# Divergence minimizers ---------------------------------------------------
## Traditional (and latent) projection ------------------------------------
# Needed to avoid a NOTE in `R CMD check`:
if (getRversion() >= package_version("2.15.1")) {
divmin <- function(
verbose_divmin = getOption("projpred.verbose_project", FALSE),
throw_warn_sdivmin = getOption("projpred.warn_prj_drawwise", TRUE),
do_check_conv = getOption("projpred.check_conv", TRUE),
) {
trms_all <- extract_terms_response(formula)
has_grp <- length(trms_all$group_terms) > 0
has_add <- length(trms_all$additive_terms) > 0
projpred_formulas_no_random <- NA
projpred_random <- NA
# Define sdivmin(), the divergence minimizer for each draw s = 1, ..., S (and
# perform other actions, if necessary):
if (!has_grp && !has_add) {
sdivmin <- get(getOption("projpred.glm_fitter", "fit_glm_ridge_callback"),
mode = "function")
} else if (has_grp && !has_add) {
sdivmin <- fit_glmer_callback
if (getOption("projpred.PQL", FALSE)) {
# Split up the formula into a fixed and a random part (note: we could also
# use lme4::nobars() and lme4::findbars() here):
formula_random <- split_formula_random_gamm4(formula)
projpred_formulas_no_random <- validate_response_formula(
projpred_random <- formula_random$random
} else if (!has_grp && has_add) {
sdivmin <- fit_gam_callback
} else if (has_grp && has_add) {
sdivmin <- fit_gamm_callback
formula_random <- split_formula_random_gamm4(formula)
projpred_formulas_no_random <- validate_response_formula(
projpred_random <- formula_random$random
formulas <- validate_response_formula(formula)
if (is.list(projpred_formulas_no_random)) {
stopifnot(length(projpred_formulas_no_random) == length(formulas))
} else {
projpred_formulas_no_random <- as.list(
rep(projpred_formulas_no_random, length(formulas))
if (length(formulas) < getOption("projpred.prll_prj_trigger", Inf)) {
# Sequential case. Actually, we could simply use ``%do_projpred%` <-
# foreach::`%do%`` here and then proceed as in the parallel case, but that
# would require adding more "hard" dependencies (because packages 'foreach'
# and 'iterators' would have to be moved from `Suggests:` to `Imports:`).
if (verbose_divmin) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(formulas), style = 3,
initial = 0)
outdmin <- lapply(seq_along(formulas), function(s) {
if (verbose_divmin) {
on.exit(utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, s))
mssgs_warns_capt <- capt_mssgs_warns(
soutdmin <- sdivmin(
formula = formulas[[s]],
projpred_var = projpred_var[, s, drop = FALSE],
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formulas_no_random[[s]],
projpred_random = projpred_random,
return(nlist(soutdmin, mssgs_warns_capt))
} else {
# Parallel case.
if (!requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Please install the 'foreach' package.")
if (!requireNamespace("iterators", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Please install the 'iterators' package.")
dot_args <- list(...)
`%do_projpred%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
outdmin <- foreach::foreach(
formula_s = formulas,
projpred_var_s = iterators::iter(projpred_var, by = "column"),
projpred_formula_no_random_s = projpred_formulas_no_random,
.export = c("sdivmin", "projpred_random", "dot_args"),
.noexport = c(
"object", "p_sel", "search_path", "p_ref", "refmodel", "formulas",
"projpred_var", "projpred_ws_aug", "projpred_formulas_no_random"
) %do_projpred% {
mssgs_warns_capt <- capt_mssgs_warns(
soutdmin <-
c(list(formula = formula_s,
projpred_var = projpred_var_s,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random_s,
projpred_random = projpred_random),
return(nlist(soutdmin, mssgs_warns_capt))
mssgs_warns_capts <- lapply(outdmin, "[[", "mssgs_warns_capt")
outdmin <- lapply(outdmin, "[[", "soutdmin")
mssgs_warns_capts <- lapply(mssgs_warns_capts, function(mssgs_warns_capt) {
# Filter out some warnings.
mssgs_warns_capt <- setdiff(mssgs_warns_capt, "")
mssgs_warns_capt <- grep("Warning in [^:]*:$",
mssgs_warns_capt, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
warn_prj_drawwise(mssgs_warns_capts, throw_warn = throw_warn_sdivmin)
check_conv(outdmin, lengths(mssgs_warns_capts), do_check = do_check_conv)
# Use projpred's own implementation to fit non-multilevel non-additive
# submodels:
fit_glm_ridge_callback <- function(formula, data,
projpred_var = matrix(nrow = nrow(data)),
regul = 1e-4, thresh_conv = 1e-7, ...) {
# Preparations:
fr <- model.frame(formula, data = data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
da_classes <- attr(attr(fr, "terms"), "dataClasses")
nms_chr_fac <- names(da_classes)[da_classes %in% c("character", "factor")]
resp_nm <- all.vars(attr(fr, "terms"))[attr(attr(fr, "terms"), "response")]
nms_chr_fac <- setdiff(nms_chr_fac, resp_nm)
if (length(nms_chr_fac) > 0) {
xlvls <- lapply(setNames(nm = nms_chr_fac), function(nm_chr_fac) {
} else {
xlvls <- NULL
# TODO: In the following model.matrix() call, allow user-specified contrasts
# to be passed to argument `contrasts.arg`. The `contrasts.arg` default
# (`NULL`) uses `options("contrasts")` internally, but it might be more
# convenient to let users specify contrasts directly. At that occasion,
# contrasts should also be tested thoroughly (not done until now).
x <- model.matrix(formula, data = fr)
x <- x[, colnames(x) != "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE]
y <- model.response(fr)
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to glm_ridge():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Call the submodel fitter:
out_capt <- utils::capture.output(
fit <-, c(
list(x = x, y = y, obsvar = projpred_var, lambda = regul,
thresh = thresh_conv),
out_capt <- unique(grep("[Ww]arning|bug", out_capt, value = TRUE))
if (length(out_capt) > 0) {
warning(paste(out_capt, collapse = "\n"))
# Post-processing:
rownames(fit$beta) <- colnames(x)
sub <- nlist(alpha = fit$beta0, beta = fit$beta, w = fit$w, formula, x, y,
class(sub) <- "subfit"
# Alternative to fit_glm_ridge_callback() (may be used via global option
# `projpred.glm_fitter`):
fit_glm_callback <- function(formula, family, ...) {
if (family$family == "gaussian" && family$link == "identity" &&
getOption("projpred.gaussian_not_as_generalized", TRUE)) {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to stats::lm():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Call the submodel fitter:
return(, c(list(formula = formula), dot_args)))
} else {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to stats::glm():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Call the submodel fitter:
return(, c(list(formula = formula, family = family),
# Use package "mgcv" to fit additive non-multilevel submodels:
fit_gam_callback <- function(formula, ...) {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to mgcv::gam():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Call the submodel fitter:
return(, c(list(formula = formula), dot_args)))
# Use package "gamm4" to fit additive multilevel submodels:
fit_gamm_callback <- function(formula, projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random, data, family,
control = control_callback(family), ...) {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to gamm4::gamm4():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Call the submodel fitter:
fit <- tryCatch({, c(
list(formula = projpred_formula_no_random, random = projpred_random,
data = data, family = family, control = control),
}, error = function(e) {
if (grepl("not positive definite", as.character(e))) {
if ("optimx" %in% control$optimizer &&
length(control$optCtrl$method) > 0 &&
control$optCtrl$method == "nlminb") {
stop("Encountering the `not positive definite` error while running ",
"the lme4 fitting procedure, but cannot fix this automatically ",
"anymore. You will probably have to tweak gamm4 tuning ",
"parameters manually (via `...`).")
