#A number of useful helper functions
#added January, 2012
#most are public, some are local just for me
#a dummy function to allow the help to find misc
"psych.misc" <-
function() {}
"lowerMat" <-
function(R,digits=2,minlength=5) {
lowleft <- lower.tri(R,diag=TRUE)
nvar <- ncol(R)
nc <- digits+3
width <- getOption("width")
k1 <- width/(nc+2)
if(is.null(colnames(R))) {colnames(R) <- paste("C",1:nvar,sep="")}
if(is.null(rownames(R))) {rownames(R) <- paste("R",1:nvar,sep="")}
colnames(R) <- abbreviate(colnames(R),minlength=minlength)
nvar <- ncol(R)
nc <- digits+3
#k1 <- width/(nc+2)
if(k1 * nvar < width) {k1 <- nvar}
k1 <- floor(k1)
if(!is.character(R) ) {
fx <- format(round(R,digits=digits))} else {fx <- format(R)}
if(nrow(R) == ncol(R) ) {fx[!lowleft] <- ""}
for(k in seq(0,nvar,k1)) { if(k<nvar) {
"lowerCor" <-
function(x,digits=2,use="pairwise",method="pearson",minlength=5,cor="cor",show=TRUE) {
nvar <- NCOL(x)
x <- char2numeric(x) #added 1/2/21
if(cor %in% c("tetrachoric","tetra","binary")) cor<- "tetrachoric"
if(cor %in% c("polychoric","poly")) cor<- "polychoric"
switch(cor, cor = {
R <- cor(x, use = use, method = method)
}, tetrachoric = {
R <- tetrachoric(x)$rho
}, polychoric = {
R <- polychoric(x)$rho
}, cov = {
R <- cov(x, use = use)
}, mixed = {
R <- mixedCor(x)$rho
# R <- cor(x,use=use,method=method)
if(show) lowerMat(R,digits,minlength=minlength)
#adapted from utils::txtProgressBar
#modified August 10, 2012 to print just 100 times.
"progressBar" <-
function(value,max,label=NULL) {
if(inherits(stdout()[1],"terminal")) { pc <- round(100 * value/max) #only print to the screen, not to a file
if(ceiling(100 * value/max)==floor(100 * value/max)) {
width <- 100
nw <- nchar(char, "w")
nb <- round(width * value/max )
#cat(paste(c("\r ",label," |"," ", nw * width + 6)), collapse = ""))
cat(paste(c("\r ",label," |",, nb)," ", nw * (width - nb)), sprintf("| %3d%%", pc)), collapse = ""))
"reflect" <-
function(f,flip=NULL) {
if(is.null(names(f))) {temp <- f
f <-list()
f$loadings <- temp}
rnames <- colnames(f$loadings)
rnames[flip] <- paste(rnames[flip],'(R)',sep="")
flipper <- rep(1,ncol(f$loadings))
flipper[flip] <- -1
flip <- diag(flipper)
colnames(flip) <- rownames(flip) <- rnames
f$loadings <- f$loadings %*% flip
if(!is.null(f$weights)) f$weights <- f$weights %*% flip
if(!is.null(f$scores)) f$scores <- f$scores %*% flip
if(!is.null(f$Phi)) f$Phi <- flip %*% f$Phi %*% t(flip)
#and futher patched May 10, 2017 to get the right denominator (I was dividing by n-1 - lag instead of n-lag
#patched March 1, 2017 to get the df right for lags
#developed January 10, 2012 to find the mean square of successive differences
#see Von Neuman et al. 1941
#added the minus 1 to the case of a single vector. Sept 21, 2017
#the matrix version was correct, just not the single case version
"mssd" <- function(x,group=NULL,lag=1,na.rm=TRUE) {
if(is.null(group)) {
if(is.vector(x)) { result <- sum(diff(x,lag=lag,na.rm=na.rm)^2,na.rm=na.rm)/(sum(! -lag )} else {
x <- as.matrix(x)
if(NCOL(x) == 1) {
result <- sum(diff(x,lag=lag,na.rm=na.rm)^2,na.rm=na.rm)/(sum(!
