
Defines functions internal_mint.block sparse.mint.block_iteration sparse.rgcca_iteration

# Authors:
#   Florian Rohart, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
#   Benoit Gautier, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
#   Amrit Singh, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
#   Kim-Anh Le Cao, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
# created: 20-07-2014
# last modified: 04-10-2017
# Copyright (C) 2014
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# Functions modified from RGCCA R-library
#   sgcca(), sgccak()
# Functions acquired from RGCCA R-library, see 'internal_mint.block_helpers.R'
#   cov2(), initsvd(), crossprod(),
#   defl.select(),

internal_mint.block = function (A, indY = NULL,  design = 1 - diag(length(A)), tau=NULL,#rep(1, length(A)),
ncomp = rep(1, length(A)), scheme = "horst", scale = TRUE,
init = "svd.single", tol = 1e-06,
mode = "canonical", max.iter = 100,study = NULL, keepA = NULL,
penalty = NULL, all.outputs = FALSE, misdata = NULL, is.na.A = NULL, ind.NA = NULL, ind.NA.col = NULL, remove.object=NULL)
    # A: list of matrices
    # indY: integer, pointer to one of the matrices of A
    # design: design matrix, links between matrices. Diagonal must be 0
    # tau: numeric vector of length the number of blocks in \code{X}. Each regularization parameter will be applied on each block and takes the value between 0 (no regularisation) and 1. If tau = "optimal" the shrinkage paramaters are estimated for each block and
    # ncomp: vector of ncomp, per matrix
    # scheme: a function "g", refer to the article (thanks Benoit)
    # scale: do you want to scale ? mean is done by default and cannot be changed (so far)
    # init: one of "svd" or "random", initialisation of the algorithm
    # tol: nobody cares about this
    # mode: canonical, classic, invariant, regression
    # max.iter: nobody cares about this
    # study: factor for each matrix of A, must be a vector
    # keepA: keepX of spls for each matrix of A. must be a list. Each entry must be of the same length (max ncomp)
    # penalty: numeric vector of length the number of blocks in \code{X}. Each penalty parameter will be applied on each block and takes the value between 0 (no variable selected) and 1 (all variables included).
    # all.outputs: calculation of non-essential outputs (e.g. explained variance, loadings.Astar, etc)
    # misdata: optional. any missing values in the data? list, misdata[[q]] for each data set
    # is.na.A: optional. where are the missing values? list, is.na.A[[q]] for each data set (if misdata[[q]] == TRUE)
    # ind.NA: optional. which rows have missing values? list, ind.NA[[q]] for each data set.
    # ind.NA.col: optional. which col have missing values? list, ind.NA.col[[q]] for each data set.

    names(ncomp) = names(A)
    time = FALSE
    if(time) time1=proc.time()
    # center the data per study, per matrix of A, scale if scale=TRUE, option
    mean_centered = lapply(A, function(x){mean_centering_per_study(x, study, scale)})
    if(time) time1bis=proc.time()
    if(time) print("scaling part1")
    if(time) print(time1bis-time1)
    A = lapply(mean_centered, function(x){as.matrix(x$concat.data)})
    #save rownames study
    mean_centered.rownames.study = vector("list", nlevels(study))
    for (m in 1:nlevels(study))
    mean_centered.rownames.study[[m]] = mean_centered[[1]]$rownames.study[[m]]
    rm(mean_centered) #free memory
    ni = table(study) #number of samples per study
    ### Start: Initialization parameters
    pjs = sapply(A, NCOL)
    nb_ind = NROW(A[[1]])
    J = length(A)
    R = A # R: residuals matrices, will be a list of length ncomp
    N = max(ncomp)
    AVE_inner = AVE_outer = rep(NA, max(ncomp))
    # keepA[[comp]] is a matrix where each row is all the keepX the test over the block (each block is a column)
    #number of models to be tested: either a keepA per component, or multiple (e.g. in tune functions)
    number.models.per.comp = sapply(keepA, nrow)
    one.model = !any( number.models.per.comp !=1)
