# Utility functions for pffr:
safeDeparse <- function(expr){
# turn an expression into a _single_ string, regardless of the expression's length
ret <- paste(deparse(expr), collapse="")
#rm whitespace
gsub("[[:space:]][[:space:]]+", " ", ret)
#' Return call with all possible arguments
#' Return a call in which all of the arguments which were supplied or have presets are specified by their full names and their supplied or default values.
#' @param definition a function. See \code{\link[base]{}}.
#' @param call an unevaluated call to the function specified by definition. See \code{\link[base]{}}.
#' @param expand.dots logical. Should arguments matching ... in the call be included or left as a ... argument? See \code{\link[base]{}}.
#' @return An object of mode "\code{\link[base]{call}}".
#' @author Fabian Scheipl
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{}} <- function(definition=NULL,,
expand.dots = TRUE)
call <-, call, expand.dots)
#given args:
ans <- as.list(call)
this_function <- safeDeparse(ans[[1]])
# rm namespace operators so that function finding works (mlr-org/mlr/#1559)
if (grepl(":", this_function)) {
this_function <- gsub("(^[^:]+:+)(.+$)", "\\2", this_function)
if (!exists(this_function)) {
warning(" couldn't find ", this_function,
" and returned unchanged call:\n <", call, ">")
frmls <- formals(this_function)
#remove formal args with no presets:
frmls <- frmls[!sapply(frmls, is.symbol)]
add <- which(!(names(frmls) %in% names(ans)))
return(, frmls[add])))
list2df <- function(l){
# make a list into a dataframe -- matrices are left as matrices!
nrows <- sapply(l, function(x) nrow(as.matrix(x)))
stopifnot(length(unique(nrows)) == 1)
ret <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrows[1]))
for(i in 1:length(l)) ret[[i]] <- l[[i]]
names(ret) <- names(l)
## TODO: this does not always yield unique labels, e.g. if you have
## s(g, bs="re") + s(g, bs="mrf", xt=somepenalty)
getShrtlbls <- function(object){
# make short labels for display/coef-list, etc...
labelmap <- object$pffr$labelmap
ret <- sapply(names(unlist(labelmap)),
#make a parseable expression for ffpc terms
if(grepl("^ffpc", x)){
ffpcnumber <- gsub("(^.+))([0-9]+$)","\\2", x)
# special case: one FPC
if (ffpcnumber == x) ffpcnumber <- 1
x <- gsub(")[0-9]+",")",x)
exprx <- parse(text=x)
#remove argument names
x <- gsub("((?:[A-Za-z]+))(\\s)(=)(\\s)", "", x, perl=TRUE)
#remove whitespace
x <- gsub("\\s", "", x)
#remove everything after and including first quoted argument
if(any(regexpr(",\".*",x)[[1]]>0)) {
x <- gsub("([^\"]*)(,[c\\(]*\".*)(\\)$)", "\\1\\3", x, perl=TRUE)
#remove everything after last variable:
lstvrbl <- tail(all.vars(exprx),1)
x <- gsub(paste("\\(.*(^.*?(?=",lstvrbl,")",lstvrbl,")(.*$)",sep=""), "\\1", x, perl=TRUE)
#match braces
openbr <- sum(grepl("\\(", strsplit(x, "")[[1]]))
closebr <- sum(grepl("\\)", strsplit(x, "")[[1]]))
if(openbr>closebr) x <- paste(c(x, rep(")", openbr-closebr)), sep="",collapse="")
#add number of PC for ffpc terms
if(grepl("^ffpc", x)){
x <- paste(x, ffpcnumber, sep="")
# correct labels for factor variables:
if(any(sapply(labelmap, length) > 1 & !sapply(names(labelmap), function(x) grepl("^ffpc", x)))){
which <- which(sapply(labelmap, length) > 1 & !sapply(names(labelmap), function(x) grepl("^ffpc", x)))
inds <- c(0, cumsum(sapply(labelmap, length)))
for(w in which){
ret[(inds[w]+1):inds[w+1]] <- {
lbls <- labelmap[[w]]
bylevels <- sapply(object$smooth[lbls], function(x) x$by.level)
by <- object$smooth[[lbls[1]]]$by
paste(by, bylevels, "(", object$pffr$yindname, ")", sep="")
#append labels for varying coefficient terms
if(any(!grepl("\\(", ret))){
which <- which(!grepl("\\(", ret))
ret[which] <- paste(ret[which],"(", object$pffr$yindname, ")", sep="")
#' Simulate example data for pffr
#' Simulates example data for \code{\link{pffr}} from a variety of terms.