} else {
n <- colSums(! -lag
result <- colSums(diff(x,lag=lag,na.rm=na.rm)^2,na.rm=na.rm)/n}
} } else {
x <- as.matrix(x) #added 26/5/14
if(NROW(group) != NROW(x)) group <- x[,group] #added 26/5/14
nvar <- ncol(x)
cname <- colnames(x)
temp <- by(x,group, mssd,na.rm=na.rm,lag=lag)
rownn <- lapply(temp,is.null)
if(sum(as.integer(rownn)) > 0) {
rown <- names(temp)[-which(rownn==TRUE)] } else {rown <- names(temp) }
result <- t(matrix(unlist(temp),nrow=nvar))
colnames(result) <- cname
rownames(result) <- rown
"rmssd" <- function(x,group=NULL,lag=1,na.rm=TRUE) {
return(sqrt(mssd(x,group=group,lag=lag,na.rm=na.rm))) }
##### Added March 1, 2017
"autoR" <- function(x,group=NULL,lag=1,na.rm=TRUE,use="pairwise") {
if(is.null(group)) {
n.obs <- NROW(x)
if(is.vector(x)) {
x <- as.vector(scale(x,scale=FALSE))
mssd <- sum(diff(x,lag=lag,na.rm=na.rm)^2,na.rm=na.rm)/(sum(!
v1 <- sd(x[1:(n.obs-lag)],na.rm=na.rm)^2
v2 <- sd(x[(lag+1):n.obs],na.rm=na.rm)^2
# r <- -(mssd - v1 - v2)/(2*sqrt(v1*v2))
r <- cor(x[1:(n.obs-lag)],x[(lag+1):n.obs],use=use)
result <- list(autoR = r,rssd=sqrt(mssd)) #fixed May 10 ,2017 to correct autorR-
} else {
x <- as.matrix(x)
n <- colSums(!
mssd <- colSums(diff(x,lag=lag,na.rm=na.rm)^2,na.rm=na.rm)/(n-lag)
v1 <- apply(x[1:(n.obs-lag),,drop=FALSE],2,sd, na.rm=na.rm)^2
v2 <- apply(x[(lag+1):n.obs,,drop=FALSE],2, sd,na.rm=na.rm)^2
# r <- -(mssd - v1 - v2)/(2*sqrt(v1*v2))
r <- diag(cor(x[1:(n.obs-lag),],x[(lag+1):n.obs,],use=use))
result <- list(autoR = r,rssd=sqrt(mssd))
} else {
cl <-
x <- as.matrix(x) #added 26/5/14
if(NROW(group) != NROW(x)) group <- x[,group] #added 26/5/14
nvar <- ncol(x)
cname <- colnames(x)
temp <- by(x,group, autoR,na.rm=na.rm,lag=lag)
rownn <- lapply(temp,is.null)
if(sum(as.integer(rownn)) > 0) {
rown <- names(temp)[-which(rownn==TRUE)] } else {rown <- names(temp) }
tm <- t(matrix(unlist(temp),nrow=nvar*2))
autoR <- tm[,1:nvar]
rmssd <- tm[,(nvar+1):(nvar*2)]
colnames(autoR) <- colnames(rmssd) <- cname
rownames(autoR) <- rownames(rmssd) <- rown
result <- list(autoR = autoR,rmssd=rmssd,Call=cl)
class(result) <- c("psych","autoR")
sim.mssd <- function(n,r,g=.1) {
rw <- rnorm(n,sqrt(1/(1-r^2)))
x <- xg <- rep(0,n)
for(i in 2:n) {x[i] <- r*x[i-1] + rw[i]
xg[i] <- x[i] + g*i }
rx <- sample(x,n,replace=FALSE)
x2 <- x*2
rx2 <- rx*2
x.df <- data.frame(x,rx,x2,rx2,xg)
#shannon complexity index
"shannon" <-
function(x,correct=FALSE,base=2) {if(is.null(dim(x))) {
t <- table(x)
s <- sum(t)
p <- t/s
H <- -sum(p * log(p,base))
if(correct) {
Hmax <- -log(1/length(p),base)
H <- H/Hmax}
} else { H <- apply(x,2,function(x) shannon(x, correct=correct, base=base))}
test.all <- function(p) {
ob <- paste("package",p,sep=":")
ol <- objects(ob)
nf <- length(ol)
for(i in 1:nf) {
fn <- as.character(ol[[i]])
#lookup a set of items from a bigger set
lookupItem <- function(x,y) {
n.look <- NROW(x)
possible <- list()
y <- as.character(y)