    if(time) print("one.model")
    if(time) print(one.model)
    AVE_X = crit = loadings.partial.A = variates.partial.A = tau.rgcca = list()
    P = loadings.A = loadings.Astar = variates.A =  vector("list", J)
    if(one.model) # more outputs that what is needed for tune functions
        for (k in 1:J)
        variates.A[[k]] = matrix(NA_real_, nb_ind, N)
        for (k in 1:J)
            loadings.A[[k]] = matrix(NA_real_, pjs[[k]], N)
            P[[k]] = loadings.Astar[[k]]= matrix(NA_real_, pjs[[k]], N)
        for (k in 1:J)
            loadings.partial.A[[k]] = variates.partial.A[[k]] = vector("list", length = nlevels(study))
            for(m in 1:nlevels(study))
                loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]] = matrix(NA_real_,nrow = NCOL(A[[k]]), ncol = N)
                variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]] = matrix(NA_real_,nrow = ni[m], ncol = N)
    } else {
        for (k in 1:J)
            variates.A[[k]] = matrix(NA_real_, nb_ind, sum(number.models.per.comp))
            loadings.A[[k]] = matrix(NA_real_, pjs[[k]], sum(number.models.per.comp))
        loadings.partial.A = variates.partial.A = NULL # not needed for tune functions
    ndefl = ncomp - 1
    J2 = J-1
    if (is.vector(tau))
    tau = matrix(rep(tau, N), nrow = N, ncol = length(tau), byrow = TRUE)

    # if missing values are not given as input (only when direct call to a (mint).(block).(s)pls(da)), we search for them here (takes time)
    if(is.null(misdata) &  is.null(is.na.A) & is.null(ind.NA) & is.null(ind.NA.col))
        misdata = sapply(A, anyNA) # Detection of missing data per block
        misdata.all = any(misdata) # is there any missing data overall
        if(time) print(misdata.all)
        if (misdata.all)
            is.na.A = temp = vector("list",length=length(A))
            is.na.A[misdata] = lapply(A[misdata], is.na) # size n*p, which entry is na. might be none, but at least one in all the block will be a TRUE
            temp[misdata] = lapply(is.na.A[misdata], function(x){which(x,arr.ind=TRUE)})
            ind.NA = lapply(temp, function(x){unique(x[,1])})
            ind.NA.col = lapply(temp, function(x){unique(x[,2])})
            #ind.NA = ind.NA.col = list()
            #for(q in 1:J)
            #    ind.NA[[q]] = which(apply(is.na.A[[q]], 1, sum) >0) # indice of the row that have missing values. used in the calculation of loadings
            #    ind.NA.col[[q]] = which(apply(is.na.A[[q]], 2, sum) >0) # indice of the col that have missing values. used in the deflation
        }else {
            is.na.A = NULL
            ind.NA = ind.NA.col = NULL
    } else{
        misdata.all = any(misdata)
    if(time) print(misdata)
    if(all.outputs & J==2 & nlevels(study) == 1 & one.model) #(s)pls(da) models, we calculate mat.c
            p.ones = rep(1, ncol(A[[1]]))
            is.na.X = is.na.A[[1]]
        mat.c = matrix(0, nrow = ncol(A[[1]]), ncol = N, dimnames = list(colnames(A[[1]],  paste0("comp ", 1:N))))
    } else {mat.c = NULL}
    ### End: Initialization parameters

    compteur = 0
    for (comp in 1 : N)
        if(time) cat("====================================================================================================\n")
        if(time) print(paste0("component ", comp))
        if(time) cat("====================================================================================================\n")

        if(misdata.all)# replace NA in A[[q]] by 0
        for(j in c(1:J)[misdata])
        R[[j]][is.na.A[[j]]]=0 # faster than using replace
        #R = lapply(1:J, function(q){if(misdata[q]) {replace(R[[q]], is.na.A[[q]], 0)}else{R[[q]]}}) # if missing data, R is the one replace by 0 where NA are supposed to be

        # initialisation_by_svd, get the loadings.A
        loadings.A.init = initialisation_by_svd(R, indY, misdata, is.na.A, init = init)
        # loop on keepA[[comp]]: multiple values per block and we go through them. Need to have the same number of values per block.
