
Defines functions centroid.size defh multiply_by_helmert_implicitly_3d uji3_centroid.size uji2_centroid.size multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_implicitly multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_explicitly multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert multiply_by_helmert_implicitly multiply_by_helmert_explicitly multiply_by_helmert uji_kendall.shpv uji_tanfigurefull uji_tanfigure uji_preshape.mat uji_preshape.mD uji_centroid.size.mD uji_centroid.size.complex uji_estShape uji_estSS uji_distCholesky uji_distProcrustesSizeShape uji_distProcrustesFull uji_Enorm uji_defh uji_centroid.size uji_preshape fort.ROTATION vec1 sim1 plotPDM3 plotPDM2 plotPDM plot2rwscores partialwarps partialwarpgrids partial.procdist ild_Enorm movie makearray mahpreshapedist linegrid isotropy.test genpower full.procdist ild_defh complextoreal ild_centroid.size.mD ild_centroid.size.complex ild_centroid.size cbevectors cbevec bookstein.shpv.complex bookstein.shpv bookstein2d shaperw Vmat Vinv V I2mat Goodalltest Goodall2D BoxM plotshapes defplotsize2 procOPA defplotsize3 resampletest MGM shapes3d abind as.3d rigidbody rotatexyz James Hotelling Goodall testmeanshapes testshapes procWGPA1 procWGPA iglogl transformations procdist groupstack shapes.cva rootmat distcov distEuclidean ild_distCholesky distPowerEuclidean ild_distProcrustesFull distRiemannianLe distLogEuclidean distRiemPennec estRiemLe ild_estShape ild_estSS estCholesky estEuclid Hessian2 estLogRiem2 estPowerEuclid estLogEuclid pedreg ped project.subsphere col2RGB Plot3D plotshapes3d.pns shape.pcscores.partial sh sgpa rgpa msh graf ftrsq fos.REFLECT fort.ROTATEANDREFLECT fopa fgpa.rot fgpa fgpa.singleiteration fcnt fcel fJ dif.old dis del cnt3 close1 bgpa add MDSshape objfun4 objfun frechet permutationtest oneFone ild_kendall.shpv loneFone isologdens isodens loglikeiso2 loglikeiso objfuniso isomle banner4 banner1 plot3Dpca plot3Dmean plot3Ddata.static plot3Ddata tanpreshape ild_tanfigurefull ild_tanfigure st sigmacov rotateaxes riemdist.mD riemdist.complex riemdist ssriemdist relwarps reassqpr realtocomplex read.in read.array project procGPA testmeanshapes.old procrustes2d procdistreflect prinwscoregrids ild_preshapetoicon ild_preshape.mat ild_preshape.mD ild_preshape plotrelwarp plotproc plotprinwarp plotpairscores pointsPDMnoaxis3 plotPDMnoaxis plotPDMbook shape.pcscores tangent.coords.partial Procrustes.dist.full rot.mat pc2sphere pcscore2sphere2 pcscore2sphere sphere2pcscore Enormalize tr sphereFit sphere.jac sphere.res sphere.obj flipud0 repmat mod get.data.subsphere get.prinarc.subsphere get.prinarc get.prinarc.value trans.subsphere UNIFORMdirections randvonMisesFisherm PNSs2e PNSe2s geodmeanS1 vMFtest LRTpval getSubSphere objfn LogNPd ExpNPd rotMat pns.pc pns4pc sphere1.f pns backfit plot3darcs preshape2shape tangentcoords.partial.inv

Documented in abind add as.3d backfit banner1 banner4 bgpa bookstein2d bookstein.shpv bookstein.shpv.complex BoxM cbevec cbevectors centroid.size close1 cnt3 complextoreal defh defplotsize2 defplotsize3 del dif.old dis distcov distEuclidean distLogEuclidean distPowerEuclidean distRiemannianLe distRiemPennec estCholesky estEuclid estLogEuclid estLogRiem2 estPowerEuclid estRiemLe fcel fcnt fgpa fgpa.rot fgpa.singleiteration fJ fopa fort.ROTATEANDREFLECT fort.ROTATION fos.REFLECT frechet ftrsq full.procdist genpower Goodall Goodall2D Goodalltest graf groupstack Hessian2 Hotelling I2mat iglogl ild_centroid.size ild_centroid.size.complex ild_centroid.size.mD ild_defh ild_distCholesky ild_distProcrustesFull ild_Enorm ild_estShape ild_estSS ild_kendall.shpv ild_preshape ild_preshape.mat ild_preshape.mD ild_preshapetoicon ild_tanfigure ild_tanfigurefull isodens isologdens isomle isotropy.test James linegrid loglikeiso loglikeiso2 loneFone mahpreshapedist makearray MDSshape MGM movie msh multiply_by_helmert multiply_by_helmert_explicitly multiply_by_helmert_implicitly multiply_by_helmert_implicitly_3d multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_explicitly multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_implicitly objfun objfun4 objfuniso oneFone partial.procdist partialwarpgrids partialwarps pcscore2sphere2 ped pedreg permutationtest plot2rwscores plot3darcs plot3Ddata plot3Ddata.static plot3Dmean plot3Dpca plotpairscores plotPDM plotPDM2 plotPDM3 plotPDMbook plotPDMnoaxis plotprinwarp plotproc plotrelwarp plotshapes pns pns4pc pointsPDMnoaxis3 preshape2shape prinwscoregrids procdist procdistreflect procGPA procOPA procrustes2d procWGPA procWGPA1 project read.array read.in realtocomplex reassqpr relwarps resampletest rgpa riemdist riemdist.complex riemdist.mD rigidbody rootmat rotateaxes rotatexyz sgpa sh shaperw shapes3d shapes.cva sigmacov sim1 sphere1.f ssriemdist st tangentcoords.partial.inv tanpreshape testmeanshapes testmeanshapes.old testshapes transformations uji2_centroid.size uji3_centroid.size uji_centroid.size uji_centroid.size.complex uji_centroid.size.mD uji_defh uji_distCholesky uji_distProcrustesFull uji_distProcrustesSizeShape uji_Enorm uji_estShape uji_estSS uji_kendall.shpv uji_preshape uji_preshape.mat uji_preshape.mD uji_tanfigure uji_tanfigurefull V vec1 Vinv Vmat

# Statistical shape analysis routines
# written by Ian Dryden in R  (see http://cran.r-project.org)
# (c) Ian Dryden
#     UoN, FIU. version 1.2.7
#                    2003-2023
# Includes contributions by many other authors, including
#   Mohammad Faghihi, Kwang-Rae Kim, Alfred Kume,
#   Gregorio Quintana-Orti, Amelia Simo.

tangentcoords.partial.inv = function(v, p, R)
  return(matrix(sqrt(1 - sum(v^2)) * c(p) + v, nrow = nrow(p)) %*% t(R))

preshape2shape = function(z)
  k = nrow(z) + 1
  H = defh(k - 1)
  return(t(H) %*% z)

  # points along principal arcs

   pns.out <- x
    k <- pns.out$GPAout$k
    m <- pns.out$GPAout$m
    n.pc <- dim(pns.out$resmat)[1]
    npts = 100
    arc1 = t(get.prinarc(resmat = pns.out$resmat, PNS = pns.out$PNS, 
        arc = 1, n = npts, boundary.data = boundary.data))
    arc2 = t(get.prinarc(resmat = pns.out$resmat, PNS = pns.out$PNS, 
        arc = 2, n = npts, boundary.data = boundary.data))
    arc3 = t(get.prinarc(resmat = pns.out$resmat, PNS = pns.out$PNS, 
        arc = 3, n = npts, boundary.data = boundary.data))
    PNSmean = pns.out$PNS$mean
    GPAout = pns.out$GPAout
   #     cat("stdev of PNS1 score:", round(sd(pns.out$resmat[1, 
   #         ]), 4), "\n")
   #    cat("stdev of PNS2 score:", round(sd(pns.out$resmat[2, 
   #        ]), 4), "\n")
   #    cat("stdev of PNS3 score:", round(sd(pns.out$resmat[3, 
   #        ]), 4), "\n")
    rng = c * sd(pns.out$resmat[1, ])
    val = c(seq(-rng, 0, length = nn + 1)[-(nn + 1)], 0, seq(0, 
        rng, length = nn + 1)[-1])
    lu.arc1 = t(get.prinarc.value(PNS = pns.out$PNS, arc = 1, 
        res = val))
    rng = c * sd(pns.out$resmat[2, ])
    val = c(seq(-rng, 0, length = nn + 1)[-(nn + 1)], 0, seq(0, 
        rng, length = nn + 1)[-1])
    lu.arc2 = t(get.prinarc.value(PNS = pns.out$PNS, arc = 2, 
        res = val))
    rng = c * sd(pns.out$resmat[3, ])
    val = c(seq(-rng, 0, length = nn + 1)[-(nn + 1)], 0, seq(0, 
        rng, length = nn + 1)[-1])
    lu.arc3 = t(get.prinarc.value(PNS = pns.out$PNS, arc = 3, 
        res = val))
    scores.arc1 = sphere2pcscore(x = arc1)
    scores.arc2 = sphere2pcscore(x = arc2)
    scores.arc3 = sphere2pcscore(x = arc3)
    scores.PNSmean = sphere2pcscore(x = t(PNSmean))
    scores.lu.arc1 = sphere2pcscore(x = lu.arc1)
    scores.lu.arc2 = sphere2pcscore(x = lu.arc2)
    scores.lu.arc3 = sphere2pcscore(x = lu.arc3)
    U1 = matrix(0, npts, nrow(GPAout$pcar))
    U2 = matrix(0, npts, nrow(GPAout$pcar))
    U3 = matrix(0, npts, nrow(GPAout$pcar))
    for (i in 1:npts) {
        for (j in 1:n.pc) {
            U1[i, ] = U1[i, ] + scores.arc1[i, j] * GPAout$pcar[, 
            U2[i, ] = U2[i, ] + scores.arc2[i, j] * GPAout$pcar[, 
            U3[i, ] = U3[i, ] + scores.arc3[i, j] * GPAout$pcar[, 
    U.mean = matrix(0, 1, nrow(GPAout$pcar))
    for (j in 1:n.pc) {
        U.mean = U.mean + scores.PNSmean[j] * GPAout$pcar[, j]
    tan.lu.arc1 = matrix(0, nrow(lu.arc1), nrow(GPAout$pcar))
    tan.lu.arc2 = matrix(0, nrow(lu.arc2), nrow(GPAout$pcar))
    tan.lu.arc3 = matrix(0, nrow(lu.arc3), nrow(GPAout$pcar))
    for (i in 1:nrow(lu.arc1)) {
        for (j in 1:n.pc) {
            tan.lu.arc1[i, ] = tan.lu.arc1[i, ] + scores.lu.arc1[i, 
                j] * GPAout$pcar[, j]
            tan.lu.arc2[i, ] = tan.lu.arc2[i, ] + scores.lu.arc2[i, 
                j] * GPAout$pcar[, j]
            tan.lu.arc3[i, ] = tan.lu.arc3[i, ] + scores.lu.arc3[i, 
                j] * GPAout$pcar[, j]
    shapes.arc1 = array(NA, c(k, m, npts))
    shapes.arc2 = array(NA, c(k, m, npts))
    shapes.arc3 = array(NA, c(k, m, npts))
    H = defh(k - 1)
    for (i in 1:npts) {
      # to convert from in expo map to partial tangent coords and then to icon configuration 
        shapes.arc1[, , i] = preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = U1[i, 
            ]*sin(rho)/rho, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))
        shapes.arc2[, , i] = preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = U2[i, 
            ]*sin(rho)/rho, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))
        shapes.arc3[, , i] = preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = U3[i, 
            ]*sin(rho)/rho, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))
    shapes.PNSmean = preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = U.mean*sin(rho)/rho, 
        p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))
    shapes.lu.arc1 = array(NA, c(k, m, nrow(lu.arc1)))
    shapes.lu.arc2 = array(NA, c(k, m, nrow(lu.arc2)))
    shapes.lu.arc3 = array(NA, c(k, m, nrow(lu.arc3)))
    for (i in 1:nrow(lu.arc1)) {
        shapes.lu.arc1[, , i] = preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = tan.lu.arc1[i, 
            ]*sin(rho)/rho, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))
        shapes.lu.arc2[, , i] = preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = tan.lu.arc2[i, 
            ]*sin(rho)/rho, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))
        shapes.lu.arc3[, , i] = preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = tan.lu.arc3[i, 
            ]*sin(rho)/rho, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))
    h <- defh(k - 1)
    zero <- matrix(0, k - 1, k)
    H <- cbind(h, zero, zero)
    H1 <- cbind(zero, h, zero)
    H2 <- cbind(zero, zero, h)
    H <- rbind(H, H1, H2)
    if (dim(GPAout$pcar)[1] == (3 * (k - 1))) {
        pcarot <- (t(H) %*% GPAout$pcar)
        GPAout$pcar <- pcarot
    if (pcno == 1) {
        shapes.lu.arc <- shapes.lu.arc1
    if (pcno == 2) {
        shapes.lu.arc <- shapes.lu.arc2
    if (pcno == 3) {
        shapes.lu.arc <- shapes.lu.arc3
    if (type == "pca") {
        par3d(windowRect = c(20, 30, 800, 800))
        view3d(view.theta, view.phi)
        plot3d(GPAout$mshape, type = "s", col = rainbow(k), radius = rad1, 
            add = TRUE)
        lines3d(GPAout$mshape, col = rainbow(k), lwd = 5)
        pcu <- GPAout$mshape + c * GPAout$pcasd[pcno] * cbind(GPAout$pcar[1:k, 
            pcno], GPAout$pcar[(k + 1):(2 * k), pcno], GPAout$pcar[(2 * 
            k + 1):(3 * k), pcno])
        pcl <- GPAout$mshape - c * GPAout$pcasd[pcno] * cbind(GPAout$pcar[1:k, 
            pcno], GPAout$pcar[(k + 1):(2 * k), pcno], GPAout$pcar[(2 * 
            k + 1):(3 * k), pcno])
        spheres3d(pcu, radius = rad2, color = "black")
        spheres3d(pcl, radius = rad2, color = "grey")
        for (j in 1:k) {
            lines3d(rbind(pcl[j, ], pcu[j, ]), col = rainbow(k)[j])
            if (j > 1) {
                lines3d(rbind(pcu[j - 1, ], pcu[j, ]), col = "black")
                lines3d(rbind(pcl[j - 1, ], pcl[j, ]), col = "grey")
    if (type == "pnss") {
        par3d(windowRect = c(20, 30, 800, 800))
        view3d(view.theta, view.phi)
        plot3d(shapes.PNSmean, type = "s", col = rainbow(k), 
            radius = rad1, add = TRUE)
        lines3d(shapes.PNSmean, lwd = 5, col = rainbow(k))
        for (i in 1:k) {
            lines3d(t(shapes.lu.arc[i, , ]), col = rainbow(k)[i], 
                lwd = 1, lty = 2)
            spheres3d(head(t(shapes.lu.arc[i, , ]), 1), radius = rad2, 
                color = "black")
            if (i > 1) {
                lines3d((shapes.lu.arc[(i - 1):i, , 1]), col = "black")
            spheres3d(tail(t(shapes.lu.arc[i, , ]), 1), radius = rad2, 
                color = "grey")
            if (i > 1) {
                lines3d((shapes.lu.arc[(i - 1):i, , 201]), col = "grey")
    out <- list(PNSmean = 0, lu.arc = 0)
    out$PNSmean <- shapes.PNSmean
    out$lu.arc <- shapes.lu.arc

function (x, sphere.type = "seq.test", alpha = 0.1, R = 100, 
          nlast.small.sphere = 1, n.pc = "Full", output=TRUE) 
  k = dim(x)[1]
m = dim(x)[2]
n = dim(x)[3]
  if (n.pc =="Full" ) {
  if (m==2){
    tem1 <- array( 0, c(k,3,n) )

#if (n < ((k - 1) * m)) {
#  print("Note: n < (k - 1) * m.")
#  jj<- round( (k-1)*m/n + 0.5)
#  print("Adding extra copies of the data")
#  tem<- array(0,c(k,m,jj*n))
#  tem[,,1:n]<-x
#  for (i in 2:jj){
#    for (j in 1:n){
#    tem[,,(i-1)*n+ j ]<-x[,,j] + 0*matrix( rnorm(k*m), k,m)
#    }
#  }
#  x<-tem
k = dim(x)[1]
m = dim(x)[2]
n = dim(x)[3]

  out = pc2sphere2(x = x, n.pc = n.pc, output=output)
  spheredata = t(out$spheredata)
  GPAout = out$GPAout
  pns.out = pns(x = spheredata, sphere.type = sphere.type, 
                alpha = alpha, R = R, nlast.small.sphere = nlast.small.sphere, output=output)
  pns.out$percent = pns.out$percent * sum(GPAout$percent[1:n.pc])/100
if (output){
  print("Radii of spheres")
  print("PNS percent explained")
  print("PCA percent explained")
  pns.out$GPAout = GPAout
  pns.out$spheredata = spheredata

pc2sphere2<-function (x, n.pc, output=TRUE) 
  k = dim(x)[1]
  m = dim(x)[2]
  n = dim(x)[3]

  GPAout = procGPA(x = x, scale = TRUE, reflect = FALSE, tol1=1e-8,tangentcoords = "partial", 
                   distances = TRUE)
if (output){
  cat("First ", n.pc, " principal components explain ", round(sum(GPAout$percent[1:n.pc]),2), 
      "% of total variance. \n", sep = "")
  H = defh(k - 1)
  X.hat = H %*% GPAout$mshape
  S = array(NA, c(k - 1, m, n))
  for (i in 1:n) {
    S[, , i] = H %*% GPAout$rotated[, , i]
  T.c = GPAout$tan #- apply(GPAout$tan, 1, mean)
  out = pcscore2sphere2(n.pc = n.pc, X.hat = X.hat, S = S, Tan = T.c, 
                       V = GPAout$pcar)
  return(list(spheredata = out, GPAout = GPAout))

backfit <- function( scores, x , type="pnss", size=1){
npc <- length(scores)

if (type=="pnss"){
z1 <- PNSe2s(matrix(scores,npc,1),PNS)
#note the PC scores are from the inverse exponential map tangent coordinates 
mu <- GPAout$mshape
H = defh(k - 1)
U<- GPAout$pcar[,1]*0
  for (j in 1:npc) {
        U = U + pcscores[j] * GPAout$pcar[, j]
# to convert from in expo map to partial tangent coords and then to icon configuration 
xout<-preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = U*sin(rho)/rho, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))*size

if (type=="pca"){
GPAout<- x
pcscores<-scores #assume partial tangent coordinates
mu <- GPAout$mshape
H = defh(k - 1)
U<- GPAout$pcar[,1]*0
  for (j in 1:npc) {
        U = U + pcscores[j] * GPAout$pcar[, j]
xout<-preshape2shape(tangentcoords.partial.inv(v = U, p = H %*% GPAout$mshape, R = diag(m)))*size


# PNS  The Principal Nested Spheres code (PNS) for spheres and shapes has
# been written by Kwang-Rae Kim, and builds closely on the original matlab
# code for PNS by Sungkyu Jung

pns = function(x,
               sphere.type = "seq.test",
               alpha = 0.1,
               R = 100,
               nlast.small.sphere = 1, output=TRUE)
  n = ncol(x)
  k = nrow(x)
  PNS = list()
  if (abs(sum(apply(x ^ 2, 2, sum)) - n) > 1e-8)
    stop("Error: Each column of x should be a unit vector, ||x[ , i]|| = 1.")
  svd.x = svd(x, nu = nrow(x))
  uu = svd.x$u
  maxd = which(svd.x$d < 1e-15)[1]
  if (is.na(maxd) | k > n)
    maxd = min(k, n) + 1
  nullspdim = k - maxd + 1
  d = k - 1
if (output){
  cat("Message from pns() : dataset is on ", d, "-sphere. \n", sep = "")
  if (nullspdim > 0)
if (output){
    cat(" .. found null space of dimension ",
        ", to be trivially reduced. \n",
        sep = "")

if (d==2){

  resmat = matrix(NA, d, n)
  orthaxis = list()
  orthaxis[[d - 1]] = NA
  dist = rep(NA, d - 1)
  pvalues = matrix(NA, d - 1, 2)
  ratio = rep(NA, d - 1)
  currentSphere = x
  if (nullspdim > 0)
    for (i in 1:nullspdim)
      oaxis = uu[, ncol(uu) - i + 1]
      r = pi / 2
      pvalues[i,] = c(NaN, NaN)
      res = acos(t(oaxis) %*% currentSphere) - r
      orthaxis[[i]] = oaxis
      dist[i] = r
      resmat[i,] = res
      NestedSphere = rotMat(oaxis) %*% currentSphere
      currentSphere = NestedSphere[1:(k - i),] /
        repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - NestedSphere[nrow(NestedSphere),] ^
                             2), nrow = 1), k - i, 1)
      uu = rotMat(oaxis) %*% uu
      uu = uu[1:(k - i),] / repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - uu[nrow(uu),] ^ 2), nrow = 1), k - i, 1)
if (output){
      cat(d - i + 1,
          "-sphere to ",
          d - i,
          "-sphere, by ",
          "NULL space \n",
          sep = "")
  if (sphere.type == "seq.test")
if (output){
    cat(" .. sequential tests with significance level ",
        sep = "")
    isIsotropic = FALSE
    for (i in (nullspdim + 1):(d - 1))
      if (!isIsotropic)
        sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = "small")
        center.s = sp$center
        r.s = sp$r
        resSMALL = acos(t(center.s) %*% currentSphere) - r.s
        sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = "great")
        center.g = sp$center
        r.g = sp$r
        resGREAT = acos(t(center.g) %*% currentSphere) - r.g
        pval1 = LRTpval(resGREAT, resSMALL, n)
        pvalues[i, 1] = pval1
        if (pval1 > alpha)
          center = center.g
          r = r.g
          pvalues[i, 2] = NA
if (output){
            d - i + 1,
            "-sphere to ",
            d - i,
            "-sphere, by GREAT sphere, p(LRT) = ",
            sep = ""
        } else {
          pval2 = vMFtest(currentSphere, R)
          pvalues[i, 2] = pval2
          if (pval2 > alpha)
            center = center.g
            r = r.g
if (output){
              d - i + 1,
              "-sphere to ",
              d - i,
              "-sphere, by GREAT sphere, p(LRT) = ",
              ", p(vMF) = ",
              sep = ""
            isIsotropic = TRUE
          } else {
            center = center.s
            r = r.s
if (output){
              d - i + 1,
              "-sphere to ",
              d - i,
              "-sphere, by SMALL sphere, p(LRT) = ",
              ", p(vMF) = ",
              sep = ""
      } else if (isIsotropic) {
        sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = "great")
        center = sp$center
        r = sp$r
if (output){
          d - i + 1,
          "-sphere to ",
          d - i,
          "-sphere, by GREAT sphere, restricted by testing vMF distn",
          sep = ""
        pvalues[i, 1] = NA
        pvalues[i, 2] = NA
      res = acos(t(center) %*% currentSphere) - r
      orthaxis[[i]] = center
      dist[i] = r
      resmat[i,] = res
      cur.proj = project.subsphere(x = currentSphere,
                                   center = center,
                                   r = r)
      NestedSphere = rotMat(center) %*% currentSphere
      currentSphere = NestedSphere[1:(k - i),] /
        repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - NestedSphere[nrow(NestedSphere),] ^
                             2), nrow = 1), k - i, 1)
      if (nrow(currentSphere) == 3)
        PNS$spherePNS = t(currentSphere)
      if (nrow(currentSphere) == 2)
        PNS$circlePNS = t(cur.proj)
  } else if (sphere.type == "BIC") {
if (output){
    cat(" .. with BIC \n")
    for (i in (nullspdim + 1):(d - 1))
      sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = "small")
      center.s = sp$center
      r.s = sp$r
      resSMALL = acos(t(center.s) %*% currentSphere) - r.s
      sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = "great")
      center.g = sp$center
      r.g = sp$r
      resGREAT = acos(t(center.g) %*% currentSphere) - r.g
      BICsmall = n * log(mean(resSMALL ^ 2)) + (d - i + 1 + 1) * log(n)
      BICgreat = n * log(mean(resGREAT ^ 2)) + (d - i + 1) * log(n)
if (output){
      cat("BICsm: ", BICsmall, ", BICgr: ", BICgreat, "\n", sep = "")
      if (BICsmall > BICgreat)
        center = center.g
        r = r.g
if (output){
        cat(d - i + 1,
            "-sphere to ",
            d - i,
            "-sphere, by ",
            "GREAT sphere, BIC \n",
            sep = "")
      } else {
        center = center.s
        r = r.s
if (output){
        cat(d - i + 1,
            "-sphere to ",
            d - i,
            "-sphere, by ",
            "SMALL sphere, BIC \n",
            sep = "")
      res = acos(t(center) %*% currentSphere) - r
      orthaxis[[i]] = center
      dist[i] = r
      resmat[i,] = res
      cur.proj = project.subsphere(x = currentSphere,
                                   center = center,
                                   r = r)
      NestedSphere = rotMat(center) %*% currentSphere
      currentSphere = NestedSphere[1:(k - i),] /
        repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - NestedSphere[nrow(NestedSphere),] ^
                             2), nrow = 1), k - i, 1)
      if (nrow(currentSphere) == 3)
        PNS$spherePNS = t(currentSphere)
      if (nrow(currentSphere) == 2)
        PNS$circlePNS = t(cur.proj)
  } else if (sphere.type == "small" | sphere.type == "great") {
    pvalues = NaN
    for (i in (nullspdim + 1):(d - 1))
      sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = sphere.type)
      center = sp$center
      r = sp$r
      res = acos(t(center) %*% currentSphere) - r
      orthaxis[[i]] = center
      dist[i] = r
      resmat[i,] = res
      cur.proj = project.subsphere(x = currentSphere,
                                   center = center,
                                   r = r)
      NestedSphere = rotMat(center) %*% currentSphere
      currentSphere = NestedSphere[1:(k - i),] /
        repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - NestedSphere[nrow(NestedSphere),] ^
                             2), nrow = 1), k - i, 1)
      if (nrow(currentSphere) == 3)
        PNS$spherePNS = t(currentSphere)
      if (nrow(currentSphere) == 2)
        PNS$circlePNS = t(cur.proj)
  } else if (sphere.type == "bi.sphere") {
    if (nlast.small.sphere < 0)
      cat("!!! Error from pns(): \n")
      cat("!!! nlast.small.sphere should be >= 0. \n")
    mx = (d - 1) - nullspdim
    if (nlast.small.sphere > mx)
      cat("!!! Error from pns(): \n")
      cat("!!! nlast.small.sphere should be <= ",
          " for this data. \n",
          sep = "")
    pvalues = NaN
    if (nlast.small.sphere != mx)
      for (i in (nullspdim + 1):(d - 1 - nlast.small.sphere))
        sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = "great")
        center = sp$center
        r = sp$r
        res = acos(t(center) %*% currentSphere) - r
        orthaxis[[i]] = center
        dist[i] = r
        resmat[i,] = res
        cur.proj = project.subsphere(x = currentSphere,
                                     center = center,
                                     r = r)
        NestedSphere = rotMat(center) %*% currentSphere
        currentSphere = NestedSphere[1:(k - i),] /
          repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - NestedSphere[nrow(NestedSphere),] ^
                               2), nrow = 1), k - i, 1)
        if (nrow(currentSphere) == 3)
          PNS$spherePNS = t(currentSphere)
        if (nrow(currentSphere) == 2)
          PNS$circlePNS = t(cur.proj)
    if (nlast.small.sphere != 0)
      for (i in (d - nlast.small.sphere):(d - 1))
        sp = getSubSphere(x = currentSphere, geodesic = "small")
        center = sp$center
        r = sp$r
        res = acos(t(center) %*% currentSphere) - r
        orthaxis[[i]] = center
        dist[i] = r
        resmat[i,] = res
        cur.proj = project.subsphere(x = currentSphere,
                                     center = center,
                                     r = r)
        NestedSphere = rotMat(center) %*% currentSphere
        currentSphere = NestedSphere[1:(k - i),] /
          repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - NestedSphere[nrow(NestedSphere),] ^
                               2), nrow = 1), k - i, 1)
        if (nrow(currentSphere) == 3)
          PNS$spherePNS = t(currentSphere)
        if (nrow(currentSphere) == 2)
          PNS$circlePNS = t(cur.proj)
  } else {
    print("!!! Error from pns():")
    print("!!! sphere.type must be 'seq.test', 'small', 'great', 'BIC', or 'bi.sphere'")
    print("!!!   Terminating execution     ")
  S1toRadian = atan2(currentSphere[2,], currentSphere[1,])
  meantheta = geodmeanS1(S1toRadian)$geodmean
  orthaxis[[d]] = meantheta
  resmat[d,] = mod(S1toRadian - meantheta + pi, 2 * pi) - pi
if (output){
    mfrow = c(1, 1),
    mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1),
    mgp = c(2.5, 1, 0),
    cex = 0.8
    xlab = "",
    ylab = "",
    xlim = c(-1, 1),
    ylim = c(-1, 1),
    asp = 1
  abline(h = 0, v = 0)
    pch = 1,
    cex = 3,
    col = "black",
    lwd = 5
    a = 0,
    b = sin(meantheta) / cos(meantheta),
    lty = 3
  l = mod(S1toRadian - meantheta + pi, 2 * pi) - pi
    pch = 4,
    cex = 3,
    col = "blue"
    pch = 4,
    cex = 3,
    col = "red"
    legend = c("Geodesic mean", "Max (+)ve from mean", "Min (-)ve from mean"),
    col = c("black", "blue", "red"),
    pch = c(1, 4, 4)
      "length of BLUE from geodesic mean : ",
      " (",
      round(max(l) * 180 / pi),
      " degree)",
      sep = ""
      "length of RED from geodesic mean : ",
      " (",
      round(min(l) * 180 / pi),
      " degree)",
      sep = ""
  radii = 1
  for (i in 1:(d - 1))
    radii = c(radii, prod(sin(dist[1:i])))
  resmat = flipud0(repmat(matrix(radii, ncol = 1), 1, n) * resmat)
if (d>1){
if (output){
  ### plot points on the 3D sphere (red), with 2D projection (blue)
  sphrad <- 0.015
yy <- orthaxis[[d-1]]
xx <- c(-yy[2], yy[1] , yy[3])
c1<-Enorm( c(xx[1],xx[2],xx[3])- c(-PNS$circlePNS[1,2],PNS$circlePNS[1,1],PNS$circlePNS[1,3]))
costheta<- 1 - c1^2/2
centre<- xx*costheta
A<- xx-centre
B<- diag(3)-A%*%t(A)/Enorm(A)**2
cc<- sin(acos(costheta))* ( cos(angle)%*%t(b1) + sin(angle)%*%t(b2) ) + rep(1,times=201)%*%t(centre)
if (output){

if (output){ 
  for (i in 1:n){
  sum=sum+  ( acos( cc%*%c(-PNS$circlePNS[i,2],PNS$circlePNS[i,1],PNS$circlePNS[i,3])) )**2
meanpt<- sin(acos(costheta))* ( cos(mean0angle)%*%t(b1) + sin(mean0angle)%*%t(b2) ) +t(centre)
spheres3d( meanpt, radius=sphrad * 1.5,col=7, alpha=0.8)

  PNS$scores = t(resmat) 
  PNS$radii = radii
  PNS$pnscircle <- cbind( cbind( cc[,2],-cc[,1]) , cc[,3])
  PNS$orthaxis = orthaxis
  PNS$dist = dist
  PNS$pvalues = pvalues
  PNS$ratio = ratio
  PNS$basisu = NULL
  PNS$mean = c(PNSe2s(matrix(0, d, 1), PNS))

meanplot <- c( -PNS$mean[2],PNS$mean[1],PNS$mean[3] )  

if (output){
spheres3d( meanplot, radius=sphrad*1.5,col=7, alpha=0.8)

  if (sphere.type == "seq.test")
    PNS$sphere.type = "seq.test"
  } else if (sphere.type == "small") {
    PNS$sphere.type = "small"
  } else if (sphere.type == "great") {
    PNS$sphere.type = "great"
  } else if (sphere.type == "BIC") {
    PNS$sphere.type = "BIC"
  } else if (sphere.type == "bi.sphere") {
    PNS$sphere.type = "bi.sphere"
  varPNS = apply(abs(resmat) ^ 2, 1, sum) / n
  total = sum(varPNS)
  propPNS = varPNS / total * 100
    resmat = resmat,
    PNS = PNS,
    percent = propPNS

#high-res sphere plot
#from stackoverflow answer (Mike Wise)
sphere1.f <- function(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, z0 = 0, r = 1, n = 101, ...){
  f <- function(s,t){ 
    cbind(   r * cos(t)*cos(s) + x0,
             r *        sin(s) + y0,
             r * sin(t)*cos(s) + z0)
  persp3d(f, slim = c(-pi/2,pi/2), tlim = c(0, 2*pi), n = n, add = T, ...)

