
Defines functions Bootcovariancerecurrence BootcovariancerecurrenceS covarianceRecurrentS recmarg2 intN2dN1 meanRisk plot.covariance.recurrent covarianceRecurrent prob.exceedBiRecurrentStrata plot.BiRecurrent prob.exceedBiRecurrent prob.exceedRecurrentStrata prob.exceedRecurrent prob.exceed.recurrent count.historyVar count.history simRecurrentTS extendCums simMultistate showfitsim simRecurrentIIHist simRecurrentII simRecurrentGamma simRecurrent tie.breaker covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2 squareintHdM recmarg recurrentMarginalIPCW recurrentMarginalAIPCWdata recurrentMarginalAIPCW summaryTimeobject summary.recurrent recurrentMarginal

Documented in Bootcovariancerecurrence BootcovariancerecurrenceS count.history count.historyVar covarianceRecurrent covarianceRecurrentS covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2 extendCums prob.exceedBiRecurrent prob.exceedBiRecurrentStrata prob.exceed.recurrent prob.exceedRecurrent prob.exceedRecurrentStrata recmarg recurrentMarginal recurrentMarginalAIPCW recurrentMarginalAIPCWdata recurrentMarginalIPCW showfitsim simMultistate simRecurrent simRecurrentGamma simRecurrentII simRecurrentTS squareintHdM summaryTimeobject tie.breaker

##' Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible
##' Fast Marginal means of recurrent events. Using the Lin and Ghosh (2000) 
##' standard errors.  
##' Fitting two models for death and recurent events these are
##' combined to prducte the estimator 
##' \deqn{ \int_0^t  S(u|x=0) dR(u|x=0) } the mean number of recurrent events, here
##' \deqn{ S(u|x=0) }  is the probability of survival for the baseline group, and 
##' \deqn{ dR(u|x=0) }  is the hazard rate of an event among survivors for the baseline. 
##' Here \deqn{ S(u|x=0) }  is estimated by \deqn{ exp(-\Lambda_d(u|x=0) }  with 
##'  \deqn{\Lambda_d(u|x=0) } being the cumulative baseline for death.
##' Assumes no ties in the sense that jump times needs to be unique, this is particularly so for the stratified version.
##' @param recurrent phreg object with recurrent events
##' @param death     phreg object with deaths
##' @param fixbeta   to force the estimation of standard errors to think of regression coefficients as known/fixed
##' @param km  if true then uses Kaplan-Meier for death, otherwise exp(- Nelson-Aalen ) 
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @references 
##'             Ghosh and Lin (2002) Nonparametric Analysis of Recurrent events and death, 
##'             Biometrics, 554--562.
##' @examples
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##' rr <- simRecurrent(1000,base1,death.cumhaz=dr)
##' rr$x <- rnorm(nrow(rr)) 
##' rr$strata <- floor((rr$id-0.01)/500)
##' ##  to fit non-parametric models with just a baseline 
##' xr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,status)~cluster(id),data=rr)
##' dr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,death)~cluster(id),data=rr)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
##' bplot(dr,se=TRUE)
##' title(main="death")
##' bplot(xr,se=TRUE)
##' ### robust standard errors 
##' rxr <-   robust.phreg(xr,fixbeta=1)
##' bplot(rxr,se=TRUE,robust=TRUE,add=TRUE,col=4)
##' ## marginal mean of expected number of recurrent events 
##' out <- recurrentMarginal(xr,dr)
##' bplot(out,se=TRUE,ylab="marginal mean",col=2)
##' ########################################################################
##' ###   with strata     ##################################################
##' ########################################################################
##' xr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,status)~strata(strata)+cluster(id),data=rr)
##' dr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,death)~strata(strata)+cluster(id),data=rr)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
##' bplot(dr,se=TRUE)
##' title(main="death")
##' bplot(xr,se=TRUE)
##' rxr <-   robust.phreg(xr,fixbeta=1)
##' bplot(rxr,se=TRUE,robust=TRUE,add=TRUE,col=1:2)
##' out <- recurrentMarginal(xr,dr)
##' bplot(out,se=TRUE,ylab="marginal mean",col=1:2)
##' ########################################################################
##' ###   cox case        ##################################################
##' ########################################################################
##' xr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,status)~x+cluster(id),data=rr)
##' dr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,death)~x+cluster(id),data=rr)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
##' bplot(dr,se=TRUE)
##' title(main="death")
##' bplot(xr,se=TRUE)
##' rxr <-   robust.phreg(xr)
##' bplot(rxr,se=TRUE,robust=TRUE,add=TRUE,col=1:2)
##' out <- recurrentMarginal(xr,dr)
##' bplot(out,se=TRUE,ylab="marginal mean",col=1:2)
##' ########################################################################
##' ###   CIF  #############################################################
##' ########################################################################
##' ### use of function to compute cumulative incidence (cif) with robust standard errors
##'  data(bmt)
##'  bmt$id <- 1:nrow(bmt)
##'  xr  <- phreg(Surv(time,cause==1)~cluster(id),data=bmt)
##'  dr  <- phreg(Surv(time,cause!=0)~cluster(id),data=bmt)
##'  out <- recurrentMarginal(xr,dr,km=TRUE)
##'  bplot(out,se=TRUE,ylab="cumulative incidence")
##' @aliases tie.breaker recmarg recurrentMarginalIPCW recurrentMarginalAIPCW recurrentMarginalAIPCWdata 
##' @export
recurrentMarginal <- function(recurrent,death,fixbeta=NULL,km=TRUE,...)
{# {{{
  xr <- recurrent
  dr <- death 

  ### sets fixbeta based on  wheter xr has been optimized in beta (so cox case)
  if (is.null(fixbeta)) 
  if ((xr$no.opt) | is.null(xr$coef)) fixbeta<- 1 else fixbeta <- 0

  ### marginal expected events  int_0^t G(s) \lambda_r(s) ds 
  # {{{
  strat <- dr$strata[dr$jumps]
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  ## survival at t- to also work in competing risks situation
  if (!km) { 
    cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
    St      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else St <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  x <- xr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  cumhazR <-  cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  cumhazDR <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(St*S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  mu <- cumhazDR[,2]
# }}}

  ### robust standard errors 
  ### 1. sum_k ( int_0^t S(s)/S_0^r(s) dM_k.^r(s) )^2
 resIM1 <-  squareintHdM(xr,ft=St,fixbeta=fixbeta)
 ### 2. mu(t)^2 * sum_k ( int_0^t 1/S_0^d(s) dM_k.^d(s) )^2
 resIM2 <-  squareintHdM(dr,ft=NULL,fixbeta=fixbeta)
  ### 3. sum_k( int_0^t mu(s) /S_0^d(s) dM_k.^d(s))^2
 resIM3 <-  squareintHdM(dr,ft=mu,fixbeta=fixbeta)

 varA <-  resIM1$varInt+mu^2*resIM2$varInt+resIM3$varInt 

## covariances between different terms  13 23  12 12
## to allow different strata for xr and dr, but still nested strata
 if ((xr$nstrata>1 & dr$nstrata==1)) {
    cM1M3 <- covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2(resIM1,resIM3,fixbeta=fixbeta,mu=NULL)
    cM1M2 <- covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2(resIM1,resIM2,fixbeta=fixbeta,mu=mu)
 } else  {
    cM1M3 <- covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2(resIM3,resIM1,fixbeta=fixbeta,mu=NULL)
    cM1M2 <- covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2(resIM2,resIM1,fixbeta=fixbeta,mu=mu)
 cM2M3 <- covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2(resIM2,resIM3,fixbeta=fixbeta,mu=mu)

 varA <- varA+2*cM1M3$cov12A-2*cM1M2$cov12A-2*cM2M3$cov12A 
### varA <- varA-2*cM1M3$cov12A+2*cM1M2$cov12A+2*cM2M3$cov12A 

 cov12aa <- cov13aa <- cov23aa <- 0

 if (fixbeta==0) {
    varA <-varA + cM2M3$covbeta - cM1M3$covbeta + cM1M2$covbeta 

 varrs <- data.frame(mu=mu,cumhaz=mu,se.mu=varA^.5,time=xr$time,
 varrs <- varrs[c(xr$cox.prep$jumps)+1,]

 ### to use basehazplot.phreg
 ### making output such that basehazplot can work also
 out <- list(mu=varrs$mu,se.mu=varrs$se.mu,times=varrs$time,
 class(out) <- "recurrent"
}# }}}

##' @export
summary.recurrent <- function(object,times=NULL,strata=NULL,estimates=FALSE,...) {# {{{
 if (is.null(times)) times <- object$times

if (object$nstrata==1) {
   where <- fast.approx(c(0,object$times),times,type="left")
   mu <- c(0,object$mu)[where]
   se.mu <- c(0,object$se.mu)[where]
   stratao <- 0
} else {
 nstrata <- object$nstrata
 if (is.null(strata))  {
    where <- indexstratarightR(object$times,object$strata,

 times <- rep(times,each=nstrata)
 strata <- rep((nstrata-1):0,length(times))

 } else where <- indexstratarightR(object$times,object$strata,times,strata,nstrata,type="left")

   mu <- object$mu[where]
   se.mu <- object$se.mu[where]
   stratao <- object$strata[where] 

 lower <- exp(log(mu) - 1.96*se.logmu)
 upper <- exp(log(mu) + 1.96*se.logmu)

 out <- data.frame(times=times,mu=mu,se.mu=se.mu,lower=lower,upper=upper,
 names(out) <- c("times","mean","se-mean","CI-2.5%","CI-97.5%","strata")
 if (estimates) {
         attr(out,"where") <- where
	 attr(out,"estimates") <- cbind(object$cumhaz,object$strata)[where,]
}# }}}

##' @export
summaryTimeobject <-function(mutimes,mu,se.mu=NULL,times=NULL,type="log",...) {# {{{
 if (is.null(times)) times <- mutimes

 where <- fast.approx(c(0,mutimes),times,type="left")

 ##  see if object is vector or matrix
 if (is.matrix(mu)) mu <- rbind(0,mu)[where,] else mu <- c(0,mu)[where]
 if (!is.null(se.mu)) {
     if (is.matrix(se.mu)) se.mu <- rbind(0,se.mu)[where,] else se.mu <- c(0,se.mu)[where]
 if (type=="log") {
 lower <- exp(log(mu) - 1.96*se.logmu)
 upper <- exp(log(mu) + 1.96*se.logmu)
 } else {
 lower <- mu - 1.96*se.mu
 upper <- mu + 1.96*se.mu
 } else {se.mu <- se.logmu <- lower <- upper <- NA}

 out <- data.frame(times=times,mu=mu,se.mu=se.mu,lower=lower,upper=upper)
 names(out) <- c("times","mean","se-mean","CI-2.5%","CI-97.5%")
}# }}}

##' @export
recurrentMarginalAIPCW <- function(formula,data=data,cause=1,cens.code=0,death.code=2,
{# {{{
    cl <- match.call()# {{{
    m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
    special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
    Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
    m$formula <- Terms
    m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
    Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
    if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
    if (ncol(Y)==2) {
        exit <- Y[,1]
        entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
        status <- Y[,2]
    } else {
        entry <- Y[,1]
        exit <- Y[,2]
        status <- Y[,3]
    id <- strata <- NULL
    if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
        ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
        pos.cluster <- ts$terms
        Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
        id <- m[[ts$vars]]
    } else pos.cluster <- NULL
    if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
        ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
        pos.strata <- ts$terms
        Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
        strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
        strata.name <- ts$vars
    }  else { strata.name <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
    if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
        ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
        Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
        offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
    X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
    if (!is.null(intpos  <- attributes(Terms)$intercept))
        X <- X[,-intpos,drop=FALSE]
    if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
    ## }}}

   if (!is.null(id)) {
        ids <- unique(id)
        nid <- length(ids)
        if (is.numeric(id))
            id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1
        else  {
            id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
    } else { id <- as.integer(seq_along(entry))-1;  nid <- nrow(X); }
    ## orginal id coding into integers 1:...
    id.orig <- id+1;

   ### setting up with artificial names
 data$status__ <-  status 
 data$id__ <-  id
 ## lave Countcause
 data <- count.history(data,status="status__",id="id__",types=cause,multitype=TRUE)
 data$Count1__ <- data[,paste("Count",cause[1],sep="")]
 data$death__ <- (status %in% death.code)*1
 data$entry__ <- entry 
 data$exit__ <- exit 
 data$statusC__ <- (status %in% cens.code)*1
 data$status__cause <- (status %in% cause)*1

  xr <- phreg(Surv(entry__,exit__,status__cause)~Count1__+death__+cluster(id__),data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)

  formC <- update.formula(cens.model,Surv(entry__,exit__,statusC__)~ . +cluster(id__))
  cr <- phreg(formC,data=data)
  whereC <- which(status %in% cens.code)

  if (length(whereC)>0) {# {{{
  ### censoring weights
  strat <- cr$strata[cr$jumps]
  x <- cr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  ## survival at t- to also work in competing risks situation
  if (!km) { 
    cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
    St      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else St <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  } else  St <- rep(1,nrow(xx$strata))
  Gc <- St
  ## }}}

formD <- as.formula(Surv(entry__,exit__,death__)~cluster(id__))
form1L <- as.formula(Surv(entry__,exit__,status__cause)~Count1__+death__+statusC__+cluster(id__))
form1 <- as.formula(Surv(entry__,exit__,status__cause)~cluster(id__))

 xr <- phreg(form1L,data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
 dr <- phreg(formD,data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)

 ### augmenting partioned estimator computing \hat H_i(s,t) for fixed t
 data$Gctrr <- exp(-cpred(cr$cumhaz,exit)[,2])

 ### cook-lawless-ghosh-lin
 xr0 <- phreg(form1,data=data,no.opt=TRUE)
 clgl  <- recurrentMarginal(xr0,dr)
### bplot(clgl,se=1); print(cpred(clgl$cumhaz,times)); print(cpred(clgl$se.cumhaz,times)); 

