# estimate an n-PL model in slope / intercept formulation using mirt (MML & EM)
plmodel <- ## for backward compatibility
nplmodel <- function(y, weights = NULL, impact = NULL,
type = c("2PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "4PL", "1PL", "RM"), grouppars = FALSE, vcov = TRUE,
start = NULL, method = "BFGS", maxit = 500L, reltol = 1e-5, ...)
## original function call
mcall <-
## check for mirt
if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for fitting a nplmodel.", call. = FALSE)
## handle arguments and defaults
type <- match.arg(type, c("2PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "4PL", "1PL", "RM"))
if(type == "RM") type <- "1PL"
itemtype <- if(type == "1PL") "2PL" else type
if(is.logical(vcov)) vcov <- c("none", "Oakes")[vcov + 1L]
vcov <- match.arg(vcov, c("Oakes", "Richardson", "forward", "central", "crossprod",
"Louis", "sandwich", "sandwich.Louis", "SEM", "Fisher", "complete", "none"))
## response matrix
y <- as.matrix(y)
## data should be dichotomous
if(any(apply(y, 2, function(x) sum(unique(x) != "NA", na.rm = TRUE) > 2))) {
stop("'y' should only contain dichotomous data.")
M_org <- nrow(y)
N <- ncol(y)
if(is.null(colnames(y))) colnames(y) <- paste0("Item", gsub(" ", "0", format(1L:N)))
any_na <- any(
## process weights
if(is.null(weights)) weights <-, M_org) else stopifnot(length(weights) == M_org)
y <- y[weights > 0, , drop = FALSE]
impact_org <- impact
impact <- impact[weights > 0]
weights_org <- weights
weights <- weights[weights > 0]
M <- nrow(y)
## impact (if any) needs to be a factor of suitable length
## with sensible reference category (enforced to be the largest group)
if(!is.null(impact)) {
if(!is.factor(impact)) impact <- as.factor(impact)
stopifnot(M == length(impact))
## reorder the impact variable in decreasing order so the largest group
## is the reference group --> estimation stability, faster convergence
ix <- which.max(table(impact))
impact <- relevel(impact, ix)
lvls <- levels(impact)
nlvls <- length(lvls)
## multiple group models are estimated using nlminb
method <- "nlminb"
## move categories to zero if necessary
mincat <- apply(y, 2L, min, na.rm = TRUE)
if(any(mincat > 0)) {
warning("Minimum score is not zero for all items (", paste(which(mincat > 0), collapse = ", "), "). These items are scaled to zero.")
y[, mincat > 0] <- scale.default(y[, mincat > 0], center = mincat[mincat > 0], scale = FALSE)
## call mirt, mostly defaults
## if impact --> multiple group model, reference group mean 0 and var 1,
## other groups free, item parameters restricted across whole sample
## otherwise --> simple mirt model, group mean 0 and var 1
model <-
if(!is.null(impact)) {
pars <- mirt::multipleGroup(data = y, model = 1L, group = impact,
itemtype = itemtype, invariance = c("free_means", "free_var", colnames(y)),
pars = "values")
constrain <- if(type == "1PL") list(which(pars$name == "a1")) else NULL
if(!is.null(start)) {
if(type == "1PL") {
## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
## and means and vars appended groupwise
## a list can be provided containing a single slope,
## a vector of intercepts, a vector of means and a vector of vars
if(is.list(start)) {
n <- length(start)
start <- c(start[[1L]], start[[2L]],
as.vector(, start[(n - 1L):n])))
if(length(start) != sum(pars$est[pars$group == lvls[1L]]) +
(2L * (nlvls - 1L)) - (N - 1L)) {
stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
start_i <- start[1L:(length(start) - (2L * (nlvls - 1L)))]
start_g <- start[-seq_along(start_i)]
## if the impact variable has been reordered, adjust the starting values
## of the means and variances accordingly
if(ix != 1L) {
mx <- seq(from = 1L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)) - 1L, by = 2L)
means <- c(0, start_g[mx])
means <- (means - means[ix])[-nlvls]
vx <- seq(from = 2L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)), by = 2L)
vars <- c(1, start_g[vx])
vars <- (vars / vars[ix])[-nlvls]
start_g <- as.vector(rbind(means, vars))
pars$value[pars$est & pars$name == "a1"] <- start_i[1L]
pars$value[pars$est & pars$name != "a1" & pars$item != "GROUP"] <-[-1L], nlvls)
pars$value[pars$est & pars$item == "GROUP"] <- start_g
} else {
## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
## and means and vars appended groupwise
## a list can be provided containing a vector of slopes,
## a vector of intercepts, a vector of guessing parameters,
## a vector of upper asymptotes (depending on the restriction),
## a vector of means and a vector of vars
if(is.list(start)) {
n <- length(start)
start <- c(as.vector(, start[-((n - 1L):n)])),
as.vector(, start[(n - 1L):n])))
if(length(start) != sum(pars$est[pars$group == lvls[1L]]) +
(2L * (nlvls - 1L))) {
stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
start_i <- start[1L:(length(start) - (2L * (nlvls - 1L)))]
start_g <- start[-seq_along(start_i)]
## if the impact variable has been reordered, adjust the starting values
## of the means and variances accordingly
if(ix != 1L) {
mx <- seq(from = 1L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)) - 1L, by = 2L)
means <- c(0, start_g[mx])
means <- (means - means[ix])[-nlvls]
vx <- seq(from = 2L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)), by = 2L)
vars <- c(1, start_g[vx])
vars <- (vars / vars[ix])[-nlvls]
start_g <- as.vector(rbind(means, vars))
pars$value[pars$est & pars$item != "GROUP"] <-, nlvls)
pars$value[pars$est & pars$item == "GROUP"] <- start_g
mirt::multipleGroup(data = y, model = 1L, group = impact,
itemtype = itemtype, invariance = c("free_means", "free_var", colnames(y)),
SE = (vcov != "none"), SE.type = if(vcov == "none") "Oakes" else vcov,
optimizer = method, calcNull = FALSE, TOL = reltol,
technical = list(NCYCLES = maxit), verbose = FALSE, pars = pars,
constrain = constrain, survey.weights = weights, ...)