if (!requireNamespace("optimx", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Trying to fix an lme4 error with the help of an optimx ",
"optimizer, but cannot find the optimx package. Please install ",
"it to be able to try this fix.")
formula = formula,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
data = data,
family = family,
control = control_callback(family,
optimizer = "optimx",
optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb")),
} else {
fit$random <- projpred_random
fit$formula <- projpred_formula_no_random
class(fit) <- c("gamm4")
# Use package "lme4" to fit multilevel submodels:
fit_glmer_callback <- function(formula, projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random, family,
control = control_callback(family), ...) {
if (getOption("projpred.PQL", FALSE)) {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to MASS::glmmPQL():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Strip parentheses from group-level terms:
random_trms <- labels(terms(projpred_random))
random_fmls <- lapply(random_trms, function(random_trm) {
as.formula(paste("~", random_trm))
if (length(random_fmls) == 1) {
random_fmls <- random_fmls[[1]]
} else if (length(random_fmls) > 1) {
# Use the workaround(s) from <
# 36643713/how-to-specify-different-random-effects-in-nlme-vs-lme4/
# 38805602#38805602>:
random_trms_nogrp <- lapply(random_trms, function(random_trm) {
random_fml_nogrp <- as.formula(
paste("~", sub("[[:blank:]]*\\|.*$", "", random_trm))
### TODO (glmmPQL): Do this via adding argument `data` explicitly:
if ("projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL" %in% names(dot_args$data)) {
stop("Need to write to column `projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL` of ",
"`data`, but that column already exists. Please rename this ",
"column in `data` and try again.")
dot_args$data$projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL <- factor(1)
list_pdIdent <- lapply(random_trms, function(random_trm) {
paste("~", sub("^.*\\|[[:blank:]]*", "", random_trm), "- 1")
idxs_multi_trms <- which(lengths(random_trms_nogrp) > 0)
if (length(idxs_multi_trms) > 0) {
warning("In order to be able to use MASS::glmmPQL(), we have to use ",
"a workaround by which the random intercepts and random ",
"slopes will be assumed to have a correlation of zero.")
list_pdIdent_add <- lapply(idxs_multi_trms, function(idx_multi_trms) {
random_grp <- sub("^.*\\|[[:blank:]]*", "",
random_IAs <- paste0(random_trms_nogrp[[idx_multi_trms]], ":",
return(lapply(random_IAs, function(random_IA) {
nlme::pdIdent(as.formula(paste("~", random_IA)))
list_pdIdent_add <- unlist(list_pdIdent_add, recursive = FALSE)
list_pdIdent <- c(list_pdIdent, list_pdIdent_add)
random_fmls <- list(
projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL = nlme::pdBlocked(list_pdIdent)
} else if (length(random_fmls) == 0) {
stop("Unexpected length of `random_fmls`.")
# Call the submodel fitter:
return(, c(
list(fixed = projpred_formula_no_random, random = random_fmls,
family = family, control = control),
} else if (family$family == "gaussian" && family$link == "identity" &&
getOption("projpred.gaussian_not_as_generalized", TRUE)) {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to lme4::lmer():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Call the submodel fitter:
return(, c(list(formula = formula, control = control),
} else {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to lme4::glmer():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Call the submodel fitter:
return(, c(list(formula = formula, family = family,
control = control),
}, error = function(e) {
if (grepl("No random effects", as.character(e))) {
# This case should not occur anymore (because divmin() should pick the
# correct submodel fitter based on the submodel's formula), but leave it
# here in case user-specified divergence minimizers make use of it.
glm_fitter <- get(getOption("projpred.glm_fitter",
mode = "function")
formula = formula, family = family, ...
} else if (grepl("not positive definite", as.character(e))) {
if ("optimx" %in% control$optimizer &&
length(control$optCtrl$method) > 0 &&
control$optCtrl$method == "nlminb") {
stop("Encountering the `not positive definite` error while running ",
"the lme4 fitting procedure, but cannot fix this automatically ",
"anymore. You will probably have to tweak lme4 tuning parameters ",
"manually (via `...`).")
if (!requireNamespace("optimx", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Trying to fix an lme4 error with the help of an optimx ",
"optimizer, but cannot find the optimx package. Please install ",
"it to be able to try this fix.")
formula = formula,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
family = family,
control = control_callback(family,
optimizer = "optimx",
optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb")),
} else if (grepl("PIRLS", as.character(e))) {
if (length(dot_args$nAGQ) > 0) {
nAGQ_new <- dot_args$nAGQ + 1L
} else {
nAGQ_new <- 20L
if (nAGQ_new > 30L) {
stop("Encountering a PIRLS error while running the lme4 fitting ",
"procedure, but cannot fix this automatically anymore. You will ",
"probably have to tweak lme4 tuning parameters manually (via ",
formula = formula,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
family = family,
control = control,
nAGQ = nAGQ_new,
} else if (grepl("pwrssUpdate did not converge in \\(maxit\\) iterations",
as.character(e))) {
tolPwrss_new <- 10 * control$tolPwrss
optCtrl_new <- list()
if (length(control$optimizer) == 0) {
stop("Unexpected length of `control$optimizer`. Please notify the ",
"package maintainer.")
if (any(control$optimizer %in% c("Nelder_Mead", "bobyqa"))) {
if (length(control$optCtrl$maxfun) > 0) {
maxfun_new <- 10 * control$optCtrl$maxfun
} else {
maxfun_new <- 1e4
optCtrl_new <- c(optCtrl_new, list(maxfun = maxfun_new))
if (any(!control$optimizer %in% c("Nelder_Mead", "bobyqa"))) {
if (length(control$optCtrl$maxit) > 0) {
maxit_new <- 10 * control$optCtrl$maxit
} else {
maxit_new <- 1e4
optCtrl_new <- c(optCtrl_new, list(maxit = maxit_new))
if (tolPwrss_new > 1e-4 &&
(optCtrl_new$maxfun %||% -Inf > 1e7 ||
optCtrl_new$maxit %||% -Inf > 1e7)) {
stop("Encountering the ",
"`pwrssUpdate did not converge in (maxit) iterations` error ",
"while running the lme4 fitting procedure, but cannot fix this ",
"automatically anymore. You will probably have to tweak lme4 ",
"tuning parameters manually (via `...`).")
