
Defines functions contourLevels.kcde predict.kroc predict.kcde summary.kroc plot.kroc indices.kroc kroc Hpi.diag.kcde Hpi.kcde hpi.kcde Hns.kcde hns.kcde plotkcde.3d plotkcde.2d plotkcde.1d plot.kcde kcde.points kcde

Documented in hns.kcde Hns.kcde Hpi.diag.kcde hpi.kcde Hpi.kcde kcde kroc plot.kcde plot.kroc predict.kcde predict.kroc summary.kroc

## Kernel estimators of the multivariate cdf (cumulative distribution function)

kcde <- function(x, H, h, gridsize, gridtype, xmin, xmax, supp=3.7, eval.points, binned, bgridsize, positive=FALSE, adj.positive, w, verbose=FALSE, tail.flag="lower.tail")
    ## default values 
    ksd <- ks.defaults(x=x, w=w, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, gridsize=gridsize)
    d <- ksd$d; n <- ksd$n; w <- ksd$w
    binned <- ksd$binned
    gridsize <- ksd$gridsize
    bgridsize <- ksd$bgridsize
    tail.flag1 <- match.arg(tail.flag, c("lower.tail", "upper.tail")) 

    ## clip data to xmin, xmax grid for binned estimation
    grid.clip <- binned
    if (grid.clip) 
        if (!missing(xmax)) xmax <- xmax[1:d]
        if (!missing(xmin)) xmin <- xmin[1:d]
        if (positive & missing(xmin)) { xmin <- rep(0,d) }
        xt <- truncate.grid(x=x, y=w, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
        x <- xt$x; w <- xt$y; n <- length(w)
    ## default bandwidths
    if (d==1 & missing(h)) 
        if (positive) x1 <- log(x) else x1 <- x
        h <- hpi.kcde(x=x1, nstage=2, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n))
    if (d>1 & missing(H))
        if (positive) x1 <- log(x) else x1 <- x
        H <- Hpi.kcde(x=x1, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n), bgridsize=bgridsize, verbose=FALSE)
    ## KCDE is computed as cumulative Riemann sum of KDE on a grid
    if (d==1)
        Fhat <- kde(x=x, h=h, gridsize=gridsize, gridtype=gridtype, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, supp=supp, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, positive=positive, adj.positive=adj.positive, w=w)
        if (positive) 
            ep <- seq(Fhat$eval.points[1], tail(Fhat$eval.points,n=1), length=length(Fhat$eval.points))
            Fhat$estimate <- predict(Fhat, x=ep)
            Fhat$eval.points <- ep
        diffe <- abs(diff(Fhat$eval.points))
        if (tail.flag1=="lower.tail") Fhat$estimate <- c(0, diffe) * cumsum(Fhat$estimate)
        else Fhat$estimate <- c(diffe[1], diffe) * (sum(Fhat$estimate) - cumsum(Fhat$estimate))
    else if (d==2)
        Fhat <- kde(x=x, H=H, gridsize=gridsize, gridtype=gridtype, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, supp=supp, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, w=w, verbose=verbose)
        diffe1 <- abs(diff(Fhat$eval.points[[1]]))
        diffe2 <- abs(diff(Fhat$eval.points[[2]]))

        if (tail.flag1=="lower.tail")
          Fhat$estimate <- apply(Fhat$estimate, 1, cumsum)*c(0,diffe1)
          Fhat$estimate <- apply(t(Fhat$estimate), 2, cumsum)*c(0,diffe2)
          Fhatsum <- matrix(apply(Fhat$estimate, 1, sum), ncol=ncol(Fhat$estimate), nrow=nrow(Fhat$estimate), byrow=TRUE)
          Fhat$estimate <- (Fhatsum-apply(Fhat$estimate, 1, cumsum))*c(diffe1[1], diffe1)
          Fhatsum <- matrix(apply(Fhat$estimate, 1, sum), ncol=ncol(Fhat$estimate), nrow=nrow(Fhat$estimate), byrow=TRUE)
          Fhat$estimate <- (Fhatsum-apply(t(Fhat$estimate), 2, cumsum))*c(diffe2[1], diffe2)
    else if (d==3)
        if (missing(H) & !positive) H <- Hpi.kcde(x=x, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n), bgridsize=bgridsize, verbose=FALSE)

