confmat.vcr <- function(vcrout, cutoff = 0.99,
showClassNumbers = FALSE,
showOutliers = TRUE, silent = FALSE) {
# Builds a confusion matrix from a vcr object.
# Arguments:
# vcrout : output of vcr.*.train() or vcr.*.newdata().
# cutoff : the objects with overall farness
# ofarness > cutoff are flagged as outliers.
# showClassNumbers : if TRUE, the row and column names are the
# number of each level instead of the level
# itself. Useful for long level names.
# showOutliers : if TRUE and some points were flagged as
# outliers, it adds an extra column on the
# right of the confusion matrix for these
# outliers, with label "outl".
# silent : if FALSE, the confusion matrix and
# accuracy are shown on the screen.
# Returns:
# confMat : the confusion matrix.
levels <- vcrout$levels
nlab <- length(levels)
if (is.null(vcrout$yintnew)) {
if (is.null(vcrout$yint)) {
stop("there is no vcrout$yint or vcrout$yintnew")
given <- vcrout$yint
training <- TRUE
} else {
given <- vcrout$yintnew
training <- FALSE
whichyint <- if (training) {"yint"} else {"yintnew"}
indsv <- which(!
if (length(indsv) == 0) {
stop(paste0(whichyint, " has no available values, ",
" so no confusion matrix can be made."))
given <- given[indsv]
if (sum(!(given %in% seq_len(nlab))) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Not all ", whichyint, "[indsv] lie in 1:", nlab))
avobs <- sort(unique(given)) # available given values
predicted <- vcrout$predint[indsv] # corresponding predictions
if (sum( > 0) {
stop("\n predint[indsv] has missing values.")}
if (sum(!(predicted %in% seq_len(nlab))) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Not all predint[indsv] lie in 1:", nlab))
# compute the accuracy before taking outliers into account:
accuracy <- sum(given == predicted) / length(indsv)
myrownames <- levels[avobs]
ofarness <- vcrout$ofarness[indsv]
outliers <- (ofarness > cutoff)
if (showOutliers & sum(outliers) > 0) {
predicted[which(outliers)] <- nlab + 1
confMat <- table(given, predicted)
mycolints <- sort(unique(predicted))
mycolnames <- c(levels, "outl")[mycolints]
mycolints[which(mycolints == (nlab + 1))] <- "outl"
} else {
confMat <- table(given, predicted)
mycolints <- sort(unique(predicted))
mycolnames <- levels[mycolints]
if (showClassNumbers) {
rownames(confMat) <- avobs
colnames(confMat) <- mycolints
} else {
rownames(confMat) <- myrownames
colnames(confMat) <- mycolnames
if (silent != TRUE) {
wnq(paste0("\nConfusion matrix:"))
wnq(paste0("\nThe accuracy is ", round(100 * accuracy, 2), "%."))
stackedplot <- function(vcrout, cutoff = 0.99, classCols = NULL,
classLabels = NULL, separSize = 1,
minSize = 1.5, showOutliers = TRUE,
showLegend = FALSE, main = NULL,
htitle = NULL, vtitle = NULL)
# Argument added:
# main : title for the plot
if (is.null(vcrout$yintnew)) {
if (is.null(vcrout$yint)) {
stop("there is no vcrout$yint or vcrout$yintnew")
whichdata <- "[training]"
else {
whichdata <- "[newdata]"
if (is.null(htitle))
htitle <- paste0(whichdata, " given class")
if (is.null(vtitle))
vtitle <- paste0(whichdata, " predicted class")
nlab <- length(vcrout$levels)
if (is.null(classLabels)) {
lvls <- vcrout$levels
if ("outl" %in% lvls)
stop("Please rename the level currently called 'outl'.")
else {
if (!is.vector(classLabels)) {
stop("\n classLabels should be a vector")
lvls <- classLabels
if ("outl" %in% lvls)
stop("Do not use 'outl' as a class label.")
if (length(lvls) != nlab) {
stop(paste0("\n The number of classLabels should equal",
" length(vcrout$levels) = ", nlab, "."))