formula = formula,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
family = family,
control = control_callback(family, tolPwrss = tolPwrss_new,
optCtrl = optCtrl_new),
} else if (getOption("projpred.PQL", FALSE) &&
grepl("iteration limit reached without convergence",
as.character(e))) {
if (length(control$msMaxIter) > 0 && control$msMaxIter >= 100) {
stop("Encountering the `iteration limit reached without convergence` ",
"error while running the MASS::glmmPQL() fitting procedure, but ",
"cannot fix this automatically anymore. You will probably have ",
"to tweak MASS::glmmPQL() tuning parameters manually (via `...`).")
formula = formula,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
family = family,
control = control_callback(msMaxIter = 100),
} else if (getOption("projpred.PQL", FALSE) &&
grepl("false convergence", as.character(e))) {
if (length(control$niterEM) > 0 && control$niterEM >= 50) {
stop("Encountering the `false convergence` ",
"error while running the MASS::glmmPQL() fitting procedure, but ",
"cannot fix this automatically anymore. You will probably have ",
"to tweak MASS::glmmPQL() tuning parameters manually (via `...`).")
formula = formula,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
family = family,
control = control_callback(niterEM = 50),
} else if (getOption("projpred.PQL", FALSE) &&
grepl("fewer observations than random effects",
as.character(e))) {
if (length(control$ > 0 && isTRUE(control$ {
stop("Encountering the `fewer observations than random effects` ",
"error while running the MASS::glmmPQL() fitting procedure, but ",
"cannot fix this automatically anymore. You will probably have ",
"to tweak MASS::glmmPQL() tuning parameters manually (via `...`).")
formula = formula,
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
family = family,
control = control_callback( = TRUE),
} else {
# Helper function for fit_glmer_callback() and fit_gamm_callback() to get the
# appropriate control options depending on the family:
control_callback <- function(family, ...) {
if (getOption("projpred.PQL", FALSE)) {
} else if (family$family == "gaussian" && family$link == "identity" &&
getOption("projpred.gaussian_not_as_generalized", TRUE)) {
} else {
## Augmented-data projection ----------------------------------------------
# Needed to avoid a NOTE in `R CMD check`:
if (getRversion() >= package_version("2.15.1")) {
divmin_augdat <- function(
verbose_divmin = getOption("projpred.verbose_project", FALSE),
throw_warn_sdivmin = getOption("projpred.warn_prj_drawwise", TRUE),
do_check_conv = getOption("projpred.check_conv", TRUE),
) {
trms_all <- extract_terms_response(formula)
has_grp <- length(trms_all$group_terms) > 0
projpred_formula_no_random <- NA
projpred_random <- NA
if (family$family == "binomial") {
# Switch back to the traditionally extended binomial family (so that the
# original link and inverse-link functions are used, for example):
family <- extend_family(
get(family$family, mode = "function")(link = family$link)
if (!has_grp) {
sdivmin <- get(getOption("projpred.glm_fitter", "fit_glm_ridge_callback"),
mode = "function")
if (getOption("projpred.glm_fitter", "fit_glm_ridge_callback") ==
"fit_glm_ridge_callback") {
# glm_ridge() cannot handle `factor` responses:
response_name <- extract_terms_response(formula)$response
data[[response_name]] <- as.integer(data[[response_name]]) - 1L
} else {
sdivmin <- fit_glmer_callback
if (getOption("projpred.PQL", FALSE)) {
formula_random <- split_formula_random_gamm4(formula)
projpred_formula_no_random <- formula_random$formula
projpred_random <- formula_random$random
} else if (family$family %in% c("cumulative", "cumulative_rstanarm")) {
if (!has_grp) {
sdivmin <- fit_cumul
} else {
sdivmin <- fit_cumul_mlvl
} else if (family$family == "categorical") {
if (!has_grp) {
sdivmin <- fit_categ
} else {
sdivmin <- fit_categ_mlvl
formula_random <- split_formula_random_gamm4(formula)
projpred_formula_no_random <- formula_random$formula
projpred_random <- formula_random$random
} else {
stop("Family `", family$family, "` is not supported by divmin_augdat().")
# Coerce augmented-data matrices to ordinary matrices and augmented-length
# vectors to ordinary vectors so that external packages may subset as usual:
projpred_ws_aug <- unclass(projpred_ws_aug)
attr(projpred_ws_aug, "ndiscrete") <- NULL
if (ncol(projpred_ws_aug) < getOption("projpred.prll_prj_trigger", Inf)) {
# Sequential case. Actually, we could simply use ``%do_projpred%` <-
# foreach::`%do%`` here and then proceed as in the parallel case, but that
# would require adding more "hard" dependencies (because packages 'foreach'
# and 'iterators' would have to be moved from `Suggests:` to `Imports:`).
if (verbose_divmin) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncol(projpred_ws_aug),
style = 3, initial = 0)
outdmin <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(projpred_ws_aug)), function(s) {
if (verbose_divmin) {
on.exit(utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, s))
mssgs_warns_capt <- capt_mssgs_warns(
soutdmin <- sdivmin(
formula = formula,
data = data,
family = family,
weights = projpred_ws_aug[, s],
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random,
return(nlist(soutdmin, mssgs_warns_capt))
} else {
# Parallel case.
if (!requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Please install the 'foreach' package.")
if (!requireNamespace("iterators", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Please install the 'iterators' package.")
dot_args <- list(...)
