
Defines functions labbe.default labbe.metabin

Documented in labbe.default labbe.metabin

#' L'Abbé plot for meta-analysis with binary outcomes
#' @description
#' Draw a L'Abbé plot for meta-analysis with binary outcomes.
#' @aliases labbe labbe.metabin labbe.default
#' @param x An object of class \code{metabin}. Alternatively, the x
#'   coordinates of points of the L'Abbé plot.
#' @param y The y coordinates of the L'Abbé plot, if argument \code{x}
#'   is not an object of class \code{metabin}.
#' @param xlim The x limits (min, max) of the plot.
#' @param ylim The y limits (min, max) of the plot.
#' @param xlab A label for the x-axis.
#' @param ylab A label for the y-axis.
#' @param TE.common A numeric or vector specifying combined common
#'   effect estimate(s).
#' @param TE.random A numeric or vector specifying combined random
#'   effects estimate(s).
#' @param common A logical indicating whether the common effect
#'   estimate should be plotted.
#' @param random A logical indicating whether the random effects
#'   estimate should be plotted.
#' @param backtransf A logical indicating which values should be
#'   printed on x- and y-axis (see Details).
#' @param axes A logical indicating whether axes should be drawn on
#'   the plot.
#' @param pch The plotting symbol used for individual studies.
#' @param text A character vector specifying the text to be used
#'   instead of plotting symbol.
#' @param cex The magnification to be used for plotting symbol.
#' @param col A vector with colour of plotting symbols.
#' @param bg A vector with background colour of plotting symbols (only
#'   used if \code{pch} in \code{21:25}).
#' @param lwd The line width.
#' @param lwd.common The line width(s) for common effect estimate(s)
#'   (if \code{common} is not \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE}).
#' @param lwd.random The line width(s) for random effects estimate(s)
#'   (if \code{random} is not \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE}).
#' @param lty.common Line type(s) for common effect estimate(s).
#' @param lty.random Line type(s) for random effects estimate(s).
#' @param col.common Colour of line(s) for common effect estimate(s).
#' @param col.random Colour of line(s) for random effects estimate(s).
#' @param nulleffect A logical indicating whether line for null effect
#'   should be added to the plot..
#' @param lwd.nulleffect Width of line for null effect.
#' @param col.nulleffect Colour of line for null effect.
#' @param sm A character string indicating underlying summary measure,
#'   i.e., \code{"RD"}, \code{"RR"}, \code{"OR"}, or \code{"ASD"}.
#' @param weight Either a numeric vector specifying relative sizes of
#'   plotting symbols or a character string indicating which type of
#'   plotting symbols is to be used for individual treatment
#'   estimates. One of missing (see Details), \code{"same"},
#'   \code{"common"}, or \code{"random"}, can be abbreviated. Plot
#'   symbols have the same size for all studies or represent study
#'   weights from common effect or random effects model.
#' @param studlab A logical indicating whether study labels should be
#'   printed in the graph. A vector with study labels can also be
#'   provided (must be of same length as \code{x$event.e} then).
#' @param cex.studlab Size of study labels.
#' @param pos.studlab Position of study labels, see argument
#'   \code{pos} in \code{\link{text}}.
#' @param label.e Label for experimental group.
#' @param label.c Label for control group.
#' @param warn.deprecated A logical indicating whether warnings should
#'   be printed if deprecated arguments are used.
#' @param TE.fixed Deprecated argument (replaced by 'TE.common').
#' @param fixed Deprecated argument (replaced by 'common').
#' @param lwd.fixed Deprecated argument (replaced by 'lwd.common').
#' @param lty.fixed Deprecated argument (replaced by 'lty.common').
#' @param col.fixed Deprecated argument (replaced by 'col.common').
#' @param \dots Graphical arguments as in \code{par} may also be
#'   passed as arguments.
