
Defines functions rpl ppl estfun.nplmodel estfun_nplmodel bread.nplmodel nobs.nplmodel personpar.nplmodel upperpar.nplmodel guesspar.nplmodel discrpar.nplmodel threshpar.nplmodel itempar.nplmodel predict.nplmodel plot.nplmodel print.summary.nplmodel summary.nplmodel weights.nplmodel logLik.nplmodel confint.nplmodel vcov.nplmodel coef.nplmodel print.nplmodel nplmodel

Documented in bread.nplmodel coef.nplmodel confint.nplmodel discrpar.nplmodel estfun.nplmodel guesspar.nplmodel itempar.nplmodel logLik.nplmodel nplmodel personpar.nplmodel plot.nplmodel predict.nplmodel print.nplmodel print.summary.nplmodel rpl summary.nplmodel threshpar.nplmodel upperpar.nplmodel vcov.nplmodel

# estimate an n-PL model in slope / intercept formulation using mirt (MML & EM)

plmodel <- ## for backward compatibility
nplmodel <- function(y, weights = NULL, impact = NULL,
  type = c("2PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "4PL", "1PL", "RM"), grouppars = FALSE, vcov = TRUE,
  start = NULL, method = "BFGS", maxit = 500L, reltol = 1e-5, ...)
  ## original function call
  mcall <- match.call()

  ## check for mirt
  if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for fitting a nplmodel.", call. = FALSE)

  ## handle arguments and defaults
  type <- match.arg(type, c("2PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "4PL", "1PL", "RM"))
  if(type == "RM") type <- "1PL"

  itemtype <- if(type == "1PL") "2PL" else type

  if(is.logical(vcov)) vcov <- c("none", "Oakes")[vcov + 1L]
  vcov <- match.arg(vcov, c("Oakes", "Richardson", "forward", "central", "crossprod",
    "Louis", "sandwich", "sandwich.Louis", "SEM", "Fisher", "complete", "none"))

  ## response matrix
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  ## data should be dichotomous
  if(any(apply(y, 2, function(x) sum(unique(x) != "NA", na.rm = TRUE) > 2))) {
    stop("'y' should only contain dichotomous data.")
  M_org <- nrow(y)
  N <- ncol(y)
  if(is.null(colnames(y))) colnames(y) <- paste0("Item", gsub(" ", "0", format(1L:N)))
  any_na <- any(is.na(y))

  ## process weights
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- rep.int(1L, M_org) else stopifnot(length(weights) == M_org)
  y <- y[weights > 0, , drop = FALSE]
  impact_org <- impact
  impact <- impact[weights > 0]
  weights_org <- weights
  weights <- weights[weights > 0]
  M <- nrow(y)

  ## impact (if any) needs to be a factor of suitable length
  ## with sensible reference category (enforced to be the largest group)
  if(!is.null(impact)) {
    if(!is.factor(impact)) impact <- as.factor(impact)
    stopifnot(M == length(impact))

    ## reorder the impact variable in decreasing order so the largest group
    ## is the reference group --> estimation stability, faster convergence
    ix <- which.max(table(impact))
    impact <- relevel(impact, ix)
    lvls <- levels(impact)
    nlvls <- length(lvls)

    ## multiple group models are estimated using nlminb
    method <- "nlminb"

  ## move categories to zero if necessary
  mincat <- apply(y, 2L, min, na.rm = TRUE)
  if(any(mincat > 0)) {
    warning("Minimum score is not zero for all items (", paste(which(mincat > 0), collapse = ", "), "). These items are scaled to zero.")
    y[, mincat > 0] <- scale.default(y[, mincat > 0], center = mincat[mincat > 0], scale = FALSE)

  ## call mirt, mostly defaults
  ## if impact --> multiple group model, reference group mean 0 and var 1,
  ## other groups free, item parameters restricted across whole sample
  ## otherwise --> simple mirt model, group mean 0 and var 1
  model <-
  if(!is.null(impact)) {
    pars <- mirt::multipleGroup(data = y, model = 1L, group = impact,
      itemtype = itemtype, invariance = c("free_means", "free_var", colnames(y)),
      pars = "values")