        # we assume keepA[[comp]] is a grid here: columns are the blocks, rows are the different keepX
        for(ijk.keepA in 1:nrow(keepA[[comp]]))
            compteur = compteur +1
            if(time) cat("---------------------------------------------------------\n")
            if(time) print(paste0("keepA ", ijk.keepA))
            if(time) cat("---------------------------------------------------------\n")
            keepA.ijk = keepA[[comp]][ijk.keepA,]
            ### start - repeat/convergence
            if (is.null(tau))
                mint.block.result = sparse.mint.block_iteration(R, design, study = study, loadings.A = loadings.A.init,
                keepA = keepA.ijk, #keepA is one value per block
                scheme = scheme, max.iter = max.iter, tol = tol, penalty = penalty,
                misdata=misdata, is.na.A=is.na.A, ind.NA = ind.NA,
                all.outputs = all.outputs)
            } else {
                mint.block.result = sparse.rgcca_iteration(R, design, tau = if (is.matrix(tau)){tau[comp, ]} else {"optimal"},
                scheme = scheme, init = init, tol = tol,
                max.iter = max.iter, penalty = penalty,
                keepA = keepA.ijk, all.outputs = all.outputs)
            ### end - repeat/convergence
            if(time) time3 = proc.time()
            if(time) time4 = proc.time()
            if(time) print("one comp")
            if(time) print(time4-time3)
            if(time) time4 = proc.time()
                # reshape outputs
                for (k in 1 : J)
                    loadings.A[[k]][, comp] = mint.block.result$loadings.A[[k]]
                    variates.A[[k]][, comp] = mint.block.result$variates.A[, k]
                        # recording loadings.partials, $Ai$study[,ncomp]
                        # recording variates.partials, $Ai[,ncomp]
                        for(k in 1:J)
                            for(m in 1:nlevels(study))
                                loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]][, comp] = matrix(mint.block.result$loadings.partial.A.comp[[k]][[m]], ncol=1)
                                variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]][, comp] = matrix(mint.block.result$variates.partial.A.comp[[k]][[m]], ncol=1)
            } else {
                # no record of partial component for multilple models, for gain of memory
                for (k in 1 : J)
                    loadings.A[[k]][, compteur] = mint.block.result$loadings.A[[k]]
                    variates.A[[k]][, compteur] = mint.block.result$variates.A[, k]
            crit[[comp]] = mint.block.result$crit
            tau.rgcca[[comp]] = mint.block.result$tau
            AVE_inner[comp] = mint.block.result$AVE_inner
            if(all.outputs & J==2 & nlevels(study) == 1 & one.model)# mat.c, (s)pls(da)
                if(misdata.all) #only one model, so misdata[1]=TRUE
                    R.temp = R[[1]]
                    R.temp[is.na.X] = 0
                    c = crossprod(R.temp, variates.A[[1]][,comp])
                    rm(R.temp) #free memory
                    t.norm = rep(crossprod(variates.A[[1]][,comp]), length(c))
                    if(length(ind.NA.col[[1]])>0) # should always be true
                        temp = drop(variates.A[[1]][,comp]) %o% rep(1, length(ind.NA.col[[1]])) #p*n -> p * where there are NA
                        temp[is.na.X[,ind.NA.col[[1]],drop=FALSE]] = 0
                        t.norm[ind.NA.col[[1]]] = apply(temp,2, crossprod)
                    c = c / t.norm
                    mat.c[,comp] = c
                } else {
                    mat.c[,comp] <- t(crossprod(variates.A[[1]][,comp], R[[1]])) / drop(crossprod (variates.A[[1]][,comp]))
            } else {
                mat.c = NULL
            # deflation if there are more than 1 component and if we haven't reach the max number of component (N)
            if (N != 1 & comp != N)
                if(time) time4 = proc.time()