#' @details
#' A L'Abbé plot is a scatter plot with the risk in the control group
#' on the x-axis and the risk in the experimental group on the y-axis
#' (L'Abbé et al., 1987). It can be used to evaluate heterogeneity in
#' meta-analysis.  Furthermore, this plot can aid to choose a summary
#' measure (odds ratio, risk ratio, risk difference) that will result
#' in more consistent results (Jiménez et al., 1997; Deeks, 2002).
#' If argument \code{backtransf} is TRUE (default), event
#' probabilities will be printed on x- and y-axis. Otherwise,
#' transformed event probabilities will be printed as defined by the
#' summary measure, i.e., log odds of probabilities for odds ratio as
#' summary measure (\code{sm = "OR"}), log probabilities for \code{sm
#' = "RR"}, and arcsine-transformed probabilities for \code{sm =
#' "ASD"}.
#' If \code{common} is TRUE, the estimate of the common effct model is
#' plotted as a line. If \code{random} is TRUE, the estimate of the
#' random effects model is plotted as a line.
#' Information from object \code{x} is utilised if argument
#' \code{weight} is missing. Weights from the common effect model are
#' used (\code{weight = "common"}) if argument \code{x$common} is
#' \code{TRUE}; weights from the random effects model are used
#' (\code{weight = "random"}) if argument \code{x$random} is
#' \code{TRUE} and \code{x$common} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @author Guido Schwarzer \email{guido.schwarzer@@uniklinik-freiburg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{metabin}}
#' @references
#' Deeks JJ (2002):
#' Issues in the selection of a summary statistic for meta-analysis of
#' clinical trials with binary outcomes.
#' \emph{Statistics in Medicine},
#' \bold{21}, 1575--600
#' Jiménez FJ, Guallar E, Martín-Moreno JM (1997):
#' A graphical display useful for meta-analysis.
#' \emph{European Journal of Public Health},
#' \bold{1}, 101--5
#' L'Abbé KA, Detsky AS, O'Rourke K (1987):
#' Meta-analysis in clinical research.
#' \emph{Annals of Internal Medicine},
#' \bold{107}, 224--33
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' data(Olkin1995)
#' m1 <- metabin(ev.exp, n.exp, ev.cont, n.cont,
#'   data = Olkin1995, studlab = paste(author, year),
#'   sm = "RR", method = "I")
#' # L'Abbe plot for risk ratio
#' #
#' labbe(m1)
#' # L'Abbe plot for odds ratio
#' #
#' labbe(m1, sm = "OR")
#' # same plot
#' labbe(update(m1, sm = "OR"))
#' # L'Abbe plot for risk difference
#' #
#' labbe(m1, sm = "RD")
#' # L'Abbe plot on log odds scale
#' #
#' labbe(m1, sm = "OR", backtransf = FALSE)
#' # L'Abbe plot for odds ratio with coloured lines for various
#' # treatment effects (defined as log odds ratios)
#' #
#' mycols <- c("blue", "yellow", "green", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue")
#' labbe(m1, sm = "OR", random = FALSE,
#'   TE.common = log(c(1 / 10, 1 / 5, 1 / 2, 1, 2, 5, 10)),
#'   col.common = mycols, lwd.common = 2)
#' # L'Abbe plot on log odds scale with coloured lines for various
#' # treatment effects (defined as log odds ratios)
#' #
#' labbe(m1, sm = "OR", random = FALSE, backtransf = FALSE,
#'   TE.common = log(c(1 / 10, 1 / 5, 1 / 2, 1, 2, 5, 10)),
#'   col.common = mycols, lwd.common = 2)
#' @rdname labbe
#' @method labbe metabin
#' @export

labbe.metabin <- function(x,
                          xlim, ylim,
                          xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                          TE.common = x$TE.common,
                          TE.random = x$TE.random,
                          common = x$common,
                          random = x$random,
                          backtransf = x$backtransf,
                          axes = TRUE,
                          pch = 21, text = NULL, cex = 1,
                          col = "black", bg = "lightgray",
                          lwd = 1, lwd.common = lwd, lwd.random = lwd,
                          lty.common = 2, lty.random = 9,
                          col.common = col, col.random = col,
                          nulleffect = TRUE,
                          lwd.nulleffect = lwd, col.nulleffect = "lightgray",
                          sm = x$sm, weight,
                          studlab = FALSE, cex.studlab = 0.8, pos.studlab = 2,
