "Dist.for.model" "call"           "temp.dir"      

###     ## other things not to keep: Y.
###     ## BEWARE: temp.dir!!!
### }

### collapseChain <- function(obj) {
###   UseMethod("collapseChain", obj[[1]])
### }

### collapseChain.iRJaCGH <- function(obj) {
###   normal.reference <- attr(obj, "normal.reference")
###   window <- attr(obj, "window")
###   singleState <- attr(obj, "singleState")
###   newobj <- list()
###   class(newobj) <- "RJaCGH"
###   newobj$y <- NULL
###   newobj$x <- NULL
###   newobj$Pos <- NULL
###   newobj$prob.b <- NULL
###   newobj$prob.d <- NULL
###   newobj$prob.s <- NULL
###   newobj$prob.c <- NULL
###   newobj$k <- NULL
###   C <- length(obj)
###   k <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj[[1]]$k))))
###   for (i in 1:k) {
###     newobj$fit.k[[i]] <- list()
###     newobj$fit.k[[i]]$stat <- NULL
###     newobj$fit.k[[i]]$mu <- NULL
###     newobj$fit.k[[i]]$sigma.2 <- NULL
###     newobj$fit.k[[i]]$beta <- NULL
###     newobj$fit.k[[i]]$loglik <- NULL
###     newobj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- matrix(0, nrow=length(obj[[1]]$y),
###   ncol=i)
### ###     newobj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- NULL
###   }
###   newobj$prob.b <- c(0, 0)
###   newobj$prob.d <- c(0, 0)
###   newobj$prob.s <- 0
###   newobj$prob.c <- 0
###   for (i in 1:C) {
###     newobj$k <- c(newobj$k, obj[[i]]$k)
###     newobj$prob.b <- newobj$prob.b + obj[[i]]$prob.b
###     newobj$prob.d <- newobj$prob.d + obj[[i]]$prob.d
###     newobj$prob.s <- newobj$prob.s + obj[[i]]$prob.s
###     newobj$prob.c <- newobj$prob.c + obj[[i]]$prob.c
###     newobj$y <- obj[[i]]$y
###     newobj$x <- obj[[i]]$x
###     newobj$Pos <- obj[[i]]$Pos
###     newobj$Pos.rel <- obj[[i]]$Pos.rel
###     for (j in 1:k) {
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$stat <- obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$stat
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu <- rbind(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu, obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$mu)
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2 <- rbind(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2, obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$sigma.2)
###       ## FIXME: do not grow things this way!!!
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta <- c(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta, obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$beta)
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$loglik <- c(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$loglik,
###                               obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$loglik)

###       if (!is.null(obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$prob.states)) {
###         newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states + 
###           obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$prob.states * nrow(obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$mu)
###       }
###       else {
###         newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states
###       }
###     }
###   }
###   for (j in 1:k) {
###     newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta <- array(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta,
###                               c(j, j, length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta)/(j*j)))
###     newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.mu <- length(unique(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu[,1])) /
###       length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu[,1])
###     newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.sigma.2 <- length(unique(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2[,1])) /
###       length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2[,1])
###     if (j >1) {
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.beta <- length(unique(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta[1,2,])) /
###         length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta[1,2,])
###     }
###     else newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.beta <- NULL
###     if(nrow(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu)) {
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states /
###         nrow(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu)
###     }
###     else {
###       newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- NULL
###     }
###   }
###   newobj$k <- factor(newobj$k, levels=1:k)
###   ## Recompute state labels
###   sllist <- relabel.core(obj = newobj,
###                          normal.reference = normal.reference,
###                          window = window,
###                          singleState = singleState)
###   k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(newobj$k)))
###   for(i in (1:k.max))
###       newobj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- sllist[[i]]
###   attr(newobj, "normal.reference") <- normal.reference
###   attr(newobj, "window") <- window
###   attr(newobj, "singleState") <- singleState

###   newobj
### }

### collapseChain.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj) {
###   newobj <- collapseChain.RJaCGH(obj)
###   newobj$model <- obj[[1]]$model
###   newobj$Chrom <- obj[[1]]$Chrom
###   class(newobj) <- class(obj[[1]]) ## zz: fixme: will this work?
###   newobj
### }

