
Defines functions plot.SimSolve summary.SimSolve SimSolve

Documented in plot.SimSolve SimSolve summary.SimSolve

#' One Dimensional Root (Zero) Finding in Simulation Experiments
#' This function provides a stochastic root-finding approach to solving
#' specific quantities in simulation experiments (e.g., solving for a specific
#' sample size to meet a target power rate) using the
#' Probablistic Bisection Algorithm with Bolstering and Interpolations
#' (ProBABLI; Chalmers, in review). The structure follows the
#' steps outlined in \code{\link{runSimulation}}, however portions of
#' the \code{design} input are taken as variables to be estimated rather than
#' fixed, and the constant \code{b} is required in order to
#' solve the root equation \code{f(x) - b = 0}.
#' Root finding is performed using a progressively bolstered version of the
#' probabilistic bisection algorithm (\code{\link{PBA}}) to find the
#' associated root given the noisy simulation
#' objective function evaluations. Information is collected throughout
#' the search to make more accurate predictions about the
#' associated root via interpolation. If interpolations fail, then the last
#' iteration of the PBA search is returned as the best guess.
#' @param design a \code{tibble} or \code{data.frame} object containing
#'   the Monte Carlo simulation conditions to be studied, where each row
#'   represents a unique condition and each column a factor  to be varied
#'   (see also \code{\link{createDesign}}). However, exactly one column of this
#'   object must be specified with \code{NA} placeholders to indicate
#'   that the missing value should be solved via the stochastic optimizer
#' @param b a single constant used to solve the root equation \code{f(x) - b = 0}
#' @param replications a named list or vector indicating the number of replication to
#'   use for each design condition per PBA iteration. By default the input is a
#'   \code{list} with the arguments \code{burnin.iter = 15L}, specifying the number
#'   of burn-in iterations to used, \code{burnin.reps = 100L} to indicate how many
#'   replications to use in each burn-in iteration, \code{max.reps = 500L} to
#'   prevent the replications from increasing higher than this number,
#'   \code{min.total.reps = 9000L} to avoid termination when very few replications
#'   have been explored (lower bound of the replication budget),
#'   and \code{increase.by = 10L} to indicate how many replications to increase
#'   after the burn-in stage. Unless otherwise specified these defaults will
#'   be used, but can be overwritten by explicit definition (e.g.,
#'   \code{replications = list(increase.by = 25L)})
#'   Vector inputs can specify the exact replications
#'   for each iterations. As a general rule, early iterations
#'   should be relatively low for initial searches to avoid unnecessary computations
#'   for locating the approximate root, though the number of replications should
#'   gradually increase to reduce the sampling variability as the PBA approaches
#'   the root.
#' @param method optimizer method to use. Default is the stochastic root-finder
#'   \code{'ProBABLI'}, but can also be the deterministic options \code{'Brent'}
#'   (which uses the function \code{\link{uniroot}}) or \code{'bisection'}
#'   (for the classical bisection method). If using deterministic root-finders then
#'   \code{replications} must either equal a single constant to reflect
#'   the number of replication to use per deterministic iteration or be a
#'   vector of length \code{maxiter} to indicate the replications to use per
#'   iteration
#' @param generate generate function. See \code{\link{runSimulation}}
#' @param analyse analysis function. See \code{\link{runSimulation}}
#' @param summarise summary function that returns a single number corresponding
#'   to a function evaluation \code{f(x)} in the equation
#'   \code{f(x) = b} to be solved as a root \code{f(x) - b = 0}.
#'   Unlike in the standard \code{runSimulation()} definitions this input
#'   is required. For further information on this function specification,
#'   see \code{\link{runSimulation}}
#' @param interval a vector of length two, or matrix with \code{nrow(design)}
#'   and two columns, containing the end-points of the interval to be searched.
#'   If a vector then the interval will be used for all rows in the supplied
#'   \code{design} object
#' @param integer logical; should the values of the root be considered integer
#'   or numeric? If \code{TRUE} then bolstered directional decisions will be
#'   made in the \code{pba} function based on the collected sampling history
#'   throughout the search
#' @param save logical; store temporary file in case of crashes. If detected
#'   in the working directory will automatically be loaded to resume (see
#'   \code{\link{runSimulation}} for similar behaviour)
#' @param resume logical; if a temporary \code{SimDesign} file is detected should
#'   the simulation resume from this location? Keeping this \code{TRUE} is generally
#'   recommended, however this should be disabled
#'   if using \code{SimSolve} within \code{\link{runSimulation}} to avoid
#'   reading improper save states
#' @param verbose logical; print information to the console?