  ####  First \mu_ipcw(t) \sum_i I(T_i /\ t \leq C_i)/G_c(T_i /\ t ) N_(T_i /\ t) {{{
  x <- xr
  xx <- xr$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  ## stay with N(D_i) when t is large so no -1 when death
  ## xx$X[,1] er Count1 dvs N(t-)
  Nt <- revcumsumstrata(xx$X[,1]*xx$sign,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  Nt <- Nt/Gc
  ## counting N(D) forward in time skal ikke checke ud når man dør N_(D_i) er i spil efter D_i
  NtD <- cumsumstrata(xx$X[,1]*(xx$X[,2]==1)*(xx$sign==1)/Gc,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  jump1 <- xx$jumps+1
  timeJ <- xx$time[jump1]
  avNtD <- (NtD+Nt)[jump1]/nid
  strataN1J <- xx$strata[jump1]

  varIPCW1 <- NULL
  seIPCW1 <- NULL

  ### IPCW estimator 
  cumhaz <- cbind(timeJ,avNtD)
# }}}

  ### Partitioned estimator , same as Lin, Lawless & Cook estimator {{{
  cumhazP <- c(cumsumstrata(1/Gc[jump1],strataN1J,xx$nstrata)/nid)
  cumhazP <- cbind(timeJ,cumhazP)

  ### variance of partitioned estimator 

  ### calculate E(H,s,t) = E(H,t) - E(H,s) 
  ### E(H,t) = 1/(S(t)*n) \sum_ \int Y_i(s)/G_c(s) dN_{1i} = 1/(S(t)) (\mu_p(t) - \mu_p(s)) 
  ### \hat H_i for all subjects, and look at together with Hst, eHst 
  ### for censoring martingale 
  data$Nt <- data$Count1__
  data$Nt2 <- data$Nt^2
  data$expNt <- exp(-data$Nt)
  data$NtexpNt <- data$Nt*exp(-data$Nt)

  Gcdata <- exp(-cpred(cr$cumhaz,exit)[,2])

  form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(entry__,exit__,statusC__)~+1"))
  desform <- update.formula(augment.model,~Hst + . + cluster(id__))
  form[[3]] <- desform[[2]]
  nterms <- length(all.vars(form[[3]]))-1

  if (!is.null(times)) {
       semuPA <-  muPA <- semuPA.times <-  muPA.times <- rep(0,length(times))
       ww <- fast.approx(timeJ,times,type="left")
       muP.times <- cumhazP[ww,2]
       semuP.times <- clgl$se.mu[ww]

  for (i in seq_along(times)) {
     timel <- times[i]
     data$Hst <- revcumsumstrata((exit<timel)*(status %in% cause)/Gcdata,id,nid)
     cr2 <- phreg(form,data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
     nterms <- cr2$p-1

     dhessian <- cr2$hessianttime
     ###  matrix(apply(dhessian,2,sum),3,3)
     timeb <- which(cr$cumhaz[,1]<timel)
     ### take relevant \sum H_i(s,t) (e_i - \bar e)
     covts <- dhessian[timeb,1+1:nterms,drop=FALSE]
     ### construct relevant \sum (e_i - \bar e)^2
     Pt <- dhessian[timeb,-c((1:(nterms+1)),(1:(nterms))*(nterms+1)+1),drop=FALSE]
     ###  matrix(apply(dhessian[,c(5,6,8,9)],2,sum),2,2)
     gammahat <- .Call("CubeVec",Pt,covts,1,PACKAGE="mets")$XXbeta
     S0 <- cr$S0[timeb]
     gammahat[is.na(gammahat)] <- 0
     gammahat[gammahat==Inf] <- 0
     Gctb <- Gc[cr$jumps][timeb]
     augment.times <- sum(apply(gammahat*cr2$U[timeb,1+1:nterms,drop=FALSE],1,sum))/nid
     mterms <- length(terms)
     mterms <- nterms
     varZ <- matrix(apply(Pt/Gctb^2,2,sum),mterms,mterms)
     gamma <- .Call("CubeVec",matrix(c(varZ),nrow=1),matrix(apply(covts/Gctb,2,sum),nrow=1),1,PACKAGE="mets")$XXbeta
     gamma <- c(gamma)
     gamma[is.na(gamma)] <- 0
     gamma[gamma=Inf] <- 0
     augment <- sum(apply(gamma*t(cr2$U[timeb,1+1:nterms,drop=FALSE])/Gctb,2,sum))/nid
     muPA[i] <- muP.times[i]+augment
     semuPA[i] <- (semuP.times[i]^2 +(gamma %*% varZ %*% gamma)/nid^2)^.5
     muPA.times[i] <- muP.times[i]+augment.times
     semuPA.times[i] <- (semuP.times[i]^2+sum(gammahat*.Call("CubeVec",Pt,gammahat,0,PACKAGE="mets")$XXbeta)/(nid^2))^.5
# }}}

  muP=muP.times,semuP=semuP.times, muPAt=muPA.times,semuPAt=semuPA.times, muPA=muPA,semuPA=semuPA))
}# }}}

##' @export
recurrentMarginalAIPCWdata <- function(rr,times,km=TRUE,terms=1,idt=1,x.design=NULL,
{# {{{

 if (missing(times)) stop("times of estimation must be given")

 # to avoid R check warning 
 revnr <- NULL

 formsort <- paste("~",id,"+",start)
 dsort(rr) <- as.formula(formsort) 
 rr$revnr <- NULL
 rr$cens <- 0
 rr <- count.history(rr,status=status,id=id)

 nid <- max(rr[,id])
 rr$revnr2 <-  c(revcumsumstrata(rep(1,nrow(rr)),rr[,id]-1,nid))
 rr$cens[rr$revnr2==1 & rr$death==0] <- 1

formC <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",cens)~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
formD <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form1L <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",cause,")~Count",cause,"+death+cens+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form1 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",cause,")~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))

 xr <- phreg(form1L,data=rr,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
 cr <- phreg(formC,data=rr,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
 dr <- phreg(formD,data=rr,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)

 ### augmenting partioned estimator computing \hat H_i(s,t) for fixed t
 rr$Gctrr <- exp(-cpred(cr$cumhaz,rr[,stop])[,2])

 ### cook-lawless ghosh-lin
 xr0 <- phreg(form1,data=rr,no.opt=TRUE)
 clgl  <- recurrentMarginal(xr0,dr)

  ### censoring weights
  strat <- cr$strata[cr$jumps+1]
  x <- cr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0iD <- S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  ## survival at t- to also work in competing risks situation
  if (!km) { 
    cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
    Gc      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else Gc <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  S0it <- revcumsumstrata(xx$sign,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)

  ####  First \mu_ipcw(t) \sum_i I(T_i /\ t \leq C_i)/G_c(T_i /\ t ) N_(T_i /\ t) {{{
  x <- xr
  xx <- xr$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  ## stay with N(D_i) when t is large so no -1 when death
  ## xx$X[,1] er Count1 dvs N(t-)
  Nt <- revcumsumstrata(xx$X[,1]*xx$sign,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  Nt <- Nt/Gc
  ## counting N(D) forward in time skal ikke checke ud når man dør N_(D_i) er i spil efter D_i
  NtD <- cumsumstrata(xx$X[,1]*(xx$X[,2]==1)*(xx$sign==1)/Gc,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  jump1 <- xx$jumps+1
  timeJ <- xx$time[jump1]
  avNtD <- (NtD+Nt)[jump1]/nid
  strataN1J <- xx$strata[jump1]

  varIPCW1 <- NULL
  seIPCW1 <- NULL

  ### IPCW estimator 
  cumhaz <- cbind(timeJ,avNtD)
# }}}

  ### Partitioned estimator , same as Lin, Lawless & Cook estimator {{{
  cumhazP <- c(cumsumstrata(1/Gc[jump1],strataN1J,xx$nstrata)/nid)
  cumhazP <- cbind(timeJ,cumhazP)

  ### variance of partitioned estimator 

  ### calculate E(H,s,t) = E(H,t) - E(H,s) 
  ### E(H,t) = 1/(S(t)*n) \sum_ \int Y_i(s)/G_c(s) dN_{1i} = 1/(S(t)) (\mu_p(t) - \mu_p(s)) 
  ### \hat H_i for all subjects, and look at together with Hst, eHst 
  ### for censoring martingale 
  rr$Count1s <- rr$Count1^2
  rr$eCount1 <- exp(-rr$Count1)
  rr$CeCount1 <- rr$Count1*exp(-rr$Count1)

  if (!is.null(times)) {
       semuPA <-  muPA <- semuPA.times <-  muPA.times <- rep(0,length(times))

       ww <- fast.approx(timeJ,times,type="left")
       muP.times <- cumhazP[ww,2]
       semuP.times <- clgl$se.mu[ww]
       Aterms <- c("Count1","Count1s","eCount1","CeCount1")[terms]
       modP <- NULL
       if (length(Aterms)>=1) modP <- Aterms
       if (!is.null(x.design)) modP <- c(modP,x.design)
       nterms <- length(modP)
       modP <- paste(modP,collapse="+") 
       form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",cens)~Hst+",modP,"+cluster(id)"))

  for (i in seq_along(times)) {
     timel <- times[i]
     rr$Hst <- revcumsumstrata((rr[,stop]<timel)*(rr[,status]==1)/rr$Gctrr,rr$id-1,nid)
     cr2 <- phreg(form,data=rr,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
     nterms <- cr2$p-1

     dhessian <- cr2$hessianttime
     ###  matrix(apply(dhessian,2,sum),3,3)
     timeb <- which(cr$cumhaz[,1]<timel)
     ### take relevant \sum H_i(s,t) (e_i - \bar e)
     covts <- dhessian[timeb,1+1:nterms,drop=FALSE]
     ### construct relevant \sum (e_i - \bar e)^2
     Pt <- dhessian[timeb,-c((1:(nterms+1)),(1:(nterms))*(nterms+1)+1),drop=FALSE]
     ###  matrix(apply(dhessian[,c(5,6,8,9)],2,sum),2,2)
     gammahat <- .Call("CubeVec",Pt,covts,1,PACKAGE="mets")$XXbeta
     S0 <- cr$S0[timeb]
     gammahat[is.na(gammahat)] <- 0
     gammahat[gammahat==Inf] <- 0
     Gctb <- Gc[cr$jumps][timeb]
     augment.times <- sum(apply(gammahat*cr2$U[timeb,1+1:nterms,drop=FALSE],1,sum))/nid
     varZ <- matrix(apply(Pt/Gctb^2,2,sum),nterms,nterms)
     gamma <- .Call("CubeVec",matrix(c(varZ),nrow=1),matrix(apply(covts/Gctb,2,sum),nrow=1),1,PACKAGE="mets")$XXbeta
     gamma <- c(gamma)
     gamma[is.na(gamma)] <- 0
     gamma[gamma=Inf] <- 0
     augment <- sum(apply(gamma*t(cr2$U[timeb,1+1:nterms,drop=FALSE])/Gctb,2,sum))/nid
     muPA[i] <- muP.times[i]+augment
     semuPA[i] <- (semuP.times[i]^2 +(gamma %*% varZ %*% gamma)/nid^2)^.5
     muPA.times[i] <- muP.times[i]+augment.times
     semuPA.times[i] <- (semuP.times[i]^2+sum(gammahat*.Call("CubeVec",Pt,gammahat,0,PACKAGE="mets")$XXbeta)/(nid^2))^.5
# }}}

  muP=muP.times,semuP=semuP.times, muPAt=muPA.times,semuPAt=semuPA.times, muPA=muPA,semuPA=semuPA))
}# }}}

##' @export
recurrentMarginalIPCW <- function(rr,km=TRUE,times=NULL,...)
{# {{{

 # to ovoid R check warning 
 death <- revnr <- NULL

 rr$revnr <- NULL
 rr$cens <- 0
 rr <- count.history(rr)
 dsort(rr) <- ~id-start
 nid <- max(rr$id)
 rr$revnr <- cumsumstrata(rep(1,nrow(rr)),rr$id-1,nid)
 dsort(rr) <- ~id+start
 rr <- dtransform(rr,cens=1,revnr==1 & death==0)

  xr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,status==1)~Count1+death+cluster(id),data=rr,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
  cr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,cens)~cluster(id),data=rr)
  dr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,death)~cluster(id),data=rr)

  ### censoring weights
  strat <- cr$strata[cr$jumps]
  x <- cr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  ## survival at t- to also work in competing risks situation
  if (!km) { 
    cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
    St      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else St <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  x <- xr
  xx <- xr$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  ## stay with N(D_i) when t is large so no -1 when death
  signm <- xx$sign
  signm[xx$X[,2]==1 & xx$sign==-1] <- 0
  Nt <- revcumsumstrata(xx$X[,1]*xx$sign,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  Nt <- Nt/St
  ## counting N(D) forward in time skal ikke checke ud når man dør N_(D_i) er i spil efter D_i
  NtD <- cumsumstrata(xx$X[,1]*(xx$X[,2]==1)*(xx$sign==1)/St,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  risk <- revcumsumstrata(xx$sign,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  timeJ <- xx$time[xx$jumps+1]
  avNtD <- (NtD+Nt)[xx$jumps+1]/nid
  xxJ <- xx$jumps+1

  cumhaz <- cbind(timeJ,avNtD)

}# }}}

##' @export
recmarg <- function(recurrent,death,Xr=NULL,Xd=NULL,km=TRUE,...)
{# {{{
  xr <- recurrent
  dr <- death 

  if (!is.null(Xr)) rr <- exp(sum(xr$coef * Xr)) else rr <- 1
  if (!is.null(Xd)) rrd <- exp(sum(dr$coef * Xd)) else rrd <- 1

  ### marginal expected events  int_0^t G(s) \lambda_r(s) ds 
  # {{{
  strat <- dr$strata[dr$jumps]
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  if (!km) { 
     cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
     St      <- exp(-cumhazD*rrd)
  } else St <- exp(rrd*c(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  x <- xr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  cumhazDR <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(St*S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  mu <- rr*cumhazDR[,2]
# }}}

 varrs <- data.frame(mu=mu,time=xr$time,strata=xr$strata,St=St)
 varrs  <-  varrs[c(xr$cox.prep$jumps)+1,]

 ### to use basehazplot.phreg
 ### making output such that basehazplot can work also
 out <- list(mu=varrs$mu,time=varrs$time,
}# }}}