#adapted from the package "sphereplot" to remove text and axes (Aaron Robotham)
rgl.sphgrid1 <- 
  function (radius = 1, col.long = "red", col.lat = "blue", deggap = 15, 
            longtype = "H", add = FALSE, radaxis = TRUE, radlab = "Radius") 
    if (add == F) {
    for (lat in seq(-90, 90, by = deggap)) {
      if (lat == 0) {
        col.grid = "grey50"
      else {
        col.grid = "grey"
      plot3d(sph2car1(long = seq(0, 360, len = 100), lat = lat, 
                     radius = radius, deg = T), col = col.grid, add = T, 
             type = "l")
    for (long in seq(0, 360 - deggap, by = deggap)) {
      if (long == 0) {
        col.grid = "grey50"
      else {
        col.grid = "grey"
      plot3d(sph2car1(long = long, lat = seq(-90, 90, len = 100), 
                     radius = radius, deg = T), col = col.grid, add = T, 
             type = "l")
    if (longtype == "H") {
      scale = 15
    if (longtype == "D") {
      scale = 1
    # rgl.sphtext(long = 0, lat = seq(-90, 90, by = deggap), radius = radius, 
    #              text = seq(-90, 90, by = deggap), deg = TRUE, col = col.lat)
    # rgl.sphtext(long = seq(0, 360 - deggap, by = deggap), lat = 0, 
    #             radius = radius, text = seq(0, 360 - deggap, by = deggap)/scale, 
    #              deg = TRUE, col = col.long)
    if (radaxis) {
      radpretty = pretty(c(0, radius))
      radpretty = radpretty[radpretty <= radius]
      #    lines3d(c(0, 0), c(0, max(radpretty)), c(0, 0), col = "grey50")
      for (i in 1:length(radpretty)) {
        #      lines3d(c(0, 0), c(radpretty[i], radpretty[i]), c(0, 
        #                                                        0, radius/50), col = "grey50")
        #     text3d(0, radpretty[i], radius/15, radpretty[i], 
        #            col = "darkgreen")
      #  text3d(0, radius/2, -radius/25, radlab)
sph2car1<-function (long, lat, radius = 1, deg = TRUE) 
    if (is.matrix(long) || is.data.frame(long)) {
        if (ncol(long) == 1) {
            long = long[, 1]
        else if (ncol(long) == 2) {
            lat = long[, 2]
            long = long[, 1]
        else if (ncol(long) == 3) {
            radius = long[, 3]
            lat = long[, 2]
            long = long[, 1]
    if (missing(long) | missing(lat)) {
        stop("Missing full spherical 3D input data.")
    if (deg) {
        long = long * pi/180
        lat = lat * pi/180
    return = cbind(x = radius * cos(long) * cos(lat), y = radius * 
        sin(long) * cos(lat), z = radius * sin(lat))

pns4pc = function(x,
                  sphere.type = "seq.test",
                  alpha = 0.1,
                  R = 100,
                  nlast.small.sphere = 1,
                  n.pc = 2)
   if (n.pc < 2)
      stop("Error: n.pc should be >= 2.")
   out = pc2sphere2(x = x, n.pc = n.pc)
   spheredata = t(out$spheredata)
   GPAout = out$GPAout
   pns.out = pns(
      x = spheredata,
      sphere.type = sphere.type,
      alpha = alpha,
      R = R,
      nlast.small.sphere = nlast.small.sphere
   pns.out$percent = pns.out$percent * sum(GPAout$percent[1:n.pc]) / 100
   pns.out$GPAout = GPAout
   pns.out$spheredata = spheredata

pns.pc = function(x,
                  sphere.type = "seq.test",
                  alpha = 0.1,
                  R = 100,
                  nlast.small.sphere = 0,
                  n.pc = 0)
   k = dim(x)[1]
   m = dim(x)[2]
   n = dim(x)[3]
   if (n.pc == 0)
      GPAout = procGPA(
         x = x,
         scale = TRUE,
         reflect = FALSE,
         tangentcoords = "partial",
         distances = FALSE
      spheredata = matrix(NA, k * m, n)
      for (i in 1:n)
         spheredata[, i] = c(GPAout$rotated[, , i])
      pns.out = pns(
         x = spheredata,
         sphere.type = sphere.type,
         alpha = alpha,
         R = R,
         nlast.small.sphere = nlast.small.sphere
      resmat = pns.out$resmat
      PNS = pns.out$PNS
      npts = 200
      prinarc1 = get.prinarc(
         arc = 1,
         n = npts,
         boundary.data = FALSE
      prinarc2 = get.prinarc(
         arc = 2,
         n = npts,
         boundary.data = FALSE
      prinarc1.ar = array(NA, c(k, m, npts))
      prinarc2.ar = array(NA, c(k, m, npts))
      for (i in 1:npts)
         prinarc1.ar[, , i] = matrix(prinarc1[, i], nrow = k)
         prinarc2.ar[, , i] = matrix(prinarc2[, i], nrow = k)
      scores.prinarc1 = shape.pcscores.partial(PCAout = GPAout, x = prinarc1.ar)
      scores.prinarc2 = shape.pcscores.partial(PCAout = GPAout, x = prinarc2.ar)
      out = pns.out
      out$GPAout = GPAout
      out$scores.prinarc1 = scores.prinarc1
      out$scores.prinarc2 = scores.prinarc2
   } else {
      pns.out = pns4pc(
         x = x,
         sphere.type = sphere.type,
         alpha = alpha,
         R = R,
         nlast.small.sphere = nlast.small.sphere,
         n.pc = n.pc
      GPAout = pns.out$GPAout
      resmat = pns.out$resmat
      PNS = pns.out$PNS
      npts = 200
      prinarc1 = get.prinarc(
         arc = 1,
         n = npts,
         boundary.data = FALSE
      prinarc2 = get.prinarc(
         arc = 2,
         n = npts,
         boundary.data = FALSE
      scores.prinarc1 = matrix(NA, npts, n.pc)
      scores.prinarc2 = matrix(NA, npts, n.pc)
      for (g in 1:npts)
         size1 = acos(prinarc1[1, g])
         size2 = acos(prinarc2[1, g])
         scores.prinarc1[g,] = prinarc1[2:(n.pc + 1), g] / (sin(size1) / size1)
         scores.prinarc2[g,] = prinarc2[2:(n.pc + 1), g] / (sin(size2) / size2)
      out = pns.out
      out$scores.prinarc1 = scores.prinarc1
      out$scores.prinarc2 = scores.prinarc2

rotMat = function(b, a = NULL, alpha = NULL)
   if (is.matrix(b))
      if (min(dim(b)) == 1)
         b = c(b)
      } else {
         stop("Error: b should be a unit vector.")
   d = length(b)
   b = b / norm(b, type = "2")
   if (is.null(a) & is.null(alpha))
      a = c(rep(0, d - 1), 1)
      alpha = acos(sum(a * b))
   } else if (!is.null(a) & is.null(alpha)) {
      alpha = acos(sum(a * b))
   } else if (is.null(a) & !is.null(alpha)) {
      a = c(rep(0, d - 1), 1)
   if (abs(sum(a * b) - 1) < 1e-15)
      rot = diag(d)
   if (abs(sum(a * b) + 1) < 1e-15)
      rot = -diag(d)
   c = b - a * sum(a * b)
   c = c / norm(c, type = "2")
   A = a %*% t(c) - c %*% t(a)
   rot = diag(d) + sin(alpha) * A + (cos(alpha) - 1) * (a %*% t(a) + c %*% t(c))

ExpNPd = function(x)
   if (is.vector(x))
      x = as.matrix(x)
   d = nrow(x)
   nv = sqrt(apply(x ^ 2, 2, sum))
   Exppx = rbind(matrix(rep(sin(nv) / nv, d), nrow = d, byrow = T) * x, cos(nv))
   Exppx[, nv < 1e-16] = repmat(matrix(c(rep(0, d), 1)), 1, sum(nv < 1e-16))

LogNPd = function(x)
   n = ncol(x)
   d = nrow(x)
   scale = acos(x[d,]) / sqrt(1 - x[d,] ^ 2)
   scale[is.nan(scale)] = 1
   Logpx = repmat(t(scale), d - 1, 1) * x[-d,]

objfn = function(center, r, x)
   ) %*% x) - r) ^ 2))

getSubSphere = function(x, geodesic = "small")
   svd.x = svd(x)
   initialCenter = svd.x$u[, ncol(svd.x$u)]
   c0 = initialCenter
   TOL = 1e-10
   cnt = 0
   err = 1
   n = ncol(x)
   d = nrow(x)
   Gnow = 1e+10
   while (err > TOL)
      c0 = c0 / norm(c0, type = "2")
      rot = rotMat(c0)
      TpX = LogNPd(rot %*% x)
      fit = sphereFit(
         x = TpX,
         initialCenter = rep(0, d - 1),
         geodesic = geodesic
      newCenterTp = fit$center
      r = fit$r
      if (r > pi)
         r = pi / 2
         svd.TpX = svd(TpX)
         newCenterTp = svd.TpX$u[, ncol(svd.TpX$u)] * pi / 2
      newCenter = ExpNPd(newCenterTp)
      center = solve(rot, newCenter)
      Gnext = objfn(center, r, x)
      err = abs(Gnow - Gnext)
      Gnow = Gnext
      c0 = center
      cnt = cnt + 1
      if (cnt > 30)
   i1save = list()
   i1save$Gnow = Gnow
   i1save$center = center
   i1save$r = r
   U = princomp(t(x))$loadings[,]
   initialCenter = U[, ncol(U)]
   c0 = initialCenter
   TOL = 1e-10
   cnt = 0
   err = 1
   n = ncol(x)
   d = nrow(x)
   Gnow = 1e+10
   while (err > TOL)
      c0 = c0 / norm(c0, type = "2")
      rot = rotMat(c0)
      TpX = LogNPd(rot %*% x)
      fit = sphereFit(
         x = TpX,
         initialCenter = rep(0, d - 1),
         geodesic = geodesic
      newCenterTp = fit$center
      r = fit$r
      if (r > pi)
         r = pi / 2
         svd.TpX = svd(TpX)
         newCenterTp = svd.TpX$u[, ncol(svd.TpX$u)] * pi / 2
      newCenter = ExpNPd(newCenterTp)
      center = solve(rot, newCenter)
      Gnext = objfn(center, r, x)
      err = abs(Gnow - Gnext)
      Gnow = Gnext
      c0 = center
      cnt = cnt + 1
      if (cnt > 30)
   if (i1save$Gnow == min(Gnow, i1save$Gnow))
      center = i1save$center
      r = i1save$r
   if (r > pi / 2)
      center = -center
      r = pi - r
   return(list(center = c(center), r = r))

LRTpval = function(resGREAT, resSMALL, n)
   chi2 = max(n * log(sum(resGREAT ^ 2) / sum(resSMALL ^ 2)), 0)
      q = chi2,
      df = 1,
      lower.tail = FALSE

vMFtest = function(x, R = 100)
   d = nrow(x)
   n = ncol(x)
   sumx = apply(x, 1, sum)
   rbar = norm(sumx, "2") / n
   muMLE = sumx / norm(sumx, "2")
   kappaMLE = (rbar * d - rbar ^ 3) / (1 - rbar ^ 2)
   sp = getSubSphere(x = x, geodesic = "small")
   center.s = sp$center
   r.s = sp$r
   radialdistances = acos(t(center.s) %*% x)
   xi_sample = mean(radialdistances) / sd(radialdistances)
   xi_vec = rep(0, R)
   for (r in 1:R)
      rdata = randvonMisesFisherm(d, n, kappaMLE)
      sp = getSubSphere(x = rdata, geodesic = "small")
      center.s = sp$center
      r.s = sp$r
      radialdistances = acos(t(center.s) %*% rdata)
      xi_vec[r] = mean(radialdistances) / sd(radialdistances)
   pvalue = mean(xi_vec > xi_sample)

geodmeanS1 = function(theta)
   n = length(theta)
   meancandi = mod(mean(theta) + 2 * pi * (0:(n - 1)) / n, 2 * pi)
   theta = mod(theta, 2 * pi)
   geodvar = rep(0, n)
   for (i in 1:n)
      v = meancandi[i]
      dist2 = apply(cbind((theta - v) ^ 2, (theta - v + 2 * pi) ^ 2, (v - theta + 2 * pi) ^
                             2), 1, min)
      geodvar[i] = sum(dist2)
   m = min(geodvar)
   ind = which.min(geodvar)
   geodmean = mod(meancandi[ind], 2 * pi)
   geodvar = geodvar[ind] / n
   return(list(geodmean = geodmean, geodvar = geodvar))

PNSe2s = function(resmat, PNS)
   dm = nrow(resmat)
   n = ncol(resmat)
   NSOrthaxis = rev(PNS$orthaxis[1:(dm - 1)])
   NSradius = flipud0(matrix(PNS$dist, ncol = 1))
   geodmean = PNS$orthaxis[[dm]]
   res = resmat / repmat(flipud0(matrix(PNS$radii, ncol = 1)), 1, n)
   T = t(rotMat(NSOrthaxis[[1]])) %*%
      rbind(repmat(sin(NSradius[1] + matrix(res[2,], nrow = 1)), 2, 1) *
               rbind(cos(geodmean + res[1,]), sin(geodmean + res[1,])),
            cos(NSradius[1] + res[2,]))
   if (dm > 2)
      for (i in 1:(dm - 2))
         T = t(rotMat(NSOrthaxis[[i + 1]])) %*%
            rbind(repmat(sin(NSradius[i + 1] + matrix(
               res[i + 2,], nrow = 1
            )), 2 + i, 1) * T,
            cos(NSradius[i + 1] + res[i + 2,]))
   if (!is.null(PNS$basisu))
      T = PNS$basisu %*% T

PNSs2e = function(spheredata, PNS)
   if (nrow(spheredata) != length(PNS$mean))
      cat(" Error from PNSs2e() \n")
      cat(" Dimensions of the sphere and PNS decomposition do not match")
   if (!is.null(PNS$basisu))
      spheredata = t(PNS$basisu) %*% spheredata
   kk = nrow(spheredata)
   n = ncol(spheredata)
   Res = matrix(0, kk - 1, n)
   currentSphere = spheredata
   for (i in 1:(kk - 2))
      v = PNS$orthaxis[[i]]
      r = PNS$dist[i]
      res = acos(t(v) %*% currentSphere) - r
      Res[i,] = res
      NestedSphere = rotMat(v) %*% currentSphere
      currentSphere = as.matrix(NestedSphere[1:(kk - i),]) /
         repmat(matrix(sqrt(1 - NestedSphere[nrow(NestedSphere),] ^
                               2), nrow = 1), kk - i, 1)
   S1toRadian = atan2(currentSphere[2,], currentSphere[1,])
   devS1 = mod(S1toRadian - rev(PNS$orthaxis)[[1]] + pi, 2 * pi) - pi
   Res[kk - 1,] = devS1
   EuclidData = flipud0(repmat(PNS$radii, 1, n) * Res)

randvonMisesFisherm = function(m, n, kappa, mu = NULL)
   if (is.null(mu))
      muflag = FALSE
   } else {
      muflag = TRUE
   if (m < 2)
      print("Message from randvonMisesFisherm(): dimension m must be > 2")
      print("Message from randvonMisesFisherm(): Set m to be 2")
      m = 2
   if (kappa < 0)
      print("Message from randvonMisesFisherm(): kappa must be >= 0")
      print("Message from randvonMisesFisherm(): Set kappa to be 0")
      kappa = 0
   b = (-2 * kappa + sqrt(4 * kappa ^ 2 + (m - 1) ^ 2)) / (m - 1)
   x0 = (1 - b) / (1 + b)
   c = kappa * x0 + (m - 1) * log(1 - x0 ^ 2)
   nnow = n
   w = c()
   while (TRUE)
      ntrial = max(round(nnow * 1.2), nnow + 10)
      Z = rbeta(n = ntrial,
                shape1 = (m - 1) / 2,
                shape2 = (m - 1) / 2)
      U = runif(ntrial)
      W = (1 - (1 + b) * Z) / (1 - (1 - b) * Z)
      indicator = kappa * W + (m - 1) * log(1 - x0 * W) - c >= log(U)
      if (sum(indicator) >= nnow)
         w1 = W[indicator]
         w = c(w, w1[1:nnow])
      } else {
         w = c(w, W[indicator])
         nnow = nnow - sum(indicator)
   V = UNIFORMdirections(m - 1, n)
   X = rbind(repmat(sqrt(1 - matrix(w, nrow = 1) ^ 2), m - 1, 1) * V, matrix(w, nrow = 1))
   if (muflag)
      mu = mu / norm(mu, "2")
      X = t(rotMat(mu)) %*% X

UNIFORMdirections = function(m, n)
   V = matrix(0, m, n)
   nr = matrix(rnorm(m * n), nrow = m)
   for (i in 1:n)
      while (TRUE)
         ni = sum(nr[, i] ^ 2)
         if (ni < 1e-10)
            nr[, i] = rnorm(m)
         } else {
            V[, i] = nr[, i] / sqrt(ni)

trans.subsphere = function(x, center)
   return(repmat(1 / sqrt(1 - (t(
   ) %*% x) ^ 2), length(center) - 1, 1) *
      (rotMat(center)[-length(center),] %*% x))

get.prinarc.value = function(PNS, arc, res)
   d = length(PNS$orthaxis)
   n = length(res)
   prinarc = matrix(NA, d + 1, n)
   for (g in 1:n)
      newres = matrix(0, d, 1)
      newres[arc] = res[g]
      T = PNSe2s(newres, PNS)
      prinarc[, g] = T

get.prinarc = function(resmat, PNS, arc, n, boundary.data = FALSE)
   d = nrow(resmat)
   if (boundary.data)
      mn = min(resmat[arc,])
      mx = max(resmat[arc,])
   } else {
      mn = -pi * tail(PNS$radii, arc)[1]
      mx = pi * tail(PNS$radii, arc)[1]
   prinarcgrid = seq(mn, mx, length = n)
   prinarc = matrix(NA, d + 1, n)
   for (g in 1:n)
      newres = matrix(0, d, 1)
      newres[arc] = prinarcgrid[g]
      T = PNSe2s(newres, PNS)
      prinarc[, g] = T

get.prinarc.subsphere = function(resmat,
                                 subsphere = arc,
                                 boundary.data = FALSE)
   if (subsphere < arc)
      stop("Error: subsphere >= arc.")
   if (subsphere < 1)
      stop("Error: subsphere >= 1.")
   prinarc = get.prinarc(
      resmat = resmat,
      PNS = PNS,
      arc = arc,
      n = n,
      boundary.data = boundary.data
   d = nrow(resmat)
   prinarc.sub = prinarc
   if (subsphere < d)
      for (i in 1:(d - subsphere))
         prinarc.sub = trans.subsphere(x = prinarc.sub, center = PNS$orthaxis[[i]])

get.data.subsphere = function(resmat, PNS, x, subsphere)
   if (subsphere < 1)
      stop("Error: subsphere >= 1.")
   d = nrow(resmat)
   x.sub = x
   if (subsphere < d)
      for (i in 1:(d - subsphere))
         x.sub = trans.subsphere(x = x.sub, center = PNS$orthaxis[[i]])

mod = function(x, y)
   return(x %% y)

repmat = function(x, m, n)
   return(kronecker(matrix(1, m, n), x))

flipud0 = function(x)
   return(apply(x, 2, rev))

sphere.obj = function(center, x, is.greatCircle)
   di = sqrt(apply((x - repmat(
      matrix(center, ncol = 1), 1, ncol(x)
   )) ^ 2, 2, sum))
   if (is.greatCircle)
      r = pi / 2
   } else {
      r = mean(di)
   sum((di - r) ^ 2)

sphere.res = function(center, x, is.greatCircle)
   center = c(center)
   xmc = x - center
   di = sqrt(apply(xmc ^ 2, 2, sum))
   if (is.greatCircle)
      r = pi / 2
   } else {
      r = mean(di)
   (di - r)

sphere.jac = function(center, x, is.greatCircle)
   center = c(center)
   xmc = x - center
   di = sqrt(apply(xmc ^ 2, 2, sum))
   di.vj = -xmc / repmat(matrix(di, nrow = 1), length(center), 1)
   if (is.greatCircle)
   } else {
      r.vj = apply(di.vj, 1, mean)
      c(t(di.vj - repmat(matrix(r.vj, ncol = 1), 1, ncol(x))))

sphereFit = function(x,
                     initialCenter = NULL,
                     geodesic = "small")
   if (is.null(initialCenter))
      initialCenter = apply(x, 1, mean)
   op = nls.lm(
      par = initialCenter,
      fn = sphere.res,
      jac = sphere.jac,
      x = x,
      is.greatCircle = ifelse(geodesic == "great", TRUE, FALSE),
      control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = 1000)
   center = coef(op)
   di = sqrt(apply((x - repmat(
      matrix(center, ncol = 1), 1, ncol(x)
   )) ^ 2, 2, sum))
   if (geodesic == "great")
      r = pi / 2
   } else {
      r = mean(di)
   list(center = center, r = r)

tr = function(x)

Enormalize = function(x)
   return(x / Enorm(x))

sphere2pcscore = function(x)
   n = nrow(x)
   p = ncol(x)
   scores = matrix(NA, n, p - 1)
   for (i in 1:n)
      size = acos(x[i, 1])
      scores[i,] = (size / sin(size)) * x[i, 2:p]

pcscore2sphere = function(n.pc, X.hat, S, Tan, V)
   d = nrow(Tan)
   n = ncol(Tan)
   W = matrix(NA, d, n)
   for (i in 1:n)
      W[, i] = acos(tr(S[, , i] %*% t(X.hat))) * Tan[, i] / sqrt(sum(Tan[, i] ^
   lambda = matrix(NA, n, d)
   for (i in 1:n)
      for (j in 1:d)
         lambda[i, j] = sum(W[, i] * V[, j])
   U = matrix(0, n, d)
   for (i in 1:n)
      for (j in 1:n.pc)
         U[i,] = U[i,] + lambda[i, j] * V[, j]
   S.star = matrix(NA, n, n.pc + 1)
   for (i in 1:n)
      U.norm = sqrt(sum(U[i,] ^ 2))
      S.star[i,] = c(cos(U.norm),
                     sin(U.norm) / U.norm * lambda[i, 1:n.pc])

pcscore2sphere2 = function(n.pc, X.hat, S, Tan, V)
   d = nrow(Tan)
   n = ncol(Tan)
   W = matrix(NA, d, n)

  if (n.pc > min(d,n) )
      stop("Error: n.pc must be <= min(n,d)")

   for (i in 1:n)
      W[, i] = acos(tr(S[, , i] %*% t(X.hat))) * Tan[, i] / sqrt(sum(Tan[, i] ^
   lambda = matrix(NA, n, d)
   for (i in 1:n)
      for (j in 1:n.pc)
         lambda[i, j] = sum(W[, i] * V[, j])
   U = matrix(0, n, d)
   for (i in 1:n)
      for (j in 1:n.pc)
         U[i,] = U[i,] + lambda[i, j] * V[, j]
   S.star = matrix(NA, n, n.pc + 1)
   for (i in 1:n)
      U.norm = sqrt(sum(U[i,] ^ 2))
      S.star[i,] = c(cos(U.norm),
                     sin(U.norm) / U.norm * lambda[i, 1:n.pc])

pc2sphere = function(x, n.pc)
   k = dim(x)[1]
   m = dim(x)[2]
   n = dim(x)[3]
   if (n.pc < ((k - 1) * m))
      stop("Error: n.pc must be >= (k - 1) * m.")
   GPAout = procGPA(
      x = x,
      scale = TRUE,
      reflect = FALSE,
      tangentcoords = "partial",
      distances = FALSE
      "First ",
      " principal components explain ",
      "% of total variance. \n",
      sep = ""
   H = defh(k - 1)
   X.hat = H %*% GPAout$mshape
   S = array(NA, c(k - 1, m, n))
   for (i in 1:n)
      S[, , i] = H %*% GPAout$rotated[, , i]
   T.c = GPAout$tan - apply(GPAout$tan, 1, mean)
   out = pcscore2sphere(
      n.pc = n.pc,
      X.hat = X.hat,
      S = S,
      Tan = T.c,
      V = GPAout$pcar
   return(list(spheredata = out, GPAout = GPAout))

rot.mat = function(Y,
                   reflect = FALSE,
                   center = TRUE)
   svd.out = svd(t(X) %*% Y)
   R = svd.out$u %*% t(svd.out$v)
   if (!reflect)
      if (det(R) < 0)
         u = svd.out$u
         v = svd.out$v
         if (det(u) < 0)
            u[, dim(u)[2]] = -u[, dim(u)[2]]
         } else if (det(v) < 0) {
            v[, dim(v)[2]] = -v[, dim(v)[2]]
         R = u %*% t(v)

Procrustes.dist.full = function(x1, x2)
   m = ncol(x1)
   z1 = preshape(x1)
   z2 = preshape(x2)
   Q = t(z1) %*% z2 %*% t(z2) %*% z1
   ev = eigen(Q)$values
   sign = ifelse(det(t(z1) %*% z2) >= 0, 1,-1)
   dF = sqrt(abs(1 - sum(sqrt(abs(
      ev[1:(m - 1)]
   )), sign * sqrt(abs(
   ))) ^ 2))
   R = rot.mat(
      Y = z2,
      X = z1,
      reflect = FALSE,
      center = FALSE
   scale = sum(svd(t(z1) %*% z2)$d)
   return(list(dF = dF, R = R, scale = scale))

tangent.coords.partial = function(x, p)
   k = nrow(x)
   m = ncol(x)
   if (abs(norm(p, "F") - 1) > 1e-15)
      print("||p|| is not 1. Normalised one is used.")
      p = Enormalize(p)
   tmp = Procrustes.dist.full(x, p)
   R = tmp$R
   scale = tmp$scale
   pre.p = preshape(p)
   pre.x = preshape(x)
   ident = diag(k * m - m)
   tan = (ident - matrix(pre.p) %*% t(c(pre.p))) %*% c(pre.x %*% R)
   tan.scale = (ident - matrix(pre.p) %*% t(c(pre.p))) %*% c(pre.x %*% R * scale)
      tan = c(tan),
      tan.scale = c(tan.scale),
      R = R,
      scale = scale

shape.pcscores = function(PCAout, x, tangentcoords = "partial")
   if (tangentcoords == "partial")
      if (abs(norm(PCAout$mshape, "F") - 1) > 1e-15)
         print("||PCAout$mshape|| is not 1. Normalised one is used.")
         mshape = Enormalize(PCAout$mshape)
      } else {
         mshape = PCAout$mshape
      if (abs(norm(x, "F") - 1) > 1e-15)
         print("||x|| is not 1. Normalised one is used.")
         x = Enormalize(x)
      opa.out = procOPA(mshape, x, scale = FALSE)
      matched = opa.out$Bhat
      tan.out = tangent.coords.partial(matched, mshape)
      mean.tan = apply(PCAout$tan, 1, mean)
      scores = t(tan.out$tan - mean.tan) %*% PCAout$pcar
      scores.scale = t(tan.out$tan.scale - mean.tan) %*% PCAout$pcar
            rotated = matched,
            tan = tan.out$tan,
            tan.scale = tan.out$tan.scale,
            scores = c(scores),
            scores.scale = c(scores.scale)

shape.pcscores.partial = function(PCAout, x)
   n = dim(x)[3]
   scores = c()
   for (i in 1:n)
      s = shape.pcscores(PCAout, x[, , i], tangentcoords = "partial")
      scores = rbind(scores, s$scores)

plotshapes3d.pns = function(x,
                            type = "p",
                            col = "black",
                            size = 5,
                            aspect = "iso",
                            joinline = TRUE,
                            col.joinline = "#d4d2d2",
                            lwd.joinline = 0.5,
                            tick = FALSE,
                            labels.tick = FALSE,
                            xlab = "",
                            ylab = "",
                            zlab = "")
   k = dim(x)[1]
   n = dim(x)[3]
   aa = c()
   bb = c()
   cc = c()
   for (i in 1:n)
      aa = c(aa, x[, 1, i])
      bb = c(bb, x[, 2, i])
      cc = c(cc, x[, 3, i])
   xlim = range(aa)
   ylim = range(bb)
   zlim = range(cc)
      x[, , 1],
      type = "n",
      xlab = "",
      ylab = "",
      zlab = "",
      box = FALSE,
      axes = FALSE,
      aspect = aspect,
      xlim = xlim,
      ylim = ylim,
      zlim = zlim
   for (i in 1:n)
         x[, , i],
         type = type,
         col = col,
         size = size,
         add = TRUE
   if (tick)
         edge = 'x',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         pos = c(NA, 0, 0),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
         edge = 'y',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         pos = c(0, NA, 0),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
         edge = 'z',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         pos = c(0, 0, NA),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
   } else {
   r = cbind(xlim, ylim, zlim)
   pos = r[2,] + apply(r, 2, diff) / 20
   text3d(pos[1], 0, 0, texts = xlab, cex = 0.8)
   text3d(0, pos[2], 0, texts = ylab, cex = 0.8)
   text3d(0, 0, pos[3], texts = zlab, cex = 0.8)
   if (joinline)
      for (i in 1:n)
         lines3d(x[, , i], col = col.joinline, lwd = lwd.joinline)

Plot3D = function(x,
                  type = "s",
                  col = "black",
                  size = 1.2,
                  aspect = "iso",
                  joinline = FALSE,
                  col.joinline = "#d4d2d2",
                  lwd.joinline = 0.5,
                  tick = TRUE,
                  tick.boundary = FALSE,
                  labels.tick = TRUE,
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "")
   n = nrow(x)
      type = "n",
      xlab = "",
      ylab = "",
      zlab = "",
      box = FALSE,
      axes = FALSE,
      aspect = aspect
      type = type,
      col = col,
      size = size,
      add = TRUE
   if (tick)
         edge = 'x',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         pos = c(NA, 0, 0),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
         edge = 'y',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         pos = c(0, NA, 0),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
         edge = 'z',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         pos = c(0, 0, NA),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
   if (tick.boundary)
      tks = pretty(x[, 1], n = 10)
         edge = 'x',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         at = c(tks[1], tks[length(tks)]),
         pos = c(NA, 0, 0),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
      tks = pretty(x[, 2], n = 10)
         edge = 'y',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         at = c(tks[1], tks[length(tks)]),
         pos = c(0, NA, 0),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
      tks = pretty(x[, 3], n = 10)
         edge = 'z',
         labels = labels.tick,
         tick = TRUE,
         at = c(tks[1], tks[length(tks)]),
         pos = c(0, 0, NA),
         cex = 0.6,
         lwd = 0.5
   r = apply(x, 2, range)
   pos = r[2,] + apply(r, 2, diff) / 20
   text3d(pos[1], 0, 0, texts = xlab, cex = 0.8)
   text3d(0, pos[2], 0, texts = ylab, cex = 0.8)
   text3d(0, 0, pos[3], texts = zlab, cex = 0.8)
   if (joinline)
      lines3d(x, col = col.joinline, lwd = lwd.joinline)

col2RGB = function(col, alpha = 255)
   n = length(col)
   out = c()
   for (i in 1:n)
      out[i] = rgb(
         red = col2rgb(col[i])[1],
         green = col2rgb(col[i])[2],
         blue = col2rgb(col[i])[3],
         alpha = alpha,
         maxColorValue = 255

project.subsphere = function(x, center, r)
   n = ncol(x)
   d = nrow(x)
   x.proj = matrix(NA, d, n)
   for (i in 1:n)
      rho = acos(sum(x[, i] * center))
      x.proj[, i] = (sin(r) * x[, i] + sin(rho - r) * center) / sin(rho)

##############################################################end of PNS###########

##### Penalised Euclidean Distance Regression

ped <- function(X, Y, method = c("AIC")) {
   if (method == "AIC") {
      aicmin <- 999999999
      for (lam in c(0.2, 0.5, 1.0)) {
         for (cofp in c(0.75, 1, 1.35, 1.5)) {
            out   <-
                  nlambda = 1,
                  constc0 = 1.1,
                  constc1 = cofp,
                  lambdainit = lam
            if (out$aic < aicmin) {
               minout <- out
               mincofp <- cofp
               aicmin <- out$aic
      out <- minout
   if (method == "BIC") {
      bicmin <- 999999999
      for (lam in c(0.2, 0.5, 1.0)) {
         for (cofp in c(0.75, 1, 1.35, 1.5)) {
            out   <-
                  nlambda = 1,
                  constc0 = 1.1,
                  constc1 = cofp,
                  lambdainit = lam
            if (out$bic < bicmin) {
               minout <- out
               mincofp <- cofp
               bicmin <- out$bic
      out <- minout
   if (method == "khat") {
      aicmin <- 999999999
      for (lam in c(0.2, 0.5, 1.0)) {
         for (cofp in c(0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5)) {
            out   <-
                  nlambda = 1,
                  constc0 = 1.1,
                  constc1 = cofp,
                  lambdainit = lam
            if (-out$khat < aicmin) {
               minout <- out
               mincofp <- cofp
               aicmin <- -out$khat
      out <- minout
   if (method == "CV") {
      n <- length(Y)
      cvmin <- 999999999
      for (lam in c(0.2, 0.5, 1.0)) {
         for (cofp in c(0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5)) {
            cverr <- 0
            for (jj in 1:10) {
               subsample <- ((jj - 1) * 10 + 1):((jj - 1) * 10 + 10)
               out   <-
                     X[-subsample, ],
                     nlambda = 1,
                     constc0 = 1.1,
                     constc1 = cofp,
                     lambdainit = lam
               cverr <-
                  cverr + Enorm(Y[subsample] - out$intercept - X[subsample, ] %*% out$betahat) **
            if (cverr < cvmin) {
               minout <- out
               minlam <- lam
               mincofp <- cofp
               cvmin <- cverr
      out <-
            nlambda = 1,
            constc0 = 1.1,
            constc1 = mincofp,
            lambdainit = minlam
   out1 <- list(
      betahat = 0,
      yhat = 0,
      lambda = 0,
      coef = 0,
      resid = 0
   out1$intercept <- out$intercept
   out1$coef <- c(out$intercept, out$betahat)
   out1$betahat <- out$betahat
   out1$lambda <- out$lambda
   out1$delta <- mincofp
   out1$yhat <- out$yhat
   out1$resid <- Y - out$yhat