                defla.result = defl.select(yy=mint.block.result$variates.A, rr=R, nncomp=ndefl, nn=comp, nbloc = J, indY = indY, mode = mode, aa = mint.block.result$loadings.A,
                misdata=misdata, is.na.A=is.na.A, ind.NA = ind.NA.col)
                R = defla.result$resdefl
                if(!(all.outputs & one.model)) #rm only if not used in the loop below
                defla.result$resdefl=NULL #free memory
                if(time) time5 = proc.time()
                if(time) print("deflation")
                if(time) print(time5-time4)
            if(all.outputs & one.model) #loadings.Astar
                for (k in 1 : J)
                    if (N != 1)
                    P[[k]][, comp - 1] = defla.result$pdefl[[k]]
                if (comp == 1)
                    for (k in 1 : J)
                    loadings.Astar[[k]][, comp] = mint.block.result$loadings.A[[k]]
                } else {
                    for (k in 1 : J)
                    loadings.Astar[[k]][, comp] = mint.block.result$loadings.A[[k]] - loadings.Astar[[k]][, (1 : comp - 1), drop = F] %*% drop(t(loadings.A[[k]][, comp]) %*% P[[k]][, 1 : (comp - 1), drop = F])
            } else {
                loadings.Astar = NULL
            iter = c(iter, mint.block.result$iter)
        } ### End loop on keepA
    } ### End loop on ncomp
    #### any model
    # loadings.A[[block]][1:p, all.keepA.tested]
    # variates.A[[block]][1:n, all.keepA.tested]
    #### a single model
    # loadings.partial.A[[block]][[study]][, 1:ncomp]
    # variates.partial.A[[block]][[study]][, 1:ncomp]
    # loadings.Astar[[block]][, 1:ncomp]
        # only one model
        shave.matlist = function(mat_list, nb_cols) mapply(function(m, nbcomp) m[, 1:nbcomp, drop = FALSE], mat_list, nb_cols, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        shave.veclist = function(vec_list, nb_elts) mapply(function(m, nbcomp) m[1:nbcomp], vec_list, nb_elts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        for (k in 1:J)
            rownames(loadings.A[[k]]) = colnames(A[[k]])
            rownames(loadings.Astar[[k]]) = colnames(A[[k]])
            rownames(variates.A[[k]]) = rownames(A[[k]])
            colnames(variates.A[[k]]) = colnames(loadings.A[[k]]) = paste0("comp ", 1:max(ncomp))
            AVE_X[[k]] = apply(cor(A[[k]], variates.A[[k]])^2, 2, mean)
            if (is.null(tau))
                names(loadings.partial.A[[k]]) = names(variates.partial.A[[k]]) = levels(study)
                for (m in 1:nlevels(study))
                    rownames(loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = colnames(A[[k]])
                    colnames(loadings.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = paste0("comp ", 1:max(ncomp))
                    rownames(variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = mean_centered.rownames.study[[m]]
                    colnames(variates.partial.A[[k]][[m]]) = paste0("comp ", 1:max(ncomp))
        variates.A = shave.matlist(variates.A, ncomp)
            # AVE
            outer = matrix(unlist(AVE_X), nrow = max(ncomp))
            for (j in 1 : max(ncomp))
            AVE_outer[j] = sum(pjs * outer[j, ])/sum(pjs)
            AVE_X = shave.veclist(AVE_X, ncomp)
            AVE = list(AVE_X = AVE_X, AVE_outer = AVE_outer, AVE_inner = AVE_inner)
            names(AVE$AVE_X) = names(A)
            loadings.Astar = shave.matlist(loadings.Astar, ncomp)
            #calcul explained variance
            A_split=lapply(A, study_split, study) #split the data per study
                if (nlevels(study) == 1)
                    temp = suppressWarnings(explained_variance(A[[x]], variates = variates.A[[x]], ncomp = ncomp[[x]]))
                    temp = lapply(1:nlevels(study), function(y){
                        suppressWarnings(explained_variance(A_split[[x]][[y]], variates = variates.partial.A[[x]][[y]], ncomp = ncomp[[x]]))})
                    temp[[length(temp)+1]] = explained_variance(A[[x]], variates = variates.A[[x]], ncomp = ncomp[[x]])