##' @export
squareintHdM <- function(phreg,ft=NULL,fixbeta=NULL,...)
{# {{{
###  sum_k ( int_0^t f(s)/S_0^r(s) dM_k.^r(s) )^2
###  strata "r" from object and "k" id from cluster 
  if (!inherits(phreg,"phreg")) stop("Must be phreg object\n"); 

  ### sets fixbeta based on  wheter xr has been optimized in beta (so cox case)
  if (is.null(fixbeta)) 
  if ((phreg$no.opt) | is.null(phreg$coef)) fixbeta<- 1 else fixbeta <- 0

  x <- phreg
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0^2
  Z <- xx$X
  U <- E <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),x$p)
  E[xx$jumps+1,] <- x$E
  U[xx$jumps+1,] <- x$U
  cumhaz <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  if (is.null(ft))  ft <- rep(1,length(xx$time))
  cumS0i2 <- c(cumsumstrata(ft*S0i2,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  if (fixbeta==0) {
	  EdLam0 <- apply(E*S0i,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
	  Ht <- apply(ft*E*S0i,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
  } else Ht <- NULL
  if (fixbeta==0) rr <- c(xx$sign*exp(Z %*% coef(x) + xx$offset))
  else rr <- c(xx$sign*exp(xx$offset))
  id <-   xx$id
  mid <- max(id)+1
  ### also weights 
  w <- c(xx$weights)
  xxx <- (ft*S0i-rr*cumS0i2)
  ssf <- cumsumidstratasum(xxx,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$sumsquare
  ss <-  revcumsumidstratasum(w*rr,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsumsquare*cumS0i2^2
  covv <- covfridstrata(xxx,w*rr,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$covs*cumS0i2
  varA1 <- c(ssf+ss-2*covv)

  vbeta <- betaiidR <- NULL
  if (fixbeta==0) {# {{{
     invhess <- -solve(x$hessian)
     MGt <- U[,drop=FALSE]-(Z*cumhaz[,2]-EdLam0)*rr*c(xx$weights)
     UU <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,id,mid)
     betaiidR <- UU %*% invhess
     vbeta <- crossprod(betaiidR)
     varbetat <-   rowSums((Ht %*% vbeta)*Ht)
     ### writing each beta for all individuals 
     betakt <- betaiidR[id+1,,drop=FALSE]
     covk1 <- apply(xxx*betakt,2,cumsumidstratasum,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata,type="sum")
     covk2 <- apply(w*rr*betakt,2,revcumsumidstratasum,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata,type="lagsum")
     covk2 <- c(covk2)*cumS0i2
     covv <- covk1-covk2
     varA1 <- varA1+varbetat-2*apply(covv*Ht,1,sum)
  }# }}}

} # }}}

##' @export
covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2 <- function(square1,square2,fixbeta=1,mu=NULL)
{# {{{

 ### strata and id same for two objects 
 xx <- square1$xx; xx2 <- square2$xx
 xxxR <- square1$xxx;     xxxD1 <- square2$xxx
 rrR  <- square1$rr;       rrD1 <- square2$rr
 id   <- id1 <- square1$id; id2 <- square2$id
 mid  <- square1$mid; w <- c(xx$weights)

 if (is.null(mu)) mu <- rep(1,length(xx$strata))

 cov12 <-  c(cumsumidstratasumCov(xxxR,xxxD1,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$sumsquare)
 cov122 <- c(revcumsumidstratasumCov(w*rrR,w*rrD1,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsumsquare)*c(square1$cumS0i2*square2$cumS0i2)
 cov123 <- covfridstrataCov(xxxR,w*rrR,xxxD1,w*rrD1,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$covs*c(square2$cumS0i2)
 cov124 <- covfridstrataCov(xxxD1,w*rrD1,xxxR,w*rrR,id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$covs*c(square1$cumS0i2)
 cov12A <- c(cov12+cov122+cov123+cov124)
 test <- 0
 if (test==1) {# {{{
	 print("________cov cov ___________________________"); 
	 print(summary(c(xxxR))); print(summary(c(xxxD1))); 
	 print(summary(c(rrD1))); print(summary(c(rrR)))
	 print(summary(c(square1$cumS0i2))); print(summary(c(square2$cumS0i2)));
	 jumps <- c(square1$xx$jumps,square2$xx$jumps)+1
 }# }}}

 cov12aa <- 0
 if (fixbeta==0) {
 ### covariances between different terms and  beta's 
 # {{{
	 betaiidR <- square1$betaiid; betaiidD <- square2$betaiid
	 HtR <- square1$Ht; HtD <- square2$Ht
	 covbetaRD <- t(betaiidR) %*% betaiidD
	 covbeta <-   -1*rowSums((HtR %*% covbetaRD)*HtD)

	 ### cov12 wrt betaD and betaR
	 betakt <- betaiidD[id1+1,,drop=FALSE]
	 covk1 <-apply(xxxR*betakt,2,cumsumidstratasum,id1,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata,type="sum")
	 covk2 <-apply(w*rrR*betakt,2,revcumsumidstratasum,id1,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata,type="lagsum")
	 covk2 <- c(covk2)*c(square1$cumS0i2)
	 covRD12 <- apply((covk1-covk2)*HtD,1,sum)
	 betakt <- betaiidR[id2+1,,drop=FALSE]
	 covk1 <-apply(xxxD1*betakt,2,cumsumidstratasum,id2,mid,xx2$strata,xx$nstrata,type="sum")
	 covk2 <-apply(w*rrD1*betakt,2,revcumsumidstratasum,id2,mid,xx2$strata,xx$nstrata,type="lagsum")
	 covk2 <- c(covk2)*c(square2$cumS0i2)
	 covRD21 <- apply((covk1-covk2)*HtR,1,sum)
	 cov12aa <- 2*(covbeta + covRD12+covRD21)
	 test <- 0
	 if (test==1) {
 } # }}}

 cov12 <- (cov12A-cov12aa)*mu

} # }}}

##' @export
tie.breaker <- function(data,stop="time",start="entry",status="status",id=NULL,ddt=NULL,exit.unique=TRUE)
{# {{{

   if (!is.null(id)) id <- data[,id]
   ord <- 1:nrow(data)
   stat <- data[,status]
   time <- data[,stop]
   dupexit <- duplicated(time)
   time1 <- data[stat==1,stop]
   time0 <- data[stat!=1,stop]
   lt0 <- length(time0)
   ddp <- duplicated(c(time0,time1))
   if (exit.unique) ties <-ddp[(lt0+1):nrow(data)] else ties <- duplicated(c(time1))
   nties <- sum(ties)
   ordties <- ord[stat==1][ties]
   if (is.null(ddt)) {
	   abd <- abs(diff(data[,stop]))
	   abd <- min(abd[abd>0])
	   ddt <- abd*0.5
   time[ordties] <- time[ordties]+runif(nties)*ddt

   data[ordties,stop] <- time[ordties]
   ties <- (ord %in% ordties)
   if (!is.null(id)) {
   lagties <- dlag(ties)
   ### also move next start time if id the same 
   change.start <- lagties==TRUE & id==dlag(id)
   change.start[is.na(change.start)] <- FALSE
   ocs <- ord[change.start]
   data[ocs,start] <- data[ocs-1,stop]
   data[,"tiebreaker"] <- FALSE
   data[ocs,"tiebreaker"] <- TRUE
 } # }}}

##' Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards 
##' Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards 
##' Must give hazard of death and recurrent events.  Possible with two
##' event types and their dependence can be specified but the two recurrent events need
##' to have the same random effect,  simRecurrentII more flexible !  
##' @param n number of id's 
##' @param cumhaz  cumulative hazard of recurrent events 
##' @param death.cumhaz cumulative hazard of death 
##' @param gap.time if true simulates gap-times with specified cumulative hazard
##' @param cens rate of exponential on total time i.e. on death time-scale 
##' @param max.recurrent limits number recurrent events to 100
##' @param dhaz rate for death hazard if it is extended to time-range of first event 
##' @param dependence  =0 independence, =1 all share same random effect with variance var.z
##'                    =2 random effect exp(normal) with correlation structure from cor.mat,
##'                    first random effect is z1 and shared for a possible second cause,  second random effect is for death 
##' @param var.z variance of random effects 
##' @param cor.mat correlation matrix for var.z variance of random effects 
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' ########################################
##' ## getting some rates to mimick 
##' ########################################
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##'  ######################################################################
##'  ### simulating simple model that mimicks data 
##'  ######################################################################
##'  rr <- simRecurrent(5,base1,death.cumhaz=dr)
##'  dlist(rr,.~id,n=0)
##'  rr <- simRecurrent(1000,base1,death.cumhaz=dr)
##'  par(mfrow=c(1,3))
##'  showfitsim(causes=1,rr,dr,base1,base1)
##' ######################################################################
##' ### simulating simple model 
##' ### random effect for all causes (Z shared for death and recurrent) 
##' ######################################################################
##'  rr <- simRecurrent(1000,base1,death.cumhaz=dr,dependence=1,var.gamma=0.4)
##'  ### marginals do fit after input after integrating out
##'  par(mfrow=c(2,2))
##'  showfitsim(causes=1,rr,dr,base1,base1)
##' @aliases showfitsim  simRecurrentGamma covIntH1dM1IntH2dM2 squareintHdM 
##' @export
simRecurrent <- function(n,cumhaz,death.cumhaz=NULL,gap.time=FALSE,cens=NULL,
{# {{{
  status <- fdeath <-  dtime <- NULL ## to avoid R-check 

  ### drawing relative risk frailty terms to generate dependence
  if (dependence==0) { z1 <- z2 <- zd <- rep(1,n) # {{{
     } else if (dependence==1) {
###	      zz <- rgamma(n,1/var.gamma[1])*var.gamma[1]
	      zz <- exp(rnorm(n,1)*var.z[1]^.5)
	      z1 <- zz; z2 <- zz; zd <- zz
      } else if (dependence==2) {
              stdevs <- var.z^.5
              b <- stdevs %*% t(stdevs)  
              covv  <- b * cor.mat  
	      z <- matrix(rnorm(n*2),n,2)
	      z <- (z%*% chol(covv))
	      z1 <- exp(z[,1]); zd <- exp(z[,2])
	      apply(exp(z),2,mean); cov(exp(z))
      } else if (dependence==3) {
	      zz <- rgamma(n,1/var.z[1])*var.z[1]
	      z1 <- zz; z2 <- zz; zd <- rep(1,n) 
  # }}}

  cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),cumhaz)

  ## extend cumulative for death to full range  of cause 1
  if (!is.null(death.cumhaz)) {
    out <- extendCums(cumhaz,death.cumhaz)
    cumhaz <- out$cum1
    cumhazd <- out$cum2

  ll <- nrow(cumhaz)
  max.time <- tail(cumhaz[,1],1)
  rc <- 1

### recurrent first time
  tall <- rchaz(cumhaz,z1)
  tall$id <- 1:n
### death time simulated
  if (!is.null(death.cumhaz)) {
	  timed   <- rchaz(cumhazd,zd)
	  tall$dtime <- timed$time
	  tall$fdeath <- timed$status
	  if (!is.null(cens)) { 
             ctime <- rexp(n)/(rc*cens)
	     tall$fdeath[tall$dtime>ctime] <- 0; 
	     tall$dtime[tall$dtime>ctime] <- ctime[tall$dtime>ctime] 
  } else { 
	  tall$dtime <- max.time; 
	  tall$fdeath <- 0; 
	  cumhazd <- NULL 
	  if (!is.null(cens)) { 
             ctime <- rexp(n)/(rc*cens)
	     tall$fdeath[tall$dtime>ctime] <- 0; 
	     tall$dtime[tall$dtime>ctime] <- ctime[tall$dtime>ctime] 

### fixing the first time to event
  tall$death <- 0
  tall <- dtransform(tall,death=fdeath,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,status=0,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,time=dtime,time>dtime)
  tt <- tall
  nrr <- n
  i <- 1; 
  while (any((tt$time<tt$dtime) & (tt$status!=0) & (i < max.recurrent))) {
	  i <- i+1
	  still <- subset(tt,time<dtime & status!=0)
	  ## start at where we are or "0" for gaptime
          tt <- rchaz(cumhaz,z1[still$id],entry=(1-gap.time)*still$time)
	  if (gap.time) { 
		  tt$entry <- still$time
		  tt$time <- tt$time+still$time
	  tt <- cbind(tt,dkeep(still,~id+dtime+death+fdeath),row.names=NULL)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,death=fdeath,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,status=0,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,time=dtime,time>dtime)
	  nt <- nrow(tt)
	  tall <- rbind(tall,tt,row.names=NULL)
	  nrr <- nrr+nt
  dsort(tall) <- ~id+entry+time

  tall$start <- tall$entry
  tall$stop  <- tall$time

  attr(tall,"death.cumhaz") <- cumhazd
  attr(tall,"cumhaz") <- cumhaz

  }# }}}

##' @export
simRecurrentGamma <- function(n,haz=0.5,death.haz=0.1,haz2=0.1,max.recurrent=100,var.z=2,times=5000) 
{# {{{

  status <- dtime <- NULL ## to avoid R-check 

  max.time <- times
  cumhaz1 <- rbind(c(0,0),c(times,times*haz))
  cumhaz2 <- rbind(c(0,0),c(times,times*haz2))
  death.cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),c(times,death.haz))
  z <- rgamma(1/var.z)*var.z

  cumhaz <- cbind(times,cumhaz1+cumhaz2)

### recurrent first time
  tall <- rchaz(cumhaz,z)
  tall$id <- 1:n
### death time simulated
  if (!is.null(death.cumhaz)) {
	  timed   <- rchaz(cumhazd,n)
	  tall$dtime <- timed$time
	  tall$fdeath <- timed$status
  } else { tall$dtime <- max.time; tall$fdeath <- 0; cumhazd <- NULL }