        Fhat <- kde(x=x, H=H, gridsize=gridsize, gridtype=gridtype, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, supp=supp, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, w=w, verbose=verbose)
        Fhat.temp <- Fhat$estimate
        diffe1 <- abs(diff(Fhat$eval.points[[1]]))
        diffe2 <- abs(diff(Fhat$eval.points[[2]]))
        diffe3 <- abs(diff(Fhat$eval.points[[3]]))
        if (tail.flag1=="lower.tail")
          for (i in 1:dim(Fhat$estimate)[3])
            Fhat.temp[,,i] <- apply(Fhat.temp[,,i], 1, cumsum)*c(0,diffe1)
            Fhat.temp[,,i] <- apply(t(Fhat.temp[,,i]), 2, cumsum)*c(0,diffe2)
          for (i in 1:dim(Fhat$estimate)[1])
            for (j in 1:dim(Fhat$estimate)[2])
              Fhat.temp[i,j,] <- cumsum(Fhat.temp[i,j,])*c(0,diffe3)
          Fhat$estimate <- Fhat.temp
          for (i in 1:dim(Fhat$estimate)[3])
            Fhatsum <- matrix(apply(Fhat.temp[,,i], 1, sum), ncol=ncol(Fhat.temp), nrow=nrow(Fhat.temp), byrow=TRUE)
            Fhat.temp[,,i] <- (Fhatsum-apply(Fhat.temp[,,i], 1, cumsum))*c(diffe1[1], diffe1)
            Fhatsum <- matrix(apply(Fhat.temp[,,i], 1, sum), ncol=ncol(Fhat.temp), nrow=nrow(Fhat.temp), byrow=TRUE)
            Fhat.temp[,,i] <- (Fhatsum-apply(t(Fhat.temp[,,i]), 2, cumsum))*c(diffe2[1],diffe2)
          for (i in 1:dim(Fhat$estimate)[1])
            for (j in 1:dim(Fhat$estimate)[2])
                Fhatsum <- sum(Fhat.temp[i,j,])
                Fhat.temp[i,j,] <- (Fhatsum-cumsum(Fhat.temp[i,j,]))*c(diffe3[1],diffe3)
          Fhat$estimate <- Fhat.temp
    ## normalise max CDF estimate equal to 1
    Fhat$estimate <- Fhat$estimate/max(Fhat$estimate)

    if (!missing(eval.points))
      if (d<=3)
        Fhat$estimate <- predict(Fhat, x=eval.points)
        Fhat$eval.points <- eval.points
        Fhat <- kcde.points(x=x, H=H, eval.points=eval.points, w=w, verbose=verbose, tail.flag=tail.flag1)
    Fhat$tail <- tail.flag1
    Fhat$type <- "kcde"
    class(Fhat) <- "kcde"

## KCDE is computed at specified estimation points

kcde.points <- function(x, H, eval.points, w, verbose=FALSE, tail.flag="lower.tail") 
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar() 
    Fhat <- rep(0, nrow(eval.points))
    pmvnorm.temp <- function(x, ...) { return(pmvnorm(mean=x, ...)) }

    for (i in 1:nrow(eval.points))
        if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(nrow(eval.points)-1))
        if (tail.flag=="lower.tail")
            Fhat[i] <- sum(apply(x, 1, pmvnorm.temp, upper=eval.points[i,], sigma=H))
            Fhat[i] <- sum(apply(x, 1, pmvnorm.temp, lower=eval.points[i,], sigma=H))
    Fhat <- Fhat/n
    if (verbose) close(pb)

    return(list(x=x, eval.points=eval.points, estimate=Fhat, H=H, gridded=FALSE, binned=FALSE, names=NULL, w=w))