### collapseChain.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj) {
###   C <- length(obj)
###   newobj <- list()
###   for (i in unique(obj[[1]]$Chrom)) {
###     obj.temp <- list()
###     for (j in 1:C) {
###       obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
###     }
###     newobj[[i]] <- collapseChain(obj.temp)
###   }
###   newobj$model <- obj[[1]]$model
###   newobj$Chrom <- obj[[1]]$Chrom
###   newobj$Pos <- obj[[1]]$Pos
###   newobj$Pos.rel <- obj[[1]]$Pos.rel
###   class(newobj) <- "RJaCGH.Chrom"
###   newobj
### }

### collapseChain.RJaCGH <- function(obj) {
###   C <- length(obj)
###   newobj <- list()
###   newobj$array.names <- obj[[1]]$array.names
###   for (i in newobj$array.names) {
###     newobj[[i]] <- list()
###     obj.temp <- list()
###     for (j in 1:C) {
###       obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
###     }
###     newobj[[i]] <- collapseChain(obj.temp)
###   }
###   class(newobj) <- "RJaCGH"
###   newobj
### }

### ##Gelman, A. and Rubin, D.
### ##Inference from Iterative simulation using multiple sequences
### ##Statistical Science 7, 457--511

### gelman.rubin.plot <- function(obj, bin=1000, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
###   obj.R <- list()
###   if (class(obj[[1]])=="RJaCGH.array" && is.null(array)) {
###     stop("Must specify array\n")
###   }
###   if (class(obj[[1]])=="RJaCGH.Chrom" && is.null(Chrom)) {
###     stop("Must specify chromosome\n")
###   }
###   for (i in 1:length(obj)) {
###     if (!is.null(array)) obj[[i]] <- obj[[i]][[array]]
###     if (!is.null(Chrom)) obj[[i]] <- obj[[i]][[Chrom]]
###   }
###   par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(1,1,3,1))

###   C <- length(obj)
###   ## Graph of number of states
###   T <- min(unlist(lapply(obj, function(x) length(x$k))))
###   t <- floor(T / bin)
###   R <- rep(0, t+1)
###   for (i in 1:(t+1)) {

###     chain.mean <- rep(0, C)
###     chain.var <- rep(0, C)
###     for(j in 1:C) {
###       if (i>t) batch <- obj[[j]]$k
###       else batch <- obj[[j]]$k[1:(bin*i)]
###       chain.mean[j] <- mean(as.numeric(as.character(batch)))
###       chain.var[j] <- var(as.numeric(as.character(batch)))    
###     }
###     n <- length(batch)
###     B.k <- sum(((chain.mean-mean(chain.mean))^2) * (n)/(C-1))
###     W.k <- mean(chain.var)
###     R[i] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W.k + B.k/n) / W.k)
###   }
###   obj.R$k <- R[length(R)]
###   plot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
###        ylim=c(0.8, 1.2), main="Parameter: k", xlab="Batch size")
###   abline(h=1, lty=2)
###   abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)

###   ## Choose k, the max of all chains (changed 07/07/08)
###   if (is.null(k)) {
###     k <- apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(obj, function(x) summary(x$k))), 2, sum)
###     k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(k)))
###   }
###   for (i in 1:C)   obj[[i]] <- obj[[i]][[k]]
###   T <- min(unlist(lapply(obj, function(x) nrow(x$mu))))
###    if (T==0)
###      stop ("MCMC not converged.\n Gelman-Brooks values can't be computed and graph will not be drawn")
###   ## no two chains ever visited the same state
###   t <- floor(T / bin)

###   ## Graph of mu  
###   R <- matrix(0, t+1, k)
###   for (i in 1:(t+1)) {
###     chain.mean <- matrix(0, C, k)
###     chain.var <- matrix(0, C, k)
###     ## Number of observations in every chain
###     TOT <- rep(0, C)
###     for (j in 1:C) {
###       if (i>t) batch <- obj[[j]]$mu
###       else batch <- obj[[j]]$mu[1:(bin*i), ]
###       batch <- matrix(batch, ncol=k)
###       TOT[j] <- nrow(batch)
###       chain.mean[j,] <- colMeans(batch)
###       chain.var[j,] <- apply(batch, 2, var)
###     }

