##' @name bm_SRE
##' @author Wilfried Thuiller, Bruno Lafourcade, Damien Georges
##' @title Surface Range Envelope
##' @description This internal \pkg{biomod2} function allows the user to run a rectilinear surface
##' range envelop (SRE) (equivalent to
##' \href{\%2006-1\%20pp008-9\%20Busby.pdf}{BIOCLIM})
##' using the extreme percentiles (as recommended by Nix or Busby, see References and Details).
##' @param resp.var a \code{vector}, a \code{\link[terra:vect]{SpatVector}}
##' without associated data (\emph{if presence-only}),
##' or a \code{\link[terra:vect]{SpatVector}} object containing binary data
##' (\code{0} : absence, \code{1} : presence, \code{NA} : indeterminate)
##' for a single species that will be used to build the species distribution model(s)
##' \cr \emph{Note that old format from \pkg{sp} are still supported such as
##' \code{SpatialPoints} (if presence-only) or \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}
##' object containing binary data.}
##' @param expl.var a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, \code{\link[terra:vect]{SpatVector}}
##' or \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} object containing the explanatory variables (in
##' columns or layers) that will be used to build the SRE model
##' \cr \emph{Note that old format from \pkg{raster} and \pkg{sp} are still supported such as
##' \code{RasterStack} and \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} objects. }
##' @param new.env a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, \code{\link[terra:vect]{SpatVector}}
##' or \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} object containing the explanatory variables (in
##' columns or layers) that will be used to predict the SRE model
##' \cr \emph{Note that old format from \pkg{raster} and \pkg{sp} are still supported such as
##' \code{RasterStack} and \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} objects. }
##' @param quant a \code{numeric} between \code{0} and \code{0.5} defining the half-quantile
##' corresponding to the most extreme value for each variable not to be taken into account for
##' determining the tolerance boundaries of the considered species (see Details)
##' @param do.extrem (\emph{optional, default} \code{FALSE}) \cr
##' A \code{logical} value defining whether a \code{matrix} containing extreme conditions
##' supported should be returned or not
##' @return
##' A \code{vector} or a \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} object, containing binary
##' (\code{0} or \code{1}) values.
##' @details
##' \emph{Please refer to References to get more information about surface range envelop models.}
##' This method is highly influenced by the extremes of the data input. Whereas a linear model
##' can discriminate the extreme values from the main tendency, the SRE considers them as
##' important as any other data point leading to changes in predictions. \cr \cr
##' \emph{The more (non-colinear) variables, the more restrictive the model will be.} \cr \cr
##' Predictions are returned as binary (\code{0} or \code{1}) values, a site being either
##' potentially suitable for all the variables, or out of bounds for at least one variable and
##' therefore considered unsuitable. \cr \cr
##' \code{quant} determines the threshold from which the data will be taken into account for
##' calibration. The default value of \code{0.05} induces that the \code{5\%} most extreme values
##' will be avoided for each variable on each side of its distribution along the gradient, meaning
##' that a total of \code{10\%} of the data will not be considered.
##' @references
##' \itemize{
##' \item Nix, H.A., 1986. A biogeographic analysis of Australian elapid snakes. In:
##' \emph{Atlas of Elapid Snakes of Australia.} (Ed.) R. Longmore, pp. 4-15.
##' \bold{Australian Flora and Fauna Series Number 7.}
##' Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra.
##' \item Busby, Jeremy. BIOCLIM - a bioclimate analysis and prediction system.
##' \emph{Plant protection quarterly} \bold{6} (1991): 8-9.