## Plotting functions for 1-d to 3-d KCDE

plot.kcde <- function(x, ...)
    Fhat <- x
    if (is.vector(Fhat$x)) plotkcde.1d(Fhat, ...)
        d <- ncol(Fhat$x)

        if (d==2) 
            opr <- options()$preferRaster; if (!is.null(opr)) if (!opr) options("preferRaster"=TRUE)
            plotret <- plotkcde.2d(Fhat, ...)
            if (!is.null(opr)) options("preferRaster"=opr) 
        else if (d==3)
            plotkcde.3d(Fhat, ...)
        else stop ("kde.plot function only available for 1, 2 or 3-d data")

plotkcde.1d <- function(Fhat, xlab, ylab="Distribution function", add=FALSE, drawpoints=FALSE, col=1, col.pt=4, jitter=FALSE, alpha=1, ...) 
    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- Fhat$names
    if (Fhat$tail=="upper.tail") zlab <- "Survival function"
    col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
    if (add) lines(Fhat$eval.points, Fhat$estimate, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col=col, ...)
    else plot(Fhat$eval.points, Fhat$estimate, type="l", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col=col, ...) 

    if (drawpoints)
        if (jitter) rug(jitter(Fhat$x), col=col.pt)
        else rug(Fhat$x, col=col.pt)

plotkcde.2d <- function(Fhat, display="persp", cont=seq(10,90, by=10), abs.cont,
    xlab, ylab, zlab="Distribution function", cex=1, pch=1,   
    add=FALSE, drawpoints=FALSE, drawlabels=TRUE, theta=-30, phi=40, d=4,
    col.pt=4, col, col.fun, alpha=1, lwd=1, border=NA, thin=3, labcex=1, ticktype="detailed", ...) 
    disp <- match.arg(display, c("slice", "persp", "image", "filled.contour", "filled.contour2"))
    if (disp=="filled.contour2") disp <- "filled.contour"
    if (!is.list(Fhat$eval.points)) stop("Needs a grid of density estimates")

    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- Fhat$names[1]
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- Fhat$names[2]
    if (Fhat$tail=="upper.tail") zlab <- "Survival function"
    ## perspective/wireframe plot
    if (missing(col.fun)) col.fun <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="viridis", alpha=alpha) }
    if (disp=="persp")
        hts <- seq(0, 1.1*max(Fhat$estimate, na.rm=TRUE), length=500)
        if (missing(col)) col <- col.fun(n=length(hts)+1)
        if (length(col)<(length(hts)+1)) col <- rep(col, length=length(hts)+1)
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
        ## thinning indices
        plot.ind <- list(seq(1, length(Fhat$eval.points[[1]]), by=thin), seq(1, length(Fhat$eval.points[[2]]), by=thin))