                    names(temp) = c(levels(study), "all data")
            names(expl.A) = names(A)
        } else {
            expl.A = NULL
            AVE = NULL
        ### Start: output
        names(loadings.A) = names(variates.A) = names(A)
        if (is.null(tau))
        names(loadings.partial.A) = names(variates.partial.A) = names(A)
        names = lapply(1:J, function(x) {colnames(A[[x]])})
        names(names) = names(A)
        names[[length(names) + 1]] = row.names(A[[1]])
        names(names)[length(names)] = "indiv"
    } else {
        # multiple models (tune)
        #### any model
        # loadings.A[[block]][1:p, all.keepA.tested]
        # variates.A[[block]][1:n, all.keepA.tested]
        #### a single model
        # loadings.partial.A[[block]][[study]][, 1:ncomp]
        # variates.partial.A[[block]][[study]][, 1:ncomp]
        # loadings.Astar[[block]][, 1:ncomp]
        keepA.names = unlist(lapply(1:N, function(x){
            paste(paste0("comp",x),apply(keepA[[x]],1,function(x) paste(x,collapse="_")), sep=":")
        for(k in 1:J)
        colnames(loadings.A[[k]]) = colnames(variates.A[[k]]) = keepA.names
        names(loadings.A) =  names(variates.A) = names(iter) = names(A)
        expl.A = NULL
        AVE = NULL
    out = list(A = A, indY = indY, ncomp = ncomp, mode = mode,
    keepA = keepA,
    variates = variates.A, loadings = loadings.A,#shave.matlist(loadings.A, ncomp),
    variates.partial= if(is.null(tau)) {variates.partial.A} ,loadings.partial= if(is.null(tau)) {loadings.partial.A},
    loadings.star = loadings.Astar,
    names = list(sample = row.names(A[[1]]), colnames = lapply(A, colnames), blocks = names(A)),
    tol = tol, iter=iter, max.iter=max.iter,
    design = design,
    scheme = scheme,  crit = crit, AVE = AVE, mat.c = mat.c, #defl.matrix = defl.matrix,
    init = init,
    scale = scale, tau = if(!is.null(tau)) tau.rgcca, study = study,
    explained_variance = expl.A)
    ### End: Output

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sgccak - Runs sgccak() modified from RGCCA
#   inputs: A - list of datasets each with the same number of rows (samples)
#           design - design matrix
#           ncomp - vector specifying number of components to keep per datasets
#   outputs:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sparse.mint.block_iteration = function (A, design, study = NULL, loadings.A, keepA = NULL,
scheme = "horst", max.iter = 100, tol = 1e-06,
misdata = NULL, is.na.A = NULL, ind.NA = NULL,
penalty=NULL, all.outputs = FALSE)
    # keepA is a list of length the number of blocks. Each entry is a vector of numbers: variables to select for that block (component is fixed)
    # study is a vector
    # == == == == no check needed as this function is only used in internal_mint.block, in which the checks are conducted
    ### Start: Initialization parameters
    J = length(A)
    J2 = J-1
    pjs = sapply(A, NCOL)
    AVE_X = rep(0, J)
    if (!is.null(penalty))
    penalty = penalty * sqrt(pjs)
    iter = 1
    converg = crit = numeric()
    variates.A = Z = matrix(0, NROW(A[[1]]), J)
    g = function(x) switch(scheme, horst = x, factorial = x^2, centroid = abs(x))
    # study split
    A_split = lapply(A, study_split, study)
    n = lapply(A_split, function(x){lapply(x,nrow)})
    p = lapply(A,ncol)
    nlevels_study = nlevels(study)
    ### End: Initialization parameters
    if(time) time2 = proc.time()
    ### End: Initialisation "a" vector
    variates.partial.A.comp = NULL
    loadings.partial.A.comp = list()
    for (q in 1:J)
            loadings.temp = loadings.A[[q]]
            variates.A.temp = A[[q]] %*% loadings.temp
            # we only want the diagonal, which is the norm of each column of temp
            # loadings.A.norm = crossprod(temp)
            # variates.A[, q] = variates.A.temp / diag(loadings.A.norm)
            #only calculating the ones where there's a NA
