
Defines functions enve.recplot

Documented in enve.recplot

#' Enveomics: Recruitment Plots
#' @description 
#' Produces recruitment plots provided that BlastTab.catsbj.pl has
#' been previously executed. Requires the \pkg{gplots} library.
#' @param prefix
#' Path to the prefix of the BlastTab.catsbj.pl output files. At
#' least the files \strong{.rec} and \strong{.lim} must exist with this prefix.
#' @param id.min
#' Minimum identity to be considered. By default, the minimum detected
#' identity. This value is a percentage.
#' @param id.max
#' Maximum identity to be considered. By default, 100\%.
#' @param id.binsize
#' Size of the identity bins (vertical histograms). By default, 0.1 for
#' identity metrics and 5 for bit score.
#' @param id.splines
#' Smoothing parameter for the splines in the identity histogram. Zero (0) for
#' no splines. A generally good value is 1/2. If non-zero, requires the
#' \pkg{stats} package.
#' @param id.metric
#' Metric of identity to be used (Y-axis). It can be any unambiguous prefix of:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "identity"
#'   \item "corrected identity" 
#'   \item "bit score"
#' }
#' @param id.summary
#' Method used to build the identity histogram (Horizontal axis of the right
#' panel). It can be any unambiguous prefix of: 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "sum"
#'   \item "average" 
#'   \item "median"
#'   \item "90\% lower bound"
#'   \item "90\% upper bound"
#'   \item "95\% lower bound"
#'   \item "95\% upper bound"
#' }
#' The last four options
#' correspond to the upper and lower boundaries of the 90\% and 95\% empirical
#' confidence intervals.
#' @param pos.min
#' Minimum (leftmost) position in the reference (concatenated) genome (in bp).
#' @param pos.max
#' Maximum (rightmost) position in the reference (concatenated) genome (in bp).
#' By default: Length of the genome.
#' @param pos.binsize
#' Size of the position bins (horizontal histograms) in bp.
#' @param pos.splines
#' Smoothing parameter for the splines in the position histogram. Zero (0) for
#' no splines. If non-zero, requires the stats package.
#' @param rec.col1
#' Lightest color in the recruitment plot.
#' @param rec.col2
#' Darkest color in the recruitment plot.
#' @param main
#' Title of the plot.
#' @param contig.col
#' Color of the Contig boundaries. Set to \code{NA} to ignore Contig boundaries.
#' @param ret.recplot
#' Indicates if the matrix of the recruitment plot is to be returned.
#' @param ret.hist
#' Ignored, for backwards compatibility.
#' @param ret.mode
#' Indicates if the mode of the identity is to be computed. It requires the 
#' \pkg{modeest} package.
#' @param id.cutoff
#' Minimum identity to consider an alignment as "top". By default, it is 0.95
#' for the identity metrics and 95\% of the best scoring alignment for bit
#' score.
#' @param verbose
#' Indicates if the function should report the advance.
#' @param ...
#' Any additional graphic parameters to be passed to plot for all panels except
#' the recruitment plot (lower-left).
#' @return 
#' Returns a list with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{pos.marks}}{Midpoints of the position histogram.}
#' \item{\code{id.matrix}}{Midpoints of the identity histogram.}
#' \item{\code{recplot}}{Matrix containing the recruitment plot values 
#'       (if \code{ret.recplot=TRUE}).}
#' \item{\code{id.mean}}{Mean identity.}
#' \item{\code{id.median}}{Median identity.}
#' \item{\code{id.mode}}{Mode of the identity (if \code{ret.mode=TRUE}).
#'       Deprecated.}
#' \item{\code{id.hist}}{Values of the identity histogram
#'       (if \code{ret.hist=TRUE}).}
#' \item{\code{pos.hist.low}}{Values of the position histogram (depth) with
#'       "low" identity (i.e., below id.cutoff) (if \code{ret.hist=TRUE}).}
#' \item{\code{pos.hist.top}}{Values of the position histogram (depth) with
#'       "top" identity (i.e., above id.cutoff) (if \code{ret.hist=TRUE}).}
#' \item{\code{id.max}}{Value of \code{id.max}. This is returned because 
#'       \code{id.max=NULL} may vary.}
#' \item{\code{id.cutoff}}{Value of \code{id.cutoff}. 
#'       This is returned because \code{id.cutoff=NULL} may vary.}
#' \item{\code{seqdepth.mean.top}}{Average sequencing depth with identity above 
#'       \code{id.cutoff}.}
#' \item{\code{seqdepth.mean.low}}{Average sequencing depth with identity below 
#'       \code{id.cutoff}.} 
#' \item{\code{seqdepth.mean.all}}{Average sequencing depth without identity
#'       filtering.}
#' \item{\code{seqdepth.median.top}}{Median sequencing depth with identity above
#'       \code{id.cutoff}.}
#' \item{\code{seqdepth.median.low}}{Median sequencing depth with identity below
#'       \code{id.cutoff}.}
#' \item{\code{seqdepth.median.all}}{Median sequencing depth without identity
#'       filtering.}
#' \item{\code{id.metric}}{Full name of the used identity metric.}
#' \item{\code{id.summary}}{Full name of the summary method used to build the
#'       identity plot.}}
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @export