    constrain <- if(type == "1PL") list(which(pars$name == "a1")) else NULL

    if(!is.null(start)) {
      if(type == "1PL") {
        ## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
        ## and means and vars appended groupwise
        ## a list can be provided containing a single slope,
        ## a vector of intercepts, a vector of means and a vector of vars
        if(is.list(start)) {
          n <- length(start)
          start <- c(start[[1L]], start[[2L]],
            as.vector(do.call(rbind, start[(n - 1L):n])))
        if(length(start) != sum(pars$est[pars$group == lvls[1L]]) +
          (2L * (nlvls - 1L)) - (N - 1L)) {
          stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
        start_i <- start[1L:(length(start) - (2L * (nlvls - 1L)))]
        start_g <- start[-seq_along(start_i)]
        ## if the impact variable has been reordered, adjust the starting values
        ## of the means and variances accordingly
        if(ix != 1L) {
          mx <- seq(from = 1L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)) - 1L, by = 2L)
          means <- c(0, start_g[mx])
          means <- (means - means[ix])[-nlvls]
          vx <- seq(from = 2L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)), by = 2L)
          vars <- c(1, start_g[vx])
          vars <- (vars / vars[ix])[-nlvls]
          start_g <- as.vector(rbind(means, vars))
        pars$value[pars$est & pars$name == "a1"] <- start_i[1L]
        pars$value[pars$est & pars$name != "a1" & pars$item != "GROUP"] <-
          rep.int(start_i[-1L], nlvls)
        pars$value[pars$est & pars$item == "GROUP"] <- start_g
      } else {
        ## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
        ## and means and vars appended groupwise
        ## a list can be provided containing a vector of slopes,
        ## a vector of intercepts, a vector of guessing parameters,
        ## a vector of upper asymptotes (depending on the restriction),
        ## a vector of means and a vector of vars
        if(is.list(start)) {
          n <- length(start)
          start <- c(as.vector(do.call(rbind, start[-((n - 1L):n)])),
            as.vector(do.call(rbind, start[(n - 1L):n])))
        if(length(start) != sum(pars$est[pars$group == lvls[1L]]) +
          (2L * (nlvls - 1L))) {
          stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
        start_i <- start[1L:(length(start) - (2L * (nlvls - 1L)))]
        start_g <- start[-seq_along(start_i)]
        ## if the impact variable has been reordered, adjust the starting values
        ## of the means and variances accordingly
        if(ix != 1L) {
          mx <- seq(from = 1L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)) - 1L, by = 2L)
          means <- c(0, start_g[mx])
          means <- (means - means[ix])[-nlvls]
          vx <- seq(from = 2L, to = (2L * (nlvls - 1L)), by = 2L)
          vars <- c(1, start_g[vx])
          vars <- (vars / vars[ix])[-nlvls]
          start_g <- as.vector(rbind(means, vars))
        pars$value[pars$est & pars$item != "GROUP"] <- rep.int(start_i, nlvls)
        pars$value[pars$est & pars$item == "GROUP"] <- start_g
    mirt::multipleGroup(data = y, model = 1L, group = impact,
      itemtype = itemtype, invariance = c("free_means", "free_var", colnames(y)),
      SE = (vcov != "none"), SE.type = if(vcov == "none") "Oakes" else vcov,
      optimizer = method, calcNull = FALSE, TOL = reltol,
      technical = list(NCYCLES = maxit), verbose = FALSE, pars = pars,
      constrain = constrain, survey.weights = weights, ...)
  } else {
    grouppars <- FALSE
    pars <- mirt::mirt(data = y, model = 1L, itemtype = itemtype, pars = "values")

    constrain <- if(type == "1PL") list(which(pars$name == "a1")) else NULL

    if(!is.null(start)) {
      if(type == "1PL") {
        ## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
        ## a list can be provided containing a single slope and
        ## a vector of intercepts
        if(is.list(start)) {
         start <- c(start[[1L]], start[[2L]])
        if(length(start) != sum(pars$est) - (N - 1L)) {
          stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
        pars$value[pars$est & pars$name == "a1"] <- start[1L]
        pars$value[pars$est & pars$name != "a1"] <- start[-1L]
      } else {
        ## start should be a vector of item parameters ordered itemwise
        ## a list can be provided containing a vector of slopes,
        ## a vector of intercepts, a vector of guessing parameters and
        ## a vector of upper asymptotes (depending on the restriction)
        if(is.list(start)) {
         start <- as.vector(do.call(rbind, start))
        if(length(start) != sum(pars$est)) {
          stop("Argument 'start' is misspecified (see ?nplmodel for possible values).")
        pars$value[pars$est] <- start
    mirt::mirt(data = y, model = 1L, itemtype = itemtype, SE = (vcov != "none"),
      SE.type = if(vcov == "none") "Oakes" else vcov, optimizer = method,
      calcNull = FALSE, TOL = reltol, technical = list(NCYCLES = maxit),
      verbose = FALSE, pars = pars, constrain = constrain, survey.weights = weights, ...)

  ## check for negative slopes
  if(is.null(impact)) {
    a <- sapply(mirt::coef(model)[-(N + 1L)], function(x) {
      x[1L, ][grep("a1$", colnames(x))]
  } else {
    a <- sapply(mirt::coef(model)[[1L]][-(N + 1L)], function(x) {
      x[1L, ][grep("a1$", colnames(x))]
  neg_a <- which(unlist(a) < 0)
  if(length(neg_a > 0)) {
    warning(paste0("Negative slopes were estimated (", paste(neg_a, sep = "", collapse = ", "), ")."))

  ## coefficients, names and useful info
  epars <- mirt::mod2values(model)
  if(!is.null(impact)) {
    epars_i <- epars[epars$group == levels(impact)[1L] & epars$est, ]
    epars_g <- epars[epars$group != levels(impact)[1L] & epars$item == "GROUP" &
      epars$est, ]
    est <- c(epars_i$value, epars_g$value)
    names(est) <- c(paste(epars_i$item, epars_i$name, sep = "-"),
      paste(epars_g$group, epars_g$name, sep = "-"))
  } else {
    est <- epars$value[epars$est]
    names(est) <- paste(epars$item[epars$est], epars$name[epars$est], sep = "-")

  ## g and u were estimated on the logit scale
  if(type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
    gx <- grep("-g$", names(est))
    est[gx] <- qlogis(est[gx])
    names(est)[gx] <- gsub("-g$", "-logit\\(g\\)", names(est[gx]))
  if(type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
    ux <- grep("-u$", names(est))
    est[ux] <- qlogis(est[ux])
    names(est)[ux] <- gsub("-u$", "-logit\\(u\\)", names(est[ux]))

  ## if grouppars = FALSE and multiple group model drop the group parameters
  if(!grouppars && !is.null(impact)) {
    estnms <- names(est)
    estnms <- estnms[-c(grep("MEAN", estnms), grep("COV", estnms))]
    est <- est[which(names(est) %in% estnms)]

  ## handle type of model restriction
  if(type == "1PL") {
    est <- est[-grep("-a1$", names(est))[-1L]]
    names(est)[1L] <- "a1"
  nest <- length(est)

  ## estimated variance-covariance matrix (if any)
  vc <- if(vcov != "none" && length(mirt::vcov(model)) != 1) {
    mirt::extract.mirt(model, "vcov")[1L:nest, 1L:nest]
  } else {
    matrix(NA_real_, nest, nest)
  rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- names(est)