#' @param check.interval logical; should an initial check be made to determine
#'    whether \code{f(interval[1L])} and \code{f(interval[2L])} have opposite
#'    signs? If \code{FALSE}, the specified \code{interval} is assumed to contain a root,
#'    where \code{f(interval[1]) < 0} and \code{f(interval[2] > 0}. Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param predCI advertised confidence interval probability for final
#'   model-based prediction of target \code{b} given the root input estimate.
#'   Returned as an element in the \code{summary()} list output
#' @param control a \code{list} of the algorithm control parameters. If not specified,
#'   the defaults described below are used.
#' @param wait.time (optional) argument passed to \code{\link{PBA}} to indicate
#'   the time to wait (specified in minutes) per row in the \code{Design} object
#'   rather than using pre-determined termination criteria based on the estimates.
#'   For example, if three three conditions were defined in
#'   \code{Design}, and \code{wait.time=5},
#'   then the total search time till terminate after 15 minutes regardless of
#'   independently specified termination criteria in \code{control}. Note that
#'   \code{maxiter} is still used alongside \code{wait.time}, therefore this should
#'   be increased as well (e.g., to \code{maxiter = 1000})
#' \describe{
#'    \item{\code{tol}}{tolerance criteria for early termination (.1 for
#'      \code{integer = TRUE} searches; .00025 for non-integer searches}
#'    \item{\code{rel.tol}}{relative tolerance criteria for early termination (default .0001)}
#'    \item{\code{k.success}}{number of consecutive tolerance success given \code{rel.tol} and
#'      \code{tol} criteria. Consecutive failures add -1 to the counter (default is 3)}
#'    \item{\code{bolster}}{logical; should the PBA evaluations use bolstering based on previous
#'      evaluations? Default is \code{TRUE}, though only applicable when \code{integer = TRUE} }
#'    \item{\code{interpolate.R}}{number of replications to collect prior to performing
#'      the interpolation step (default is 3000 after accounting for data exclusion
#'      from \code{burnin.iter}). Setting this to 0 will disable any
#'      interpolation computations}
#'    \item{\code{include_reps}}{logical; include a column in the \code{condition}
#'      elements to indicate how many replications are currently being evaluated? Mainly
#'      useful when further precision tuning within each ProBABLI iteration is
#'      desirable (e.g., for bootstrapping). Default is \code{FALSE}}
#'    \item{\code{summarise.reg_data}}{logical; should the aggregate results from \code{Summarise}
#'      (along with its associated weights) be used for the interpolation steps, or the
#'      raw data from the \code{Analyse} step? Set this to \code{TRUE} when the individual
#'      results from \code{Analyse} give less meaningful information}
#'    }
# @param interpolate.burnin integer indicating the number of initial iterations
#      to discard from the interpolation computations. This is included to further
#      remove the effect of early estimates that are far away from the solution
#' @param maxiter the maximum number of iterations (default 100)
#' @param parallel for parallel computing for slower simulation experiments
#'   (see \code{\link{runSimulation}} for details)
#' @param cl see \code{\link{runSimulation}}
#' @param ncores see \code{\link{runSimulation}}
#' @param type type of cluster object to define. If \code{type} used in \code{plot}
#'   then can be \code{'density'} to plot the density of the iteration history
#'   after the burn-in stage, \code{'iterations'} for a bubble plot with inverse
#'   replication weights. If not specified then the default PBA
#'   plots are provided (see \code{\link{PBA}})
#' @param formula regression formula to use when \code{interpolate = TRUE}. Default
#'   fits an orthogonal polynomial of degree 2
#' @param family \code{family} argument passed to \code{\link{glm}}. By default
#'   the \code{'binomial'} family is used, as this function defaults to power
#'   analysis setups where isolated results passed to \code{summarise} will
#'   return 0/1s, however other families should be used had \code{summarise}
#'   returned something else (e.g., if solving for a particular standard error
#'   then a \code{'gaussian'} family would be more appropriate).