### fixing the first time to event
  tall$death <- 0
  tall <- dtransform(tall,death=1,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,status=0,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,time=dtime,time>dtime)
  tt <- tall
  i <- 1; 
  while (any((tt$time<tt$dtime) & (tt$status!=0) & (i < max.recurrent))) {
	  i <- i+1
	  still <- subset(tt,time<dtime & status!=0)
          tt <- rchaz(cumhaz,z[still$id],entry=still$time)
	  tt <- cbind(tt,dkeep(still,~id+dtime+death+fdeath),row.names=NULL)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,death=1,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,status=0,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,time=dtime,time>dtime)
	  nt <- nrow(tt)
	  tall <- rbind(tall,tt,row.names=NULL)
  dsort(tall) <- ~id+entry+time

  ### cause 2 is there then decide if jump is 1 or 2
  if (!is.null(haz2)) {# {{{
      p2t <- haz2/(haz+haz2)
      tall$p2t <- p2t
      tall$status <- (1+rbinom(nrow(tall),1,p2t))*(tall$status>=1)
  }# }}}

  tall$start <- tall$entry
  tall$stop  <- tall$time
  attr(tall,"death.cumhaz") <- cumhazd
  attr(tall,"cumhaz") <- cumhaz
  attr(tall,"cumhaz2") <- cumhaz2
  ### haz*haz2*(var.z+1)

}# }}}

##' Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards II 
##' Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards 
##' Must give hazard of death and two recurrent events.  Possible with two
##' event types and their dependence can be specified but the two recurrent events need
##' to share random effect. Based on drawing the from cumhaz and cumhaz2 and 
##' taking the first event rather
##' the cumulative and then distributing it out. Key advantage of this is that 
##' there is  more flexibility wrt random effects 
##' @param n number of id's 
##' @param cumhaz  cumulative hazard of recurrent events 
##' @param cumhaz2  cumulative hazard of recurrent events  of type 2
##' @param death.cumhaz cumulative hazard of death 
##' @param r1 potential relative risk adjustment of rate 
##' @param r2 potential relative risk adjustment of rate
##' @param rd potential relative risk adjustment of rate
##' @param rc potential relative risk adjustment of rate
##' @param gap.time if true simulates gap-times with specified cumulative hazard
##' @param max.recurrent limits number recurrent events to 100
##' @param dhaz rate for death hazard if it is extended to time-range of first event 
##' @param haz2 rate of second cause  if it is extended to time-range of first event 
##' @param dependence 0:independence; 1:all share same random effect with variance var.z; 2:random effect exp(normal) with correlation structure from cor.mat; 3:additive gamma distributed random effects, z1= (z11+ z12)/2 such that mean is 1 , z2= (z11^cor.mat(1,2)+ z13)/2, z3= (z12^(cor.mat(2,3)+z13^cor.mat(1,3))/2, with z11 z12 z13 are gamma with mean and variance 1 , first random effect is z1 and for N1 second random effect is z2 and for N2 third random effect is for death  
##' @param var.z variance of random effects 
##' @param cor.mat correlation matrix for var.z variance of random effects 
##' @param cens rate of censoring exponential distribution
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' ########################################
##' ## getting some rates to mimick 
##' ########################################
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##'  cor.mat <- corM <- rbind(c(1.0, 0.6, 0.9), c(0.6, 1.0, 0.5), c(0.9, 0.5, 1.0))
##' ######################################################################
##' ### simulating simple model that mimicks data 
##' ### now with two event types and second type has same rate as death rate
##' ######################################################################
##' set.seed(100)
##' rr <- simRecurrentII(1000,base1,base4,death.cumhaz=dr)
##' dtable(rr,~death+status)
##' par(mfrow=c(2,2))
##' showfitsim(causes=2,rr,dr,base1,base4)
##' @export
simRecurrentII <- function(n,cumhaz,cumhaz2,death.cumhaz=NULL,r1=NULL,r2=NULL,rd=NULL,rc=NULL,
  {# {{{
  status <- fdeath <- dtime <- NULL # to avoid R-check 

  if (dependence==0) { z <- z1 <- z2 <- zd <- rep(1,n) # {{{
     } else if (dependence==1) {
	      z <- rgamma(n,1/var.z[1])*var.z[1]
	      z1 <- z; z2 <- z; zd <- z
      } else if (dependence==2) {
              stdevs <- var.z^.5
              b <- stdevs %*% t(stdevs)  
              covv  <- b * cor.mat  
	      z <- matrix(rnorm(3*n),n,3)
	      z <- exp(z%*% chol(covv))
	      z1 <- z[,1]; z2 <- z[,2]; zd <- z[,3]; 
      } else if (dependence==3) {
	      z <- matrix(rgamma(3*n,1),n,3)
              z1 <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[1,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[1,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[1,3])
              z2 <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[2,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[2,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[2,3])
              zd <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[3,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[3,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[3,3])
	      z <- cbind(z1,z2,zd)
      } else if (dependence==4) {
	      zz <- rgamma(n,1/var.z[1])*var.z[1]
	      z1 <- zz; z2 <- zz; zd <- rep(1,n) 
	      z <- z1
      }      else stop("dependence 0-4"); # }}}

   if (is.null(r1)) r1 <- rep(1,n)
   if (is.null(r2)) r2 <- rep(1,n)
   if (is.null(rd)) rd <- rep(1,n)
   if (is.null(rc)) rc <- rep(1,n)

  cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),cumhaz)

  ## extend cumulative for death to full range  of cause 1
  if (!is.null(death.cumhaz)) {
     out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,cumhaz2,death.cumhaz),NULL)
     cumhaz <- out$cum1
     cumhaz2 <- out$cum2
     cumhazd <- out$cum3
  } else {
     out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,cumhaz2),NULL)
     cumhaz <- out$cum1
     cumhaz2 <- out$cum2

  ll <- nrow(cumhaz)
  max.time <- tail(cumhaz[,1],1)

### recurrent first time
  tall1 <- rchaz(cumhaz,z1*r1)
  tall2 <- rchaz(cumhaz2,z2*r2)
  tall <- tall1 
  tall$status <- ifelse(tall1$time<tall2$time,tall1$status,2*tall2$status)
  tall$time <- ifelse(tall1$time<tall2$time,tall1$time,tall2$time)
  tall$id <- 1:n
  tall$rr2 <- tall2$rr
### death time simulated
  if (!is.null(death.cumhaz)) {
	  timed   <- rchaz(cumhazd,zd*rd)
	  tall$dtime <- timed$time
	  tall$fdeath <- timed$status
	  if (!is.null(cens)) { 
             ctime <- rexp(n)/(rc*cens)
	     tall$fdeath[tall$dtime>ctime] <- 0; 
	     tall$dtime[tall$dtime>ctime] <- ctime[tall$dtime>ctime] 
  } else { 
	  tall$dtime <- max.time; 
	  tall$fdeath <- 0; 
	  cumhazd <- NULL 
	  if (!is.null(cens)) { 
             ctime <- rexp(n)/(rc*cens)
	     tall$fdeath[tall$dtime>ctime] <- 0; 
	     tall$dtime[tall$dtime>ctime] <- ctime[tall$dtime>ctime] 

### fixing the first time to event
  tall$death <- 0
  tall <- dtransform(tall,death=fdeath,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,status=0,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,time=dtime,time>dtime)
  tt <- tall
  ### setting aside memory 
  tt1 <- tt2 <- tt
  i <- 1; 
  while (any((tt$time<tt$dtime) & (tt$status!=0) & (i < max.recurrent))) {
	  i <- i+1
	  still <- subset(tt,time<dtime & status!=0)
	  nn <- nrow(still)
          tt1 <- rchaz(cumhaz,r1[still$id]*z1[still$id],entry=(1-gap.time)*still$time)
          tt2 <- rchaz(cumhaz2,r2[still$id]*z2[still$id],entry=(1-gap.time)*still$time)
	  tt <- tt1
          tt$status <- ifelse(tt1$time<=tt2$time,tt1$status,2*tt2$status)
          tt$time <-   ifelse(tt1$time<=tt2$time,tt1$time,tt2$time)
	  tt$rr2 <- tt2$rr
	  if (gap.time) {
		  tt$entry <- still$time
		  tt$time  <- tt$time+still$time
	  tt <- cbind(tt,dkeep(still,~id+dtime+death+fdeath),row.names=NULL)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,death=fdeath,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,status=0,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,time=dtime,time>dtime)
	  nt <- nrow(tt)
	  tall <- rbind(tall,tt[1:nn,],row.names=NULL)
  dsort(tall) <- ~id+entry+time
  tall$start <- tall$entry
  tall$stop  <- tall$time

  attr(tall,"death.cumhaz") <- cumhazd
  attr(tall,"cumhaz") <- cumhaz
  attr(tall,"cumhaz2") <- cumhaz2
  attr(tall,"z") <- z

  }# }}}

simRecurrentIIHist <- function(n,cumhaz,death.cumhaz,cens=NULL,rr=NULL,rc=NULL,rd=NULL,
{# {{{

  ctime <- fdeath <- dtime <- NULL # to avoid R-check 
  status <- dhaz <- NULL; dhaz2 <- NULL

  if (dependence==0) { z <- z1 <- zc <- zd  <-  rep(1,n) # {{{
     } else if (dependence==1) {
	      z <- rgamma(n,1/var.z[1])*var.z[1]
###	      z <- exp(rnorm(n,1)*var.z[1]^.5)
	      z1 <- z; z2 <- z; zd <- z
	      if (!is.null(cor.mat)) { zd <- rep(1,n); }
      } else if (dependence==2) {
              stdevs <- var.z^.5
              b <- stdevs %*% t(stdevs)  
              covv  <- b * cor.mat  
	      z <- matrix(rnorm(3*n),n,3)
	      z <- exp(z%*% chol(covv))
###	      print(summary(z))
###	      print(cor(z))
	      z1 <- z[,1]; z2 <- z[,2]; zd <- z[,3]; 
      } else if (dependence==3) {
	      z <- matrix(rgamma(3*n,1),n,3)
              z1 <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[1,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[1,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[1,3])
              z2 <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[2,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[2,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[2,3])
              zd <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[3,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[3,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[3,3])
	      z <- cbind(z1,z2,zd)
###	      print(summary(z))
###	      print(cor(z))
      } else stop("dependence 0-3"); # }}}

  ## covariate adjustment 
  if (is.null(rr))  rr <- z1; 
  if (is.null(rc))  rc <- zc; 
  if (is.null(rd))  rd <- zd; 
  if (length(rr)!=n) rr <- rep(rr[1],n)
  if (length(rc)!=n) rc <- rep(rc[1],n)
  if (length(rd)!=n) rd <- rep(rd[1],n)

  ll <- nrow(cumhaz)
  ### extend of cumulatives
  cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),cumhaz)
  death.cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),death.cumhaz)

  if (!is.null(cens)) {
	  if (is.matrix(cens))  {
             out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,death.cumhaz,cens),NULL)
   	     cumcens <- out$cum3
	  } else {
             out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,death.cumhaz),NULL)
  } else {
     out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,death.cumhaz),NULL)
  cumhaz <- out$cum1
  cumhazd <- out$cum2
  max.time <- tail(cumhaz[,1],1)

  ### draw censorting times 
  if (!is.null(cens)) { 
	  if (is.matrix(cens)) sdata <- rchaz(cens,rc) else 
          sdata <- data.frame(entry=0,time=pmin(max.time,rexp(n)/(c(rc)*cens)),
  } else sdata <- data.frame(entry=0,time=rep(max.time,n),status=0,id=1:n)
  sdata$ctime <- sdata$time
  sdata$Nt <- 0

  i <- 0; 
  tall <- c()
  still <- tt1 <-  sdata
  ## start at 0
  tt1$time <- still$time <- 0
  while (any((still$time<still$ctime) &  (i < max.recurrent))) { ## {{{
	  still$Nt <- i
	  nn <- nrow(still)
	  z1r <- rr[still$id]
	  zdr <- rd[still$id]

	  m1 <- model.matrix(HistN1,still)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
	  md <- model.matrix(HistD,still)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
	  r1h <- c(exp(m1 %*% HistN1.beta))
	  rdh <- c(exp(md %*% HistN1.beta))

          tt1 <- rcrisk(cumhaz,cumhazd,z1r*r1h,zdr*rdh,entry=still$time)
	  tt1 <- cbind(tt1,dkeep(still,~id+ctime),row.names=NULL)
	  tt1 <- dtransform(tt1,status=0,time>ctime)
	  tt1 <- dtransform(tt1,time=ctime,time>ctime)
	  tt1$Nt <- i
          ## remove dead from tt1 to get those still there 
          deadid <- (tt1$status %in% c(0,2))
	  ### those that are still under risk 
	  still <- tt1[!deadid,,drop=FALSE]
	  ## also keep only those before max.time
          still <- subset(still,still$time<max.time)
	  tall <- rbind(tall,tt1,row.names=NULL)
	  i <- i+1
  }  # }}}

  dsort(tall) <- ~id+entry+time
  tall$start <- tall$entry
  tall$stop  <- tall$time
  tall <- dkeep(tall,~id+entry+time+status+ctime+Nt+start+stop)

  attr(tall,"death.cumhaz") <- cumhazd
  attr(tall,"cumhaz") <- cumhaz
  attr(tall,"cens.cumhaz") <- cens

  }# }}}

##' @export
showfitsim <- function(causes=2,rr,dr,base1,base4,which=1:3) 
{# {{{
if (1 %in% which) {
  drr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,death)~cluster(id),data=rr)
if (2 %in% which) {
  xrr <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,status==1)~cluster(id),data=rr)
###  basehazplot.phreg(xrr)
  if (causes>=2) {
	  xrr2 <- phreg(Surv(entry,time,status==2)~cluster(id),data=rr)
if (3 %in% which) {
  meanr1 <-   recurrentMarginal(xrr,drr)
  if (causes>=2) {
	  meanr2 <-   recurrentMarginal(xrr2,drr)
}# }}}