x <- as.character(x)
for(i in 1:n.look){
temp <- grep(x[i],y)
if(length(temp)>0) possible[i]<- temp
#lookup which x's are found in y[c1],return matches for y[]
"lookup" <-
function(x,y,criteria=NULL) {
if (is.null(criteria)) {temp <- match(x,rownames(y))} else {
temp <- match(x,y[,criteria])}
if(any(! {
y <- format(y[temp[!],,drop=FALSE],justify="left") } else {y <- NA}
#use lookup to take fa/ic output and show the results
#modified July 4, 2017 to allow for omega output as well
#modified June 23, 2018 to limit to top n items per factor and abs(loading) > cut
#modified April 30, 2020 to include the ability to handle bassAckward output
"fa.lookup" <-
function(f,dictionary=NULL,digits=2,cut=.0,n=NULL,sort=TRUE) {
omega <- bassAck <- none <- lavaan <- NA #weird requirement to avoid being global
if(length(class(f)) > 1){ obnames <- cs(omega, fa, principal, iclust,bassAck, none)
value <- inherits(f, obnames, which=TRUE)
if (any(value > 1)) {value <- obnames[which(value >0)]} else {value <- "none"}}
if(sort & (value !="bassAck")) {f <- fa.sort(f)}
omega = {f <- f$schmid$sl
h2 <- NULL},
fa = {
h2 <- f$communality
com <- f$complexity
f <- f$loading },
principal= {
h2 <- f$communality
com <- f$complexity
f <- f$loading},
iclust = {f <- f$loadings
h2 <- NULL},
bassAck = {nlevels <- length(f$bass.ack)
h2 <- NULL
ord1 <- rownames(fa.sort(f$bass.ack[[nlevels-1]]))
f <- f$bass.ack[[nlevels]]
f <- f[,ord1]
f <- fa.sort(f)
colnames(f) <- paste0("F",1:ncol(f))
none = {f <- f
h2 <- NULL})
n.fact <- NCOL(f)
ord <- rownames(f)
old.names <- ord
ord <- sub("-","",ord)
rownames(f) <- ord
if(!is.null(dictionary)) {
contents <- lookup(rownames(f),dictionary)} else {message("fa.lookup requires a dictionary, otherwise just use fa.sort")}
contents <- format(contents, justify="left")
if(!is.null(h2)) {results <- data.frame(round(unclass(f),digits=digits),h2=round(h2,digits=digits),com=round(com,digits=digits))} else {
results <- data.frame(round(unclass(f),digits=digits))}
results <- merge(results,contents,by="row.names",all.x=TRUE,sort=FALSE)
rownames(results) <- results[,"Row.names"]
results <- results[ord,-1] #now put it back into the correct order
rownames(results) <- old.names
if(!is.null(n)) {
rn <-rownames(results)
results <- cbind(results,rn)
f2c <- table(apply(abs(results[1:n.fact]),1,which.max)) #which column is the maximum value
k <- 1
j <- 1
for(i in 1:n.fact) {
results[k:(k+min(n,f2c[i])),] <- results[j:(j+ min(n,f2c[i])),]
k <- (k+min(n,f2c[i]))
j <- j + f2c[i] }
results <- results[1:(k-1),]
rownames(results) <- results[,"rn"]
results <- results[,-NCOL(results)]
if(cut > 0) {
r.max <- apply(abs(results[,1:n.fact]),1,max)
results <- results[abs(r.max) > cut,]
#revised 07/07/18 to add the cluster option
#revised 12/07/18 to allow for simple matrix input
#read a matrix, return a matrix
#read a list, return a list