                          label.e = x$label.e, label.c = x$label.c,
                          warn.deprecated = gs("warn.deprecated"),
                          TE.fixed, fixed, lwd.fixed, lty.fixed, col.fixed,
                          ...) {
  ## (1) Check for meta object and upgrade older meta objects
  chkclass(x, "metabin")
  x <- updateversion(x)
  ## (2) Check other arguments
  common <-
    deprecated2(common, missing(common), fixed, missing(fixed),
  lwd.common <-
    deprecated2(lwd.common, missing(lwd.common),
                lwd.fixed, missing(lwd.fixed),
  lty.common <-
    deprecated2(lty.common, missing(lty.common),
                lty.fixed, missing(lty.fixed),
  col.common <-
    deprecated2(col.common, missing(col.common),
                col.fixed, missing(col.fixed),
  sm <- setchar(sm, gs("sm4bin"))
  pos.studlab <- as.numeric(setchar(pos.studlab, as.character(1:4)))
  if (!backtransf) {
    xpos <- (x$event.c + x$incr.c) / (x$n.c + 2 * x$incr.c)
    ypos <- (x$event.e + x$incr.e) / (x$n.e + 2 * x$incr.e)
  else {
    xpos <- x$event.c / x$n.c
    ypos <- x$event.e / x$n.e
  if(length(xpos) != length(ypos))
    stop("event rates must be of same length")
  if (sm != x$sm) {
    m <- update(x, sm = sm)
    if (missing(TE.common)) {
      if (!missing(TE.fixed)) {
        if (warn.deprecated)
          warning(paste("Use argument 'TE.common' instead of",
                        "'TE.fixed' (deprecated)."),
                  call. = FALSE)
        TE.common <- TE.fixed
      TE.common <- m$TE.common
    if (missing(TE.random))
      TE.random <- m$TE.random
    w.common <- m$w.common
    w.random <- m$w.random
  else {
    w.common <- x$w.common
    w.random <- x$w.random
  ## Exclude studies from meta-analysis
  if (!is.null(x$exclude)) {
    xpos <- xpos[!x$exclude]
    ypos <- ypos[!x$exclude]
    w.common <- w.common[!x$exclude]
    w.random <- w.random[!x$exclude]
  if (!backtransf) {
    if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR")) {
      xpos <- log(xpos / (1 - xpos))
      ypos <- log(ypos / (1 - ypos))
    else if (sm == "RR") {
      xpos <- log(xpos)
      ypos <- log(ypos)
    else if (sm == "ASD") {
      xpos <- asin(sqrt(xpos))
      ypos <- asin(sqrt(ypos))
  if (missing(weight))
    weight <- ifelse(random & !common, "random", "common")
  iweight <- charmatch(tolower(weight),
                       c("same", "common", "random"), nomatch = NA)
    stop("weight should be \"same\", \"common\", or \"random\"")
  weight <- c("same", "common", "random")[iweight]
  if (weight == "common")
    cex.i <- 4 * cex * sqrt(w.common) / sqrt(max(w.common))
  else if (weight == "random")
    cex.i <- 4 * cex * sqrt(w.random) / sqrt(max(w.random))
  else if (weight == "same")
    cex.i <- cex
  if (min(cex.i) < 0.5)
    cex.i <- cex.i + (0.5 - min(cex.i))
  if (is.logical(studlab) && studlab)
    studlab <- x$studlab
  if (length(common) == 0)
    common <- TRUE
  if (length(random) == 0)
    random <- TRUE
  if (!backtransf)
    minval <- min(c(xpos, ypos), na.rm = TRUE)
    minval <- 0
  if (missing(xlim) & missing(ylim)) {
    xlim <- c(minval, max(c(xpos, ypos), na.rm = TRUE))
    ylim <- xlim
  if (missing(xlim))
    xlim <- c(minval, max(c(xpos, ypos), na.rm = TRUE))
  if (missing(ylim))
    ylim <- xlim
  chknumeric(xlim, length = 2)
  chknumeric(ylim, length = 2)
  oldpar <- par(pty = "s")
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    if (length(label.c) > 0) {
      xlab <- paste0("Event rate (", label.c, ")")
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          xlab <- paste0("log(odds) ", label.c)
        else if (sm == "RR")
          xlab <- paste0("log(event rate) ", label.c)
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          xlab <- paste0("Arcsin-transformed event rate (", label.c, ")")
    else {
      xlab <- "Event rate (Control)"
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          xlab <- "log(odds) Control"
        else if (sm == "RR")
          xlab <- "log(event rate) Control"
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          xlab <- "Arcsin-transformed event rate (Control)"
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    if (length(label.e) > 0) {