##' Simulation of illness-death model 
##' Simulation of illness-death model 
##' simMultistate with different death intensities from states 1 and 2 
##' Must give cumulative hazards on some time-range 
##' @param n number of id's 
##' @param cumhaz  cumulative hazard of going from state 1 to 2.
##' @param cumhaz2  cumulative hazard of going from state 2 to 1. 
##' @param death.cumhaz cumulative hazard of death from state 1. 
##' @param death.cumhaz2 cumulative hazard of death from state 2.
##' @param rr  relative risk adjustment for cumhaz
##' @param rr2  relative risk adjustment for cumhaz2
##' @param rd  relative risk adjustment for death.cumhaz
##' @param rd2  relative risk adjustment for death.cumhaz2
##' @param gap.time if true simulates gap-times with specified cumulative hazard
##' @param max.recurrent limits number recurrent events to 100
##' @param dependence 0:independence; 1:all share same random effect with variance var.z; 2:random effect exp(normal) with correlation structure from cor.mat; 3:additive gamma distributed random effects, z1= (z11+ z12)/2 such that mean is 1 , z2= (z11^cor.mat(1,2)+ z13)/2, z3= (z12^(cor.mat(2,3)+z13^cor.mat(1,3))/2, with z11 z12 z13 are gamma with mean and variance 1 , first random effect is z1 and for N1 second random effect is z2 and for N2 third random effect is for death  
##' @param var.z variance of random effects 
##' @param cor.mat correlation matrix for var.z variance of random effects 
##' @param cens rate of censoring exponential distribution
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' ########################################
##' ## getting some rates to mimick 
##' ########################################
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' dr2 <- drcumhaz
##' dr2[,2] <- 1.5*drcumhaz[,2]
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##' cens <- rbind(c(0,0),c(2000,0.5),c(5110,3))
##' iddata <- simMultistate(100,base1,base1,dr,dr2,cens=cens)
##' dlist(iddata,.~id|id<3,n=0)
##' ### estimating rates from simulated data  
##' c0 <- phreg(Surv(start,stop,status==0)~+1,iddata)
##' c3 <- phreg(Surv(start,stop,status==3)~+strata(from),iddata)
##' c1 <- phreg(Surv(start,stop,status==1)~+1,subset(iddata,from==2))
##' c2 <- phreg(Surv(start,stop,status==2)~+1,subset(iddata,from==1))
##' ###
##' par(mfrow=c(2,3))
##' bplot(c0)
##' lines(cens,col=2) 
##' bplot(c3,main="rates 1-> 3 , 2->3")
##' lines(dr,col=1,lwd=2)
##' lines(dr2,col=2,lwd=2)
##' ###
##' bplot(c1,main="rate 1->2")
##' lines(base1,lwd=2)
##' ###
##' bplot(c2,main="rate 2->1")
##' lines(base1,lwd=2)
##' @aliases extendCums 
##' @export
simMultistate <- function(n,cumhaz,cumhaz2,death.cumhaz,death.cumhaz2,
{# {{{

  fdeath <- dtime <- NULL # to avoid R-check 
  status <- dhaz <- NULL; dhaz2 <- NULL

  if (dependence==0) { z <- z1 <- z2 <- zd  <- zd2 <-  rep(1,n) # {{{
     } else if (dependence==1) {
	      z <- rgamma(n,1/var.z[1])*var.z[1]
###	      z <- exp(rnorm(n,1)*var.z[1]^.5)
	      z1 <- z; z2 <- z; zd <- z
	      if (!is.null(cor.mat)) { zd <- rep(1,n); }
      } else if (dependence==2) {
              stdevs <- var.z^.5
              b <- stdevs %*% t(stdevs)  
              covv  <- b * cor.mat  
	      z <- matrix(rnorm(3*n),n,3)
	      z <- exp(z%*% chol(covv))
###	      print(summary(z))
###	      print(cor(z))
	      z1 <- z[,1]; z2 <- z[,2]; zd <- z[,3]; 
      } else if (dependence==3) {
	      z <- matrix(rgamma(3*n,1),n,3)
              z1 <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[1,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[1,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[1,3])
              z2 <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[2,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[2,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[2,3])
              zd <- (z[,1]^cor.mat[3,1]+z[,2]^cor.mat[3,2]+z[,3]^cor.mat[3,3])
	      z <- cbind(z1,z2,zd)
###	      print(summary(z))
###	      print(cor(z))
      } else stop("dependence 0-3"); # }}}

  ## covariate adjustment 
  if (is.null(rr))  rr <- z1; 
  if (is.null(rr2)) rr2 <- z2; 
  if (is.null(rd))  rd  <- zd; 
  if (is.null(rd2)) rd2 <- zd2; 

  ll <- nrow(cumhaz)
  ### extend of cumulatives
  cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),cumhaz)
  cumhaz2 <- rbind(c(0,0),cumhaz2)
  death.cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),death.cumhaz)
  death.cumhaz2 <- rbind(c(0,0),death.cumhaz2)

  haz <- haz2 <- NULL
  ## range max of cumhaz and cumhaz2 

  if (!is.null(cens)) {
	  if (is.matrix(cens))  {
             out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,cumhaz2,death.cumhaz,death.cumhaz2,cens),NULL)
   	     cens <- out$cum5
  } else {
     out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,cumhaz2,death.cumhaz,death.cumhaz2),NULL)
  cumhaz <- out$cum1
  cumhaz2 <- out$cum2
  cumhazd <- out$cum3
  cumhazd2 <- out$cum4
  max.time <- tail(cumhaz[,1],1)

  tall <- rcrisk(cumhaz,cumhazd,rr,rd,cens=cens)
  tall$id <- 1:n
  ### fixing the first time to event
  tall$death <- 0
  ### cause 2 is death state 3, cause 1 is state 2
  tall <- dtransform(tall,status=3,status==2)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,death=1,status==3)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,status=2,status==1)
  ### dead or censored
  deadid <- (tall$status==3 | tall$status==0)
  tall$from <- 1
  tall$to <- tall$status
  ## id's that are dead: tall[deadid,]
  ## go furhter with those that are not yet dead  or censored
  tt <- tall[!deadid,,drop=FALSE]
  ## also check that we are before max.time
  tt <- subset(tt,tt$time<max.time)

  i <- 1; 
  while ( (nrow(tt)>0) & (i < max.recurrent)) {# {{{
	  i <- i+1
	  nn <- nrow(tt)

	  z1r <- rr[tt$id]
	  zdr <- rd[tt$id]
	  z2r <- rr2[tt$id]
	  zd2r <- rd2[tt$id]

	  if (i%%2==0) { ## in state 2
	  ## out of 2 for those in 2
          tt1 <- rcrisk(cumhaz2,cumhazd2,z2r,zd2r,entry=tt$time,cens=cens)
          tt1$death <- 0
	  ### status 2 is death state 3, status 1 is state 1
	  tt1 <- dtransform(tt1,status=3,status==2)
	  tt1 <- dtransform(tt1,death=1,status==3)
	  tt1$from <- 2
	  tt1$to <- tt1$status
	  ## take id from tt
	  tt1$id <-  tt$id
	  ### add to data 
	  tall <- rbind(tall,tt1,row.names=NULL)

          deadid <- (tt1$status==3 | tt1$status==0)
	  ### those that are still under risk 
	  tt <- tt1[!deadid,,drop=FALSE]
	  ## also keep only those before max.time
          tt <- subset(tt,tt$time<max.time)
	  } else { ## in state 1
	  ## out of 1 for those in 1
          tt1 <- rcrisk(cumhaz,cumhazd,z1r,zdr,entry=tt$time,cens=cens)

          tt1$death <- 0
	  ### status 2 is death state 3, status 1 is state 2
	  tt1 <- dtransform(tt1,status=3,status==2)
	  tt1 <- dtransform(tt1,death=1,status==3)
	  tt1 <- dtransform(tt1,status=2,status==1)
	  tt1$from <- 1
	  tt1$to <- tt1$status
	  tt1$id <-  tt$id

	  ### add to data 
	  tall <- rbind(tall,tt1,row.names=NULL)

	  ## take id from tt
          deadid <- (tt1$status==3 | tt1$status==0)
	  ### those that are still under risk 
	  tt <- tt1[!deadid,,drop=FALSE]
	  ### also only keep those before max.time
          tt <- subset(tt,tt$time<max.time)

  }  # }}}

  dsort(tall) <- ~id+entry+time
  tall$start <- tall$entry
  tall$stop  <- tall$time

  attr(tall,"death.cumhaz") <- cumhazd
  attr(tall,"death.cumhaz2") <- cumhazd2
  attr(tall,"cumhaz") <- cumhaz
  attr(tall,"cumhaz2") <- cumhaz2
  attr(tall,"cens.cumhaz") <- cens
  attr(tall,"z") <- z

  }# }}}

##' @export
extendCums <- function(cumA,cumB,haza=NULL)
{# {{{
 ## setup as list to run within loop
 if (!is.null(cumB)) {cumA <- list(cumA,cumB); } else cumA <- c(cumA,cumB)

 maxx <- unlist(lapply(cumA,function(x) tail(x,1)[1]))
 mm <- which.max(maxx)
 nn <- length(cumA)

for (i in seq(nn)[-mm]) {
  cumB <- as.matrix(cumA[[i]]); 
  cumB <- rbind(c(0,0),cumB); 

  ### linear extrapolation of mortality using given dhaz or 
  if (tail(cumB[,1],1)<maxx[mm]) {
      tailB <- tail(cumB,1)
      cumlast <- tailB[2]
      timelast <- tailB[1]
      if (is.null(haza)) hazb <- cumlast/timelast else hazb <- haza[i]
      cumB <- rbind(cumB,c(maxx[mm],cumlast+hazb*(maxx[mm]-timelast))) 
  cumA[[i]] <- cumB
 cumA[[mm]] <- rbind(c(0,0),cumA[[mm]])

  return( setNames(cumA,paste("cum",seq(nn),sep="")))
}# }}}

##' Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards: Two-stage model  
##' Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards 
##' Model is constructed such that marginals are on specified form by linear approximations
##' of cumulative hazards that are on a specific form to make them equivalent to marginals
##' after integrating out over survivors. Therefore E(dN_1 | D>t) = cumhaz, 
##' E(dN_2 | D>t) = cumhaz2,  and hazard of death is death.cumhazard 
##' Must give hazard of death and two recurrent events.  Hazard of death is death.cumhazard  two
##' event types and their dependence can be specified but the two recurrent events need
##' to share random effect. 
##' Random effect for  death Z.death=(Zd1+Zd2), Z1=(Zd1^nu1) Z12,  Z2=(Zd2^nu2) Z12^nu3
##' \deqn{Z.death=Zd1+Zd2}  gamma distributions 
##' \deqn{Zdj}  gamma distribution  with mean parameters (sharej), vargamD,  share2=1-share1
##' \deqn{Z12}  gamma distribution with mean 1 and variance vargam12
##' @param n number of id's 
##' @param cumhaz  cumulative hazard of recurrent events 
##' @param cumhaz2  cumulative hazard of recurrent events  of type 2
##' @param death.cumhaz cumulative hazard of death 
##' @param gap.time if true simulates gap-times with specified cumulative hazard
##' @param max.recurrent limits number recurrent events to 100
##' @param nu powers of random effects where nu > -1/shape 
##' @param share1 how random effect for death splits into two parts 
##' @param vargamD variance of random effect  for death 
##' @param vargam12 shared random effect for N1 and N2 
##' @param cens rate of censoring exponential distribution
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' ########################################
##' ## getting some rates to mimick 
##' ########################################
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##' rr <- simRecurrentTS(1000,base1,base4,death.cumhaz=dr)
##' dtable(rr,~death+status)
##' showfitsim(causes=2,rr,dr,base1,base4)
##' @export
simRecurrentTS <- function(n,cumhaz,cumhaz2,death.cumhaz=NULL,
{# {{{

k <- 1
nu1 <- nu[1]; nu2 <- nu[2]; nu3 <- nu[3]
###nu1 <- 1; nu2 <- 1; nu3 <- 0.4
share2 <- (1-share1)
vargam <- vargamD
vargam12 <- 0.5
agam1 <- share1/vargam
agam2 <- share2/vargam
gamma1  <- rep(rgamma(n,agam1)*vargam,each=k)
gamma2  <- rep(rgamma(n,agam2)*vargam,each=k)
agam12 <- 1/vargam12
betagam12 <- 1/vargam12
gamma12 <- rep(rgamma(n,agam12)*vargam12,each=k)
agamD <- agam1+agam2
z1 <- (gamma1^nu1)*gamma12
z2 <- (gamma2^nu2)*gamma12^nu3
gamD <- gamma1+gamma2
zd <- gamD
egamma12nu3 <- (gamma(agam12+nu3)/gamma(agam12))*1/(betagam12)^nu3
zs <- cbind(z1,z2,zd)

  status <- fdeath <- dtime <- NULL # to avoid R-check 
  dhaz <- haz2 <- dhaz <- NULL

 ll <- nrow(cumhaz)
 max.time <- tail(cumhaz[,1],1)

 ### approximate hazards to make marginals fit (approximately)
 orig.death <- death.cumhaz
 base1 <- death.cumhaz
 gt <- exp(vargam*base1[,2]) 
 dtt <- diff(c(0,base1[,1]))
 lams <- (diff(c(0,base1[,2]))/dtt)*gt
 death.cumhaz <- cbind(base1[,1],cumsum(dtt*lams))

 base1 <- cumhaz
 dbase1 <- cpred(rbind(c(0,0),death.cumhaz),base1[,1])[,2]
 dtt <- diff(c(0,base1[,1]))
 gt <- (gamma(agam1+nu1)/gamma(agam1))*(1/(betagam+dbase1))^nu1
 lams <- (diff(c(0,base1[,2]))/dtt)*(1/gt)
 cumhaz <- cbind(base1[,1],cumsum(dtt*lams))

 base1 <- cumhaz2
 dbase1 <- cpred(rbind(c(0,0),death.cumhaz),base1[,1])[,2]
 dtt <- diff(c(0,base1[,1]))
 gt <- (gamma(agam2+nu2)/gamma(agam2))*(1/(betagam+dbase1))^nu2
 lams <-(1/egamma12nu3)*(diff(c(0,base1[,2]))/dtt)*(1/gt)
 cumhaz2 <- cbind(base1[,1],cumsum(dtt*lams))

 cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),cumhaz)
 cumhaz2 <- rbind(c(0,0),cumhaz2)
 death.cumhaz <- rbind(c(0,0),death.cumhaz)