###########################function for PED#####################

pedreg <-
            constc0 = 1.1,
            constc1 = 1.35,
            alpha = 0.05,
            LMM = 50,
            MIT = 10000,
            NUM_METHOD = 1,
            nlambda = 1,
            lambdamax = 1,
            PLOT = TRUE,
            BIC = FALSE,
            lambdainit = 1) {
      # NUM_METHOD = 1 = L-BFGS-B
      # LMM = Parameter M in L-BFGS method 1
      # MIT = Max iterations for optimization
      p <- dim(X)[2]
      n <- dim(X)[1]
      constc <- constc0
      Ymean <- mean(Y)
      Ysd <- sd(Y)
      Yinit <- Y
      pinit <- p
      ans0 <- rep(0, times = pinit)
      Xorig <- X
      Yorig <- Y
      vm <- rep(0, times = ncol(X))
      vsd <- rep(0, times = ncol(X))
      for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
         vm[i] <- mean(X[, i])
      for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
         vsd[i] <- sd(X[, i])
      #standardize to sphere
      X <- scale(X) / sqrt(n - 1)
      Y <- scale(Y) / sqrt(n - 1)
      X0 <- X
      Y0 <- Y
      lambdainit1 <- constc / sqrt(n - 1) * sqrt(sqrt(p)) / n * qnorm(1 - alpha /
                                                                         (2 * p))
      if (nlambda == 1) {
         lambdainit1 <- lambdainit
      METHOD1 <- "L-BFGS-B"
      xi <- -9999999
      c1 <- 1
      nlam <- nlambda
      betamat <- matrix(0, p, nlam)
      betamat.sparse <- betamat
      lambdamat <- rep(0, times = nlam)
      ximat <- rep(0, times = nlam)
      aic <- rep(0, times = nlam)
      bic <- rep(0, times = nlam)
      npar <- rep(0, times = nlam)
      selectmat <- betamat
      #cat(c("Lambda iteration (out of ",nlam,"):"))
      for (ilam in (nlam:1)) {
         #cat(c(ilam," "))
         if (nlam == 1) {
            lambda <- lambdainit1
         if (nlam > 1) {
            c1 <- sqrt(n) + (ilam - 1) / (nlam - 1) * 1 / lambdainit1
            c1 <-
               sqrt(n) + ((ilam - 1) / (nlam - 1)) * 1 / lambdainit1 * (lambdamax - lambdainit1 *
            lambda <- lambdainit1 * c1
         if (ilam == nlam) {
            x0 <- rep(1 / sqrt(p), times = p)
         if (ilam != nlam) {
            x0 <- betahat + rnorm(p) / sqrt(p)
         pedfun <- function(pars, Y = 0, X = 0) {
            p <- length(pars)
            pars <- matrix(pars, p, 1)
            ped <- Enorm(Y - X %*% pars) + lambda * sqrt(Enorm(pars) * sum(abs(pars)))
         pedgrad <- function(pars, X = 0, Y = 0) {
            GM <- sqrt(Enorm(pars) * sum(abs(pars)))
            gradL <- rep(0, times = p)
            gradL <-  -t(X) %*% (Y - X %*% pars) / Enorm(Y - X %*% pars)
            gradL <- gradL + matrix(
               lambda / 2 * pars / Enorm(pars) * sum(abs(pars)) / GM +
                  lambda / 2 * sign(pars) * Enorm(pars) / GM ,
         if (NUM_METHOD == 1) {
            repeat {
               res2 <-
                     par = x0,
                     fn = pedfun,
                     gr = pedgrad,
                     method = METHOD1,
                     control = list(lmm = LMM, maxit = MIT),
                     X = X,
                     Y = Y
               betahat <- res2$par
               if (res2$convergence == 0) {
               x0 <- rnorm(p) / sqrt(p)
         oldxi <- xi
         xi <-
            sqrt(Enorm(betahat) / sum(abs(betahat))) - sqrt(n) / (constc * c1 * p ^
                                                                     (1 / 4))
         dif <- (xi - oldxi)
         REGC <- 0.0001
         betamat[, ilam] <- betahat / (Enorm(betahat) + REGC)
         lambdamat[ilam] <- lambda
         ximat[ilam] <- xi
         ximat[ilam] <- sqrt(Enorm(betahat) / sum(abs(betahat)))
         MM <- constc1 / (sqrt(n))
         select <- (abs(betahat) / (Enorm(betahat) + REGC) > MM)
         selectmat[, ilam] <- select
         betamat.sparse[, ilam] <- betamat[, ilam]
         betamat.sparse[select == FALSE, ilam] <- 0 * betamat[select == FALSE, ilam]
         pp <- sum(select)
         npar[ilam] <- pp
         bic[ilam] <- log(Enorm(Y) ** 2 / n) * (n) + log(n) * (1)
         aic[ilam] <- log(Enorm(Y) ** 2 / n) * (n) + 2 * (1)
         if (sum(select) > 0) {
            aa <- lm(Y ~ X[, c(1:p)[select]] - 1)
            pred <- predict(aa)
            # Use AIC with finite sample correction
            aic[ilam] <-
               log(Enorm(Y - pred) ** 2 / n) * (n)  + 2 * (pp + 1) + 2 * (pp + 1) * (pp +
                                                                                        2) / (n - pp - 2)
            # Use AIC/BIC
            bic[ilam] <- log(Enorm(Y - pred) ** 2 / n) * (n) + log(n) * (pp + 1)
            aic[ilam] <- log(Enorm(Y - pred) ** 2 / n) * (n) + 2 * (pp + 1)
      best <- 1
      if (nlam > 1) {
         ###########################################choose best via AIC
         best <- c(1:nlam)[aic == min(aic)][1]
         select <- as.logical(selectmat[, best])
         lambdaaic <- lambdamat[best]
         ###########################################choose best via Corollary 1 with khat
         best2 <- nlam
         if ((sum(ximat > 0.25)) > 0) {
            best2 <- c(1:nlam)[(ximat) > 0.25][1]
         #################### biggest xi from Corollary 1
         xism <- (ximat)
         if (sum(diff(xism) < 0.01) > 0) {
            best2 <- c(2:nlam)[diff(xism) < 0.01][1] - 1
         ############## biggest sqrt( Enorm(beta) / norm(beta)_1 )
         best2 <- c(1:nlam)[ximat == max(ximat)]
         selectcor <- as.logical(selectmat[, best2])
         lambdacor1 <- lambdamat[best2]
         if (BIC == FALSE) {
            best <- best2
            select <- selectcor
      ################last part######estimate with reduced p###########
      if (sum(select) > 0) {
         X <- as.matrix(X[, select])
         p <- sum(select)
         p14 <- sqrt(sqrt(p))
         final <- c(1:pinit)[select]
      lambda <- constc / sqrt(sqrt(p)) / sqrt(n) * qnorm(1 - alpha / (2 * p))
      if (sum(select) > 0) {
         x0 <- rep(1 / p, times = p)
         if (NUM_METHOD == 1) {
            repeat {
               res2 <-
                     par = x0,
                     fn = pedfun,
                     gr = pedgrad,
                     method = METHOD1,
                     control = list(lmm = LMM, maxit = MIT),
                     X = X,
                     Y = Y
               betahat <- res2$par
               if (res2$convergence == 0) {
               x0 <- rnorm(p) / p
         ans0[final] <- betahat
      out <- list(betahat = 0,
                  yhat = 0,
                  lambda = 0)
      out$betahatscale <- ans0
      out$yhatscale <- c(X0 %*% ans0)
      if (nlam > 1) {
         out$lambdacor1 <- lambdacor1
         out$lambdaaic <- lambdaaic
         out$betamat.sparse <- betamat.sparse
         out$betamat.rescale <- betamat
         out$betamat <- betamat
         for (i in 1:nlam) {
            out$betamat.rescale[, i] <- c(out$betamat[, i] / vsd) * sd(Yorig)
         out$lambdamat <- lambdamat
         out$ximat <- ximat
         out$MM <- MM
         out$fmax <- res2$value
         out$npar <- npar
         out$selectmat <- selectmat
      #use AIC
      out$aic <- aic
      #use BIC
      out$bic <- bic
      #use khat
      out$khat <- ximat
      out$lambdath3 <- lambdainit1 * sqrt(n)
      out$lambda <- out$lambdacor1
      if (BIC == TRUE) {
         out$lambda <- out$lambdaaic
      if (nlam == 1) {
         out$lambda <- lambdainit1
         out$constc1 <- constc1
      sol <- sd(Yorig) * c(ans0 / vsd)
      inter <- drop(mean(Yorig) - sd(Yorig) * (vm / vsd) %*% ans0)
      out$intercept <- drop(mean(Yorig) - sd(Yorig) * (vm / vsd) %*% ans0)
      out$betahat <- sd(Yorig) * c(ans0 / vsd)
      out$best <- best
      out$Yinit <- Yinit
      out$yhat <- Xorig %*% sol + inter

# Log Euclidean mean: Sigma_L

estLogEuclid <- function(S, weights = 1) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   sum <- S[, , 1] * 0
   for (j in 1:M) {
      eS <- eigen(S[, , j], symmetric = TRUE)
      sum <- sum +
         weights[j] * eS$vectors %*% diag(log(eS$values)) %*% t(eS$vectors) /
   ans <- sum
   eL <- eigen(ans, symmetric = TRUE)
   eL$vectors %*% diag(exp(eL$values)) %*% t(eL$vectors)

estPowerEuclid <- function(S, weights = 1, alpha = 0.5) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   sum <- S[, , 1] * 0
   for (j in 1:M) {
      eS <- eigen(S[, , j], symmetric = TRUE)
      sum <- sum +
         weights[j] * eS$vectors %*% diag(abs(eS$values) ** alpha) %*% t(eS$vectors) /
   ans <- sum
   eL <- eigen(ans, symmetric = TRUE)
   eL$vectors %*% diag(abs(eL$values) ** (1 / alpha)) %*% t(eL$vectors)

# Riemannian (weighted mean) : Sigma_R
estLogRiem2 <- function(S, weights = 1) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   check <- 9
   tau <- 1
   Hold <- 99999
   mu <- estLogEuclid(S, weights)
   while (check > 0.0000000001) {
      ev <- eigen(mu, symmetric = TRUE)
      logmu <- ev$vectors %*% diag(log(ev$values)) %*% t(ev$vectors)
      Hnew <- Re(Hessian2(S, mu, weights))
      logmunew <- logmu + tau * Hnew
      ev <- eigen(logmunew, symmetric = TRUE)
      mu <- ev$vectors %*% diag(exp(ev$values)) %*% t(ev$vectors)
      check <- Re(Enorm(Hold) - Enorm(Hnew))
      if (check < 0) {
         tau <- tau / 2
         check <- 999999
      Hold <- Hnew

# Hessian used in calculating Sigma_R
Hessian2 <- function(S, Sigma, weights = 1) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   k <- dim(S)[1]
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   ev0 <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
   shalf <-
      ev0$vectors %*% (diag(sqrt((ev0$values)))) %*% t(ev0$vectors)
   sumit <- matrix(0, k, k)
   for (i in 1:(M)) {
      ev2 <- eigen(shalf %*% solve(S[, , i]) %*% shalf, symmetric = TRUE)
      sumit <-
         sumit + weights[i] * ev2$vectors %*% diag (log((ev2$values))) %*% t(ev2$vectors) /
   - sumit

# Euclidean : Sigma_E
estEuclid <- function(S, weights = 1) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   sum <- S[, , 1] * 0
   for (j in 1:M) {
      sum <- sum + S[, , j] * weights[j] / sum(weights)

# Cholesky mean : Sigma_C
estCholesky <- function(S, weights = 1) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   sum <- S[, , 1] * 0
   for (j in 1:M) {
      sum <- sum + t(chol(S[, , j])) * weights[j] / sum(weights)
   cc <- sum
   cc %*% t(cc)

ild_estSS <- function(S, weights = 1) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   k <- dim(S)[1]
   H <- defh(k)
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   Q <- array(0, c(k + 1, k, M))
   for (j in 1:M) {
      Q[, , j] <- t(H) %*% (rootmat(S[, , j]))
   ans <- procWGPA(
      fixcovmatrix = diag(k + 1),
      scale = FALSE,
      reflect = TRUE,
      sampleweights = weights
   H %*% ans$mshape %*% t(H %*% ans$mshape)

ild_estShape <- function(S, weights = 1) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   k <- dim(S)[1]
   H <- defh(k)
   if (length(weights) == 1) {
      weights <- rep(1, times = M)
   Q <- array(0, c(k + 1, k, M))
   for (j in 1:M) {
      Q[, , j] <- t(H) %*% (rootmat(S[, , j]))
   ans <- procWGPA(
      fixcovmatrix = diag(k + 1),
      scale = TRUE,
      reflect = TRUE,
      sampleweights = weights
   H %*% ans$mshape %*% t(H %*% ans$mshape)

estRiemLe <- function(S, weights) {
   M <- dim(S)[3]
   k <- dim(S)[1]
   if (M != 2)
      print("Sorry - Calculation not implemented for M>2 yet")
   if (M == 2) {
      P1 <- S[, , 1]
      P2 <- S[, , 2]
      detP1 <- prod(eigen(P1)$values)
      detP2 <- prod(eigen(P2)$values)
      P1 <- P1 / (detP1) ^ (1 / k)
      P2 <- P2 / (detP2) ^ (1 / k)
      P1inv <- solve(P1)
      P12sq <- P1inv %*% P2 %*% P2 %*% P1inv
      tem <- eigen(P12sq, symmetric = TRUE)
      A2 <- tem$vectors %*% diag(log(tem$values)) %*% t(tem$vectors)
      logPs2 <- weights[2] * A2
      tem2 <- eigen(logPs2, symmetric = TRUE)
      Ps2 <- tem2$vectors %*% diag(exp(tem2$values)) %*% t(tem2$vectors)
      P12s <- P1 %*% Ps2 %*% P1
      tem3 <- eigen(P12s, symmetric = TRUE)
      P12sA <-
         tem3$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(tem3$values)) %*% t(tem3$vectors)
      Ptildes <- (detP1 * (detP2 / detP1) ^ weights[2]) ^ (1 / k) * P12sA


distRiemPennec <- function(P1, P2) {
   eig <- eigen(P1, symmetric = TRUE)
   P1half <- eig$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(eig$values)) %*% t(eig$vectors)
   P1halfinv <- solve(P1half)
   AA <- P1halfinv %*% P2 %*% P1halfinv
   tem <- eigen(AA, symmetric = TRUE)
   A2 <- tem$vectors %*% diag(log(tem$values)) %*% t(tem$vectors)
   dd <- Enorm(A2)

distLogEuclidean <- function(P1, P2) {
   eig <- eigen(P1, symmetric = TRUE)
   logP1 <- eig$vectors %*% diag(log(eig$values)) %*% t(eig$vectors)
   tem <- eigen(P2, symmetric = TRUE)
   logP2 <- tem$vectors %*% diag(log(tem$values)) %*% t(tem$vectors)
   dd <- Enorm(logP1 - logP2)

distRiemannianLe <-
   function(P1, P2) {
      dd <- distRiemPennec(P1 %*% t(P1), P2 %*% t(P2)) / 2

ild_distProcrustesSizeShape <-
   function (P1, P2)
      H <- defh(dim(P1)[1])
      Q1 <- t(H) %*% rootmat(P1)
      Q2 <- t(H) %*% rootmat(P2)
      ans <- sqrt(
         centroid.size(Q1) ^ 2 + centroid.size(Q2) ^ 2 - 2 *
            centroid.size(Q1) * centroid.size(Q2) * cos(riemdist(Q1,
                                                                 Q2, reflect = TRUE))

ild_distProcrustesFull <- function(P1, P2) {
   H <- defh(dim(P1)[1])
   Q1 <- t(H) %*% rootmat(P1)
   Q2 <- t(H) %*% rootmat(P2)
   ans <- riemdist(Q1, Q2, reflect = TRUE)

distPowerEuclidean <- function(P1, P2, alpha = 1 / 2) {
   if (alpha != 0) {
      eS <- eigen(P1, symmetric = TRUE)
      Q1 <- eS$vectors %*% diag(abs(eS$values) ^ alpha) %*% t(eS$vectors)
      eS <- eigen(P2, symmetric = TRUE)
      Q2 <- eS$vectors %*% diag(abs(eS$values) ^ alpha) %*% t(eS$vectors)
      dd <- Enorm(Q1 - Q2) / abs(alpha)
   if (alpha == 0) {
      dd <- distLogEuclidean(P1, P2)

ild_distCholesky <- function(P1, P2) {
   H <- defh(dim(P1)[1])
   Q1 <- t(H) %*% t(chol(P1))
   Q2 <- t(H) %*% t(chol(P2))
   ans <- Enorm(Q1 - Q2)

distEuclidean <- function(P1, P2) {
   ans <- Enorm(P1 - P2)


distcov <- function(S1,
                    S2 ,
                    method = "Riemannian",
                    alpha = 1 / 2) {
   if (method == "Procrustes") {
      dd <- distProcrustesSizeShape(S1, S2)
   if (method == "ProcrustesShape") {
      dd <- distProcrustesFull(S1, S2)
   if (method == "Riemannian") {
      dd <- distRiemPennec(S1, S2)
   if (method == "Cholesky") {
      dd <- distCholesky(S1, S2)
   if (method == "Power") {
      dd <- distPowerEuclidean(S1, S2, alpha)
   if (method == "Euclidean") {
      dd <- distEuclidean(S1, S2)
   if (method == "LogEuclidean") {
      dd <- distLogEuclidean(S1, S2)
   if (method == "RiemannianLe") {
      dd <- distRiemannianLe(S1, S2)

estcov <-
   function (S,
             method = "Riemannian",
             weights = 1,
             alpha = 1 / 2,
             MDSk = 2)
      out <- list(
         mean = 0,
         sd = 0,
         pco = 0,
         eig = 0,
         dist = 0
      M <- dim(S)[3]
      if (length(weights) == 1) {
         weights <- rep(1, times = M)
      if (method == "Procrustes") {
         dd <- estSS(S, weights)
      if (method == "ProcrustesShape") {
         dd <- estShape(S, weights)
      if (method == "Riemannian") {
         dd <- estLogRiem2(S, weights)
      if (method == "Cholesky") {
         dd <- estCholesky(S, weights)
      if (method == "Power") {
         dd <- estPowerEuclid(S, weights, alpha)
      if (method == "Euclidean") {
         dd <- estEuclid(S, weights)
      if (method == "LogEuclidean") {
         dd <- estLogEuclid(S, weights)
      if (method == "RiemannianLe") {
         dd <- estRiemLe(S, weights)
      out$mean <- dd
      sum <- 0
      for (i in 1:M) {
         sum <-
            sum + weights[i] * distcov(S[, , i], dd, method = method) ^ 2 / sum(weights)
      out$sd <- sqrt(sum)
      dist <- matrix(0, M, M)
      for (i in 2:M) {
         for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
            dist[i, j] <- distcov(S[, , i], S[, , j], method = method)
            dist[j, i] <- dist[i, j]
      out$dist <- dist
      if (M > MDSk) {
         ans <-
               k = MDSk,
               eig = TRUE,
               add = TRUE,
               x.ret = TRUE
         out$pco <- ans$points
         out$eig <- ans$eig
         if (MDSk > 2) {
            shapes3d(out$pco[, 1:min(MDSk, 3)], axes3 = TRUE)
         if (MDSk == 2) {
                 type = "n",
                 xlab = "MDS1",
                 ylab = "MDS2")
            text(out$pco[, 1], out$pco[, 2], 1:length(out$pco[, 1]))

rootmat <- function(P1) {
   eS <- eigen(P1, symmetric = TRUE)
   if (min(eS$values) < -0.001) {
      print("Not positive-semi definite")
      Q1 <- eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eS$values))) %*% t(eS$vectors)


shapes.cva <- function(X ,
                       groups ,
                       scale = TRUE,
                       tangentcoords = "residual", 
                       ncv = 2) {
   g <- dim(table (groups))
   ans <- procGPA(X , tangentcoords=tangentcoords, scale = scale)
   if (scale == TRUE)
      pp <- (ans$k - 1) * ans$m - (ans$m * (ans$m - 1) / 2) - 1
   if (scale == FALSE)
      pp <- (ans$k - 1) * ans$m - (ans$m * (ans$m - 1) / 2)
   pracdim <- min(pp,  ans$n - g)
   out <- lda(ans$scores[, 1:pracdim] , groups)
   cv <- predict(out, dimen = ncv)$x
   if (dim(cv)[2] == 1) {
      cv <- cbind(cv, rnorm(dim(cv)[1]) / 1000)
   if (ncv == 2) {
               type = "n",
               xlab = "CV1",
               ylab = "CV2")
      text(cv, labels = groups)
   if (ncv == 3) {
      shapes3d(cv, color = groups, axes3 = TRUE)

groupstack <- function(A1,
                       A3 = 0,
                       A4 = 0,
                       A5 = 0,
                       A6 = 0,
                       A7 = 0,
                       A8 = 0) {
   out <- list(x = 0, groups = "")
   dat <- abind(A1, A2)
   group <- c(rep(1, times = dim(A1)[3]), rep(2, times = dim(A2)[3]))
   if (is.array(A3)) {
      dat <- abind(dat, A3)
      group <- c(group, rep(3, times = dim(A3)[3]))
      if (is.array(A4)) {
         dat <- abind(dat, A4)
         group <- c(group, rep(4, times = dim(A4)[3]))
         if (is.array(A5)) {
            dat <- abind(dat, A5)
            group <- c(group, rep(5, times = dim(A5)[3]))
            if (is.array(A6)) {
               dat <- abind(dat, A6)
               group <- c(group, rep(6, times = dim(A6)[3]))
               if (is.array(A7)) {
                  dat <- abind(dat, A7)
                  group <- c(group, rep(7, times = dim(A7)[3]))
                  if (is.array(A8)) {
                     dat <- abind(dat, A8)
                     group <- c(group, rep(8, times = dim(A8)[3]))
   out$x <- dat
   out$groups <- group


procdist <- function(x, y, type = "full", reflect = FALSE) {
   if (type == "full") {
      out <- sin(riemdist(x, y, reflect = reflect))
   if (type == "partial") {
      out <- sqrt(2) * sqrt(abs(1 - cos(riemdist(x, y, reflect = reflect))))
   if (type == "Riemannian") {
      out <- riemdist(x, y, reflect = reflect)
   if (type == "sizeandshape") {
      out <- ssriemdist(x, y, reflect = reflect)

transformations <- function(Xrotated, Xoriginal) {
   # outputs the translations, rotations and
   # scalings for ordinary Procrustes rotation
   # of each individual in Xoriginal to the
   # Procrustes rotated individuals in Xrotated
   X1 <- Xrotated
   X2 <- Xoriginal
   n <- dim(X1)[3]
   m <- dim(X1)[2]
   translation <- matrix(0, m, n)
   scale <- rep(0, times = n)
   rotation <- array(0, c(m, m, n))
   for (i in 1:n) {
      translation[, i] <- -apply(X2[, , i] - X1[, , i], 2, mean)
      ans <- procOPA(X1[, , i], X2[, , i])
      scale[i] <- ans$s
      rotation[, , i] <- ans$R
   out <- list(translation = 0,
               scale = 0,
               rotation = 0)
   out$translation <- translation
   out$scale <- scale
   out$rotation <- rotation

iglogl <- function(x , lam, nlam) {
   gamma <- abs(x[1])
   alpha <- gamma / mean(1 / lam[1:nlam])
   ll <-
      -(gamma + 1) * sum(log(lam[1:nlam])) - alpha * sum (1 / lam[1:nlam]) +
      nlam * gamma * log(alpha) - nlam * lgamma (gamma)
   - ll

procWGPA <-
            fixcovmatrix = FALSE,
            initial = "Identity",
            maxiterations = 10,
            scale = TRUE,
            reflect = FALSE,
            prior = "Exponential",
            diagonal = TRUE,
            sampleweights = "Equal") {
      X <- x
      priorargument <- prior
      alpha <- "not estimated"
      gamma <- "not estimated"
      k <- dim(X)[1]
      n <- dim(X)[3]
      m <- dim(X)[2]
      if (initial[1] == "Identity") {
         Sigmak <- diag(k)
         if (initial[1] == "Rawdata") {
            tol <- 0.0000000001
            if (m == 2) {
               Sigmak <- diag(diag(var(t(X[, 1, ]))) + diag(var(t(X[, 2, ])))) / 2 + tol
            if (m == 3) {
               Sigmak <-
                  diag(diag(var(t(X[, 1, ]))) + diag(var(t(X[, 2, ]))) + diag(var(t(X[, 3, ])))) /
                  3 + tol
            Sigmak <- initial
      mu <- procGPA(X, scale = scale)$mshape
      #cat("Iteration 1 \n")
      if (fixcovmatrix[1] != FALSE) {
         Sigmak <- fixcovmatrix
      ans <-
            metric = Sigmak,
            scale = scale,
            reflect = reflect,
            sampleweights = sampleweights
      if ((maxiterations > 1) && (fixcovmatrix[1] == FALSE)) {
         ans0 <- ans
         dif <- 999999
         it <- 1
         while ((dif > 0.00001) && (it < maxiterations)) {
            it <- it + 1
            if (it == 2) {
               cat("Differences in norm of Sigma estimates... \n ")
            if (prior[1] == "Identity") {
               prior <- diag(k)
            if (prior[1] == "Inversegamma") {
               lam <- eigen(ans$Sigmak)$values
               nlam <- min(c(n * m - m - 3, k - 3))
               mu <- mean(1 / lam[1:(nlam)])
               alpha <- 1 / mu
               out <- nlm(iglogl,
                          p = c(1) ,
                          lam = lam,
                          nlam = nlam)
               gamma <- abs(out$estimate[1])
               alpha <- gamma / mean(1 / lam[1:nlam])
               newmetric <-
                  n * m / (n * m + 2 * (1 + gamma)) * (ans$Sigmak + (2 * alpha / (n * m)) *
               #while (dif2> 0.000001){
               #lam <- eigen(newmetric)$values
               #out <- nlm( iglogl, p=c(1) ,lam=lam, nlam=nlam)
               #gamma <- abs(out$estimate[1])
               #alpha<- gamma/ mean(1/lam[1:nlam])
               #newmetric <- n*m/(n*m+2*(1+gamma))*( ans$Sigmak + (2*alpha/(n*m))*diag(k) )
               #dif2<- abs(alpha- old)
            if (prior[1] == "Exponential") {
               lam <- eigen(ans$Sigmak)$values
               nlam <- min(c(n * m - m - 2, k - 2))
               mu <- mean(1 / lam[1:(nlam)])
               alpha <- 1 / mu
               gamma <- 1
               newmetric <-
                  n * m / (n * m + 2 * (2)) * (ans$Sigmak + (2 * alpha / (n * m)) * diag(k))
               #while (dif2> 0.000001){
               #newmetric <- n*m/(n*m+2*(2))*( ans$Sigmak + (2*alpha/(n*m))*diag(k) )
               #lam <- eigen(newmetric)$values
               #mu <- mean(1/lam[1:( nlam)])
               #alpha <- 1/mu
               #newmetric <- n*m/(n*m+2*(2))*( ans$Sigmak + (2*alpha/(n*m))*diag(k) )
               #dif2<- abs(alpha- old)
            if (is.double(prior[1])) {
               newmetric <- (ans$Sigmak + prior)
            if (diagonal == TRUE) {
               newmetric <- diag(diag(newmetric))
            if (fixcovmatrix[1] != FALSE) {
               newmetric <- fixcovmatrix
            ans2 <-
                  metric = newmetric ,
                  scale = scale,
                  sampleweights = sampleweights
            dif <- Enorm((ans$Sigmak - ans2$Sigmak))
            ans <- ans2
            cat(c(it, " ", dif, " \n"))
      if ((priorargument[1] == "Exponential") ||
          (priorargument[1] == "Inversegamma")) {
         ans$alpha <- alpha
         ans$gamma <- gamma
      cat(" \n")

procWGPA1 <- function(X,
                      metric = "Identity",
                      scale = TRUE,
                      reflect = FALSE,
                      sampleweights = "Equal") {
   k <- dim(X)[1]
   n <- dim(X)[3]
   m <- dim(X)[2]
   sum <- 0
   for (i in 1:n) {
      sum <- sum + centroid.size(X[, , i]) ** 2
   size1 <- sqrt(sum)
   if (sampleweights[1] == "Equal") {
      sampleweights <- rep(1 / n, times = n)
   if (length(sampleweights) != n) {
      cat("Sample weight vector not of correct length \n")
   if (metric[1] == "Identity") {
      Sigmak <- diag(k)
      Sigmak <- metric
   eig <- eigen(Sigmak, symmetric = TRUE)
   Sighalf <-
      eig$vectors %*% diag (sqrt(abs(eig$values))) %*% t(eig$vectors)
   Siginvhalf <-
      eig$vectors %*% diag(1 / sqrt(abs(eig$values))) %*% t(eig$vectors)
   Siginv <- eig$vectors %*% diag (1 / (eig$values)) %*% t(eig$vectors)
   one <- matrix(rep(1, times = k), k, 1)
   Xstar <- X
   for (i in 1:n) {
      Xstar[, , i] <- Xstar[, , i] - one %*% t(one) %*% Siginv %*% Xstar[, , i] /
         c(t(one) %*% Siginv %*% one)
      Xstar[, , i] <- Siginvhalf %*% Xstar[, , i]
   mu <- mu - one %*% t(one) %*% Siginv %*% mu / c(t(one) %*% Siginv %*% one)
   ans <- procGPA(Xstar, eigen2d = FALSE)
   ans2 <- ans
   dif3 <- 99999999
   while (dif3 > 0.00001) {
      for (i in 1:n) {
         old <- mu
         tem <-
            procOPA(Siginvhalf %*% mu ,
                    Xstar[, , i],
                    scale = scale,
                    reflect = reflect)
         Gammai <- tem$R
         betai <- tem$s
         #ci <- t(one)%*% Siginvhalf %*% X[,,i] %*% Gammai*betai/k
         #Yi <- Sighalf%*% ans$rotated[,,i] + Sighalf%*%one%*% ci
         #Zi <- Yi - one %*% t(one)%*% Siginv %*% Yi / c( t(one)%*%Siginv%*%one )
         Zi <- Sighalf %*% Xstar[, , i] %*% Gammai * betai
         ans2$rotated[, , i] <- Zi
      sum2 <- 0
      for (i in 1:n) {
         sum2 <- sum2 + centroid.size(ans2$rotated[, , i]) ** 2
      size2 <- sqrt(sum2)
      tem <- ans2$mshape * 0
      for (i in 1:n) {
         ans2$rotated[, , i] <- ans2$rotated[, , i] * size1 / size2
         tem <- tem + ans2$rotated[, , i] * sampleweights[i] / sum(sampleweights)
      mu <- tem
      dif3 <- riemdist(old,  mu)
   z <- ans2
   z$mshape <- tem
   tan <- z$rotated[, 1,] - z$mshape[, 1]
   for (i in 2:m) {
      tan <- rbind(tan, z$rotated[, i,] - z$mshape[, i])
   pca <- prcomp1(t(tan))
   z$tan <- tan
   npc <- 0
   for (i in 1:length(pca$sdev)) {
      if (pca$sdev[i] > 1e-07) {
         npc <- npc + 1
   z$scores <- pca$x
   z$rawscores <- pca$x
   z$stdscores <- pca$x
   for (i in 1:npc) {
      z$stdscores[, i] <- pca$x[, i] / pca$sdev[i]
   z$pcar <- pca$rotation
   z$pcasd <- pca$sdev
   z$percent <- z$pcasd ^ 2 / sum(z$pcasd ^ 2) * 100
   size <- rep(0, times = n)
   rho <- rep(0, times = n)
   x <- X
   size <- apply(x, 3, centroid.size)
   rho <- apply(x, 3, y <- function(x) {
      riemdist(x, z$mshape)
   z$rho <- rho
   z$size <- size
   z$rmsrho <- sqrt(mean(rho ^ 2))
   z$rmsd1 <- sqrt(mean(sin(rho) ^ 2))
   z$k <- k
   z$m <- m
   z$n <- n
   tem <- matrix(0, k, k)
   for (i in 1:n) {
      tem <-
         tem +  (z$rotated[, , i] - z$mshape) %*% t((z$rotated[, , i] - z$mshape))
   tem <- tem / (n * m)
   z$Sigmak <-  tem

testshapes <-
            resamples = 1000,
            replace = TRUE,
            scale = TRUE) {
      if (replace == TRUE) {
         out <- bootstraptest(A, B, resamples = resamples, scale = scale)
      if (replace == FALSE) {
         out <- permutationtest(A, B, nperms = resamples, scale = scale)

