
Defines functions fix.semicolon.tree read.newick.tree numnodes.tree numleaf.tree branchlength.tree depth.tree prune.tree name.ancestors subtree rescale.tree rename.tree label.branches label.subtree summary.tree leafnames.tree

Documented in branchlength.tree depth.tree fix.semicolon.tree label.branches label.subtree leafnames.tree name.ancestors numleaf.tree numnodes.tree prune.tree read.newick.tree rename.tree rescale.tree subtree summary.tree

##' Add a semi-colon to end of tree string
##' Check if tree string ends in semi-colon and if not add one.  This
##' is mostly done for compatibility with ape, which requires them.
##' @param x A character string or vector of character strings each
##' representing a tree in Newick format.
##' @return The same value, but with a semi-colon added to the end
##' of any strings which did not already end in semi-colons.
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/fix-semicolon-tree.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
fix.semicolon.tree <- function(x) {
  n <- nchar(x)
  lastCh <- substr(x, n, n)
  f <- lastCh != ";"
  if (sum(f) > 0L)
    x[f] <- paste(x[f], ";", sep="")

##' Read a tree from a file
##' Reads a tree in newick format
##' @title Read a Newick Tree from a File
##' @param filename The file containing the tree.
##' @return a character string representing the tree in newick format
##' @keywords trees newick
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/read-newick-tree.R
read.newick.tree <- function(filename) {
  check.arg(filename, "filename", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  tr <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_read", filename)

##' Get the number of nodes in a tree
##' @title Number of Nodes in a Tree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @return A numeric vector containing the number of nodes in each tree
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/numnodes-tree.R
numnodes.tree <- function(tree) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1,
  result <- integer(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree)) {
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_numnodes", tree[i])

##' Get the number of leaves in a tree
##' @title Number of leaves in a Tree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @return A numeric vector containing the number of leaves (species) in each tree
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
numleaf.tree <- function(tree) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1,
  result <- integer(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree)) {
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_numnodes", tree[i])

##' Get the total length of the edges of a tree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @return A numeric vector containing the total branchlength of each tree
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
branchlength.tree <- function(tree) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1,
  result <- numeric(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree))
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_branchlen", tree[i])

##' Get the distance from a node to the root of a tree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @param node A vector of character strings, giving the node name to
##' use for each tree.  Will be recycled to the length of the first argument.
##' @return A numeric vector containing the distance from each given
##' node to the root of the corresponding tree.
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
depth.tree <- function(tree, node) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1,
  node <- rep(node, length.out = length(tree))
  result <- numeric(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree))
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_depth", tree[i], node[i])

##' Prune sequences from a file
##' @title Prune a Tree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @param seqs The sequences to prune from the trees
##' @param all.but A logical value.  If false, prunes all the named sequences
##' from the tree.  If TRUE, prunes all sequences except the ones named.
##' @return a vector of character strings representing the pruned trees.
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/prune-tree.R
##' @export
prune.tree <- function(tree, seqs, all.but=FALSE) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(seqs, "seqs", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1,
  check.arg(all.but, "all.but", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  result <- character(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree)) {
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_prune", tree[i], seqs, all.but)

##' Name ancestors of a tree
##' @title Name Ancestral Nodes
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @return A vector of character strings containing newick trees with all
##' ancestors named.
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/name-ancestors.R
##' @export
name.ancestors <- function(tree) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=NULL)
  result <- character(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree)) {
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_name_ancestors", tree[i])

##' Get a subtree
##' @title Subtree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @param node A vector of character strings, each representing the name
##' of the node which will be the new root of the tree.  If node is shorter
##' than tree, values will be recycled, and a warning produced if \code{length(tree) \%\% length(node) != 0}
##' @param super.tree A vector of logical values.  If TRUE, then remove all
##' nodes which are descendants of node, rather than keeping them.
##' @return A vector of trees which have been pruned, removing all nodes
##' which are not descendants of the given node.
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/subtree.R
##' @export
subtree <- function(tree, node, super.tree=FALSE) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(node, "node", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=length(tree))
  check.arg(super.tree, "super.tree", "logical", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=length(tree))
  if (length(tree) %% length(node) != 0)
    warning("number of trees is not multiple of number of given nodes")
  node <- rep(node, length.out = length(tree))
  super.tree <- rep(super.tree, length.out = length(tree))
  result <- character(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree)) {
    if (super.tree[i]) {
      result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_supertree", tree[i], node[i])
    } else result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_subtree", tree[i], node[i])

