# File dm2seasonal.R
# Part of the hydroTSM R package, ;
# Copyright 2009-2020 Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
# Distributed under GPL 2 or later
# dm2seasonal: Generic function for computing seasonal values for every #
# year of a daily/monthly zoo object #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini #
# Started: 15-May-2009 ; #
# Updates: 31-Aug-2009 ; 19-Jun-2011 ; 08-Aug-2011 #
# 'x ' : variable of type 'zoo' or 'data.frame'
# 'season' : character, indicating the weather season to be used for selecting the data
# Valid values are:
# -) "DJF": December, January, February
# -) "MAM": March, April, May
# -) "JJA": June, July, August
# -) "SON": September, October, November
# 'FUN' : Function that will be applied to ALL the values of 'x' belonging to the given weather season
# 'na.rm' : Logical. Should missing values be removed?
# TRUE : the seasonal values are computed considering only those values different from NA
# FALSE: if there is AT LEAST one NA within a season, the corresponding values are NA
# 'out.fmt' : character indicating the format for the output time series. Possible values are:
# -) "%Y" : only the year will be used for the time. Default option. (e.g., "1961" "1962"...)
# -) "%Y-%m-%d": a complete date format will be used for the time. Default option. (e.g., "1961" "1962"...)
dm2seasonal <-function(x, ...) UseMethod("dm2seasonal")
dm2seasonal.default <- function(x, season, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, out.fmt="%Y", ...) {
# Checking that 'x' is a zoo object
if ( !is.zoo(x) ) stop("Invalid argument: 'class(x)' must be in c('zoo', 'xts')")
dm2seasonal.zoo(x=x, season=season, FUN=FUN, na.rm=na.rm, out.fmt=out.fmt, ...)
} # 'dm2seasonal.default' END
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini #
# Started: 08-Aug-2011 #
# Updates: 08-Aug-2011 #
# 12-Oct-2022 #
dm2seasonal.zoo <- function(x, season, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, out.fmt="%Y", ...) {
# Checking that the user provied a valid argument for 'season'
if ( missing(season) ) {
stop("Missing argument: 'season' must be provided")
} else { # If 'season' is provided
seasons.default <- c("DJF", "MAM", "JJA", "SON")
seasons.FrenchPolynesia <- c("DJFM", "AM", "JJAS", "ON")
# Checking that the user provied a valid class for 'season'
valid.seasons <- valid.seasons <- union(seasons.default, seasons.FrenchPolynesia)
if (length(which(!, valid.seasons )))) <= 0)
stop("Invalid argument: 'season' must be in 'c(", paste(valid.seasons, collapse=", "), ")'")
# Finding out if 'season' belongs to 'seasons.default' or to ' seasons.FrenchPolynesia'.
if ( season %in% seasons.default ) {
season.type <- "default"
} else if ( season %in% seasons.FrenchPolynesia ) {
season.type <- "FrenchPolynesia"
} # ELSE end
} # ELSE end
# Checking that the user provied a valid argument for 'FUN'
if (missing(FUN)) stop("Missing argument: 'FUN' must be provided")
# Checking the user provide a valid value for 'x'
if (sfreq(x) %in% c("quarterly", "annual"))
stop("Invalid argument: 'x' is not a sub-daily, daily, weekly or monthly ts. 'x' is a ", sfreq(x), " ts" )
# Checking 'out.fmt'
if (, c("%Y", "%Y-%m-%d") ) ) )
stop("Invalid argument: 'out.fmt' must be in c('%Y', '%Y-%m-%d')" )
# Getting the Monthly values beloonging ONLY to the desired weather season
s <- extract(x= x, trgt=season)
# Moving forward all the December values, in order that
# December of 1991 be used together with Jan/92 and Feb/92,
# instead of with Jan/91 and Feb/91
if ( (season == "DJF") | (season == "DJFM") ) {
syears <- as.numeric(format( time(s), "%Y" ))
dec.index <- which(format(time(s), "%m") == 12)
dec.years <- syears[dec.index]
dec.years <- dec.years + 1
syears[dec.index] <- dec.years
s.a <- aggregate( s, by= syears, FUN=FUN, na.rm= na.rm)
# Removing the last value of december, because it is outside of the analysis period
if ( (is.matrix(s.a)) | ( ) {
s.a <- s.a[1:(nrow(s.a)-1), ]
} else s.a <- s.a[1:(length(s.a)-1)]
} else s.a <- aggregate( s, by= format( time(s), "%Y" ), FUN=FUN, na.rm= na.rm )