testmeanshapes <-
            resamples = 1000,
            replace = FALSE,
            scale = TRUE) {
      if (replace == TRUE) {
         out <- bootstraptest(A, B, resamples = resamples, scale = scale)
      if (replace == FALSE) {
         out <- permutationtest(A, B, nperms = resamples, scale = scale)
      if (resamples > 0) {
         aa <- list(
            H = 0,
            H.pvalue = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.pvalue = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0,
            J = 0,
            J.pvalue = 0,
            J.table.pvalue = 0
         aa$H <- out$H
         aa$H.pvalue <- out$H.pvalue
         aa$H.table.pvalue <- out$H.table.pvalue
         aa$G <- out$G
         aa$G.pvalue <- out$G.pvalue
         aa$G.table.pvalue <- out$G.table.pvalue
         aa$J <- out$J
         aa$J.pvalue <- out$J.pvalue
         aa$J.table.pvalue <- out$J.table.pvalue
      if (resamples == 0) {
         aa <- list(
            H = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0,
            J = 0,
            J.table.pvalue = 0
         aa$H <- out$H
         aa$H.table.pvalue <- out$H.table.pvalue
         aa$G <- out$G
         aa$G.table.pvalue <- out$G.table.pvalue
         aa$J <- out$J
         aa$J.table.pvalue <- out$J.table.pvalue

permutationtest2 <- function (A, B, nperms = 1000, scale = scale)
   A1 <- A
   A2 <- B
   mdim <- dim(A1)[2]
   B <- nperms
   nsam1 <- dim(A1)[3]
   nsam2 <- dim(A2)[3]
   pool <-
         abind (A1, A2) ,
         scale = scale,
         tangentcoords = "partial",
         pcaoutput = FALSE
   tempool <- pool
   for (i in 1:(nsam1 + nsam2)) {
      tempool$tan[, i] <- pool$tan[, i] / Enorm(pool$tan[, i]) * pool$rho[i]
   pool <- tempool
   permpool <- pool
   Gtem <- Goodall(pool, nsam1, nsam2)
   Htem <- Hotelling(pool, nsam1, nsam2)
   Jtem <- James(pool, nsam1, nsam2, table = TRUE)
   Ltem <- Lambdamin(pool, nsam1, nsam2)
   Gumc <- Gtem$F
   Humc <- Htem$F
   Jumc <- Jtem$Tsq
   Lumc <- Ltem$lambdamin
   Gtabpval <- Gtem$pval
   Htabpval <- Htem$pval
   Jtabpval <- Jtem$pval
   Ltabpval <- Ltem$pval
   if (B > 0) {
      Apool <- array(0, c(dim(A1)[1], dim(A1)[2], dim(A1)[3] +
      Apool[, , 1:nsam1] <- A1
      Apool[, , (nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2)] <- A2
      out <-
            H = 0,
            H.pvalue = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            J = 0,
            J.pvalue = 0,
            J.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.pvalue = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0
      Gu <- rep(0, times = B)
      Hu <- rep(0, times = B)
      Ju <- rep(0, times = B)
      Lu <- rep(0, times = B)
      cat("Permutations - sampling without replacement: ")
      cat(c("No of permutations = ", B, "\n"))
      for (i in 1:B) {
         if (i / 100 == trunc(i / 100)) {
            cat(c(i, " "))
         select <- sample(1:(nsam1 + nsam2))
         permpool$tan <- pool$tan[, select]
         Gu[i] <- Goodall(permpool, nsam1, nsam2)$F
         Hu[i] <- Hotelling(permpool, nsam1, nsam2)$F
         Ju[i] <- James(permpool, nsam1, nsam2)$Tsq
         Lu[i] <-
            Lambdamin(permpool, nsam1, nsam2)$lambdamin
      Gu <- sort(Gu)
      numbig <- length(Gu[Gumc < Gu])
      pvalG <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Lu <- sort(Lu)
      numbig <- length(Lu[Lumc < Lu])
      pvalL <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Ju <- sort(Ju)
      numbig <- length(Ju[Jumc < Ju])
      pvalJ <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Hu <- sort(Hu)
      numbig <- length(Hu[Humc < Hu])
      pvalH <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      cat(" \n")
      out$Hu <- Hu
      out$Ju <- Ju
      out$Gu <- Gu
      out$Lu <- Lu
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.pvalue <- pvalH
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$J <- Jumc
      out$J.pvalue <- pvalJ
      out$J.table.pvalue <- Jtabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.pvalue <- pvalG
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval
      out$L <- Lumc
      out$L.pvalue <- pvalL
      out$L.table.pvalue <- Ltabpval
   if (B == 0) {
      out <- list(
         H = 0,
         H.table.pvalue = 0,
         G = 0,
         G.table.pvalue = 0
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$J <- Jumc
      out$J.table.pvalue <- Jtabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval
      out$L <- Lumc
      out$L.table.pvalue <- Ltabpval

bootstraptest <- function (A,
                           resamples = 200,
                           scale = TRUE)
   A1 <- A
   A2 <- B
   mdim <- dim(A1)[2]
   B <- resamples
   nsam1 <- dim(A1)[3]
   nsam2 <- dim(A2)[3]
   pool <-
         abind (A1, A2) ,
         scale = scale ,
         tangentcoords = "partial",
         pcaoutput = FALSE
   tempool <- pool
   for (i in 1:(nsam1 + nsam2)) {
      tempool$tan[, i] <- pool$tan[, i] / Enorm(pool$tan[, i]) * pool$rho[i]
   pool <- tempool
   bootpool <- pool
   Gtem <- Goodall(pool, nsam1, nsam2)
   Htem <- Hotelling(pool, nsam1, nsam2)
   Jtem <- James(pool, nsam1, nsam2, table = TRUE)
   Ltem <- Lambdamin(pool, nsam1, nsam2)
   Gumc <- Gtem$F
   Humc <- Htem$F
   Jumc <- Jtem$Tsq
   Lumc <- Ltem$lambdamin
   Gtabpval <- Gtem$pval
   Htabpval <- Htem$pval
   Jtabpval <- Jtem$pval
   Ltabpval <- Ltem$pval
   if (B > 0) {
      Apool <- array(0, c(dim(A1)[1], dim(A1)[2], dim(A1)[3] +
      Apool[, , 1:nsam1] <- A1
      Apool[, , (nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2)] <- A2
      out <-
            H = 0,
            H.pvalue = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            J = 0,
            J.pvalue = 0,
            J.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.pvalue = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0
      Gu <- rep(0, times = B)
      Hu <- rep(0, times = B)
      Ju <- rep(0, times = B)
      Lu <- rep(0, times = B)
      pool2 <- pool
      pool2$tan[, 1:nsam1] <-
         pool$tan[, 1:nsam1] - apply(pool$tan[, 1:nsam1], 1, mean)
      pool2$tan[, (nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2)] <-
         pool$tan[, (nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2)] -
         apply(pool$tan[, (nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2)], 1, mean)
      cat("Bootstrap - sampling with replacement within each group under H0: ")
      cat(c("No of resamples = ", B, "\n"))
      for (i in 1:B) {
         if (i / 100 == trunc(i / 100)) {
            cat(c(i, " "))
         select1 <- sample(1:nsam1, replace = TRUE)
         select2 <- sample((nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2), replace = TRUE)
         bootpool$tan <- pool2$tan[, c(select1, select2)]
         Gu[i] <- Goodall(bootpool, nsam1, nsam2)$F
         Hu[i] <- Hotelling(bootpool, nsam1, nsam2)$F
         Ju[i] <- James(bootpool, nsam1, nsam2)$Tsq
         Lu[i] <- Lambdamin(bootpool, nsam1, nsam2)$lambdamin
      Gu <- sort(Gu)
      numbig <- length(Gu[Gumc < Gu])
      pvalG <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Ju <- sort(Ju)
      numbig <- length(Ju[Jumc < Ju])
      pvalJ <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Hu <- sort(Hu)
      numbig <- length(Hu[Humc < Hu])
      pvalH <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      numbig <- length(Lu[Lumc < Lu])
      pvalL <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      cat(" \n")
      out$Hu <- Hu
      out$Ju <- Ju
      out$Gu <- Gu
      out$Lu <- Lu
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.pvalue <- pvalH
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$J <- Jumc
      out$J.pvalue <- pvalJ
      out$J.table.pvalue <- Jtabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.pvalue <- pvalG
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval
      out$L <- Lumc
      out$L.pvalue <- pvalL
      out$L.table.pvalue <- Ltabpval
   if (B == 0) {
      out <-
            H = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0,
            J = 0,
            J.table.pvalue = 0
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$J <- Jumc
      out$J.table.pvalue <- Jtabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval
      out$L <- Lumc
      out$L.table.pvalue <- Ltabpval

Lambdamin <-
   function (pool, n1, n2, p = 0)
      censiz <- centroid.size(pool$mshape)
      tan1 <- pool$tan[, 1:n1]
      tan2 <- pool$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]
      kt <- dim(tan1)[1]
      n <- n1 + n2
      k <- pool$k
      m <- pool$m
      if (p == 0) {
         p <- min(k * m - (m * (m - 1)) / 2 - 1 - m, n1 + n2 - 2)
      HH <- diag(k)
      mu1 <- pool$mshape
      if (dim(tan1)[1] == k * m - m) {
         HH <- defh(k - 1)
         mu1 <- preshape(pool$mshape)
      if (m == 2) {
         mu <- c(mu1[, 1], mu1[, 2])
      if (m == 3) {
         mu <- c(mu1[, 1], mu1[, 2], mu1[,
      dd <- kt
      X1 <- tan1 * 0
      X2 <- tan2 * 0
      S1 <- matrix(0, dd, dd)
      S2 <- matrix(0, dd, dd)
      for (i in 1:n1) {
         X1[, i] <- (mu + tan1[, i]) / Enorm(mu + tan1[, i])
         S1 <- S1 + X1[, i] %*% t(X1[, i])
      for (i in 1:n2) {
         X2[, i] <- (mu + tan2[, i]) / Enorm(mu + tan2[, i])
         S2 <- S2 + X2[, i] %*% t(X2[, i])
      sumx1 <- 0
      sumx2 <- 0
      for (i in 1:n1) {
         sumx1 <- sumx1 + X1[, i]
      for (i in 1:n2) {
         sumx2 <- sumx2 + X2[, i]
      sum1 <- apply(X1, 1, sum)
      sum2 <- apply(X2, 1, sum)
      mean1 <- sum1 / Enorm(sum1)
      mean2 <- sum2 / Enorm(sum2)
      bb1 <- mean1[1:(dd - 1)]
      cc1 <- mean1[dd]
      bb2 <- mean2[1:(dd - 1)]
      cc2 <- mean2[dd]
      A1 <- cc1 / abs(cc1) * diag(dd - 1) - cc1 / (abs(cc1) + cc1 ^ 2) *
         bb1 %*% t(bb1)
      M1 <- cbind(A1,-bb1)
      A1 <- cc2 / abs(cc2) * diag(dd - 1) - cc2 / (abs(cc2) + cc2 ^ 2) *
         bb2 %*% t(bb2)
      M2 <- cbind(A1,-bb2)
      G1 <- matrix(0, dd - 1, dd - 1)
      G2 <- matrix(0, dd - 1, dd - 1)
      for (iu in 1:(dd - 1)) {
         for (iv in iu:(dd - 1)) {
            G1[iu, iv] <- G1[iu, iv] + t((t(M1))[, iu]) %*% S1 %*%
               (t(M1))[, iv]
            G1[iv, iu] <- G1[iu, iv]
            G2[iu, iv] <- G2[iu, iv] + t((t(M2))[, iu]) %*% S2 %*%
               (t(M2))[, iv]
            G2[iv, iu] <- G2[iu, iv]
      G1 <- G1 / n1 / Enorm(sumx1 / n1) ^ 2
      G2 <- G2 / n2 / Enorm(sumx2 / n2) ^ 2
      #   eva1 <- eigen(G1, symmetric = TRUE, EISPACK = TRUE)
      eva1 <- eigen(G1, symmetric = TRUE)
      pcar1 <- eva1$vectors[, 1:p]
      pcasd1 <- sqrt(abs(eva1$values[1:p]))
      #    eva2 <- eigen(G2, symmetric = TRUE, EISPACK = TRUE)
      eva2 <- eigen(G2, symmetric = TRUE)
      pcar2 <- eva2$vectors[, 1:p]
      pcasd2 <- sqrt(abs(eva2$values[1:p]))
      if ((pcasd1[p] < 1e-06) || (pcasd2[p] < 1e-06)) {
         offset <- 1e-06
         pcasd1 <- sqrt(pcasd1 ^ 2 + offset)
         pcasd2 <- sqrt(pcasd2 ^ 2 + offset)
      Ahat1 <-
         n1 * t(M1) %*% (pcar1 %*% diag(1 / pcasd1 ^ 2) %*% t(pcar1)) %*%
      Ahat2 <-
         n2 * t(M2) %*% (pcar2 %*% diag(1 / pcasd2 ^ 2) %*% t(pcar2)) %*%
      Ahat <- (Ahat1 +  Ahat2)
      #    eva <- eigen(Ahat, symmetric = TRUE, EISPACK = TRUE)
      eva <- eigen(Ahat, symmetric = TRUE)
      lambdamin <- eva$values[p + 1]
      pval <- 1 - pchisq(lambdamin, p)
      z <- list()
      z$pval <- pval
      z$df <- p
      z$lambdamin <- lambdamin

Goodall <- function(pool , n1, n2, p = 0) {
   tan1 <- pool$tan[, 1:n1]
   tan2 <- pool$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]
   kt <- dim(tan1)[1]
   n <- n1 + n2
   k <- pool$k
   m <- pool$m
   if (p == 0) {
      p <- min(k * m - (m * (m - 1)) / 2 - 1 - m, n1 + n2 - 2)
   top <-  Enorm(apply(tan1, 1, mean) - apply(tan2, 1, mean)) ** 2
   bot <-
      sum(diag(var(t(tan1)))) * (n1 - 1) +  sum(diag(var(t(tan2)))) * (n2 - 1)
   Fstat <- ((n1 + n2 - 2) / (1 / n1 + 1 / n2) * top) / bot
   pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, p, (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
   z <- list()
   z$F <- Fstat
   z$pval <- pval
   z$df1 <- p
   z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - 2) * p

Hotelling <- function(pool , n1, n2, p = 0) {
   tan1 <- pool$tan[, 1:n1]
   tan2 <- pool$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]
   kt <- dim(tan1)[1]
   n <- n1 + n2
   k <- pool$k
   m <- pool$m
   S1 <- var(t(tan1))
   S2 <- var(t(tan2))
   Sw <- ((n1 - 1) * S1 + (n2 - 1) * S2) / (n1 + n2 - 2)
   if (p == 0) {
      p <- min(k * m - (m * (m - 1)) / 2 - 1 - m, n1 + n2 - 2)
   #    eva <- eigen(Sw, symmetric = TRUE,EISPACK=TRUE)
   eva <- eigen(Sw, symmetric = TRUE)
   pcar <- eva$vectors[, 1:p]
   pcasd <- sqrt(abs(eva$values[1:p]))
   if (pcasd[p] < 1e-06) {
      offset <- 1e-06
      pcasd <- sqrt(pcasd ^ 2 + offset)
   lam <- rep(0, times =  kt)
   lam[1:p] <- 1 / pcasd ^ 2
   Suinv <- eva$vectors %*% diag(lam) %*% t(eva$vectors)
   pcax <- t(pool$tan) %*% pcar
   one1 <- matrix(1 / n1, n1, 1)
   one2 <- matrix(1 / n2, n2, 1)
   oneone <- rbind(one1,-one2)
   vbar <- pool$tan %*% oneone
   scores1 <- matrix(vbar, 1, kt) %*% pcar
   scores <- scores1 / pcasd
   F.partition <- ((scores[1:p] ^ 2) * (n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 - p -
                                                      1))) / ((n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
   FF <- sum(F.partition)
   pval <- 1 - pf(FF, p, (n1 + n2 - p - 1))
   z <- list()
   z$F.partition <- F.partition
   z$F <- FF
   z$pval <- pval
   z$df1 <- p
   z$T.df1 <- p
   z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - p - 1)
   mm <- n - 2
   z$T.df2 <- mm
   z$Tsq <- FF * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p / (n1 * n2) / (n1 +
                                                                 n2 - p - 1)
   z$Tsq.partition <- F.partition * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) *
      p / (n1 * n2) / (n1 + n2 - p - 1)

James <- function(pool ,
                  p = 0,
                  table = FALSE) {
   tan1 <- pool$tan[, 1:n1]
   tan2 <- pool$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]
   kt <- dim(tan1)[1]
   n <- n1 + n2
   k <- pool$k
   m <- pool$m
   S1 <- var(t(tan1))
   S2 <- var(t(tan2))
   Sw <- S1 / n1 + S2 / n2
   if (p == 0) {
      p <- min(k * m - (m * (m - 1)) / 2 - 1 - m, n1 + n2 - 2)
   #    eva <- eigen(Sw, symmetric = TRUE,EISPACK=TRUE)
   eva <- eigen(Sw, symmetric = TRUE)
   pcar <- eva$vectors[, 1:p]
   pcasd <- sqrt(abs(eva$values[1:p]))
   if (pcasd[p] < 1e-06) {
      offset <- 1e-06
      pcasd <- sqrt(pcasd ^ 2 + offset)
   lam <- rep(0, times =  kt)
   lam[1:p] <- 1 / pcasd ^ 2
   Suinv <- eva$vectors %*% diag(lam) %*% t(eva$vectors)
   pcax <- t(pool$tan) %*% pcar
   one1 <- matrix(1 / n1, n1, 1)
   one2 <- matrix(1 / n2, n2, 1)
   oneone <- rbind(one1,-one2)
   vbar <- pool$tan %*% oneone
   #    scores1 <- matrix(vbar, 1, kt ) %*% pcar
   #    scores <- scores1/pcasd
   #    F.partition <- ((scores[1:p]^2) * (n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 - p -
   #        1)))/((n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
   #    FF <- sum(F.partition)
   #    pval <- 1 - pf(FF, p, (n1 + n2 - p - 1))
   #        ginvSw<- pcar%*%diag(1/pcasd**2)%*%t(pcar)
   ginvSw <- Suinv
   pval = 0
   T1 <- sum(diag((ginvSw %*% S1 / n1)))
   T2 <- sum(diag((ginvSw %*% S2 / n2)))
   T1sq <- sum(diag(((ginvSw %*% S1 / n1) %*% ginvSw %*% S1 / n1)))
   T2sq <- sum(diag(((ginvSw %*% S2 / n2) %*% ginvSw %*% S2 / n2)))
   Tsq <- (t(vbar) %*% (ginvSw) %*% vbar)[1, 1]
   if (table == TRUE) {
      AA <- 1 + 1 / (2 * p) * (T1 ** 2 / (n1 - 1) + T2 ** 2 / (n2 - 1))
      BB <-
         1 / (p * (p + 2)) * ((T1 ** 2 / 2 + T1sq) / (n1 - 1) + (T2 ** 2 / 2 + T2sq) /
                                 (n2 - 1))
      kk <- rep(0, times = 1000)
      for (i in 0:999) {
         alphai <- i / 1000
         kk[i + 1] <- qchisq(alphai, df = p) * (AA + BB * qchisq(alphai, df = p))
      pval <- 1 - max(c(1:1000)[kk < Tsq]) / 1000
   z <- list()
   z$pval <- pval
   z$Tsq <- Tsq

tpsgrid <-
   function (TT,
             xbegin = -999,
             ybegin = -999,
             xwidth = -999,
             opt = 1,
             ext = 0.1,
             ngrid = 22,
             cex = 1,
             pch = 20,
             col = 2,
             zslice = 0,
             mag = 1,
             axes3 = FALSE)
      k <- nrow(TT)
      m <- dim(TT)[2]
      YY <- TT + (YY - TT) * mag
      bb <- array(TT, c(dim(TT), 1))
      aa <- defplotsize2(bb)
      if (xwidth == -999) {
         xwidth <- aa$width
      if (xbegin == -999) {
         xbegin <- aa$xl
      if (ybegin == -999) {
         ybegin <- aa$yl
      if (m == 3) {
         zup <- max(TT[, 3])
         zlo <- min(TT[, 3])
         zpos <- zslice
         for (ii in 1:length(zslice)) {
            zpos[ii] <- (zup + zlo) / 2 + (zup - zlo) / 2 * zslice[ii]
      xstart <- xbegin
      ystart <- ybegin
      ngrid <- trunc(ngrid / 2) * 2
      kx <- ngrid
      ky <- ngrid - 1
      l <- kx * ky
      step <- xwidth / (kx - 1)
      r <- 0
      X <- rep(0, times = kx)
      Y2 <- rep(0, times = ky)
      for (p in 1:kx) {
         ystart <- ybegin
         xstart <- xstart + step
         for (q in 1:ky) {
            ystart <- ystart + step
            r <- r + 1
            X[r] <- xstart
            Y2[r] <- ystart
      TPS <- bendingenergy(TT)
      gamma11 <- TPS$gamma11
      gamma21 <- TPS$gamma21
      gamma31 <- TPS$gamma31
      W <- gamma11 %*% YY
      ta <- t(gamma21 %*% YY)
      B <- gamma31 %*% YY
      WtY <- t(W) %*% YY
      trace <- c(0)
      for (i in 1:m) {
         trace <- trace + WtY[i, i]
      benergy <- 16 * pi * trace
      if (m == 3) {
         benergy <- 8 * pi * trace
      l <- kx * ky
      phi <- matrix(0, l, m)
      s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
      for (islice in 1:length(zslice)) {
         if (m == 3) {
            refc <- matrix(c(X, Y2, rep(zpos[islice], times = kx * ky)), kx * ky, m)
         if (m == 2) {
            refc <- matrix(c(X, Y2), kx * ky, m)
         for (i in 1:l) {
            s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
            for (im in 1:k) {
               s[im,] <- sigmacov(refc[i,] - TT[im,])
            phi[i,] <- ta + t(B) %*% refc[i,] + t(W) %*% s
         if (m == 3) {
            if (opt == 2) {
                        color = 2,
                        axes3 = axes3,
                        rglopen = FALSE)
               shapes3d(YY, color = 4, rglopen = FALSE)
               for (i in 1:k) {
                  lines3d(rbind(TT[i, ], YY[i, ]), col = 1)
               for (j in 1:kx) {
                  lines3d(refc[((j - 1) * ky + 1):(ky * j) , ], color = 6)
               for (j in 1:ky) {
                  lines3d(refc[(0:(kx - 1) * ky) + j , ], color = 6)
                     color = 2,
                     axes3 = axes3,
                     rglopen = FALSE)
            shapes3d(YY, color = 4, rglopen = FALSE)
            for (i in 1:k) {
               lines3d(rbind(TT[i, ], YY[i, ]), col = 1)
            for (j in 1:kx) {
               lines3d(phi[((j - 1) * ky + 1):(ky * j) , ], color = 3)
            for (j in 1:ky) {
               lines3d(phi[(0:(kx - 1) * ky) + j , ], color = 3)
      if (m == 2) {
         par(pty = "s")
         if (opt == 2) {
            par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
            order <- linegrid(refc, kx, ky)
               order[1:l, 1],
               order[1:l, 2],
               type = "l",
               xlim = c(xbegin -
                           xwidth * ext, xbegin + xwidth * (1 + ext)),
               ylim = c(
                  ybegin -
                     (xwidth * ky) / kx * ext,
                  ybegin + (xwidth * ky) / kx *
                     (1 + ext)
               xlab = " ",
               ylab = " "
            lines(order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 1], order[(l + 1):(2 * l),
                                                   2], type = "l")
                   cex = cex,
                   pch = pch,
                   col = col)
         order <- linegrid(phi, kx, ky)
            order[1:l, 1],
            order[1:l, 2],
            type = "l",
            xlim = c(xbegin -
                        xwidth * ext, xbegin + xwidth * (1 + ext)),
            ylim = c(ybegin -
                        (xwidth * ext * ky) / kx, ybegin + (xwidth * (1 + ext) *
                                                               ky) / kx),
            xlab = " ",
            ylab = " "
         lines(order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 1], order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 2],
               type = "l")
                cex = cex,
                pch = pch,
                col = col + 1)
                cex = cex,
                pch = pch,
                col = col)
         for (i in 1:(k)) {
               TT[i, 1],
               TT[i, 2] ,
               YY[i, 1],
               YY[i, 2] ,
               col = col + 2,
               length = 0.1,
               angle = 20

rotatexyz <- function(x, thetax, thetay, thetaz) {
   thetax <- thetax / 180 * pi
   thetay <- thetay / 180 * pi
   thetaz <- thetaz / 180 * pi
   Rx <-
      ), 3, 3)
   Ry <-
      ), 3, 3)
   Rz <-
      ), 3, 3)
   y <- x
   n <- dim(x)[3]
   for (i in 1:n) {
      y[, , i] <- x[, , i] %*% Rx %*% Ry %*% Rz

rigidbody <-
            transx = 0,
            transy = 0,
            transz = 0,
            thetax = 0,
            thetay = 0,
            thetaz = 0) {
      if (is.matrix(X)) {
         X <- array(X, c(dim(X), 1))
      m <- dim(X)[2]
      n <- dim(X)[3]
      Y <- X
      if (m == 2) {
         if (dim(X)[3] < 2) {
            xx <- array(as.3d(X), dim = c(nrow(X), 3, 1))
         } else{
            xx <- as.3d(X)
         for (i in 1:n) {
            for (j in 1:m) {
               xx[j, , i] <- xx[j, , i] - c(transx, transy, transz)
         yy <- rotatexyz(xx, thetax, thetay, thetaz)
         Y <- yy
         if ((sum(abs(yy[, 3, ]))) < 0.000000001) {
            Y <- yy[, 1:2, ]
      if (m == 3) {
         for (i in 1:n) {
            for (j in 1:m) {
               X[j, , i] <- X[j, , i] - c(transx, transy, transz)
         Y <- rotatexyz(X, thetax, thetay, thetaz)

as.3d <- function(X) {
   k <- dim(X)[1]
   if (is.matrix(X)) {
      X <- array(X, c(dim(X), 1))
   n <- dim(X)[3]
   if (dim(X)[2] != 2) {
      print("not 2 dimensional!")
   Y <- array(0, c(k, 3, n))
   Y[, 1:2, ] <- X
   if (n == 1) {
      Y <- Y[, , 1]

abind <- function(X1 , X2) {
   k <- dim(X1)[1]
   m <- dim(X1)[2]
   if (is.matrix(X1)) {
      tem <- array(0, c(k, m, 1))
      tem[, , 1] <- X1
      X1 <- tem
   if (is.matrix(X2)) {
      tem <- array(0, c(k, m, 1))
      tem[, , 1] <- X2
      X2 <- tem
   n1 <- dim(X1)[3]
   n2 <- dim(X2)[3]
   Y <- array(0, c(k, m, n1 + n2))
   Y[, , 1:n1] <- X1
   Y[, , (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)] <- X2

shapes3d <-
            loop = 0,
            type = "p",
            color = 2,
            joinline = c(1:1),
            axes3 = FALSE,
            rglopen = TRUE) {
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
         xt <- array(0, c(dim(x), 1))
         xt[, , 1] <- x
         x <- xt
      if (is.array(x) == FALSE) {
         cat("Data not in right format : require an array \n")
      if (is.array(x) == TRUE) {
         if (rglopen) {
         if (dim(x)[2] == 2) {
            x <- as.3d(x)
         if (loop == 0) {
            k <- dim(x)[1]
            sz <- centroid.size(x[, , 1]) / sqrt(k) / 30
               type = type,
               color = color,
               size = sz,
               joinline = joinline
            if (axes3) {
               axes3d(color = "black")
                  xlab = "x",
                  ylab = "y",
                  zlab = "z",
                  color = "black"
         if (loop > 0) {
            for (i in 1:loop) {
               plotshapestime3d(x, type = type)

plotshapes3d <-
   function (x,
             type = "p",
             rgl = TRUE,
             color = 2,
             size = 1,
             joinline = c(1:1))
      k <- dim(x)[1]
      n <- dim(x)[3]
      y <- matrix(0, k * n, 3)
      for (i in 1:n) {
         y[(i - 1) * k + (1:k),] <- x[, , i]
      if (rgl == FALSE) {
         par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
         out <- defplotsize3(x)
         xl <- out$xl
         xu <- out$xu
         yl <- out$yl
         yu <- out$yu
         zl <- out$zl
         zu <- out$zu
            xlim = c(xl, xu),
            ylim = c(yl, yu),
            zlim = c(zl, zu),
            xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y",
            zlab = "z",
            axis = TRUE,
            type = type,
            color = color,
            highlight.3d = TRUE
      if (rgl == TRUE) {
         if (type == "l") {
            points3d(y, col = color, size = size)
            for (j in 1:n) {
               lines3d(x[, , j], col = 8)
         if (type == "dots") {
            points3d(y, col = color, size = size)
         if (type == "p") {
            spheres3d(y, col = color, radius = size)
         if (length(joinline) > 1) {
            for (j in 1:n) {
               lines3d(x[joinline, , j], col = 8)

plotshapestime3d <- function (x, type = "p")
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
   out <- defplotsize3(x)
   xl <- out$xl
   xu <- out$xu
   yl <- out$yl
   yu <- out$yu
   zl <- out$zl
   zu <- out$zu
   n <- dim(x)[3]
   for (i in 1:n) {
         x[, , i],
         xlim = c(xl, xu),
         ylim = c(yl, yu),
         zlim = c(zl, zu),
         xlab = "x",
         ylab = "y",
         zlab = "z",
         axis = TRUE,
         type = type,
         highlight.3d = TRUE

plotPDMnoaxis3 <-
   function (mean, pc, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder, i)
      fig <- mean + i * pc * sd
      k <- length(mean) / 2
      figx <- fig[1:k]
      figy <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
         axes = FALSE,
         xlab = " ",
         ylab = " ",
         ylim = c(yl,
         type = "n",
         xlim = c(xl, xu)
      text(figx, figy, 1:k)
      lines(figx[lineorder], figy[lineorder])
      for (aa in 1:9999) {
         aaa <- 1

shapepca <-
   function (proc,
             pcno = c(1, 2, 3),
             type = "r",
             mag = 1,
             joinline = c(1, 1),
             project = c(1, 2),
             scores3d = FALSE,
             color = 2,
             axes3 = FALSE,
             rglopen = TRUE,
             zslice = 0)
      if (scores3d == TRUE) {
         axes3 <- TRUE
         sz <-
            max(proc$rawscores[, max(pcno)]) - min(proc$rawscores[, max(pcno)])
         spheres3d(proc$rawscores[, pcno] , radius = sz / 30, col = color)
         if (axes3) {
      m <- dim(proc$mshape)[2]
      k <- dim(proc$mshape)[1]
      if (scores3d == FALSE) {
         if ((m == 2)) {
            out <- defplotsize2(proc$rotated, project = project)
            xl <- out$xl
            yl <- out$yl
            width <- out$width
            plotpca(proc, pcno, type, mag, xl, yl, width, joinline, project)
         if ((m == 3) && (type == "m")) {
            #        plot3Dmean(proc)
            #        cat("Mean shape \n")
            #        for (i in 1:length(pcno)) {
            #            cat("PC ", pcno[i], " \n")
            #            plot3Dpca(proc, pcno[i])
            #        }
            for (i in 1:length(pcno)) {
               cat("PC ", pcno[i], " \n")
               plotpca3d(proc, pcno[i])
         ## correct length of tangent vector if in Helmertized space
         h <- defh(k - 1)
         zero <- matrix(0, k - 1, k)
         H <- cbind(h, zero, zero)
         H1 <- cbind(zero, h, zero)
         H2 <- cbind(zero, zero, h)
         H <- rbind(H, H1, H2)
         if (dim(proc$pcar)[1] == (3 * (k - 1))) {
            pcarot <- (t(H) %*% proc$pcar)
            proc$pcar <- pcarot
         if (((m == 3) && (type != "m")) && (type != "g")) {
            if (rglopen) {
            sz <- centroid.size(proc$mshape) / sqrt(k) / 30
            spheres3d(proc$mshape, radius = sz, col = color)
            if (axes3) {
            for (i in pcno) {
               pc <- proc$mshape + 3 * mag * proc$pcasd[i] * cbind(proc$pcar[1:k, i],
                                                                   proc$pcar[(k + 1):(2 * k), i], proc$pcar[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k), i])
               for (j in 1:k) {
                  lines3d(rbind(proc$mshape[j, ], pc[j, ]), col = i)
      if ((m == 3) && (type == "g")) {
         if (rglopen) {
         for (i in pcno) {
            pc <- proc$mshape + 3 * mag * proc$pcasd[i] * cbind(proc$pcar[1:k, i],
                                                                proc$pcar[(k + 1):(2 * k), i], proc$pcar[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k), i])
            tpsgrid(proc$mshape, pc, zslice = zslice)

plotpca3d <- function (procreg, pcno = 1)
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
   out <- defplotsize3(procreg$rotated)
   xl <- out$xl
   xu <- out$xu
   yl <- out$yl
   yu <- out$yu
   zl <- out$zl
   zu <- out$zu
   k <- dim(procreg$mshape)[1]
   subx <- 1:k
   suby <- (k + 1):(2 * k)
   subz <- (2 * k + 1):(3 * k)
   evec <-
      cbind(procreg$pcar[subx, pcno], procreg$pcar[suby, pcno], procreg$pcar[subz, pcno])
   for (j in 1:10) {
      for (ii in-12:12) {
         mag <- ii / 4
            procreg$mshape + mag * evec * procreg$pcasd[pcno],
            xlim = c(xl, xu),
            ylim = c(yl, yu),
            zlim = c(zl, zu),
            xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y",
            zlab = "z",
            axis = TRUE,
            highlight.3d = TRUE
      for (ii in-11:11) {
         mag <- -ii / 4
            procreg$mshape + mag * evec * procreg$pcasd[pcno],
            xlim = c(xl, xu),
            ylim = c(yl, yu),
            zlim = c(zl, zu),
            xlab = "x",
            ylab = "y",
            zlab = "z",
            axis = TRUE