#'   Note that if individual  results from the \code{analyse} steps should
#'   not be used (i.e., only the aggregate from \code{summarise} is meaningful)
#'   then set \code{control = list(summarise.reg_data = TRUE)} to override the default
#'   behaviour, thereby using only the aggregate information and weights
#' @param ... additional arguments to be pasted to \code{\link{PBA}}
#' @return the filled-in \code{design} object containing the associated lower and upper interval
#'   estimates from the stochastic optimization
#' @seealso \code{\link{SFA}}
#' @export
#' @references
#' Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C.  (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations
#' with the SimDesign Package. \code{The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16}(4), 248-280.
#' \doi{10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248}
#' @author Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ##########################
#' ## A Priori Power Analysis
#' ##########################
#' # GOAL: Find specific sample size in each group for independent t-test
#' # corresponding to a power rate of .8
#' #
#' # For ease of the setup, assume the groups are the same size, and the mean
#' # difference corresponds to Cohen's d values of .2, .5, and .8
#' # This example can be solved numerically using the pwr package (see below),
#' # though the following simulation setup is far more general and can be
#' # used for any generate-analyse combination of interest
#' # SimFunctions(SimSolve=TRUE)
#' #### Step 1 --- Define your conditions under study and create design data.frame.
#' #### However, use NA placeholder for sample size as it must be solved,
#' #### and add desired power rate to object
#' Design <- createDesign(N = NA,
#'                        d = c(.2, .5, .8),
#'                        sig.level = .05)
#' Design    # solve for NA's
#' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' #### Step 2 --- Define generate, analyse, and summarise functions
#' Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects = NULL) {
#'     Attach(condition)
#'     group1 <- rnorm(N)
#'     group2 <- rnorm(N, mean=d)
#'     dat <- data.frame(group = gl(2, N, labels=c('G1', 'G2')),
#'                       DV = c(group1, group2))
#'     dat
#' }
#' Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects = NULL) {
#'     p <- t.test(DV ~ group, dat, var.equal=TRUE)$p.value
#'     p
#' }
#' Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects = NULL) {
#'     # Must return a single number corresponding to f(x) in the
#'     # root equation f(x) = b
#'     ret <- c(power = EDR(results, alpha = condition$sig.level))
#'     ret
#' }
#' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' #### Step 3 --- Optimize N over the rows in design
#' ### (For debugging) may want to see if simulation code works as intended first
#' ### for some given set of inputs
#' # runSimulation(design=createDesign(N=100, d=.8, sig.level=.05),
#' #              replications=10, generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#' #              summarise=Summarise)
#' # Initial search between N = [10,500] for each row using the default
#'    # integer solver (integer = TRUE). In this example, b = target power
#' solved <- SimSolve(design=Design, b=.8, interval=c(10, 500),
#'                 generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#'                 summarise=Summarise)
#' solved
#' summary(solved)
#' plot(solved, 1)
#' plot(solved, 2)
#' plot(solved, 3)
#' # also can plot median history and estimate precision
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'history')
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'density')
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'iterations')
#' # verify with true power from pwr package
#' library(pwr)
#' pwr.t.test(d=.2, power = .8) # sig.level/alpha = .05 by default
#' pwr.t.test(d=.5, power = .8)
#' pwr.t.test(d=.8, power = .8)
#' # use estimated N results to see how close power was
#' N <- solved$N
#' pwr.t.test(d=.2, n=N[1])
#' pwr.t.test(d=.5, n=N[2])
#' pwr.t.test(d=.8, n=N[3])
#' # with rounding
#' N <- ceiling(solved$N)
#' pwr.t.test(d=.2, n=N[1])
#' pwr.t.test(d=.5, n=N[2])
#' pwr.t.test(d=.8, n=N[3])
#' ### failing analytic formula, confirm results with more precise
#' ###  simulation via runSimulation()
#' ###  (not required, if accuracy is important then ProBABLI should be run longer)
#' # csolved <- solved
#' # csolved$N <- ceiling(solved$N)
#' # confirm <- runSimulation(design=csolved, replications=10000, parallel=TRUE,
#' #                         generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#' #                         summarise=Summarise)
#' # confirm
#' # Alternatively, and more realistically, the wait.time argument can be used
#' # to specify how long the user is willing to wait for a final estimate.