`%do_projpred%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
outdmin <- foreach::foreach(
projpred_w_aug_s = iterators::iter(projpred_ws_aug, by = "column"),
.export = c(
"sdivmin", "formula", "data", "family", "projpred_formula_no_random",
"projpred_random", "dot_args"
.noexport = c(
"object", "p_sel", "search_path", "p_ref", "refmodel", "projpred_var",
"projpred_ws_aug", "linkobjs"
) %do_projpred% {
mssgs_warns_capt <- capt_mssgs_warns(
soutdmin <-
c(list(formula = formula,
data = data,
family = family,
weights = as.vector(projpred_w_aug_s),
projpred_formula_no_random = projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random = projpred_random),
return(nlist(soutdmin, mssgs_warns_capt))
mssgs_warns_capts <- lapply(outdmin, "[[", "mssgs_warns_capt")
outdmin <- lapply(outdmin, "[[", "soutdmin")
mssgs_warns_capts <- lapply(mssgs_warns_capts, function(mssgs_warns_capt) {
# Filter out some warnings.
mssgs_warns_capt <- setdiff(mssgs_warns_capt, "")
mssgs_warns_capt <- grep("Warning in [^:]*:$",
mssgs_warns_capt, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
# For MASS::polr():
mssgs_warns_capt <- grep("non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!$",
mssgs_warns_capt, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
# For ordinal::clmm():
mssgs_warns_capt <- grep(paste("Using formula\\(x\\) is deprecated when x",
"is a character vector of length > 1\\.$"),
mssgs_warns_capt, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
# For ordinal::clmm():
mssgs_warns_capt <- grep(
"Consider formula\\(paste\\(x, collapse = .*\\)\\) instead\\.$",
mssgs_warns_capt, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE
warn_prj_drawwise(mssgs_warns_capts, throw_warn = throw_warn_sdivmin)
check_conv(outdmin, lengths(mssgs_warns_capts), do_check = do_check_conv)
# Use MASS::polr() to fit submodels for the brms::cumulative() family:
fit_cumul <- function(formula, data, family, weights, ...) {
# Argument `weights` of MASS::polr() expects a column name (as a symbol):
if ("projpred_internal_w_aug" %in% names(data)) {
stop("Need to write to column `projpred_internal_w_aug` of `data`, but ",
"that column already exists. Please rename this column in `data` and ",
"try again.")
stopifnot(length(weights) == nrow(data))
data$projpred_internal_w_aug <- weights
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to MASS::polr():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Adapt `link`:
link_nm <- family$link
if (link_nm == "logit") {
link_nm <- "logistic"
} else if (link_nm == "probit_approx") {
link_nm <- "probit"
# Call the submodel fitter:
fitobj <- try(, c(
list(formula = formula,
data = data,
weights = quote(projpred_internal_w_aug),
model = FALSE,
method = link_nm),
)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fitobj, "try-error") &&
grepl(paste("initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite",
"attempt to find suitable starting values failed",
sep = "|"),
attr(fitobj, "condition")$message)) {
# Try to fix this automatically by specifying `start` values (the check for
# the intercept being present is just performed to show that *by
# construction*, we expect an intercept here; later code might be general
# enough to deal with a missing intercept, but that's not the point).
stopifnot(attr(terms(formula), "intercept") == 1)
ncoefs <- ncol(model.matrix(formula, data = data)) -
attr(terms(formula), "intercept")
start_coefs <- rep(0, ncoefs)
ncats <- length(unique(eval_lhs(formula = formula, data = data)))
nthres <- ncats - 1L
# Start with thresholds which imply equal probabilities for the response
# categories:
start_thres <- linkfun_raw(seq_len(nthres) / ncats, link_nm = link_nm)
fitobj <-, c(
list(formula = formula,
data = data,
weights = quote(projpred_internal_w_aug),
model = FALSE,
method = link_nm,
start = c(start_coefs, start_thres)),
} else if (inherits(fitobj, "try-error")) {
stop(attr(fitobj, "condition")$message)
# Use ordinal::clmm() to fit multilevel submodels for the brms::cumulative()
# family:
fit_cumul_mlvl <- function(formula, data, family, weights, ...) {
# Argument `weights` of ordinal::clmm() expects a column name (as a symbol):
if ("projpred_internal_w_aug" %in% names(data)) {
stop("Need to write to column `projpred_internal_w_aug` of `data`, but ",
"that column already exists. Please rename this column in `data` and ",
"try again.")
stopifnot(length(weights) == nrow(data))
data$projpred_internal_w_aug <- weights
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to ordinal::clmm():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
if (requireNamespace("ucminf", quietly = TRUE)) {
} else {
# Since ordinal::clmm() sometimes seems to have issues with formulas lacking
# an intercept, add it here (note that this is a quite "hacky" solution;
# perhaps reformulate() could be used instead):
stopifnot(attr(terms(formula), "intercept") == 1)
formula[[3]] <- str2lang(paste0("1 + ", as.character(formula)[[3]]))
# Adapt `link`:
link_nm <- family$link
if (link_nm == "probit_approx") {
link_nm <- "probit"
# Call the submodel fitter:
fitobj <-, c(
list(formula = formula,
data = data,
weights = quote(projpred_internal_w_aug),
contrasts = NULL,
Hess = FALSE,
model = FALSE,
link = link_nm),
# Needed for the ordinal:::predict.clm() workaround (the value `"negative"` is
# the default, see `?ordinal::clm.control`):
fitobj$control$sign.location <- "negative"
# Use nnet::multinom() to fit submodels for the brms::categorical() family:
fit_categ <- function(formula, data, family, weights, ...) {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to nnet::multinom():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Adapt `link`:
link_nm <- family$link
if (link_nm != "logit") {
stop("For the brms::categorical() family, projpred only supports the ",
"logit link.")
# Handle offsets (but note that currently, offsets in the submodel fitter are
# unexpected; this case could only occur in `test_div_minimizer.R`):
trms <- terms(formula, data = data)
offs_attr <- attr(trms, "offset")
if (length(offs_attr)) {
mfr <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)
offs_obj <- model.offset(mfr)
if (is.null(dim(offs_obj))) {
# Recycle the vector of offsets to a matrix with number of columns equal
# to the number of response categories:
resp_vec <- model.response(mfr)
ncats <- length(unique(resp_vec))
offs_mat <- matrix(offs_obj, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = ncats)
offs_nm <- as.character(attr(trms, "variables")[[offs_attr + 1L]][[2]])
data[[offs_nm]] <- offs_mat
# Call the submodel fitter:
out_capt <- utils::capture.output(
fitobj <-, c(
list(formula = formula,
data = data,
weights = weights),
if (utils::tail(out_capt, 1) != "converged") {
"Could not find the string \"converged\" at the end of the `stdout` ",
"output from the nnet::multinom() submodel fit, so perhaps this fitting ",
"procedure did not converge."
# Use mclogit::mblogit() to fit multilevel submodels for the brms::categorical()
# family:
fit_categ_mlvl <- function(formula, projpred_formula_no_random,
projpred_random, data, family, weights, ...) {
# Exclude arguments from `...` which cannot be passed to mclogit::mblogit():
dot_args <- list(...)
dot_args <- dot_args[intersect(
# Adapt `link`:
link_nm <- family$link
if (link_nm != "logit") {
stop("For the brms::categorical() family, projpred only supports the ",
"logit link.")