            d.variates.A.norm = rep(crossprod(loadings.temp), length(variates.A.temp))
            if(length(ind.NA[[q]])>0) # should always be true
                temp = drop(loadings.temp) %o% rep(1, length(ind.NA[[q]])) #p*n -> p * where there are NA
                temp[t(is.na.A[[q]][ind.NA[[q]],,drop=FALSE])] = 0
                d.variates.A.norm[ind.NA[[q]]] = apply(temp,2, crossprod)
            variates.A[, q] = variates.A.temp / d.variates.A.norm
            # we can have 0/0, so we put 0
            a = is.na(variates.A[, q])
            if (any(a))
            variates.A[a, q] = 0
            variates.A[, q] = A[[q]]%*%loadings.A[[q]]
        loadings.A[[q]] = l2.norm(as.vector(loadings.A[[q]]))
        loadings.partial.A.comp[[q]] = list()
    loadings.A_old = loadings.A
    if(time) time3 = proc.time()
    if(time) print("loadings")
    if(time) print(time3-time2)
    if(time) print("repeat")
    ### Start Algorithm 1 Sparse generalized canonical analysis (See Variable selection for generalized canonical correlation analysis (Tenenhaus))
    repeat {
        #variates.Aold can be used for the convergence of the algorithm, not used at the moment, so please disregard variates.Aold
        variates.Aold = variates.A
        for (q in 1:J)
            if(time) print(paste("repeat, block",q))
            ### Start : !!! Impact of the diag of the design matrix !!! ###
            if (scheme == "horst")
            CbyCovq = design[q, ]
            if (scheme == "factorial")
            CbyCovq = design[q, ] * cov2(variates.A, variates.A[, q])
            if (scheme == "centroid")
            CbyCovq = design[q, ] * sign(cov2(variates.A, variates.A[, q]))
            ### End : !!! Impact of the diag of the design matrix !!! ###
            ### Step A start: Compute the inner components
            Z[, q] = rowSums(mapply("*", CbyCovq, as.data.frame(variates.A)))
            Z_split = study_split(Z[,q,drop=FALSE],study)  # split Z by the study factor
            ### Step A end: Compute the inner components
            if(time) time5 = proc.time()
            ### Step B start: Computer the outer weight ###
            # possibility of removing NA (replacing by 0) and use crossprod, further development
            #time5 = proc.time()
            for (m in 1:nlevels_study)
                loadings.partial.A.comp[[q]][[m]] = crossprod(A_split[[q]][[m]],Z_split[[m]])
            loadings.A[[q]] = temp
            if(time) time6 = proc.time()
            if(time) print("loadings")
            if(time) print(time6-time5)
            if(time) time6 = proc.time()
            # sparse using keepA / penalty
            if (!is.null(penalty))
                loadings.A[[q]] = sparsity(loadings.A[[q]], keepA = NULL, penalty = penalty[q])
                loadings.A[[q]] = sparsity(loadings.A[[q]], keepA[[q]], penalty = NULL)
            if(time) time7 = proc.time()
            ### Step B end: Computer the outer weight ###
                variates.A.temp = A[[q]] %*% loadings.A[[q]]
                d.variates.A.norm = rep(crossprod(loadings.A[[q]]), length(variates.A.temp))
                    temp = drop(loadings.A[[q]]) %o% rep(1, length(ind.NA[[q]]))
                    temp[t(is.na.A[[q]][ind.NA[[q]],,drop=FALSE])] = 0
                    d.variates.A.norm[ind.NA[[q]]] = apply(temp,2, crossprod)
                variates.A[, q] = variates.A.temp / d.variates.A.norm
                # we can have 0/0, so we put 0
                a = is.na(variates.A[, q])
                if (any(a))
                variates.A[a, q] = 0
                variates.A[, q] =  A[[q]]%*%loadings.A[[q]]
            if(time) time8 = proc.time()
            if(time) print("variates")
            if(time) print(time8-time7)
        crit[iter] = sum(design * g(cov2(variates.A)))
        if (iter > max.iter)
        warning("The SGCCA algorithm did not converge", call. = FALSE)#cat("The SGCCA algorithm did not converge after", max.iter ,"iterations."))