} else {
grouppars <- FALSE
pars <- mirt::mirt(data = y, model = 1L, itemtype = itemtype, pars = "values")
constrain <- if(type == "1PL") list(which(pars$name == "a1")) else NULL
if(!is.null(start)) {
if(type == "1PL") {
## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
## a list can be provided containing a single slope and
## a vector of intercepts
if(is.list(start)) {
start <- c(start[[1L]], start[[2L]])
if(length(start) != sum(pars$est) - (N - 1L)) {
stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
pars$value[pars$est & pars$name == "a1"] <- start[1L]
pars$value[pars$est & pars$name != "a1"] <- start[-1L]
} else {
## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
## a list can be provided containing a vector of slopes,
## a vector of intercepts, a vector of guessing parameters and
## a vector of upper asymptotes (depending on the restriction)
if(is.list(start)) {
start <- as.vector(, start))
if(length(start) != sum(pars$est)) {
stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
pars$value[pars$est] <- start
mirt::mirt(data = y, model = 1L, itemtype = itemtype, SE = (vcov != "none"),
SE.type = if(vcov == "none") "Oakes" else vcov, optimizer = method,
calcNull = FALSE, TOL = reltol, technical = list(NCYCLES = maxit),
verbose = FALSE, pars = pars, constrain = constrain, survey.weights = weights, ...)
## check for negative slopes
if(is.null(impact)) {
a <- sapply(mirt::coef(model)[-(N + 1L)], function(x) {
x[1L, ][grep("a1$", colnames(x))]
} else {
a <- sapply(mirt::coef(model)[[1L]][-(N + 1L)], function(x) {
x[1L, ][grep("a1$", colnames(x))]
neg_a <- which(unlist(a) < 0)
if(length(neg_a > 0)) {
warning(paste0("Negative slopes were estimated (", paste(neg_a, sep = "", collapse = ", "), ")."))
## coefficients, names and useful info
epars <- mirt::mod2values(model)
if(!is.null(impact)) {
epars_i <- epars[epars$group == levels(impact)[1L] & epars$est, ]
epars_g <- epars[epars$group != levels(impact)[1L] & epars$item == "GROUP" &
epars$est, ]
est <- c(epars_i$value, epars_g$value)
names(est) <- c(paste(epars_i$item, epars_i$name, sep = "-"),
paste(epars_g$group, epars_g$name, sep = "-"))
} else {
est <- epars$value[epars$est]
names(est) <- paste(epars$item[epars$est], epars$name[epars$est], sep = "-")
## g and u were estimated on the logit scale
if(type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
gx <- grep("-g$", names(est))
est[gx] <- qlogis(est[gx])
names(est)[gx] <- gsub("-g$", "-logit\\(g\\)", names(est[gx]))
if(type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
ux <- grep("-u$", names(est))
est[ux] <- qlogis(est[ux])
names(est)[ux] <- gsub("-u$", "-logit\\(u\\)", names(est[ux]))
## if grouppars = FALSE and multiple group model drop the group parameters
if(!grouppars && !is.null(impact)) {
estnms <- names(est)
estnms <- estnms[-c(grep("MEAN", estnms), grep("COV", estnms))]
est <- est[which(names(est) %in% estnms)]
## handle type of model restriction
if(type == "1PL") {
est <- est[-grep("-a1$", names(est))[-1L]]
names(est)[1L] <- "a1"
nest <- length(est)
## estimated variance-covariance matrix (if any)
vc <- if(vcov != "none" && length(mirt::vcov(model)) != 1) {
mirt::extract.mirt(model, "vcov")[1L:nest, 1L:nest]
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, nest, nest)
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- names(est)
## convergence code
code <- if(mirt::extract.mirt(model, "converged")) {
} else if(mirt::extract.mirt(model, "iterations") == maxit) {
} else {
1L ## FIXME: it would be nice to have the optim convergence code here...