# Handle offsets (but note that currently, offsets in the submodel fitter are
# unexpected; this case could only occur in `test_div_minimizer.R`):
trms <- terms(projpred_formula_no_random, data = data)
offs_attr <- attr(trms, "offset")
if (length(offs_attr)) {
# It is not clear whether mclogit::mblogit() supports offsets correctly (but
# currently, offsets are unexpected here anyway):
warning("Offsets for a multilevel submodel of a brms::categorical() ",
"reference model are currently experimental.")
mfr <- model.frame(formula = projpred_formula_no_random, data = data)
offs_obj <- model.offset(mfr)
if (is.null(dim(offs_obj))) {
# Recycle the vector of offsets to a matrix with number of columns equal
# to the number of response categories:
resp_vec <- model.response(mfr)
ncats <- length(unique(resp_vec))
offs_mat <- matrix(offs_obj, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = ncats)
offs_nm <- as.character(attr(trms, "variables")[[offs_attr + 1L]][[2]])
data[[offs_nm]] <- offs_mat
# Strip parentheses from group-level terms:
random_trms <- labels(terms(projpred_random))
if (utils::packageVersion("mclogit") < "0.9" && length(random_trms) > 1) {
stop("'mclogit' versions < 0.9 can only handle a single group-level term.")
random_fmls <- lapply(random_trms, function(random_trm) {
as.formula(paste("~", random_trm))
if (length(random_fmls) == 1) {
random_fmls <- random_fmls[[1]]
# Call the submodel fitter:
out_capt <- utils::capture.output(
fitobj <-, c(
list(formula = projpred_formula_no_random,
data = data,
random = random_fmls,
weights = weights,
model = FALSE,
x = FALSE,
y = FALSE,
method = "PQL"),
if (utils::tail(out_capt, 1) != "converged") {
"Could not find the string \"converged\" at the end of the `stdout` ",
"output from the mclogit::mblogit() submodel fit, so perhaps this ",
"fitting procedure did not converge."
# Convergence issues ------------------------------------------------------
# Throw unique messages and warnings from a list of messages and warnings
# retrieved during draw-wise projections:
warn_prj_drawwise <- function(mssgs_warns_capts, throw_warn = TRUE) {
if (!throw_warn) return()
mssgs_warns_capts_unq <- unique(unlist(mssgs_warns_capts))
if (length(mssgs_warns_capts_unq) > 0) {
c(paste0("The following messages and/or warnings have been thrown by ",
"the current submodel fitter (i.e., the current draw-wise ",
"divergence minimizer):"),
"---", mssgs_warns_capts_unq, "---"),
collapse = "\n"
# Check the convergence of the submodel fits from a whole `outdmin` object, also
# taking into account whether messages and warnings were thrown (indicated by
# argument `lengths_mssgs_warns` which must be of the same length as `outdmin`):
check_conv <- function(outdmin, lengths_mssgs_warns, do_check = TRUE) {
if (!do_check) return()
is_conv <- tryCatch(
unlist(lapply(outdmin, check_conv_s)),
error = function(e) {
warning("The draw-wise convergence checker errored with message \n```\n",
e, "```\nso the convergence of the current submodel fits cannot ",
"be checked. Please notify the package maintainer. Current ",
"submodel formula (right-hand side): ",
update(formula(outdmin[[1]]), NULL ~ .))
return(rep(TRUE, length(outdmin)))
is_conv <- is_conv & (lengths_mssgs_warns == 0)
not_conv <- sum(!is_conv)
if (not_conv > 0) {
if (getOption("projpred.additional_checks", FALSE)) {
cls <- unique(lapply(outdmin, class))
stopifnot(length(cls) == 1)
cls <- cls[[1]]
} else {
cls <- class(outdmin[[1]])
cls <- paste0("c(", paste(paste0("\"", cls, "\""), collapse = ", "), ")")
not_conv, " out of ", length(is_conv), " submodel fits (there is one ",
"submodel fit per projected draw) might not have converged ",
"(appropriately). It is recommended to inspect this in detail and (if ",
"necessary) to adjust tuning parameters via `...` (the ellipsis of the ",
"employed top-level function such as project(), varsel(), or ",
"cv_varsel()) or via a custom `div_minimizer` function (an argument of ",
"init_refmodel()). In the present case, the submodel fits are of ",
"class(es) `", cls, "`. Documentation for corresponding tuning ",
"parameters is linked in section \"Draw-wise divergence minimizers\" of ",
"`` ?`projpred-package` ``. Current submodel formula (right-hand side): ",
update(formula(outdmin[[1]]), NULL ~ .)
# Helper function for checking the convergence of a single submodel fit (not of
# a whole `outdmin` object):
check_conv_s <- function(fit_s) {
if (inherits(fit_s, "mmblogit")) {
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "multinom")) {
return(fit_s$convergence == 0)
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "clmm")) {
return(fit_s$optRes$convergence == 0)
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "polr")) {
return(fit_s$convergence == 0)
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "gam")) {
# TODO (GAMs): Is this correct?:
return(fit_s$converged && fit_s$mgcv.conv$fully.converged %||% TRUE)
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "gamm4")) {
# TODO (GAMMs): I couldn't find any convergence-related information in
# element `fit_s$gam`, so the GAM part is currently not checked for
# convergence. For now, all we can check is the GLMM part from element
# `fit_s$mer`:
} else if (inherits(fit_s, c("lmerMod", "glmerMod"))) {
# The following was inferred from the source code of lme4::checkConv() and
# lme4::.prt.warn() (see also `?lme4::mkMerMod`).
return(fit_s@optinfo$conv$opt == 0 && (
# Since lme4::.prt.warn() does not refer to `optinfo$conv$lme4$code`,
# that element might not always exist:
(!is.null(fit_s@optinfo$conv$lme4$code) &&
all(fit_s@optinfo$conv$lme4$code == 0)) ||
) && length(unlist(fit_s@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)) == 0 &&
length(fit_s@optinfo$warnings) == 0)
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "glm")) {
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "lm")) {
# There doesn't seem to be a better way to check for convergence other than
# checking `NA` coefficients:
} else if (inherits(fit_s, "subfit")) {
# For a submodel of class `subfit`, non-convergence is only indicated by
# output written to the console (which is converted to a warning in
# fit_glm_ridge_callback() and then checked in check_conv()), so we need to
# return `TRUE` here:
} else {
warning("Unrecognized submodel fit. Please notify the package maintainer.")