##' }
##' @keywords models "surface range envelop" sre quantile
##' @seealso \code{\link{bm_PseudoAbsences}}, \code{\link{BIOMOD_FormatingData}},
##' \code{\link{bm_ModelingOptions}}, \code{\link{bm_Tuning}},
##' \code{\link{bm_RunModelsLoop}}, \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}},
##' @family Secundary functions
##' @examples
##' library(terra)
##' ## Load real data
##' data(DataSpecies)
##' myResp.r <- as.numeric(DataSpecies[, 'GuloGulo'])
##' data(bioclim_current)
##' myExpl.r <- rast(bioclim_current)
##' myRespXY <- DataSpecies[which(myResp.r == 1), c('X_WGS84', 'Y_WGS84')]
##' myResp.v <- classify(subset(myExpl.r, 1),
##' matrix(c(-Inf, Inf, 0), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
##' myResp.v[cellFromXY(myResp.v, myRespXY)] <- 1
##' ## Compute SRE for several quantile values
##' sre.100 <- bm_SRE(resp.var = myResp.v,
##' expl.var = myExpl.r,
##' new.env = myExpl.r,
##' quant = 0)
##' sre.095 <- bm_SRE(resp.var = myResp.v,
##' expl.var = myExpl.r,
##' new.env = myExpl.r,
##' quant = 0.025)
##' sre.090 <- bm_SRE(resp.var = myResp.v,
##' expl.var = myExpl.r,
##' new.env = myExpl.r,
##' quant = 0.05)
##' ## Visualize results
##' res <- c(myResp.v, sre.100, sre.095, sre.090)
##' names(res) <- c("Original distribution", "Full data calibration"
##' , "Over 95 percent", "Over 90 percent")
##' plot(res)
##' @importFrom terra rast values vect quantile cellFromXY
## quantile classify crds global is.factor mask nlyr subset
##' @export
## Remi 20/10/2022
## This function seems to have support for multispecies resp.var although
## the rest of the package do not.
bm_SRE <- function(resp.var = NULL,
expl.var = NULL,
new.env = NULL,
quant = 0.025,
do.extrem = FALSE)
## 0. Check arguments ---------------------------------------------------------
args <- .bm_SRE.check.args(resp.var, expl.var, new.env, quant)
for (argi in names(args)) { assign(x = argi, value = args[[argi]]) }
## 1. Determine suitable conditions and make the projection --------------
lout <- list()
if ( | is.matrix(resp.var)) {
### matrix or data.frame ------------
nb.resp <- ncol(resp.var)
resp.names <- colnames(resp.var)
for (j in 1:nb.resp) {
occ.pts <- which(resp.var[, j] == 1)
extrem.cond <- t(apply([occ.pts, , drop = FALSE]), 2, quantile
, probs = c(0 + quant, 1 - quant), na.rm = TRUE))
if (!do.extrem) {
lout[[j]] <- .sre_projection(new.env, extrem.cond)
} else if (inherits(resp.var, 'SpatRaster')) {
## Remi 20/10/2022
## this section seems obsolete as resp.var support for Raster/SpatRaster
## but also SpatVector/SpatialPoints is currently deactivated.
### raster ------------------------------------
nb.resp <- nlyr(resp.var)
resp.names <- names(resp.var)
for (j in 1:nb.resp) {
extrem.cond <- global(mask(expl.var, subset(resp.var, j), maskvalues = c(0,NA)),
fun = quantile,
probs = c(0 + quant, 1 - quant),
na.rm = TRUE)
if (!do.extrem) {
lout[[j]] <- .sre_projection(new.env, extrem.cond)
} else if (inherits(resp.var, 'SpatVector')) {
### SpatVector ----------------------
nb.resp <- ncol(values(resp.var))
resp.names <- colnames(values(resp.var))
for (j in 1:nb.resp) {
occ.pts <- which(values(resp.var)[, j] == 1)
if ( || is.matrix(expl.var)) {
extrem.cond <- t(apply([occ.pts, ]), 2, quantile
, probs = c(0 + quant, 1 - quant), na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
if (inherits(expl.var, 'SpatRaster')) {
maskTmp <- subset(expl.var, 1)
maskTmp[] <- NA
maskTmp[cellFromXY(maskTmp, crds(resp.var)[occ.pts, ])] <- 1
extrem.cond <- global(mask(expl.var, maskTmp),
fun = quantile,
probs = c(0 + quant, 1 - quant),
na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
if (inherits(expl.var, 'SpatialPoints')) {
## May be good to check corespondances of resp.var and expl.var variables
extrem.cond <- t(apply([occ.pts, ]), 2, quantile
, probs = c(0 + quant, 1 - quant), na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
stop("Unsuported case!")