if (is.null(classCols)) {
mosaicColors <- rainbow(nlab)
else {
if (!is.vector(classCols)) {
stop("\n classCols should be a vector")
if (length(classCols) < nlab) {
stop(paste0("\n The number of classCols should be at",
" least length(vcrout$levels) = ", nlab,
mosaicColors <- classCols[seq_len(nlab)]
confusi <- confmat.vcr(vcrout, cutoff = cutoff, showOutliers = showOutliers,
showClassNumbers = TRUE, silent = TRUE)
pconfusi <- confusi / rowSums(confusi) * 100
ayint <- as.numeric(rownames(confusi))
nlaba <- length(ayint)
if (nlaba < nlab) {
wnq(paste0("\nNot all classes occur in these data.",
" The classes to plot are:"))
colints <- colnames(confusi)
colints[which(colints == "outl")] <- nlab + 1
for (j in seq_len(nlaba)) {
confvec <- pconfusi[j, ]
tooSmall <- which((confvec > 0) & (confvec < minSize))
if (length(tooSmall) > 0) {
confvec[tooSmall] <- minSize
confvec <- confvec/sum(confvec) * 100
pconfusi[j, ] <- confvec
hasOutliers <- 0
if (showOutliers) {
if ("outl" %in% colnames(confusi)) {
lvls <- c(lvls, "outliers")
hasOutliers <- 1
mosaicColors <- c(mosaicColors[seq_len(nlab)], "gray20")
confRow <- rep(0, length(lvls))
colints <- as.numeric(colints)
confRow[colints] <- pconfusi[1, ]
df <- data.frame(g1_fill = factor(lvls[seq_len(nlab + hasOutliers)],
lvls), g1_count = confRow)
if (nlaba > 1) {
for (j in 2:nlaba) {
g <- ayint[j]
confRow <- rep(0, length(lvls))
colints <- as.numeric(colints)
confRow[colints] <- pconfusi[j, ]
fillname <- paste0("g", j, "_fill")
perm <- c(g, (seq_len(nlab + hasOutliers))[-g])
df[[fillname]] <- factor(lvls[perm], lvls[perm])
countname <- paste0("g", j, "_count")
df[[countname]] <- confRow[perm]
widths <- table(vcrout$yint)/length(vcrout$yint)
pos <- 0.5 * (cumsum(widths) + cumsum(c(0, widths[-length(widths)])))
gg <- ggplot(df)
for (i in seq_len(nlaba)) {
fillname <- paste0("g", i, "_fill")
countname <- paste0("g", i, "_count")
gg <- gg + geom_bar(mapping = aes_string(x = pos[i], y = countname,
fill = fillname),
width = widths[i], stat = "identity",
size = separSize, colour = "white",
show.legend = showLegend)
gg <- gg + scale_x_continuous(htitle, breaks = pos,
labels = lvls[ayint],
expand = c(0.02, 0))
gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(vtitle, trans = "reverse",
expand = c(0.02, 0))
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())
if (showLegend) {
gg <- gg + labs(fill = "Classes")
gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank())
gg <- gg + scale_fill_manual(values = mosaicColors)
if (!is.null(main)) {
gg <- gg + labs(title = paste0(main))
