
Defines functions qcond2cond_csf qcond2cond_asf qcond2cond_bool .qcondType maybeComplex maybeAtomic maybeBoolean checkVariableNames checkValues getCondType

Documented in getCondType

# ==== getCondType ==== 
# Determine conditions' types
#   x:    condition (blanks not allowed!)
#   cti:  "ctInfo" object
#   force.bool, rm.parentheses: passed from condition() 
# Possible values: 
#   "stdBoolean", "stdAtomic", "stdComplex", 
#   "boolean", "atomic", "complex",
#   "invalidSyntax", "invalidComplex", "invalidValues"
# Examples:
#' cond <- c("A+B", "a+b*C->E", "(a+b*C<->E)*(A+B<->D)",
#'               "!a", "!(a+B)<->C", "(a+b*C<->E)*(A+!b<->D)",
#'               "(a<->B)*(A+d)", "(a+*C", "x+y->Z", "a<-B->C")
#' getCondType(cond, ctInfo(full.ct(5)))
getCondType <- function(x, cti, force.bool = FALSE, rm.parentheses = FALSE){
  vnms <- colnames(cti$scores)
  inhStd <- as.logical(
             c("stdBoolean", "stdAtomic", "stdComplex"),
             which = TRUE))

  # Case "std" declared in class attribute
  if (any(inhStd)){
    condTypes <- qct <- rep(c("stdBoolean", "stdAtomic", "stdComplex")[inhStd],
    return(structure(condTypes, x = x))
  # Check "standard" type (identifiable through by .qcondType())
  condTypes <- qct <- .qcondType(x, vnms, cti$type)
  x <- names(qct)
  names(qct) <- names(condTypes) <- NULL
  anyUnknown <- any(noqct <- qct == "unknown")
  if (!anyUnknown){
    return(structure(condTypes, x = x))
  # All other cases: parsing is necessary
  if (!anyUnknown){
    return(structure(condTypes, x = x))
  px <- lapply(x[noqct], tryparse)
  px_ind <- which(noqct)
  syntax_ok <- !m_is.null(px)
  inPar_px <- logical(length(px))
  for (i in seq_along(px)){
    if (!syntax_ok[[i]]) next
    if (inPar_px[i] <- (as.character(px[[i]][[1]]) == "("))
      px[[i]] <- rm.parentheses(px[[i]])
    px[[i]] <- reshapeCall(px[[i]])
    x[[px_ind[i]]] <- parsed2visible(px[[i]])
  inPar <- reshaped_px <- logical(length(x))
  inPar[noqct] <- inPar_px
  if (!all(syntax_ok))
    condTypes[noqct][!syntax_ok] <- "invalidSyntax"
  if (any(syntax_ok)){
    vars_ok <- checkVariableNames(px[syntax_ok], if (cti$type == "mv") names(cti$nVal) else vnms)
    ct <- character(sum(vars_ok))
    ct_inPar <- !rm.parentheses & inPar_px[syntax_ok][vars_ok]
    if (any(ct_inPar)) ct[ct_inPar] <- "boolean"
    if (!all(ct_inPar))
      ct[!ct_inPar] <- .condType(px[syntax_ok][vars_ok][!ct_inPar], force.bool)
    condTypes[noqct][syntax_ok][vars_ok] <- ct
    if (!all(vars_ok))
      condTypes[noqct][syntax_ok][!vars_ok] <- "invalidValues"
  structure(condTypes, x = x, px = px, px_ind = px_ind)