###     mean.chain.mean <- matrix(colMeans(chain.mean), C, k, byrow=TRUE)
###     B <- ((chain.mean - mean.chain.mean)^2) * matrix(TOT/(C-1), C, k)
###     B <- colSums(B)
###     W <- colMeans(chain.var)
###     n <- mean(TOT)
###     R[i,] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W + B/n) / W)
###   }
###   matplot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
###           ylim=c(0.8, 1.2), main="Parameter: mean", xlab="Batch size")
###   abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)
###   abline(h=1, lty=2)
###   obj.R$mu <- R[nrow(R),]
###   ## Graph of sigma2
###   R <- matrix(0, t+1, k)
###   for (i in 1:(t+1)) {
###     chain.mean <- matrix(0, C, k)
###     chain.var <- matrix(0, C, k)
###     ## Number of observations in every chain
###     TOT <- rep(0, C)
###     for (j in 1:C) {
###       if (i>t) batch <- obj[[j]]$sigma.2
###       else batch <- obj[[j]]$sigma.2[1:(bin*i), ]
###       batch <- matrix(batch, ncol=k)
###       TOT[j] <- nrow(batch)
###       chain.mean[j,] <- colMeans(batch)
###       chain.var[j,] <- apply(batch, 2, var)
###     }
###     mean.chain.mean <- matrix(apply(chain.mean, 2, mean), C, k, byrow=TRUE)
###     B <- ((chain.mean - mean.chain.mean)^2) * matrix(TOT/(C-1), C, k)
###     B <- colSums(B)
###     W <- colMeans(chain.var)
###     n <- mean(TOT)
###     R[i,] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W + B/n) / W)

###   }
###   matplot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
###           ylim=c(0.8, 1.2),main="Parameter: sigma.2", xlab="Batch size")
###   abline(h=1, lty=2)
###   abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)
###   obj.R$sigma.2 <- R[nrow(R),]
###   ## Graph of beta
###   if (k >1) {
###     R <- matrix(0, t+1, k*(k-1))  
###     for (i in 1:(t+1)) {
###       chain.mean <- matrix(0, C, k*(k-1))
###       chain.var <- matrix(0, C, k*(k-1))

###       ## Number of observations in every chain
###       TOT <- rep(0, C)
###       for (j in 1:C) {
###         batch <-NULL
###         if (i>t) {
###           for (r in 1:k) {
###             for (c in 1:k) {
###               if (r!=c) batch <- cbind(batch,log(obj[[j]]$beta[r,c,]))
###             }
###           }
###         }
###         else {
###           for (r in 1:k) {
###             for (c in 1:k) {
###               if (r!=c) batch <- cbind(batch,log(obj[[j]]$beta[r, c, 1:(bin*i)]))
###             }
###           }
###         }
###         TOT[j] <- nrow(batch)
###         chain.mean[j,] <- colMeans(batch)
###         chain.var[j,] <- apply(batch, 2, var)
###       }
###       mean.chain.mean <- matrix(apply(chain.mean, 2, mean), C, k*(k-1), byrow=TRUE)
###       B <- ((chain.mean - mean.chain.mean)^2) * matrix(TOT/(C-1), C, k*(k-1))
###       B <- colSums(B)
###       W <- colMeans(chain.var)
###       n <- mean(TOT)
###       R[i,] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W + B/n) / W)
###     }
###     matplot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
###             ylim=c(0.8, 1.2), main="Parameter: beta", xlab="Batch size")
###     abline(h=1, lty=2)
###     abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)
###   }
###   obj.R$beta <- R[nrow(R),]
###   mtext("Gelman-Rubin diagnostic plots", outer=TRUE)
###   obj.R
### }

## Examples for chainsSelect
###### A test of chainsSelect

## one array

## y <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
##        rnorm(100,0, 1)) 
## Pos <- runif(230)
## Pos <- cumsum(Pos)
## Chrom <- rep(1:23, rep(10, 23))

## jp <- list(sigma.tau.mu=rep(0.5, 4), sigma.tau.sigma.2=rep(0.3, 4),
##            sigma.tau.beta=rep(0.7, 4), tau.split.mu=0.5, tau.split.beta=0.5)