Hotelling2Djames <-
   function (A, B)
      z <- list(Tsq = 0, pval = 0)
      n1 <- dim(A)[3]
      n2 <- dim(B)[3]
      n <- n1 + n2
      k <- dim(A)[1]
      m <- dim(B)[2]
      if (m != 2) {
         print("Data not two dimensional")
      else {
         pool <- array(0, c(k, m, n))
         pool[, , 1:n1] <- A
         pool[, , (n1 + 1):n] <- B
         poolpr <- procrustes2d(pool, 1, 2)
         S1 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, 1:n1]))
         S2 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]))
         gamma <- realtocomplex(preshape(poolpr$mshape))
         Sw <- (S1 / n1 + S2 / n2)
         p <- 2 * k - 4
         #	TT<-eigen(Sw,symmetric=TRUE,EISPACK=TRUE)
         TT <- eigen(Sw, symmetric = TRUE)
         pcar <- TT$vectors[, 1:p]
         pcasd <- sqrt(abs(TT$values[1:p]))
         ####### add small offset if defecient in rank
         if (pcasd[p] < 0.000001)
            offset <- 0.000001
            pcasd <- sqrt(pcasd ** 2 + offset ** 2)
         pcax <- t(poolpr$tan) %*% pcar
         h <- defh(k - 1)
         zero <- matrix(0, k - 1, k)
         H <- cbind(h, zero)
         H1 <- cbind(zero, h)
         H <- rbind(H, H1)
         meanxy <- t(H) %*% V(gamma)
         realrot <- t(H) %*% pcar
         one1 <- matrix(1 / n1, n1, 1)
         one2 <- matrix(1 / n2, n2, 1)
         oneone <- rbind(one1,-one2)
         vbar <- poolpr$tan %*% oneone
         scores1 <- matrix(vbar, 1, (2 * k - 2)) %*% pcar
         scores <- scores1 / pcasd
         F.partition <- ((scores[1:p] ^ 2) * (n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 -
                                                            p - 1))) / ((n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
         FF <- sum(F.partition)
         pval <- 1 - pf(FF, p, (n1 + n2 - p - 1))
         ginvSw <- pcar %*% diag(1 / pcasd ** 2) %*% t(pcar)
         T1 <- sum(diag((ginvSw %*% S1 / n1)))
         T2 <- sum(diag((ginvSw %*% S2 / n2)))
         T1sq <- sum(diag((
            (ginvSw %*% S1 / n1) %*% ginvSw %*% S1 / n1
         T2sq <- sum(diag((
            (ginvSw %*% S2 / n2) %*% ginvSw %*% S2 / n2
         Tsq <- (t(vbar) %*% (ginvSw) %*% vbar)[1, 1]
         AA <- 1 + 1 / (2 * p) * (T1 ** 2 / (n1 - 1) + T2 ** 2 / (n2 - 1))
         BB <-
            1 / (p * (p + 2)) * ((T1 ** 2 / 2 + T1sq) / (n1 - 1) + (T2 ** 2 / 2 + T2sq) /
                                    (n2 - 1))
         kk <- rep(0, times = 1000)
         for (i in 0:999) {
            alphai <- i / 1000
            kk[i + 1] <- qchisq(alphai, df = p) * (AA + BB * qchisq(alphai, df = p))
         pval <- 1 - max(c(1:1000)[kk < Tsq]) / 1000
         #        z$F.partition <- F.partition
         #        z$F <- FF
         z$pval <- pval
         z$Tsq <- Tsq
         #        z$df1 <- p
         #        z$T.df1 <- p
         #        z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - p - 1)
         #        mm <- n - 2
         #        z$T.df2 <- mm
         #        z$Tsq <- FF * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p/(n1 * n2)/(n1 +
         #            n2 - p - 1)
         #        z$Tsq.partition <- F.partition * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 -
         #            2) * p/(n1 * n2)/(n1 + n2 - p - 1)

MGM <- function(zst) {
   nsam <- dim(zst)[2]
   k <- dim(zst)[1]
   Mhat <- matrix(0, k - 1, k - 2)
   lamhat <- rep(0, times = (k - 1))
   Sighat <- matrix(0, k - 2, k - 2)
   kk <- k * 2 - 2
   t1 <- reassqpr(preshape(zst)) / nsam
   #	t2 <- eigen(t1,symmetric=TRUE,EISPACK=TRUE)
   t2 <- eigen(t1, symmetric = TRUE)
   reagamma <- (t2$vectors[, 1] + t2$vectors[, 2]) / sqrt(2)
   gamma <- Vinv(reagamma)
   muhat <- gamma
   for (i in 1:(k - 2)) {
      Mhat[, i] <- Vinv(t2$vectors[, 1 + (2 * i)])
   for (i in 1:(k - 1)) {
      lamhat[i] <- t2$values[(2 * i) - 1]
   for (j in 2:(k - 1)) {
      for (l in 2:(k - 1)) {
         sum <- 0
         for (i in 1:nsam) {
            zi <- preshape(zst[, i])
            sum <-
               sum + st(Mhat[, j - 1]) %*% zi * st(zi) %*% Mhat[, l - 1] * st(zi) %*% muhat *
               st(muhat) %*% zi
         Sighat[j - 1, l - 1] <-
            1 / (lamhat[1] - lamhat[j]) / (lamhat[1] - lamhat[l]) * sum / nsam
   SR <- Re(Sighat)
   SI <- Im(Sighat)
   S1 <- cbind(SR, SI)
   S2 <- cbind(-(SI), SR)
   S <- rbind(S1, S2)
   offset <- 0
   es <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)$values
   nn <- length(es)
   if (es[nn] < 0.000001)
      offset <- 0.000001
      #cat("Warning: test: small samples, lambda I added to within group covariance matrix \n")
   invS <- solve(S + offset * diag(nn))
   invSR <- invS[1:(k - 2), 1:(k - 2)]
   invSI <- invS[1:(k - 2), (k - 1):(2 * k - 4)]
   invS <- invSR + 1i * invSI
   Mhat <- st(Mhat)
   MGM <- st(Mhat) %*% invS %*% Mhat

resampletest <- function(A,
                         resamples = 200,
                         replace = TRUE) {
   A1 <- A
   A2 <- B
   B <- resamples
   k <- dim(A1)[1]
   m <- dim(A1)[2]
   nmin <- min(dim(A1)[3], dim(A2)[3])
   ntot <- dim(A1)[3] + dim(A2)[3]
   M <- (k - 1) * m - m * (m - 1) / 2 - 1
   if (M >= ntot) {
      cat("Warning: Low sample size (n1 + n2 <= p) \n")
   if ((M >= nmin) && (replace == TRUE)) {
         "Warning: Low sample sizes : min(n1,n2)<=p : * indicates some regularization carried out \n"
   permutation <- !replace
   if (is.complex(A1)) {
      tem <- array(0, c(nrow(A1), 2, ncol(A1)))
      tem[, 1,] <- Re(A1)
      tem[, 2,] <- Im(A1)
      A1 <- tem
   if (is.complex(A2)) {
      tem <- array(0, c(nrow(A2), 2, ncol(A2)))
      tem[, 1,] <- Re(A2)
      tem[, 2,] <- Im(A2)
      A2 <- tem
   m <- dim(A1)[2]
   if (m != 2) {
      print("Data not two dimensional")
      print("Carrying out tests on Procrustes residuals")
      out <-
         testmeanshapes(A1, A2, resamples = resamples, replace = replace)
   zst1 <- A1[, 1, ] + 1i * A1[, 2, ]
   zst2 <- A2[, 1, ] + 1i * A2[, 2, ]
   nsam1 <- dim(zst1)[2]
   nsam2 <- dim(zst2)[2]
   k <- dim(zst1)[1]
   LL <- (MGM(zst1) + MGM(zst2)) * (nsam1 + nsam2)
   LL1 <- cbind(Re(LL), Im(LL))
   LL2 <- cbind(-Im(LL), Re(LL))
   LL <- rbind(LL1, LL2)
   Tumc <- min(eigen(LL, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values)
   m1 <- preshape(procrustes2d(zst1)$mshape)
   m1 <- m1[, 1] + 1i * m1[, 2]
   m2 <- preshape(procrustes2d(zst2)$mshape)
   m2 <- m2[, 1] + 1i * m2[, 2]
   m0 <- preshape(procrustes2d(cbind(zst1, zst2))$mshape)
   m0 <- m0[, 1] + 1i * m0[, 2]
   d <- length(m1)
   H <- defh(k - 1)
   b <- m1
   a <- m0
   bt <- b * c((st(b) %*% a) / Mod(st(b) %*% a))
   abt <- c(Re(st(bt) %*% a))
   ct <- (bt - a * abt)
#   ct <- ct / sqrt(st(ct) %*% ct)
   ct <- ct / c(sqrt(st(as.vector(ct)) %*% as.vector(ct)))
   At <- a %*% st(ct) - ct %*% st(a)
   salph <- sqrt(1 - abt ** 2)
   calph <- abt
   Id <- diag(rep(1, times = d))
   U1 <- Id + salph * At + (calph - 1) * (a %*% st(a) + ct %*% st(ct))
   b <- m2
   a <- m0
   bt <- b * c((st(b) %*% a) / Mod(st(b) %*% a))
   abt <- c(Re(st(bt) %*% a))
   ct <- (bt - a * abt)
 #  ct <- ct / sqrt(st(ct) %*% ct)
   ct <- ct / c(sqrt(st(as.vector(ct)) %*% as.vector(ct)))
   At <- a %*% st(ct) - ct %*% st(a)
   salph <- sqrt(1 - abt ** 2)
   calph <- abt
   Id <- diag(rep(1, times = d))
   U2 <- Id + salph * At + (calph - 1) * (a %*% st(a) + ct %*% st(ct))
   yst1 <- t(H) %*% U1 %*% preshape(zst1)
   yst2 <- t(H) %*% U2 %*% preshape(zst2)
   ybind <- cbind(yst1, yst2)
   zr1 <- array(0, c(k, 2, nsam1))
   zr2 <- array(0, c(k, 2, nsam2))
   zr3 <- array(0, c(k, 2, nsam1 + nsam2))
   zr1[, 1, ] <- Re(zst1)
   zr1[, 2, ] <- Im(zst1)
   zr2[, 1, ] <- Re(zst2)
   zr2[, 2, ] <- Im(zst2)
   zr3[, 1, ] <- cbind(Re(zst1), Re(zst2))
   zr3[, 2, ] <- cbind(Im(zst1), Im(zst2))
   yr1 <- array(0, c(k, 2, nsam1))
   yr2 <- array(0, c(k, 2, nsam2))
   yr3 <- array(0, c(k, 2, nsam1 + nsam2))
   yr1[, 1, ] <- Re(yst1)
   yr1[, 2, ] <- Im(yst1)
   yr2[, 1, ] <- Re(yst2)
   yr2[, 2, ] <- Im(yst2)
   yr3[, 1, ] <- cbind(Re(yst1), Re(yst2))
   yr3[, 2, ] <- cbind(Im(yst1), Im(yst2))
   Gtem <- Goodall2D(zr1, zr2)
   Htem <- Hotelling2D(zr1, zr2)
   Jtem <- Hotelling2Djames(zr1, zr2)
   Gumc <- Gtem$F
   Humc <- Htem$F
   Jumc <- Jtem$Tsq
   Gtabpval <- Gtem$pval
   Htabpval <- Htem$pval
   Jtabpval <- Jtem$pval
   if (B > 0) {
      Tu <- rep(0, times = B)
      Gu <- Tu
      Hu <- Tu
      Ju <- Tu
      cat(c("No of resamples = ", B, "\n"))
      if (permutation) {
         cat("Permutations - sampling without replacement \n")
      if (permutation == FALSE) {
         cat("Bootstrap - sampling with replacement \n")
      for (i in 1:B) {
         cat(c(i, " "))
         select1 <- sample(1:nsam1, replace = TRUE)
         select2 <- sample(1:nsam2, replace = TRUE)
         zb1 <- yst1[, select1]
         zb2 <- yst2[, select2]
         zbgh1 <- yr1[, , select1]
         zbgh2 <- yr2[, , select2]
         if (permutation) {
            select0 <- sample(c(1:(nsam1 + nsam2)), (nsam1 + nsam2), replace = FALSE)
            select1 <- select0[1:nsam1]
            select2 <- select0[(nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2)]
            zb1 <- zr3[, 1, select1] + 1i * zr3[, 2, select1]
            zb2 <- zr3[, 1, select2] + 1i * zr3[, 2, select2]
            zbgh1 <- yr3[, , select1]
            zbgh2 <- yr3[, , select2]
         LL <- (MGM(zb1) + MGM(zb2)) * (nsam1 + nsam2)
         LL1 <- cbind(Re(LL), Im(LL))
         LL2 <- cbind(-Im(LL), Re(LL))
         LL <- rbind(LL1, LL2)
         lmin <- min(eigen(LL, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values)
         Tu[i] <- lmin
         Gu[i] <- Goodall2D(zbgh1, zbgh2)$F
         Hu[i] <- Hotelling2D(zbgh1, zbgh2)$F
         Ju[i] <- Hotelling2Djames(zbgh1, zbgh2)$Tsq
      Tu <- sort(Tu)
      numbig <- length(Tu[Tumc < Tu])
      pvalb <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Gu <- sort(Gu)
      numbig <- length(Gu[Gumc < Gu])
      pvalG <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Hu <- sort(Hu)
      numbig <- length(Hu[Humc < Hu])
      pvalH <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Ju <- sort(Ju)
      numbig <- length(Ju[Jumc < Ju])
      pvalJ <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      cat(" \n")
      out <-
            lambda = 0,
            lambda.pvalue = 0,
            lambda.table.pvalue = 0,
            H = 0,
            H.pvalue = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            J = 0,
            J.pvalue = 0,
            J.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.pvalue = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0
      out$lambda <- Tumc
      out$lambda.pvalue <- pvalb
      out$lambda.table.pvalue <- 1 - pchisq(Tumc, 2 * k - 4)
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.pvalue <- pvalH
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$J <- Jumc
      out$J.pvalue <- pvalJ
      out$J.table.pvalue <- Jtabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.pvalue <- pvalG
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval
   if (resamples == 0) {
      out <-
            lambda = 0,
            lambda.table.pvalue = 0,
            H = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            J = 0,
            J.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0
      out$lambda <- Tumc
      out$lambda.table.pvalue <- 1 - pchisq(Tumc, 2 * k - 4)
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$J <- Jumc
      out$J.table.pvalue <- Jtabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval

prcomp1 <-
   function (x,
             retx = TRUE,
             center = TRUE,
             scale. = FALSE,
             tol = NULL,
             svd = TRUE)
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      x <- scale(x, center = center, scale = scale.)
      if (svd == FALSE) {
         a <- eigen(cov(x))
         r <- list(sdev = 0,
                   rotation = 0,
                   x = 0)
         r$sdev <- sqrt(abs(a$values))
         r$rotation <- a$vectors
         r$x <- x %*% a$vectors
         s <- svd(x, nu = 0)
         if (!is.null(tol)) {
            rank <- sum(s$d > (s$d[1] * tol))
            if (rank < ncol(x))
               s$v <- s$v[, 1:rank, drop = FALSE]
         s$d <- s$d / sqrt(max(1, nrow(x) - 1))
         dimnames(s$v) <-
            list(colnames(x), paste("PC", seq(len = ncol(s$v)),
                                    sep = ""))
         r <- list(sdev = s$d, rotation = s$v)
         if (retx)
            r$x <- x %*% s$v
         class(r) <- "prcomp1"

defplotsize3 <- function(Y)
   out <- list(
      xl = 0,
      yl = 0,
      zl = 0,
      xu = 0,
      yu = 0,
      zu = 0,
      width = 0
   n <- dim(Y)[3]
   xm <- mean(Y[, 1,])
   ym <- mean(Y[, 2,])
   zm <- mean(Y[, 3,])
   x <- Y
   x[, 1,] <- Y[, 1,] - xm
   x[, 2,] <- Y[, 2,] - ym
   x[, 3,] <- Y[, 3,] - zm
   mn1 <- min(x[, 1, ])
   mn2 <- min(x[, 2, ])
   mn3 <- min(x[, 3, ])
   mx1 <- max(x[, 1, ])
   mx2 <- max(x[, 2, ])
   mx3 <- max(x[, 3, ])
   xl <- -max(-mn1, mx1)
   yl <- -max(-mn2, mx2)
   zl <- -max(-mn3, mx3)
   width <- max(-2 * xl,-2 * yl,-2 * zl)
   out$xl <- -width / 2 * 1.2 + xm
   out$yl <- -width / 2 * 1.2 + ym
   out$zl <- -width / 2 * 1.2 + zm
   out$xu <- width / 2 * 1.2 + xm
   out$yu <- width / 2 * 1.2 + ym
   out$zu <- width / 2 * 1.2 + zm
   out$width <- width * 1.2

procOPA <- function(A,
                    scale = TRUE,
                    reflect = FALSE) {
   out <- list(
      R = 0,
      s = 0,
      Ahat = 0,
      Bhat = 0,
      OSS = 0,
      rmsd = 0
   if (is.complex(sum(A)) == TRUE) {
      k <- length(A)
      Areal <- matrix(0, k, 2)
      Areal[, 1] <- Re(A)
      Areal[, 2] <- Im(A)
      A <- Areal
   if (is.complex(sum(B)) == TRUE) {
      k <- length(B)
      Breal <- matrix(0, k, 2)
      Breal[, 1] <- Re(B)
      Breal[, 2] <- Im(B)
      B <- Breal
   k <- dim(A)[1]
   if (reflect == FALSE) {
      R <- fort.ROTATION(A, B)
   } else
      R <- fort.ROTATEANDREFLECT(A, B)
   s <- 1
   if (scale == TRUE) {
      s <- fos(A, B)
      if (reflect == TRUE) {
         s <- fos.REFLECT(A, B)
   Ahat <- fcnt(A)
   Bhat <- fcnt(B) %*% R * s
   resid <- Ahat - Bhat
   OSS <- sum(diag(t(resid) %*% resid))
   out$R <- R
   out$s <- s
   out$Ahat <- Ahat
   out$Bhat <- Bhat
   m <- dim(Ahat)[2]
   out$OSS <- OSS
   out$rmsd <- sqrt(OSS / (k))

defplotsize2 <- function(Y, project = c(1, 2))
   out <- list(
      xl = 0,
      yl = 0,
      xu = 0,
      yu = 0,
      width = 0
   n <- dim(Y)[3]
   xm <- mean(Y[, project[1],])
   ym <- mean(Y[, project[2],])
   x <- Y
   x[, project[1],] <- Y[, project[1],] - xm
   x[, project[2],] <- Y[, project[2],] - ym
   out <- list(xl = 0, yl = 0, width = 0)
   mn1 <- min(x[, project[1], ])
   mn2 <- min(x[, project[2], ])
   mx1 <- max(x[, project[1], ])
   mx2 <- max(x[, project[2], ])
   xl <- -max(-mn1, mx1)
   yl <- -max(-mn2, mx2)
   width <- max(-2 * xl,-2 * yl)
   out$xl <- -width / 2 * 1.2 + xm
   out$yl <- -width / 2 * 1.2 + ym
   out$xu <- width / 2 * 1.2 + xm
   out$yu <- width / 2 * 1.2 + ym
   out$width <- width * 1.2

plotshapes <-
            B = 0,
            joinline = c(1, 1),
            orthproj = c(1, 2),
            color = 1,
            symbol = 1) {
      if (is.array(A) == FALSE) {
         if (is.matrix(A) == FALSE) {
            cat("Error !! argument should be an array or matrix \n")
            CHECKOK <- FALSE
      if (CHECKOK) {
         k <- dim(A)[1]
         m <- dim(A)[2]
         kk <- k
         if (k >= 15) {
            kk <- 1
         par(pty = "s")
         #if (length(c(B))==1){
         if (length(c(B)) != 1) {
            par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
         if (length(dim(A)) == 3) {
            A <- A[, orthproj, ]
         if (is.matrix(A) == TRUE) {
            a <- array(0, c(k, 2, 1))
            a[, , 1] <- A[, orthproj]
            A <- a
         out <- defplotsize2(A)
         width <- out$width
         if (length(c(B)) != 1) {
            if (length(dim(B)) == 3) {
               B <- B[, orthproj, ]
            if (is.matrix(B) == TRUE) {
               a <- array(0, c(k, 2, 1))
               a[, , 1] <- B[, orthproj]
               B <- a
            ans <- defplotsize2(B)
            width <- max(out$width, ans$width)
         n <- dim(A)[3]
         lc <- length(color)
         lt <- k * m * n / lc
         color <- rep(color, times = lt)
         lc <- length(symbol)
         lt <- k * m * n / lc
         symbol <- rep(symbol, times = lt)
            A[, , 1],
            xlim = c(out$xl, out$xl + width),
            ylim = c(out$yl,
                     out$yl + width),
            type = "n",
            xlab = " ",
            ylab = " "
         for (i in 1:n) {
            select <- ((i - 1) * k * m + 1):(i * k * m)
            points(A[, , i], pch = symbol[select], col = color[select])
            lines(A[joinline, , i])
         if (length(c(B)) != 1) {
            A <- B
            if (is.matrix(A) == TRUE) {
               a <- array(0, c(k, 2, 1))
               a[, , 1] <- A
               A <- a
            out <- defplotsize2(A)
            n <- dim(A)[3]
               A[, , 1],
               xlim = c(ans$xl, ans$xl + width),
               ylim = c(ans$yl,
                        ans$yl + width),
               type = "n",
               xlab = " ",
               ylab = " "
            for (i in 1:n) {
               points(A[, , i], pch = symbol[select], col = color[select])
               lines(A[joinline, , i])

BoxM <- function(A, B, npc)
   #carries out Box's M test
   #(see Mardia, Kent, Bibby 1979, p140)
   #in: data arrays A, B
   #out: z$M   M statistic
   #     z$df degrees of freedom for approx distn of chi-squared statistic
   #    z$pval  p-value
   z <- list(M = 0, df = 0, pval = 0)
   n1 <- dim(A)[3]
   n2 <- dim(B)[3]
   k <- dim(A)[1]
   m <- dim(A)[2]
   if (m > 2) {
      print("Only works for 2D data at the moment!")
   if (m == 2) {
      C <- array(0, c(k, m, n1 + n2))
      C[,  , 1:n1] <- A
      C[,  , (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)] <- B
      Cpr <- procrustes2d(C, 1, 2)
      p <- npc
      ng <- 2
      n <- n1 + n2
      S1 <- var(t(Cpr$tan[1:npc, 1:n1]))
      S2 <- var(t(Cpr$tan[1:npc, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]))
      Su <- ((n1 - 1) * S1 + (n2 - 1) * S2) / (n1 + n2 - 2)
      S1inv <-
         eigen(S1)$vectors %*% diag(1 / eigen(S1)$values) %*% t(eigen(S1)$vectors)
      S2inv <-
         eigen(S2)$vectors %*% diag(1 / eigen(S2)$values) %*% t(eigen(S2)$vectors)
      logdet1 <- sum(log(eigen(S1inv %*% Su)$values))
      logdet2 <- sum(log(eigen(S2inv %*% Su)$values))
      gam <-
         1 - ((2 * p ^ 2 + 3 * p - 1) / (6 * (p + 1) * (ng - 1))) * (1 / (n1 -
                                                                             1) + 1 / (n2 - 1) - 1 / (n - ng))
      M <- gam * ((n1 - 1) * logdet1 + (n2 - 1) * logdet2)
      df <- (p * (p + 1) * (ng - 1)) / 2
      pval <- 1 - pchisq(M, df)
      z$M <- M
      z$df <- df
      z$pval <- pval

Goodall2D <- function(A, B)
   #Calculates Goodall's two sample F test for 2d data only
   #in: data arrays A, B k x 2 x n data arrays
   #out: z$F  F statistic
   #     z$df1, z$df2  degrees of freedom
   #     z$pval: p-value
   z <- list(
      F = 0,
      pval = 0,
      df1 = 0,
      df2 = 0
   n1 <- dim(A)[3]
   n2 <- dim(B)[3]
   k <- dim(A)[1]
   m <- dim(A)[2]
   if (m != 2) {
      print("Data not two dimensional")
   p <- 2 * k - 4
   Apr <- procrustes2d(A, 1, 2)
   Bpr <- procrustes2d(B, 1, 2)
   top <- sin(riemdist(Apr$mshape, Bpr$mshape)) ^ 2
   bot <- Apr$rmsd1 ^ 2 * n1 + Bpr$rmsd1 ^ 2 * n2
   Fstat <- ((n1 + n2 - 2) / (1 / n1 + 1 / n2) * top) / bot
   pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, p, (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
   z$F <- Fstat
   z$pval <- pval
   z$df1 <- p
   z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - 2) * p

Goodalltest <- function(A, B, tol1 = 1e-07, tol2 = tol1)
   #Calculates Goodall's two sample F test
   #in: data arrays A, B:
   #out: z$F  F statistic
   #     z$df1, z$df2  degrees of freedom
   #     z$pval: p-value
   z <- list(
      F = 0,
      pval = 0,
      df1 = 0,
      df2 = 0
   n1 <- dim(A)[3]
   n2 <- dim(B)[3]
   k <- dim(A)[1]
   m <- dim(A)[2]
   p <- min(k * m - (m * (m - 1)) / 2 - 1 - m, n1 + n2 - 2)
   Apr <- procrustesGPA(A, tol1, tol2)
   Bpr <- procrustesGPA(B, tol1, tol2)
   top <- sin(riemdist(Apr$mshape, Bpr$mshape)) ^ 2
   bot <- Apr$rmsd1 ^ 2 * n1 + Bpr$rmsd1 ^ 2 * n2
   Fstat <- ((n1 + n2 - 2) / (1 / n1 + 1 / n2) * top) / bot
   pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, p, (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
   z$F <- Fstat
   z$pval <- pval
   z$df1 <- p
   z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - 2) * p

Hotelling2D <- function (A, B)
   z <- list(
      Tsq.partition = 0,
      Tsq = 0,
      F.partition = 0,
      F = 0,
      pval = 0,
      df1 = 0,
      df2 = 0,
      T.df1 = 0,
      T.df2 = 0
   n1 <- dim(A)[3]
   n2 <- dim(B)[3]
   n <- n1 + n2
   k <- dim(A)[1]
   m <- dim(B)[2]
   if (m != 2) {
      print("Data not two dimensional")
   else {
      pool <- array(0, c(k, m, n))
      pool[, , 1:n1] <- A
      pool[, , (n1 + 1):n] <- B
      poolpr <- procrustes2d(pool, 1, 2)
      S1 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, 1:n1]))
      S2 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]))
      gamma <- realtocomplex(preshape(poolpr$mshape))
      Sw <- ((n1 - 1) * S1 + (n2 - 1) * S2) / (n1 + n2 - 2)
      p <- 2 * k - 4
      #        pcar <- eigen(Sw,EISPACK=TRUE)$vectors[, 1:p]
      pcar <- eigen(Sw)$vectors[, 1:p]
      pcasd <- sqrt(abs(eigen(Sw)$values[1:p]))
      ####### add small offset if defecient in rank
      if (pcasd[p] < 0.000001)
         offset <- 0.000001
         pcasd <- sqrt(pcasd ** 2 + offset ** 2)
      pcax <- t(poolpr$tan) %*% pcar
      h <- defh(k - 1)
      zero <- matrix(0, k - 1, k)
      H <- cbind(h, zero)
      H1 <- cbind(zero, h)
      H <- rbind(H, H1)
      meanxy <- t(H) %*% V(gamma)
      realrot <- t(H) %*% pcar
      one1 <- matrix(1 / n1, n1, 1)
      one2 <- matrix(1 / n2, n2, 1)
      oneone <- rbind(one1,-one2)
      vbar <- poolpr$tan %*% oneone
      scores1 <- matrix(vbar, 1, (2 * k - 2)) %*% pcar
      scores <- scores1 / pcasd
      F.partition <- ((scores[1:p] ^ 2) * (n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 -
                                                         p - 1))) / ((n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
      FF <- sum(F.partition)
      pval <- 1 - pf(FF, p, (n1 + n2 - p - 1))
      z$F.partition <- F.partition
      z$F <- FF
      z$pval <- pval
      z$df1 <- p
      z$T.df1 <- p
      z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - p - 1)
      mm <- n - 2
      z$T.df2 <- mm
      z$Tsq <- FF * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p / (n1 * n2) / (n1 +
                                                                    n2 - p - 1)
      z$Tsq.partition <-
         F.partition * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p / (n1 * n2) / (n1 + n2 - p -

Hotellingtest <- function (A, B, tol1 = 1e-07, tol2 = 1e-07)
   z <- list(
      Tsq.partition = 0,
      Tsq = 0,
      F.partition = 0,
      F = 0,
      pval = 0,
      df1 = 0,
      df2 = 0,
      T.df1 = 0,
      T.df2 = 0
   n1 <- dim(A)[3]
   n2 <- dim(B)[3]
   n <- n1 + n2
   k <- dim(A)[1]
   m <- dim(B)[2]
   pool <- array(0, c(k, m, n))
   pool[, , 1:n1] <- A
   pool[, , (n1 + 1):n] <- B
   poolpr <- procrustesGPA(pool, tol1, tol2, approxtangent = FALSE)
   S1 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, 1:n1]))
   S2 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]))
   Sw <- ((n1 - 1) * S1 + (n2 - 1) * S2) / (n1 + n2 - 2)
   p <- min(k * m - (m * (m - 1)) / 2 - 1 - m, n1 + n2 - 2)
   eva <- eigen(Sw, symmetric = TRUE)
   pcar <- eva$vectors[, 1:p]
   pcasd <- sqrt(abs(eva$values[1:p]))
   ####### add small offset if defecient in rank
   if (pcasd[p] < 0.000001)
      offset <- 0.000001
      pcasd <- sqrt(pcasd ** 2 + offset)
   lam <- rep(0, times = (k * m - m))
   lam[1:p] <- 1 / pcasd ** 2
   Suinv <- eva$vectors %*% diag(lam) %*% t(eva$vectors)
   #    check <- p
   #    for (i in 1:p) {
   #        if (pcasd[p + 1 - i] < 1e-04) {
   #            check <- p + 1 - i - 1
   #        }
   #    }
   #    p <- check
   pcax <- t(poolpr$tan) %*% pcar
   one1 <- matrix(1 / n1, n1, 1)
   one2 <- matrix(1 / n2, n2, 1)
   oneone <- rbind(one1,-one2)
   vbar <- poolpr$tan %*% oneone
   scores1 <- matrix(vbar, 1, m * k - m) %*% pcar
   scores <- scores1 / pcasd
   #    tem<-c(t(vbar)%*%Suinv%*%vbar)  #(=Dsq)#
   F.partition <- ((scores[1:p] ^ 2) * (n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 - p -
                                                      1))) / ((n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
   FF <- sum(F.partition)
   pval <- 1 - pf(FF, p, (n1 + n2 - p - 1))
   z$F.partition <- F.partition
   z$F <- FF
   z$pval <- pval
   z$df1 <- p
   z$T.df1 <- p
   z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - p - 1)
   mm <- n - 2
   z$T.df2 <- mm
   z$Tsq <- FF * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p / (n1 * n2) / (n1 + n2 -
                                                                 p - 1)
   z$Tsq.partition <-
      F.partition * (n1 + n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p / (n1 * n2) / (n1 + n2 - p -