# ==== checkValues() ===
# check if all factor values in a condition are %in% values
checkValues <- function(char, split, values, fixed = TRUE){
  stopifnot(length(split) >= 2)
  spl <- hstrsplit(char, split, fixed = fixed, relist = FALSE)
  coll <- collapse(attr(spl, "lengths"), seq(2L, length(split)))
  found <- hrelist(spl, coll,
                   f = function(x) match(x, table = values, nomatch = 0L) > 0L)
  out <- m_all(found)
  if (any(!out)){
    # empty strings in spl (e.g. if char = "A+*B")?
    anyEmpty <- m_any(C_relist_Log(spl=="", coll[[1]])[!out])
    if (any(anyEmpty)){
      syntax_ok <- rep(TRUE, length(char))
      syntax_ok[!out][anyEmpty] <- FALSE
      attr(out, "syntax_ok") <- syntax_ok
    # try with 'unified' case
    checkUnifCase <- !out
    if (any(anyEmpty)) checkUnifCase[!syntax_ok] <- FALSE
    if (any(checkUnifCase)){
      spl0 <- spl <- hsubset(spl, checkUnifCase)
      spl[] <- unifyCase(spl)
      found <- hrelist(spl, collapse(attr(spl, "lengths"), seq(2L, length(split))),
                       f = function(x) match(x, table = values, nomatch = 0L) > 0L)
      allfound <- m_all(found)
      if (any(allfound)){
        # attribute "fixedCase" with corrected condition (unified case)
        dif <- spl != spl0
        fixedCase <- rep(NA_character_, length(char))
        dups <- duplicated(spl0[dif])
        fixedCase[checkUnifCase][allfound] <- 
          modifyStrings(spl0[dif][!dups], spl[dif][!dups], char[checkUnifCase][allfound])
        attr(out, "fixedCase") <- fixedCase
        out[checkUnifCase][allfound] <- TRUE

# ==== checkVariables() ===
# slower version of checkValues for parsed conditions
checkVariableNames <- function(px, values){
  vars <- lapply(px, all.vars)
  found <- happly(vars, function(x) match(x, table = values, nomatch = 0L) > 0L)

# ==== "maybe"-functions ====
# check the syntactic form of the condition
#   does not check the validity of  factor values
#   NA = invalidSyntax
maybeBoolean <- function(x, ct_type){
  invalidChars <- if (ct_type == "mv"){
  } else {
  out <- !grepl(invalidChars, x)
  out[grepl("[*+]{2}", x)] <- FALSE
  if (ct_type == "mv"){
    mvValueString <- "^[[:alpha:]\\.][[:alnum:]\\._]*=[[:digit:]]+$"
    spl <- hstrsplit(x, c("+", "*"), relist = FALSE)
    string_ok <- grepl(mvValueString, spl) 
    string_ok <- hrelist(string_ok, collapse(attr(spl, "lengths"), 2))
    string_ok <- m_all(string_ok)
    if (any(!string_ok)){
       out[!string_ok] <- FALSE
  if (any(out))
    out[out][grepl("^[\\+\\*]", x[out])] <- NA
  if (any(s <- !is.na(out) & out))
    out[s][grepl("[\\+\\*]$", x[s])] <- NA
maybeAtomic <- function(x, ct_type){
  ok <- grepl("[^+*<]<{0,1}->", x)
  ok[ok][grepl("[\\(\\)]", x[ok])] <- FALSE
  leftright <- strsplit(x, "<*->")
  ok[lengths(leftright) > 2L] <- FALSE
  # right side has no operators:
  ok[ok][grepl("[\\*\\+\\<\\>\\-]", vapply(leftright[ok], "[[", 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1)))] <- FALSE
  # lhs is bool/dnf:
  if (any(ok)){
    check_lhs <- maybeBoolean(vapply(leftright[ok], "[[", 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1)), ct_type = ct_type)
    ok[ok][!check_lhs | is.na(check_lhs)] <- FALSE

maybeComplex <- function(x, ct_type, multiple.only = TRUE){
  ok <- grepl("^\\(", x) & grepl("\\)$", x) 
  if (multiple.only) ok <- ok & grepl(")*(", x, fixed = TRUE)
  if (any(ok)){
    csfStruct <- m_all(happly(strsplit(sub("^\\((.+)\\)$", "\\1", x[ok]), ")*(", fixed = TRUE), 
                               maybeAtomic, ct_type = ct_type))
    ok[ok][!csfStruct] <- FALSE