  ## convergence code
  code <- if(mirt::extract.mirt(model, "converged")) {
  } else if(mirt::extract.mirt(model, "iterations") == maxit) {
  } else {
    1L  ## FIXME: it would be nice to have the optim convergence code here...
        ## but mirt currently does not provide this, hence resort to code 1

  ## collect return values
  res <- list(
    coefficients = est,
    vcov = structure(vc, method = vcov),
    data = y,
    items = rep.int(TRUE, N),
    n = sum(weights_org > 0),
    n_org = M_org,
    weights = if(identical(as.vector(weights_org), rep.int(1L, M_org))) NULL else weights_org,
    na = any_na,
    impact = impact,
    loglik = mirt::extract.mirt(model, "logLik"),
    df = mirt::extract.mirt(model, "nest"),
    code = code,
    iterations = structure(mirt::extract.mirt(model, "iterations"), names = "EM cycles"),
    reltol = reltol,
    method = method,
    grouppars = grouppars,
    type = type,
    mirt = model,
    call = mcall
  class(res) <- "nplmodel"

print.nplmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), logit = FALSE, ...)
  msg <-
  if(x$type == "1PL" | x$type == "2PL") {
    list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "slopes and intercepts:\n")
  } else if(x$type == "3PL") {
    list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "slopes, intercepts and guessing parameters:\n")
  } else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
    list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "slopes, intercepts and upper asymptotes:\n")
  } else {
    list(mgm = "slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and upper asymptotes:\n")
  if(x$grouppars) {
    msg <- msg[[1L]]
  } else {
    msg <- msg[[2L]]
  cat(paste(x$type, msg))
  print(coef(x, logit = logit), digits = digits, ...)

coef.nplmodel <- function(object, logit = FALSE, ...)
  cf <- object$coefficients
  if(!logit) {
    if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
      gx <- grep("-logit\\(g\\)$", names(cf))
      cf[gx] <- plogis(cf[gx])
      names(cf)[gx] <- gsub("-logit\\(g\\)$", "-g", names(cf[gx]))
    if(object$type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
      ux <- grep("-logit\\(u\\)$", names(cf))
      cf[ux] <- plogis(cf[ux])
      names(cf)[ux] <- gsub("-logit\\(u\\)$", "-u", names(cf[ux]))

vcov.nplmodel <- function(object, logit = TRUE, ...)
  vc <- object$vcov
  method <- attributes(object$vcov)$method
  ## delta method
  if(!logit) {
    cf <- object$coefficients
    estnms <- names(cf)
    C <- diag(1, length(cf), length(cf))
    if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
      gx <- grep("-logit\\(g\\)$", estnms)
      diag(C)[gx] <- exp(cf[gx]) / ((1 + exp(cf[gx])) ^ 2)
      estnms[gx] <- gsub("-logit\\(g\\)$", "-g", estnms[gx])
    if(object$type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
      ux <- grep("-logit\\(u\\)$", estnms)
      diag(C)[ux] <- exp(cf[ux]) / ((1 + exp(cf[ux])) ^ 2)
      estnms[ux] <- gsub("-logit\\(u\\)$", "-u", estnms[ux])
    vc <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
    rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- estnms
  structure(vc, method = method)

## based on stats::confint.default
confint.nplmodel <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, logit = TRUE, logistic_bounds = FALSE, ...)
  cf <- coef(object, logit = logit)
  estnms <- names(cf)
  if(missing(parm)) {
    parm <- estnms
  } else if (is.numeric(parm)) {
    parm <- estnms[parm]
  a <- (1 - level) / 2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- paste(format(100 * a, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = 3), "%")
  fac <- qnorm(a)
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, pct))
  ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object, logit = logit)))[parm]
  ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac
  if(logit & logistic_bounds) {
    if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "4PL")) {
      gx <- grep("-logit\\(g\\)$", estnms)
      ci[gx, ] <- plogis(ci[gx, ])
      rownames(ci)[gx] <- gsub("-logit\\(g\\)$", "-g", estnms[gx])
    if(object$type %in% c("3PLu", "4PL")) {
      ux <- grep("-logit\\(u\\)$", estnms)
      ci[ux, ] <- plogis(ci[ux, ])
      rownames(ci)[ux] <- gsub("-logit\\(u\\)$", "-u", estnms[ux])

logLik.nplmodel <- function(object, ...)
  structure(object$loglik, df = object$df, class = "logLik")

weights.nplmodel <- function(object, ...)
  if(is.null(object$weights)) rep.int(1L, object$n_org) else object$weights

summary.nplmodel <- function(object, vcov. = NULL, ...)
  pcf <- coef(object, logit = FALSE)
  vc <-
  if(is.null(vcov.)) {
    vcov(object, logit = TRUE)
  } else {
    if(is.function(vcov.)) {
      vcov.(object, logit = TRUE)
    } else {
  if(object$type %in% c("3PL", "3PLu", "4PL")) {
    lcf <- lcf_drop <- coef(object, logit = TRUE)
    lcf_drop[-grep("-logit\\(g\\)|-logit\\(u\\)", names(lcf_drop))] <- NA
    cf <- cbind(pcf, lcf_drop, sqrt(diag(vc)), lcf / sqrt(diag(vc)),
      2 * pnorm(-abs(lcf / sqrt(diag(vc)))))
    colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Logit Estim.", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  } else {
    cf <- cbind(pcf, sqrt(diag(vc)), pcf / sqrt(diag(vc)),
      2 * pnorm(-abs(pcf / sqrt(diag(vc)))))
    colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  object$coefficients <- cf
  class(object) <- "summary.nplmodel"