# Hotellingtest<-function(A, B, tol1=1e05,tol2=1e05)
# OLD VERSION using $tan rather than $tanpartial
#Calculates two sample Hotelling Tsq test for testing whether
#mean shapes are equal (m - Dimensions where m >= 2)
#in: A, B the k x m x n arrays of data for each group
#out: z$F : F-statistic
#     z$df1, z$df2 : dgrees of freedom
#     z$pval: pvalue
#        z <- list(Tsq.partition = 0, Tsq = 0, F.partition = 0, F = 0, pval = 0,
#                df1 = 0, df2 = 0, T.df1 = 0, T.df2 = 0)
#        n1 <- dim(A)[3]
#        n2 <- dim(B)[3]
#        n <- n1 + n2
#        k <- dim(A)[1]
#        m <- dim(B)[2]
#        pool <- array(0, c(k, m, n))
#        pool[,  , 1:n1] <- A
#        pool[,  , (n1 + 1):n] <- B
#        poolpr <- procrustesGPA(pool,tol1,tol2)
#        S1 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, 1:n1]))
#        S2 <- var(t(poolpr$tan[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]))
#        Sw <- ((n1 - 1) * S1 + (n2 - 1) * S2)/(n1 + n2 - 2)
#        p <- min(k * m - (m * (m - 1))/2 - 1 - m, n1 + n2 - 2)
#        pcar <- eigen(Sw)$vectors[, 1:p]
#        pcasd <- sqrt(eigen(Sw)$values[1:p])
#        check<-p
## checks to see if rank is reasonable
#        for (i in 1:p){
#        if (pcasd[p+1-i] < 0.0001){
#        check<-p+1-i-1
#        }
#        }
#        p<-check
#        pcax <- t(poolpr$tan) %*% pcar
#        one1 <- matrix(1/n1, n1, 1)
#        one2 <- matrix(1/n2, n2, 1)
#        oneone <- rbind(one1,  - one2)
#        vbar <- poolpr$tan %*% oneone
#        scores1 <- matrix(vbar, 1, m*k) %*% pcar
#        scores <- scores1/pcasd
#        F.partition <- ((scores[1:p]^2) * (n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 - p - 1)))/((n1 +
#                n2) * (n1 + n2 - 2) * p)
#        FF <- sum(F.partition)
#        pval <- 1 - pf(FF, p, (n1 + n2 - p - 1))
#        z$F.partition <- F.partition
#        z$F <- FF
#        z$pval <- pval
#        z$df1 <- p
#        z$T.df1 <- p
#        z$df2 <- (n1 + n2 - p - 1)
#        mm <- n - 2
#        z$T.df2 <- mm
#        z$Tsq <- (FF * (mm * p))/(mm - p + 1)
#        z$Tsq.partition <- (F.partition * (mm * p))/(mm - p + 1)
#        return(z)

I2mat <- function(Be)
   zero <- rep(0, times = dim(Be)[1] ^ 2)
   zero <- matrix(zero, dim(Be)[1], dim(Be)[2])
   temp <- cbind(Be, zero)
   temp1 <- cbind(zero, Be)
   tem <- rbind(temp, temp1)

tpsgrid.old <-
   function (TT,
             xbegin = -999,
             ybegin = -999,
             xwidth = -999,
             opt = 2,
             ext = 0.1,
             ngrid = 22,
             cex = 1,
             pch = 20,
             col = 2)
      k <- nrow(TT)
      if (xwidth == -999) {
         bb <- array(TT, c(dim(TT), 1))
         aa <- defplotsize2(bb)
         xwidth <- aa$width
      if (xbegin == -999) {
         bb <- array(TT, c(dim(TT), 1))
         aa <- defplotsize2(bb)
         xbegin <- aa$xl
      if (ybegin == -999) {
         bb <- array(TT, c(dim(TT), 1))
         aa <- defplotsize2(bb)
         ybegin <- aa$yl
      xstart <- xbegin
      ystart <- ybegin
      ngrid <- trunc(ngrid / 2) * 2
      kx <- ngrid
      ky <- ngrid - 1
      l <- kx * ky
      step <- xwidth / (kx - 1)
      r <- 0
      X <- rep(0, times = kx)
      Y2 <- rep(0, times = ky)
      for (p in 1:kx) {
         ystart <- ybegin
         xstart <- xstart + step
         for (q in 1:ky) {
            ystart <- ystart + step
            r <- r + 1
            X[r] <- xstart
            Y2[r] <- ystart
      refc <- matrix(c(X, Y2), kx * ky, 2)
      TPS <- bendingenergy(TT)
      gamma11 <- TPS$gamma11
      gamma21 <- TPS$gamma21
      gamma31 <- TPS$gamma31
      W <- gamma11 %*% YY
      ta <- t(gamma21 %*% YY)
      B <- gamma31 %*% YY
      WtY <- t(W) %*% YY
      trace <- c(0)
      for (i in 1:2) {
         trace <- trace + WtY[i, i]
      benergy <- 16 * pi * trace
      if (m == 3) {
         benergy <- 8 * pi * trace
      l <- kx * ky
      phi <- matrix(0, l, 2)
      s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
      for (i in 1:l) {
         s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
         for (m in 1:k) {
            s[m,] <- sigmacov(refc[i,] - TT[m,])
         phi[i,] <- ta + t(B) %*% refc[i,] + t(W) %*% s
      par(pty = "s")
      if (opt == 2) {
         par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
         order <- linegrid(refc, kx, ky)
            order[1:l, 1],
            order[1:l, 2],
            type = "l",
            xlim = c(xbegin -
                        xwidth * ext, xbegin + xwidth * (1 + ext)),
            ylim = c(
               ybegin -
                  (xwidth * ky) / kx * ext,
               ybegin + (xwidth * ky) / kx *
                  (1 + ext)
            xlab = " ",
            ylab = " "
         lines(order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 1], order[(l + 1):(2 * l),
                                                2], type = "l")
                cex = cex,
                pch = pch,
                col = col)
      order <- linegrid(phi, kx, ky)
         order[1:l, 1],
         order[1:l, 2],
         type = "l",
         xlim = c(xbegin -
                     xwidth * ext, xbegin + xwidth * (1 + ext)),
         ylim = c(ybegin -
                     (xwidth * ext * ky) / kx, ybegin + (xwidth * (1 + ext) *
                                                            ky) / kx),
         xlab = " ",
         ylab = " "
      lines(order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 1], order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 2],
            type = "l")
             cex = cex,
             pch = pch,
             col = col)
V <- function(z)
   #input complex k -vector
   #ouput vectorized 2k vector of real stacked on imaginary components
   x <- c(Re(z), Im(z))

Vinv <- function(x)
   #input vectorized 2k vector of x1 stacked on x2 components
   #input complex k -vector of the form x1 + 1i*x2
   nel <- length(x) / 2
   zx <- x[1:nel]
   zy <- x[(nel + 1):(2 * nel)]
   z <- zx + (1i) * zy

Vmat <- function(z)
   #as Vinv but input is a k x n complex matrix
   # output 2k x n matrix of stacked real then complex components
   x <- rbind(Re(z), Im(z))

bendingenergy <- function (TT)
   z <- list(
      gamma11 = 0,
      gamma21 = 0,
      gamma31 = 0,
      prinwarps = 0,
      prinwarpeval = 0,
      Un = 0
   k <- nrow(TT)
   m <- dim(TT)[2]
   S <- matrix(0, k, k)
   for (i in 1:k) {
      for (j in 1:k) {
         S[i, j] <- sigmacov(TT[i,] - TT[j,])
   one <- matrix(1, k, 1)
   zero <- matrix(0, m + 1, m + 1)
   #    P <- cbind(S, one, TT)
   P <- rbind(S, t(one))
   Q <- rbind(P, t(TT))
   O <- cbind(one, TT)
   U <- rbind(O, zero)
   star <- cbind(Q, U)
   star <- matrix(star, k + m + 1, k + m + 1)
   A <- eigen(star, symmetric = TRUE)
   deltainv <- diag(1 / A$values)
   gamma <- A$vectors
   starinv <- gamma %*% deltainv %*% t(gamma)
   gamma11 <- matrix(0, k, k)
   for (i in 1:k) {
      for (j in 1:k) {
         gamma11[i, j] <- starinv[i, j]
   gamma21 <- matrix(0, 1, k)
   for (i in 1:1) {
      for (j in 1:k) {
         gamma21[i, j] <- starinv[k + 1, j]
   gamma31 <- matrix(0, m, k)
   for (i in 1:(m)) {
      for (j in 1:k) {
         gamma31[i, j] <- starinv[i + k + 1, j]
   prinwarp <- eigen(gamma11, symmetric = TRUE)
   prinwarps <- prinwarp$vectors
   prinwarpeval <- prinwarp$values
   ####need to rotate to compute affine components
   Rot <- prcomp(TT)$rotation
   TT <- TT  %*% Rot
   if (m == 2) {
      meanxy <- c(TT[, 1], TT[, 2])
      alpha <- sum(meanxy[1:k] ^ 2)
      beta <- sum(meanxy[(k + 1):(2 * k)] ^ 2)
      u1 <- c(alpha * meanxy[(k + 1):(2 * k)], beta * meanxy[1:k])
      u2 <- c(-beta * meanxy[1:k], alpha * meanxy[(k + 1):(2 *
      u1 <- u1 / sqrt(alpha * beta) / sqrt(alpha + beta)
      u2 <- u2 / sqrt(alpha * beta) / sqrt(alpha + beta)
      Un <- matrix(0, 2 * k, 2)
      Un[, 1] <- u1
      Un[, 2] <- u2
      Vn <- Un
      Vn[, 1] <-  cbind(Un[1:k, 1], Un[(k + 1):(2 * k), 1]) %*% t(Rot)
      Vn[, 2] <-  cbind(Un[1:k, 2], Un[(k + 1):(2 * k), 2]) %*% t(Rot)
      Un <- Vn
   if (m == 3) {
      meanxy <- c(TT[, 1], TT[, 2], TT[, 3])
      alpha <- sum(meanxy[1:k] ^ 2)
      beta <- sum(meanxy[(k + 1):(2 * k)] ^ 2)
      gamma <- sum(meanxy[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k)] ^ 2)
      mu <- meanxy[1:k]
      nu <- meanxy[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
      omega <- meanxy[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k)]
      ze <- rep(0, times = k)
      u1 <- c(ze , alpha * beta * omega , alpha * gamma * nu) /
         sqrt(alpha ^ 2 * beta ^ 2 * gamma + alpha ^ 2 * gamma ^
                 2 * beta)
      u2 <- c(alpha * beta * omega , ze,  beta * gamma * mu) /
         sqrt(beta ^ 2 * alpha ^ 2 * gamma + beta ^ 2 * gamma ^
                 2 * alpha)
      u3 <- c(alpha * gamma * nu , beta * gamma * mu, ze) /
         sqrt(alpha ^ 2 * gamma ^ 2 * beta  + beta ^ 2 * gamma ^
                 2 * alpha)
      u4 <- c(ze , ze , omega) /
      u5 <- c(-beta * gamma * mu , alpha * gamma * nu, ze) /
         sqrt(alpha * gamma ^ 2 * beta ^ 2  + beta * gamma ^ 2 *
                 alpha ^ 2)
      tem <- c(-gamma * beta * mu , ze,  beta * alpha * omega) /
         sqrt(beta ^ 2 * alpha * gamma ^ 2 + beta ^ 2 * gamma *
                 alpha ^ 2)
      tem2 <- tem - u5 * sum(u5 * tem)
      u4 <- tem2 / Enorm(tem2)
      Un <- matrix(0, 3 * k, 5)
      Un[, 1] <- u1
      Un[, 2] <- u2
      Un[, 3] <- u3
      Un[, 4] <- u4
      Un[, 5] <- u5
      Vn <- Un
      Vn[, 1] <-
         cbind(Un[1:k, 1], Un[(k + 1):(2 * k), 1], Un[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k), 1]) %*%
      Vn[, 2] <-
         cbind(Un[1:k, 2], Un[(k + 1):(2 * k), 2], Un[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k), 2]) %*%
      Vn[, 3] <-
         cbind(Un[1:k, 3], Un[(k + 1):(2 * k), 3], Un[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k), 3]) %*%
      Vn[, 4] <-
         cbind(Un[1:k, 4], Un[(k + 1):(2 * k), 4], Un[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k), 4]) %*%
      Vn[, 5] <-
         cbind(Un[1:k, 5], Un[(k + 1):(2 * k), 5], Un[(2 * k + 1):(3 * k), 5]) %*%
      Un <- Vn
   z$gamma11 <- gamma11
   z$gamma21 <- gamma21
   z$gamma31 <- gamma31
   z$prinwarps <- prinwarps
   z$prinwarpeval <- prinwarpeval
   z$Un <- Un

shaperw <- function(proc ,
                    alpha = 1,
                    affine = FALSE) {
   rw <- proc
   if ((alpha != 0) || (affine == TRUE)) {
      k <- dim(proc$mshape)[1]
      m <- dim(proc$mshape)[2]
      n <- dim(proc$mshape)[3]
      if (dim(proc$tan)[1] == (k * m - m)) {
         if (m == 2) {
            He <- t(defh(k - 1))
            Ze <- He * 0
            HH <- rbind(cbind(He, Ze) , cbind(Ze, He))
            proc$tan <- HH %*% proc$tan
         if (m == 3) {
            He <- t(defh(k - 1))
            Ze <- He * 0
            HH <-
               rbind(cbind(He, Ze, Ze) ,
                     cbind(Ze, He , Ze) ,
                     cbind(Ze, Ze, He))
            proc$tan <- HH %*% proc$tan
      nconstr <- m + m * (m - 1) / 2 + 1
      M <- k * m - nconstr
      if (m == 2) {
         bb <- bendingenergy(proc$mshape)
         Gamma11 <- bb$gamma11
         Be <-
            rbind(cbind(Gamma11, Gamma11 * 0) , cbind(Gamma11 * 0, Gamma11))
         Un <- bb$Un
         Bedim <- 2
      if (m == 3) {
         bb <- bendingenergy(proc$mshape)
         Gamma11 <- bb$gamma11
         Ze <- Gamma11 * 0
         Be <-
            rbind(cbind(Gamma11, Ze, Ze) ,
                  cbind(Ze, Gamma11, Ze) ,
                  cbind(Ze, Ze, Gamma11))
         Un <- bb$Un
         Bedim <- 5
      ev <- eigen(Be, symmetric = TRUE)
      evpw <- eigen(Gamma11, symmetric = TRUE)
      Beminusalpha <-
         ev$vectors %*% diag(c(ev$values[1:(M - Bedim)] ** (-alpha / 2), rep(0, times = nconstr + Bedim))) %*%
      Bealpha <-
         ev$vectors %*% diag(c(ev$values[1:(M - Bedim)] ** (alpha / 2),  rep(0, times = nconstr + Bedim))) %*%
      evbe <- ev
      SS <- Beminusalpha %*% var(t(proc$tan)) %*% Beminusalpha
      ev <- eigen(SS)
      relw.vec <- ev$vectors
      relw.sd <- sqrt(abs(ev$values))
      # ratio of eigenvalues of warps (quoted in book)
      rw$percent <- relw.sd ** 2 / sum(relw.sd ** 2) * 100
      sgnchange <- sample(c(-1, 1), size = m * k , replace = TRUE)
      rw$pcar <- Bealpha %*% relw.vec %*% diag(sgnchange)
      rw$pcasd <- relw.sd
      rw$rawscores <-  t(t(relw.vec) %*% Beminusalpha %*% proc$tan)
      sd <- sqrt(abs(diag(var((rw$rawscores)
      rw$scores <- (rw$rawscores) %*% diag(1 / sd)
      rw$stdscores <- rw$scores
      rw$scores <- rw$rawscores
      ## partial warp scores
      n <- proc$n
      evbend <- eigen(Gamma11, symmetric = TRUE)
      partialwarpscores <- array(0 , c(n , m , k))
      for (i in 1:m) {
         partialwarpscores[, i, ] <-
            t(t(evbend$vectors) %*% proc$rotated[, i, ])
      rw$principalwarps <- evpw$vectors[, (k - m - 1):1]
      rw$principalwarps.eigenvalues <- evpw$values[(k - m - 1):1]
      rw$partialwarpscores <- partialwarpscores[, , (k - m - 1):1]
      sumvar <- rep(0, times = (k - m - 1))
      for (i in 1:(k - m - 1)) {
         sumvar[i] <- sum(diag(var(partialwarpscores[, , k - m - i])))
      rw$partialwarps.percent <- sumvar / sum(proc$pcasd ** 2) * 100
   if (affine == TRUE) {
      dimun <- dim(Un)[2]
      rw$pcar <- Un %*% diag(sgnchange[1:(dimun)])
      pcno <- c(1:dimun)
      rw$rawscores <- t(Un) %*% proc$tan
      sd <- sqrt(abs(diag(var(
      rw$pcasd <- sd
      rw$percent <- sd ** 2 / sum(proc$pcasd ** 2) * 100
      rw$scores <- t(rw$rawscores) %*% diag(1 / sd)
      rw$rawscores <- t(rw$rawscores)
      tem <- prcomp1((rw$rawscores))
      npc <- 0
      rw$stdscores <- tem$x
      for (i in 1:length(tem$sdev)) {
         if (tem$sdev[i] > 1e-07) {
            npc <- npc + 1
      for (i in 1:npc) {
         rw$stdscores[, i] <- tem$x[, i] / tem$sdev[i]
      rw$pcasd <- tem$sdev
      rw$percent <- tem$sdev ** 2 / sum(proc$pcasd ** 2) * 100
      rw$pcar <- Un %*% tem$rotation
      rw$rawscores <- tem$x
      rw$scores <- rw$rawscores

bookstein2d <- function(A, l1 = 1, l2 = 2) {
   #input:  A: k x 2 x n array of 2D data, or  k x n complex matrix
   #l1,l2: baseline choice for sending to (-0.5,0),(0.5,0)
   #output: z$bshpv - Bookstein shape variables array (including baseline)
   # z$mshape - Bookstein mean shape (including baseline points)
   z <- list(
      k = 0,
      n = 0,
      mshape = 0,
      bshpv = 0
   if (is.complex(sum(A)) == TRUE) {
      n <- dim(A)[2]
      k <- dim(A)[1]
      B <- array(0, c(k, 2, n))
      B[, 1, ] <- Re(A)
      B[, 2, ] <- Im(A)
      A <- B
   if (is.matrix(A) == TRUE) {
      bb <- array(A, c(dim(A), 1))
      A <- bb
   k <- dim(A)[1]
   m <- 2
   n <- dim(A)[3]
   reorder <- c(l1, l2, c(1:k)[-c(l1, l2)])
   A[, , ] <- A[reorder, , 1:n]
   bshpv <- array(0, c(k, m, n))
   for (i in 1:n)
      bshpv[, , i] <- bookstein.shpv(A[, , i])
   bookmean <- matrix(0, k, m)
   for (i in 1:n)
      bookmean <- bookmean + bshpv[, , i]
   bookmean <- bookmean / n
   bookmean[reorder, ] <- bookmean
   bshpv[reorder, ,] <- bshpv
   glim <- max(-min(bshpv), max(bshpv))
   #for (i in 1:n)
   #for (j in 1:k){
   z$mshape <- bookmean
   z$bshpv <- bshpv
   z$k <- k
   z$n <- n

bookstein.shpv <- function(x)
   #input x:  k x 2 matrix or complex k-vector
   #output u: k x 2 matrix of Bookstein shape variables
   #           with baseline sent to (-0.5,0) (0.5,0)
   if (is.complex(x)) {
      x <- complextoreal(x)
   nj <- dim(x)[1]
   j <- rep(1, times = nj)
   w <-
      (x[, 1] + (1i) * x[, 2] - (j * (x[1, 1] + (1i) * x[1, 2]))) / (x[2,
                                                                       1] + (1i) * x[2, 2] - x[1, 1] - (1i) * x[1, 2]) - 0.5
   w <- w[1:nj]
   y <- (Re(w))
   z <- (Im(w))
   u <- cbind(y, z)
   u <- matrix(u, nj, 2)

bookstein.shpv.complex <- function(z)
   #input z:  complex k vector
   #output u: k-2  complex vector of Bookstein shape variables
   #           with baseline sent to (-0.5) (0.5)
   nj <- length(z)
   x <- matrix(cbind(Re(z), Im(z)), nj, 2)
   j <- rep(1, times = nj)
   w <-
      (x[, 1] + (1i) * x[, 2] - (j * (x[1, 1] + (1i) * x[1, 2]))) / (x[2,
                                                                       1] + (1i) * x[2, 2] - x[1, 1] - (1i) * x[1, 2]) - 0.5
   u <- w[3:nj]

cbevec <- function(z)
   t1 <- reassqpr(z)
   #	t2 <- eigen(t1,symmetric=TRUE,EISPACK=TRUE)
   t2 <- eigen(t1, symmetric = TRUE)
   reagamma <- t2$vectors[, 1]
   #	print(t2$values/sum(t2$values))
   gamma <- Vinv(reagamma)

cbevectors <- function(z, j)
   t1 <- reassqpr(z)
   #	t2 <- eigen(t1,symmetric=TRUE,EISPACK=TRUE)
   t2 <- eigen(t1, symmetric = TRUE)
   reagamma <- t2$vectors[, j]
   gamma <- Vinv(reagamma)

ild_centroid.size <- function(x)
   #returns the centroid size of a configuration (or configurations)
   #input: k x m matrix/or a complex k-vector
   # or input a real k x m x n array to get a vector of sizes for a sample
   if ((is.vector(x) == FALSE) && is.complex(x)) {
      k <- nrow(x)
      n <- ncol(x)
      tem <- array(0, c(k, 2, n))
      tem[, 1, ] <- Re(x)
      tem[, 2, ] <- Im(x)
      x <- tem
      if (length(dim(x)) == 3) {
         n <- dim(x)[3]
         sz <- rep(0, times = n)
         k <- dim(x)[1]
         h <- defh(k - 1)
         for (i in 1:n) {
            xh <- h %*% x[, , i]
            sz[i] <- sqrt(sum(diag(t(xh) %*% xh)))
         if (is.vector(x) && is.complex(x)) {
            x <- cbind(Re(x), Im(x))
         k <- nrow(x)
         h <- defh(k - 1)
         xh <- h %*% x
         size <- sqrt(sum(diag(t(xh) %*% xh)))

ild_centroid.size.complex <- function(zstar)
   #returns the centroid size of a complex vector zstar
   h <- defh(nrow(as.matrix(zstar)) - 1)
   ztem <- h %*% zstar
   size <- sqrt(diag(Re(st(ztem) %*% ztem)))

ild_centroid.size.mD <- function(x)
   #returns the centroid size of a  k x m matrix
   if (is.complex(x)) {
      x <- cbind(Re(x), Im(x))
   k <- nrow(x)
   h <- defh(k - 1)
   xh <- h %*% x
   size <- sqrt(sum(diag(t(xh) %*% xh)))

complextoreal <- function(z)
   #input complex k-vector  - return k x 2 matrix
   nj <- length(z)
   x <- matrix(cbind(Re(z), Im(z)), nj, 2)

ild_defh <- function(nrow)
   #Defines and returns an nrow x (nrow+1) Helmert sub-matrix
   k <- nrow
   h <- matrix(0, k, k + 1)
   j <- 1
   while (j <= k) {
      jj <- 1
      while (jj <= j) {
         h[j, jj] <- -1 / sqrt(j * (j + 1))
         jj <- jj + 1
      h[j, j + 1] <- j / sqrt(j * (j + 1))
      j <- j + 1

full.procdist <- function(x, y)
   #input  k x 2 matrices x, y
   #output full Procrustes distance rho between x,y
   sin(riemdist(x, y))

genpower <- function(Be, alpha)
   k <- dim(Be)[1]
   if (alpha == 0) {
      gen <- diag(rep(1, times = k))
   else {
      l <- k - 3
      #		eb <- eigen(Be, symmetric = TRUE,EISPACK=TRUE)
      eb <- eigen(Be, symmetric = TRUE)
      ev <- c(eb$values[1:l] ^ (-alpha / 2), 0, 0, 0)
      gen <- eb$vectors %*% diag(ev) %*% t(eb$vectors)

isotropy.test <- function(sd, p, n)
   #LR test for isotropy with Bartlett adjustment
   #in: sd - square roots of eigenvalues of covariance matrix
   #     p - the number of larger eigenvalues to consider
   #     n - sample size
   #out: z$bartlett  - test statistic (e.g. see Mardia, Kent, Bibby, 1979, p235)
   #     z$pval - p-value
   z <- list(bartlett = 0, pval = 0)
   tem <- sd ^ 2
   bartlett <-
      (log(mean(tem[1:p])) - mean(log(tem[1:p]))) * p * (n - (2 *
                                                                 p + 11) / 6)
   pval <- 1 - pchisq(bartlett, ((p + 2) * (p - 1)) / 2)
   z$bartlett <- bartlett
   z$pval <- pval

linegrid <- function(ref, kx, ky)
   n <- ky
   m <- kx
   w <- n * m
   newgrid1 <- matrix(0, w, 2)
   v <- m * 0.5
   k <- 0
   for (l in 1:v) {
      k <- k + 1
      a <- (n + m - 1) * (k - 1) + 1
      b <- n * ((2 * k) - 1)
      d <- 2 * n * k
      for (j in a:b) {
         newgrid1[j,] <- ref[j,]
      for (u in 1:n) {
         down <- d - u + 1
         up <- b + u
         newgrid1[up,] <- ref[down,]
   newgrid2 <- matrix(0, w, 2)
   for (i in 1:v) {
      z <- (2 * i) - 1
      for (x in 1:m) {
         r1 <- m * (z - 1) + x
         e <- n * (x - 1) + z
         newgrid2[r1,] <- ref[e,]
   y <- v - 1
   for (p in 1:y) {
      f <- 2 * p
      for (q in 1:m) {
         r2 <- m * (f - 1) + q
         s <- n * (m - 1) + f - n * (q - 1)
         newgrid2[r2,] <- ref[s,]
   order <- rbind(newgrid1, newgrid2)

mahpreshapedist <- function(z, m, pcar, pcasdev)
   if (is.double(z) == TRUE)
      z <- realtocomplex(z)
   if (is.double(m) == TRUE)
      m <- realtocomplex(m)
   w <- preshape(z)
   y <- preshape(m)
   zp <- project(w, y)
   k <- length(pcasdev) / 2
   if (pcasdev[2 * k - 1] < 1e-07)
      pcasdev[2 * k - 1] <- 1e+22
   if (pcasdev[2 * k] < 1e-07)
      pcasdev[2 * k] <- 1e+22
   Sinv <- (pcar) %*% diag(1 / pcasdev ^ 2) %*% t(pcar)
   Z <- V(zp)
   d2 <- t(Z) %*% Sinv %*% (Z)
   dist <- sqrt(d2)
makearray <- function(x, k, m, n) {
   #makes a k x m x n array from a dataset read in as a table
   tem <- c(t(x))
   tem <- array(tem, c(m, k, n))
   tem <- aperm(tem, c(2, 1, 3))

movie <-
            movielength = 20)
      k <- length(mean) / 2
      for (i in 1:movielength) {
         plotPDMnoaxis(mean, pc * (-1) ^ i, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder)
         mean[c((k + 1):(2 * k))],
         xlim = c(xl, xu),
         ylim = c(yl, yu),
         xlab = " ",
         ylab = " ",
         axes = FALSE

ild_Enorm <- function(X)
   #finds Euclidean/Frobenius norm of a matrix X
   if (is.complex(X)) {
      n <- sqrt(sum(diag(Re(st(X) %*% X))))
   else {
      n <- sqrt(sum(diag(t(X) %*% X)))

partial.procdist <- function(x, y)
   #input  k x 2 matrices x, y
   #output partial Procrustes distance rho between x,y
   sqrt(2) * sqrt(1 - cos(riemdist(x, y)))

partialwarpgrids <-
   function(TT, YY, xbegin, ybegin, xwidth, nr, nc, mag)
      #affine grid and partial warp grids for the TPS deformation of TT to YY
      #displayed as an nr x nc array of plots
      #mag = magnification effect
      k <- nrow(TT)
      YY <- TT + (YY - TT) * mag
      xstart <- xbegin
      ystart <- ybegin
      kx <- 22
      ky <- 21
      l <- kx * ky
      step <- xwidth / (kx - 1)
      r <- 0
      X <- rep(0, times = 220)
      Y2 <- rep(0, times = 220)
      for (p in 1:kx) {
         ystart <- ybegin
         xstart <- xstart + step
         for (q in 1:ky) {
            ystart <- ystart + step
            r <- r + 1
            X[r] <- xstart
            Y2[r] <- ystart
      refc <- matrix(c(X, Y2), kx * ky, 2)
      TPS <- bendingenergy(TT)
      gamma11 <- TPS$gamma11
      gamma21 <- TPS$gamma21
      gamma31 <- TPS$gamma31
      W <- gamma11 %*% YY
      ta <- t(gamma21 %*% YY)
      B <- gamma31 %*% YY
      WtY <- t(W) %*% YY
      R <- matrix(0, k, 2)
      par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
      par(pty = "s")  #AFFINEPART
      phi <- matrix(0, l, 2)
      s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
      for (i in 1:l) {
         s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
         for (m in 1:k) {
            s[m,] <- sigmacov(refc[i,] - TT[m,])
         phi[i,] <- ta + t(B) %*% refc[i,]
      newpt <- matrix(0, k, 2)
      for (i in 1:k) {
         s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
         for (m in 1:k) {
            s[m,] <- sigmacov(TT[i,] - TT[m,])
         newpt[i,] <- ta + t(B) %*% TT[i,]
      order <- linegrid(phi, kx, ky)
         order[1:l, 1],
         order[1:l, 2],
         type = "l",
         xlim = c(xbegin - xwidth /
                     10, xbegin + (xwidth * 11) / 10),
         ylim = c(ybegin - (xwidth / 10 *
                               ky) / kx, ybegin + ((xwidth * 11) / 10 * ky) / kx),
         xlab = " ",
         = " "
      lines(order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 1], order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 2], type = "l")
      points(newpt, cex = 2)
      for (jnw in 1:(k - 3)) {
         nw <- k - 2 - jnw
         phi <- matrix(0, l, 2)
         s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
         for (i in 1:l) {
            s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
            for (m in 1:k) {
               s[m,] <- sigmacov(refc[i,] - TT[m,])
            phi[i,] <- refc[i,] + TPS$prinwarpeval[nw] * t(YY) %*%
               TPS$prinwarps[, nw] %*% t(TPS$prinwarps[, nw]) %*%
         newpt <- matrix(0, k, 2)
         for (i in 1:k) {
            s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
            for (m in 1:k) {
               s[m,] <- sigmacov(TT[i,] - TT[m,])
            newpt[i,] <- TT[i,] + TPS$prinwarpeval[nw] * t(YY) %*%
               TPS$prinwarps[, nw] %*% t(TPS$prinwarps[, nw]) %*%
         R <- newpt - TT + R
         order <- linegrid(phi, kx, ky)
            order[1:l, 1],
            order[1:l, 2],
            type = "l",
            xlim = c(xbegin -
                        xwidth / 10, xbegin + (xwidth * 11) / 10),
            ylim = c(ybegin - (xwidth / 10 * ky) / kx, ybegin + ((xwidth * 11) / 10 * ky) /
            xlab = " ",
            ylab = " "
         lines(order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 1], order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 2],
               type = "l")
         points(newpt, cex = 2)
      #percentage  (need to normalize)
      d2 <- sin(riemdist(YY, TT)) ^ 2
      d3 <- sin(riemdist(R + TT, TT)) ^ 2
      percentaff <- (d2 - d3) / d2 * 100
      print("percent affine")

partialwarps <- function(mshape, rotated)
   #obtain the affine and partial warp scores for a dataset
   #where the reference configuration is mshape and the full procrustes
   #rotated figures are given in the array rotated
   #output: y$pwpwercent percentage of variability (squared Procrustes distance)
   #  in the direction of each of the affine and principal warps
   #        y$pwscores: the affine and partial warps scores
   y <- list(pwpercent = 0,
             pwscores = 0,
             unpercent = 0)
   k <- nrow(mshape)
   n <- dim(rotated)[3]
   msh <- mshape
   rot <- rotated
   TPS <- bendingenergy(msh)
   FX <- rot[, 1,]
   FY <- rot[, 2,]
   U <- TPS$prinwarps[, 1:(k - 3)]
   partialX <- t(U) %*% FX
   partialY <- t(U) %*% FY
   Un <- TPS$Un
   UnXY <- t(Un) %*% rbind(FX, FY)
   scores <- matrix(0, 2 * (k - 3), n)
   for (i in 1:(k - 3)) {
      r <- 2 * i - 1
      scores[r,] <- partialX[k - 2 - i,]
      scores[r + 1,] <- partialY[k - 2 - i,]
   scores <- rbind(UnXY, scores)
   percwarp <- rep(0, times = (k - 2))
   sumev <- sum(eigen(var(t(scores)))$values)
   for (i in 1:(k - 2)) {
      sum1 <- sum(eigen(var(t(scores[(2 * i - 1):(2 * i),])))$values)
      percwarp[i] <- sum1 / sumev
   unpercent <- c(0, 0)
   unpercent[1] <- var(scores[1,]) / sumev
   unpercent[2] <- var(scores[2,]) / sumev
   y$unpercent <- unpercent
   y$pwpercent <- percwarp
   y$pwscores <- t(scores)

plot2rwscores <- function(rwscores, rw1, rw2, ng1, ng2)
   par(pch = "x")
   glim <- max(-min(rwscores), max(rwscores))
      rwscores[1:ng1, rw1],
      rwscores[1:ng1, rw2],
      xlim = c(-glim, glim),
      ylim = c(-glim, glim),
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   par(pch = "+")
   points(rwscores[(ng1 + 1):(ng1 + ng2), rw1], rwscores[(ng1 + 1):(ng1 +
                                                                       ng2), rw2])

plotPDM <- function(mean, pc, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder)
   for (i in c(-3, 0, 3)) {
      fig <- mean + i * pc * sd
      k <- length(mean) / 2
      figx <- fig[1:k]
      figy <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
         axes = TRUE,
         xlab = " ",
         ylab = " ",
         ylim = c(yl,
         xlim = c(xl, xu)
      )  #               par(lty = i + 1)
      lines(figx[lineorder], figy[lineorder])
      if (i == -3)
         title(sub = "mean - c sd")
      if (i == 0)
         title(sub = "mean")
      if (i == 3)
         title(sub = "mean + c sd")
      par(lty = 1)