gg <- gg + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) # center title
classmap <- function(vcrout, whichclass, classLabels = NULL,
classCols = NULL, main = NULL, cutoff = 0.99,
plotcutoff = TRUE, identify = FALSE, cex = 1,
cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = NULL, cex.axis = NULL,
opacity = 1, squareplot = TRUE,
maxprob = NULL, maxfactor = NULL) {
# Draws class maps to visualize classification results.
# Arguments:
# vcrout : the result of a function vcr.*.*()
# whichclass : the class to be displayed. Required. The colors
# of the points are those of their predicted
# labels. Required.
# classLabels : the labels (levels) of the classes. If NULL, they
# are taken from vcrout.
# classCols : a list of colors for the class labels 1,... There
# should be at least as many as there are levels.
# If NULL the classCols are taken as 2,...
# main : title for the plot.
# cutoff : objects with overall farness > cutoff will be
# flagged as outliers and plotted with a black
# border around them.
# plotcutoff : if TRUE, a dashed vertical line is drawn at
# the cutoff.
# identify : if TRUE, left-click on a point to get its number,
# then ESC to exit.
# cex : passed on to plot().
# cex.main : same, for title.
# cex.lab : same, for labels on horizontal and vertical axes.
# cex.axis : same, for axes.
# opacity : determines opacity of plotted dots.
# Value between 0 and 1, where 0 is transparent
# and 1 is opaque.
# squareplot : if TRUE, the horizontal and vertical axis will
# get the same length.
# maxprob : draws the farness axis at least upto probability
# maxprob.
# If NULL, the limits are obtained automatically.
# maxfactor : if not NULL, a number slightly higher than 1
# to increase the space at the right hand side of
# the plot, to make room for marking points.
# Returns:
# coordinates : a matrix with 2 columns containing the
# coordinates of the plotted points. The
# first coordinate is the quantile of the
# farness probability.
# Auxiliary function:
qfunc <- function(probs) {
# quantile function of N(0,1) restricted to [0,4].
if (min(probs) < 0) stop("There are negative probs")
if (max(probs) > 1) stop("there are probs > 1")
qnorm(probs * (pnorm(4) - 0.5) + 0.5)
# The main function starts here:
nlab <- length(vcrout$levels)
if (is.null(classLabels)) { # no classLabels are given
levels <- vcrout$levels
} else {# classLabels are given
if (!is.vector(classLabels)) {
stop("\n classlabels should be a vector")
levels <- classLabels
if (length(levels) != nlab) {
stop(paste0("\n The number of classLabels should equal",
" length(vcrout$levels) = ", nlab, "."))
if (is.null(classCols)) {
classCols <- seq_len(nlab) + 1 # red, green, blue,...
} else {
if (!is.vector(classCols)) {
stop("\n classCols should be a vector")
if (length(classCols) < nlab) {
stop(paste0("\n The number of classCols should be at",
" least length(vcrout$levels) = ", nlab, "."))
classCols <- classCols[seq_len(nlab)]
if (is.null(vcrout$yintnew)) {
if (is.null(vcrout$yint)) stop("vcrout$yint is missing")
yint <- vcrout$yint
training <- TRUE
} else {
yint <- vcrout$yintnew
training <- FALSE
whichdata <- if (training) {"[training]"} else {"[newdata]"}
whichyint <- if (training) {"yint"} else {"yintnew"}
indsv <- which(!
if (length(indsv) == 0) {
stop(paste0(whichyint, " has no available values, ",
" so the plot cannot be made.")) }
yint <- vcrout$yint[indsv]
predint <- vcrout$predint[indsv]
PAC <- vcrout$PAC[indsv]
ofarness <- vcrout$ofarness[indsv]
outliers <- (ofarness > cutoff)
# In the classmap we will plot farness at quantile positions:
qfarness <- qfunc(vcrout$farness[indsv])
coordinates <- cbind(qfarness, PAC)
rownames(coordinates) <- indsv # case numbers in entire set.
fardashed <- qfunc(cutoff)
if (!is.null(maxprob)) maxfar <- min(maxprob, 1)
if (is.null(maxfactor)) maxfactor <- 1
maxfar <- max(max(qfarness), fardashed)
if (sum(!(yint %in% seq_len(nlab))) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Not all ", whichyint, " lie in 1:", nlab)) }
ayint <- sort(unique(yint)) # available yint values
if (sum(!(predint %in% seq_len(nlab))) > 0) {
stop(paste0(whichdata, " Not all predint lie in 1:", nlab))
if (is.numeric(whichclass)) {
if (!(whichclass %in% seq_len(nlab))) stop(paste0(
"whichclass must be in 1:", nlab, ", the number of classes."))