## range max of cumhaz and cumhaz2 
  out <- extendCums(list(cumhaz,cumhaz2,death.cumhaz),NULL)
  cumhaz <- out$cum1
  cumhaz2 <- out$cum2
  cumhazd <- out$cum3
  max.time <- tail(cumhaz[,1],1)

### recurrent first time
  tall1 <- rchaz(cumhaz,rr=z1)
  tall2 <- rchaz(cumhaz2,rr=z2)
  tall <- tall1 
  tall$status <- ifelse(tall1$time<tall2$time,tall1$status,2*tall2$status)
  tall$time <- ifelse(tall1$time<tall2$time,tall1$time,tall2$time)
  tall$id <- 1:n
  tall$rr2 <- tall2$rr
### death time simulated
  if (!is.null(death.cumhaz)) {# {{{
	  timed   <- rchaz(cumhazd,rr=zd)
	  tall$dtime <- timed$time
	  tall$fdeath <- timed$status
	  if (!is.null(cens)) { 
             ctime <- rexp(n)/cens
	     tall$fdeath[tall$dtime>ctime] <- 0; 
	     tall$dtime[tall$dtime>ctime] <- ctime[tall$dtime>ctime] 
  } else { 
	  tall$dtime <- max.time; 
	  tall$fdeath <- 0; 
	  cumhazd <- NULL 
	  if (!is.null(cens)) { 
             ctime <- rexp(n)/cens
	     tall$fdeath[tall$dtime>ctime] <- 0; 
	     tall$dtime[tall$dtime>ctime] <- ctime[tall$dtime>ctime] 
  }# }}}

### fixing the first time to event
  tall$death <- 0
  tall <- dtransform(tall,death=fdeath,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,status=0,time>dtime)
  tall <- dtransform(tall,time=dtime,time>dtime)
  tt <- tall
  ### setting aside memory 
  tt1 <- tt2 <- tt
  i <- 1; 
  while (any((tt$time<tt$dtime) & (tt$status!=0) & (i < max.recurrent))) {
	  i <- i+1
	  still <- subset(tt,time<dtime & status!=0)
	  nn <- nrow(still)
          tt1 <- rchaz(cumhaz,rr=z1[still$id],entry=still$time)
          tt2 <- rchaz(cumhaz2,rr=z2[still$id],entry=still$time)
	  tt <- tt1
          tt$status <- ifelse(tt1$time<=tt2$time,tt1$status,2*tt2$status)
          tt$time <-   ifelse(tt1$time<=tt2$time,tt1$time,tt2$time)
	  tt$rr2 <- tt2$rr
	  tt <- cbind(tt,dkeep(still,~id+dtime+death+fdeath),row.names=NULL)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,death=fdeath,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,status=0,time>dtime)
	  tt <- dtransform(tt,time=dtime,time>dtime)
	  nt <- nrow(tt)
	  tall <- rbind(tall,tt[1:nn,],row.names=NULL)
  dsort(tall) <- ~id+entry+time
  tall$start <- tall$entry
  tall$stop  <- tall$time

  attr(tall,"death.cumhaz") <- cumhazd
  attr(tall,"cumhaz") <- cumhaz
  attr(tall,"cumhaz2") <- cumhaz2
  attr(tall,"zs") <- zs

  attr(tall,"gamma.death") <- c(agam1,agam2,betagam,vargamD)
  attr(tall,"gamma.N12") <-   c(agam12,betagam12,vargam12)

  }# }}}

##' Counts the number of previous events of two types for recurrent events processes
##' Counts the number of previous events of two types for recurrent events processes
##' @param data data-frame
##' @param status name of status 
##' @param id  id 
##' @param types types of the events (code) related to status
##' @param names.count name of Counts, for example Count1 Count2 when types=c(1,2)
##' @param lag if true counts previously observed, and if lag=FALSE counts up to know
##' @param multitype if multitype then count number of types also when types=c(1,2) for example
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' ########################################
##' ## getting some rates to mimick 
##' ########################################
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##' ######################################################################
##' ### simulating simple model that mimicks data 
##' ### now with two event types and second type has same rate as death rate
##' ######################################################################
##' rr <- simRecurrentII(1000,base1,base4,death.cumhaz=dr)
##' rr <-  count.history(rr)
##' dtable(rr,~"Count*"+status,level=1)
##' @aliases count.historyVar 
##' @export
count.history <- function(data,status="status",id="id",types=1:2,names.count="Count",lag=TRUE,multitype=FALSE)
{# {{{
stat <- data[,status]

clusters <- data[,id]
if (is.numeric(clusters)) {
      clusters <- fast.approx(unique(clusters), clusters) - 1
      max.clust <- max(clusters)
else {
     max.clust <- length(unique(clusters))
     clusters <- as.integer(factor(clusters, labels = seq(max.clust))) - 1

data[,"lbnr__id"] <- cumsumstrata(rep(1,nrow(data)),clusters,max.clust+1) 
if (!multitype) {
for (i in types)  {
if (lag==TRUE)
data[,paste(names.count,i,sep="")] <- 
data[,paste(names.count,i,sep="")] <- 
} else {
if (lag==TRUE)
data[,paste(names.count,types[1],sep="")] <- 
   cumsumidstratasum((stat %in% types),rep(0,nrow(data)),1,clusters,max.clust+1)$lagsum 
data[,paste(names.count,types[1],sep="")] <- 
   cumsumidstratasum((stat %in% types),rep(0,nrow(data)),1,clusters,max.clust+1)$sum 

}# }}}

##' @export
count.historyVar <- function(data,var="status",id="id",names.count="Count",lag=TRUE)
{# {{{
vvar <- data[,var]

clusters <- data[,id]
if (is.numeric(clusters)) {
      clusters <- fast.approx(unique(clusters), clusters) - 1
      max.clust <- max(clusters)
else {
     max.clust <- length(unique(clusters))
     clusters <- as.integer(factor(clusters, labels = seq(max.clust))) - 1

data[,"lbnr__id"] <- cumsumstrata(rep(1,nrow(data)),clusters,max.clust+1) 
if (lag==TRUE)
data[,names.count] <- 
data[,names.count] <- 

}# }}}

##' Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
##' Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
##' where there is terminal event, based on this also estimate of variance of recurrent events. The estimator is based on cumulative incidence of exceeding "k" events.
##' In contrast the probability of exceeding k events can also be computed as a 
##' counting process integral, and this is implemented in prob.exceedRecurrent
##' @param data data-frame
##' @param type type of evnent (code) related to status
##' @param status name of status 
##' @param death  name of death indicator 
##' @param start start stop call of Hist() of prodlim 
##' @param stop start stop call of Hist() of prodlim 
##' @param id  id 
##' @param times time at which to get probabilites P(N1(t) >= n)
##' @param exceed n's for which which to compute probabilites P(N1(t) >= n)
##' @param cifmets if true uses cif of mets package rather than prodlim 
##' @param strata to stratify according to variable, only for cifmets=TRUE, when strata is given then only consider the output in the all.cifs
##' @param all.cifs if true then returns list of all fitted objects in cif.exceed 
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @references 
##'             Scheike, Eriksson, Tribler (2019) 
##'             The mean, variance and correlation for bivariate recurrent events
##'             with a terminal event,  JRSS-C
##' @examples
##' ########################################
##' ## getting some rates to mimick 
##' ########################################
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##' cor.mat <- corM <- rbind(c(1.0, 0.6, 0.9), c(0.6, 1.0, 0.5), c(0.9, 0.5, 1.0))
##' rr <- simRecurrentII(1000,base4,cumhaz2=base4,death.cumhaz=dr,cens=2/5000)
##' rr <-  count.history(rr)
##' dtable(rr,~death+status)
##' oo <- prob.exceedRecurrent(rr,1)
##' bplot(oo)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
##' with(oo,plot(time,mu,col=2,type="l"))
##' ###
##' with(oo,plot(time,varN,type="l"))
##' ### Bivariate probability of exceeding 
##' oo <- prob.exceedBiRecurrent(rr,1,2,exceed1=c(1,5),exceed2=c(1,2))
##' with(oo, matplot(time,pe1e2,type="s"))
##' nc <- ncol(oo$pe1e2)
##' legend("topleft",legend=colnames(oo$pe1e2),lty=1:nc,col=1:nc)
##' \donttest{
##' ### do not test to avoid dependence on prodlim 
##' ### now estimation based on cumualative incidence, but do not test to avoid dependence on prodlim 
##' ### library(prodlim)
##' pp <- prob.exceed.recurrent(rr,1,status="status",death="death",start="entry",stop="time",id="id")
##' with(pp, matplot(times,prob,type="s"))
##' ###
##' with(pp, matlines(times,se.lower,type="s"))
##' with(pp, matlines(times,se.upper,type="s"))
##' }
##' @export
##' @aliases prob.exceedRecurrent prob.exceedBiRecurrent prob.exceedRecurrentStrata prob.exceedBiRecurrentStrata summaryTimeobject
prob.exceed.recurrent <- function(data,type,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{
### setting up data 
stat <-     data[,status]
dd   <-     data[,death]
tstop <-    data[,stop]
tstart <-   data[,start]
clusters <- data[,id]

if (sum(stat==type)==0) stop("none of type events")
if (!is.null(strata) & !cifmets) stop("strata only for cifmets=TRUE\n")

if (is.numeric(clusters)) {
      clusters <- fast.approx(unique(clusters), clusters) - 1
      max.clust <- max(clusters)
else {
     max.clust <- length(unique(clusters))
     clusters <- as.integer(factor(clusters, labels = seq(max.clust))) - 1

 count <- cumsumstrata((stat==type),clusters,max.clust+1)
### count  <- cumsumidstratasum((stat==type),rep(0,nrow(data)),1,clusters,max.clust+1)$lagsum 
 mc <- max(count)+1
 idcount <- clusters*mc + count
 idcount <- cumsumstrata(rep(1,length(idcount)),idcount,mc*(max.clust+1))

if (is.null(times)) times <- sort(unique(tstop[stat==type]))
if (is.null(exceed)) exceed <- sort(unique(count))

if (!cifmets) {
   if (is.null(strata)) form <- as.formula(paste("Hist(entry=",start,",",stop,",statN)~+1",sep=""))
   else form <- as.formula(paste("Hist(entry=",start,",",stop,",statN)~+",strata,sep="")) 
else {
   if (is.null(strata)) form <- as.formula(paste("Event(",start,",",stop,",statN)~+1",sep=""))
   else form <- as.formula(paste("Event(",start,",",stop,",statN)~strata(",strata,")",sep=""))

cif.exceed <- NULL
if (all.cifs) cif.exceed <- list() 
probs.orig <- se.probs <- probs <- matrix(0,length(times),length(exceed))
se.lower <-  matrix(0,length(times),length(exceed))
se.upper <-  matrix(0,length(times),length(exceed))
i <- 1
for (n1 in exceed[-1]) {# {{{
	i <- i+1
	### first time that get to n1
	keep <- (count<n1 ) | (count==n1 & idcount==1)
	### status, censoring, get to n1, or die
        statN <- rep(0,nrow(data))
	statN[count==n1] <- 1
	statN[dd==1] <- 2
	statN <- statN[keep]
        if (!cifmets) 
	pN1 <-  suppressWarnings(prodlim::prodlim(form,data=data[keep,]))
        else pN1 <-  suppressWarnings(cif(form,data=data[keep,]))
	if (all.cifs) cif.exceed[[i-1]] <- pN1

	if (sum(statN)==0) {
		se.lower[,i] <- se.upper[,i] <- se.probs[,i] <- probs[,i] <- rep(0,length(times)) } else  {

                if (!cifmets) {
			mps  <- summary(pN1,times=times,cause=1)
			mps  <- suppressWarnings(summary(pN1,times=times,cause=1)$table)
			if (is.list(mps)) mps <- mps$"1"
			probs.orig[,i] <- ps <- mps[,5]
			mm <- which.max(ps)
			probs[,i] <- ps
			probs[is.na(ps),i] <- ps[mm]
			se.probs[,i] <- mps[,6]
			se.probs[is.na(ps),i] <- se.probs[mm,i]
			se.lower[,i] <- mps[,7] 
			se.lower[is.na(ps),i] <- se.lower[mm,i]
			se.upper[,i] <- mps[,8]
			se.upper[is.na(ps),i] <- se.upper[mm,i]
	        } else {
			where <- fast.approx(c(0,pN1$times),times,type="left")
	   	        probs[,i] <- c(0,pN1$mu)[where]
			se.probs[,i] <- c(0,pN1$se.mu)[where]
			se.lower[,i] <- probs[,i]-1.96*se.probs[,i] 
			se.upper[,i] <- probs[,i]+1.96*se.probs[,i] 

	if (i==2) { probs[,1]    <- 1-probs[,2]; 
                    se.probs[,1] <- se.probs[,2]; 
                    se.lower[,1] <- 1-se.lower[,2]; 
                    se.upper[,1] <- 1-se.upper[,2]; 
}# }}}

dp <- -t(apply(cbind(probs[,-1],0),1,diff))
meanN <- apply(probs[,-1,drop=FALSE],1,sum)
meanN2 <- apply(t(exceed[-1]^2 * t(dp)),1,sum)
colnames(probs) <- c(paste("N=",exceed[1],sep=""),paste("exceed>=",exceed[-1],sep=""))
colnames(se.probs) <- c(paste("N=",exceed[1],sep=""),paste("exceed>=",exceed[-1],sep=""))

}# }}}

##' @export
prob.exceedRecurrent <- function(data,type,km=TRUE,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{

formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~ cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form1 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type,")~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form1C <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type,")~strata(",names.count,type,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))

dr <- phreg(formdr,data=data)
base1   <- phreg(form1,data=data)
base1.2 <- phreg(form1C,data=data)

###cc <- base1$cox.prep
###risk <- revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)
######### risk stratified after count 1
###cc <- base1.2$cox.prep
###risk1 <- revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)
###pstrata <- risk1/risk
###pstrata[risk1==0] <- 0