print.summary.nplmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
  signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
  show_call <- FALSE
  if (is.null(x$call) || !show_call) {
      if(x$type == "1PL") {
        "One parameter logistic model"
      } else if(x$type == "2PL") {
        "Two parameter logistic model"
      } else if(x$type == "3PL") {
        "Three parameter logistic model"
      } else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
        "Three parameter logistic model (upper asymptotes)"
      } else if(x$type == "4PL") {
        "Four parameter logistic model"
  } else {
    cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n",
      sep = "")
  msg <-
  if(x$type == "1PL" | x$type == "2PL") {
    list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "Slopes and intercepts:\n")
  } else if(x$type == "3PL") {
    list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "Slopes, intercepts and guessing parameters:\n")
  } else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
    list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "Slopes, intercepts and upper asymptotes:\n")
  } else {
    list(mgm = "Slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters, upper asymptotes and estimated group parameters:\n",
      m = "Slopes, intercepts, guessing parameters and upper asymptotes:\n")
  msg <- if(x$grouppars) msg[[1L]] else msg[[2L]]
  printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
    na.print = "NA", ...)
  cat("\nLog-likelihood:", format(signif(x$loglik, digits)),
    "(df =", paste(x$df, ")", sep = ""), "\n")
  cat(sprintf("Number of EM cycles: %s\n", x$iterations))
  cat(sprintf("M-step optimizer: %s\n", x$method))

plot.nplmodel <- function(x, type = c("regions", "profile", "curves", "information", "piplot"), ...)
  type <- match.arg(type, c("regions", "profile", "curves", "information", "piplot"))
  switch(type, curves = curveplot(x, ...),
    regions = regionplot(x, ...), profile = profileplot(x, ...),
    information = infoplot(x, ...),
    piplot = piplot(x, ...))

predict.nplmodel <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
  type = c("probability", "cumprobability", "mode", "median", "mean",
  "category-information", "item-information", "test-information"), ref = NULL, ...)
  ## check for mirt
  if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)

  if(!is.null(ref)) {
    stop("'ref' cannot be applied for models estimated via MML.")
  type <- match.arg(type, c("probability", "cumprobability", "mode", "median",
    "mean", "category-information", "item-information", "test-information"))
  if(is.null(newdata)) {
    newdata <- personpar(object, personwise = TRUE)
    names(newdata) <- NULL
  a <- discrpar(object, vcov = FALSE)
  b <- itempar(object, vcov = FALSE)
  g <- guesspar(object, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
  u <- upperpar(object, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
  probs <- ppl(theta = newdata, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u)
  colnames(probs) <- names(b)
  if(type %in% c("probability", "cumprobability", "category-information",
    "item-information", "test-information")) {
    clnms <- colnames(probs)
    rwnms <- rownames(probs)
    nc <- ncol(probs)
    probs0 <- matrix(0, nrow(probs), 2L * nc)
    probs0[, seq(from = 2L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] <- probs
    probs0[, seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] <- 1 - probs
    if(type == "cumprobability") {
      probs0[, seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] <-
      probs0[, seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = nc)] + probs
    probs <- probs0
    rownames(probs) <- rwnms
    colnames(probs) <- as.vector(t(outer(clnms, c("C0", "C1"), paste,
      sep = if(type == "probability") "-" else ">=")))
  ## call mirt
  if(grepl("information", type)) {
    N <- sum(object$items)
    if(type == "category-information") {
      info <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(probs), ncol(probs))
      colnames(info) <- as.vector(t(outer(clnms, c("C0", "C1"), paste,
        sep = "-")))
    } else {
      info <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(probs), N)
      colnames(info) <- clnms
    for(j in 1L:N) {
      idx <- grepl(clnms[j], colnames(probs))
      iteminfo <- mirt::iteminfo(mirt::extract.item(object$mirt, j, 1L),
      if(type == "category-information") {
        info[, idx] <- probs[, idx, drop = FALSE] * iteminfo
      } else {
        info[, j] <- iteminfo
    "probability" = probs,
    "cumprobability" = probs,
    "mode" = round(probs),
    "median" = round(probs),
    "mean" = round(probs),
    "category-information" = info,
    "item-information" = info,
    "test-information" = matrix(rowSums(info), ncol = 1L))

itempar.nplmodel <- function(object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
  cf <- unlist(threshpar(object))
  N <- sum(object$items)
  lbs <- colnames(object$data)
  if(is.null(ref)) {
    ref <- NULL
    ## scale defined via means and vars
  } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
    stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
    ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
  } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
    ref <- as.integer(ref)
    stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1L:N))
  } else if(is.matrix(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
    stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?itempar for possible values).")
  ## D = ref, C = transformation
  if(is.matrix(ref)) {
    D <- ref
  } else {
    D <- diag(N)
    D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1 / length(ref)
  ## apply D
  cf <- as.vector(D %*% cf)
  ## delta method D
  vc <-
  if(vcov) {
    D %*% vcov(threshpar(object)) %*% t(D)
  } else {
    matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
  names(cf) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
  if(!alias) {
    if(is.matrix(ref)) {
      ## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
      stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
    } else if(!is.null(ref)) {
      cf <- cf[-ref[1L]]
      vc <- vc[-ref[1L], -ref[1L]]
      alias <- paste0("I", ref[1L])
      names(alias) <- lbs[ref[1L]]
  rv <- structure(cf, class = "itempar", model = "PL", ref = ref,
    alias = alias, vcov = vc)