# Prediction functions for submodels --------------------------------------
subprd <- function(fits, newdata) {
prd_list <- lapply(fits, function(fit) {
is_glmmPQL <- inherits(fit, "glmmPQL")
is_glmm <- inherits(fit, c("lmerMod", "glmerMod"))
is_gam_gamm <- inherits(fit, c("gam", "gamm4"))
if (is_gam_gamm && !is.null(newdata)) {
newdata <- cbind(`(Intercept)` = rep(1, NROW(newdata)), newdata)
if (is_glmmPQL) {
### TODO (glmmPQL): Remove this as soon as a repair_re.glmmPQL() method
### has been added:
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
has_new_grps <- sapply(names(fit$groups), function(grp_nm) {
any(!unique(newdata[[grp_nm]]) %in% unique(fit$groups[[grp_nm]]))
if (any(has_new_grps)) {
stop("Under construction (a repair_re.glmmPQL() method needs to be ",
"added to projpred.")
if ("projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL" %in% names(fit$data) &&
!is.null(newdata)) {
if ("projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL" %in% names(newdata)) {
stop("Need to write to column `projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL` of ",
"`newdata`, but that column already exists. Please rename this ",
"column in `newdata` and try again.")
newdata$projpred_internal_dummy1s_PQL <- factor(1)
predict(fit, newdata = newdata)
### TODO (glmmPQL): Add a repair_re.glmmPQL() method for this:
# predict(fit, newdata = newdata, level = 0) +
# repair_re(fit, newdata = newdata)
} else if (is_glmm) {
if (getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
re_fml_predict <- ~0
} else {
re_fml_predict <- NULL
predict(fit, newdata = newdata, re.form = re_fml_predict, = TRUE) +
repair_re(fit, newdata = newdata)
} else {
return(predict(fit, newdata = newdata))
return(, prd_list))
subprd_augdat <- function(fits, newdata) {
if (inherits(fits[[1]], "clmm")) {
y_nm <- extract_terms_response(formula(fits[[1]]))$response
prd_list <- lapply(fits, function(fit) {
# Basic predictions (if possible, these should be already on link scale; if
# this is not possible, the transformation to link scale has to follow):
if (inherits(fit, "polr")) {
prbs <- predict(fit, newdata = newdata, type = "probs")
if (nrow(newdata) == 1) {
prbs <- t(prbs)
link_nm <- fit$method
} else if (inherits(fit, "clmm")) {
# A predict() method for objects of class `clmm` does not seem to exist,
# so use a workaround based on ordinal:::predict.clm().
# Note: There is also `type = "linear.predictor"`, but that returns the
# predictions for each j and j - 1 (with j = 1, ..., C_cat indexing the
# response categories), so performs redundant calculations.
prbs <- predict(structure(fit, class = c(oldClass(fit), "clm")),
# Remove the response so ordinal:::predict.clm() returns
# predictions for *all* response categories:
newdata = within(newdata, assign(y_nm, NULL)),
type = "prob")$fit
link_nm <- fit$link
} else if (inherits(fit, "multinom")) {
prbs <- predict(fit, newdata = newdata, type = "probs")
if (nrow(newdata) == 1) {
prbs <- t(prbs)
} else if (inherits(fit, "mmblogit")) {
# Note: `conditional = FALSE` is used here because
# mclogit:::predict.mmblogit() doesn't work for new group levels. Instead,
# repair_re() handles both, existing and new group levels.
lpreds <- predict(fit, newdata = newdata, conditional = FALSE) +
repair_re(fit, newdata = newdata)
} else {
stop("Unknown `fit`.")
# Where necessary, transform probabilities to link scale (i.e., to linear
# predictors):
if (inherits(fit, c("polr", "clmm"))) {
prbs <-, apply(prbs, 1, cumsum, simplify = FALSE))
prbs <- prbs[, -ncol(prbs), drop = FALSE]
lpreds <- linkfun_raw(prbs, link_nm = link_nm)
if (inherits(fit, "clmm")) {
lpreds <- lpreds + repair_re(fit, newdata = newdata)
} else if (inherits(fit, "multinom")) {
lpreds <- log(sweep(prbs[, -1, drop = FALSE], 1, prbs[, 1], "/"))
return(, list(prd_list, rev.along = 0)))
subprd_augdat_binom <- function(fits, newdata) {
augprd <- subprd(fits, newdata = newdata)
return(array(augprd, dim = c(nrow(augprd), 1L, ncol(augprd))))
## FIXME: find a way that allows us to remove this
predict.subfit <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
beta <- object$beta
alpha <- object$alpha
if (is.null(newdata)) {
if (is.null(beta)) {
return(as.matrix(rep(alpha, nrow(object$x))))
} else {
return(cbind(1, object$x) %*% rbind(alpha, beta))
} else {
if (is.null(beta)) {
return(as.matrix(rep(alpha, nrow(newdata))))
} else {
# TODO: In the following model.matrix() call, allow user-specified
# contrasts to be passed to argument `contrasts.arg`. The `contrasts.arg`
# default (`NULL`) uses `options("contrasts")` internally, but it might be
# more convenient to let users specify contrasts directly. At that
# occasion, contrasts should also be tested thoroughly (not done until
# now).
x <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(object$formula)), data = newdata,
xlev = object$xlvls)
# Need to ensure that the columns of `x` match the coefficients (note that
# `rownames(beta)` is the same as `colnames(object$x)`, see the tests):
nms_to_use <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(object$x))
nms_to_use <- reorder_ias(nms_to_use, colnames(x))
if (all(! && all(nms_to_use %in% colnames(x))) {
x <- x[, nms_to_use, drop = FALSE]
} else {
stop("The column names of the new model matrix don't match the ",
"column names of the original model matrix. Please notify the ",
"package maintainer.")
return(x %*% rbind(alpha, beta))
predict.gamm4 <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(newdata)) {
newdata <- model.frame(object$mer)
formula <- object$formula
random <- object$random
gamm_struct <- model.matrix_gamm4(delete.response(terms(formula)),
random = random, data = newdata)
ranef <- lme4::ranef(object$mer) # TODO (GAMMs): Add `, condVar = FALSE` here?
b <- gamm_struct$b
mf <- gamm_struct$mf
## base pred only smooth and fixed effects
gamm_pred <- predict(object$mer, newdata = mf, re.form = NA)
## gamm4 trick to replace dummy smooth variables with actual smooth terms
sn <- names(ranef)
tn <- names(b$reTrms$cnms)
ind <- seq_along(tn)
for (i in seq_along(tn)) { ## loop through random effect smooths
k <- ind[sn[i] == tn] ## which term should contain G$random[[i]]
ii <- (b$reTrms$Gp[k] + 1):b$reTrms$Gp[k + 1]
r_pred <- t(as.matrix(b$reTrms$Zt[ii, ])) %*%
gamm_pred <- gamm_pred + r_pred
## Random-effects adjustments ---------------------------------------------
empty_intersection <- function(x, el_nm = "new") {
length(intersect(x[[1]][[el_nm]], x[[2]][[el_nm]])) == 0
# License/copyright notice: mkNewReTrms_man() is strongly based on (i.e., it was
# only slightly modified from) lme4::mkNewReTrms() from lme4 version 1.1-28 (see
# <>).
# The copyright statement for lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# Copyright (C) 2003-2022 The LME4 Authors (see