        z <- Fhat$estimate[plot.ind[[1]], plot.ind[[2]]]
        nrz <- nrow(z)
        ncz <- ncol(z)
        zfacet <- z[-1, -1] + z[-1, -ncz] + z[-nrz, -1] + z[-nrz, -ncz]
        facetcol <- cut(zfacet, length(hts)+1, labels=FALSE)
        plotret <- persp(Fhat$eval.points[[1]][plot.ind[[1]]], Fhat$eval.points[[2]][plot.ind[[2]]], z, theta=theta, phi=phi, d=d, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, col=col[facetcol], border=border, ticktype=ticktype, ...)
    else if (disp=="slice") 
        if (!add) plot(Fhat$x[,1], Fhat$x[,2], type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
        if (missing(abs.cont)) hts <- cont/100
        else hts <- abs.cont
        if (missing(col)) col <- col.fun(n=length(hts))
        if (length(col)<length(hts)) col <- rep(col, times=length(hts))
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
        ## draw contours         
        for (i in 1:length(hts)) 
            if (missing(abs.cont)) scale <- cont[i]/hts[i]
            else scale <- 1
            if (hts[i]>0)
                contour(Fhat$eval.points[[1]], Fhat$eval.points[[2]], Fhat$estimate*scale, level=hts[i]*scale, add=TRUE, drawlabels=drawlabels, col=col[i], lwd=lwd, labcex=labcex, ...)
        ## add points 
        if (drawpoints) points(Fhat$x[,1], Fhat$x[,2], col=col.pt, cex=cex, pch=pch)
    ## image plot
    else if (disp=="image")
        if (missing(col)) col <- col.fun(100)
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
        image(Fhat$eval.points[[1]], Fhat$eval.points[[2]], Fhat$estimate, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, add=add, col=col, ...)
    else if (disp=="filled.contour") 
        hts <- cont/100
        clev <- c(-0.01*max(abs(Fhat$estimate)), hts, max(c(Fhat$estimate, hts)) + 0.01*max(abs(Fhat$estimate)))
        if (missing(col)) col <- col.fun(length(hts))
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
        if (!add) plot(Fhat$eval.points[[1]], Fhat$eval.points[[2]], type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...) 
        if (tail(hts, n=1) < max(Fhat$estimate)) hts2 <- c(hts, max(Fhat$estimate))
        .filled.contour(Fhat$eval.points[[1]], Fhat$eval.points[[2]], Fhat$estimate, levels=hts2, col=col)
        if (!missing(lwd))
            for (i in 1:length(hts)) 
                if (missing(abs.cont)) scale <- (100-cont[i])/hts[i]
                else scale <- 1
                if (lwd >=1) contour(Fhat$eval.points[[1]], Fhat$eval.points[[2]], Fhat$estimate*scale, level=hts[i]*scale, add=TRUE, drawlabels=drawlabels, col=1, lwd=lwd, labcex=labcex, ...)
    if (disp=="persp")  invisible(plotret)
    else invisible()
plotkcde.3d <- function(Fhat, display="plot3D", cont=c(25,50,75), colors, col, alphavec, size=3, cex=1, pch=1, theta=-30, phi=40, d=4, ticktype="detailed", bty="f", col.pt=4, add=FALSE, xlab, ylab, zlab, drawpoints=FALSE, alpha, box=TRUE, axes=TRUE, ...)
    disp <- match.arg(display, c("plot3D", "rgl"))
    hts <- sort(cont/100)
    nc <- length(hts)
    if (missing(col)) 
        col.fun <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="viridis") }
        col <- col.fun(n=length(hts))
    colors <- col
    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- Fhat$names[1]
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- Fhat$names[2]
    if (missing(zlab)) zlab <- Fhat$names[3]
    if (missing(alphavec)) alphavec <- seq(0.5,0.1,length=nc)
    if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- 0.5 
    if (!missing(alpha)) { alphavec <- rep(alpha,nc) }
    disp <- match.arg(display, c("plot3D", "rgl")) 
    if (disp %in% "plot3D")
        if (!requireNamespace("plot3D", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Install the plot3D package as it is required.", call.=FALSE)
        for (i in 1:nc)
            if (hts[nc-i+1] < max(Fhat$estimate))
                plot3D::isosurf3D(x=Fhat$eval.points[[1]], y=Fhat$eval.points[[2]], z=Fhat$eval.points[[3]], colvar=Fhat$estimate, level=hts[nc-i+1], add=add | (i>1), col=colors[nc-i+1], alpha=alphavec[i], phi=phi, theta=theta, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, d=d, ticktype=ticktype, bty=bty, ...)
        if (drawpoints) plot3D::points3D(x=Fhat$x[,1], y=Fhat$x[,2], z=Fhat$x[,3], cex=cex, col=col.pt, add=TRUE, pch=pch, d=d)    
    else if (disp %in% "rgl")
        ## suggestions from Viktor Petukhov 08/03/2018
        if (!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Install the rgl package as it is required.", call.=FALSE)
        if (!requireNamespace("misc3d", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Install the misc3d package as it is required.", call.=FALSE)
        if (drawpoints)
            rgl::plot3d(Fhat$x[,1],Fhat$x[,2],Fhat$x[,3], size=size, col=col.pt, alpha=alpha, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, add=add, box=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ...)
            rgl::plot3d(Fhat$x[,1],Fhat$x[,2],Fhat$x[,3], type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, add=add, box=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ...)
        for (i in 1:nc)
            if (hts[nc-i+1] < max(Fhat$estimate))
                misc3d::contour3d(Fhat$estimate, level=hts[nc-i+1], x=Fhat$eval.points[[1]], y=Fhat$eval.points[[2]], z=Fhat$eval.points[[3]], add=TRUE, color=colors[nc-i+1], alpha=alphavec[i], box=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ...)
        if (box) rgl::box3d()
        if (axes) rgl::axes3d(c("x","y","z"))