### marginal int_0^t G(s) P(N1(t-)==k|D>t) \lambda_{1,N1=k}(s) ds 
### strata og count skal passe sammen
  # {{{
  strat <- dr$strata[dr$jumps]
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  if (!km) { 
     cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
     St      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else St <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  x <- base1
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  risktot <- x$S0
  mu <- c(cumsumstrata(St*S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  x <- base1.2
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
###  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
###  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  riskstrata <- x$S0
  xstrata <- xx$strata
  vals1 <- sort(unique(data[,paste("Count",type,sep="")]))
  valjumps <- vals1[xx$strata+1]
  fk <- (valjumps+1)^2-valjumps^2
###  EN2 <- c(cumsumstrata(fk*St*pstrata*S0i,rep(0,lss),1))
  EN2 <- c(cumsumstrata(fk*St*S0i,rep(0,lss),1))
  pcumhaz <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(St*S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
# }}}
  EN2     <- EN2[xx$jumps+1]
  cumhaz <- pcumhaz[xx$jumps+1,]
  mu     <- mu[xx$jumps+1]
  pstrata <- riskstrata/risktot

  exceed.name <- paste("Exceed>=",vals1+1,sep="")


### use recurrentMarginal estimator til dette via strata i base1 
### strata og count skal passe sammen
### see beregning via recurrent marginal function
###  base1$cox.prep$strata <- base1.2$cox.prep$strata
###  base1$cox.prep$nstrata <- base1.2$cox.prep$nstrata
###  base1$nstrata <- base1.2$cox.prep$nstrata
###  base1$strata <- base1.2$strata
###  base1$strata.name <- base1.2$strata.name
###  base1$strata.level <- base1.2$strata.level

###  mm <- recurrentMarginal(base1,dr,km=km,...)
###  out=c(mm,list(varN=EN2-mu^2))

}# }}}

##' @export
prob.exceedRecurrentStrata <- function(data,type,km=TRUE,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{

if (is.null(strata)) {
formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~ cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
## bring count as covariate to use later and get sorted as data 
form1 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type,")~",names.count,type,"+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
} else {
formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~strata(",strata,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
## bring count as covariate to use later and get sorted as data 
form1 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type,")~",names.count,type,"+strata(",strata,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))

dr      <- phreg(formdr,data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
base1   <- phreg(form1,data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)

### marginal int_0^t G(s) P(N1(t-)==k|D>t) \lambda_{1,N1=k}(s) ds 
### strata og count skal passe sammen
  # {{{
  strat <- dr$strata[dr$jumps]
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  if (!km) { 
     cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
     St      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else St <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  x <- base1
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  risktot <- x$S0
  mu <- c(cumsumstrata(St*S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  vals1 <- xx$X[,1]
  fk <- (vals1+1)^2-vals1^2
  EN2 <- c(cumsumstrata(fk*St*S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  inc <- St[xx$jumps+1]*S0i[xx$jumps+1]

  ## new-strata names  
  valjump <- vals1[xx$jumps+1]
  xxs <- xx$strata[xx$jumps+1]
  newstrata <- mystrata(list(id=xxs,exceed=valjump))
  nnn <- !duplicated(newstrata$sindex)
  nnstrata <- attr(newstrata,"nlevel")
  newstrata <- newstrata$sindex
  exceed <- valjump[nnn]+1
  if (!is.null(strata)) 
	  exceed.levels <- paste(base1$strata.level[xxs[nnn]+1],
  else exceed.levels <- paste("Exceed",exceed,sep=">=")

  newstrata <- as.numeric(strata(xx$strata[xx$jumps+1],valjump))-1
  nnstrata <- length(unique(newstrata))
  pcumhaz <- cbind(x$jumptimes,cumsumstrata(inc,newstrata,nnstrata))
# }}}

  EN2     <- EN2[xx$jumps+1]
  mu     <- mu[xx$jumps+1]
  cumhaz <- pcumhaz
  pstrata <- NULL 


}# }}}

##' @export
prob.exceedBiRecurrent <- function(data,type1,type2,km=TRUE,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{

formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~ cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form1 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type1,")~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form2 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
###form1C <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type1,")~strata(",names.count,type1,",",names.count,type2,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
###form2C <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~
###  strata(",names.count,type1,",",names.count,type2,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))

form2Ccc <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~
form1Ccc <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type1,")~

### stratified and with counts in covariate matrix 
bb2.12 <- phreg(form2Ccc,data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)
bb1.12 <- phreg(form1Ccc,data=data,no.opt=TRUE,no.var=1)

dr <- phreg(formdr,data=data)
base1   <- phreg(form1,data=data,no.var=1)
base2   <- phreg(form2,data=data,no.var=1)

cc <- base1$cox.prep
risk1 <- revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)
###### risk stratified after count 1 og count2
cc <- bb1.12$cox.prep
risk1.12 <- revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)
pstrata1 <- risk1.12/risk1
pstrata1[1] <- 0

cc <- base2$cox.prep
risk2 <- revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)
###### risk stratified after count 1 og count2
cc <- bb2.12$cox.prep
risk2.12 <- revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)
pstrata2 <- risk2.12/risk2
pstrata2[1] <- 0

### marginal int_0^t G(s) P(N1(t-)==k|D>t) \lambda_{1,N1=k}(s) ds 
### strata og count skal passe sammen

  # {{{
  strat <- dr$strata[dr$jumps]
  Gt <- exp(-dr$cumhaz[,2])
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  if (!km) { 
     cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
     St      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else St <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))
  x <- base1
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  mu <- c(cumsumstrata(St*S0i,rep(0,lss),1))

  x <- bb1.12
  xx1 <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx1$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  dcumhaz1 <- cbind(xx1$time,pstrata1*St*S0i)
###              cumsumstrata(pstrata1*St*S0i,xx1$strata,xx1$nstrata))
  x <- bb2.12
  xx2 <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx2$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx2$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  dcumhaz2 <- cbind(xx2$time,pstrata2*St*S0i)
###   cumsumstrata(pstrata2*St*S0i,xx2$strata,xx2$nstrata))

  n1 <- length(xx1$jumps)
  n2 <- length(xx2$jumps)
  ojumps <- order(c(xx1$jumps,xx2$jumps))
  jumps <- sort(c(xx1$jumps,xx2$jumps))
  times <- xx1$time[jumps+1]

  dcumhaz1 <-  dcumhaz1[jumps+1,] 
  dcumhaz2 <-  dcumhaz2[jumps+1,] 
  x1 <- xx1$X[jumps+1,]
  x2 <- xx2$X[jumps+1,]

###  dcumhaz1 <- dcumhaz1[xx1$jumps+1,]
###  dcumhaz2 <- dcumhaz2[xx2$jumps+1,]
###  x1 <- xx1$X[xx1$jumps+1,]
###  x2 <- xx2$X[xx2$jumps+1,]
# }}}

  if (is.null(exceed1)) exceed1 <- 1:max(x1[,1])
  if (is.null(exceed2)) exceed2 <- 1:max(x1[,2])

  pe1e2 <- matrix(0,n1+n2,length(exceed1)*length(exceed2))
  m <- 0; nn <- c()
  for (i in exceed1) 
  for (j in exceed2)  {
	  m <- m+1
	  strat1 <- (x1[,2]>=j)*(x1[,1]==(i-1))
	  strat2 <- (x2[,1]>=i)*(x2[,2]==(j-1))
	  pe1e2[,m] <- cumsum(strat1*dcumhaz1[,2]) + cumsum(strat2*dcumhaz2[,2])
	  nn <- c(nn,paste("N_1(t)>=",i,",N_2(t)>=",j,sep="")) 

  colnames(pe1e2) <- nn

  class(out) <- "BiRecurrent"

}# }}}

##' @export
plot.BiRecurrent <- function(x,stratas=NULL,add=FALSE,...)
{# {{{

   strat <- x$strata
   ## all strata
   if (is.null(stratas)) stratas <- 0:(x$nstrata-1) 

   for (s in stratas)  {
   if (add==FALSE)
    with(x, matplot(time[strata==s],pe1e2[strata==s,],type="s",...))
    with(x, matlines(time[strata==s],pe1e2[strata==s,],type="s",...))
   nc <- ncol(x$pe1e2)
}# }}}

##' @export
prob.exceedBiRecurrentStrata <- function(data,type1,type2,km=TRUE,status="status",
{# {{{

if (is.null(strata)) {
formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~ cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
## use count and status as covariates to use later and get sorted as data 
form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"!=0)~",status,"+",names.count,type1,"+",names.count,type2,"+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
} else {
formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~strata(",strata,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
## use count and status as covariates to use later and get sorted as data 
form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"!=0)~",status,"+",
	if (twinstrata) { ## to allow different strata for the two twins
	form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~",status,"+",

dr     <- phreg(formdr,data=data)
base   <- phreg(form,data=data,no.opt=TRUE)

  # {{{
  strat <- dr$strata[dr$jumps]
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  if (!km) { 
     cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum)
     St      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else St <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0i),xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$lagsum))

  xx <- base$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  xxjump <- xx$jumps+1
  S0i <-  1/base$S0
  times <- base$jumptimes

  ## jumps for N1 and N2, sorted 
  xxstrata <- xx$strata[xxjump]
  St <- St[xxjump]
  statusj <- xx$X[xxjump,1]
  count1 <- xx$X[xxjump,2]
  count2 <- xx$X[xxjump,3]

  if (is.null(exceed1)) { exceed1 <- sort(unique(count1))+1 }
  if (is.null(exceed2)) { exceed2 <- sort(unique(count2))+1 }
  n <- length(xxjump)

  m <- 1; nn <- c(); 
  pe1e2 <- matrix(0,n,length(exceed1)*length(exceed2))
  for (i in exceed1) 
  for (j in exceed2)  {
	  escape <- (count2>=j)*(count1==(i-1))*(statusj==1)+(count1>=i)*(count2==(j-1))*(statusj==2)
	  pe1e2[,m] <- cumsumstrata(escape*St*S0i,xxstrata,xx$nstrata)  
	  nn <- c(nn,paste("N_1(t)>=",i,",N_2(t)>=",j,sep="")) 
	  m <- m+1

  colnames(pe1e2) <- nn
# }}}

	   cumhazard=cbind(times,pe1e2), jumps=1:length(times), nstrata=xx$nstrata,
  class(out) <- "BiRecurrent"

}# }}}

##' Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with terminal event
##' Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent events process
##' where there is terminal event 
##' @param data data-frame
##' @param type1 type of first event (code) related to status
##' @param type2 type of second event (code) related to status
##' @param status name of status 
##' @param death  name of death indicator 
##' @param start start stop call of Hist() of prodlim 
##' @param stop start stop call of Hist() of prodlim 
##' @param id  id 
##' @param names.count name of count for number of previous event of different types, here generated by count.history()
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @references 
##'             Scheike, Eriksson, Tribler (2019) 
##'             The mean, variance and correlation for bivariate recurrent events
##'             with a terminal event,  JRSS-C
##' @examples
##' ########################################
##' ## getting some data to work on 
##' ########################################
##' data(base1cumhaz)
##' data(base4cumhaz)
##' data(drcumhaz)
##' dr <- drcumhaz
##' base1 <- base1cumhaz
##' base4 <- base4cumhaz
##' rr <- simRecurrentII(1000,base1,cumhaz2=base4,death.cumhaz=dr)
##' rr <- count.history(rr)
##' rr$strata <- 1
##' dtable(rr,~death+status)
##' covrp <- covarianceRecurrent(rr,1,2,status="status",death="death",
##'                         start="entry",stop="time",id="id",names.count="Count")
##' par(mfrow=c(1,3)) 
##' plot(covrp)
##' ### with strata, each strata in matrix column, provides basis for fast Bootstrap
##' covrpS <- covarianceRecurrentS(rr,1,2,status="status",death="death",
##'         start="entry",stop="time",strata="strata",id="id",names.count="Count")
##' @aliases plot.covariace.recurrent  covarianceRecurrentS Bootcovariancerecurrence BootcovariancerecurrenceS 
##' @export
covarianceRecurrent <- function(data,type1,type2,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{

formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~ cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form1 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type1,")~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form2 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form1C <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type1,")~strata(",names.count,type2,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))
form2C <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~strata(",names.count,type1,")+cluster(",id,")",sep=""))

dr <- phreg(formdr,data=data)
base1   <- phreg(form1,data=data)
base1.2 <- phreg(form1C,data=data)
base2   <- phreg(form2,data=data)
base2.1 <- phreg(form2C,data=data)

marginal.mean1 <- recmarg(base1,dr)
marginal.mean2 <- recmarg(base2,dr)

cc <- base2$cox.prep
risk <- c(revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata))
###### risk stratified after count 1
cc <- base2.1$cox.prep
risk1 <- c(revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata))
ssshed1 <- risk1/risk
ssshed1[is.na(ssshed1)] <- 1
sshed1   <- list(cumhaz=cbind(cc$time,ssshed1),
riskstrata <- .Call("riskstrataR",cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)$risk
nrisk <- apply(riskstrata,2,revcumsumstrata,rep(0,nrow(riskstrata)),1)
ntot <- apply(nrisk,1,sum)
vals1 <- sort(unique(data[,paste("Count",type1,sep="")]))
mean1risk <- apply(t(nrisk)*vals1,2,sum)/ntot
mean1risk[is.na(mean1risk)] <- 0

cc <- base1$cox.prep
S0 <- rep(0,length(cc$strata))
risk <- c(revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata))
cc <- base1.2$cox.prep
S0 <- rep(0,length(cc$strata))
risk2 <- c(revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata))
ssshed2 <- risk2/risk
ssshed2[is.na(ssshed2)] <- 1
sshed2  <- list(cumhaz=cbind(cc$time,ssshed2),
riskstrata <- .Call("riskstrataR",cc$sign,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)$risk
nrisk <- apply(riskstrata,2,revcumsumstrata,rep(0,nrow(riskstrata)),1)
ntot <- apply(nrisk,1,sum)
vals2 <- sort(unique(data[,paste("Count",type2,sep="")]))
mean2risk <- apply(t(nrisk)*vals2,2,sum)/ntot
mean2risk[is.na(mean2risk)] <- 0

mu1 <- cpred(rbind(c(0,0),marginal.mean1$cumhaz),cc$time)[,2]
mu2 <- cpred(rbind(c(0,0),marginal.mean2$cumhaz),cc$time)[,2]

out <- list(based=dr,base1=base1,base2=base2,

### marginal sum_k int_0^t G(s) k P(N1(t-)==k|D>t) \lambda_{2,N1=k}(s) ds 
### strata og count skal passe sammen
  # {{{
  strat <- dr$strata[dr$jumps]
  Gt <- exp(-dr$cumhaz[,2])
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  cumhazD <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  St      <- exp(-cumhazD[,2])
  x <- base1.2
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  xstrata <- xx$strata
  cumhazDR <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(vals2[xstrata+1]*St*ssshed2*S0i,rep(0,lss),1))
  x <- base1
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  cumhazIDR <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(St*mean2risk*S0i,rep(0,lss),1))
  mu1.i <- cumhazIDR[,2]
  mu1.2 <- cumhazDR[,2]
  x <- base2.1
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  cumhazDR <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(vals1[xx$strata+1]*St*ssshed1*S0i,rep(0,lss),1))
  x <- base2
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  lss <- length(xx$strata)
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,lss)
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  cumhazIDR <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(St*mean1risk*S0i,rep(0,lss),1))
  mu2.i <- cumhazIDR[,2]
  mu2.1 <- cumhazDR[,2]
# }}}

  out=c(out,list(EN1N2= mu1.2+mu2.1,mu2.1=mu2.1,mu1.2=mu1.2, 

  class(out) <- "covariance.recurrent"