#modified 9/2/20 for the case of not full rank cluster scores
"fa.organize" <-
function(fa.results,o=NULL,i=NULL,cn=NULL,echelon=TRUE,flip=TRUE) {
if(is.null(names(fa.results)) ) {temp <- fa.results #the matrix form
if(flip) {
total.load <-colSums(temp)
flipper <- sign(total.load)
flipper[flipper==0] <-1
temp <- t( t(temp) * flipper ) }
if(!is.null(o)) {temp <- temp[,o]}
if(!is.null(i)) {temp <-temp[i,]}
fa.results <- temp
nf <- ncol(temp)} else { # the list form
nf <- ncol(fa.results$loadings)
if(echelon & is.null(o) ) {temp <- apply(abs( fa.results$loadings),1,which.max)
nf <- ncol(fa.results$loadings)
nvar <- nrow(fa.results$loadings)
o <- rep(NA,nf)
k <- 1
o[k] <- temp[k]
for (ki in 2:nvar) {if (!(temp[ki] %in% o[1:k])) {o[k+1] <- temp[ki]
k <- k + 1} }
#now, a kludge for the case where there are some empty columns
n.good <- sum(1:nf %in% o)
if (n.good < nf) { tt <- 1:nf
o[(n.good + 1):nf] <- tt[!1:nf %in% o]
if(flip) {
total.load <- colSums(fa.results$loadings)
flipper <- sign(total.load)
flipper[flipper==0] <-1 } else { flipper <- rep(1,NCOL(fa.results$loadings)) }
fa.results$loadings <- t(t(fa.results$loadings) * flipper)
if(!is.null(o)) {fa.results$loadings <- fa.results$loadings[,o]
flipper <- flipper[o]
fa.results$Structure <- t(t(fa.results$Structure[,o]) * flipper)
fa.results$valid <- t(t(fa.results$valid[o])*flipper)
fa.results$score.cor <- fa.results$score.cor[o,o]
fa.results$r.scores <- fa.results$r.scores[o,o]
fa.results$R2 <- fa.results$R2[o]
if(!is.null(cn)) {colnames(fa.results$loadings) <- cn}
fa.results$Phi <- fa.results$Phi[o,o]}
if(!is.null(i)) {fa.results$loadings <- fa.results$loadings[i,]
fa.results$Structure <- fa.results$Structure[i,]
fa.results$weights <- fa.results$weights[i,]
fa.results$uniquenesses <- fa.results$uniquenesses[i]}
#fixed 13/6/14 to solve the missing data problem
"con2cat" <- function(old,cuts=c(0,1,2,3),where) {
new <- old
nc <- length(cuts)
if(missing(where)) where <- 1:ncol(old)
lw <- length(where)
if(is.matrix(cuts)) {mcuts <- cuts} else {mcuts <- matrix(rep(cuts,lw),nrow=lw,byrow=TRUE)}
vwhere <- as.vector(where)
for (w in 1:lw) {where <- vwhere[w]
cuts <- mcuts[w,]
nc <- length(cuts)
if(nc < 2 ) {new[(![,where]) & ( old[,where] <= cuts)),where] <- 0
new[(![,where]) & ( old[,where] > cuts)),where] <- 1} else {
new[(![,where]) & ( old[,where] <= cuts[1])),where] <- 0
for(i in(2:nc)) {
new[(![,where]) & ( old[,where] > cuts[i-1] )),where] <- i-1
# & (new[(![,where]) & ( old[,where] > cuts[i-1] )),where]),where] <- i-1
new[(![,where]) & ( old[,where] > cuts[nc])),where] <- nc }
"keys.lookup" <- function(keys.list,dictionary) {
if(is.list(keys.list)) { items <- sub("-","",unlist(keys.list))
f <- make.keys(items,keys.list)}
keys.list <- fa.sort(f)
contents <- lookup(rownames(f), y=dictionary)
contents <- format(contents,format="left")
rownames(contents)[rowSums(f) <0 ] <- paste0(rownames(contents)[rowSums(f)<0],"-")