} else {#
classnumber <- match(whichclass, vcrout$levels)
if ( stop(paste0(
'level "', whichclass, '" does not exist.'))
whichclass <- classnumber
if (!(whichclass %in% ayint)) stop(paste0(
"Class number ", whichclass, " with label ",
levels[whichclass], " has no objects to visualize."))
if (is.null(main)) {
main <- paste0(whichdata, " predictions of class ",
clinds <- which(yint == whichclass) # class indices
predint <- predint[clinds]
casecols <- classCols[predint]
coordinates <- coordinates[clinds, ]
outliers <- which(outliers[clinds])
# Prepare for the plot:
PAClim <- PACsolid <- c(0, 1)
mypch <- rep(19, length(predint)) # disk (16 is a bit smaller)
mypch[outliers] <- 21 # filled circle
mycex <- rep(cex, length(predint))
mycex[outliers] <- 1.1*cex
mycol <- mybg <- adjustcolor(casecols, alpha.f = opacity)
mycol[outliers] <- "black"
mycex.main <- 1
if (!is.null(cex.main)) {mycex.main <- cex.main}
mycex.lab <- 1
if (!is.null(cex.lab)) {mycex.lab <- cex.lab}
mycex.axis <- 1
if (!is.null(cex.axis)) {mycex.axis <- cex.axis}
# Make actual plot
if (squareplot == TRUE) par(pty = "s")
# makes the axes of the plot equally long
farlim <- c(0, maxfar * maxfactor)
plot(0, 0, type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE,
xlim = farlim, ylim = PAClim)
# makes an empty plot
title(main = main, line = 1, cex.main = mycex.main)
title(ylab = "P[alternative class]", line = 2.3,
cex.lab = mycex.lab)
title(xlab = "farness from given class",
line = 2.3, cex.lab = mycex.lab)
rect(farlim[1] - farlim[2], -2,farlim[2] * 2, 0.5, col = "lightgray",
border = FALSE) # adds rectangle
# col can be modified to other gray intensities
par(new = TRUE) # overlay next plot on this one
plot(coordinates, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = farlim,
ylim = PAClim, col = mycol, bg = mybg, pch = mypch,
cex = mycex, cex.axis = mycex.axis, xaxt = "n")
probs <- c(0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 1)
axis(1, at = qfunc(probs), labels = probs,
cex.axis = mycex.axis)
if (plotcutoff) abline(v = fardashed, lty = 4)
abline(h = PACsolid)
attr(coordinates, "ids") <- integer(0)
if (identify) {
message("Press the escape key to stop identifying.")
iout <- identify(coordinates, order = TRUE)
ids <- iout$ind[order(iout$order)]
if (length(ids) > 0) {
wnq("Identified point(s): ")
attr(coordinates, "ids") <- ids
} else {wnq("No points were identified.")}
silplot <- function(vcrout, classLabels = NULL, classCols = NULL,
showLegend = TRUE, showClassNumbers = FALSE,
showCases = FALSE, drawLineAtAverage = FALSE,
topdown = TRUE, main = NULL, summary = TRUE)
nlab <- length(vcrout$levels)
if (is.null(classLabels)) {
lvls <- vcrout$levels
else {
if (!is.vector(classLabels)) {
stop("\n classLabels should be a vector")
lvls <- classLabels
if (length(lvls) != nlab) {
stop(paste0("\n The number of classLabels should equal",
" length(vcrout$levels) = ", nlab, "."))
if (is.null(classCols)) {
classCols <- rainbow(nlab)
else {
if (!is.vector(classCols)) {
stop("\n classCols should be a vector")
if (length(classCols) < nlab) {
stop(paste0("\n The number of classCols should be at",
" least length(vcrout$levels) = ", nlab,
classCols <- classCols[seq_len(nlab)]
if (is.null(vcrout$yintnew)) {
if (is.null(vcrout$yint)) {
stop("there is no vcrout$yint or vcrout$yintnew")
yintv <- vcrout$yint
training <- TRUE
else {
yintv <- vcrout$yintnew
training <- FALSE
whichdata <- if (training) {
else {
whichyint <- if (training) {
else {
indsv <- which(!