threshpar.nplmodel <- function(object, type = c("mode", "median", "mean"),
  ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, relative = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
  type <- match.arg(type, c("mode", "median", "mean"))
  N <- sum(object$items)
  oj <- rep(1L, N)
  ojc <- cumsum(oj)
  K <- max(ojc)
  coefs <- coef(object, logit = FALSE)
  estnms <- names(coefs)
  ## go from slope / intercept to IRT
  a <- as.list(discrpar(object, vcov = FALSE))
  d <- as.list(coefs[grep("-d$", estnms)])
  b <- mapply(function(x, y) - (x / y), d, a, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  lbs <- gsub("-d", "-C1", names(unlist(b)))
  ilbs <- unique(gsub("(.*)\\-(.*)", "\\1", lbs))
  clbs <- lapply(oj, function(oj) paste0("C", 1L:oj))
  ## delta method for slope / intercept to IRT
  if(vcov) {
    vc <- vcov(object)
    sel <- which(estnms %in% estnms[c(grep("a1$", estnms),
      grep("-d$", estnms))])
    vc <- vc[sel, sel]
    estnms <- colnames(vc)
    if(object$type == "1PL") {
      ## generate a full duplicated vcov
      oj_c <- oj
      oj_c[1L] <- oj_c[1L] + 1L
      ojc_c <- cumsum(oj_c)
      sel_r <- mapply(":", ojc_c - (oj_c - 1L), ojc_c, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      ndup <- cumsum(oj + 1L)
      sel_c <- mapply(":", ndup - oj, ndup, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      tmp <- matrix(0, K + 1L, max(ndup))
      for(s in 1L:N) {
        ind_r <- sel_r[[s]]
        ind_c <- sel_c[[s]]
        if(s == 1L) {
          diag(tmp[ind_r, ind_c]) <- 1
        } else {
          tmp[ind_r, ind_c[-1L]] <- 1
          tmp[1L, ind_c[1L]] <- 1
      vc <- t(tmp) %*% (vc %*% tmp)
      rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- estnms[seq_along(estnms) %*% tmp]
    C <- matrix(0, N + K, N + K)
    loc <- c(0L, cumsum(oj + 1L))
    for(j in 1L:N) {
      ind <- (loc[j] + 1L):loc[j + 1L]
      C[ind[1L], ind[1L]] <- 1
      C[ind[2L], ind[1L]] <- d[[j]] / ((a[[j]]) ^ 2)
      C[ind[2L], ind[2L]] <- -1 / a[[j]]
    vc_t <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
    rownames(vc_t) <- colnames(vc_t) <- colnames(vc)
    vc <- vc_t[grep("-d$", rownames(vc_t)), grep("-d$", colnames(vc_t))]
  if(relative) {
    if(is.null(ref)) {
      ref <- 1
    } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
      stopifnot(all(ref %in% clbs))
    } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
      stopifnot(all(as.integer(ref) %in% 1L))
    } else if(is.matrix(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
      stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
    } else {
      stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
    b <- rep(0, N)
    if(is.matrix(ref)) {
      b <- as.vector(ref %*% b)
    b <- as.list(b)
    if(vcov) {
      vc <- matrix(0, N, N)
    } else {
      vc <- matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
  } else {
    if(is.null(ref)) {
      ref <- NULL
      ## scale defined via means and vars
    } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
      stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
      ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
    } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
      ref <- as.integer(ref)
      stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1L:N))
    } else if(is.matrix(ref)) {
      stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
    } else {
      stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
    ## D = ref
    if(is.matrix(ref)) {
      D <- ref
    } else {
      D <- diag(N)
      D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1 / length(ref)
    ## apply D
    b <- as.list(D %*% unlist(b))
    ## delta method D
    vc <-
    if(vcov) {
      D %*% vc %*% t(D)
    } else {
      matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
  names(b) <- ilbs
  rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
  for(j in 1L:N) names(b[[j]]) <- "C1"
  if(!alias) {
    if(is.matrix(ref)) {
    ## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
      stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
    } else {
      if(relative) {
        b <- vector(mode = "list", length = N)
        for(j in 1L:N) b[[j]] <- numeric()
        vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
        alias <- as.list(rep(1, N))
        names(alias) <- ilbs
      } else {
        b <- b[-ref[1L]]
        vc <- vc[-ref[1L], -ref[1L]]
        alias <- paste0("I", ref[1L], "-C", ref[1L])
        names(alias) <- ilbs[ref[1L]]
  rv <- structure(b, class = "threshpar", model = "PL", type = type,
    ref = ref, relative = relative, cumulative = cumulative, alias = alias, vcov = vc)

discrpar.nplmodel <- function(object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
  N <- sum(object$items)
  coefs <- coef(object, logit = FALSE)
  a <-
  if(object$type == "1PL") {
    rep(coefs[grep("a1$", names(coefs))], N)
  } else {
    coefs[grep("-a1$", names(coefs))]
  lbs <- colnames(object$data)
  vc <-
  if(vcov) {
    tmp <- vcov(object)
    if(object$type == "1PL") {
      a_var <- tmp[1L, 1L]
      tmp <- matrix(a_var, N, N)
    } else {
      tmp[grep("-a1$", rownames(tmp)), grep("-a1$", colnames(tmp))]
  } else {
    matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
  ## handling of model type
  if(object$type == "1PL" & !is.null(ref)) {
    warning("Argument 'ref' is currently not processed.")
    ref <- NULL
  ## handling of negative slopes
  if(any(a < 0)) {
    if(!is.null(ref)) {
      stop("'ref' cannot be applied due to negative slopes.")
    } else {
      names(a) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
  } else {
    if(is.null(ref)) {
      ref <- NULL
      ## scale defined via means and vars
    } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.character(ref)) {
      stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
      ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
    } else if(is.vector(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
      ref <- as.integer(ref)
      stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1L:N))
    } else if(is.matrix(ref) & is.numeric(ref)) {
      stopifnot(nrow(ref) == N & ncol(ref) == N)
    } else {
      stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?discrpar for possible values).")
    ## D = ref is applied on the log scale --> ratio based ref
    if(is.matrix(ref)) {
      D <- ref
    } else {
      D <- diag(N)
      D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1 / length(ref)
    ## delta method D
    if(vcov) {
      C <- diag(1 / a, N, N)
      tmp <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
      tmp <- D %*% tmp %*% t(D)
      C <- diag(exp(as.vector(D %*% log(a))), N, N)
      vc <- C %*% tmp %*% t(C)
    ## apply D
    a <- exp(as.vector(D %*% log(a)))
    names(a) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
    if(!alias) {
      if(object$type == "1PL") {
        alias <- rep(1, N)
        a <- numeric()
        vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
        names(alias) <- lbs
      } else if(is.matrix(ref)) {
        ## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
        stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
      } else if(!is.null(ref)) {
        a <- a[-ref[1L]]
        vc <- vc[-ref[1L], -ref[1L]]
        alias <- paste0("I", ref[1L])
        names(alias) <- lbs[ref[1L]]
  rv <- structure(a, class = "discrpar", model = "PL", ref = ref,
                  alias = alias, vcov = vc)