#created 1/15/24
"itemSort" <- function(m, dictionary, ascending=TRUE, digits = 2) {
contents <- lookup(rownames(m), y=dictionary)
results <- data.frame(means=round(m,digits=digits),contents)
results <- dfOrder(results,ascending=ascending)
#patched 1/15/24 to give means
"item.lookup" <-
function (f,m, dictionary,cut=.3, digits = 2) {
# f <- fa.sort(f)
none<- NULL #A strange requirement of R 4.0
if(length(class(f)) > 1){ obnames <- cs(omega, fa, principal, iclust, none)
value <- inherits(f, obnames, which=TRUE)
if (any(value > 1)) {value <- obnames[which(value >0)]} else {value <- "none"}
f <- fa.sort(f) } else {value <- "none"}
old.names <- NULL
omega = {f <- f$schmid$sl
h2 <- NULL
old.names <- rownames(f)
rownames(f) <- sub("-","",old.names)},
fa = {
h2 <- f$communality
com <- f$complexity
f <- f$loading },
principal= {
h2 <- f$communality
com <- f$complexity
f <- f$loading},
iclust = {f <- f$loadings
h2 <- NULL},
none = {f <- f
h2 <- NULL})
if (!(is.matrix(f) || {
h2 <- f$communality
com <- f$complexity
ord <- rownames(f$loadings)
nfact <- ncol(f$loadings)
f <- f$loadings
else {
h2 <- NULL
com <- NULL
ord <- rownames(f)
nfact <- ncol(f)
if(!is.null(dim(m))) {
means <- m[ord,,drop=FALSE] #fixed 1/15/24
} else {means <- m}
f <- data.frame(unclass(f),means=means)
contents <- format(lookup(rownames(f), y=dictionary),justify="left")
if (!is.null(h2)) {
results <- data.frame(round(f, digits = digits),
com = round(com, digits = digits), h2 = round(h2,
digits = digits))
else {
results <- data.frame(round(f, digits = digits))
results <- merge(results, contents, by = "row.names", all.x = TRUE,
sort = FALSE)
rownames(results) <- results[, "Row.names"]
results <- results[ord, -1]
if(!is.null(old.names)) rownames(results) <- old.names
res <- results
# res <- results[0,] #make an empty data frame of the structure of results
# for (i in 1:nfact) { temp <- results[abs(results[,i]) > cut,]
# ord <- order(temp[,"means"])
# res <- rbind(res,temp[ord,])
# }
lmCorLookup <- setCorLookup <- function(x,dictionary=NULL,cut=0,digits=2,p=.05) {
coef <- x$coefficients
probs <- x$Probability
labels <- dictionary[rownames(coef),,drop=FALSE]
coef[probs > p] <- NA
result <- list()
nvar <- NCOL(coef)
for (i in 1:nvar) {
ord <- order(abs(coef[,i]),decreasing=TRUE)
temp <- cbind(coef=round(coef[ord,i],digits),labels[ord,])
result[[i]] <- data.frame(temp[![,1]),])
names(result) <- colnames(coef)
"lookupItems" <- function(content=NULL,dictionary=NULL,search=c("Item","Content","item")) {
location <-which(colnames(dictionary) %in% search)
value <- grep(content,dictionary[,location])
"falsePositive" <- function(sexy=.1,alpha=.05,power=.8) {
pf <- alpha * (sexy)
vp <- power * (1-sexy)
"" <- function(p="psych",fn = "/Volumes/Test/psych/man",out="/Volumes/Test/help/") {
db <- list.files(fn)
for (f in db) {tools::Rd2HTML(paste(fn,db[f]),out=paste(out,db[f]),package=p)