#' # Solutions involving more iterations will be more accurate,
#' # and therefore it is recommended to run the ProBABLI root-solver as long
#' # the analyst can tolerate if the most accurate estimates are desired.
#' # Below executes the simulation for 2 minutes for each condition up
#' # to a maximum of 1000 iterations, terminating based on whichever occurs first
#' solved_2min <- SimSolve(design=Design, b=.8, interval=c(10, 500),
#'                 generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise,
#'                 wait.time=2, maxiter=1000)
#' solved_2min
#' summary(solved_2min)
#' # use estimated N results to see how close power was
#' N <- solved_2min$N
#' pwr.t.test(d=.2, n=N[1])
#' pwr.t.test(d=.5, n=N[2])
#' pwr.t.test(d=.8, n=N[3])
#' #------------------------------------------------
#' #######################
#' ## Sensitivity Analysis
#' #######################
#' # GOAL: solve effect size d given sample size and power inputs (inputs
#' # for root no longer required to be an integer)
#' # Generate-Analyse-Summarise functions identical to above, however
#' # Design input includes NA for d element
#' Design <- createDesign(N = c(100, 50, 25),
#'                        d = NA,
#'                        sig.level = .05)
#' Design    # solve for NA's
#' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' #### Step 2 --- Define generate, analyse, and summarise functions (same as above)
#' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' #### Step 3 --- Optimize d over the rows in design
#' # search between d = [.1, 2] for each row
#' # In this example, b = target power
#' # note that integer = FALSE to allow smooth updates of d
#' solved <- SimSolve(design=Design, b = .8, interval=c(.1, 2),
#'                    generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#'                    summarise=Summarise, integer=FALSE)
#' solved
#' summary(solved)
#' plot(solved, 1)
#' plot(solved, 2)
#' plot(solved, 3)
#' # plot median history and estimate precision
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'history')
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'density')
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'iterations')
#' # verify with true power from pwr package
#' library(pwr)
#' pwr.t.test(n=100, power = .8)
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8)
#' pwr.t.test(n=25, power = .8)
#' # use estimated d results to see how close power was
#' pwr.t.test(n=100, d = solved$d[1])
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, d = solved$d[2])
#' pwr.t.test(n=25, d = solved$d[3])
#' ### failing analytic formula, confirm results with more precise
#' ###  simulation via runSimulation() (not required; if accuracy is important
#' ###  PROBABLI should just be run longer)
#' # confirm <- runSimulation(design=solved, replications=10000, parallel=TRUE,
#' #                         generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#' #                         summarise=Summarise)
#' # confirm
#' #------------------------------------------------
#' #####################
#' ## Criterion Analysis
#' #####################
#' # GOAL: solve Type I error rate (alpha) given sample size, effect size, and
#' # power inputs (inputs for root no longer required to be an integer). Only useful
#' # when Type I error is less important than achieving the desired 1-beta (power)
#' Design <- createDesign(N = 50,
#'                         d = c(.2, .5, .8),
#'                         sig.level = NA)
#' Design    # solve for NA's
#' # all other function definitions same as above
#' # search for alpha within [.0001, .8]
#' solved <- SimSolve(design=Design, b = .8, interval=c(.0001, .8),
#'                    generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#'                    summarise=Summarise, integer=FALSE)
#' solved
#' summary(solved)
#' plot(solved, 1)
#' plot(solved, 2)
#' plot(solved, 3)
#' # plot median history and estimate precision
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'history')
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'density')
#' plot(solved, 1, type = 'iterations')
#' # verify with true power from pwr package
#' library(pwr)
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8, d = .2, sig.level=NULL)
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8, d = .5, sig.level=NULL)
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, power = .8, d = .8, sig.level=NULL)
#' # use estimated alpha results to see how close power was
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, d = .2, sig.level=solved$sig.level[1])
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, d = .5, sig.level=solved$sig.level[2])
#' pwr.t.test(n=50, d = .8, sig.level=solved$sig.level[3])
#' ### failing analytic formula, confirm results with more precise
#' ###  simulation via runSimulation() (not required; if accuracy is important