guesspar.nplmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, logit = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
  N <- sum(object$items)
  lbs <- colnames(object$data)
  if(object$type %in% c("1PL", "2PL", "3PLu")) {
    if(alias) {
      g <- rep(0, N)
      vc <-
      if(vcov) {
        matrix(0, N, N)
      } else {
        matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
      names(g) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
    } else {
      g <- numeric()
      vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
      alias <- rep(1, N)
      names(alias) <- lbs
  } else {
    coefs <- coef(object, logit = logit)
    gx <- grep("-g$|-logit\\(g\\)$", names(coefs))
    g <- coefs[gx]
    vc <-
    if(vcov) {
      vcov(object, logit = logit)[gx, gx]
    } else {
      matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
    names(g) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
  rv <- structure(g, class = "guesspar", model = "PL", alias = alias, logit = logit, vcov = vc)

upperpar.nplmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, logit = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
  N <- sum(object$items)
  lbs <- colnames(object$data)
  if(object$type %in% c("1PL", "2PL", "3PL")) {
    if(alias) {
      u <- rep(1, N)
      vc <-
      if(vcov) {
        matrix(0, N, N)
      } else {
        matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
      names(u) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
    } else {
      u <- numeric()
      vc <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)
      alias <- rep(1, N)
      names(alias) <- lbs
  } else {
    coefs <- coef(object, logit = logit)
    ux <- grep("-u$|-logit\\(u\\)$", names(coefs))
    u <- coefs[ux]
    vc <-
    if(vcov) {
      vcov(object, logit = logit)[ux, ux]
    } else {
      matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
    names(u) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
  rv <- structure(u, class = "upperpar", model = "PL", alias = alias, logit = logit, vcov = vc)

personpar.nplmodel <- function(object, personwise = FALSE, vcov = TRUE,
  interval = NULL, tol = 1e-6, method = "EAP", ...)
  ## check for mirt
  if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)

  ## dropped ref
  ## changed default method to EAP
  ## FIXME: full vcov not provided by mirt
  if(is.null(interval)) {
    interval <- c(-6, 6)
  ## personwise matches each person with their parameter
  ## otherwise group means and vars
  if(personwise) {
    tmp <- mirt::fscores(object$mirt, method = method,
      full.scores = TRUE, theta_lim = interval, gradtol = tol, ...)[, 1L]
    nms <- seq_along(tmp)
    vc <- matrix(NA_real_, length(tmp), length(tmp))
    rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- nms
    rv <- structure(tmp, .Names = nms, class = "personpar", model = "PL",
      vcov = vc, type = "personwise")
  } else {
    tmp <- mirt::mod2values(object$mirt)
    tmp <- tmp[tmp$class == "GroupPars", ]
    nms <- paste(tmp$group, tmp$name, sep = "-")
    if(vcov & (length(nms) > 2L) & attributes(vcov(object))$method != "none") {
      sel <- paste(tmp$name, tmp$parnum, sep = ".")[-(1L:2L)]
      vc <- mirt::vcov(object$mirt)
      vc <- vc[rownames(vc) %in% sel, colnames(vc) %in% sel]
      vc <- rbind(0, cbind(0, vc)) ## zero for reference variance
      vc <- rbind(0, cbind(0, vc)) ## zero for reference mean
    } else if(vcov & length(nms) == 2L) {
      vc <- matrix(0, length(tmp[, 6L]), length(tmp[, 6L]))
    } else {
      vc <- matrix(NA_real_, length(tmp[, 6L]), length(tmp[, 6L]))
    rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- nms
    rv <- structure(tmp[, 6L], .Names = nms, class = "personpar", model = "PL",
      vcov = vc, type = "normal")

nobs.nplmodel <- function(object, ...)

bread.nplmodel <- function(x, ...)
  x$n * vcov(x, ...)

## unexported: estfun interface for mirt:::estfun.AllModelClass
estfun_nplmodel <- function(x, ...)
  ## check for mirt
  if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)

  ## call mirt
  scores <- mirt::estfun.AllModelClass(x$mirt)
  if(!x$grouppars & !is.null(x$impact)) {
    scores <- scores[, seq_along(x$coefficients)]
  colnames(scores) <- names(x$coefficients)

estfun.nplmodel <- function(x, ...)
  ## check for mirt
  if(!requireNamespace("mirt", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'mirt' ist required for nplmodels.", call. = FALSE)