"bullseye" <- function(x,y,n) {
for(i in 1:n) {dia.ellipse(x,y,e.size=i)}}
"rel.val" <- function(n,sdx=.2,bars=TRUE,arrow.len=.05) {
if(n>20) {pc <- "."} else {pc <- 16}
plot(NA,xlim=c(0,10),ylim=c(0,10),axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",main="Reliability and Validity as target shooting")
#Reliable and valid
x1 <- x + rnorm(n,0,sdx)
y1 <- y + rnorm(n,0,sdx)
xm <- mean(x1)
ym <- mean(y1)
if(bars) error.crosses(x1,y1,add=TRUE,arrow.len=arrow.len,labels="")
text(x,y-2,"Reliable and valid")
#unReliable and invalid
x1 <- x + rnorm(n,1,1)
y1 <- y + rnorm(n,1,1)
xm <- mean(x1)
ym <- mean(y1)
if(bars) error.crosses(x1,y1,add=TRUE,arrow.len=arrow.len,labels="")
text(x,y-2,"Unreliable and Invalid")
#reliable and invalid
x1 <- x + rnorm(n,1,sdx)
y1 <- y + rnorm(n,1,sdx)
xm <- mean(x1)
ym <- mean(y1)
text(x,y-2,"Reliable and Invalid")
#unreliable, but valid
x1 <- x + rnorm(n,0,1)
y1 <- y + rnorm(n,0,1)
xm <- mean(x1)
ym <- mean(y1)
if(bars) error.crosses(x1,y1,add=TRUE,arrow.len=arrow.len,labels="")
text(x,y-2,"Unreliable but Valid")
# "cor2" <- function(x,y,digits=2,use="pairwise",method="pearson") {
# R <- cor(x,y,use=use,method=method)
# print(round(R,digits))
# invisible(R)}
#finally added the char2numeric so it will not choke on character variables 1/3/21
#added the cor option 11/18/23
"cor2" <- function(x,y=NULL,digits=2,use="pairwise",method="pearson",cor="cor",show=TRUE,pval=FALSE) {
multi <- FALSE
if(is.list(x) && is.null(y)) {multi <- TRUE
n <- length(x)
xi <- x[[1]]
for (i in 2:n) {xi <- cbind(xi,x[[i]])}
cor= {R <- cor(xi,use=use,method=method) },
tetrachoric = {R <- tetrachoric(xi)$rho},
polychoric= {R <- polychoric(xi)$rho},
cov = {R <- cov(xi, use=use)},
mixed = {R <- mixedCor(xi)$rho}
}else {
x <- char2numeric(x)
y <- char2numeric(y)
cor= {R <- cor(x,y,use=use,method=method)},
tetrachoric = {R <- tetrachoric(x,y)$rho},
polychoric= {R <- polychoric(x,y)$rho},
cov = {R <- cov(x,y, use=use)},
mixed = {R <- mixedCor(cbind(x,y))$rho}
if(show) {
if(multi) {lowerMat(R,digits) } else {print(round(R,digits))}
if(pval) {n <- nrow(x)
pval <- r2p(R,n)
R <-list(r=R,pval=pval)
class(R) <- c("psych","cor2")}
r2p <- function(rho,n) {rast <- r2t(rho,n)
p <- 1-pt(abs(rast),df=n)
levels2numeric <- function(x) {
n.var <- ncol(x)
for(item in 1:n.var) {
if (is.factor(x[,item])) x[,item] <- as.numeric(x[,item])}
signifNum <- function(x,digits=2) {
if(!is.null(ncol(x))) {sign <- rep(1,prod(dim(x)))} else {
sign <- rep(1,length(x))}
sign[which(x < 0)] <- -1
base <- trunc(log10(sign*x))
mantissa <- x/10^base
pretty <- round(mantissa,digits=digits-1) * 10^base
pretty[which ((sign * x) == 0,arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0 #fix the ones that are -Inf
#October 25, 2016
#June 18 2020 added as.factor to convert character strings that are not stored as factors
#this has a downsize that it converts numbers stored as characters to factors (see nchar2numeric)