if (length(indsv) == 0) {
stop(paste0(whichyint, " has no available values, ",
" so no silhouette plot can be made."))
if (length(indsv) < 2) {
stop(paste0("At least 2 cases with non-missing ",
whichyint, " are required."))
yintv <- yintv[indsv]
ayint <- sort(unique(yintv))
if (sum(!(yintv %in% seq_len(nlab))) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Not all ", whichyint, "[indsv] lie in 1:",
PAC <- vcrout$PAC[indsv]
if (sum( > 0)
stop("PAC[indsv] has missing values.")
si <- 1 - 2 * PAC
if (is.null(main)) {
main <- paste0(whichdata, " Silhouette plot of classification")
df <- = yintv, si, name = indsv))
if (topdown) {
df <- df[order(-df$class, df$si), ]
else {
df <- df[order(df$class, -df$si), ]
avswidth <- mean(df$si)
df$name <- factor(df$name, levels = df$name)
df$class <- as.factor(df$class)
if (showClassNumbers) {
mapping <- aes_string(x = "name", y = "si",
color = "class", fill = "class")
else {
df$label <- factor(lvls[df$class], levels = lvls[seq_len(nlab)])
mapping <- aes_string(x = "name", y = "si",
color = "label", fill = "label")
gg <- ggplot(df, mapping) + geom_bar(stat = "identity",
show.legend = showLegend,
size = 0.05, width = 0.75) +
labs(y = paste0("Silhouette width s(i)"),
caption = paste0("\nOverall average silhouette width: ",
round(avswidth, 2)), x = "",
title = paste0(main))
silwidths_perclass <- round(sapply(lvls,
function(y) mean(df$si[which(df$label == y)])), 2)
templabels <- c()
# ?sprintf
for (i in seq_len(length(unique(df$class)))) {
sbar <- sprintf("%1.2f", silwidths_perclass[i])
templabel <- paste('paste(bar(s), " = ", ',
'"', sprintf("%1.2f", silwidths_perclass[i]),'"',
', " ", ', '"', lvls[i], '"', ")")
templabels <- c(templabels, templabel)
gg <- gg + scale_fill_manual(values = classCols[ayint],
aesthetics = c("colour", "fill"),
labels = parse(text = templabels),
name = "Classes") +
theme(legend.text.align = 0)
if (topdown)
gg <- gg + coord_flip()
if (drawLineAtAverage) {
gg <- gg + geom_hline(yintercept = avswidth, linetype = "dashed",
color = "red")
if (!showCases) {
if (topdown) {
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
else {
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
else {
if (topdown) {
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle = 0))
else {
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
gg <- gg + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
gg <- gg + theme(axis.line.x = element_line(size = 0.25))
gg <- gg + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0.013 * length(indsv)))
gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(-1, 1))
gg <- gg + theme(panel.background = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(plot.title.position = "plot")
gg <- gg + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 10))
gg <- gg + theme(plot.caption = element_text(size = 10, hjust = 0,
margin = ggplot2::margin(0, 0, 0, 0)))
if (summary) {
ave <- tapply(df$si, df$class, mean)
n <- tapply(df$class, df$class, length)
sil.sum <- data.frame(classNumber = names(ave), classLabel = lvls[as.numeric(names(ave))],
classSize = n, classAveSi = round(ave, 2), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
print(sil.sum, row.names = FALSE)