      ylab <- paste0("Event rate (", label.e, ")")
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          ylab <- paste0("log(odds) ", label.e)
        else if (sm == "RR")
          ylab <- paste0("log(event rate) ", label.e)
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          ylab <- paste0("Arcsin-transformed event rate (", label.e, ")")
    else {
      ylab <- "Event rate (Experimental)"
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          ylab <- "log(odds) Experimental"
        else if (sm == "RR")
          ylab <- "log(event rate) Experimental"
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          ylab <- "Arcsin-transformed event rate (Experimental)"
  if (common && length(lty.common) == 1 & length(TE.common) > 1)
    lty.common <- rep(lty.common, length(TE.common))
  if (common && length(lwd.common) == 1 & length(TE.common) > 1)
    lwd.common <- rep(lwd.common, length(TE.common))
  if (common && length(col.common) == 1 & length(TE.common) > 1)
    col.common <- rep(col.common, length(TE.common))
  if (random && length(lty.random) == 1 & length(TE.random) > 1)
    lty.random <- rep(lty.random, length(TE.random))
  if (random && length(lwd.random) == 1 & length(TE.random) > 1)
    lwd.random <- rep(lwd.random, length(TE.random))
  if (random && length(col.random) == 1 & length(TE.random) > 1)
    col.random <- rep(col.random, length(TE.random))
  ## Generate L'Abbe plot
  plot(xpos, ypos, type = "n", 
       xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
       axes = axes, ...)
  if (nulleffect)
    abline(0, 1, lwd = lwd.nulleffect, col = col.nulleffect)
  points(xpos, ypos, pch = pch, cex = cex.i, col = col, bg = bg, lwd = lwd)
  ## Auxillary function
  addlines <- function(x.line, y.line, ylim, lty, lwd, col) {
    sel <- min(ylim) <= y.line & y.line <= max(ylim)
    if (sum(sel) > 1)
      lines(x.line[sel], y.line[sel],
            lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col)
  ## Add results for common effect model
  if (common & length(TE.common) > 0) {
    x.line <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), len = 100)
    if (!backtransf)
      for (i in 1:length(TE.common))
        abline(TE.common[i], 1,
               lty = lty.common[i], lwd = lwd.common[i],
               col = col.common[i])
    else {
      if (sm == "RR") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- x.line * exp(TE.common[i])
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
      else if (sm == "RD") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- x.line + TE.common[i]
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
      else if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR")) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- exp(TE.common[i]) * (x.line / (1 - x.line)) /
            (1 + exp(TE.common[i]) * x.line / (1 - x.line))
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
      else if (sm == "ASD" & length(TE.common) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- sin(asin(sqrt(x.line)) + TE.common[i])^2
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
  ## Add results for random effects model
  if (random & length(TE.random) > 0) {
    x.line <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), len = 100)
    if (!backtransf)
      for (i in 1:length(TE.random))
        abline(TE.random[i], 1,
               lty = lty.random[i], lwd = lwd.random[i],
               col = col.random[i])
    else {
      if (sm == "RR") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- x.line * exp(TE.random[i])
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])
      else if (sm == "RD") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- x.line + TE.random[i]
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])
      else if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR")) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- exp(TE.random[i]) * (x.line / (1 - x.line)) /
            (1 + exp(TE.random[i]) * x.line / (1 - x.line))
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])
      else if (sm == "ASD" & length(TE.random) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- sin(asin(sqrt(x.line)) + TE.random[i])^2