#added the flag option and the change the colname option 1/2/21
"isAllNumeric" <- function(x){
nvar <- NCOL(x)
bad <- rep(0,nvar)
for(i in 1:nvar) {
if(!is.numeric(x[[i]]) ){if(is.factor(unlist(x[[i]]))| is.character(unlist(x[[i]]))
) bad [i] <- 1
if(prod(bad)==0) {result <- TRUE} else {result<- bad}
"char2numeric" <- function(x,flag=TRUE) {
#convert non numeric (factors, characters, logical) to numeric
nvar <- NCOL(x)
for(i in 1:nvar) {
if(!is.numeric(x[[i]] )) {
if(is.factor(unlist(x[[i]])) | is.character(unlist(x[[i]]))) { x[[i]] <- as.numeric(as.factor(x[[i]]))
} else {if(is.logical(x[[i]])) {x[[i]] <- x[[i] ] +0 } else { x[[i]] <- NA}
if(flag) colnames(x)[i] <- paste0(colnames(x)[i],"*")
# added the is.logical test 23/06/24
#added June 25, 2020 to handle the case of numeric data stored as characters
#added flag and colnames option 1/2/21
"nchar2numeric" <- function(x,flag=TRUE) {
nvar <- NCOL(x)
for(i in 1:nvar) {
if(!is.numeric(x[[i]] )) {
if(is.factor(unlist(x[[i]])) | is.character(unlist(x[[i]]))) {
if(is.factor(unlist(x[[i]]))) { x[[i]] <- as.numeric(as.factor(x[[i]])) } else {x[[i]] <- as.numeric(x[[i]])}
} else {x[[i]] <- NA}
if(flag) colnames(x)[i] <- paste0(colnames(x)[i],"*")
#this just shows if it is a matrix is symmetric and has diagonals of 1
#Added the unclass to handle a problem with class partial.r 4/10/21
"isCorrelation" <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) {value <- FALSE
if(NROW(x) == NCOL(x)) {
if( {if(isSymmetric(unclass(unname(as.matrix(x))))) { value <- TRUE}} else {if(isSymmetric(unclass(unname(x)))) {value <- TRUE}}
value <- value && isTRUE(all.equal(prod(diag(as.matrix(x))),1) )
if(!value && (na.rm) && any( stop("Although the matrix is symmetric, one of the elements of the diagonal is NA. Check your data.")
value <- value && isTRUE((min(x,na.rm=TRUE)>= -1) & (max(x,na.rm=TRUE) <= 1))
#this just shows if it is a symmetric matrix
"isCovariance" <- function(x) {value <- FALSE
if(NROW(x) == NCOL(x)) {
if( {if(isSymmetric(unclass(unname(as.matrix(x))))) { value <- TRUE}} else {if(isSymmetric(unclass(unname(x)))) {value <- TRUE}}}
# value <- value && isTRUE(all.equal(prod(diag(as.matrix(x))),1) ) #don't check for diagonal of 1
#cs is taken from Hmisc:::Cs
cs <- function(...) {as.character([-1]}
#acs is modified to produce a single string
acs <- function(...) {gsub(",","",toString([-1]))}
fromTo <- function(data,from,to=NULL) {cn <- colnames(data)
if(is.null(to)) {to <- from[2]
from <- from[1]}
from <- which(cn == as.character(from))
to = which(cn == as.character(to))
select <- from:to
#flip -- not public but useful trick
flip <- function(R,key) {#reverse correlations with keys < 0
R[key<0,] <- -R[key < 0,]
R[,key<0] <- -R[,key < 0]
#do matrix multiplication with missing values
matMult <- function(x,y) { #matrix multiplication without matrices!