##' Rescale a tree
##' @title Scale a Tree or Subtree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @param scale A vector of scale factors for each tree (will be recycled
##' as necessary if shorter than trees)
##' @param subtree If not NULL, scaling will be on subtree defined by the
##' named node.  Subtrees will be recycled as necessary if shorter than trees.
##' @param include.leading (Only applicable when subtree used) If \code{TRUE},
##' include the branch leading to the named node in the subtree.
##' @return A vector of trees whose branches have been scaled
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/rescale-tree.R
##' @export
rescale.tree <- function(tree, scale, subtree=NULL, include.leading=FALSE) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(scale, "scale", "numeric", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=length(tree))
  check.arg(subtree, "subtree", "character", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=1, max.length=length(tree))
  if (!is.null(subtree))
    check.arg(include.leading, "include.leading", "logical", null.OK=FALSE,
              min.length=1, max.length=length(tree))
  if (length(tree) %% length(scale) != 0)
    warning("number of trees is not multiple of number of given scales")
  if ((!is.null(subtree)) && length(tree) %% length(subtree) != 0)
    warning("number of trees is not multiple of number of given subtrees")
  if ((!is.null(subtree)) && length(tree) %% length(include.leading) != 0)
    warning("number of trees is not multiple of length of include.leading")
  if (is.null(subtree)) subtreeVal <-  NULL else subtreeIdx <- 1
  scale <- rep(scale, length.out=length(tree))
  if (!is.null(subtree)) {
    subtree <- rep(subtree, length.out=length(tree))
    include.leading <- rep(include.leading, length.out=length(tree))
  result <- character(length(tree))
  for (i in 1:length(tree)) {
    if (!is.null(subtree)) {
      subtreeVal <- subtree[i]
      includeVal <- include.leading[i]
    } else includeVal <- NULL
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_scale", tree[i], scale[i], subtreeVal,

##' Rename nodes of trees
##' @title Tree Node Renaming
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @param old.names A vector of current names to be substituted
##' @param new.names A vector of equal length to old.names giving the
##' substitutions
##' @return A vector of character strings, in which all nodes with names
##' given in old.names are replaced with values from new.names
##' @keywords trees
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/rename-tree.R
##' @export
rename.tree <- function(tree, old.names, new.names) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(old.names, "old.names", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(new.names, "new.names", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=length(old.names), max.length=length(old.names))
  fix.semicolon.tree(.Call.rphast("rph_tree_rename", tree, old.names, new.names))

##' Apply a label to some branches
##' @title Label tree branches
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @param branches A vector of character strings, indicating the branches
##' which should get the label.  The branch is named by the node which
##' descends from it.  If multiple trees and branches are given, all named
##' branches will be labelled in every tree.
##' @param label A single character string giving the label to apply
##' to the named branches.
##' @return A vector of character strings containing the modified trees;
##' the branches are labelled by appending a pound sign and the label
##' to the node name in the tree string.
##' @keywords trees
##' @author  Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @example inst/examples/label-branches.R
##' @export
label.branches <- function(tree, branches, label) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1L, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(branches, "branches", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1L, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(label, "label", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  .Call.rphast("rph_tree_label_branches", tree, branches, label)

##' Apply a label to a subtree
##' @title Label subtree
##' @param tree A vector of character strings, each containing a newick tree
##' @param node A character string, giving the node at the head of the subtree.
##' @param label A single character string giving the label to apply
##' to the branches in the subtree.
##' @param include.leading A logical value; if \code{TRUE}, include the
##' branch leading to the subtree in the labelled group; otherwise include
##' only descendants of the named node.
##' @return A vector of character strings containing the modified trees;
##' the branches are labelled by appending a pound sign and the label
##' to the node name in the tree string.
##' @keywords trees
##' @author  Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @example inst/examples/label-subtree.R
##' @export
label.subtree <- function(tree, node, label, include.leading=FALSE) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1L, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(node, "node", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(label, "label", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(include.leading, "include.leading", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  .Call.rphast("rph_tree_label_subtree", tree, node, include.leading, label)

##' Get a summary of a Newick-formatted tree, edge lengths, node names, etc
##' @param object A character string containing a newick tree
##' @param ... Not currently used (exists for S3 compatibility)
##' @return A data frame with a row for every node, containing columns:
##' branch length (tparent), distance to root (troot), name, label (if tree labels
##' present), and parent, rchild, lchild.
##' @method summary tree
##' @export summary.tree
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/summary-tree.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
summary.tree <- function(object, ...) {
  check.arg(object, "object", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  tree <- object
  names <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_summary_nodenames", tree)
  t <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_summary_len", tree)
  if (sum(t < 0) >= 1L) t[t < 0] <- NA
  troot <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_summary_depth", tree)
  parent <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_summary_parent", tree)
  if (sum(parent < 0) >= 1L) parent[parent < 0] <- NA
  lchild <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_summary_lchild", tree)
  if (sum(lchild < 0) >= 1L) lchild[lchild < 0] <- NA
  rchild <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_summary_rchild", tree)
  if (sum(rchild < 0) >= 1L) rchild[rchild < 0] <- NA
  rv <- data.frame(name=names, tparent=t, troot=troot, parent=parent, lchild=lchild, rchild=rchild)
  label <- .Call.rphast("rph_tree_summary_label", tree)
  if (!is.null(label)) {
    rv <- data.frame(rv, label=label)

##' Get the names of a tree's leaf nodes
##' @param object A character string containing a newick tree
##' @param ... Not currently used
##' @return A character vector containing the names of the leaf nodes
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
leafnames.tree <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- summary.tree(object, ...)

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