# ==== .qcondType() ====
# Determine the 'qtypes' of conditions (preliminary selection, without parsing)
# possible values:
# "constant" , "stdBoolean", "stdAtomic", "stdComplex", "unknown", "invalidValues"
.qcondType <- function(x, values, ct_type, stdComplex.multiple.only = TRUE){
  out <- rep("unknown", length(x))
  names(out) <- x
  # empty string
  out[!nzchar(x)] <- "invalidSyntax"
  # "constant"
  out[x %in% c("0", "1")] <- "constant"
  # "boolean"
  sel1 <- out == "unknown"
  if (!any(sel1)) return(out)
  mbBool <- maybeBoolean(x[sel1], ct_type)
  sel2 <- mbBool & !is.na(mbBool)
  out[is.na(mbBool)] <- "invalidSyntax"
  if (any(sel2)){
    sel3 <- checkValues(x[sel1][sel2], c("+", "*"), values)
    out[sel1][sel2][sel3] <- "stdBoolean"
    out[sel1][sel2][!sel3] <- "invalidValues"
    if (!is.null(invSyn <- attr(sel3, "syntax_ok"))){
      out[sel1][sel2][!invSyn] <- "invalidSyntax"
    if (!is.null(fc <- attr(sel3, "fixedCase"))){
      x[sel1][sel2][!is.na(fc)] <- fc[!is.na(fc)]
      names(out) <- x
  # "atomic"
  sel1 <- out == "unknown"
  if (!any(sel1)) return(out)
  mbAt <- maybeAtomic(x[sel1], ct_type)
  sel2 <- mbAt & !is.na(mbAt)
  out[is.na(mbAt)] <- "invalidSyntax"
  if (any(sel2)){
    sel3 <- checkValues(x[sel1][sel2], c("<*->", "+", "*"), values, 
                        fixed = c(FALSE, TRUE))
    out[sel1][sel2][sel3] <- "stdAtomic"
    out[sel1][sel2][!sel3] <- "invalidValues"
    if (!is.null(invSyn <- attr(sel3, "syntax_ok"))){
      out[sel1][sel2][!invSyn] <- "invalidSyntax"
    if (!is.null(fc <- attr(sel3, "fixedCase"))){
      x[sel1][sel2][!is.na(fc)] <- fc[!is.na(fc)]
      names(out) <- x
  # "complex"
  sel1 <- out == "unknown"
  if (!any(sel1)) return(out)
  sel2 <- maybeComplex(x[sel1], ct_type, multiple.only = stdComplex.multiple.only)
  if (any(sel2)){
    sel3 <-  checkValues(gsub("^\\(|\\)$", "", x[sel1][sel2]), c(")*(", "<*->", "+", "*"), 
                         values, fixed = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
    out[sel1][sel2][sel3] <- "stdComplex"
    out[sel1][sel2][!sel3] <- "invalidValues"
    if (!is.null(invSyn <- attr(sel3, "syntax_ok"))){
      out[sel1][sel2][!invSyn] <- "invalidSyntax"
    if (!is.null(fc <- attr(sel3, "fixedCase"))){
      x[sel1][sel2][!is.na(fc)] <- paste0("(", fc[!is.na(fc)], ")")
      names(out) <- x


qcond2cond_bool <- function(x){
  qc <- setNames(split.default(as.data.frame(x), seq_len(ncol(x))),
  lapply(qc, "class<-", c("stdBooleanCond", "booleanCond", "cond", "data.frame"))

qcond2cond_asf <- function(x){
  if (length(dim(x)) == 2) return(qcond2cond_bool(x))
  cond_nms <- attr(x, "condition")
  n <- nrow(x)
  l <- length(cond_nms)
  xx <- `dim<-`(x, c(n, 2*l))
  colnames(xx) <- hstrsplit(cond_nms, "<*->", fixed = FALSE, 
                            relist = FALSE, lengths.attr = FALSE)
  qc <- setNames(split.default(as.data.frame(xx), rep(seq_len(l), each = 2)),
  qc <- lapply(qc, "class<-", c("stdAtomicCond", "atomicCond", "cond", "data.frame"))
  attr(qc, "response") <- attr(x, "response")

qcond2cond_csf <- function(x){
  if (!is.list(x)) return(qcond2cond_bool(x)) # case force.bool = TRUE
  n <- nrow(x[[1]])
  ll <- lengths(x)/n
  xx <- `dim<-`(unlist(x, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE),
                c(n, sum(ll)))
  asfNames <- unlist(extract_asf(names(x)), FALSE, FALSE)
  colnames(xx) <- hstrsplit(asfNames, "<*->", 
                  fixed = FALSE, relist = FALSE, lengths.attr = FALSE)
  xx <- setNames(split.default(as.data.frame(xx), rep(rep(seq_len(sum(ll)/2)), each=2)),
  xx <- lapply(xx, "class<-", c("stdAtomicCond", "atomicCond", "cond", "data.frame"))
  qc <- setNames(split.default(xx, rep(seq_along(ll), ll/2)),
  lapply(qc, "class<-", c("stdComplexCond", "complexCond", "cond", "data.frame"))

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