## Bandwidth selectors for KCDE

## Normal scale bandwidth selectors

hns.kcde <- function(x)
    d <- 1
    n <- length(x)
    sigma <- sd(x)
    hns <- 4^(1/3)*sigma*n^(-1/3)


Hns.kcde <- function(x)
    if (is.vector(x)) { return(hns.kcde(x)^2) }
    d <- ncol(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    m1 <- (4*pi)^(-1/2)

    Jd <- matrix(1, ncol=d, nrow=d)
    Sigma <- var(x)
    Hns <- (4*det(Sigma)^(1/2)*tr(matrix.sqrt(Sigma))/tr(Sigma))^(2/3)*Sigma*n^(-2/3)


## Plug-in bandwidth selector

hpi.kcde <- function(x, nstage=2, binned, amise=FALSE)
    n <- length(x)
    d <- 1
    if (missing(binned)) binned <- default.bflag(d,n)

    K2 <- dnorm.deriv(x=0, mu=0, sigma=1, deriv.order=2)  
    K4 <- dnorm.deriv(x=0, mu=0, sigma=1, deriv.order=4) 
    m2 <- 1  
    m1 <- (4*pi)^(-1/2)

    ## formula for bias annihliating bandwidths from Wand & Jones (1995, p.70)
    if (nstage==2)
        psi6.hat <- psins.1d(r=6, sigma=sd(x))
        gamse4 <- (2*K4/(-m2*psi6.hat*n))^(1/(4+3)) 
        psi4.hat <- kfe.1d(x=x, g=gamse4, deriv.order=4, inc=1, binned=binned)
        gamse2 <- (2*K2/(-m2*psi4.hat*n))^(1/(2+3))
        psi2.hat <- kfe.1d(x=x, g=gamse2, deriv.order=2, inc=1, binned=binned)
        psi4.hat <- psins.1d(r=4, sigma=sd(x))
        gamse2 <- (2*K2/(-m2*psi4.hat*n))^(1/(2+3))
        psi2.hat <- kfe.1d(x=x, g=gamse2, deriv.order=2, inc=1, binned=binned)

    ## formula form Polansky & Baker (2000)
    h <- (2*m1/(-m2^2*psi2.hat*n))^(1/3) 
    if (amise) PI <- -2*n^(-1)*m1*h - 1/4*psi2.hat*h^4

    if (!amise) return(h)
    else return(list(h=h, PI=PI))

Hpi.kcde <- function(x, nstage=2, pilot, Hstart, binned, bgridsize, amise=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, optim.fun="optim", pre=TRUE)
    n <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)
    m1 <- (4*pi)^(-1/2)
    Jd <- matrix(1, ncol=d, nrow=d)

    if (missing(binned)) binned <- default.bflag(d,n)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (missing(pilot)) pilot <- "dunconstr"
    pilot1 <- match.arg(pilot, c("dunconstr", "dscalar"))

    if (pre) { S12 <- diag(sqrt(diag(var(x)))); x <- pre.scale(x) }
    D2K0 <- t(dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d), mu=rep(0,d), Sigma=diag(d), deriv.order=2))

    if (nstage==2)
    ## stage 1
    psi4.ns <- psins(r=4, Sigma=var(x), deriv.vec=TRUE)