# <>).
# The license of lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# "GPL (>=2)" (see <>).
mkNewReTrms_man <- function(re.form, newdata, xlevels, re, D = NULL) {
tt <- terms(lme4::subbars(re.form))
rfd <- suppressWarnings(
model.frame(tt, newdata, na.action = na.pass, xlev = xlevels)
ReTrms <- lme4::mkReTrms(lme4::findbars(re.form[[2]]), rfd) <- names(re)
nRnms <- names(Rcnms <- ReTrms$cnms)
if (!all(nRnms %in% {
stop("grouping factors specified in re.form that were not present in ",
"original model")
if (!is.null(D)) {
# categorical() case
Zt_old_rnms <- rownames(ReTrms$Zt)
ReTrms$Zt <- as(as.matrix(ReTrms$Zt %x% t(D[-1, , drop = FALSE])),
rownames(ReTrms$Zt) <- rep(Zt_old_rnms, each = ncol(D))
for (vnm in nRnms) {
ReTrms$cnms[[vnm]] <- names(re[[vnm]])
Rcnms <- ReTrms$cnms
new_levels <- lapply(ReTrms$flist, function(x) levels(factor(x)))
re_x <- Map(
function(r, n) {
("lme4" %:::% "levelfun")(r, n, = TRUE)
get_re <- function(rname, cnms) {
nms <- names(re[[rname]])
miss_names <- setdiff(cnms, nms)
if (length(miss_names) > 0) {
stop("random effects specified in re.form that were not present in ",
"original model ", paste(miss_names, collapse = ", "))
t(re_x[[rname]][, cnms])
re_new <- unlist(Map(get_re, nRnms, Rcnms))
Zt <- ReTrms$Zt
attr(Zt, "na.action") <- attr(re_new, "na.action") <- NULL
list(Zt = Zt, b = re_new)
repair_re <- function(object, newdata) {
# For objects of class `merMod`, the following repair_re() method will draw the
# random effects for new group levels from a (multivariate) Gaussian
# distribution, but option `projpred.mlvl_pred_new` determines whether existing
# group levels are also considered as new group levels.
# License/copyright notice: repair_re.merMod() is inspired by and uses code
# snippets from lme4:::predict.merMod() from lme4 version 1.1-28 (see
# <>). See the `LICENSE` file in
# projpred's root directory for details.
# The copyright statement for lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# Copyright (C) 2003-2022 The LME4 Authors (see
# <>).
# The license of lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# "GPL (>=2)" (see <>).
#' @noRd
#' @export
repair_re.merMod <- function(object, newdata) {
ranef_tmp <- lme4::ranef(object, condVar = FALSE)
vnms <- names(ranef_tmp)
lvls_list <- lapply(setNames(nm = vnms), function(vnm) {
from_fit <- rownames(ranef_tmp[[vnm]])
if (!vnm %in% names(newdata)) {
for (special_char in c("/", ":")) {
if (any(grepl(paste0("\\|.+", special_char),
labels(terms(formula(object)))))) {
if (special_char == "/") {
add_hint <- paste0(
" implied by the `", special_char, "` syntax (see lme4 vignette ",
"\"Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4\", Table 2)"
} else {
add_hint <- ""
stop("The `", special_char, "` syntax for grouping variables is ",
"currently not supported. Please write out (i.e., create ",
"corresponding columns in the dataset manually and then adapt ",
"the model formula) interaction terms", add_hint, ".")
stop("Could not find column `", vnm, "` in `newdata`.")
from_new <- unique(newdata[, vnm])
if (is.factor(from_new)) {
# Strictly speaking, this is not necessary (currently), but include it for
# safety reasons, in case downstream code is changed in the future (or in
# case the behavior of `factor`s in R is changed in general):
from_new <- as.character(from_new)
list(comb = union(from_fit, from_new),
exist = intersect(from_new, from_fit),
new = from_new)
# In case of duplicated levels across group variables, later code would have
# to be adapted:
if (getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
el_nm_mer <- "new"
} else {
el_nm_mer <- "comb"
if (length(lvls_list) >= 2 &&
!all(utils::combn(lvls_list, 2, empty_intersection, el_nm = el_nm_mer))) {
stop("Currently, projpred requires all variables with group-level effects ",
"to have disjoint level sets.")
re_fml <- ("lme4" %:::% "reOnly")(formula(object))
# Note: Calling lme4::mkNewReTrms() with `re.form = NULL` fails.
ranefs_prep <- lme4::mkNewReTrms(object,
newdata = newdata,
re.form = re_fml, = TRUE)
names(ranefs_prep$b) <- rownames(ranefs_prep$Zt)
VarCorr_tmp <- lme4::VarCorr(object)
for (vnm in vnms) {
lvls_new <- lvls_list[[vnm]]$new
if (!getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
lvls_exist <- lvls_list[[vnm]]$exist
lvls_new <- setdiff(lvls_new, lvls_exist)
ranefs_prep$b[names(ranefs_prep$b) %in% lvls_exist] <- 0
if (length(lvls_new) > 0) {
ranefs_prep$b[names(ranefs_prep$b) %in% lvls_new] <- t(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(
n = length(lvls_new),
# Add `[, , drop = FALSE]` to drop attributes:
sigma = VarCorr_tmp[[vnm]][, , drop = FALSE],
checkSymmetry = FALSE
return(drop(as(ranefs_prep$b %*% ranefs_prep$Zt, "matrix")))
# For objects of class `clmm`, the following repair_re() method will re-use the
# estimated random effects for existing group levels and will draw the random
# effects for new group levels from a (multivariate) Gaussian distribution, but
# option `projpred.mlvl_pred_new` determines whether existing group levels are
# also considered as new group levels.
# License/copyright notice: repair_re.clmm() is inspired by and uses code
# snippets from lme4:::predict.merMod() from lme4 version 1.1-28 (see
# <>). See the `LICENSE` file in
# projpred's root directory for details.
# The copyright statement for lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# Copyright (C) 2003-2022 The LME4 Authors (see
# <>).
# The license of lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# "GPL (>=2)" (see <>).
#' @noRd
#' @export
repair_re.clmm <- function(object, newdata) {
ranef_tmp <- ordinal::ranef(object)
vnms <- names(ranef_tmp)
lvls_list <- lapply(setNames(nm = vnms), function(vnm) {
from_fit <- rownames(ranef_tmp[[vnm]])
if (!vnm %in% names(newdata)) {
for (special_char in c("/", ":")) {
if (any(grepl(paste0("\\|.+", special_char),
labels(terms(formula(object)))))) {
if (special_char == "/") {
add_hint <- paste0(
" implied by the `", special_char, "` syntax (see lme4 vignette ",
"\"Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4\", Table 2)"
} else {
add_hint <- ""
stop("The `", special_char, "` syntax for grouping variables is ",
"currently not supported. Please write out (i.e., create ",
"corresponding columns in the dataset manually and then adapt ",
"the model formula) interaction terms", add_hint, ".")
stop("Could not find column `", vnm, "` in `newdata`.")