        ### Start: Match algorithm with mixOmics algo (stopping point)
        ### if ((converg[iter] < tol & sum(stationnary_point) == J) | iter > max.iter)
        if (max(sapply(1:J, function(x){crossprod(loadings.A[[x]] - loadings.A_old[[x]])})) < tol | iter > max.iter)
        ### End: Match algorithm with mixOmics algo (stopping point)
        loadings.A_old = loadings.A
        iter = iter + 1
    ### End Algorithm 1 (See Variable selection for generalized canonical correlation analysis (Tenenhaus))
    #calculation variates.partial.A.comp
    variates.partial.A.comp = apply(variates.A, 2, study_split, study)
        AVE_inner = sum(design * cor(variates.A)^2/2)/(sum(design)/2)
    } else{
        AVE_inner = NULL
    names(loadings.A) = colnames(variates.A) = names(variates.partial.A.comp) = names(A)
    result = list(variates.A = variates.A, loadings.A = loadings.A, crit = crit[which(crit != 0)],
    AVE_inner = AVE_inner, loadings.partial.A.comp = loadings.partial.A.comp, variates.partial.A.comp = variates.partial.A.comp, iter = iter)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rgccak - Runs sgccak() modified from RGCCA
#   inputs: A - list of datasets each with the same number of rows (samples)
#           design - design matrix
#           ncomp - vector specifying number of components to keep per datasets
#   outputs:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sparse.rgcca_iteration = function (A, design, tau = "optimal", scheme = "horst", scale = FALSE, max.iter = 100,
init = "svd.single", tol = .Machine$double.eps, keepA = NULL, penalty = NULL, all.outputs = FALSE)
    ### Start: Initialisation parameters
    A = lapply(A, as.matrix)
    J = length(A)
    n = NROW(A[[1]])
    pjs = sapply(A, NCOL)
    variates.A = matrix(0, n, J)
    if (!is.null(penalty))
    penalty = penalty * sqrt(pjs)
    ### End: Initialisation parameters
    if (!is.numeric(tau))
    tau = sapply(A, tau.estimate)
    loadings.A = alpha = M = Minv = K = list()
    which.primal = which((n >= pjs) == 1)
    which.dual = which((n < pjs) == 1)
    if (init == "svd.single")
        for (j in which.primal)
        loadings.A[[j]] = initsvd(lapply(j, function(x) {replace(A[[x]], is.na(A[[x]]), 0)})[[1]])
        for (j in which.dual)
            alpha[[j]] = initsvd(lapply(j, function(x) {replace(A[[x]], is.na(A[[x]]), 0)})[[1]])
            K[[j]] = A[[j]] %*% t(A[[j]])
    } else {
        stop("init should be 'svd.single'.")