    amse2.temp <- function(vechH)
      H <- invvech(vechH) %*% invvech(vechH)
      Hinv <- chol2inv(chol(H))
      Hinv12 <- matrix.sqrt(Hinv)
      amse2.val <- 1/(det(H)^(1/2)*n)*((Hinv12 %x% Hinv12) %*% D2K0) + 1/2* t(vec(H) %x% diag(d^2)) %*% psi4.ns
    Hstart2 <- matrix.sqrt(Gns(r=2, n=n, Sigma=var(x)))
    optim.fun1 <- match.arg(optim.fun, c("nlm", "optim"))

    if (optim.fun1=="nlm")
        result <- nlm(p=vech(Hstart2), f=amse2.temp, print.level=2*as.numeric(verbose))    
        H2 <- invvech(result$estimate) %*% invvech(result$estimate)
        result <- optim(vech(Hstart2), amse2.temp, method="BFGS", control=list(trace=as.numeric(verbose), REPORT=1))
        H2 <- invvech(result$par) %*% invvech(result$par)

    psi2.hat <- kfe(x=x, G=H2, deriv.order=2, add.index=FALSE, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, verbose=verbose)
        psi2.hat <- psins(r=2, Sigma=var(x), deriv.vec=TRUE)    
        H2 <- Gns(r=2, n=n, Sigma=var(x))
    if (missing(Hstart)) Hstart <- Hns.kcde(x=x)

    ## stage 2
    amise.temp <- function(vechH)
        H <- invvech(vechH) %*% invvech(vechH)
        H12 <- matrix.sqrt(H)
        amise.val <- -2*n^(-1)*m1*tr(H12) - 1/4*t(vec(H %*% H)) %*% psi2.hat

    Hstart <- matrix.sqrt(Hstart)
    optim.fun1 <- match.arg(optim.fun, c("optim", "nlm"))

    if (optim.fun1=="nlm")
        result <- nlm(p=vech(Hstart), f=amise.temp, print.level=2*as.numeric(verbose)) 
        H <- invvech(result$estimate) %*% invvech(result$estimate)
        amise.star <- result$minimum
        result <- optim(vech(Hstart), amise.temp, method="BFGS", control=list(trace=as.numeric(verbose), REPORT=1))
        H <- invvech(result$par) %*% invvech(result$par)
        amise.star <- result$value
    if (pre) H <- S12 %*% H %*% S12
    if (amise) H <- list(H=H, PI=amise.star)


Hpi.diag.kcde <- function(x, nstage=2, pilot, Hstart, binned=FALSE, bgridsize, amise=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, optim.fun="optim", pre=TRUE)
    n <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)
    m1 <- (4*pi)^(-1/2)
    Jd <- matrix(1, ncol=d, nrow=d)

    if (missing(binned)) binned <- default.bflag(d,n)
    if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (missing(pilot)) pilot <- "dscalar"
    pilot <- match.arg(pilot, c("dunconstr", "dscalar"))
    if (pre) { S12 <- diag(sqrt(diag(var(x)))); x <- pre.scale(x) }
    D2K0 <- t(dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d), mu=rep(0,d), Sigma=diag(d), deriv.order=2))
    if (nstage==2)
        ## stage 1
        psi4.ns <- psins(r=4, Sigma=var(x), deriv.vec=TRUE)

        amse2.temp <- function(diagH)
            H <- diag(diagH) %*% diag(diagH)
            Hinv <- chol2inv(chol(H))
            Hinv12 <- matrix.sqrt(Hinv)
            amse2.val <- 1/(det(H)^(1/2)*n)*((Hinv12 %x% Hinv12) %*% D2K0) + 1/2* t(vec(H) %x% diag(d^2)) %*% psi4.ns