if (!do.extrem) {
lout[[j]] <- .sre_projection(new.env, extrem.cond)
## RETURN results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (do.extrem) {
} else {
# 3. Rearranging the lout object
if ( {
lout <- simplify2array(lout)
colnames(lout) <- resp.names
} else if (inherits(new.env, 'SpatRaster')) {
lout <- rast(lout)
if (nlyr(lout) == 1) {
lout <- subset(lout, 1)
names(lout) <- resp.names
## SRE Argument check ---------------------------------------------------------
.bm_SRE.check.args <- function(resp.var = NULL, expl.var = NULL, new.env = NULL, quant = 0.025)
## 0. Check compatibility between resp.var and expl.var arguments -----------
if (is.vector(resp.var) || inherits(resp.var, c("matrix","data.frame"))) {
resp.var <-
if (!is.vector(expl.var) && !inherits(expl.var, c("matrix","data.frame",'SpatVector'))) {
stop("\n resp.var and expl.var arguments must be of same type (both vector, both matrix, etc)")
} else {
if (inherits(expl.var, 'SpatVector')) {
expl.var <- values(expl.var)
expl.var <-
nb.expl.vars <- ncol(expl.var)
names.expl.vars <- colnames(expl.var)
if (nrow(resp.var) != nrow(expl.var)) {
stop("resp.var and expl.var arguments must have the same number of rows")
if (inherits(expl.var, 'SpatVector')) {
expl.var <- values(expl.var)
nb.expl.vars <- ncol(expl.var)
names.expl.vars <- colnames(expl.var)
# back-compatibility with raster package
if (inherits(resp.var, 'Raster')) {
if (!inherits(expl.var, 'Raster')) {
stop("\n resp.var and expl.var arguments must be of same type (both vector, both raster, etc)")
resp.var <- rast(resp.var)
expl.var <- rast(expl.var)
if (inherits(resp.var, 'SpatRaster')) {
if (!inherits(expl.var, 'SpatRaster')) {
stop("\n resp.var and expl.var arguments must be of same type (both vector, both raster, etc)")
nb.expl.vars <- nlyr(expl.var)
names.expl.vars <- names(expl.var)
## 1. Check expl.var argument -----------------------------------------------
if ((inherits(expl.var, 'data.frame') && any(sapply(expl.var, is.factor))) ||
(inherits(expl.var, c('SpatRaster')) && any(is.factor(expl.var)))) {
stop("SRE algorithm does not handle factorial variables")
## 2. Check new.env argument ------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(new.env)) { ## if no new.env, projection done on expl.var variables
new.env <- expl.var
} else { ## check of compatible number of explanatory variables
if (is.vector(new.env) || || is.matrix(new.env))
new.env <-
if (!all(names.expl.vars %in% colnames(new.env))) {
stop("expl.var variables names differs in the 2 dataset given")
new.env <- new.env[,names.expl.vars]
if (ncol(new.env) != nb.expl.vars) {
stop("Incompatible number of variables in new.env objects")
} else if (!inherits(new.env, 'SpatRaster')) {
new.env <- rast(new.env)
if (sum(!(names.expl.vars %in% names(new.env))) > 0) {
stop("expl.var variables names differs in the 2 dataset given")
new.env <- subset(new.env, names.expl.vars)
if (nlyr(new.env) != nb.expl.vars) {
stop("Incompatible number of variables in new.env objects")
## 3. Check quant argument --------------------------------------------------
if (quant < 0 || quant >= 0.5) {
stop("\n quantmust be a 0 to 0.5 numeric")
return(list(resp.var = resp.var,
expl.var = expl.var,
new.env = new.env,
quant = quant))
# SRE Projection ----------------------------------------------------------
.sre_projection <- function(new.env, extrem.cond, = NULL) {
if ( || is.matrix(new.env)) {
out <- rep(1, nrow(new.env))
for (this.var in rownames(extrem.cond)) {
out <- out * as.numeric(new.env[, this.var] >= extrem.cond[this.var, 1] &
new.env[, this.var] <= extrem.cond[this.var, 2])
} else if (inherits(new.env, "SpatRaster")) {
out <- classify(subset(new.env, 1),
matrix(c(-Inf, Inf, 1), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE),
wopt = list(names =
for (this.var in rownames(extrem.cond)) {
out <- out * (subset(new.env, this.var) >= extrem.cond[this.var, 1]) *
(subset(new.env, this.var) <= extrem.cond[this.var, 2])
out <- subset(out, 1)
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