}# }}}

##' @export
plot.covariance.recurrent <- function(x,main="Covariance",these=1:3,...) 
{# {{{

legend <- NULL # to avoid R-check 

if ( 1 %in% these) {
	nna <- (!is.na(x$mu1.2)) & (!is.na(x$mu1.i))
	mu1.2n <- x$mu1.2[nna]
	mu1.in <- x$mu1.i[nna]
	time <-  x$time[nna]
if (2 %in% these) {
	nna <- (!is.na(x$mu2.1)) & (!is.na(x$mu2.i))
	mu2.1n <- x$mu2.1[nna]
	mu2.in <- x$mu1.i[nna]
	time <- x$time[nna]
if (3 %in% these) {
	nna <- (!is.na(x$EN1N2)) & (!is.na(x$EIN1N2)) & (!is.na(x$EN1EN2))
	EN1N2n <- x$EN1N2[nna]
	EIN1N2n <- x$EIN1N2[nna]
	EN1EN2n <- x$EN1EN2[nna]
	time <- x$time[nna]
	legend("topleft",c("E(N1N2)", "E(N1) E(N2) ", "E_I(N1 N2)-independence"),lty=1,col=1:3)

} # }}}

meanRisk <- function(base1,base1.2)
{# {{{
cc <- base1.2$cox.prep
S0 <- rep(0,length(cc$strata))
mid <- max(cc$id)+1
risk2 <- revcumsumidstratasum(cc$sign,cc$id,mid,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)$sumidstrata

means <- .Call("meanriskR",cc$sign,cc$id,mid,cc$strata,cc$nstrata)
mean2risk <- means$meanrisk
mean2risk[is.na(mean2risk)] <- 0
risk <- means$risk
ssshed2 <- risk2/risk
ssshed2[is.na(ssshed2)] <- 0
vals2 <- unique(cc$id)

means2  <- list(cumhaz=cbind(cc$time,mean2risk),
sshed2  <- list(cumhaz=cbind(cc$time,ssshed2),

}# }}}

intN2dN1 <- function(dr,base1,base1.2,pm)
{# {{{
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <-  1/x$S0
  cumhazD <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  St      <- exp(-cumhazD[,2])
  x <- base1.2
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  xstrata <- xx$id
  jumps <- xx$jumps+1
  mid <- max(xx$id)+1
  ## risk after both id~Count and strata 
  risk2 <- revcumsumidstratasum(xx$sign,xx$id,mid,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)$sumidstrata
  S0i <-  1/risk2[jumps]
  vals <- xx$id[jumps]
  St <- St[jumps]
  probs <- pm$probs$cumhaz[jumps,2]
  cumhazDR <- cbind(xx$time[jumps],cumsumstrata(St*vals*probs*S0i,xx$strata[jumps],xx$nstrata))
  x <- base1
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i <-  c(1/x$S0)
  meanrisk <- pm$meanrisk$cumhaz[jumps,2]
  cumhazIDR <- cbind(xx$time[jumps],cumsumstrata(St*meanrisk*S0i,xx$strata[jumps],xx$nstrata))
  mu1.i <- cumhazIDR[,2]
  mu1.2 <- cumhazDR[,2]
}# }}}

recmarg2 <- function(recurrent,death,...)
{# {{{
  xr <- recurrent
  dr <- death 

  ### marginal expected events  int_0^t G(s) \lambda_r(s) ds 
  # {{{
  x <- dr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/x$S0
  cumhazD <- cbind(xx$time,cumsumstrata(S0i,xx$strata,xx$nstrata))
  St      <- exp(-cumhazD[,2])
  x <- xr
  xx <- x$cox.prep
###  S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
  S0i <-  1/x$S0
  jumps <- xx$jumps+1
  cumhazDR <- cbind(xx$time[jumps],cumsumstrata(St[jumps]*S0i,xx$strata[jumps],xx$nstrata))
  mu <- cumhazDR[,2]
# }}}

 varrs <- data.frame(mu=mu,time=cumhazDR[,1],strata=xr$strata[jumps],St=St[jumps])
 out <- list(mu=varrs$mu,times=varrs$time,St=varrs$St,cumhaz=cumhazDR,
}# }}}

##' @export
covarianceRecurrentS <- function(data,type1,type2,times=NULL,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{

if (is.null(times)) times <- seq(0,max(data[,stop]),length=100)

### passing strata as id to be able to use for stratified calculations 
if (is.null(strata)) stop("must give strata, for example one strata\n"); 
## uses Counts1 as cluster to pass to risk set calculations 

formdr <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",death,")~strata(",strata,")",sep=""))
form1 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type1,")~strata(",strata,")",sep=""))
form2 <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~strata(",strata,")",sep=""))
form1C <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type1,")~cluster(",names.count,type2,")+strata(",strata,")",sep=""))
form2C <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",start,",",stop,",",status,"==",type2,")~cluster(",names.count,type1,")+strata(",strata,")",sep=""))

dr <- phreg(formdr,data=data)
base1   <- phreg(form1,data=data)
base1.2 <- phreg(form1C,data=data)
base2   <- phreg(form2,data=data)
base2.1 <- phreg(form2C,data=data)

rm1 <- recmarg2(base1,dr)
rm2 <- recmarg2(base2,dr)
if (plot==1) {

pm1 <- meanRisk(base2,base2.1)
pm2 <- meanRisk(base1,base1.2)
if (plot==1) {

### marginal sum_k int_0^t G(s) k P(N1(t-)==k|D>t) \lambda_{2,N1=k}(s) ds 
###          sum_k int_0^t G(s) E(N1(t-)==k|D>t)   \lambda_{2}(s) ds 
iN2dN1 <-  intN2dN1(dr,base1,base1.2,pm2)
iN1dN2 <-  intN2dN1(dr,base2,base2.1,pm1)

if (plot==1) {

#### writing output in matrix form for each strata for the times
mu1g <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)
mu2g <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)
mu1.2 <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)
mu2.1 <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)
mu1.i <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)
mu2.i <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)
mu1 <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)
mu2 <- matrix(0,length(times),rm1$nstrata)

if (output=="matrix") {
all <- c()
i <- 1
### going through strata 
for (i in 1:rm1$nstrata) {
	j <- i-1
	mu1[,i]   <- cpred(rm1$cumhaz[rm1$strata==j,],times)[,2]
	mu2[,i]   <- cpred(rm2$cumhaz[rm2$strata==j,],times)[,2]
	mu1.2[,i] <- cpred( iN2dN1$cumhaz[rm1$strata==j,],times)[,2]
	mu1.i[,i] <- cpred(iN2dN1$cumhazI[rm1$strata==j,],times)[,2]
	mu2.1[,i] <- cpred( iN1dN2$cumhaz[rm2$strata==j,],times)[,2]
	mu2.i[,i] <- cpred(iN1dN2$cumhazI[rm2$strata==j,],times)[,2]
mu1mu2 <- mu1*mu2

out=c(list(EN1N2=mu1.2+mu2.1, EIN1N2=mu1.i+mu2.i, EN1EN2=mu1mu2,
	   mu1.2=mu1.2, mu1.i=mu1.i, mu2.1=mu2.1, mu2.i=mu2.i,
	   mu1=mu1,mu2=mu2, nstrata=rm1$nstrata, time=times))

} else out <- list(iN2dN1=iN2dN1,iN1dN2=iN1dN2,rm1=rm1,rm2=rm2,pm1=pm1,pm2=pm2)

}# }}} 

##' @export
BootcovariancerecurrenceS <- function(data,type1,type2,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{

  if (is.null(times)) times <- seq(0,max(data[,stop]),length=100)
  mu1.2 <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu2.1 <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu1.i <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu2.i <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mupi <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mupg <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu1mu2 <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  n <- length(unique(data[,id]))

  formid <- as.formula(paste("~",id))
  rrb <- blocksample(data, size = n*K, formid)
  rrb$strata <- floor((rrb[,id]-0.01)/n)
  rrb$jump <- (rrb[,status] %in% c(type1,type2)) | (rrb[,death]==1)
  rrb <- tie.breaker(rrb,status="jump",start=start,stop=stop,id=id)

  mm <- covarianceRecurrentS(rrb,type1,type2,status=status,death=death,

  mm <- c(mm,list(se.mui=apply(mm$EIN1N2,1,sd),se.mug=apply(mm$EN1N2,1,sd)))

}# }}}

##' @export
Bootcovariancerecurrence <- function(data,type1,type2,status="status",death="death",
{# {{{

  strata <- NULL # to avoid R-check 

  if (is.null(times)) times <- seq(0,max(data[,stop]),length=100)
  mu1.2 <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu2.1 <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu1.i <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu2.i <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mupi <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mupg <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  mu1mu2 <- matrix(0,length(times),K)
  n <- length(unique(data[,id]))

  formid <- as.formula(paste("~",id))
  rrb <- blocksample(data, size = n*K, formid)
  rrb$strata <- floor((rrb[,id]-0.01)/n)
## rrb$jump <- (rrb[,status]!=0) | (rrb[,death]==1)
  rrb$jump <- (rrb[,status] %in% c(type1,type2)) | (rrb[,death]==1)
  rrb <- tie.breaker(rrb,status="jump",start=start,stop=stop,id=id)

  for (i in 1:K)
     rrbs <- subset(rrb,strata==i-1)
     errb <- covarianceRecurrent(rrbs,type1,type2,status=status,death=death,
     all <- cpred(cbind(errb$time,errb$EIN1N2,errb$EN1N2,errb$EN1EN2,
     mupi[,i]   <- all[,2]
     mupg[,i]   <- all[,3]
     mu1mu2[,i] <- all[,4]
     mu1.2[,i]  <- all[,5]; 
     mu2.1[,i]  <- all[,6]; 
     mu1.i[,i]  <- all[,7]; 
     mu2.i[,i]  <- all[,8]

}# }}}

iidCovarianceRecurrent <-  function (rec1,death,xrS,xr,means)
{# {{{
    ### makes iid decompition for covariance under independence between events
    axr <- rec1
    adr <- death
    St <- exp(-adr$cum[, 2])
    timesr <- axr$cum[, 1]
    timesd <- adr$cum[, 1]
    times <- c(timesr[-1], timesd[-1])
    or <- order(times)
    times <- times[or]
    meano <- cbind(means$time,means$mean2risk)
###    imeano <- sindex.prodlim(means$time, times, strict = FALSE)
    imeano <- fast.approx(means$time, times, type="left")
    meano <- meano[imeano,2]
    keepr <- order(or)[1:length(timesr[-1])]
###    rid <- sindex.prodlim(timesd, times, strict = FALSE)
    rid <- fast.approx(timesd, times, type="left")
###    rir <- sindex.prodlim(timesr, times, strict = FALSE)
    rir <- fast.approx(timesr, times, type="left")
    Stt <- St[rid]
    ariid <- axr$cum[rir, 2]
    mu <- cumsum(meano * Stt * diff(c(0, ariid)))
    muS <- cumsum( Stt * diff(c(0, ariid)))
    nc <- length(axr$B.iid)
    muiid <- matrix(0, length(times), nc)

   cc <- xrS$cox.prep
   rrs <- .Call("riskstrataR",cc$sign*cc$strata,cc$id,max(cc$id)+1)$risk
   rr <- .Call("riskstrataR",cc$sign,cc$id,max(cc$id)+1)$risk
   ntot <- revcumsumstrata(cc$sign,rep(0,nrow(rr)),1)
   rr  <- apply(rr,2,revcumsumstrata,rep(0,nrow(rr)),1)
   rrs <- apply(rrs,2,revcumsumstrata,rep(0,nrow(rr)),1)

###   xrid <- sindex.prodlim(cc$time, times, strict = FALSE)
   xrid <- fast.approx(cc$time, times, type="left")
   rr <- rr[xrid,]
   rrs <- rrs[xrid,]
   ntot <- ntot[xrid]
   rrs <- apply(Stt* diff(c(0,ariid))*rrs,2,cumsum)
   rrcum <- apply(Stt*meano*diff(c(0,ariid))*rr,2,cumsum)
   miid <- (rrs-rrcum)/ntot

    for (i in 1:nc) {
        mriid <- axr$B.iid[[i]]
        mdiid <- adr$B.iid[[i]]
        mriid <- mriid[rir]
        mdiid <- mdiid[rid]
        dmridd <- diff(c(0, mriid))
        dmdidd <- diff(c(0, mdiid))
        muiid[, i] <- cumsum(Stt * meano* dmridd) - mu * cumsum(dmdidd) + cumsum(mu * dmdidd) +  miid[,i]
    var1 <- apply(muiid^2, 1, sum)
    se.mu <- var1[keepr]^0.5
    mu = mu[keepr]
    timeso <- times
    times <- times[keepr]

    out = list(iidtimes=timeso,muiid=muiid,times=times, 
        mu = mu, var.mu = var1[keepr], se.mu = se.mu, St = St, Stt = Stt[keepr], 

}# }}} 

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