## fit.genome <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
##     fit.genome[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="genome",
##                               burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }

## fit.chrom <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
##     fit.chrom[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="Chrom",
##                               burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }

## ## many arrays

## y1 <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
##        rnorm(100,0, 1)) 
## y2 <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
##        rnorm(100,0, 1)) 
## y3 <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
##         rnorm(100,0, 1)) 
## Y <- cbind(y1, y2, y3)

## fit.genome.arrays <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
##     fit.genome.arrays[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=Y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="genome",
##                               burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }

## fit.chrom.arrays <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
##     fit.chrom.arrays[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=Y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="Chrom",
##                               burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }

## #####

## o1 <- chainsSelect(fit.chrom.arrays)
## o2 <- chainsSelect(fit.genome.arrays)
## o3 <- chainsSelect(fit.chrom)
## o4 <- chainsSelect(fit.genome)


## Not correct (does not take into account mixing proportions)

## RJaCGHDensity <- function(obj, k=NULL,...) {
##   UseMethod("RJaCGHDensity")
## }

## RJaCGHDensity.RJaCGH <- function(obj, k=NULL,...) {
##   hist(obj$y, probability=TRUE,...)
##   if (is.null(k)) {
##     k <- which.max(summary(obj$k))
##   }
##   obj.sum <- summary(obj, k=k, quantiles=0.5)
##   x <- seq(from=min(obj$y), to=max(obj$y), length=1000)
##   y <- matrix(0, 1000, k)
##   for (i in 1:k) {
##     y[,i] <- 
##       dnorm(x, obj.sum$mu[i], sqrt(obj.sum$sigma.2[i]))
##   }
##   y <- apply(y, 1, mean)
##   lines(x, y, col=2)
## }


######### Old code, no longer used

### getSequence <- function(obj, filename, alteration) {

###   K <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj$k))))
###   probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
###   for (k in 1:K) {
###     if(probs[k] > 0) {
###       inds <- grep(paste("[", substr(alteration, 1, 1), "]"),
###                    obj[[k]]$state.labels)
###       if (length(inds) > 0) {
###         ## Viterbi of all iterations
###         N <- nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)
###         if (inherits(obj, "RJaCGH.genome")) {
###           index <- c(which(!duplicated(obj$Chrom)) - 1, length(obj$y))
###           genome <- length(index) -1
###         }
###         else {
###           index <- c(0, length(obj$y))
###           genome <- 1
###         }
###         obj$x[is.na(obj$x)] <- -1
###         res <- .C("wholeViterbi", y=as.double(obj$y), x=as.double(obj$x),
###                   genome=as.integer(genome),
###                   index=as.integer(index), k=as.integer(k),
###                   n=as.integer(length(obj$y)), N=as.integer(N), 
###                   mu=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$mu)), sigma.2=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$sigma.2)),
###                   beta=as.double(obj[[k]]$beta),
###                   stat=as.double(obj[[k]]$stat),
###                   filename=as.character(paste(filename, k, sep=""))
###                   )
###       }
###     }
###   }
### }

### ## Example for viterbi
### viterbi.C <- function(y, x=NULL, Chrom=NULL, mu, sigma.2, beta, stat=NULL) {

###   if (!is.null(Chrom)) {
###     index <- diff(Chrom)
###     index <- which(index>0)
###     index <- c(0, index, length(y))
###     genome <- length(index) - 1
###   }
###   else {
###     genome <- 1
###     index <- c(0, length(y))
###   }
###   if (is.null(x)) x <- rep(0, length(y)-1)
###   k <- length(mu)
###   n <- length(y)
###   if (is.null(stat)) stat <- rep(1/k, k)
###   states <- .C("viterbi", y=as.double(y), x=as.double(x),
###                genome=as.integer(genome),
###                index = as.integer(index), k =as.integer(k),
###                n=as.integer(n), mu=as.double(mu),
###                sigma2=as.double(sigma.2), beta=as.double(beta),
###                stat=as.double(stat), states=as.integer(rep(0, n)))
###   states <- states$states
###   states
### }