qresplot <- function(PAC, feat, xlab = NULL, xlim = NULL,
main = NULL, identify = FALSE, gray = TRUE,
opacity = 1, squareplot = FALSE, plotLoess = FALSE,
plotErrorBars = FALSE, plotQuantiles = FALSE,
grid = NULL, probs = c(0.5, 0.75),
cols = NULL, fac = 1, cex = 1,
cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1,
cex.axis = 1, pch = 19){
# Draws a quasi residual plot of PAC versus a data feature
# Arguments:
# PAC : vector with the PAC values of a classification,
# typically the $PAC of a function vcr.*.*()
# feat : the PAC will be plotted versus this data
# feature. Note that feat does not have to be
# one of the explanatory variables of the model.
# It can be another variable, a combination of
# variables (like a sum or a principal component
# score), the row number of the cases if they
# were recorded succesively, etc.
# xlab : label for the horizontal axis, i.e. the name
# of variable feat.
# xlim : limits for the horizontal axis. If NULL, the
# range of feat is used.
# main : title for the plot.
# identify : if TRUE, left-click on a point to get its number,
# then ESC to exit.
# gray : logical, if TRUE (the default) the plot region
# where PAC < 0.5 gets a light gray background.
# Points in this region were classified into
# their given class, and the points above this
# region were misclassified.
# opacity : determines opacity of plotted dots.
# Value between 0 and 1, where 0 is transparent
# and 1 is opaque.
# squareplot : if TRUE, the horizontal and vertical axis will
# get the same length.
# plotLoess : if TRUE, a standard loess curve is fitted and
# superimposed on the plot. May not work well if
# feat is discrete with few values.
# At most one of the options plotLoess,
# plotErrorbars, or plotQuantiles can be selected.
# plotErrorBars : if TRUE, the average PAC and its standard
# error are computed on the intervals of a grid
# (see option grid). Then a red curve connecting
# the averages is plotted, as well as two blue
# curves corresponding to the average plus or
# minus one standard error. At most one of the
# options plotLoess, plotErrorbars, or
# plotQuantiles can be selected.
# plotQuantiles : if TRUE, one or more quantiles of the PAC
# are computed on the intervals of a grid
# (see option grid). The quantiles correspond
# the probabilities in option probs.
# Then the curves connecting the quantiles
# are plotted. At most one of the options plotLoess,
# plotErrorbars, or plotQuantiles can be selected.
# grid : only used when plotErrorBars or plotQuantiles
# are selected. This is a vector with increasing
# feat values, forming the grid. If NULL, the
# grid consists of the minimum and the maximum
# of feat, with 9 equispaced points between them.
# probs : only used when plotQuantiles is selected. This
# is a vector with probabilities determining the
# quantiles. If NULL, defaults to c(0.5, 0.75).
# cols : only used when plotquantiles is selected.
# A vector with the colors of the quantile curves.
# If NULL the cols are taken as 2,...
# fac : only used when ploTloess, plotErrorBars or
# plotQuantiles are selected. A real number to
# multiply the resulting curves. A value fac > 1
# can be useful to better visualize the curves
# when they would be too close to zero.
# By default (fac=1) this is not done.
# cex : passed on to plot().
# cex.main : same, for title.
# cex.lab : same, for labels on horizontal and vertical axes.
# cex.axis : same, for axes.
# pch : plot character for the points, defaults to 19.
# Returns:
# coordinates : a matrix with 2 columns containing the
# coordinates of the plotted points. This makes it
# easier to add text next to interesting points.
# If identify = T, the attribute ids of coordinates
# contains the row numbers of the identified points
# in the matrix coordinates.
if (!is.vector(PAC)) stop(
"The PAC on the vertical axis should be a vector.")
n <- length(PAC)
if (!is.vector(feat)) stop(
"The feature on the horizontal axis should be a vector.")
if (length(feat) != n) stop(paste0("The feature should have ",
"length ", n, ", like PAC."))
if (sum(c(plotLoess, plotErrorBars, plotQuantiles)) > 1) {
stop(paste0("Only one of the options plotLoess, ",
"plotErrorBars, or plotQuantiles can be selected.")) }
if (is.null(main)) {
mymain <- "quasi residual plot"
} else {
mymain <- main
if (is.null(xlab)) {
myxlab <- "feature"
} else {
myxlab <- xlab
xran <- range(feat, na.rm = TRUE)