## but mirt currently does not provide this, hence resort to code 1
## collect return values
res <- list(
coefficients = est,
vcov = structure(vc, method = vcov),
data = y,
items =, N),
n = sum(weights_org > 0),
n_org = M_org,
weights = if(identical(as.vector(weights_org),, M_org))) NULL else weights_org,
na = any_na,
impact = impact,
loglik = mirt::extract.mirt(model, "logLik"),
df = mirt::extract.mirt(model, "nest"),
code = code,
iterations = structure(mirt::extract.mirt(model, "iterations"), names = "EM cycles"),
reltol = reltol,
method = method,
grouppars = grouppars,
type = type,
mirt = model,
call = mcall
class(res) <- "nplmodel"
print.nplmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), logit = FALSE, ...)
msg <-
if(x$type == "1PL" | x$type == "2PL") {
list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "slopes and intercepts:\n")
} else if(x$type == "3PL") {
list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "slopes, intercepts and guessing parameters:\n")
} else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "slopes, intercepts and upper asymptotes:\n")
} else {
list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and upper asymptotes:\n")
if(x$grouppars) {
msg <- msg[[1L]]
} else {
msg <- msg[[2L]]
cat(paste(x$type, msg))
print(coef(x, logit = logit), digits = digits, ...)
coef.nplmodel <- function(object, logit = FALSE, ...)
cf <- object$coefficients
if(!logit) {
if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
gx <- grep("-logit\\(g\\)$", names(cf))
cf[gx] <- plogis(cf[gx])
names(cf)[gx] <- gsub("-logit\\(g\\)$", "-g", names(cf[gx]))
if(object$type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
ux <- grep("-logit\\(u\\)$", names(cf))
cf[ux] <- plogis(cf[ux])
names(cf)[ux] <- gsub("-logit\\(u\\)$", "-u", names(cf[ux]))
vcov.nplmodel <- function(object, logit = TRUE, ...)
vc <- object$vcov
method <- attributes(object$vcov)$method
## delta method
if(!logit) {
cf <- object$coefficients
estnms <- names(cf)
C <- diag(1, length(cf), length(cf))
if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
gx <- grep("-logit\\(g\\)$", estnms)
diag(C)[gx] <- exp(cf[gx]) / ((1 + exp(cf[gx])) ^ 2)
estnms[gx] <- gsub("-logit\\(g\\)$", "-g", estnms[gx])
if(object$type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
ux <- grep("-logit\\(u\\)$", estnms)
diag(C)[ux] <- exp(cf[ux]) / ((1 + exp(cf[ux])) ^ 2)
estnms[ux] <- gsub("-logit\\(u\\)$", "-u", estnms[ux])
vc <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- estnms
structure(vc, method = method)
## based on stats::confint.default
confint.nplmodel <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, logit = TRUE, logistic_bounds = FALSE, ...)
cf <- coef(object, logit = logit)
estnms <- names(cf)
if(missing(parm)) {
parm <- estnms
} else if (is.numeric(parm)) {
parm <- estnms[parm]
a <- (1 - level) / 2
a <- c(a, 1 - a)
pct <- paste(format(100 * a, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = 3), "%")
fac <- qnorm(a)
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, pct))
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object, logit = logit)))[parm]
ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac
if(logit & logistic_bounds) {
if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
gx <- grep("-logit\\(g\\)$", estnms)
ci[gx, ] <- plogis(ci[gx, ])
rownames(ci)[gx] <- gsub("-logit\\(g\\)$", "-g", estnms[gx])
if(object$type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
ux <- grep("-logit\\(u\\)$", estnms)
ci[ux, ] <- plogis(ci[ux, ])
rownames(ci)[ux] <- gsub("-logit\\(u\\)$", "-u", estnms[ux])
logLik.nplmodel <- function(object, ...)
structure(object$loglik, df = object$df, class = "logLik")
weights.nplmodel <- function(object, ...)
if(is.null(object$weights)), object$n_org) else object$weights
summary.nplmodel <- function(object, vcov. = NULL, ...)