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])

  ## Add study labels
  if (!is.logical(studlab) && length(studlab) > 0)
    text(xpos, ypos, labels = studlab, pos = pos.studlab, cex = cex.studlab)

#' @rdname labbe
#' @method labbe default
#' @export

labbe.default <- function(x, y,
                          xlim, ylim,
                          xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                          TE.common = NULL, TE.random = NULL,
                          common = !is.null(TE.common),
                          random = !is.null(TE.random),
                          backtransf = TRUE,
                          axes = TRUE,
                          pch = 21, text = NULL, cex = 1,
                          col = "black", bg = "lightgray",
                          lwd = 1, lwd.common = lwd, lwd.random = lwd,
                          lty.common = 2, lty.random = 9,
                          col.common = col, col.random = col,
                          nulleffect = TRUE,
                          lwd.nulleffect = lwd, col.nulleffect = "lightgray",
                          sm = "", weight,
                          studlab = FALSE, cex.studlab = 0.8, pos.studlab = 2,
                          label.e = NULL, label.c = NULL,
                          warn.deprecated = gs("warn.deprecated"),
                          TE.fixed, fixed, lwd.fixed, lty.fixed, col.fixed,
                          ...) {
  ## (1) Check arguments
  xpos <- x
  ypos <- y
  if(length(xpos) != length(ypos))
    stop("arguments 'x' and 'y' must be of same length")
  common <-
    deprecated2(common, missing(common), fixed, missing(fixed),
  lwd.common <-
    deprecated2(lwd.common, missing(lwd.common),
                lwd.fixed, missing(lwd.fixed),
  lty.common <-
    deprecated2(lty.common, missing(lty.common),
                lty.fixed, missing(lty.fixed),
  col.common <-
    deprecated2(col.common, missing(col.common),
                col.fixed, missing(col.fixed),
  sm <- setchar(sm, gs("sm4bin"))
  pos.studlab <- as.numeric(setchar(pos.studlab, as.character(1:4)))
  if (!backtransf) {
    if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR")) {
      xpos <- log(xpos / (1 - xpos))
      ypos <- log(ypos / (1 - ypos))
    else if (sm == "RR") {
      xpos <- log(xpos)
      ypos <- log(ypos)
    else if (sm == "ASD") {
      xpos <- asin(sqrt(xpos))
      ypos <- asin(sqrt(ypos))
  if (!missing(weight))
    cex.i <- 4 * cex * sqrt(weight) / sqrt(max(weight))
    cex.i <- rep(cex, length(xpos))
  if (min(cex.i) < 0.5)
    cex.i <- cex.i + (0.5 - min(cex.i))
  if (backtransf)
    minval <- 0
    minval <- min(c(xpos, ypos), na.rm = TRUE)
  if (missing(xlim) & missing(ylim)) {
    xlim <- c(minval, max(c(xpos, ypos), na.rm = TRUE))
    ylim <- xlim
  if (missing(xlim))
    xlim <- c(minval, max(c(xpos, ypos), na.rm = TRUE))
  if (missing(ylim))
    ylim <- xlim
  oldpar <- par(pty = "s")
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    if (length(label.c) > 0) {
      xlab <- paste0("Event rate (", label.c, ")")
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          xlab <- paste0("log(odds) ", label.c)
        else if (sm == "RR")
          xlab <- paste0("log(event rate) ", label.c)
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          xlab <- paste0("Arcsin-transformed event rate (", label.c, ")")
    else {
      xlab <- "Event rate (Control)"
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          xlab <- "log(odds) Control"
        else if (sm == "RR")
          xlab <- "log(event rate) Control"
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          xlab <- "Arcsin-transformed event rate (Control)"
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    if (length(label.e) > 0) {
      ylab <- paste0("Event rate (", label.e, ")")
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          ylab <- paste0("log(odds) ", label.e)
        else if (sm == "RR")
          ylab <- paste0("log(event rate) ", label.e)
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          ylab <- paste0("Arcsin-transformed event rate (", label.e, ")")
    else {
      ylab <- "Event rate (Experimental)"
      if (!backtransf)