nvar1 <- NCOL(x)
nvar2 <- NROW(y)
M <- matrix(NA,ncol =NCOL(y),nrow=NROW(x))
if(NCOL(x) != NROW(y)) {stop("incompatible dimensions")}
for(i in 1:NROW(x)) {
for (j in 1:NCOL(y)) {
M[i,j] <- sum(x[i,] * y[,j], na.rm=TRUE)
factorScoresSapa <- function(weights,items) {
nf <- NCOL(weights)
scores<- matrix(NA,nrow=NROW(items),ncol=nf)
n.obs <- NROW(items)
n.items <- NCOL(items)
titem <- t(items)
for (factors in (1:nf)) {
scores[,factors] <-t(colMeans( weights[,factors] * titem, na.rm=TRUE))
scores<- scale(scores) #return standardized values
countBad <- function(r.list) {
n <- length(r.list)
count <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
ev <-eigen(r.list[[i]])
bad <- any(ev$values < 0)
count <- count + bad}
#Create SAPA data by sampling
SAPAfy <- function(x,y)
n_vars <- ncol(x)
n_questions_unanswered <- round(n_vars - y) # in case someone inputs a double.
for (xxx in 1:nrow(x))
x[xxx,, n_questions_unanswered) ] <- NA
#not exported, just local to psych -- the public version is in psychTools
#Completely rewritten 1/20/18 to follow the help pages for order more closely
#sort a data frame according to one or multiple columns
#will only work for data.frames (not matrices)
#needs to not quit if there is nothing to do
#Then rewritten again 01/02/22 to allow sorting correlation matrices as well
#Minor tweak 2/21/22 for the case of a single column
#There are actually two cases; for data.frames (select=null) and for correlations (select = column names)
dfOrder <- function(object,columns=NULL,absolute=FALSE,ascending=TRUE) {
if(is.matrix(object)) {mat<- TRUE
object <-} else {mat<-FALSE}
if(is.null(ncol(object))| NROW(object) ==1) {return(object)} else {
if(is.null(columns)) columns <- colnames(object)
if(psych::isCorrelation(object)) {select <- columns} else {select<- NULL}
nc <- length(columns)
cn <- colnames(object)
if(is.null(select)) {
#this allows us to sort columns independently of each other
if(ascending) {temp <- rep(1,nc)} else {temp <- rep(-1,nc)}
if(is.character(columns)) { #treat character strings
temp [strtrim(columns,1)=="-"] <- -1
if(any(temp < 0 ) ) {columns <- sub("-","",columns) }
} else {temp[columns < 0] <- -1
columns <- abs(columns) }
if(is.character(columns) ) { for (i in 1:length(columns)) {columns[i] <- (which(colnames(object) == columns[i]))
columns <- as.numeric(columns)
if(absolute) { temp.object<- t(t(abs(psych::char2numeric(object[columns]))) * temp) } else {
temp.object<- t(t(psych::char2numeric(object[columns])) * temp)}
# if(absolute) {temp.object <- psych::char2numeric(object[columns])} else {
# temp.object <- psych::char2numeric(object[columns])}
temp.object <- data.frame(temp.object)
} else { #the correlation case
if(!is.numeric(select)) {if (!all(select %in% cn)) stop ('Variable names are incorrect')}
# if(absolute) object <- abs(object)
temp.ord <- apply(abs(object[,select,drop=FALSE]),1,which.max)
if(!ascending) temp.ord <- length(select)- temp.ord
if(absolute) { t.m <- apply(abs(object[,select,drop=FALSE]) ,1,max)} else {
temp.max <- apply(object[,select,drop=FALSE] ,1,max)
temp.min <- apply(object[,select,drop=FALSE],1,min)
abs.max <- apply(abs(object[,select,drop=FALSE]),1,max)
t.m <- abs.max
t.m[abs.max > temp.max] <- temp.min[abs.max > temp.max]}
temp.max <- t.m + 3*(length(select)-1+ temp.ord)
# else {temp.ord <- apply(object[,select],1,which.min)
# temp.max <- apply(object[,select],1,min)}
# temp.max <- temp.max + 3 * (length(select) + 1 +temp.ord) #this takes into account the possibility of signed values
ord <- order(temp.max,decreasing=!ascending)
if(NCOL(object) == NROW(object)) {return(object[ord,ord])} else {return(object[ord,])}
ord <-,temp.object)
if(mat) object <- as.matrix(object)
if(length(ord) > 1) {
return(object[ord,]) } else {return(object)} #added length test 4/26/18
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