from_new <- unique(newdata[, vnm])
if (is.factor(from_new)) {
# Strictly speaking, this is not necessary (currently), but include it for
# safety reasons, in case downstream code is changed in the future (or in
# case the behavior of `factor`s in R is changed in general):
from_new <- as.character(from_new)
list(comb = union(from_fit, from_new),
exist = intersect(from_new, from_fit),
new = from_new)
# In case of duplicated levels across group variables, later code would have
# to be adapted:
if (length(lvls_list) >= 2 &&
!all(utils::combn(lvls_list, 2, empty_intersection))) {
stop("Currently, projpred requires all variables with group-level effects ",
"to have disjoint level sets.")
re_fml <- ("lme4" %:::% "reOnly")(formula(object))
ranefs_prep <- mkNewReTrms_man(re.form = re_fml,
newdata = newdata,
xlevels = c(lapply(lvls_list, "[[", "comb"),
re = ranef_tmp)
names(ranefs_prep$b) <- rownames(ranefs_prep$Zt)
VarCorr_tmp <- ordinal::VarCorr(object)
for (vnm in vnms) {
lvls_new <- lvls_list[[vnm]]$new
if (!getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
lvls_exist <- lvls_list[[vnm]]$exist
lvls_new <- setdiff(lvls_new, lvls_exist)
if (length(lvls_new) > 0) {
ranefs_prep$b[names(ranefs_prep$b) %in% lvls_new] <- t(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(
n = length(lvls_new),
# Add `[, , drop = FALSE]` to drop attributes:
sigma = VarCorr_tmp[[vnm]][, , drop = FALSE],
checkSymmetry = FALSE
return(-drop(as(ranefs_prep$b %*% ranefs_prep$Zt, "matrix")))
# For objects of class `mmblogit`, the following repair_re() method will re-use
# the estimated random effects for existing group levels and will draw the
# random effects for new group levels from a (multivariate) Gaussian
# distribution, but option `projpred.mlvl_pred_new` determines whether existing
# group levels are also considered as new group levels.
# License/copyright notice: repair_re.mmblogit() is inspired by and uses code
# snippets from lme4:::predict.merMod() from lme4 version 1.1-28 (see
# <>). See the `LICENSE` file in
# projpred's root directory for details.
# The copyright statement for lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# Copyright (C) 2003-2022 The LME4 Authors (see
# <>).
# The license of lme4 version 1.1-28 is:
# "GPL (>=2)" (see <>).
#' @noRd
#' @export
repair_re.mmblogit <- function(object, newdata) {
vnms <- names(object$groups)
stopifnot(length(vnms) == length(object$random.effects))
if (utils::packageVersion("mclogit") < "0.9") {
stopifnot(length(vnms) == 1)
} else if (length(vnms) < length(object$random)) {
stop("The length of `<mmblogit_object>$random` is greater than that of ",
"`vnms = c(\"", paste(vnms, collapse = "\", \""), "\")`.")
# The number of latent response categories:
nlats <- ncol(object$D)
# Coerce the random effects into the same format as the output of ranef() from
# packages 'lme4' and 'ordinal':
ranef_tmp <- lapply(
setNames(seq_along(object$random.effects), vnms),
function(grp_idx) {
if (utils::packageVersion("mclogit") < "0.9") {
obj_rand <- object$random
VarCov_idx <- 1
} else {
if (length(object$random) < grp_idx) {
stop("Unexpected length of `<mmblogit_object>$random`.")
obj_rand <- object$random[[grp_idx]]
VarCov_idx <- vnms[grp_idx]
if (length(obj_rand$groups) > 1) {
stop("It seems like you fitted a model with a nested group-level ",
"term. Currently, these are not supported.")
# The number of "random slopes", including the intercept (the intercept is
# the reason for `+ 1L`):
ncoefs <- length(all.vars(obj_rand$formula)) + 1L
# The coercion itself:
ranef_i <- matrix(
nrow = nlats * ncoefs,
ncol = nlevels(object$groups[[vnms[grp_idx]]]),
dimnames = list(colnames(object$VarCov[[VarCov_idx]]),
lvls_list <- lapply(setNames(nm = vnms), function(vnm) {
from_fit <- levels(object$groups[[vnm]])
if (!vnm %in% names(newdata)) {
stop("Could not find column `", vnm, "` in `newdata`.")
from_new <- unique(newdata[, vnm])
if (is.factor(from_new)) {
# Strictly speaking, this is not necessary (currently), but include it for
# safety reasons, in case downstream code is changed in the future (or in
# case the behavior of `factor`s in R is changed in general):
from_new <- as.character(from_new)
list(comb = union(from_fit, from_new),
exist = intersect(from_new, from_fit),
new = from_new)
# In case of duplicated levels across group variables, later code would have
# to be adapted:
if (length(lvls_list) >= 2 &&
!all(utils::combn(lvls_list, 2, empty_intersection))) {
stop("Currently, projpred requires all variables with group-level effects ",
"to have disjoint level sets.")
# Create the lme4-type random-effects formula needed by mkNewReTrms_man():
if (utils::packageVersion("mclogit") < "0.9") {
re_fml <- update(object$random$formula,
paste("~ . |", object$random$groups))
} else {
for (grp_idx in seq_along(object$random)) {
re_fml_i <- update(object$random[[grp_idx]]$formula,
paste("~ . |", object$random[[grp_idx]]$groups))
if (grp_idx == 1) {
re_fml <- re_fml_i
} else {
re_fml <- update(re_fml, paste("~ . +", as.character(re_fml_i[2])))
# Get random effects for existing group levels (and zero for new group levels)
# as well as the random-effects model matrix:
ranefs_prep <- mkNewReTrms_man(re.form = re_fml,
newdata = newdata,
xlevels = c(lapply(lvls_list, "[[", "comb"),
re = ranef_tmp,
D = object$D)
names(ranefs_prep$b) <- rownames(ranefs_prep$Zt)
VarCorr_tmp <- object$VarCov
if (utils::packageVersion("mclogit") < "0.9") {
VarCorr_tmp <- setNames(VarCorr_tmp, vnms)
for (vnm in vnms) {
lvls_new <- lvls_list[[vnm]]$new
if (!getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
lvls_exist <- lvls_list[[vnm]]$exist
lvls_new <- setdiff(lvls_new, lvls_exist)
if (length(lvls_new) > 0) {
ranefs_prep$b[names(ranefs_prep$b) %in% lvls_new] <- t(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(
n = length(lvls_new),
sigma = VarCorr_tmp[[vnm]],
checkSymmetry = FALSE
re_vec <- drop(as(ranefs_prep$b %*% ranefs_prep$Zt, "matrix"))
re_mat <- matrix(re_vec, nrow = nlats, ncol = nrow(newdata),
dimnames = list(colnames(object$D), NULL))
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