        if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR"))
          ylab <- "log(odds) Experimental"
        else if (sm == "RR")
          ylab <- "log(event rate) Experimental"
        else if (sm == "ASD")
          ylab <- "Arcsin-transformed event rate (Experimental)"
  if (common && length(lty.common) == 1 & length(TE.common) > 1)
    lty.common <- rep(lty.common, length(TE.common))
  if (common && length(lwd.common) == 1 & length(TE.common) > 1)
    lwd.common <- rep(lwd.common, length(TE.common))
  if (common && length(col.common) == 1 & length(TE.common) > 1)
    col.common <- rep(col.common, length(TE.common))
  if (random && length(lty.random) == 1 & length(TE.random) > 1)
    lty.random <- rep(lty.random, length(TE.random))
  if (random && length(lwd.random) == 1 & length(TE.random) > 1)
    lwd.random <- rep(lwd.random, length(TE.random))
  if (random && length(col.random) == 1 & length(TE.random) > 1)
    col.random <- rep(col.random, length(TE.random))
  ## Generate L'Abbe plot
  plot(xpos, ypos, type = "n", 
       xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
       axes = axes, ...)
  if (nulleffect)
    abline(0, 1, lwd = lwd.nulleffect, col = col.nulleffect)
  points(xpos, ypos, pch = pch, cex = cex.i, col = col, bg = bg, lwd = lwd)
  ## Auxillary function
  addlines <- function(x.line, y.line, ylim, lty, lwd, col) {
    sel <- min(ylim) <= y.line & y.line <= max(ylim)
    if (sum(sel) > 1)
      lines(x.line[sel], y.line[sel],
            lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col)
  ## Add results for common effect model
  if (common & length(TE.common) > 0) {
    x.line <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), len = 100)
    if (!backtransf)
      for (i in 1:length(TE.common))
        abline(TE.common[i], 1,
               lty = lty.common[i], lwd = lwd.common[i],
               col = col.common[i])
    else {
      if (sm == "RR") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- x.line * exp(TE.common[i])
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
      else if (sm == "RD") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- x.line + TE.common[i]
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
      else if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR")) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- exp(TE.common[i]) * (x.line / (1 - x.line)) /
            (1 + exp(TE.common[i]) * x.line / (1 - x.line))
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
      else if (sm == "ASD" & length(TE.common) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.common)) {
          y.line <- sin(asin(sqrt(x.line)) + TE.common[i])^2
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.common[i], lwd.common[i], col.common[i])
  ## Add results for random effects model
  if (random & length(TE.random) > 0) {
    x.line <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), len = 100)
    if (!backtransf)
      for (i in 1:length(TE.random))
        abline(TE.random[i], 1,
               lty = lty.random[i], lwd = lwd.random[i],
               col = col.random[i])
    else {
      if (sm == "RR") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- x.line * exp(TE.random[i])
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])
      else if (sm == "RD") {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- x.line + TE.random[i]
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])
      else if (sm %in% c("OR", "DOR")) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- exp(TE.random[i]) * (x.line / (1 - x.line)) /
            (1 + exp(TE.random[i]) * x.line / (1 - x.line))
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])
      else if (sm == "ASD" & length(TE.random) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(TE.random)) {
          y.line <- sin(asin(sqrt(x.line)) + TE.random[i])^2
          addlines(x.line, y.line, ylim,
                   lty.random[i], lwd.random[i], col.random[i])

  ## Add study labels
  if (!is.logical(studlab) && length(studlab) > 0)
    text(xpos, ypos, labels = studlab, pos = pos.studlab, cex = cex.studlab)

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meta documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:59 a.m.