smooth.basis.glm <- function(argvals, y, fdParobj, wtvec=NULL, fdnames=NULL,
covariates=NULL, family="binomial", dfscale=1) {
#SMOOTH.GLM Smooths discrete curve represented by basis function
# expansions fit by penalized least squares.
# Required arguments for this function are
# ARGVALS A set of argument values, set by default to equally spaced
# on the unit interval (0,1).
# Y If the family is not binomial, y is a matrix or an array
# containing values of curves.
# If y is a matrix, rows must correspond to argument
# values and columns to replications, and it will be assumed
# that there is only one variable per observation.
# If Y is a three-dimensional array, the first dimension
# corresponds to argument values, the second to replications,
# and the third to variables within replications.
# If Y is a vector, only one replicate and variable are
# assumed.
# If the family is binomial local sample sizes M.i,
# Y is a list vector of length 2, the first of which cantains
# the matrix or array as above containing observed frequencies,
# and the second of which contains the corresponding local
# sample sizes.
# FDPAROBJ A functional parameter or fdPar object. This object
# contains the specifications for the functional data
# object to be estimated by smoothing the data. See
# comment lines in function fdPar for details.
# This argument may also be either a FD object, or a
# BASIS object. If this argument is a basis object, the
# smoothing parameter LAMBDA is set to 0.
# Optional arguments are input in pairs the first element of the pair
# is a string specifying the property that the argument value defines,
# and the second element is the value of the argument
# Valid property/value pairs include
# Property Value
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# weight vector of the same length as the data vector to be
# smoothed, containing nonnegative weights to be
# applied to the data values
# fdnames A cell array of length 3 with names for
# 1. argument domain, such as "Time"
# 2. replications or cases
# 3. the function.
# covariates A N by Q matrix Z of covariate values used to augment
# the smoothing function, where N is the number of
# data values to be smoothed and Q is the number of
# covariates. The process of augmenting a smoothing
# function in this way is often called "semi-parametric
# regression". The default is the empty object NULL.
# dfscale A scalar value multiplying the degrees of freedom
# in the definition of the generalized
# cross-validated or GCV criterion for selecting the
# bandwidth parameter LAMBDA. It was recomm}ed by
# Chong Gu that this be a number slightly larger than
# 1.0, such as 1.2, to prevent under-smoothing,
# The default is 1.0.
# family a character string containing one of
# "normal"
# "binomial"
# "poisson"
# "gamma"
# "inverse gaussian"
# the value determines which of the link functions in
# the generalized linear model (GLM) family is to be
# used. The default is "normal".
# control a struct object controlling iterations with members
# epsilon convergence criterion (default 1e-8)
# maxit max. iterations (default 25)
# trace output iteration info (0)
# start a vector containing starting values for coefficients
# Returned objects are
# FDOBJ an object of class fd containing coefficients.
# DF a degrees of freedom measure.
# GCV a measure of lack of fit discounted for df.
# If the function is univariate, GCV is a vector
# containing the stop sum of squares for each
# function, and if the function is multivariate,
# GCV is a NVAR by NCURVES matrix.
# SSE the stop sums of squares.
# SSE is a vector or matrix of the same size as
# GCV.
# PENMAT the penalty matrix, if computed, otherwise NULL.
# Y2CMAP the matrix mapping the data to the coefficients.
# ARGVALS the input set of argument values.
# Y the input array containing values of curves
# Last modified 15 May 2018 by Jim Ramsay
n <- length(argvals)
# check ARGVALS
if (!is.numeric(argvals)) stop("ARGVALS is not numeric.")
argvals <- as.vector(argvals)
if (length(argvals) < 2) stop("ARGVALS does not contain at least two values.")
# check Y
if (is.vector(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
# check FDPAROBJ and get FDOBJ and LAMBDA
if (!inherits(fdParobj, "fdPar")) {
if (inherits(fdParobj, "fd") || inherits(fdParobj, "basisfd")) {
fdParobj <- fdPar(fdParobj)
} else
stop(paste("'fdParobj' is not a functional parameter object,",
"not a functional data object, and",
"not a basis object."))