enve.recplot <- function(

  # Id. hist.
  id.min      = NULL,
  id.max      = NULL,
  id.binsize  = NULL,
  id.splines  = 0,
  id.metric   = "id",
  id.summary  = "sum",

  # Pos. hist.
  pos.min     = 1,
  pos.max     = NULL,
  pos.binsize = 1e3,
  pos.splines = 0,

  # Rec. plot
  rec.col1    = "white",
  rec.col2    = "black",

  # General
  main        = NULL,
  contig.col  = grey(0.85),

  # Return
  ret.recplot = FALSE,
  ret.hist    = FALSE,
  ret.mode    = FALSE,

  # General
  id.cutoff   = NULL,
  verbose     = TRUE,
) {
  # Settings
  METRICS <- c("identity", "corrected identity", "bit score")
  SUMMARY <- c("sum", "average", "median", "")
  if (is.null(prefix)) stop("Parameter prefix is mandatory.")
  if (!requireNamespace("gplots", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("Unavailable gplots library.")
  # Read files
  if(verbose) cat("Reading files.\n")
  rec <- read.table(
    paste(prefix, ".rec", sep = ""), sep = "\t", comment.char = "", quote = ""
  lim <- read.table(
    paste(prefix, ".lim", sep = ""), sep = "\t", comment.char = "", quote = ""

  # Configure ID summary
  id.summary <- pmatch(id.summary, SUMMARY);
  if(is.na(id.summary)) stop('Invalid identity summary.');
  if(id.summary == -1) stop('Ambiguous identity summary.');
    id.summary.func <- function(x) colSums(x);
    id.summary.name <- 'sum'
  }else if(id.summary==2){
    id.summary.func <- function(x) colMeans(x);
    id.summary.name <- 'mean'
  }else if(id.summary==3){
    id.summary.func <- function(x) apply(x,2,median);
    id.summary.name <- 'median'
  }else if(id.summary==4){
    id.summary.func <- function(x) apply(x,2,quantile,probs=0.05,names=FALSE);
    id.summary.name <- '90% LB'
  }else if(id.summary==5){
    id.summary.func <- function(x) apply(x,2,quantile,probs=0.95,names=FALSE);
    id.summary.name <- '90% UB'
  }else if(id.summary==6){
    id.summary.func <- function(x) apply(x,2,quantile,probs=0.025,names=FALSE);
    id.summary.name <- '95% LB'
  }else if(id.summary==7){
    id.summary.func <- function(x) apply(x,2,quantile,probs=0.975,names=FALSE);
    id.summary.name <- '95% UB'