  ## logit = TRUE (g and u parameters) as in mirt
  ## completely cleaned (lowest category zero, null cats treatment, weights) data
  dat <- x$data
  weights_org <- weights(x)
  weights <- weights_org[weights_org > 0]
  ## groups
  impact <- x$impact
  g <-
  if(is.null(impact)) {
    as.factor(rep("all", x$n))
  } else {
  G <- length(levels(g))
  g <- as.numeric(g)
  ## coefficients (not logit for g and u)
  coefs <- coef(x, logit = FALSE)
  ## names of the estimated parameters (logit for g and u)
  estnms <- names(coef(x, logit = TRUE))
  ## quadratures
  AX <- do.call(cbind, mirt::extract.mirt(x$mirt, "Prior"))
  q <- dim(AX)[1L]
  X <- seq(-6, 6, length.out = q)             ## no. quads, see mirt
  ## relevant infos
  M <- x$n                                    ## no. pers
  N <- sum(x$items)                           ## no. items
  p <- rep.int(2L, N)                         ## no. cats
  K <- 2L                                     ## max no. cats
  ## indices:
  ## groups      a - G
  ## persons     i - M
  ## items       j - N
  ## categories  k - p or K, if two times needed also l - p or K
  ## quadratures f - q
  ## means and variances of the groups
  chars <- personpar(x, vcov = FALSE)
  means <- chars[seq(from = 1L, by = 2L, length.out = G)]
  vars <- chars[seq(from = 2L, by = 2L, length.out = G)]
  ## estimated slopes
  aest <- discrpar(x, vcov = FALSE)
  ## estimated intercepts
  dest <- coefs[grep("-d$", estnms)]
  ## (estimated) guessing parameters
  gest <- guesspar(x, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
  ## (estimated) upper asymptotes
  uest <- upperpar(x, logit = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
  ## pX posterior for a person showing the observed pattern given f
  ## LX placeholder for pattern probability
  ## scores_a empirical estimation function for a
  ## scores_d empirical estimation function for d
  ## scores_g empirical estimation function for g
  ## scores_u empirical estimation function for u
  pX <- LX <- matrix(0, M, q)
  if(x$type == "3PL") {
    scores_a <- scores_d <- scores_g <- vector("list", G)
    nest <- 3L * N
  } else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
    scores_a <- scores_d <- scores_u <- vector("list", G)
    nest <- 3L * N
  } else if(x$type == "4PL") {
    scores_a <- scores_d <- scores_g <- scores_u <- vector("list", G)
    nest <- 4L * N
  } else {
    scores_a <- scores_d <- vector("list", G)
    nest <- 2L * N
  scores <- matrix(0, M, nest)
  for(a in 1L:G) {
    ## px_tmp_ probability for a person showing the observed pattern
    ## given f, computed iteratively
    px_tmp_ <- matrix(1, sum(g == a), q)
    scores_a[[a]] <- scores_d[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
    if(x$type == "3PL") {
      scores_g[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
    } else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
      scores_u[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
    } else if(x$type == "4PL") {
      scores_g[[a]] <- scores_u[[a]] <- vector("list", N)
    M_tmp <- sum(g == a)
    for(j in 1L:N) {
      ## relevant data and parameters
      pat <- dat[g == a, j] + 1
      aest_tmp <- aest[j]
      dest_tmp <- dest[j]
      gest_tmp <- gest[j]
      uest_tmp <- uest[j]
      ## px_tmp probability for a person falling into 0 or 1 of j given q
      exp_tmp <- exp(aest_tmp * X + dest_tmp)
      px_tmp <- gest_tmp + (uest_tmp - gest_tmp) * (exp_tmp / (1 + exp_tmp))
      if(any(px_tmp == 1)) {
        px_tmp[px_tmp == 1] <- 1 - .Machine$double.neg.eps
      if(any(px_tmp == 0)) {
        px_tmp[px_tmp == 0] <- .Machine$double.neg.eps
      px_tmp <- rbind(1 - px_tmp, px_tmp)
      ## select the matching k
      px_tmp_sel <- px_tmp[pat, ]
      ## handle NAs
      ex <- is.na(px_tmp_sel)
      if(any(ex)) {
        px_tmp_sel[which(ex, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 1
      ## update px_tmp_
      px_tmp_ <- px_tmp_ * px_tmp_sel
      ## calculate some intermediates that will be used repeatedly
      gdiffu <- gest_tmp - uest_tmp
      expone <- 1 + exp_tmp
      exponesq <- expone ^ 2
      ## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to a
      px_da_tmp <- -(gdiffu * X * exp_tmp) / exponesq
      px_da_tmp <- rbind(-px_da_tmp, px_da_tmp)
      scores_a[[a]][[j]] <- px_da_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
      ## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to d
      px_dd_tmp <- -(gdiffu * exp_tmp) / exponesq
      px_dd_tmp <- rbind(-px_dd_tmp, px_dd_tmp)
      scores_d[[a]][[j]] <- px_dd_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
      ## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to g
      ## mirt internally logit transforms the guessing parameters
      ## for the scores this also has to be done to g as well as applying the
      ## logistic transformation prior to deriving the model after g
      if(x$type == "3PL" | x$type == "4PL") {
        gest_tmp_logit <- qlogis(gest_tmp)
        px_dg_tmp <- exp(gest_tmp_logit) /
          (((1 + exp(gest_tmp_logit)) ^ 2) * expone)
        px_dg_tmp <- rbind(-px_dg_tmp, px_dg_tmp)
        scores_g[[a]][[j]] <- px_dg_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
      ## evaluated 1st partial derivative of the model with respect to u
      ## mirt internally logit transforms the upper asymptotes
      ## for the scores this also has to be done to u as well as applying the
      ## logistic transformation prior to deriving the model after u
      if(x$type == "3PLu" | x$type == "4PL") {
        uest_tmp_logit <- qlogis(uest_tmp)
        px_du_tmp <- exp(aest_tmp * X + dest_tmp + uest_tmp_logit) /
          (((1 + exp(uest_tmp_logit)) ^ 2) * expone)
        px_du_tmp <- rbind(-px_du_tmp, px_du_tmp)
        scores_u[[a]][[j]] <- px_du_tmp[pat, ] / px_tmp[pat, ]
    ## calculate LX and pX
    LX[g == a, ] <- px_tmp_
    pX[g == a, ] <- px_tmp_ * matrix(AX[, a], M_tmp, q, TRUE)
    pX[g == a, ] <- pX[g == a, ] / rowSums(pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
    ## finally calculate the scores using pX
    scores_a[[a]] <-
    lapply(scores_a[[a]], function(sc_a) {
      rowSums(sc_a * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
    scores_d[[a]] <-
    lapply(scores_d[[a]], function(sc_d) {
      rowSums(sc_d * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
    if(x$type == "3PL" | x$type == "4PL") {
      scores_g[[a]] <-
      lapply(scores_g[[a]], function(sc_g) {
        rowSums(sc_g * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
    if(x$type == "3PLu" | x$type == "4PL") {
      scores_u[[a]] <-
      lapply(scores_u[[a]], function(sc_u) {
        rowSums(sc_u * pX[g == a, , drop = FALSE])
    ## combine the scores into one matrix
    text <-
    if(x$type == "4PL") {
      paste0("cbind(", paste0(
        sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
          paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_g[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_u[[a]][[item]]"))
        }), collapse = ","), ")"
    } else if(x$type == "3PL") {
      paste0("cbind(", paste0(
        sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
          paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_g[[a]][[item]]"))
        }), collapse = ","), ")"
    } else if(x$type == "3PLu") {
       paste0("cbind(", paste0(
        sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
          paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_u[[a]][[item]]"))
        }), collapse = ","), ")"
    } else {
      paste0("cbind(", paste0(
        sapply(1L:N, function(j) {
          paste0(gsub("item", j, "scores_a[[a]][[item]]"),
            ",", gsub("item", j, "scores_d[[a]][[item]]"))
        }), collapse = ","), ")"
    scores[g == a, ] <- eval(parse(text = text))
  ## restriction to raschmodel (scores are the rowsums over the restrictions)
  if(x$type == "1PL") {
    ind <- cumsum(p) - (p - 1)
    tmp <- scores
    scores <- tmp[, -ind[-1L]]
    scores[, 1L] <- rowSums(tmp[, ind])
  ## grouppars
  if(x$grouppars) {
    ## PX posterior for a person showing the observed pattern over all fs
    PX <- numeric(M)
    for(a in 2L:G) {
      PX[g == a] <- rowSums(LX[g == a, ] *
        matrix(AX[, a], sum(g == a), q, TRUE))
    for(a in 2L:G) {
      scores <- cbind(scores, matrix(0, M, 2L))
      m <- means[a]
      v <- vars[a]
      ## scores for the group mean, Baker & Kim, 2004, p. 274, Eq. (10.36)
      scores[g == a, dim(scores)[2L] - 1L] <- ((v ^ -1) * (PX[g == a] ^ -1) *
        colSums(matrix(X - m, q, sum(g == a)) * t(LX[g == a, , drop = FALSE]) *
          matrix(AX[, a], q, sum(g == a))))
      ## scores for the group variance, Baker & Kim, 2004, p. 274, Eq. (10.37)
      scores[g == a, dim(scores)[2L]] <- (- (1 / 2) * (PX[g == a] ^ -1) *
        colSums(matrix((v ^ -1) - ((X - m) ^ 2) * (v ^ -2), q, sum(g == a)) *
          t(LX[g == a, , drop = FALSE]) * matrix(AX[, a], q, sum(g == a))))
  ## handle weights
  scores <- scores * weights
  ## handle NAs
  scores[which(is.na(scores), arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 0
  ## rename the columns
  colnames(scores) <- estnms