pcf <- coef(object, logit = FALSE)
vc <-
if(is.null(vcov.)) {
vcov(object, logit = TRUE)
} else {
if(is.function(vcov.)) {
vcov.(object, logit = TRUE)
} else {
if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "3PLu", "4PL")) {
lcf <- lcf_drop <- coef(object, logit = TRUE)
lcf_drop[-grep("-logit\\(g\\)|-logit\\(u\\)", names(lcf_drop))] <- NA
cf <- cbind(pcf, lcf_drop, sqrt(diag(vc)), lcf / sqrt(diag(vc)),
2 * pnorm(-abs(lcf / sqrt(diag(vc)))))
colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Logit Estim.", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
} else {
cf <- cbind(pcf, sqrt(diag(vc)), pcf / sqrt(diag(vc)),
2 * pnorm(-abs(pcf / sqrt(diag(vc)))))
colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
object$coefficients <- cf
class(object) <- "summary.nplmodel"
print.summary.nplmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
show_call <- FALSE
if (is.null(x$call) || !show_call) {
if(x$type == "1PL") {
"One parameter logistic model"
} else if(x$type == "2PL") {
"Two parameter logistic model"
} else if(x$type == "3PL") {
"Three parameter logistic model"
} else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
"Three parameter logistic model (upper asymptotes)"
} else if(x$type == "4PL") {
"Four parameter logistic model"
} else {
cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n",
sep = "")
msg <-
if(x$type == "1PL" | x$type == "2PL") {
list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "Slopes and intercepts:\n")
} else if(x$type == "3PL") {
list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "Slopes, intercepts and guessing parameters:\n")
} else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "Slopes, intercepts and upper asymptotes:\n")
} else {
list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
m = "Slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and upper asymptotes:\n")
msg <- if(x$grouppars) msg[[1L]] else msg[[2L]]
printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
na.print = "NA", ...)
cat("\nLog-likelihood:", format(signif(x$loglik, digits)),
"(df =", paste(x$df, ")", sep = ""), "\n")
cat(sprintf("Number of EM cycles: %s\n", x$iterations))
cat(sprintf("M-step optimizer: %s\n", x$method))
plot.nplmodel <- function(x, type = c("regions", "profile", "curves", "information", "piplot"), ...)
type <- match.arg(type, c("regions", "profile", "curves", "information", "piplot"))
switch(type, curves = curveplot(x, ...),
regions = regionplot(x, ...), profile = profileplot(x, ...),
information = infoplot(x, ...),
piplot = piplot(x, ...))
predict.nplmodel <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
type = c("probability", "cumprobability", "mode", "median", "mean",
"category-information", "item-information", "test-information"), ref = NULL, ...)
## check for mirt
if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(ref)) {
stop("'ref' cannot be applied for models estimated via MML.")
type <- match.arg(type, c("probability", "cumprobability", "mode", "median",
"mean", "category-information", "item-information", "test-information"))
if(is.null(newdata)) {
newdata <- personpar(object, personwise = TRUE)
names(newdata) <- NULL
a <- discrpar(object, vcov = FALSE)
b <- itempar(object, vcov = FALSE)
g <- guesspar(object, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
u <- upperpar(object, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
probs <- ppl(theta = newdata, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u)
colnames(probs) <- names(b)
if(type %in% c("probability", "cumprobability", "category-information",
"item-information", "test-information")) {
clnms <- colnames(probs)
rwnms <- rownames(probs)
nc <- ncol(probs)
probs0 <- matrix(0, nrow(probs), 2L * nc)
probs0[, seq(from = 2L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] <- probs
probs0[, seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] <- 1 - probs
if(type == "cumprobability") {
probs0[, seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] <-
probs0[, seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] + probs
probs <- probs0
rownames(probs) <- rwnms
colnames(probs) <- as.vector(t(outer(clnms, c("C0", "C1"), paste,
sep = if(type == "probability") "-" else ">=")))
## call mirt
if(grepl("information", type)) {
N <- sum(object$items)
if(type == "category-information") {
info <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(probs), ncol(probs))
colnames(info) <- as.vector(t(outer(clnms, c("C0", "C1"), paste,
sep = "-")))
} else {
info <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(probs), N)
colnames(info) <- clnms
for(j in 1L:N) {
idx <- grepl(clnms[j], colnames(probs))
iteminfo <- mirt::iteminfo(mirt::extract.item(object$mirt, j, 1L),
if(type == "category-information") {
info[, idx] <- probs[, idx, drop = FALSE] * iteminfo
} else {
info[, j] <- iteminfo
"probability" = probs,
"cumprobability" = probs,
"mode" = round(probs),
"median" = round(probs),
"mean" = round(probs),
"category-information" = info,
"item-information" = info,
"test-information" = matrix(rowSums(info), ncol = 1L))
itempar.nplmodel <- function(object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
cf <- unlist(threshpar(object))
N <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(is.null(ref)) {
ref <- NULL
## scale defined via means and vars
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1L:N))
} else if(is.matrix(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
} else {
stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?itempar for possible values).")