plotPDM2 <- function(mean, pc, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder)
   par(lty = 1)
   k <- length(mean) / 2
      mean[(k + 1):(2 * k)],
      axes = TRUE,
      xlab = " ",
      ylab =
         "  ",
      ylim = c(yl, yu),
      xlim = c(xl, xu)
   for (i in c(-3:3)) {
      fig <- mean + i * pc * sd
      figx <- fig[1:k]
      figy <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]    #
      if (i < 0) {
         par(lty = 1)
         par(pch = "*")
      if (i == 0) {
         par(lty = 4)
         par(pch = 1)
      if (i > 0) {
         par(lty = 2)
         par(pch = "+")
      points(figx, figy)
      lines(figx[lineorder], figy[lineorder])

plotPDM3 <- function(mean, pc, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder)
   par(lty = 1)
   k <- length(mean) / 2
   figx <- matrix(0, 2 * k, 7)
   figy <- figx
      mean[(k + 1):(2 * k)],
      axes = TRUE,
      xlab = " ",
      ylab =
         "  ",
      ylim = c(yl, yu),
      xlim = c(xl, xu)
   for (i in c(-3:3)) {
      fig <- mean + i * pc * sd
      figx[, i + 4] <- fig[1:k]
      figy[, i + 4] <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
   for (i in 1:k) {
      #               par(lty = 2)
      #               lines(figx[i, 1:4], figy[i, 1:4])
      par(lty = 1)
      lines(figx[i, 4:7], figy[i, 4:7])

plotPDMbook <- function(mean, pc, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder)
   par(lty = 1)
   k <- length(mean) / 2
   figx <- matrix(0, 2 * k, 7)
   figy <- figx
      bookstein.shpv(cbind(mean[1:k], mean[(k + 1):(2 * k)])),
      axes = TRUE,
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = "  ",
      ylim = c(yl, yu),
      xlim = c(xl, xu)
   for (i in c(-3:3)) {
      fig <- mean + i * pc * sd
      figx[, i + 4] <- fig[1:k]
      figy[, i + 4] <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
      u <- bookstein.shpv(cbind(figx[, i + 4], figy[, i + 4]))
      figx[, i + 4] <- u[, 1]
      figy[, i + 4] <- u[, 2]
   for (i in 1:k) {
      #               par(lty = 2)
      #               lines(figx[i, 1:4], figy[i, 1:4])
      par(lty = 1)
      lines(figx[i, 4:7], figy[i, 4:7])

plotPDMnoaxis <- function(mean, pc, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder)
   for (i in c(-3:3)) {
      fig <- mean + i * pc * sd
      k <- length(mean) / 2
      figx <- fig[1:k]
      figy <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
         axes = FALSE,
         xlab = " ",
         ylab = " ",
         ylim = c(yl,
         xlim = c(xl, xu)
      lines(figx[lineorder], figy[lineorder])
      for (ii in 1:1000) {
         aa <- 1

pointsPDMnoaxis3 <-
   function(mean, pc, sd, xl, xu, yl, yu, lineorder, i)
      fig <- mean + i * pc * sd
      k <- length(mean) / 2
      figx <- fig[1:k]
      figy <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
      points(figx, figy)
      text(figx, figy, 1:k)
      lines(figx[lineorder], figy[lineorder])

plotpairscores <- function(scores, nr, nc, ng1, ng2, ch1, ch2)
   #plots pairs of scores score 2 vs score 1, score 4 vs score 3 etc
   #in an nr x nc grid of plots
   par(pty = "s")
   par(cex = 2)
   par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
   k <- ncol(scores) / 2 + 2
   glim <- max(-min(scores), max(scores))
   for (i in 1:(k - 2)) {
         scores[1:ng1, (2 * i - 1)],
         scores[1:ng1, (2 * i)],
         pch =
         xlim = c(-glim, glim),
         ylim = c(-glim, glim),
         xlab = " ",
         ylab = " "
      points(scores[(ng1 + 1):(ng1 + ng2), (2 * i - 1)], scores[(ng1 +
                                                                    1):(ng1 + ng2), (2 * i)], pch = ch2)

plotpca <-
   function (proc,
             joinline = c(1,
             project = c(1, 2))
      k <- proc$k
      zero <- matrix(0, k - 1, k)
      h <- defh(k - 1)
      H <- cbind(h, zero)
      H1 <- cbind(zero, h)
      H <- rbind(H, H1)
      if (project[1] == 1) {
         select1 <- 1:k
      if (project[1] == 2) {
         select1 <- (k + 1):(2 * k)
      if (project[1] == 3) {
         select1 <- (2 * k + 1):(3 * k)
      if (project[2] == 1) {
         select2 <- 1:k
      if (project[2] == 2) {
         select2 <- (k + 1):(2 * k)
      if (project[2] == 3) {
         select2 <- (2 * k + 1):(3 * k)
      select <- c(select1, select2)
      meanxy <- c(proc$mshape[, project[1]], proc$mshape[, project[2]])
      if (dim(proc$pcar)[1] == (2 * (k - 1))) {
         pcarot <- (t(H) %*% proc$pcar)[select, ]
      if (dim(proc$pcar)[1] != (2 * (k - 1))) {
         pcarot <- proc$pcar[select, ]
      par(pty = "s")
      par(lty = 1)
      np <- length(pcno)
      nr <- trunc((length(pcno) + 1) / 2)
      if (type == "g") {
         par(mfrow = c(nr, 2))
         if (np == 1) {
            par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
         for (i in 1:np) {
            j <- pcno[i]
            fig <- meanxy + pcarot[, j] * 3 * mag * proc$pcasd[j]
            figx <- fig[1:k]
            figy <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
            YY <- cbind(figx, figy)
            tpsgrid(cbind(proc$mshape[, project[1]], proc$mshape[, project[2]])
      else {
         if (type == "r") {
            par(mfrow = c(np, 3))
            for (i in 1:np) {
               j <- pcno[i]
                       pcarot[, j],
                       mag * proc$pcasd[j],
                       xl + width,
                       yl + width,
                     "PC ",
                     ": ",
                     as.character(round(proc$percent[i], 1)),
         else {
            if (type == "v") {
               par(mfrow = c(nr, 2))
               if (np == 1) {
                  par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
               for (i in 1:np) {
                  j <- pcno[i]
                           pcarot[, j],
                           mag * proc$pcasd[j],
                           xl + width,
                           yl + width,
                        "PC ",
                        ": ",
            else {
               if (type == "b") {
                  par(mfrow = c(nr, 2))
                  if (np == 1) {
                     par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
                  for (i in 1:np) {
                     j <- pcno[i]
                                 pcarot[, j],
                                 mag * proc$pcasd[j],-0.6,
                           "PC ",
                           ": ",
               else {
                  if (type == "s") {
                     par(mfrow = c(nr, 2))
                     if (np == 1) {
                        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
                     for (i in 1:np) {
                        j <- pcno[i]
                           pcarot[, j],
                           mag * proc$pcasd[j],
                           xl + width,
                           yl + width,
                              "PC ",
                              ": ",
                  else {
                     if (type == "m") {
                        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
                        for (i in 1:np) {
                           j <- pcno[i]
                           cat(paste("PC ", pcno[i], " \n"))
                              pcarot[, j],
                              mag * proc$pcasd[j],
                              xl + width,
                              yl + width,
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))


plotprinwarp <- function(TT, xbegin, ybegin, xwidth, nr, nc)
   #plots the principal warps of TT as perspective plots
   #the plots are displayed  in an nr x nc array of plots
   kx <- 21
   k <- nrow(TT)
   l <- kx ^ 2
   xstart0 <- xbegin
   ystart0 <- ybegin
   xstart <- xstart0
   ystart <- ystart0
   step <- xwidth / kx
   r <- 0
   X <- rep(0, times = l)
   Y2 <- rep(0, times = l)
   for (p in 1:kx) {
      ystart <- ystart0
      xstart <- xstart + step
      for (q in 1:kx) {
         ystart <- ystart + step
         r <- r + 1
         X[r] <- xstart
         Y2[r] <- ystart
   refperp <- matrix(c(X, Y2), l, 2)
   xstart <- xstart0
   xgrid <- rep(0, times = kx)
   for (i in 1:kx) {
      xstart <- xstart + step
      xgrid[i] <- xstart
   ystart <- ystart0
   ygrid <- rep(0, times = kx)
   for (i in 1:kx) {
      ystart <- ystart + step
      ygrid[i] <- ystart
   TPS <- bendingenergy(TT)
   prinwarp <- TPS$prinwarps
   phi <- matrix(0, l, k - 3)
   s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
   for (i in 1:l) {
      s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
      for (m in 1:k) {
         s[m,] <- sigmacov(refperp[i,] - TT[m,])
      phi[i,] <- diag(sqrt(TPS$prinwarpeval[1:(k - 3)])) %*% t(prinwarp[, 1:(k - 3)]) %*% s
   phiTT <- matrix(0, k, k - 3)
   for (i in 1:k) {
      s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
      for (m in 1:k) {
         s[m,] <- sigmacov(TT[i,] - TT[m,])
      phiTT[i,] <- diag(sqrt(TPS$prinwarpeval[1:(k - 3)])) %*% t(prinwarp[, 1:(k - 3)]) %*% s
   par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
   for (nw in 1:(k - 3)) {
      zgrid <- matrix(0, kx, kx)
      m <- 0
      for (i in 1:kx) {
         for (j in 1:kx) {
            m <- m + 1
            zgrid[i, j] <- phi[m, k - 2 - nw]
      zpersp <- persp(xgrid, ygrid, zgrid, axes = TRUE)
      #  NB the following is an S-Plus function : use trans3d() in R
      #		points(perspp(TT[, 1], TT[, 2], phiTT[, k - 2 - nw], zpersp),
      #			cex = 2)

plotproc <- function(proc, xl, yl, width, joinline = c(1, 1))
   #provides plots of the full Procrustes rotated objects in proc
   #proc is an S object of the type output from the function procrustes2d
   #xl, yl lower xlimit and ylimit in plot
   #width = width (and height) of the square plotting region
   par(pty = "s")
      proc$rotated[,  , 1],
      xlim = c(xl, xl + width),
      ylim = c(yl, yl +
      type = "n",
      xlab = "",
      ylab = ""
   for (i in 1:proc$n) {
      points(proc$rotated[,  , i])
      lines(proc$rotated[joinline,  , i])

plotrelwarp <-
      #provides PC plots: similar to plotpca but different argument
      #here rotsd is the rotation x s.d. , and can be from the usual
      # PCA or from using relative warps
      #pcno is a vector of the numbers (index) of PCs to be plotted
      #e.g. pcno<-c(1,2,4,7) will plot the four PCs no. 1,2,4,7
      #type = type of display
      #  "r" : rows along PCs evaluated at c = -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 sd's along PC
      #  "v" : vectors drawn from mean to +/- 3 sd's along PC
      #  "b" : vectors drawn as in `v' but using Bookstein shape variables
      #  "s" : plots along c= -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 superimposed
      #  "m" : movie backward and forwards from -3 to +3 sd's along PC
      #mag = magnification of effect (1 = use s.d.'s from the data)
      #xl, yl lower xlimit and ylimit in plot
      #width = width (and height) of the square plotting region
      #joinline = vector of landmark numbers which are joined up in the plot by
      #straight lines: joinline = c(1,1) will give no lines
      k <- nrow(mshape)
      pcarot <- rotsd
      par(pty = "s")
      par(lty = 1)
      meanxy <- c(mshape[, 1], mshape[, 2])
      np <- length(pcno)
      if (type == "g") {
         par(mfrow = c(1, np))
         for (i in 1:np) {
            j <- pcno[i]
            fig <- meanxy + pcarot[, j] * mag * 3
            figx <- fig[1:k]
            figy <- fig[(k + 1):(2 * k)]
            YY <- cbind(figx, figy)
            tpsgrid(mshape, YY, xl, yl, width, 1, 0.1, 22)
      else {
         if (type == "r") {
            par(mfrow = c(np, 7))
            for (i in 1:np) {
               j <- pcno[i]
                       pcarot[, j],
                       xl +
                       yl + width,
         else {
            if (type == "v") {
               par(mfrow = c(1, np))
               for (i in 1:np) {
                  j <- pcno[i]
                           pcarot[, j],
                           xl +
                           yl + width,
            else {
               if (type == "b") {
                  par(mfrow = c(1, np))
                  for (i in 1:np) {
                     j <- pcno[i]
                                 pcarot[, j],
                                 xl + width,
                                 yl + width,
               else {
                  if (type == "s") {
                     par(mfrow = c(1, np))
                     for (i in 1:np) {
                        j <- pcno[i]
                                 pcarot[, j],
                                 xl +
                                 yl + width,
                  else {
                     if (type == "m") {
                        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
                        for (i in 1:np) {
                           j <- pcno[i]
                                 pcarot[, j],
                                 xl +
                                 yl + width,
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

ild_preshape <- function(x)
   #input k x m matrix / complex k-vector
   #output k-1 x m matrix / k-1 x 1 complex matrix
   if (is.complex(x)) {
      k <- nrow(as.matrix(x))
      h <- defh(k - 1)
      zstar <- x
      ztem <- h %*% zstar
      size <- sqrt(diag(Re(st(ztem) %*% ztem)))
      if (is.vector(zstar))
         z <- ztem / size
      if (is.matrix(zstar))
         z <- ztem %*% diag(1 / size)
   else {
      if (length(dim(x)) == 3) {
         k <- dim(x)[1]
         h <- defh(k - 1)
         n <- dim(x)[3]
         m <- dim(x)[2]
         z <- array(0, c(k - 1, m, n))
         for (i in 1:n) {
            z[,  , i] <- h %*% x[,  , i]
            size <- centroid.size(x[,  , i])
            z[,  , i] <- z[,  , i] / size
      else {
         k <- nrow(as.matrix(x))
         h <- defh(k - 1)
         ztem <- h %*% x
         size <- centroid.size(x)
         z <- ztem / size

ild_preshape.mD <- function(x)
   #input k x m matrix
   #output k-1 x 1 matrix
   h <- defh(nrow(x) - 1)
   ztem <- h %*% x
   size <- centroid.size.mD(x)
   z <- ztem / size

ild_preshape.mat <- function(zstar)
   h <- defh(nrow(as.matrix(zstar)) - 1)
   ztem <- h %*% zstar
   size <- sqrt(diag(Re(st(ztem) %*% ztem)))
   if (is.vector(zstar))
      z <- ztem / size
   if (is.matrix(zstar))
      z <- ztem %*% diag(1 / size)

ild_preshapetoicon <- function(z)
   #convert a preshape (real or complex) to an icon in configuration space
   h <- defh(nrow(z))
   t(h) %*% z
#prcomp1<-function(x, retx = TRUE)
#	s <- svd(scale(x, scale = FALSE), nu = 0)	# remove column means
#	rank <- sum(s$d > 0)
#	if(rank < ncol(x))
#		s$v <- s$v[, 1:rank]
#	s$d <- s$d/sqrt(max(1, nrow(x) - 1))
#	if(retx)
#		list(sdev = s$d, rotation = s$v, x = x %*% s$v)
#	else list(sdev = s$d, rotation = s$v)

prinwscoregrids <-
      #grids displaying the effect of each principal warp at `score'
      #along each warp. Grids displayed in an nr x nc array
      par(pty = "s")
      par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
      k <- nrow(TT)
      xstart <- xbegin
      ystart <- ybegin
      kx <- 22
      ky <- 21
      l <- kx * ky
      step <- xwidth / (kx - 1)
      r <- 0
      X <- rep(0, times = 220)
      Y2 <- rep(0, times = 220)
      for (p in 1:kx) {
         ystart <- ybegin
         xstart <- xstart + step
         for (q in 1:ky) {
            ystart <- ystart + step
            r <- r + 1
            X[r] <- xstart
            Y2[r] <- ystart
      refc <-
         matrix(c(X, Y2), kx * ky, 2)    #       TPS <- bendingenergy(TT)
      for (jnw in 1:(k - 3)) {
         nw <- k - 2 - jnw
         phi <- matrix(0, l, 2)
         s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
         for (i in 1:l) {
            s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
            for (m in 1:k) {
               s[m,] <- sigmacov(refc[i,] - TT[m,])
            phi[i,] <- refc[i,] + sqrt(TPS$prinwarpeval[nw]) *
               score * t(TPS$prinwarps[, nw]) %*% s
         newpt <- matrix(0, k, 2)
         for (i in 1:k) {
            s <- matrix(0, k, 1)
            for (m in 1:k) {
               s[m,] <- sigmacov(TT[i,] - TT[m,])
            newpt[i,] <- TT[i,] + sqrt(TPS$prinwarpeval[nw]) *
               score * t(TPS$prinwarps[, nw]) %*% s
         order <- linegrid(phi, kx, ky)
            order[1:l, 1],
            order[1:l, 2],
            type = "l",
            xlim = c(xbegin -
                        xwidth / 10, xbegin + (xwidth * 11) / 10),
            ylim = c(ybegin - (xwidth / 10 * ky) / kx, ybegin + ((xwidth * 11) / 10 * ky) /
            xlab = " ",
            ylab = " "
         lines(order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 1], order[(l + 1):(2 * l), 2],
               type = "l")
         points(newpt, cex = 2)

procdistreflect <- function(x, y)
   #input  k x m matrices x, y
   #output reflection shape distance (rho*) between them
   #if x, y are not too far apart then (rho*)=rho (Riemannian dist)
   if (sum((x - y) ^ 2) == 0) {
      riem <- 0
   if (sum((x - y) ^ 2) != 0) {
      m <- ncol(x)
      z <- preshape(x)
      w <- preshape(y)
      Q <- t(z) %*% w %*% t(w) %*% z
      ev <- sqrt(eigen(Q, symmetric = TRUE)$values)
      #	riem <- acos(sum(ev))
      riem <- acos(min(sum(ev), 1))

procrustes2d <-
            l1 = 1,
            l2 = 2,
            approxtangent = FALSE,
            expomap = FALSE)
      #input k x 2 x n real array, or k x n complex matrix
      #mean shape will have landmarks l1, l2 horizontal (l1 left, l2 right)
      # z$k : no of landmarks
      # z$m : no of dimensions (=2 here)
      # z$n : sample size
      # z$tan : the real 2k-2 x n matrix of partial Procrustes tangent coordinates
      #          with pole given by the preshape of the full Procrustes mean
      # z$rotated : the k x m x n array of real full Procrustes rotated data
      # z$pcar : the columns are eigenvectors (PCs) of the sample covariance Sv of z$tan
      # z$pcasd : the square roots of eigenvalues of Sv (s.d.'s of PCs)
      # z$percent : the % of variability explained by the PCs
      # z$scores : PC scores normalised to have unit variance
      # z$rawscores : PC scores (unnormalised)
      # z$size : the centroid sizes of the configurations
      # z$rho : Kendall's Procrustean (Riemannian) distance rho to the mean shape
      # z$rmsrho : r.m.s. of rho
      # z$rmsd1 : r.m.s. of full Procrustes distances to the mean shape d1
      z <- list(
         k = 0,
         m = 0,
         n = 0,
         rotated = 0,
         tan = 0,
         pcar = 0,
         scores = 0,
         rawscores = 0,
         pcasd = 0,
         percent = 0,
         size = 0,
         rho = 0,
         rmsrho = 0,
         rmsd1 = 0,
         mshape = 0
      if (is.complex(x) == FALSE) {
         x <- x[, 1,] + (1i) * x[, 2,]
      #	cat("Procrustes 2D eigenanalysis \n")
      k <- nrow(x)
      n <- ncol(x)
      h <- defh(k - 1)
      zp <- preshape(x)
      gamma <- cbevec(zp)
      cbmean <- t(h) %*% gamma
      theta <- Arg(cbmean[l2] - cbmean[l1])
      cbmeanrot <- exp((-0 - 1i) * theta) * cbmean
      gamma <- h %*% cbmeanrot
      tan <- project(zp, gamma)
      icon <- array(0, c(k, 2, n))
      tanapprox <- matrix(0, 2 * k, n)
      size <- rep(0, times = n)
      rho <- rep(0, times = n)
      mu <- complextoreal(cbmeanrot)
      sum <- 0
      for (i in 1:n) {
         tem <- tanfigurefull(tan[, i], gamma)
         icon[, 1, i] <- Re(tem)
         icon[, 2, i] <- Im(tem)
         sum <- sum + icon[, , i]
         size[i] <- centroid.size(x[, i])
         rho[i] <- riemdist(x[, i], c(cbmeanrot))
      xbar <- sum / n
      rv <- Vmat(tan)
      if (approxtangent == TRUE) {
         for (i in 1:n) {
            tanapprox[, i] <- as.vector(icon[, , i]) - as.vector(xbar)
         tanapprox <- tanapprox / centroid.size(xbar)
         pca <- prcomp1(t(tanapprox))
         z$tan <- tanapprox
      if (expomap == TRUE) {
         temp <- rv
         for (i in 1:(n)) {
            temp[, i] <- rv[, i] / Enorm(rv[, i]) * rho[i]
         rv <- temp
      if (approxtangent == FALSE) {
         pca <- prcomp1(t(rv))
         z$tan <- rv
      z$pcar <- pca$rotation
      z$pcasd <- pca$sdev
      z$percent <- z$pcasd ^ 2 / sum(z$pcasd ^ 2) * 100
      z$rotated <- icon
      npc <- 0
      for (i in 1:length(pca$sdev)) {
         if (pca$sdev[i] > 1e-07) {
            npc <- npc + 1
      z$scores <- pca$x
      z$rawscores <- pca$x
      for (i in 1:npc) {
         z$scores[, i] <- pca$x[, i] / pca$sdev[i]
      z$rho <- rho
      z$size <- size
      z$mshape <- mu
      z$k <- k
      z$m <- 2
      z$n <- n
      z$rmsrho <- sqrt(mean(rho ^ 2))
      z$rmsd1 <- sqrt(mean(sin(rho) ^ 2))

testmeanshapes.old <-
            Hotelling = TRUE,
            tol1 = 1e05,
            tol2 = 1e05) {
      if (is.complex(A)) {
         tem <- array(0, c(nrow(A), 2, ncol(A)))
         tem[, 1,] <- Re(A)
         tem[, 2,] <- Im(A)
         A <- tem
      if (is.complex(B)) {
         tem <- array(0, c(nrow(B), 2, ncol(B)))
         tem[, 1,] <- Re(B)
         tem[, 2,] <- Im(B)
         B <- tem
      m <- dim(A)[2]
      if (Hotelling == TRUE)  {
         if (m == 2) {
            test <- Hotelling2D(A, B)
         if (m > 2) {
            test <- Hotellingtest(A, B, tol1 = tol1, tol2 = tol2)
            "Hotelling's T^2 test: ",
            c("Test statistic = ", round(test$F, 2)),
            c("\n p-value = ", round(test$pval, 4)),
            c("Degrees of freedom = ",
              test$df1, test$df2),
      if (Hotelling == FALSE)  {
         if (m == 2) {
            test <- Goodall2D(A, B)
         if (m > 2) {
            test <- Goodalltest(A, B, tol1 = tol1, tol2 = tol2)
            "Goodall's F test: ",
            c("Test statistic = ", round(test$F, 2)),
            c("\n p-value = ", round(test$pval, 4)),
            c("Degrees of freedom = ",
              test$df1, test$df2),

procGPA <- function(x,
                    scale = TRUE,
                    reflect = FALSE,
                    eigen2d = FALSE,
                    tol1 = 1e-05,
                    tol2 = tol1,
                    tangentcoords = "residual",
                    proc.output = FALSE,
                    distances = TRUE,
                    pcaoutput = TRUE,
                    alpha = 0,
                    affine = FALSE)
   n <- dim(x)[length(dim(x))]
#   if ((n > 100) & (distances == TRUE)) {
#      print("To speed up use option distances=FALSE")
#   }
#   if ((n > 100) & (pcaoutput == TRUE)) {
#      print("To speed up use option pcaoutput=FALSE")
#   }
   if (scale == TRUE) {
      if (tangentcoords == "residual") {
         tangentresiduals <- TRUE
         expomap <- FALSE
      if (tangentcoords == "partial") {
         tangentresiduals <- FALSE
         expomap <- FALSE
      if (tangentcoords == "expomap") {
         tangentresiduals <- FALSE
         expomap <- TRUE
   if (scale == FALSE) {
      #all three options are equivalent
      if (tangentcoords == "residual") {
         tangentresiduals <- TRUE
         expomap <- FALSE
      if (tangentcoords == "partial") {
         tangentresiduals <- TRUE
         expomap <- FALSE
      if (tangentcoords == "expomap") {
         tangentresiduals <- TRUE
         expomap <- FALSE
   approxtangent <- tangentresiduals
   if (is.complex(x)) {
      tem <- array(0, c(nrow(x), 2, ncol(x)))
      tem[, 1,] <- Re(x)
      tem[, 2,] <- Im(x)
      x <- tem
   m <- dim(x)[2]
   n <- dim(x)[3]
   if (reflect == FALSE) {
      if ((m == 2) && (scale == TRUE)) {
         if (eigen2d == TRUE) {
            out <- procrustes2d(x, approxtangent = approxtangent, expomap = expomap)
            out <-
                  approxtangent = approxtangent,
                  proc.output = proc.output,
                  distances = distances,
                  pcaoutput = pcaoutput,
                  reflect = reflect,
                  expomap = expomap
      if ((m > 2) && (scale == TRUE)) {
         out <-
               approxtangent = approxtangent,
               proc.output = proc.output
               distances = distances,
               pcaoutput = pcaoutput,
               reflect = reflect,
               expomap = expomap
      if (scale == FALSE) {
         out <- procrustesGPA.rot(
            approxtangent = approxtangent,
            proc.output = proc.output,
            distances = distances,
            pcaoutput = pcaoutput,
            reflect = reflect,
            expomap = expomap
   if (reflect == TRUE) {
      if (scale == TRUE) {
         out <- procrustesGPA(
            approxtangent = approxtangent,
            proc.output = proc.output,
            distances = distances,
            pcaoutput = pcaoutput,
            reflect = reflect,
            expomap = expomap
      if (scale == FALSE) {
         out <- procrustesGPA.rot(
            approxtangent = approxtangent,
            proc.output = proc.output,
            distances = distances,
            pcaoutput = pcaoutput,
            reflect = reflect,
            expomap = expomap
   out$stdscores <- out$scores
   out$scores <- out$rawscores
   if (approxtangent == FALSE) {
      out$mshape <- out$mshape / centroid.size(out$mshape)
      for (i in 1:n) {
         out$rotated[, , i] <-
            out$rotated[, , i] / centroid.size(out$rotated[, , i])
   rw <- out
   rw <- shaperw(out, alpha = alpha , affine = affine)
   rw$GSS <- sum((n - 1) * rw$pcasd ** 2)

procrustesGPA <-
   function (x,
             tol1 = 1e-05,
             tol2 = 1e-05,
             distances = TRUE,
             pcaoutput = TRUE,
             approxtangent = TRUE,
             proc.output = FALSE,
             reflect = FALSE,
             expomap = FALSE)
      z <- list(
         k = 0,
         m = 0,
         n = 0,
         rotated = 0,
         tan = 0,
         pcar = 0,
         scores = 0,
         rawscores = 0,
         pcasd = 0,
         percent = 0,
         size = 0,
         rho = 0,
         rmsrho = 0,
         rmsd1 = 0,
         mshape = 0
      if (is.complex(x)) {
         tem <- array(0, c(nrow(x), 2, ncol(x)))
         tem[, 1,] <- Re(x)
         tem[, 2,] <- Im(x)
         x <- tem
      k <- dim(x)[1]
      m <- dim(x)[2]
      n <- dim(x)[3]
      x <- cnt3(x)
      zgpa <-
         fgpa(x, tol1, tol2, proc.output = proc.output, reflect = reflect)
      if (distances == TRUE) {
         if (proc.output) {
            cat("Shape distances and sizes calculation ...\n")
         size <- rep(0, times = n)
         rho <- rep(0, times = n)
         size <- apply(x, 3, centroid.size)
         rho <- apply(x, 3, y <- function(x) {
            riemdist(x, zgpa$mshape)
      tanpartial <- matrix(0, k * m - m , n)
      ident <- diag(rep(1, times = (m * k - m)))
      gamma <- as.vector(preshape(zgpa$mshape))
      for (i in 1:n) {
         tanpartial[, i] <- (ident - gamma %*% t(gamma)) %*%
            as.vector(preshape(zgpa$r.s.r[, , i]))
      if (expomap == TRUE) {
         temp <- tanpartial
         for (i in 1:(n)) {
            temp[, i] <- tanpartial[, i] / Enorm(tanpartial[, i]) * rho[i]
         tanpartial <- temp
      tan <- zgpa$r.s.r[, 1,] - zgpa$mshape[, 1]
      for (i in 2:m) {
         tan <- rbind(tan, zgpa$r.s.r[, i,] - zgpa$mshape[, i])
      if (pcaoutput == TRUE) {
         if (proc.output) {
            cat("PCA calculation ...\n")
         if (approxtangent == FALSE) {
            pca <- prcomp1(t(tanpartial))
         if (approxtangent == TRUE) {
            pca <- prcomp1(t(tan))
         npc <- 0
         for (i in 1:length(pca$sdev)) {
            if (pca$sdev[i] > 1e-07) {
               npc <- npc + 1
         z$scores <- pca$x
         z$rawscores <- pca$x
         for (i in 1:npc) {
            z$scores[, i] <- pca$x[, i] / pca$sdev[i]
         z$pcar <- pca$rotation
         z$pcasd <- pca$sdev
         z$percent <- z$pcasd ^ 2 / sum(z$pcasd ^ 2) * 100
      if (approxtangent == FALSE) {
         z$tan <- tanpartial
      if (approxtangent == TRUE) {
         z$tan <- tan
      if (distances == TRUE) {
         z$rho <- rho
         z$size <- size
         z$rmsrho <- sqrt(mean(rho ^ 2))
         z$rmsd1 <- sqrt(mean(sin(rho) ^ 2))
      z$rotated <- zgpa$r.s.r
      z$mshape <- zgpa$mshape
      z$k <- k
      z$m <- m
      z$n <- n
      if (proc.output) {

procrustesGPA.rot <-
   function (x,
             tol1 = 1e-05,
             tol2 = 1e-05,
             distances = TRUE,
             pcaoutput = TRUE,
             approxtangent = TRUE,
             proc.output = FALSE,
             reflect = FALSE,
             expomap = FALSE)
      z <- list(
         k = 0,
         m = 0,
         n = 0,
         rotated = 0,
         tan = 0,
         pcar = 0,
         scores = 0,
         rawscores = 0,
         pcasd = 0,
         percent = 0,
         size = 0,
         rho = 0,
         rmsrho = 0,
         rmsd1 = 0,
         mshape = 0
      if (is.complex(x)) {
         tem <- array(0, c(nrow(x), 2, ncol(x)))
         tem[, 1,] <- Re(x)
         tem[, 2,] <- Im(x)
         x <- tem
      k <- dim(x)[1]
      m <- dim(x)[2]
      n <- dim(x)[3]
      #    print("GPA (rotation only)")
      x <- cnt3(x)
      zgpa <-
         fgpa.rot(x, tol1, tol2, proc.output = proc.output, reflect = reflect)
      if (distances == TRUE) {
         if (proc.output) {
            cat("Shape distances and sizes calculation ...\n")
         size <- rep(0, times = n)
         rho <- rep(0, times = n)
         size <- apply(x, 3, centroid.size)
         rho <- apply(x, 3, y <- function(x) {
            riemdist(x, zgpa$mshape)
      tanpartial <- matrix(0, k * m - m, n)
      ident <- diag(rep(1, times = (m * k - m)))
      gamma <- as.vector(preshape(zgpa$mshape))
      for (i in 1:n) {
         tanpartial[, i] <- (ident - gamma %*% t(gamma)) %*%
            as.vector(preshape(zgpa$r.s.r[, , i]))
      if (expomap == TRUE) {
         temp <- tanpartial
         for (i in 1:(n)) {
            temp[, i] <- tanpartial[, i] / Enorm(tanpartial[, i]) * rho[i]
         tanpartial <- temp
      tan <- zgpa$r.s.r[, 1,] - zgpa$mshape[, 1]
      for (i in 2:m) {
         tan <- rbind(tan, zgpa$r.s.r[, i,] - zgpa$mshape[, i])
      if (approxtangent == FALSE) {
         z$tan <- tanpartial
      if (approxtangent == TRUE) {
         z$tan <- tan
      if (pcaoutput == TRUE) {
         if (proc.output) {
            cat("PCA calculation ...\n")
         if (approxtangent == FALSE) {
            pca <- prcomp1(t(tanpartial))
         if (approxtangent == TRUE) {
            pca <- prcomp1(t(tan))
         npc <- 0
         for (i in 1:length(pca$sdev)) {
            if (pca$sdev[i] > 1e-07) {
               npc <- npc + 1
         z$scores <- pca$x
         z$rawscores <- pca$x
         for (i in 1:npc) {
            z$scores[, i] <- pca$x[, i] / pca$sdev[i]
         z$pcar <- pca$rotation
         z$pcasd <- pca$sdev
         z$percent <- z$pcasd ^ 2 / sum(z$pcasd ^ 2) * 100
      if (distances == TRUE) {
         z$rho <- rho
         z$size <- size
         z$rmsrho <- sqrt(mean(rho ^ 2))
         z$rmsd1 <- sqrt(mean(sin(rho) ^ 2))
      z$rotated <- zgpa$r.s.r
      z$mshape <- zgpa$mshape
      z$k <- k
      z$m <- m
      z$n <- n
      if (proc.output) {