# Replacing the NaNs by 'NA.
# mean(NA:NA, na.rm=TRUE) == NaN
nan.index <- which(is.nan(s.a))
if ( length(nan.index) > 0 ) s.a[nan.index] <- NA
# Replacing all the Inf and -Inf by NA's
# min(NA:NA, na.rm=TRUE) == Inf ; max(NA:NA, na.rm=TRUE) == -Inf
inf.index <- which(is.infinite(s.a))
if ( length(inf.index) > 0 ) s.a[inf.index] <- NA
# If the user wants a complete data format for the output ts:
if (out.fmt == "%Y-%m-%d")
time(s.a) <- as.Date(paste( time(s.a), "-01-01", sep=""))
} # 'dm2seasonal.zoo' END
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini #
# Started: 15-May-2009 #
# Updates: 08-Aug-2011 #
# 29-May-2013 ; 03-Jun-2013 #
# 10-March-2020 #
# 'dates' : "numeric", "factor", "Date" indicating how to obtain the
# dates for correponding to the 'sname' station
# If 'dates' is a number, it indicates the index of the column in
# 'x' that stores the dates
# If 'dates' is a factor, it have to be converted into 'Date' class,
# using the date format specified by 'date.fmt'
# If 'dates' is already of Date class, the following line verifies that
# the number of days in 'dates' be equal to the number of element in the
# time series corresponding to the '' station
# 'date.fmt': character indicating the format in which the dates are stored in 'dates'.
# ONLY required when class(dates)=="factor" or "numeric"
# 'out.type': string that define the desired type of output. Possible values are
# -) "data.frame": a data.frame, with as many columns as stations
# are included in 'x'
# -) "db" : a data.frame, with 4 colums will be produced.
# The first column will store the ID of the station,
# The second column will store the Year,
# The third column will store the season
# The fouth column will contain the seasonal value, corresponding to the year specified in the second column <- function(x, season, FUN, na.rm=TRUE,
dates=1, date.fmt="%Y-%m-%d",
out.fmt="%Y", ... ) {
# Checking that the user provied a valid argument for 'out.type'
if ( out.type, c("data.frame", "db") ) ) )
stop("Invalid argument: 'out.type' must be in c('data.frame', 'db'")
# Checking that the user provied a valid argument for 'season'
if ( missing(season) ) {
stop("Missing argument: 'season' must be provided")
} else { # If 'season' is provided
seasons.default <- c("DJF", "MAM", "JJA", "SON")
seasons.FrenchPolynesia <- c("DJFM", "AM", "JJAS", "ON")
# Checking that the user provied a valid class for 'season'
valid.seasons <- valid.seasons <- union(seasons.default, seasons.FrenchPolynesia)
if (length(which(!, valid.seasons )))) <= 0)
stop("Invalid argument: 'season' must be in 'c(", paste(valid.seasons, collapse=", "), ")'" )