### ## Maybe we could avoid passing obj
### prob.seq <- function(obj, from, to, filename, alteration="Gain") {

###   if (from > to)
###     stop("'from' must be an integer < than 'to'\n")
###   if (alteration!="Gain" && alteration!="Loss")
###     stop("'alteration' must be either 'Loss' or 'Gain'\n")
###   K <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj$k))))
###   n <- length(obj$y)
###   probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
###   prob.seq <- rep(0, K)
###   for (k in 1:K) {
###     if(probs[k] > 0) {
###       inds <- grep(paste("[", substr(alteration, 1, 1), "]"),
###                    colnames(obj[[k]]$state.labels))
###       if (length(inds) > 0) {
###         seq.iter <- readLines(paste(filename, k, sep=""))
###         seq.iter <- strsplit(seq.iter, "\t")
###         for (i in 1:length(seq.iter)) {
###           seq.iter[[i]] <- as.numeric(seq.iter[[i]])
###           breakpoints <- seq.iter[[i]][seq(from=2, by=2,
###                                            length=length(seq.iter[[i]])/2-1)]
###           breakstates <- seq.iter[[i]][seq(from=1, by=2,
###                                            length=length(seq.iter[[i]])/2-1)]

###           breaks <- c(which.max(from <= breakpoints),
###                       which.max(to <=breakpoints))
### ##           if(is.na(breaks[1]) | is.na(breaks[2])) browser()
###           break.states <- breakstates[breaks[1]:breaks[2]]

###           if (sum(break.states %in% inds)==length(break.states)) {
###             prob.seq[k] <- prob.seq[k] + seq.iter[[i]][length(seq.iter[[i]])]
###           }
###         }

###         prob.seq[k] <- prob.seq[k] / nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)
###       }
###     }
###   }
###   prob.seq <- as.numeric(prob.seq %*% probs)
###   prob.seq
### }  

### getEdges <- function(obj) {
###   K <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj$k))))
###   probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
###   res.tot <- rep(0, length(obj$y))
###   N.tot <- 0
###   for (k in 1:K) {
###       if(probs[k] > 0) {
###           ##       inds <- grep(paste("[", substr(alteration, 1, 1), "]"),
###           ##                    obj[[k]]$state.labels)
###           ##       if (length(inds) > 0) {
###           ## Viterbi of all iterations
###           N <- nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)
###           if (inherits(obj, "RJaCGH.genome")) {
###               index <- diff(obj$Chrom)
###               index <- which(index>0)
###               index <- c(0, index, length(obj$y))
###               genome <- length(index) -1
###           }
###           else {
###               index <- c(0, length(obj$y))
###               genome <- 1
###           }
###           obj$x[is.na(obj$x)] <- -1
###           res <- .C("edges", y=as.double(obj$y), x=as.double(obj$x),
###                     genome=as.integer(genome),
###                     index=as.integer(index), k=as.integer(k),
###                     n=as.integer(length(obj$y)), N=as.integer(N), 
###                     mu=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$mu)),
###                     sigma.2=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$sigma.2)),
###                     beta=as.double(obj[[k]]$beta),
###                     stat=as.double(obj[[k]]$stat),
###                     count_edge = as.integer(rep(0,length(obj$y)))
###                   )
###           res.tot <- res.tot + res$count_edge
###           N.tot <- N.tot + N
###           }
###   }
###   tmp <- res.tot/N.tot
###   if(any(tmp > 1)) stop("a count larger than 1 !!!!")
###   return(tmp)
### }

### readRO1 <- function(x) {
###     fname <- file.path(x$tmpdir, x$fname)
###     if(!file.exists(fname)) {
###         stop(paste("Cannot acces file", fname,
###                    ". Either you are in the wrond directory",
###                    "or the file has been deleted (the later is ",
###                    "a non-recoverable error)."))
###     }
###     nameobj <- load(fname)
###     tmp <- get(nameobj)
###     rm(nameobj)
###     return(tmp)
### }

### O <- list()
### O$tmpdir <- "t1"
### O$fname <- "sx3.RData"
### unix.time(cucu <- readRO(O)) ##47.65
### > gc()
###             used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb)  max used  (Mb)
### Ncells    134675   7.2     350000  18.7    350000  18.7
### Vcells 100141052 764.1  110743003 845.0 100142729 764.1