myxlim <- xran
if (!is.null(xlim)) {myxlim <- xlim}
if (is.null(gray)) {gray <- TRUE}
myopacity <- 1
if (!is.null(opacity)) {myopacity <- opacity}
if (squareplot) {par(pty = "s")} else {par(pty = "m")}
# The "else" part is still missing in classmap,
# but there the default is sqauareplot=T anyway.
if (is.null(fac)) {fac <- 1}
mycex <- 1
if (!is.null(cex)) {mycex <- cex}
mycex.main <- 1.2
if (!is.null(cex.main)) {mycex.main <- cex.main}
mycex.lab <- 1
if (!is.null(cex.lab)) {mycex.lab <- cex.lab}
mycex.axis <- 1
if (!is.null(cex.axis)) {mycex.axis <- cex.axis}
mypch <- 19 # disk (16 is a bit smaller)
if (!is.null(pch)) {mypch <- pch}
# Start the actual plot:
plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = myxlim, ylim = c(0, 1),
ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
# makes an empty plot
title(main = mymain, line = 1, cex.main = cex.main)
title(ylab = "P[alternative class]", line = 2.3,
cex.lab = 1)
title(xlab = myxlab, line = 2.3, cex.lab = 1)
if (gray) { # adds gray region
rect(myxlim[1] - myxlim[2], -2, myxlim[2] * 2, 0.5,
col = "lightgray", border = FALSE)
par(new = TRUE) # overlay next plot on this one
mycol <- adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = myopacity)
coordinates <- cbind(feat, PAC)
plot(coordinates, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = myxlim,
ylim = c(0, 1), pch = mypch, col = mycol,
cex = mycex, cex.axis = mycex.axis)
if (plotLoess) {# add a loess curve
lofit <- loess(PAC ~ feat)
grid <- seq(from = myxlim[1], to = myxlim[2], length.out = 201)
lines(grid, fac * predict(lofit, grid), col = "red", lwd = 2)
if (plotErrorBars) { # add average plus/minus standard error
if (is.null(grid)) grid <-
seq(from = xran[1], to = xran[2], length.out = 11)
nintervals <- length(grid) - 1
midpoints <- avers <- sders <- rep(NA, nintervals)
for (j in seq_len(nintervals)) {
midpoints[j] <- (grid[j] + grid[j + 1]) / 2
clinds <- which((grid[j] <= feat) & (feat < grid[j + 1]))
avers[j] <- mean(PAC[clinds], na.rm = TRUE)
sders[j] <- sd(PAC[clinds], na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(length(clinds))
lines(midpoints, fac * (avers + sders), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
lines(midpoints, fac * avers, col = "red", lwd = 2)
lines(midpoints, fac * (avers - sders), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
if (plotQuantiles) { # add quantile-based curves
if (is.null(grid)) grid <-
seq(from = xran[1], to = xran[2], length.out = 11)
nintervals <- length(grid) - 1
midpoints <- rep(NA, nintervals)
if (is.null(probs)) probs <- c(0.5, 0.75)
nprobs <- length(probs)
quants <- matrix(NA, ncol = nintervals, nrow = nprobs)
for (j in seq_len(nintervals)) {
midpoints[j] <- (grid[j] + grid[j + 1]) / 2
clinds <- which((grid[j] <= feat) & (feat < grid[j + 1]))
quants[, j] <- quantile(PAC[clinds], probs)
if (is.null(cols)) {
cols <- seq_len(nprobs) + 1 # red, green, blue,...
} else {
if (!is.vector(cols)) {
stop("\n cols should be a vector")
if (length(cols) < nprobs) {
stop(paste0("\n The number of cols should be at",
" least length(probs) = ", nprobs, "."))
cols <- cols[seq_len(nprobs)]
for (k in seq_len(nprobs)) {
lines(midpoints, fac * quants[k, ], col = cols[k], lwd = 2)
attr(coordinates, "ids") <- integer(0)
if (identify) {
message("Press the escape key to stop identifying.")
iout <- identify(coordinates, order = TRUE)
ids <- iout$ind[order(iout$order)]
if (length(ids) > 0) {
write(noquote("Identified point(s): "))
attr(coordinates, "ids") <- ids
} else {
write(noquote("No points were identified."))
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