  # Configure metrics
  id.metric <- pmatch(id.metric, METRICS);
  if(is.na(id.metric)) stop('Invalid identity metric.');
  if(id.metric == -1) stop('Ambiguous identity metric.');
    id.reccol <- 3
    id.shortname <- 'Id.'
    id.fullname  <- 'Identity'
    id.units     <- '%'
    id.hallmarks <- seq(0, 100, by=5)
    if(is.null(id.max)) id.max <- 100
    if(is.null(id.cutoff)) id.cutoff <- 95
    if(is.null(id.binsize)) id.binsize <- 0.1
  }else if(id.metric==2){
    if(ncol(rec)<6) stop("Requesting corrected identity, but .rec file doesn't have 6th column")
    id.reccol <- 6
    id.shortname <- 'cId.'
    id.fullname  <- 'Corrected identity'
    id.units     <- '%'
    id.hallmarks <- seq(0, 100, by=5)
    if(is.null(id.max)) id.max <- 100
    if(is.null(id.cutoff)) id.cutoff <- 95
    if(is.null(id.binsize)) id.binsize <- 0.1
  }else if(id.metric==3){
    id.reccol <- 4
    id.shortname <- 'BSc.'
    id.fullname  <- 'Bit score'
    id.units     <- 'bits'
    max.bs <- max(rec[, id.reccol])
    id.hallmarks <- seq(0, max.bs*1.2, by=50)
    if(is.null(id.max)) id.max <- max.bs
    if(is.null(id.cutoff)) id.cutoff <- 0.95 * max.bs
    if(is.null(id.binsize)) id.binsize <- 5
  if(is.null(id.min)) id.min <- min(rec[, id.reccol]);
  if(is.null(pos.max)) pos.max <- max(lim[, 3]);
  id.lim <- c(id.min, id.max);
  pos.lim <- c(pos.min, pos.max)/1e6;
  id.breaks <- round((id.max-id.min)/id.binsize);
  pos.breaks <- round((pos.max-pos.min)/pos.binsize);
  if(is.null(main)) main <- paste('Recruitment plot of ', prefix, sep='');
  pos.marks=seq(pos.min, pos.max, length.out=pos.breaks+1)/1e6;
  id.marks=seq(id.min, id.max, length.out=id.breaks+1);
  id.topclasses <- 0;
  for(i in length(id.marks):1)
      id.topclasses <- id.topclasses + 1
  # Set-up image
  layout(matrix(c(3,4,1,2), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE), widths=c(2,1), heights=c(1,2))
  out <- list()
  # Recruitment plot
  if(verbose) cat("Rec. plot.\n")
  mar <- par(mar=c(5, 4, 0, 0) + 0.1)
  rec.hist <- matrix(0, nrow = pos.breaks, ncol = id.breaks)
  for (i in 1:nrow(rec)) {
    id.class <- ceiling(
      id.breaks * (rec[i, id.reccol] - id.min) / (id.max-id.min)
    if (id.class <= id.breaks & id.class > 0) {
      for (pos in rec[i, 1]:rec[i, 2]){
        pos.class <- ceiling(pos.breaks * (pos-pos.min) / (pos.max-pos.min))
        if (pos.class <= pos.breaks & pos.class > 0)
          rec.hist[pos.class, id.class] <- rec.hist[pos.class, id.class] + 1
  id.top <- c((1-id.topclasses):0) + id.breaks;
  rec.col=gplots::colorpanel(256, rec.col1, rec.col2);
    x = pos.marks, y = id.marks, z = log10(rec.hist),
    breaks = seq(0, log10(max(rec.hist)), length.out = 1 + length(rec.col)),
    col = rec.col, xlim = pos.lim, ylim = id.lim,
    xlab = "Position in genome (Mbp)",
    ylab = paste(id.fullname, " (", id.units, ")", sep = ""),
    xaxs = "i", yaxs = "r"
  if (!is.na(contig.col))
    abline(v=c(lim$V2, lim$V3)/1e6, lty=1, col=contig.col)
  abline(h=id.hallmarks, lty=2, col=grey(0.7));
  abline(h=id.marks[id.top[1]], lty=3, col=grey(0.5))
  legend('bottomleft', 'Rec. plot', bg=rgb(1,1,1,2/3));
  out <- c(out, list(pos.marks=pos.marks, id.marks=id.marks));
  if(ret.recplot) out <- c(out, list(recplot=rec.hist));
  # Identity histogram
  if(verbose) cat(id.shortname, " hist.\n", sep = "")
  par(mar=c(5,0,0,2)+0.1) # par(mar) already being watched by on.exit
  id.hist <- id.summary.func(rec.hist)
    1, t = "n", xlim = c(1, max(id.hist)), ylim = id.lim, ylab = "", yaxt = "n",
    xlab = paste("Sequences (bp),", id.summary.name), log = "x", ...
  id.x <- rep(id.marks, each=2)[2:(id.breaks*2+1)]
  id.f <- rep(id.hist, each=2)[1:(id.breaks*2)]
    lines(id.f, id.x, lwd=ifelse(id.splines>0, 1/2, 2), type = "o", pch = ".")
      id.spline <- smooth.spline(
        id.x[id.f > 0], log(id.f[id.f > 0]), spar = id.splines