## D = ref, C = transformation
if(is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(N)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1 / length(ref)
## apply D
cf <- as.vector(D %*% cf)
## delta method D
vc <-
if(vcov) {
D %*% vcov(threshpar(object)) %*% t(D)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(cf) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
if(!alias) {
if(is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else if(!is.null(ref)) {
cf <- cf[-ref[1L]]
vc <- vc[-ref[1L], -ref[1L]]
alias <- paste0("I", ref[1L])
names(alias) <- lbs[ref[1L]]
rv <- structure(cf, class = "itempar", model = "PL", ref = ref,
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
threshpar.nplmodel <- function(object, type = c("mode", "median", "mean"),
ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, relative = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
type <- match.arg(type, c("mode", "median", "mean"))
N <- sum(object$items)
oj <- rep(1L, N)
ojc <- cumsum(oj)
K <- max(ojc)
coefs <- coef(object, logit = FALSE)
estnms <- names(coefs)
## go from slope / intercept to IRT
a <- as.list(discrpar(object, vcov = FALSE))
d <- as.list(coefs[grep("-d$", estnms)])
b <- mapply(function(x, y) - (x / y), d, a, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
lbs <- gsub("-d", "-C1", names(unlist(b)))
ilbs <- unique(gsub("(.*)\\-(.*)", "\\1", lbs))
clbs <- lapply(oj, function(oj) paste0("C", 1L:oj))
## delta method for slope / intercept to IRT
if(vcov) {
vc <- vcov(object)
sel <- which(estnms %in% estnms[c(grep("a1$", estnms),
grep("-d$", estnms))])
vc <- vc[sel, sel]
estnms <- colnames(vc)
if(object$type == "1PL") {
## generate a full duplicated vcov
oj_c <- oj
oj_c[1L] <- oj_c[1L] + 1L
ojc_c <- cumsum(oj_c)
sel_r <- mapply(":", ojc_c - (oj_c - 1L), ojc_c, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
ndup <- cumsum(oj + 1L)
sel_c <- mapply(":", ndup - oj, ndup, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
tmp <- matrix(0, K + 1L, max(ndup))
for(s in 1L:N) {
ind_r <- sel_r[[s]]
ind_c <- sel_c[[s]]
if(s == 1L) {
diag(tmp[ind_r, ind_c]) <- 1
} else {
tmp[ind_r, ind_c[-1L]] <- 1
tmp[1L, ind_c[1L]] <- 1
vc <- t(tmp) %*% (vc %*% tmp)
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- estnms[seq_along(estnms) %*% tmp]
C <- matrix(0, N + K, N + K)
loc <- c(0L, cumsum(oj + 1L))
for(j in 1L:N) {
ind <- (loc[j] + 1L):loc[j + 1L]
C[ind[1L], ind[1L]] <- 1
C[ind[2L], ind[1L]] <- d[[j]] / ((a[[j]]) ^ 2)
C[ind[2L], ind[2L]] <- -1 / a[[j]]
vc_t <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
rownames(vc_t) <- colnames(vc_t) <- colnames(vc)
vc <- vc_t[grep("-d$", rownames(vc_t)), grep("-d$", colnames(vc_t))]
if(relative) {
if(is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% clbs))
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(as.integer(ref) %in% 1L))
} else if(is.matrix(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
} else {
stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
b <- rep(0, N)
if(is.matrix(ref)) {
b <- as.vector(ref %*% b)
b <- as.list(b)
if(vcov) {
vc <- matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
} else {
if(is.null(ref)) {
ref <- NULL
## scale defined via means and vars
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1L:N))
} else if(is.matrix(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
} else {
stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
## D = ref
if(is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(N)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1 / length(ref)
## apply D
b <- as.list(D %*% unlist(b))
## delta method D
vc <-
if(vcov) {
D %*% vc %*% t(D)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(b) <- ilbs
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
for(j in 1L:N) names(b[[j]]) <- "C1"
if(!alias) {
if(is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else {
if(relative) {
b <- vector(mode = "list", length = N)
for(j in 1L:N) b[[j]] <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
alias <- as.list(rep(1, N))
names(alias) <- ilbs
} else {
b <- b[-ref[1L]]
vc <- vc[-ref[1L], -ref[1L]]
alias <- paste0("I", ref[1L], "-C", ref[1L])
names(alias) <- ilbs[ref[1L]]
rv <- structure(b, class = "threshpar", model = "PL", type = type,
ref = ref, relative = relative, cumulative = cumulative, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
discrpar.nplmodel <- function(object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- sum(object$items)
coefs <- coef(object, logit = FALSE)
a <-
if(object$type == "1PL") {
rep(coefs[grep("a1$", names(coefs))], N)
} else {
coefs[grep("-a1$", names(coefs))]
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
tmp <- vcov(object)
if(object$type == "1PL") {
a_var <- tmp[1L, 1L]
tmp <- matrix(a_var, N, N)
} else {
tmp[grep("-a1$", rownames(tmp)), grep("-a1$", colnames(tmp))]
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
## handling of model type
if(object$type == "1PL" & !is.null(ref)) {
warning("Argument 'ref' is currently not processed.")
ref <- NULL
## handling of negative slopes
if(any(a < 0)) {
if(!is.null(ref)) {
stop("'ref' cannot be applied due to negative slopes.")
} else {
names(a) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
if(is.null(ref)) {
ref <- NULL
## scale defined via means and vars
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1L:N))
} else if(is.matrix(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
} else {
stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?discrpar for possible values).")