#' Scenario "all" generates data from a complex multivariate model \deqn{Y_i(t)
#' = \mu(t) + \int X_{1i}(s)\beta_1(s,t)ds + xlin \beta_3(t) + f(xte1, xte2) +
#' f(xsmoo, t) + \beta_4 xconst + f(xfactor, t) + \epsilon_i(t)}. Scenarios "int", "ff", "lin",
#' "te", "smoo", "const", "factor", generate data from simpler models containing only the
#' respective term(s) in the model equation given above. Specifying a
#' vector-valued scenario will generate data from a combination of the
#' respective terms. Sparse/irregular response trajectories can be generated by
#' setting \code{propmissing} to something greater than 0 (and smaller than 1).
#' The return object then also includes a \code{ydata}-item with the sparsified
#' data.
#' See source code for details.\cr
#' @param scenario see Description
#' @param n number of observations
#' @param nxgrid number of evaluation points of functional covariates
#' @param nygrid number of evaluation points of the functional response
#' @param SNR the signal-to-noise ratio for the generated data: empirical
#' variance of the additive predictor divided by variance of the errors.
#' @param propmissing proportion of missing data in the response, default = 0.
#' See Details.
#' @param limits a function that defines an integration range, see
#' \code{\link{ff}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom splines spline.des
#' @importFrom stats dnorm rnorm
#' @return a named list with the simulated data, and the true components of the
#' predictor etc as attributes.
pffrSim <- function(
n = 100,
nxgrid = 40,
nygrid = 60,
SNR = 10,
limits = NULL){
mc <-
for(i in 2:length(mc)) if(is.symbol(mc[[i]]))
mc[[i]] <- get(deparse(mc[[i]]), envir=parent.frame())
## generates random functions...
rf <- function(x=seq(0,1,length=100), bs.dim=7, center=FALSE) {
nk <- bs.dim - 2
xu <- max(x)
xl <- min(x)
xr <- xu - xl
xl <- xl - xr * 0.001
xu <- xu + xr * 0.001
dx <- (xu - xl)/(nk - 1)
kn <- seq(xl - dx * 3, xu + dx * 3,
length = nk + 4 + 2)
X <- splines::spline.des(kn, x, 4, x * 0)$design
drop(X %*% rnorm(bs.dim))
test1 <- function(s, t){
s*cos(pi*abs(s-t)) - .19
# test2 <- function(s, t, ss=0.3, st=0.4)
# {
# cos(pi*s)*sin(pi*t) + (s*t)^2 - 0.11
# }
s <- seq(0, 1, length=nxgrid)
t <- seq(0, 1, length=nygrid)
mu.t <- matrix(1 + dbeta(t, 2,7), nrow=n, ncol=nygrid, byrow=TRUE)
data <- list()
etaTerms <- list()
etaTerms$int <- mu.t
#functional covariates
data$X1 <- I(t(replicate(n, rf(s))))
L <- matrix(1/nxgrid, ncol=nxgrid, nrow=n)
LX1 <- L*data$X1 <- outer(s, t, test1)
range <- outer(s, t, limits) <- * range
etaTerms$X1 <- LX1 %*%
# data$X2 <- I(t(replicate(n, rf(s))))
# LX2 <- L*data$X2
# <- outer(s, t, test2)
# etaTerms$X2 <- LX2%*
#scalar covariates
data$xlin <- I(rnorm(n))
beta.t <- matrix(scale(-dnorm(4 * (t - .2))), nrow = n, ncol = nygrid,
byrow = T)
etaTerms$xlin <- data$xlin * beta.t
data$xsmoo <- I(rnorm(n))
etaTerms$xsmoo <- outer(drop(scale(cos(data$xsmoo))), (t-.5), "*")
data$xfactor <- sample(gl(3, n/3), replace = TRUE)
etaTerms$xfactor <- 2* as.numeric(data$xfactor) +
sin(2 * outer(as.numeric(data$xfactor), t))
if ("2factor" %in% scenario) {
data$x2factor <- sample(gl(3, n/3), replace = TRUE)
etaTerms$x2factor <- 2 * as.numeric(data$x2factor) +
cos(2 * outer(as.numeric(data$x2factor), t))
data$xte1 <- I(rnorm(n))
data$xte2 <- I(rnorm(n))
etaTerms$xte <- matrix(drop(scale(-data$xte1*data$xte2^2)),
data$xconst <- I(rnorm(n))
etaTerms$xconst <- matrix(2*data$xconst,
eta <- mu.t + switch(scenario,
"int" = 0,
"all" = Reduce("+", etaTerms),
"ff" = etaTerms$X1, #+ etaTerms$X2,
"lin" = etaTerms$xlin,
"smoo" = etaTerms$xsmoo,
"te" = etaTerms$xte,
"const" = etaTerms$xconst,
"factor" = etaTerms$xfactor)
} else {
stopifnot(all(scenario %in% c("int" ,"ff", "lin", "smoo", "te", "const",
"factor", "2factor")))
eta <- 0*mu.t
if("int" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + mu.t
if("ff" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + etaTerms$X1 #+ etaTerms$X2
if("lin" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + etaTerms$xlin