      lines(exp(id.spline$y), id.spline$x, lwd=2)
  abline(h=id.hallmarks, lty=2, col=grey(0.7));
  abline(h=id.marks[id.top[1]], lty=3, col=grey(0.5))
  legend('bottomright', paste(id.shortname, 'histogram'), bg=rgb(1,1,1,2/3));
  out <- c(out, list(id.mean=mean(rec[, id.reccol])));
  out <- c(out, list(id.median=median(rec[, id.reccol])));
  if(ret.hist)  out <- c(out, list(id.hist=id.hist));
  # Position histogram
  if(verbose) cat("Pos. hist.\n")
  par(mar = c(0, 4, 4, 0) + 0.1) # par(mar) already being watched by on.exit
  pos.winsize <- (pos.max - pos.min + 1) / pos.breaks
  if(sum(rec.hist[, id.top])>0)
    h1 <- rowSums(matrix(rec.hist[, id.top], nrow = nrow(rec.hist))) /
    h2 <- rowSums(matrix(rec.hist[,-id.top], nrow = nrow(rec.hist))) /
  ymin <- min(1, h1[h1>0], h2[h2>0]);
  ymax <- max(10, h1, h2);
  if(is.na(ymin) || ymin<=0) ymin <- 1e-10;
  if(is.na(ymax) || ymax<=0) ymax <- 1;
    1, t = "n", xlab = "", xaxt = "n", ylab = "Sequencing depth (X)", log = "y",
    xlim = pos.lim, ylim = c(ymin, ymax), xaxs = "i", main = main, ...
    abline(v=c(lim[,2], lim[,3])/1e6, lty=1, col=contig.col)
  abline(h=10^c(0:5), lty=2, col=grey(0.7));
    h2.x <- rep(pos.marks, each=2)[2:(pos.breaks*2+1)]
    h2.y <- rep(h2, each=2)[1:(pos.breaks*2)]
    lines(h2.x, h2.y, lwd=ifelse(pos.splines>0, 1/2, 2), col=grey(0.5));
      h2.spline <- smooth.spline(
        h2.x[h2.y > 0], log(h2.y[h2.y > 0]), spar = pos.splines
      lines(h2.spline$x, exp(h2.spline$y), lwd=2, col=grey(0.5))
    if(ret.hist) out <- c(out, list(pos.hist.low=h2.y));
    h1.x <- rep(pos.marks, each=2)[2:(pos.breaks*2+1)]
    h1.y <- rep(h1, each=2)[1:(pos.breaks*2)]
    lines(h1.x, h1.y, lwd=ifelse(pos.splines>0, 1/2, 2), col=grey(0));
      h1.spline <- smooth.spline(
        h1.x[h1.y > 0], log(h1.y[h1.y > 0]), spar = pos.splines
      lines(h1.spline$x, exp(h1.spline$y), lwd=2, col=grey(0))
    if(ret.hist) out <- c(out, list(pos.hist.top=h1.y))
  legend("topleft", "Pos. histogram", bg = rgb(1, 1, 1, 2/3))
  out <- c(out, list(id.max=id.max, id.cutoff=id.marks[id.top[1]]))
  out <- c(out, list(seqdepth.mean.top=mean(h1)))
  out <- c(out, list(seqdepth.mean.low=mean(h2)))
  out <- c(out, list(seqdepth.mean=mean(h1+h2)))
  out <- c(out, list(seqdepth.median.top=median(h1)))
  out <- c(out, list(seqdepth.median.low=median(h2)))
  out <- c(out, list(seqdepth.median=median(h1+h2)))
  out <- c(out, list(id.metric=id.fullname))
  out <- c(out, list(id.summary=id.summary.name))
  # Legend
  par(mar=c(0, 0, 4, 2) + 0.1) # par(mar) already being watched by on.exit
    1, t = "n", xlab = "", xaxt = "n", ylab = "", yaxt = "n",
    xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), xaxs = "r", yaxs = "i", ...
    1/2, 5/6, labels = paste(
      "Reads per ", signif((pos.max-pos.min) / pos.breaks, 2),
      " bp (rec. plot)", sep = ""
    ), pos=3
  leg.col <- gplots::colorpanel(100, rec.col1, rec.col2)
  leg.lab <- signif(10^seq(0, log10(max(rec.hist)), length.out=10), 2)
  for(i in 1:10){
    for(j in 1:10){
      k <- (i-1)*10 + j;
        c(k-1, k, k, k-1) / 100,
        c(2/3, 2/3, 5/6, 5/6),
        border = leg.col[k], col = leg.col[k]
      (i - 0.5) / 10, 2/3,
      labels = paste(leg.lab[i], ""), srt = 90, pos = 2, offset = 0, cex = 3/4
    legend = c(
      "Contig boundary", "Hallmark", paste(id.fullname, "cutoff"),
        "Pos. hist.: ", id.shortname, " > ",
        signif(id.marks[id.top[1]],2), id.units, sep = ""
        "Pos. hist.: ", id.shortname, " < ",
        signif(id.marks[id.top[1]], 2), id.units, sep = ""
    ncol=2, col = grey(c(0.85, 0.7, 0.5, 0, 0.5)), lty = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1),
    lwd = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2), bty = "n", inset = 0.05, cex = 5/6

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