### O <- list()
### O$tmpdir <- "t1"
### O$fname <- "sx3.RData"
### unix.time(cucu <- readRO1(O)) ##45.234
### > gc()
###             used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb)  max used  (Mb)
### Ncells    134776   7.2     350000  18.7    350000  18.7
### Vcells 100141064 764.1  110743003 845.0 100143380 764.1

### ## time and object size and memory of both read and write

### writeRO <- function(x, rootn, tmpdir) {
###     fn <- tempfile2(rootn, tmpdir, ftype = "RData")
###     .saveRDS(x, file = fn, compress = FALSE)
### }

### ### difference betwen .saveRDS and serialize
### ### zz <- matrix(rnorm(10000 * 1000), ncol = 1000)

### ### rm(ff)
### ### rm(fn)
### ### system("rm sx9.RData")
### ### ff <- "sx9.RData"
### ### unix.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff, compress = FALSE)) # 1, 1, 1

### ### rm(ff)
### ### rm(fn)
### ### system("rm sx9.RData")
### ### ff <- "sx9.RData"
### ### unix.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff)) ## 8, 8, 8

### ### rm(ff)
### ### rm(fn)
### ### system("rm sx9.RData")
### ### ff <- "sx9.RData"
### ### fn <- file(ff, "wb")  ## it has to be binary; ow. toooooo slow
### ### unix.time(serialize(zz, fn)) ## ~ 8
### ### close(fn)

### ### .saveRDS(zz, "t1/sx10.RData", compress = FALSE)
### ### save(file= "t1/sx11.RData", zz, compress = FALSE)

### ### O1 <- list()
### ### O1$tmpdir <- "t1"
### ### O1$fname <- "sx11.RData"
### ### O2 <- list()
### ### O2$tmpdir <- "t1"
### ### O2$fname <- "sx10.RData"

### ### unix.time(cucuA <- readRO2(O1)) ## 1.345
### ### gc()
### ###            used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
### ### Ncells   134848  7.3     350000 18.7   350000 18.7
### ### Vcells 10141116 77.4   11518085 87.9 10142793 77.4

### ### unix.time(cucuB <- readRO(O2)) ## 1.346
### ### gc()
### ### > gc()
### ###            used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used  (Mb)
### ### Ncells   134857   7.3     350000  18.7   350000  18.7
### ### Vcells 20141118 153.7   22543147 172.0 20141568 153.7

### ### ## bail out and repeat

### ### unix.time(cucuB <- readRO(O2)) ## 1.346
### ### gc()

### ### unix.time(cucuA <- readRO2(O1)) ## 1.345
### ### gc()

### ### unix.time(save(file= "t1/sx11A.RData", cucuA, compress = FALSE))
### ### unix.time(save(file= "t1/sx11B.RData", cucuA, compress = TRUE))

## ## iassign.comp <- function(name, obj = obj, res = res) {
## ##     eval(substitute(obj$var <- res$var,
## ##                     list(var = name, obj = obj, res = res)))
## ## }

## assign.components <- function(obj, res) {
##     obj$normal.reference <- normal.reference
##     obj$window <- window
##     obj$singleState <- singleState
##     obj$prob.s <- res$prob.s
##     return(obj)
## }

## assign.components <- function(obj, res) {
##     obj$prob.s <- res$prob.s
##     return(obj)
## }

## ### ### difference betwen .saveRDS and serialize
## nr <- nc <- 3000
## zz <- matrix(rnorm(nr * nc), ncol = nc)

## rm(zzz)
## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## unix.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff, compress = FALSE)) # 1, 1, 1
## unix.time(zzz <- .readRDS(ff)) # 1, 1, 1

## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## system.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff)) ## 8, 8, 8

## rm(zzz)
## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## fn <- file(ff, "wb")
## system.time(serialize(zz, fn)) ##33, 33, 33
## close(fn)

## fn <- file(ff, "rb")
## system.time(zzz <- unserialize(fn))
## close(fn)

## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## fn <- file(ff, "w")
## system.time(serialize(zz, fn)) ##33, 33, 33
## close(fn)

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RJaCGH documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:34 p.m.