#' ###  PROBABLI should just be run longer)
#' # confirm <- runSimulation(design=solved, replications=10000, parallel=TRUE,
#' #                         generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#' #                         summarise=Summarise)
#' # confirm
#' }
SimSolve <- function(design, interval, b, generate, analyse, summarise,
                     replications = list(burnin.iter = 15L, burnin.reps = 100L,
                                         max.reps = 500L, min.total.reps = 9000L,
                                         increase.by = 10L),
                     integer = TRUE, formula = y ~ poly(x, 2), family = 'binomial',
                     parallel = FALSE, cl = NULL, save = TRUE, resume = TRUE,
                     method = 'ProBABLI', wait.time = NULL,
                     ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1L,
                     type = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == 'windows', 'PSOCK', 'FORK'),
                     maxiter = 100L, check.interval = TRUE,
                     verbose = TRUE, control = list(), predCI = .95, ...){

    # robust <- FALSE
    if(is.null(control$print_RAM)) control$print_RAM <- FALSE
    burnin.iter <- 15L
        if(is.null(replications$burnin.iter)) replications$burnin.iter <- burnin.iter else
            burnin.iter <- replications$burnin.iter
        if(is.null(replications$burnin.reps)) replications$burnin.reps <- 100L
        if(is.null(replications$max.reps)) replications$max.reps <- 500L
        if(is.null(replications$increase.by)) replications$increase.by <- 10L
        min.total.reps <- ifelse(is.null(replications$min.total.reps),
                                 7500L, replications$min.total.reps)
        replications <- with(replications,
                             pmin(max.reps, c(rep(burnin.reps, burnin.iter),
                                              seq(burnin.reps, by=increase.by,
    if(method %in% c('Brent', 'bisection')){
        stopifnot('replications must be a constant for root solver' =
        min.total.reps <- min(replications)
        if(length(replications) == 1L)
            replications <- rep(replications, maxiter)
        stopifnot(length(replications) == maxiter)
        useFuture <- tolower(parallel) == 'future'
        parallel <- TRUE
    } else useFuture <- FALSE
    if(is.null(control$tol)) control$tol <- if(integer) .1 else .00025
        control$summarise.reg_data <- FALSE
    if(is.null(control$rel.tol)) control$rel.tol <- .0001
    if(is.null(control$k.sucess)) control$k.success <- 3L
    if(is.null(control$interpolate.R)) control$interpolate.R <- 3000L
    if(is.null(control$bolster)) control$bolster <- TRUE
    if(is.null(control$include_reps)) control$include_reps <- FALSE
    on.exit(.SIMDENV$stored_results <- .SIMDENV$stored_medhistory <-
                .SIMDENV$stored_history <- .SIMDENV$include_reps <- NULL,
            add = TRUE)
    on.exit(.SIMDENV$FromSimSolve <- NULL, add = TRUE)
    solve_name <- apply(design, 1L, function(x) colnames(design)[is.na(x)])

    if(missing(generate) && !missing(analyse))
        generate <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects = NULL){}
    GENERATE_FUNCTIONS <- generate
    char_functions <- c(deparse(substitute(ANALYSE_FUNCTIONS)),
    if(any(grepl('browser\\(', char_functions))){
        if(verbose && parallel)
            message(paste0('A browser() call was detected. Parallel processing ',
                           'will be disabled while browser() is visible'))
        parallel <- useFuture <- FALSE

    stopifnot(method %in% c('ProBABLI', 'Brent', 'bisection'))
    stopifnot(length(b) == 1L)
    if(length(replications) == 1L) replications <- rep(replications, maxiter)
    stopifnot(length(replications) == maxiter)
    if(method == 'ProBABLI'){
        interpolate <- control$interpolate.R > 0L
        interpolate.after <- max(which(cumsum(replications) <=
                                           control$interpolate.R)) + 1L
    } else interpolate <- interpolate.after <- NULL
    ReturnSimSolveInternals <- FALSE
    if(!is.null(attr(verbose, 'ReturnSimSolveInternals')))
        ReturnSimSolveInternals <- TRUE

    root.fun <- function(x, b, design.row, replications, store = TRUE, integer = FALSE, ...){
        if(integer) x <- as.integer(x)
        design.row[1L, which(is.na(design.row))] <- x
        if(.SIMDENV$include_reps) design.row$REPLICATIONS <- replications
        attr(design.row, 'SimSolve') <- TRUE
        ret <- runSimulation(design=design.row, replications=replications,
                             generate=generate, analyse=analyse,
                             summarise=summarise, parallel=parallel, cl=cl,
                             save=FALSE, resume=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,
                             control=.SIMDENV$FromSimSolve$control, ...)