## D = ref is applied on the log scale --> ratio based ref
if(is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(N)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1 / length(ref)
## delta method D
if(vcov) {
C <- diag(1 / a, N, N)
tmp <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
tmp <- D %*% tmp %*% t(D)
C <- diag(exp(as.vector(D %*% log(a))), N, N)
vc <- C %*% tmp %*% t(C)
## apply D
a <- exp(as.vector(D %*% log(a)))
names(a) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
if(!alias) {
if(object$type == "1PL") {
alias <- rep(1, N)
a <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
names(alias) <- lbs
} else if(is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else if(!is.null(ref)) {
a <- a[-ref[1L]]
vc <- vc[-ref[1L], -ref[1L]]
alias <- paste0("I", ref[1L])
names(alias) <- lbs[ref[1L]]
rv <- structure(a, class = "discrpar", model = "PL", ref = ref,
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
guesspar.nplmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, logit = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(object$type %in% c("1PL", "2PL", "3PLu")) {
if(alias) {
g <- rep(0, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(g) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
g <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
} else {
coefs <- coef(object, logit = logit)
gx <- grep("-g$|-logit\\(g\\)$", names(coefs))
g <- coefs[gx]
vc <-
if(vcov) {
vcov(object, logit = logit)[gx, gx]
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(g) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
rv <- structure(g, class = "guesspar", model = "PL", alias = alias, logit = logit, vcov = vc)
upperpar.nplmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, logit = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(object$type %in% c("1PL", "2PL", "3PL")) {
if(alias) {
u <- rep(1, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(u) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
u <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
} else {
coefs <- coef(object, logit = logit)
ux <- grep("-u$|-logit\\(u\\)$", names(coefs))
u <- coefs[ux]
vc <-
if(vcov) {
vcov(object, logit = logit)[ux, ux]
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(u) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
rv <- structure(u, class = "upperpar", model = "PL", alias = alias, logit = logit, vcov = vc)
personpar.nplmodel <- function(object, personwise = FALSE, vcov = TRUE,
interval = NULL, tol = 1e-6, method = "EAP", ...)
## check for mirt
if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)
## dropped ref
## changed default method to EAP
## FIXME: full vcov not provided by mirt
if(is.null(interval)) {
interval <- c(-6, 6)
## personwise matches each person with their parameter
## otherwise group means and vars
if(personwise) {
tmp <- mirt::fscores(object$mirt, method = method,
full.scores = TRUE, theta_lim = interval, gradtol = tol, ...)[, 1L]
nms <- seq_along(tmp)
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, length(tmp), length(tmp))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- nms
rv <- structure(tmp, .Names = nms, class = "personpar", model = "PL",
vcov = vc, type = "personwise")
} else {
tmp <- mirt::mod2values(object$mirt)
tmp <- tmp[tmp$class == "GroupPars", ]
nms <- paste(tmp$group, tmp$name, sep = "-")
if(vcov & (length(nms) > 2L) & attributes(vcov(object))$method != "none") {
sel <- paste(tmp$name, tmp$parnum, sep = ".")[-(1L:2L)]
vc <- mirt::vcov(object$mirt)
vc <- vc[rownames(vc) %in% sel, colnames(vc) %in% sel]
vc <- rbind(0, cbind(0, vc)) ## zero for reference variance
vc <- rbind(0, cbind(0, vc)) ## zero for reference mean
} else if(vcov & length(nms) == 2L) {
vc <- matrix(0, length(tmp[, 6L]), length(tmp[, 6L]))
} else {
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, length(tmp[, 6L]), length(tmp[, 6L]))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- nms
rv <- structure(tmp[, 6L], .Names = nms, class = "personpar", model = "PL",
vcov = vc, type = "normal")
nobs.nplmodel <- function(object, ...)
bread.nplmodel <- function(x, ...)
x$n * vcov(x, ...)
## unexported: estfun interface for mirt:::estfun.AllModelClass
estfun_nplmodel <- function(x, ...)
## check for mirt
if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)
## call mirt
scores <- mirt::estfun.AllModelClass(x$mirt)
if(!x$grouppars & !is.null(x$impact)) {
scores <- scores[, seq_along(x$coefficients)]
colnames(scores) <- names(x$coefficients)
estfun.nplmodel <- function(x, ...)