        Hstart2 <- matrix.sqrt(Gns(r=2, n=n, Sigma=var(x)))
        optim.fun <- match.arg(optim.fun, c("optim", "nlm")) 

        if (optim.fun=="nlm")
            result <- nlm(p=diag(Hstart2), f=amse2.temp, print.level=2*as.numeric(verbose))    
            H2 <- diag(result$estimate) %*% diag(result$estimate)
            result <- optim(diag(Hstart2), amse2.temp, method="BFGS", control=list(trace=as.numeric(verbose), REPORT=1))
            H2 <- diag(result$par) %*% diag(result$par)

        psi2.hat <- kfe(x=x, G=H2, deriv.order=2, add.index=FALSE, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, verbose=verbose)
            psi2.hat <- psins(r=2, Sigma=var(x), deriv.vec=TRUE)    

        if (missing(Hstart)) Hstart <- Hns.kcde(x=x)

        ## stage 2
        amise.temp <- function(diagH)
            H <- diag(diagH) %*% diag(diagH)
            H12 <- matrix.sqrt(H)
            amise.val <- -2*n^(-1)*m1*tr(H12) - 1/4*t(vec(H %*% H)) %*% psi2.hat
    Hstart <- matrix.sqrt(Hstart)
    optim.fun1 <- match.arg(optim.fun, c("optim", "nlm")) 
    if (optim.fun1=="nlm")
        result <- nlm(p=diag(Hstart), f=amise.temp, print.level=2*as.numeric(verbose)) 
        H <- diag(result$estimate) %*% diag(result$estimate)
        amise.star <- result$minimum
        result <- optim(diag(Hstart), amise.temp, method="BFGS", control=list(trace=as.numeric(verbose), REPORT=1))
        H <- diag(result$par) %*% diag(result$par)
        amise.star <- result$value
    if (pre) H <- S12 %*% H %*% S12
    if (amise)  H <- list(H=H, PI=amise.star) 

## Multivariate kernel ROC estimators

kroc <- function(x1, x2, H1, h1, hy, gridsize, gridtype, xmin, xmax, supp=3.7, eval.points, binned, bgridsize, positive=FALSE, adj.positive, w, verbose=FALSE)
    if (is.vector(x1)) { d <- 1; n1 <- length(x1) } 
    else { d <- ncol(x1); n1 <- nrow(x1); x1 <- as.matrix(x1); x2 <- as.matrix(x2) }
    if (!missing(eval.points)) stop("eval.points in kroc not yet implemented")

    if (d==1)
        if (missing(h1)) h1 <- hpi.kcde(x=x1, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n1))
        Fhatx1 <- kcde(x=x1, h=h1, gridsize=gridsize, gridtype=gridtype, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, supp=supp, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, positive=positive, adj.positive=adj.positive, w=w, tail.flag="upper.tail")
        if (missing(H1)) H1 <- Hpi.kcde(x=x1, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n1), verbose=verbose)
        Fhatx1 <- kcde(x=x1, H=H1, gridsize=gridsize, gridtype=gridtype, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, supp=supp, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, w=w, tail.flag="upper.tail", verbose=verbose)

    ## transform from [0,1] to reals
    y1 <- predict(Fhatx1, x=x1)
    y2 <- predict(Fhatx1, x=x2)
    y1 <- qnorm(y1[y1>0])
    y2 <- qnorm(y2[y2>0])

    if (missing(hy)) hy <- hpi.kcde(y2, binned=default.bflag(d=1, n=n1))
    Fhaty2 <- kcde(x=y2, h=hy, binned=TRUE, xmin=min(y1,y2)-3.7*hy, xmax=max(y1,y2)+3.7*hy)
    Fhaty1 <- kcde(x=y1, h=hy, binned=TRUE, xmin=min(y1,y2)-3.7*hy, xmax=max(y1,y2)+3.7*hy)
    Fhaty1$eval.points <- pnorm(Fhaty1$eval.points)
    Fhaty2$eval.points <- pnorm(Fhaty2$eval.points)

    Rhat <- Fhaty1
    Rhat$eval.points <- Fhaty1$estimate
    Rhat$estimate <- Fhaty2$estimate
    if (d==1) { Rhat$h1 <- h1; Rhat$H1 <- h1^2; Rhat$hy <- hy }
    else { Rhat$H1 <- H1; Rhat$hy <- hy }