        val <- ifelse(is.list(ret), ret[[1L]], ret[1L])
            pick <- min(which(sapply(.SIMDENV$stored_results, is.null)))
            .SIMDENV$stored_results[[pick]] <- ret$summary_results
            .SIMDENV$stored_medhistory[[pick]] <- x
            .SIMDENV$stored_history[[pick]] <-
                data.frame(y=val, x=x, reps=replications)
        ret <- val - b

        stop('design object required', call.=FALSE)
    apply(design, 1L, function(x){
        if(sum(is.na(x)) != 1L)
            stop('design object must have exactly 1 NA element per row')
        stop('analyse function for root required', call.=FALSE)
        stop('analyse function for root required', call.=FALSE)
        stopifnot(ncol(interval) == 2L)
        interval <- matrix(interval, nrow=nrow(design), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
    stopifnot(all(interval[,1] < interval[,2]))
    roots <- vector('list', nrow(design))
    .SIMDENV$SimSolveInteger <- integer
        useFuture <- tolower(parallel) == 'future'
        parallel <- TRUE
    } else useFuture <- FALSE
        if(!useFuture && is.null(cl)){
            cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores, type=type)
            on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
    export_funs <- parent_env_fun()
        if(!useFuture && is.null(cl)){
            cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores, type=type)
            on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
            parallel::clusterExport(cl=cl, export_funs, envir = parent.frame(1L))
            parallel::clusterExport(cl=cl, "ANALYSE_FUNCTIONS", envir = environment())
                message(sprintf("\nNumber of parallel clusters in use: %i", length(cl)))
    compname <- Sys.info()['nodename']
    tmpfilename <- paste0('SIMSOLVE-TEMPFILE_', compname, '.rds')
    start <- 1L
    if(resume && file.exists(tmpfilename)){
        roots <- readRDS(tmpfilename)
        start <- min(which(sapply(roots, is.null)))
            message(paste0('\nContinuing at design row ', start,
                           '. If not intended, terminate and use SimClean()'))
        if(!all(apply(interval, 1L, function(int)
            !all(as.integer(int) != int))))
            stop(c('Search interval contains decimals while algorithm is currently',
                   ' using integer=TRUE search'), call.=FALSE)
    for(i in start:nrow(design)){
            cat(sprintf('\n\n#############\nDesign row %s:\n\n', i))
            print(cbind(as.data.frame(design[i,]), b = b))

        .SIMDENV$stored_results <- vector('list', maxiter)
        .SIMDENV$stored_medhistory <- rep(NA, maxiter)
        .SIMDENV$stored_history <- vector('list', maxiter)
        .SIMDENV$include_reps <- control$include_reps
        .SIMDENV$FromSimSolve <- list(interpolate=interpolate,
                                      # robust = robust,
                                      predCI = c((1-predCI)/2, predCI + (1-predCI)/2),
        if(method == 'ProBABLI'){
            roots[[i]] <- try(PBA(root.fun, interval=interval[i, , drop=TRUE], b=b,
                                  integer=integer, verbose=verbose, maxiter=maxiter,
                                  miniter=1L, wait.time=wait.time, check.interval=check.interval,
                                  ...), TRUE)
            if(is(roots[[i]], 'try-error')){
                is_below <- grepl("*below*", as.character(roots[[i]]))
                if(is_below || grepl("*above*", as.character(roots[[i]])))
                    roots[[i]] <- list(root=ifelse(is_below, Inf, -Inf))
                else roots[[i]] <- list(root=NA)
        } else if(method == 'Brent'){
            time <- system.time(roots[[i]] <- stats::uniroot(root.fun,
                                         interval=interval[i, , drop=TRUE], b=b,
                                         integer=integer, replications=replications[i],
                                         tol=control$tol, maxiter=maxiter, ...))
