#' Position n-grams
#' Tranforms a vector of positioned n-grams into a list of positions filled with n-grams
#' that start on them.
#' @param ngrams a vector of positioned n-grams (as created by \code{\link{count_ngrams}}).
#' @param df logical, if \code{TRUE} returns a data frame, if \code{FALSE} returns a list.
#' @param unigrams_output logical, if \code{TRUE} extracts unigrams from the data and returns
#' information about their position.
#' @return if \code{df} is \code{FALSE}, returns a list of length equal to the number of unique
#' n-gram starts present in n-grams. Each element of the list contains n-grams that start on
#' this position. If \code{df} is \code{FALSE}, returns a data frame where first column contains
#' n-grams and the second column represent their start positions.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' Transform n-gram name to human-friendly form: \code{\link{decode_ngrams}}.
#' Validate n-gram structure: \code{\link{is_ngram}}.
#' @examples
#' # position data in the list format
#' position_ngrams(c("2_1.1.2_0.1", "3_1.1.2_0.0", "3_2.2.2_0.0"))
#' # position data in the data frame format
#' position_ngrams(c("2_1.1.2_0.1", "3_1.1.2_0.0", "3_2.2.2_0.0"), df = TRUE)
position_ngrams <- function(ngrams, df = FALSE, unigrams_output = TRUE) {
validated_ngram <- sapply(ngrams, is_ngram)
stop("Improper n-grams: ", paste(names(which(!validated_ngram)), collapse = ", "))
sngrams <- strsplit(ngrams, "_")
# check if there is information about position
if(length(sngrams[[1]]) != 3)
stop("n-grams do not have position information.")
# table of positions
pos_table <- if(unigrams_output) {, lapply(sngrams, function(single_ngram) {
unigrams <- strsplit(single_ngram[[2]], ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
dists <- strsplit(single_ngram[[3]], ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
# positions of unigrams
uni_positions <- as.numeric(single_ngram[[1]])
# for loop suitable only for n-grams bigger than unigrams
if(nchar(single_ngram[[2]]) > 1)
for (next_unigram in as.numeric(dists))
uni_positions[length(uni_positions) + 1] <- next_unigram + uni_positions[length(uni_positions)] + 1
data.frame(ngrams = paste0(unigrams, "_0"), pos = uni_positions, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
} else {
pos_table <-, lapply(sngrams, function(single_ngram) {
ngram_name <- paste0(single_ngram[2], "_", single_ngram[3])
# positions of unigrams
ngram_position <- as.numeric(single_ngram[[1]])
data.frame(ngrams = ngram_name, pos = ngram_position, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if(df) {
res <- pos_table
colnames(res) <- c("ngram", "position")
# duplicates shouldn't be removed
# res <- res[!duplicated(res), ]
res <- res[order(res[["ngram"]]), ]
res <- res[order(res[["position"]]), ]
rownames(res) <- NULL
} else {
res <- lapply(sort(unique(pos_table[["pos"]])), function(unique_pos)
sort(pos_table[pos_table[["pos"]] == unique_pos, "ngrams"]))
names(res) <- sort(unique(pos_table[["pos"]]))
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