# Finding out if 'season' belongs to 'seasons.default' or to ' seasons.FrenchPolynesia'.
if ( season %in% seasons.default ) {
season.type <- "default"
} else if ( season %in% seasons.FrenchPolynesia ) {
season.type <- "FrenchPolynesia"
} # ELSE end
} # ELSE end
# Checking that the user provied a valid argument for 'FUN'
if (missing(FUN)) stop("Missing argument: 'FUN' must be provided")
# Checking 'out.fmt'
if (, c("%Y", "%Y-%m-%d") ) ) )
stop("Invalid argument: 'out.fmt' must be in c('%Y', '%Y-%m-%d')" )
# Checking that the user provied a valid argument for 'dates'
if (, c("numeric", "factor", "Date"))))
stop("Invalid argument: 'dates' must be of class 'numeric', 'factor', 'Date'")
# If 'dates' is a number, it indicates the index of the column of 'x' that stores the dates
# The column with dates is then substracted form 'x' for easening the further computations
if ( is(dates, "numeric") ) {
tmp <- dates
dates <- as.Date(x[, dates], format= date.fmt)
x <- x[-tmp]
} # IF end
# If 'dates' is a factor, it have to be converted into 'Date' class,
# using the date format specified by 'date.fmt'
if ( is(dates, "factor") ) dates <- as.Date(dates, format= date.fmt)
# If 'dates' is already of Date class, the following line verifies that
# the number of days in 'dates' be equal to the number of element in the
# time series corresponding to the '' station
if ( is(dates, "Date") & (length(dates) != nrow(x) ) )
stop("Invalid argument: 'length(dates)' must be equal to 'nrow(x)'")
# Transforming 'x' into zoo
x <- zoo(x, dates)
if (out.type == "data.frame") {
dm2seasonal.zoo(x=x, season=season, FUN=FUN, na.rm=na.rm, out.fmt=out.fmt, ...)
} else if (out.type == "db") {
# Amount of stations in 'x'
nstations <- ncol(x)
# ID of all the stations in 'x'
snames <- colnames(x)
# Computing the Starting and Ending Year of the analysis
Starting.Year <- as.numeric(format(range(dates)[1], "%Y"))
Ending.Year <- as.numeric(format(range(dates)[2], "%Y"))
# Amount of Years belonging to the desired season
nyears <- Ending.Year - Starting.Year + 1
message("[Starting computations...]")
# Creating a vector with the names of the field that will be used for storing the results
field.names <- c("StationID", "Year", "Season", "Value" )
# Creating the data.frame that will store the computed averages for each subcatchment
z <- = NA, nrow = nyears*nstations, ncol = 4,
byrow = TRUE, dimnames = NULL) )
colnames(z) <- field.names
y = x
for (j in 1:nstations) {
message("[ Station: ", format(snames[j], width=10, justify="left"),
" : ",format(j, width=3, justify="left"), "/",
nstations, " => ",
format(round(100*j/nstations,2), width=6, justify="left"),
"% ]" )
# Transforming the column of 'x' into a zoo object,
# using the dates provided by the user
tmp <- vector2zoo(x=x[,j], dates=dates, date.fmt=date.fmt)
# Computing the seasonal values
s.a <- dm2seasonal.default(x= tmp, season=season, FUN=FUN, na.rm=na.rm, out.fmt=out.fmt)
# Putting the annual seasonal values in the output data.frame
# The first column of 'x' corresponds to the Year
row.ini <- (j-1)*nyears + 1
row.fin <- j*nyears
z[row.ini:row.fin, 1] <- snames[j] # it is automatically repeted 'nyears' times
z[row.ini:row.fin, 2] <- Starting.Year:Ending.Year
z[row.ini:row.fin, 3] <- season # it is automatically repeted 'nyears' times
z[row.ini:row.fin, 4] <- s.a
} # FOR end
return( z )
} # IF end
} #'' END
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini #
# Started: 2009 #
# Updates: 2011 #
# 29-May-2013 #
dm2seasonal.matrix <- function(x, season, FUN, na.rm=TRUE,
dates=1, date.fmt="%Y-%m-%d",
out.fmt="%Y", ... ) {
x <-
#NextMethod("daily2annual"), season=season, FUN=FUN, na.rm=na.rm,
dates=dates, date.fmt=date.fmt,
out.fmt=out.fmt, ... )
} # 'dm2seasonal.matrix ' END
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