## check for mirt
if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)
## logit = TRUE (g and u parameters) as in mirt
## completely cleaned (lowest category zero, null cats treatment, weights) data
dat <- x$data
weights_org <- weights(x)
weights <- weights_org[weights_org > 0]
## groups
impact <- x$impact
g <-
if(is.null(impact)) {
as.factor(rep("all", x$n))
} else {
G <- length(levels(g))
g <- as.numeric(g)
## coefficients (not logit for g and u)
coefs <- coef(x, logit = FALSE)
## names of the estimated parameters (logit for g and u)
estnms <- names(coef(x, logit = TRUE))
## quadratures
AX <-, mirt::extract.mirt(x$mirt, "Prior"))
q <- dim(AX)[1L]
X <- seq(-6, 6, length.out = q) ## no. quads, see mirt
## relevant infos
M <- x$n ## no. pers
N <- sum(x$items) ## no. items
p <-, N) ## no. cats
K <- 2L ## max no. cats
## indices:
## groups a - G
## persons i - M
## items j - N
## categories k - p or K, if two times needed also l - p or K
## quadratures f - q
## means and variances of the groups
chars <- personpar(x, vcov = FALSE)
means <- chars[seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = G)]
vars <- chars[seq(from = 2L, by = 2L, length.out = G)]
## estimated slopes
aest <- discrpar(x, vcov = FALSE)
## estimated intercepts
dest <- coefs[grep("-d$", estnms)]
## (estimated) guessing parameters
gest <- guesspar(x, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
## (estimated) upper asymptotes
uest <- upperpar(x, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
## pX posterior for a person showing the observed pattern given f
## LX placeholder for pattern probability
## scores_a empirical estimation function for a
## scores_d empirical estimation function for d
## scores_g empirical estimation function for g
## scores_u empirical estimation function for u
pX <- LX <- matrix(0, M, q)
if(x$type == "3PL") {
scores_a <- scores_d <- scores_g <- vector("list", G)
nest <- 3L * N
} else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
scores_a <- scores_d <- scores_u <- vector("list", G)
nest <- 3L * N
} else if(x$type == "4PL") {
scores_a <- scores_d <- scores_g <- scores_u <- vector("list", G)
nest <- 4L * N
} else {
scores_a <- scores_d <- vector("list", G)
nest <- 2L * N
scores <- matrix(0, M, nest)
for(a in 1L:G) {
## px_tmp_ probability for a person showing the observed pattern
## given f, computed iteratively
px_tmp_ <- matrix(1, sum(g == a), q)
scores_a[[a]] <- scores_d[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
if(x$type == "3PL") {
scores_g[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
} else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
scores_u[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
} else if(x$type == "4PL") {
scores_g[[a]] <- scores_u[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
M_tmp <- sum(g == a)
for(j in 1L:N) {
## relevant data and parameters
pat <- dat[g == a, j] + 1
aest_tmp <- aest[j]
dest_tmp <- dest[j]
gest_tmp <- gest[j]
uest_tmp <- uest[j]
## px_tmp probability for a person falling into 0 or 1 of j given q
exp_tmp <- exp(aest_tmp * X + dest_tmp)
px_tmp <- gest_tmp + (uest_tmp - gest_tmp) * (exp_tmp / (1 + exp_tmp))
if(any(px_tmp == 1)) {
px_tmp[px_tmp == 1] <- 1 - .Machine$double.neg.eps
if(any(px_tmp == 0)) {
px_tmp[px_tmp == 0] <- .Machine$double.neg.eps
px_tmp <- rbind(1 - px_tmp, px_tmp)
## select the matching k
px_tmp_sel <- px_tmp[pat, ]
## handle NAs
ex <-
if(any(ex)) {
px_tmp_sel[which(ex, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 1
## update px_tmp_
px_tmp_ <- px_tmp_ * px_tmp_sel
## calculate some intermediates that will be used repeatedly
gdiffu <- gest_tmp - uest_tmp
expone <- 1 + exp_tmp
exponesq <- expone ^ 2
## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to a
px_da_tmp <- -(gdiffu * X * exp_tmp) / exponesq
px_da_tmp <- rbind(-px_da_tmp, px_da_tmp)
scores_a[[a]][[j]] <- px_da_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to d
px_dd_tmp <- -(gdiffu * exp_tmp) / exponesq
px_dd_tmp <- rbind(-px_dd_tmp, px_dd_tmp)
scores_d[[a]][[j]] <- px_dd_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to g
## mirt internally logit transforms the guessing parameters
## for the scores this also has to be done to g as well as applying the
## logistic transformation prior to deriving the model after g
if(x$type == "3PL" | x$type == "4PL") {
gest_tmp_logit <- qlogis(gest_tmp)
px_dg_tmp <- exp(gest_tmp_logit) /
(((1 + exp(gest_tmp_logit)) ^ 2) * expone)
px_dg_tmp <- rbind(-px_dg_tmp, px_dg_tmp)
scores_g[[a]][[j]] <- px_dg_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to u
## mirt internally logit transforms the upper asymptotes
## for the scores this also has to be done to u as well as applying the
## logistic transformation prior to deriving the model after u
if(x$type == "3PLu" | x$type == "4PL") {
uest_tmp_logit <- qlogis(uest_tmp)