            roots[[i]]$init.it <- roots[[i]]$estim.prec <- NULL
            roots[[i]]$integer <- integer
            roots[[i]]$total.replications <- roots[[i]]$iter * replications[1L]
            roots[[i]]$time <- unname(time[1L])
        } else if(method == 'bisection'){
            time <- system.time(roots[[i]] <- bisection(root.fun,
                                    interval=interval[i, , drop=TRUE], b=b,
                                    integer=integer, replications=replications[i],
                                    tol=control$tol, maxiter=maxiter,
                                    check=check.interval, ...))
            roots[[i]]$integer <- integer
            roots[[i]]$total.replications <- roots[[i]]$iter * replications[1L]
            roots[[i]]$time <- unname(time[1L])
        tab <- .SIMDENV$stored_history[!sapply(.SIMDENV$stored_history, is.null)]
        if(ReturnSimSolveInternals) return(tab)
        attr(roots[[i]], 'stored_tab') <- if(integer) reduceTable(tab) else tab
            tmp <- as.data.frame(design[i,])
            cat(sprintf(paste0("\nSolution for %s: %", if(integer) ".1f" else ".3f"),
                colnames(design)[which(is.na(tmp))], roots[[i]]$root))
        if(save && i < nrow(design)) saveRDS(roots, tmpfilename)
    if(file.exists(tmpfilename)) file.remove(tmpfilename)
    ret <- design
    vals <- sapply(roots, function(x) x$root)
    ret[, which(is.na(ret[i,])), drop=TRUE] <- vals
    attr(ret, 'roots') <- roots
    attr(ret, 'summarise_fun') <- summarise
    attr(ret, 'solve_name') <- solve_name
    attr(ret, 'b') <- b
    class(ret) <- c('SimSolve', class(ret))

#' @rdname SimSolve
#' @param object object of class \code{'SimSolve'}
#' @param tab.only logical; print only the (reduce) table of estimates?
#' @param reps.cutoff integer indicating the rows to omit from output
#'  if the number of replications do no reach this value
#' @export
summary.SimSolve <- function(object, tab.only = FALSE, reps.cutoff = 300, ...)
    ret <- attr(object, 'roots')
        stored_tab <- lapply(ret, function(x) attr(x, "stored_tab"))
        stored_tab <- lapply(stored_tab, function(x)
            x[x$reps > reps.cutoff, , drop=FALSE])
        if(tab.only) return(stored_tab)
    } else stored_tab <- NULL
    for(i in 1L:length(ret)){
        attr(ret[[i]], "stored_tab") <- NULL
        ret[[i]]$tab <- stored_tab[[i]]
    names(ret) <- paste0('condition_', 1L:length(ret))
    if(length(ret) == 1L) ret <- ret[[1L]]

#' @rdname SimSolve
#' @param x object of class \code{'SimSolve'}
#' @param y design row to plot. If omitted defaults to 1
#' @export
plot.SimSolve <- function(x, y, ...)
    if(missing(y)) y <- 1L
    b <- attr(x, 'b')
    roots <- attr(x, 'roots')[[y]]
    solve_name <- attr(x, 'solve_name')[y]
    dots <- list(...)
    if(!is.null(dots$type) && dots$type %in% c('density', 'iterations')){
        so <- summary(x, ...)
        tab <- so[[y]]$tab
        if(is.null(tab)) {
            tab <- attr(roots, 'stored_tab')
            tab <- do.call(rbind, tab)
            tab <- tab[-c(1:so[[y]]$burnin), ]
        if(dots$type == 'density')
            with(tab, plot(density(x, weights=reps/sum(reps)), xlab = solve_name,
                           main = 'Density using replication weights', las=1))
        else {
            with(tab, symbols(x, y, circles=sqrt(1 /reps/sum(reps)),
                              inches=0.2, fg="white", bg="black", las=1,
                              ylab = 'Summarise', xlab = solve_name,
                              main = 'Inverse replication weights'))
            abline(h=b, lty=2, col='red')
            abline(v=roots$root, lty=2, col='blue')
    } else {
        if(!is(roots, 'PBA'))
            stop('No plot method supported for deterministic root-finder', call.=FALSE)
        plot(roots, las=1, ...)

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