    N = n
    for (j in 1 : J)
        if (j %in% which.primal)
            M[[j]] = ginv(tau[j] * diag(pjs[j]) + (1 - tau[j]) * cov2(A[[j]]))
            loadings.A[[j]] = drop(1/sqrt(t(loadings.A[[j]]) %*% M[[j]] %*% loadings.A[[j]])) * M[[j]] %*% loadings.A[[j]]
        if (j %in% which.dual)
            M[[j]] = tau[j] * diag(n) + (1 - tau[j])/(N) * K[[j]]
            Minv[[j]] = ginv(M[[j]])
            alpha[[j]] = drop(1/sqrt(t(alpha[[j]]) %*% M[[j]] %*% K[[j]] %*% alpha[[j]])) * alpha[[j]]
            loadings.A[[j]] = t(A[[j]]) %*% alpha[[j]]
        variates.A[, j] = A[[j]] %*% loadings.A[[j]]
    iter = 1
    converg = crit = numeric()
    Z = matrix(0, NROW(A[[1]]), J)
    loadings.A_old = loadings.A
    g = function(x) switch(scheme, horst = x, factorial = x^2, centroid = abs(x))
    repeat {
        variates.Aold = variates.A
        for (j in c(which.primal, which.dual))
            if (scheme == "horst")
            CbyCovq = design[j, ]
            if (scheme == "factorial")
            CbyCovq = design[j, ] * cov2(variates.A, variates.A[, j])
            if (scheme == "centroid")
            CbyCovq = design[j, ] * sign(cov2(variates.A, variates.A[, j]))
            # Compute the inner components
            Z[, j] = rowSums(mapply("*", CbyCovq, as.data.frame(variates.A)))
            # Computer the outer weight
            if (j %in% which.primal)
            loadings.A[[j]] = drop(1/sqrt(t(Z[, j]) %*% A[[j]] %*% M[[j]] %*% t(A[[j]]) %*% Z[, j])) * (M[[j]] %*% t(A[[j]]) %*% Z[, j])
            # Compute the outer weight
            if (j %in% which.dual)
                alpha[[j]] = drop(1/sqrt(t(Z[, j]) %*% K[[j]] %*% Minv[[j]] %*% Z[, j])) * (Minv[[j]] %*% Z[, j])
                loadings.A[[j]] = t(A[[j]]) %*% alpha[[j]]
            # sparse using keepA / penalty
            if (!is.null(keepA) || !is.null(penalty))
                temp.norm = norm2(loadings.A[[j]])
                if (!is.null(keepA))
                    loadings.A[[j]] = sparsity(loadings.A = loadings.A[[j]], keepA = keepA[[j]], penalty = NULL)
                } else if (!is.null(penalty)) {
                    loadings.A[[j]] = sparsity(loadings.A = loadings.A[[j]], keepA = NULL, penalty = penalty[j])
                loadings.A[[j]] = (loadings.A[[j]]/norm2(loadings.A[[j]]))*temp.norm
            # Update variate
            variates.A[, j] = A[[j]] %*% loadings.A[[j]]
        crit[iter] = sum(design * g(cov2(variates.A)))
        if (iter > max.iter)
        warning("The RGCCA algorithm did not converge")#"cat("The RGCCA algorithm did not converge after", max.iter ,"iterations."))
        ### Start: Match algorithm with mixOmics algo (stopping point)
        if (max(sapply(1:J, function(x){crossprod(loadings.A[[x]] - loadings.A_old[[x]])})) < tol | iter > max.iter)
        ### End: Match algorithm with mixOmics algo (stopping point)
        loadings.A_old = loadings.A
        iter = iter + 1
    #if (verbose)
    #plot(crit, xlab = "iteration", ylab = "criteria")
        AVE_inner = sum(design * cor(variates.A)^2/2)/(sum(design)/2)
    } else{
        AVE_inner = NULL
    result = list(variates.A = variates.A, loadings.A = loadings.A, crit = crit[which(crit != 0)],
    AVE_inner = AVE_inner, design = design, tau = tau, scheme = scheme,iter=iter, keepA = keepA)

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