px_du_tmp <- exp(aest_tmp * X + dest_tmp + uest_tmp_logit) /
(((1 + exp(uest_tmp_logit)) ^ 2) * expone)
px_du_tmp <- rbind(-px_du_tmp, px_du_tmp)
scores_u[[a]][[j]] <- px_du_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
## calculate LX and pX
LX[g == a, ] <- px_tmp_
pX[g == a, ] <- px_tmp_ * matrix(AX[, a], M_tmp, q, TRUE)
pX[g == a, ] <- pX[g == a, ] / rowSums(pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
## finally calculate the scores using pX
scores_a[[a]] <-
lapply(scores_a[[a]], function(sc_a) {
rowSums(sc_a * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
scores_d[[a]] <-
lapply(scores_d[[a]], function(sc_d) {
rowSums(sc_d * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
if(x$type == "3PL" | x$type == "4PL") {
scores_g[[a]] <-
lapply(scores_g[[a]], function(sc_g) {
rowSums(sc_g * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
if(x$type == "3PLu" | x$type == "4PL") {
scores_u[[a]] <-
lapply(scores_u[[a]], function(sc_u) {
rowSums(sc_u * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
## combine the scores into one matrix
text <-
if(x$type == "4PL") {
paste0("cbind(", paste0(
sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_g[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_u[[a]][[item]]"))
}), collapse = ","), ")"
} else if(x$type == "3PL") {
paste0("cbind(", paste0(
sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_g[[a]][[item]]"))
}), collapse = ","), ")"
} else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
paste0("cbind(", paste0(
sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_u[[a]][[item]]"))
}), collapse = ","), ")"
} else {
paste0("cbind(", paste0(
sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"))
}), collapse = ","), ")"
scores[g == a, ] <- eval(parse(text = text))
## restriction to raschmodel (scores are the rowsums over the restrictions)
if(x$type == "1PL") {
ind <- cumsum(p) - (p - 1)
tmp <- scores
scores <- tmp[, -ind[-1L]]
scores[, 1L] <- rowSums(tmp[, ind])
## grouppars
if(x$grouppars) {
## PX posterior for a person showing the observed pattern over all fs
PX <- numeric(M)
for(a in 2L:G) {
PX[g == a] <- rowSums(LX[g == a, ] *
matrix(AX[, a], sum(g == a), q, TRUE))
for(a in 2L:G) {
scores <- cbind(scores, matrix(0, M, 2L))
m <- means[a]
v <- vars[a]
## scores for the group mean, Baker & Kim, 2004, p. 274, Eq. (10.36)
scores[g == a, dim(scores)[2L] - 1L] <- ((v ^ -1) * (PX[g == a] ^ -1) *
colSums(matrix(X - m, q, sum(g == a)) * t(LX[g == a, , drop = FALSE]) *
matrix(AX[, a], q, sum(g == a))))
## scores for the group variance, Baker & Kim, 2004, p. 274, Eq. (10.37)
scores[g == a, dim(scores)[2L]] <- (- (1 / 2) * (PX[g == a] ^ -1) *
colSums(matrix((v ^ -1) - ((X - m) ^ 2) * (v ^ -2), q, sum(g == a)) *
t(LX[g == a, , drop = FALSE]) * matrix(AX[, a], q, sum(g == a))))
## handle weights
scores <- scores * weights
## handle NAs
scores[which(, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 0
## rename the columns
colnames(scores) <- estnms
ppl <- function(theta = NULL, a = NULL, b = NULL, g = NULL, u = NULL)
## probabilities under the model (in IRT formulation) given theta
stopifnot(!is.null(theta) & !is.null(a) & !is.null(b) & !is.null(g) &
stopifnot(all.equal(mode(a), mode(b), mode(g), mode(u)))
if(is.list(theta)) {
return(lapply(theta, ppl, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u))
if(is.list(a) | is.list(b | is.list(g) | is.list(u))) {
return(mapply(ppl, a, b, MoreArgs = list(g = g, u = u, theta = theta),
a <- matrix(rep(a, length(theta)), length(theta), length(a), TRUE)
g <- matrix(rep(g, length(theta)), length(theta), length(g), TRUE)
u <- matrix(rep(u, length(theta)), length(theta), length(u), TRUE)
return(g + (u - g) * plogis(a * outer(theta, b, "-")))
rpl <- function(theta, a = NULL, b, g = NULL, u = NULL, return_setting = TRUE)
## sample data under the model (in IRT formulation) given theta
stopifnot(!is.null(theta) & !is.null(b))
N <- length(b)
if (is.null(a)) a <- rep(1, length = N)
if (is.null(g)) g <- rep(0, length = N)
if (is.null(u)) u <- rep(1, length = N)
stopifnot(all.equal(mode(a), mode(b), mode(g), mode(u)))
if(is.list(theta)) {
return(lapply(theta, rpl, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u,
return_setting = return_setting))
if((is.list(a) | is.list(b) | is.list(g) | is.list(u))) {
return(mapply(rpl, a, b, MoreArgs = list(g = g, u = u, theta = theta),
return_setting = return_setting, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
M <- length(theta)
N <- length(b)
probs <- ppl(theta = theta, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u)
res <- (matrix(runif(M * N), M, N) < probs) + 0
if(return_setting) {
return(list(a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u, theta = theta, data = res))
} else {
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