    ## Use spline to smooth out transformed ROC curve
    Rhat.smoothed <- smooth.spline(Rhat$eval.points, Rhat$estimate, spar=0.5)
    Rhat.smoothed <- predict(Rhat.smoothed, x=seq(0,1,length=length(Rhat$eval.points))) 
    Rhat$eval.points <- Rhat.smoothed$x
    Rhat$estimate <- Rhat.smoothed$y

    ## add (0,0) and (1,1) as endpoints
    if (head(Rhat$eval.points, n=1)!=0) Rhat$eval.points[1] <- 0
    if (head(Rhat$estimate, n=1)!=0) Rhat$estimate[1] <- 0
    if (tail(Rhat$eval.points, n=1)!=1) Rhat$eval.points[length(Rhat$eval.points)] <- 1
    if (tail(Rhat$estimate, n=1)!=1) Rhat$estimate[length(Rhat$estimate)] <- 1
    Rhat$estimate[Rhat$estimate>1] <- 1
    Rhat$estimate[Rhat$estimate<0] <- 0
    Rhat$indices <- indices.kroc(Rhat)
    Rhat <- Rhat[-c(4,5)] 
    Rhat$type <- "kroc"
    class(Rhat) <- "kroc"

## summary measure of ROC curves

indices.kroc <- function(Rhat)
    auc <- sum(abs((head(Rhat$estimate, n=-1) - tail(Rhat$estimate, n=-1)))*abs(diff(Rhat$eval.points))/2 + head(Rhat$estimate, n=-1)*abs(diff(Rhat$eval.points)))

    youden.val <- Rhat$estimate - Rhat$eval.points
    if (max(youden.val)>0.001)
        youden.ind <- which.max(youden.val)
        youden <- youden.val[youden.ind]
        LR <- list(minus=(1-Rhat$estimate[youden.ind])/(1-Rhat$eval.points[youden.ind]), plus=Rhat$estimate[youden.ind]/Rhat$eval.points[youden.ind])
        LR <- list(minus=1, plus=1)
    return(list(auc=auc, youden=max(youden.val), LR=LR))

## S3 methods

## plot method

plot.kroc <- function(x, add=FALSE, add.roc.ref=FALSE, xlab, ylab, alpha=1, col=1, ...)
    Rhat <- x
    col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- "True positive rate (sensitivity)"
    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- expression("False positive rate"~~group("(", list(bar(specificity)), ")"))

    if (add) lines(Rhat$eval.points, Rhat$estimate, ...)
    else plot(Rhat$eval.points, Rhat$estimate, type="l", ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, col=col, ...)

    if (is.vector(Rhat$x[[1]])) d <- 1 else d <- ncol(Rhat$x[[1]])
    if (add.roc.ref)
        z <- seq(0,1, length=401)
        kind <- 0:(d-1)
        roc.indep <- 0
        for (k in kind) roc.indep <- roc.indep + z*(-log(z))^k/factorial(k)
        lines(z, roc.indep, lty=2, col="grey")

## summary method

summary.kroc <- function(object, ...)
    cat("Summary measures for ROC curve\nAUC =", signif(object$indices$auc, ...), "\n")
    cat("Youden index =", signif(object$indices$youden, ...), "\n")
    cat(paste("(LR-, LR+) = (",  signif(object$indices$LR$minus, ...), ", ", signif(object$indices$LR$plus, ...),")\n\n",sep=""))

## predict methods

predict.kcde <- function(object, ..., x)
    return(predict.kde(object=object, ..., x=x))

predict.kroc <- function(object, ..., x)
    return(predict.kde(object=object, ..., x=x))

## contourLevels method

contourLevels.kcde <- function(x, prob, cont, nlevels=5,  ...)
    fhat <- x
    if (missing(prob) & missing(cont)) hts <- pretty(fhat$estimate, n=nlevels) 
    if (!missing(prob) & missing(cont)) { hts <- prob/100; names(hts) <- paste0(prob, "%") }     
    if (missing(prob) & !missing(cont)) { prob <- 100-cont; hts <- prob/100; names(hts) <-  paste0(prob, "%") }

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