
Defines functions vglm.control vlm.control

Documented in vglm.control vlm.control

# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.

.min.criterion.VGAM <-
  c("deviance"      = TRUE,
    "loglikelihood" = FALSE,
    "AIC"           = TRUE,
    "Likelihood"    = FALSE,
    "ResSS"        = TRUE,
    "coefficients"  = TRUE)

vlm.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE,
                        tol = 1e-7,
                        method = "qr",
                        checkwz = TRUE,
                        wzepsilon = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,
                        ...) {
  if (tol <= 0) {
    warning("argument 'tol' not positive; using 1e-7 instead")
    tol <- 1e-7
  if (!is.logical(checkwz) || length(checkwz) != 1)
    stop("bad input for argument 'checkwz'")
  if (!is.Numeric(wzepsilon, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'wzepsilon'")

  list(save.weights = save.weights,
       tol = tol,
       method = method,
       checkwz = checkwz,
       wzepsilon = wzepsilon)

vglm.control <- function(checkwz = TRUE,
                         Check.rank = TRUE,
                         Check.cm.rank = TRUE,
                         criterion = names(.min.criterion.VGAM),
                         epsilon = 1e-7,
                         half.stepsizing = TRUE,
                         maxit = 30,
                         noWarning = FALSE,
                         stepsize = 1,
                         save.weights = FALSE,
                         trace = FALSE,
                         wzepsilon = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,
                         xij = NULL,
                         ...) {

  if (mode(criterion) != "character" && mode(criterion) != "name")
    criterion <- as.character(substitute(criterion))
  criterion <- pmatch(criterion[1], names(.min.criterion.VGAM),
                        nomatch = 1)
  criterion <- names(.min.criterion.VGAM)[criterion]

  if (!is.logical(checkwz) || length(checkwz) != 1)
    stop("bad input for argument 'checkwz'")
  if (!is.Numeric(wzepsilon, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'wzepsilon'")

  convergence <- expression({

           coefficients = if (iter == 1) iter < maxit else
                          (iter < maxit &&
                          max(abs(new.crit - old.crit) / (
                              abs(old.crit) + epsilon)) > epsilon),
           iter < maxit &&
           sqrt(eff.n) *
           abs(old.crit - new.crit) / (
           abs(old.crit) + epsilon)  > epsilon)

  if (!is.Numeric(epsilon, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE)) {
    warning("bad input for argument 'epsilon'; using 0.00001 instead")
    epsilon <- 0.00001
  if (!is.Numeric(maxit, length.arg = 1,
                  positive = TRUE, integer.valued = TRUE)) {
    warning("bad input for argument 'maxit'; using 30 instead")
    maxit <- 30
  if (!is.Numeric(stepsize, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE)) {
    warning("bad input for argument 'stepsize'; using 1 instead")
    stepsize <- 1

  list(checkwz = checkwz,
       Check.rank = Check.rank,
       Check.cm.rank = Check.cm.rank,
       convergence = convergence,
       criterion = criterion,
       epsilon = epsilon,
       half.stepsizing = as.logical(half.stepsizing)[1],
       maxit = maxit,
       noWarning = as.logical(noWarning)[1],
       min.criterion = .min.criterion.VGAM,
       save.weights = as.logical(save.weights)[1],
       stepsize = stepsize,
       trace = as.logical(trace)[1],
       wzepsilon = wzepsilon,
       xij = if (is(xij, "formula")) list(xij) else xij)

vcontrol.expression <- expression({

  control <- control  # First one, e.g., vgam.control(...)
  mylist <- family@vfamily
  for (jay in length(mylist):1) {
    for (ii in 1:2) {
      temp <- paste(if (ii == 1) "" else
                    paste(function.name, ".", sep = ""),
                    mylist[jay], ".control", sep = "")
      if (exists(temp, envir = VGAMenv)) {
        temp <- get(temp)
        temp <- temp(...)
        for (kk in names(temp))
          control[[kk]] <- temp[[kk]]
      }  # if
    }  # for ii
  }  # for jay

  orig.criterion <- control$criterion
  if (control$criterion != "coefficients") {
    try.crit <- c(names(.min.criterion.VGAM), "coefficients")
    for (i in try.crit) {
      if (any(slotNames(family) == i) &&
          length(body(slot(family, i)))) {
        control$criterion <- i
      } else {
        control$criterion <- "coefficients"
    }  # for i
  }  # if

  control$min.criterion <- control$min.criterion[control$criterion]

  for (ii in 1:2) {
    temp <- paste(if (ii == 1) "" else
                  paste(function.name, ".", sep = ""),
                  ".", control$criterion, ".control", sep = "")
    if (exists(temp, inherit = TRUE)) {
      temp <- get(temp)
      temp <- temp(...)
      for (k in names(temp))
        control[[k]] <- temp[[k]]
  }  # for ii

})  # vcontrol.expression 

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VGAM documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:09 a.m.