if("smoo" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + etaTerms$xsmoo
if("te" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + etaTerms$xte
if("const" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + etaTerms$xconst
if("factor" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + etaTerms$xfactor
if("2factor" %in% scenario) eta <- eta + etaTerms$x2factor
eps <- sd(as.vector(eta))/sqrt(SNR) * matrix(scale(rnorm(n*nygrid)),
data$Y <- I(eta + eps)
if(propmissing == 0){
return(structure(, rownames=1:n), xindex=s, yindex=t,
truth=list(eta=eta, etaTerms=etaTerms), call=mc))
} else {
missing <- sample(c(rep(T, propmissing*n*nygrid),
rep(F, n*nygrid-propmissing*n*nygrid)))
data <-, rownames=1:n)
ydata <- data.frame(.obs = rep(1:n, each=nygrid)[!missing],
.index = rep(t, times=n)[!missing],
.value = as.vector(t(data$Y))[!missing])
return(structure(list(data=data, ydata=ydata), xindex=s, yindex=t,
truth=list(eta=eta, etaTerms=etaTerms),
#' P-spline constructor with modified 'shrinkage' penalty
#' Construct a B-spline basis with a modified difference penalty
#' of full rank (i.e., that also penalizes low-order polynomials).
#' This penalty-basis combination is useful to avoid non-identifiability issues for \code{\link{ff}} terms.
#' See 'ts' or 'cs' in \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.terms}}
#' for similar "shrinkage penalties" for thin plate and cubic regression splines.
#' The basic idea is to replace the k-th zero eigenvalue of the original penalty by
#' \eqn{s^k \nu_m}, where \eqn{s} is the shrinkage factor (defaults to 0.1)
#' and \eqn{\nu_m} is the smallest non-zero eigenvalue. See reference for the
#' original idea, implementation follows that in the 'ts' and 'cs' constructors
#' (see \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.terms}}).
#' @param object see \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.construct}}. The shrinkage factor can be specified via \code{object$xt$shrink}
#' @param data see \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.construct}}.
#' @param knots see \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.construct}}.
#' @author Fabian Scheipl; adapted from 'ts' and 'cs' constructors by S.N. Wood.
#' @references Marra, G., & Wood, S. N. (2011). Practical variable selection for generalized additive models.
#' \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 55(7), 2372-2387.
#' @method smooth.construct pss.smooth.spec
#' @export
#' @importFrom mgcv
shrink <- ifelse(is.null(object$xt$shrink), 0.1, object$xt$shrink)
stopifnot(shrink>0, shrink<1)
object <-,data,knots)
nk <- object$bs.dim
difforder <- object$m[2]
## add shrinkage term to penalty:
## Modify the penalty by increasing the penalty on the
## unpenalized space from zero...
es <- eigen(object$S[[1]],symmetric=TRUE)
## now add a penalty on the penalty null space
es$values[(nk-difforder+1):nk] <- es$values[nk-difforder]*shrink
## ... so penalty on null space is still less than that on range space.
object$S[[1]] <- es$vectors%*%(as.numeric(es$values)*t(es$vectors))
object$rank <- nk
object$ <- 0
class(object) <- "pss.smooth"
#' @importFrom mgcv Predict.matrix.pspline.smooth
#' @export
#' @importFrom mgcv
#' @export
smooth.construct.ps_c.smooth.spec<-function(object,data,knots) {
object <-,data,knots)
object$C <- object$xt$C1
#' @importFrom mgcv
#' @export
object$bs <- "ps"
object <-,data,knots)
# anti-kernel penalty:
object$S[[1]] <- object$xt$penK
object$rank <- qr(object$S[[1]])$rank
object$ <- object$bs.dim - object$rank
# compute dim of overlap of the span of two orthonormal matrices
trace_lv <- function(A, B, tol=1e-10){
## A, B orthnormal!!
#Rolf Larsson, Mattias Villani (2001)
#"A distance measure between cointegration spaces"
if(NCOL(A)==0 | NCOL(B)==0){
if(NROW(A) != NROW(B) | NCOL(A) > NROW(A) | NCOL(B) > NROW(B)){
trace <- if(NCOL(B)<=NCOL(A)){
sum(diag(t(B) %*% A %*% t(A) %*% B))
} else {
sum(diag(t(A) %*% B %*% t(B) %*% A))
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