fdobj <- fdParobj$fd
lambda <- fdParobj$lambda
Lfdobj <- fdParobj$Lfd
# check LAMBDA
if (lambda < 0) {
lambda <- 0
# get BASIS and NBASIS
basisobj <- fdobj$basis
nbasis <- basisobj$nbasis - length(basisobj$dropind)
# check WTVEC
# wtList <- wtcheck(n, wtvec)
# wtvec <- wtList[[1]]
# onewt <- wtList[[2]]
# if (onewt) {
# wtvec <- matrix(1,n,1)
# }
if (is.null(wtvec)) wtvec <- matrix(1,n,1)
# check FDNAMES
if (!is.null(fdnames) && !is.list(fdnames)) {
stop("Optional argument FDNAMES is not a list object.")
if (is.list(fdnames) && length(fdnames) != 3) {
stop("Optional argument FDNAMES is not of length 3.")
q <- 0
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
if (!is.numeric(covariates)) {
stop("Optional argument COVARIATES is not numeric.")
if (dim(covariates)[1] != n) {
stop("Optional argument COVARIATES has incorrect number of rows.")
q <- dim(covariates)[2]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# set up the linear equations for smoothing
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# set up matrix of basis function values
basismat <- eval.basis(argvals, basisobj)
if (n >= nbasis || lambda > 0) {
# The following code is for the coefficients completely determined
# set up additional rows of the least squares problem for the
# penalty term.
basismat0 <- basismat
y0 <- y
if (lambda > 0) {
penmat <- eval.penalty(basisobj, Lfdobj)
lamRmat <- lambda*penmat
} else {
lamRmat <- NULL
# augment BASISMAT0 and BASISMAT by the covariate matrix
# if (it is supplied
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
basismat0 <- matrix(cbind(basismat0, covariates))
basismat <- matrix(cbind(basismat, covariates))
if (!is.null(lamRmat)) {
lamRmat <- rbind(cbind(lamRmat, matrix(0,nbasis,q)),
cbind(matrix(0,q,nbasis), matrix(0,q) ))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# compute solution using Matlab function glmfit
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
dimy <- dim(y)
nbasis <- dimy[1]
ncurve <- dimy[2]
ndim <- length(dimy)
if (ndim < 3) {
coef <- matrix(0,nbasis,ncurve)
dev <- matrix(0,ncurve,1)
glmList <- glm.fda(basismat, y, family, lamRmat, wtvec)
coef <- glmList[[1]]
dev <- glmList[[2]]
} else {
nvar <- dimy[3]
coef <- array(0,c(nbasis,ncurve,nvar))
dev <- matrix(0,ncurve,nvar)
for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
yi <- as.matrix(y[,,ivar])
glmList <- glm.fda(basismat, yi, family, lamRmat, wtvec)
coefi <- glmList[[1]]
devi <- glmList[[2]]
statsi <- glmList[[3]]
coef[,,ivar] <- coefi
dev[,ivar] <- devi
stats[[ivar]] <- statsi
# compute basismat*R^{-1}
if (is.null(lamRmat)) {
M <- crossprod(basismat)
} else {
M <- crossprod(basismat) + lamRmat
# compute map from y to c
y2cMap <- solve(M,t(basismat))
# compute degrees of freedom of smooth
df <- sum(diag(basismat %*% y2cMap))
} else {
stop(paste("The number of basis functions exceeds the number of ",
"points to be smoothed."))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# compute SSE, yhat, GCV and other fit summaries
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# # compute stop sum of squares
# if (ndim < 3) {
# yhat <- basismat0 %*% coef
# SSE <- sum((y0 - yhat)^2)
# } else {
# SSE <- matrix(0,nvar,ncurve)
# for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
# coefi <- coef[,,ivar]
# yhati <- basismat %*% coefi
# yi <- y[,,ivar]
# SSE[ivar,] <- sum((yi - yhati)^2)
# }
# }
# # compute GCV index
# if (df < n) {
# gcv <- (SSE/n)/((n - dfscale*df)/n)^2
# } else {
# gcv <- NA
# }
# set up the functional data object
if (ndim < 3) {
fdobj <- fd(coef[1:nbasis,], basisobj, fdnames)
} else {
fdobj <- fd(coef[1:nbasis,,], basisobj, fdnames)
# set up the regression coefficient matrix beta
if (q > 0) {
ind <- (nbasis+1):(nbasis+q)
if (ndim < 3) {
beta <- coef[ind,]
} else {
beta <- coef[ind,,]
} else {
beta <- NULL
return(list(fdobj=fdobj, beta=beta))
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