ppl <- function(theta = NULL, a = NULL, b = NULL, g = NULL, u = NULL)
  ## probabilities under the model (in IRT formulation) given theta
  stopifnot(!is.null(theta) & !is.null(a) & !is.null(b) & !is.null(g) &
  stopifnot(all.equal(mode(a), mode(b), mode(g), mode(u)))
  if(is.list(theta)) {
    return(lapply(theta, ppl, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u))
  if(is.list(a) | is.list(b | is.list(g) | is.list(u))) {
    return(mapply(ppl, a, b, MoreArgs = list(g = g, u = u, theta = theta),
  a <- matrix(rep(a, length(theta)), length(theta), length(a), TRUE)
  g <- matrix(rep(g, length(theta)), length(theta), length(g), TRUE)
  u <- matrix(rep(u, length(theta)), length(theta), length(u), TRUE)
  return(g + (u - g) * plogis(a * outer(theta, b, "-")))

rpl <- function(theta, a = NULL, b, g = NULL, u = NULL, return_setting = TRUE)
  ## sample data under the model (in IRT formulation) given theta
  stopifnot(!is.null(theta) & !is.null(b))
  N <- length(b)
  if (is.null(a)) a <- rep(1, length = N)
  if (is.null(g)) g <- rep(0, length = N)
  if (is.null(u)) u <- rep(1, length = N)
  stopifnot(all.equal(mode(a), mode(b), mode(g), mode(u)))
  if(is.list(theta)) {
    return(lapply(theta, rpl, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u,
      return_setting = return_setting))
  if((is.list(a) | is.list(b) | is.list(g) | is.list(u))) {
    return(mapply(rpl, a, b, MoreArgs = list(g = g, u = u, theta = theta),
      return_setting = return_setting, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
  M <- length(theta)
  N <- length(b)
  probs <- ppl(theta = theta, a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u)
  res <- (matrix(runif(M * N), M, N) < probs) + 0
  if(return_setting) {
    return(list(a = a, b = b, g = g, u = u, theta = theta, data = res))
  } else {

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