project <- function(z, gamma)
   #input z: preshape, gamma: preshape (k-1 x 1 matrices)
   #output Kent's tangent plane coordinates
   #of z at the pole gamma (k-1 complex vector)
   nr <- nrow(z)
   nc <- ncol(z)
   g <- matrix(gamma, nr, 1)
   ident <- diag(nr)
   theta <- diag(c(exp((-0 - 1i) * Arg(st(
   ) %*% z))), nc, nc)
   v <- (ident - g %*% st(g)) %*% z %*% theta

read.array <- function(name, k, m, n)
   #input name : filename, k: no of points, m: no of dimensions, n: sample size
   #output x: k x m x n array of data
   #e.g. for 2D data assume file format x1 y1 x2 y2 .. xn yn for each object
   tem <- scan(name)
   tem <- array(tem, c(m, k, n))
   tem <- aperm(tem, c(2, 1, 3))
   x <- tem

read.in <- function(name, k, m)
   #input name : filename, k: no of points, m: no of dimensions
   #output x: k x m x n array of data ( n: sample size)
   #e.g. for m=2-D data assume file format x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xk yk for each object
   #for m=3-D data: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 ... xk yk zk
   tem <- scan(name)
   n <- length(tem) / (k * m)
   tem <- array(tem, c(m, k, n))
   tem <- aperm(tem, c(2, 1, 3))
   x <- tem

realtocomplex <- function(x)
   #input k x 2 matrix - return complex k-vector
   k <- nrow(x)
   zstar <- x[, 1] + (1i) * x[, 2]

reassqpr <- function(z)
   j <- 1
   nc <- ncol(z)
   nr <- nrow(z)
   stemp <- matrix(0, 2 * nr, 2 * nr)
   repeat {
      t1 <- matrix(z[, j], nr, 1)
      vz <- rbind(Re(t1), Im(t1))
      viz <- rbind(Re((1i) * t1), Im((1i) * t1))
      stemp <- stemp + vz %*% t(vz) + viz %*% t(viz)
      if (j == nc)
      j <- j + 1

relwarps <- function(mshape, rotated, alpha)
   #find the relative warps for a dataset with mshape as the reference
   #and `rotated' as the array of Procrustes rotated figures
   #alpha is the power of the bending energy
   #  alpha=+1 : emphasizes large scale
   #  alpha=-1 : emphasizes small scale
   #     z$rwarps  : the relative warps
   #     z$rwscores : the relative warp scores
   #     z$rwpercent : the percentage of total variability explained by each            #relative warp
   z <-
         rwarps = 0,
         rwscores = 0,
         rwpercent = 0,
         ev = 0,
         unif = 0,
         unscores = 0,
         lengths = 0
   k <- nrow(mshape)
   TPS <- bendingenergy(mshape)
   Be <- TPS$gamma11
   stackxy <- rbind(rotated[, 1,], rotated[, 2,])
   n <- dim(rotated)[3]
   msum <- rep(0, times = 2 * k)
   for (i in 1:n) {
      msum <- msum + stackxy[, i]
   msum <- msum / n
   meanxy <- msum
   cstackxy <- matrix(0, 2 * k, n)
   for (i in 1:n) {
      cstackxy[, i] <- stackxy[, i] - meanxy
   Bpow <- genpower(Be, alpha)
   Bpowinv <- genpower(Be,-alpha)
   IBpow <- I2mat(Bpow)
   IBpowinv <- I2mat(Bpowinv)
   if (alpha == 0) {
      IBpow <- diag(rep(1, times = (2 * k)))
      IBpowinv <- diag(rep(1, times = (2 * k)))
   stacknew <- IBpow %*% cstackxy
   gamma <- matrix(0, 2 * k, 2 * k)
   pcarotation <-
      eigen(stacknew %*% t(stacknew) / n, symmetric = TRUE)$vectors
   pcaev <- eigen(stacknew %*% t(stacknew) / n, symmetric = TRUE)$values
   pcasdev <- rep(0, times = 2 * k)
   for (i in 1:(2 * k)) {
      pcasdev[i] <- sqrt(abs(pcaev[i]))
   scores <- t(IBpow %*% pcarotation) %*% cstackxy
   percent <- rep(0, times = 2 * k)
   for (i in 1:(2 * k)) {
      percent[i] <- pcasdev[i] ^ 2
   Un <- TPS$Un
   UnXY <- t(Un) %*% cstackxy
   z$unif <-
      Un %*% t(matrix(c(sqrt(var(
      )), 0, 0, sqrt(var(
      ))), 2, 2))
   z$unscores <- t(UnXY)
   z$lengths <- sqrt(abs(percent))
   z$rwarps <- IBpowinv %*% pcarotation %*% diag(pcasdev)
   z$rwscores <- t(scores)
   z$ev <- pcaev
   percentrw <- percent / sum(percent) * 100
   z$rwpercent <- percentrw

ssriemdist <- function(x, y, reflect = FALSE) {
   sx <- centroid.size(x)
   sy <- centroid.size(y)
   sd <- sx ** 2 + sy ** 2 - 2 * sx * sy * cos(riemdist(x, y, reflect = reflect))

riemdist <- function(x, y, reflect = FALSE)
   #input two k x m matrices x, y or complex k-vectors
   #output Riemannian distance rho between them
   if (sum((x - y) ** 2) == 0) {
      riem <- 0
   if (sum((x - y) ** 2) != 0) {
      if (reflect == FALSE) {
         if (ncol(as.matrix(x)) < 3) {
            if (is.complex(x) == FALSE) {
               x <- realtocomplex(x)
            if (is.complex(y) == FALSE) {
               y <- realtocomplex(y)
            #riem <- c(acos(Mod(st(preshape(x)) %*% preshape(y))))
            riem <- c(acos(min(1, (
               Mod(st(preshape(x)) %*% preshape(y))
         else {
            m <- ncol(x)
            z <- preshape(x)
            w <- preshape(y)
            Q <- t(z) %*% w %*% t(w) %*% z
            ev <- eigen(t(z) %*% w)$values
            check <- 1
            for (i in 1:m) {
               check <- check * ev[i]
            ev <- sqrt(abs(eigen(Q, symmetric = TRUE)$values))
            if (Re(check) < 0)
               ev[m] <-  -ev[m]
            riem <- acos(min(sum(ev), 1))
      if (reflect == TRUE) {
         m <- ncol(x)
         z <- preshape(x)
         w <- preshape(y)
         Q <- t(z) %*% w %*% t(w) %*% z
         ev <- sqrt(abs(eigen(Q, symmetric = TRUE)$values))
         riem <- acos(min(sum(ev), 1))

riemdist.complex <- function(z, w)
   #input complex k-vectors z, w
   #output Riemannian distance rho between them
      st(preshape(z)) %*% preshape(w)
   ), 1)))

riemdist.mD <- function(x, y)
   #input  k x m matrices x, y
   #output Riemannian distance rho between them
   m <- ncol(x)
   z <- preshape.mD(x)
   w <- preshape.mD(y)
   Q <- t(z) %*% w %*% t(w) %*% z
   ev <- eigen(t(z) %*% w)$values
   check <- 1
   for (i in 1:m) {
      check <- check * ev[i]
   ev <- sqrt(eigen(Q, symmetric = TRUE)$values)
   if (check < 0)
      ev[m] <-  -ev[m]
   riem <- acos(min(sum(ev), 1))

rotateaxes <- function(mshapein, rotatedin)
   #Rotates a mean shape and the Procrustes rotated data to have
   #horizontal and vertical principal axes
   #output: z$mshape rotated mean shape
   #        z$rotated   rotated procrustes registered data
   #        z$R  the rotation matrix
   z <- list(mshape = 0,
             rotated = 0,
             R = 0)
   n <- dim(rotatedin)[3]
   S <- var(mshapein)
   R <- eigen(S)$vectors
   msh <- mshapein %*% R
   ico <- rotatedin
   for (i in 1:n) {
      ico[,  , i] <- rotatedin[,  , i] %*% R
   z$mshape <- msh
   z$rotated <- ico
   z$R <- R

#	length <- sqrt(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2)
#	if(length == 0)
#		sig <- 0
#	else sig <- length^2 * log(length^2)
#	sig

sigmacov <- function(x)
   #  other radial basis functions/covariance functions are possible of course
   hh <- Enorm(x)
   if (hh == 0)
      sig <- 0
      if (length(x) == 2) {
         sig <-
            hh ^ 2 * log(hh ^ 2)   # null space includes affine terms (2D data)
      if (length(x) == 3) {
         sig <-  -hh   # null space includes affine terms (3D data)

st <- function(zstar)
   #input complex matrix
   #output transpose of the complex conjugate
   st <- t(Conj(zstar))

ild_tanfigure <- function(vv, gamma)
   #inverse projection from complex tangent plane coordinates vv, using pole gamma
   #output centred icon
   k <- nrow(gamma) + 1
   h <- defh(k - 1)
   zvv <- tanpreshape(vv, gamma)
   zstvv <- t(h) %*% zvv

ild_tanfigurefull <- function(vv, gamma)
   #inverse projection from complex tangent plane coordinates vv, using pole gamma
   #using Procrustes to with scaling to the pole gamma
   #output centred icon
   k <- nrow(gamma) + 1
   f1 <- tanfigure(vv, gamma)
   h <- defh(k - 1)
   f2 <- t(h) %*% gamma
   beta <- Mod(st(f1) %*% f2)
   f1 <- f1 * c(beta)

tanpreshape <- function(vv, gamma)
   #inverse projection from tangent plane coordinates vv, using pole gamma
   #output preshape
   z <- c((1 - st(vv) %*% vv) ^ 0.5) * gamma + vv

plot3Ddata <- function(dna.data,
                       land = 1:k,
                       objects = 1:n,
                       joinline = c(1, 1)) {
   dna <- procGPA(dna.data[, , 1:2])
   w1 <- defplotsize2(dna.data[, 1:2, ])
   w2 <- defplotsize2(dna.data[, c(1, 3), ])
   w3 <- defplotsize2(dna.data[, c(2, 3), ])
   width <- max(c(w1$width, w2$width, w3$width))
   xl <- min(c(w1$xl, w2$xl, w3$xl))
   xu <- xl + width
   yl <- min(c(w1$yl, w2$yl, w3$yl))
   yu <- yl + width
   n <- dim(dna.data)[3]
   k <- dim(dna.data)[1]
   m <- dim(dna.data)[2]
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
   par(pty = "s")
   view1 <- 1
   view2 <- 2
   view3 <- 3
   lineorder <- joinline
   for (j in 1:1) {
      for (ii in objects) {
         par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
         mag <- 0
         pcno <- 1
            c(dna.data[land, view2, ii], dna.data[land, view3, ii]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
         mag <- 0
         pcno <- 1
            c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view3, ii]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
         mag <- 0
         pcno <- 1
            c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view2, ii]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
            c(0, 0),
            c(50, 50),
            xlim = c(0, 0),
            ylim = c(0, 0),
            type = "n",
            xlab = " ",
            ylab = " ",
            axes = FALSE

plot3Ddata.static <-
            land = 1:k,
            objects = 1:n,
            joinline = c(1, 1)) {
      dna <- procGPA(dna.data[, , 1:2])
      w1 <- defplotsize2(dna.data[, 1:2, ])
      w2 <- defplotsize2(dna.data[, c(1, 3), ])
      w3 <- defplotsize2(dna.data[, c(2, 3), ])
      width <- max(c(w1$width, w2$width, w3$width))
      xl <- min(c(w1$xl, w2$xl, w3$xl))
      xu <- xl + width
      yl <- min(c(w1$yl, w2$yl, w3$yl))
      yu <- yl + width
      n <- dim(dna.data)[3]
      k <- dim(dna.data)[1]
      m <- dim(dna.data)[2]
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      par(pty = "s")
      lineorder <- joinline
      par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
      mag <- 0
      pcno <- 1
      ii <- 1
      view1 <- 1
      view2 <- 2
      view3 <- 3
         c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view2, ii]),
         c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                    (land)), pcno]),
         mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      for (ii in objects) {
            c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view2, ii]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      view1 <- 1
      view2 <- 3
      view3 <- 2
         c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view2, ii]),
         c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                    (land)), pcno]),
         mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      for (ii in objects) {
            c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view2, ii]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      view1 <- 2
      view2 <- 3
      view3 <- 1
         c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view2, ii]),
         c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                    (land)), pcno]),
         mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      for (ii in objects) {
            c(dna.data[land, view1, ii], dna.data[land, view2, ii]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],

plot3Dmean <- function(dna) {
   land <- 1:dim(dna$mshape)[1]
   w1 <- defplotsize2(dna$rotated[, 1:2, ])
   w2 <- defplotsize2(dna$rotated[, c(1, 3), ])
   w3 <- defplotsize2(dna$rotated[, c(2, 3), ])
   width <- max(c(w1$width, w2$width, w3$width))
   xl <- min(c(w1$xl, w2$xl, w3$xl))
   xu <- xl + width
   yl <- min(c(w1$yl, w2$yl, w3$yl))
   yu <- yl + width
   par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
   par(pty = "s")
      dna$mshape[land, 1],
      dna$mshape[land, 2],
      xlim = c(xl, xu),
      ylim = c(yl, yu),
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   text(dna$mshape[land, 1], dna$mshape[land, 2], land)
   lines(dna$mshape[land, 1], dna$mshape[land, 2])
      dna$mshape[land, 1],
      dna$mshape[land, 3],
      xlim = c(xl, xu),
      ylim = c(yl, yu),
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   text(dna$mshape[land, 1], dna$mshape[land, 3], land)
   lines(dna$mshape[land, 1], dna$mshape[land, 3])
      dna$mshape[land, 2],
      dna$mshape[land, 3],
      xlim = c(xl, xu),
      ylim = c(yl, yu),
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   text(dna$mshape[land, 2], dna$mshape[land, 3], land)
   lines(dna$mshape[land, 2], dna$mshape[land, 3])
   title("Procrustes mean shape estimate")

plot3Dpca <- function(dna, pcno, joinline = c(1, 1)) {
   #choose subset
   w1 <- defplotsize2(dna$rotated[, 1:2, ])
   w2 <- defplotsize2(dna$rotated[, c(1, 3), ])
   w3 <- defplotsize2(dna$rotated[, c(2, 3), ])
   width <- max(c(w1$width, w2$width, w3$width))
   xl <- min(c(w1$xl, w2$xl, w3$xl)) - width / 4
   xu <- xl + width * 1.5
   yl <- min(c(w1$yl, w2$yl, w3$yl)) - width / 4
   yu <- yl + width * 1.5
   k <- dim(dna$mshape)[1]
   lineorder <- joinline
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
   cat("X-Y view \n")
   view1 <- 1
   view2 <- 2
   view3 <- 3
   land <- c(1:k)
   for (j in 1:10) {
      for (ii in-12:12) {
         mag <- ii / 4
            c(dna$mshape[land, view1], dna$mshape[land, view2]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      for (ii in-11:11) {
         mag <- -ii / 4
            c(dna$mshape[land, view1], dna$mshape[land, view2]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
   #choose subset
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
   cat("X-Z view \n")
   view1 <- 1
   view2 <- 3
   view3 <- 2
   land <- c(1:k)
   for (j in 1:10) {
      for (ii in-12:12) {
         mag <- ii / 4
            c(dna$mshape[land, view1], dna$mshape[land, view2]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      for (ii in-11:11) {
         mag <- -ii / 4
            c(dna$mshape[land, view1], dna$mshape[land, view2]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
   #choose subset
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
   cat("Y-Z view \n")
   view1 <- 2
   view2 <- 3
   view3 <- 1
   land <- c(1:k)
   for (j in 1:10) {
      for (ii in-12:12) {
         mag <- ii / 4
            c(dna$mshape[land, view1], dna$mshape[land, view2]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],
      for (ii in-11:11) {
         mag <- -ii / 4
            c(dna$mshape[land, view1], dna$mshape[land, view2]),
            c(dna$pcar[((view1 - 1) * k + (land)), pcno], dna$pcar[((view2 - 1) * k +
                                                                       (land)), pcno]),
            mag * dna$pcasd[pcno],

banner1 <- function(char)
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      c(0, 0),
      c(1, 1),
      axes = FALSE,
      type = "n",
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   a1 <- char
   if (length(a1) == 2)
      a1 <- paste(a1[1], a1[2])
   if (length(a1) == 3)
      a1 <- paste(a1[1], a1[2], a1[3])
   if (is.character(a1) == FALSE)
      char <- as.character(a1)

banner4 <- function(a1, a2, a3, a4)
   par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
      c(0, 0),
      c(1, 1),
      axes = FALSE,
      type = "n",
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   if (length(a1) == 2)
      a1 <- paste(a1[1], a1[2])
   if (length(a1) == 3)
      a1 <- paste(a1[1], a1[2], a1[3])
   if (is.character(a1) == FALSE)
      a1 <- as.character(a1)
      c(0, 0),
      c(1, 1),
      axes = FALSE,
      type = "n",
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   if (length(a2) == 2)
      a2 <- paste(a2[1], a2[2])
   if (length(a2) == 3)
      a2 <- paste(a2[1], a2[2], a2[3])
   if (is.character(a2) == FALSE)
      a2 <- as.character(a2)
      c(0, 0),
      c(1, 1),
      axes = FALSE,
      type = "n",
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   if (length(a3) == 2)
      a3 <- paste(a3[1], a3[2])
   if (length(a3) == 3)
      a3 <- paste(a3[1], a3[2], a3[3])
   if (is.character(a3) == FALSE)
      a3 <- as.character(a3)
      c(0, 0),
      c(1, 1),
      axes = FALSE,
      type = "n",
      xlab = " ",
      ylab = " "
   if (length(a4) == 2)
      a4 <- paste(a4[1], a4[2])
   if (length(a4) == 3)
      a4 <- paste(a4[1], a4[2], a4[3])
   if (is.character(a4) == FALSE)
      a4 <- as.character(a4)

#exact Gaussian MLE - isotropic distribution

#######not fully tested yet
isomle <- function(x) {
   if (is.complex(x)) {
      tem <- array(0, c(nrow(x), 2, ncol(x)))
      tem[, 1,] <- Re(x)
      tem[, 2,] <- Im(x)
      x <- tem
   k <- dim(x)[1]
   m <- dim(x)[2]
   n <- dim(x)[3]
   if (m > 2) {
      print("Only valid for 2D data")
   if (m == 2) {
      pm <- rep(0, times = 2 * k - 3)
      tem <- procrustes2d(x)
      tem1 <- bookstein.shpv(tem$mshape)
      sigm <- sum(diag(var(tem$tan))) / (n - 1) / 2
      #cat("Isotropic shape MLE \n")
      pm[1:(k - 2)] <- tem1[3:k, 1]
      pm[(k - 1):(2 * k - 4)] <- tem1[3:k, 2]
      pm[2 * k - 3] <- 10
      ans <- nlm(objfuniso, hessian = TRUE, pm, uu = x)
      #while (ans$code!=1){
      #print("code not equal 1")
      #ans<-nlm(objfuniso,hessian=TRUE,pm,uu=x) #print(ans)
      out <- list(
         code = 0,
         mshape = 0,
         tau = 0,
         kappa = 0,
         varcov = 0,
         gradient = 0
      mn <- matrix(0, k, 2)
      mn[1, 1] <- -0.5
      mn[2, 1] <- 0.5
      mn[3:k, 1] <- ans$estimate[1:(k - 2)]
      mn[3:k, 2] <- ans$estimate[(k - 1):(2 * k - 4)]
      out$mshape <- mn
      out$code <- ans$code
      out$loglike <- -ans$minimum
      out$gradient <- ans$gradient
      out$tau <- sqrt(1 / ans$estimate[2 * k - 3] ** 2)
      out$kappa <- centroid.size(mn) ** 2 / (4 * out$tau ** 2)
      out$varcov <- solve(ans$hessian)
      out$se <- c(sqrt(diag(out$varcov)))
      out$se[2 * k - 3] <- out$se[2 * k - 3] * out$tau ** 2

objfuniso <- function(pm, uu) {
   k <- dim(uu)[1]
   h <- defh(k - 1)
   zero <- matrix(0, k - 1, k)
   L1 <- cbind(h, zero)
   L2 <- cbind(zero, h)
   L <- rbind(L1, L2)
   mustar <- c(-1 / 2, 1 / 2, pm[1:(k - 2)], 0, 0, pm[(k - 1):(2 * k - 4)])
   mu <- L %*% mustar
   obj <- -loglikeiso2(uu, mu, 1 / pm[2 * k - 3])

loglikeiso <- function(uu, mu, s) {
   nsam <- dim(uu)[3]
   sum <- 0
   for (i in 1:nsam) {
      sum <- sum + log(isodens(uu[, , i], mu, s))

loglikeiso2 <- function(uu, mu, s) {
   nsam <- dim(uu)[3]
   sum <- 0
   for (i in 1:nsam) {
      sum <- sum + isologdens(uu[, , i], mu, s)

isodens <- function(usam, mu, s) {
   k <- dim(usam)[1]
   u <- kendall.shpv(usam)
   uuu <- u[, 1]
   vvv <- u[, 2]
   up <- c(1, uuu, 0, vvv)
   vp <- c(0, -vvv, 1, uuu)
   usu <- t(up) %*% up
   beta <- c(t(mu) %*% up, t(mu) %*% vp)
   sin2rho <- 1 - t(beta) %*% beta / (usu * c(t(mu) %*% mu))
   kappa <- c(t(mu) %*% mu) / (4 * s ** 2)
   dens <- oneFone(k - 2, 2 * kappa * (1 - sin2rho)) %*% exp(-2 * kappa * sin2rho)

isologdens <- function(usam, mu, s) {
   k <- dim(usam)[1]
   u <- kendall.shpv(usam)
   uuu <- u[, 1]
   vvv <- u[, 2]
   up <- c(1, uuu, 0, vvv)
   vp <- c(0, -vvv, 1, uuu)
   usu <- t(up) %*% up
   beta <- c(t(mu) %*% up, t(mu) %*% vp)
   sin2rho <- 1 - t(beta) %*% beta / (usu * c(t(mu) %*% mu))
   kappa <- c(t(mu) %*% mu) / (4 * s ** 2)
   dens <- loneFone(k - 2, 2 * kappa * (1 - sin2rho)) - 2 * kappa * sin2rho

loneFone <- function(r, x) {
   #note this is log 1F1(-r,1,-x)
   if (x > 1) {
      sum1 <- r * log(x)
      sum <- 0
      for (j in 0:r) {
         sum <- sum + choose(r, j) * x ** (j - r) / gamma(j + 1)
      out <- sum1 + log(sum)
   if (x <= 1) {
      sum <- 0
      for (j in 0:r) {
         sum <- sum + choose(r, j) * x ** (j) / gamma(j + 1)
      out <- log(sum)

ild_kendall.shpv <- function(x) {
   k <- dim(x)[1]
   h <- defh(k - 1)
   zz <- h %*% x
   kendall <- (zz[2:(k - 1), 1] + 1i * zz[2:(k - 1), 2]) / (zz[1, 1] + 1i *
                                                               zz[1, 2])
   kendall <- cbind(Re(kendall), Im(kendall))

oneFone <- function(r, x) {
   #note this is 1F1(-r,1,-x)
   sum <- 0
   for (j in 0:r) {
      sum <- sum + choose(r, j) * x ** j / gamma(j + 1)

permutationtest <- function(A, B, nperms = 200) {
   A1 <- A
   A2 <- B
   B <- nperms
   nsam1 <- dim(A1)[3]
   nsam2 <- dim(A2)[3]
   Gtem <- Goodalltest(A1, A2)
   Htem <- Hotellingtest(A1, A2)
   Gumc <- Gtem$F
   Humc <- Htem$F
   Gtabpval <- Gtem$pval
   Htabpval <- Htem$pval
   if (B > 0) {
      Apool <- array(0, c(dim(A1)[1], dim(A1)[2], dim(A1)[3] + dim(A2)[3]))
      Apool[, , 1:nsam1] <- A1
      Apool[, , (nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 + nsam2)] <- A2
      out <-
            H = 0,
            H.pvalue = 0,
            H.table.pvalue = 0,
            G = 0,
            G.pvalue = 0,
            G.table.pvalue = 0
      Gu <- rep(0, times = B)
      Hu <- rep(0, times = B)
      cat("Permutations - sampling without replacement: ")
      cat(c("No of permutations = ", B, "\n"))
      for (i in 1:B) {
         cat(c(i, " "))
         select <- sample(1:(nsam1 + nsam2))
         Gu[i] <-
            Goodalltest(Apool[, , select[1:nsam1]] , Apool[, , select[(nsam1 + 1):(nsam2 +
         Hu[i] <-
            Hotellingtest(Apool[, , select[1:nsam1]], Apool[, , select[(nsam1 + 1):(nsam1 +
      Gu <- sort(Gu)
      numbig <- length(Gu[Gumc < Gu])
      pvalG <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      Hu <- sort(Hu)
      numbig <- length(Hu[Humc < Hu])
      pvalH <- (1 + numbig) / (B + 1)
      cat(" \n")
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.pvalue <- pvalH
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.pvalue <- pvalG
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval
   if (B == 0) {
      out <- list(
         H = 0,
         H.table.pvalue = 0,
         G = 0,
         G.table.pvalue = 0
      out$H <- Humc
      out$H.table.pvalue <- Htabpval
      out$G <- Gumc
      out$G.table.pvalue <- Gtabpval

permutationtest <- permutationtest2

frechet <- function(x, mean = "intrinsic") {
   if (mean == "intrinsic") {
      option <- 1
   if (mean == "partial.procrustes") {
      option <- 2
   if (mean == "full.procrustes") {
      option <- 3
   if (mean == "mle") {
      option <- 4
   if (is.double(mean)) {
      if (mean > 0) {
         option <- -mean
   n <- dim(x)[3]
   for (i in 1:n) {
      x[, , i] <- x[, , i] / centroid.size(x[, , i])
   if (option < 4) {
      pm <- procGPA(x, scale = FALSE, tol1 = 10 ^ (-8))$mshape
      m <- dim(x)[2]
      k <- dim(x)[1]
      ans <- list(
         mshape = 0,
         var = 0,
         code = 0,
         gradient = 0
      out <-
            hessian = TRUE,
            uu = x,
            option = option,
            iterlim = 1000
      B <- matrix(out$estimate, k, m)
      ans$mshape <- procOPA(pm, B)$Bhat
      ans$var <- out$minimum
      ans$code <- out$code
      ans$gradient <- out$gradient
   if (option == 4) {
      pm <- procGPA(x, scale = FALSE, tol1 = 10 ^ (-8))$mshape
      m <- dim(x)[2]
      k <- dim(x)[1]
      if (m == 2) {
         theta <- c(log(centroid.size(pm) ** 2 / (4 * 0.1 ** 2)), pm)
         ans <- list(
            mshape = 0,
            kappa = 0,
            code = 0,
            gradient = 0
         out <- nlm(
            hessian = TRUE,
            uu = x,
            iterlim = 1000
         B <- matrix(out$estimate[-1], k, m)
         ans$mshape <- procOPA(pm, B)$Bhat
         ans$kappa <- exp(out$estimate[1])
         ans$loglike <- -out$minimum
         ans$code <- out$code
         ans$gradient <- out$gradient
      if (m != 2) {
         print("MLE is only appropriate for planar shapes")

objfun <- function(pm, uu, option) {
   m <- dim(uu)[2]
   k <- dim(uu)[1]
   pm <- matrix(pm, k, m)
   sum <- 0
   for (i in 1:dim(uu)[3]) {
      if (option == 1) {
         sum <- sum + (riemdist(pm, uu[, , i])) ** 2
      if (option == 2) {
         sum <- sum + 4 * sin(riemdist(pm, uu[, , i]) / 2) ** 2
      if (option == 3) {
         sum <- sum + sin(riemdist(pm, uu[, , i])) ** 2
      if (option < 0) {
         h <- -option
         sum <- sum +  ((1 - cos(riemdist(pm, uu[, , i])) ** (2 * h)) / h)

objfun4 <- function(pm, uu) {
   m <- dim(uu)[2]
   k <- dim(uu)[1]
   n <- dim(uu)[3]
   kappa <- exp(pm[1])
   pm <- matrix(pm[-1], k, m)
   sum <- 0
   for (i in 1:n) {
      sin2rho <- sin(riemdist(pm, uu[, , i])) ** 2
      sum <- sum + loneFone(k - 2, 2 * kappa * (1 - sin2rho)) - 2 * kappa * sin2rho
   - sum

MDSshape <- function(x,
                     alpha = 1,
                     projalpha = 1 / 2) {
   mu <- procGPA(x)$mshape
   k <- dim(x)[1]
   n <- dim(x)[3]
   m <- dim(x)[2]
   H <- defh(k - 1)
   sum <- matrix(0, k - 1, k - 1)
   for (i in 1:n) {
      Z <- preshape(x[, , i])
      if (alpha == 1) {
         sum <- sum + (Z) %*% t((Z))
      if (alpha == 1 / 2) {
         ee <- eigen((Z) %*% t((Z)), symmetric = TRUE)
         sum <- sum + ee$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(abs(ee$values))) %*% t(ee$vectors)
   eig <- eigen(sum / n, symmetric = TRUE)
   lam <- eig$values
   if (m == 2) {
      if (projalpha == 1 / 2) {
         meanshape <-
               t(H) %*% (sqrt(lam[1]) * eig$vectors[, 1]) / sqrt(lam[1] + lam[2]) ,
               -t(H) %*% (sqrt(lam[2]) * eig$vectors[, 2]) / sqrt(lam[1] + lam[2])
      if (projalpha == 1) {
         lambar <- (lam[1] + lam[2]) / 2
         meanshape <-
            cbind(t(H) %*% (sqrt(lam[1] - lambar + 1 / m) * eig$vectors[, 1]) ,
                  -t(H) %*% (sqrt(lam[2] - lambar + 1 / m) * eig$vectors[, 2]))
   if (m == 3) {
      if (projalpha == 1 / 2) {
         meanshape <-
               t(H) %*% (sqrt(lam[1]) * eig$vectors[, 1]) / sqrt(lam[1] + lam[2] + lam[3]) ,
               t(H) %*% (sqrt(lam[2]) * eig$vectors[, 2]) / sqrt(lam[1] + lam[2] + lam[3]),
               t(H) %*% (sqrt(lam[3]) * eig$vectors[, 3]) / sqrt(lam[1] + lam[2] + lam[3])
      if (projalpha == 1) {
         lambar <- (lam[1] + lam[2] + lam[3]) / 3
         meanshape <-
               t(H) %*% (sqrt(abs(
                  lam[1] - lambar + 1 / m
               )) * eig$vectors[, 1]) ,
               t(H) %*% (sqrt(abs(
                  lam[2] - lambar + 1 / m
               )) * eig$vectors[, 2]) ,
               t(H) %*% (sqrt(abs(
                  lam[3] - lambar + 1 / m
               )) * eig$vectors[, 3])
   if (riemdist(meanshape, mu) > riemdist(meanshape, mu, reflect = TRUE)) {
      meanshape[, m] <- -meanshape[, m]


#The Procrustes routines in the next part were initially
# written by Mohammad Faghihi (University of Leeds) 1993, although many improvements, corrections,
# and speed-ups have been done since then.

# add(a3) compute the summation of a3[,,i]'s
# bgpa(a3) compute the scaling coefficients (bi's)
# close1(a) adds one additional row to matrix a that is the same as the first row
# cnt3(a3) replace each a3[ , , i] by fcnt(a3[ , , i])
# del(po, w1) plots point of po and joins them by contiguity matrix w1.
# dif(a3) compute sum( tr (xi-xj)'(xi-xj) )/n^2 for i<j and ( xi=a3[ , , i] )
#NB RETURN$Gpa is  now GSS/n  (CHANGED to this in version 0.92!)

# dis(a, b, c) compute distances between three points a, b and c. Each 
#  point should contain two co-ordinates

# fJ(n) function makes a nxn matrix as (I - (1/n) * J(n)) such that J(n) is a nxn  
#  matrix with all entries 1.# fcel(n,d) generates n points such that the triangles between them have 
#  equal edges

# fcnt(a) = fJ(no. of rows of matrix "a")*a

# fgpa(a3,tol1,tol2) compute rotated and scaled shapes, Gpa statistics (dif.), and number of
#  iterations.

# fopa(a,b) function computes the ordinary procrustes statistics for two matrices  a
#  and b.

# fort(a,b) computes an orthogonal matrix to rotate matrix b such that the  
#  difference between a and b be minimum. 

# fos(a,b)  computes a scalar to scale matrix b such that the difference between a 
#  and b be minimum.

# ftrsq(a,b) tr{(b'aa'b)^(1/2)}
# graf(a3) plot a3[ , , i] for all i's in one plot

# msh(a3) compute the mean shape of a3[ , , i]'s

# Enorm(a) compute || a ||=sqrt{ trace( x'x ) }

# rgpa(a3,p) find the new rotated data till dif(old)-dif(new)<p

# sgpa(a3) scaling a3 by bgpa coefficients

# sh(a) compute the co-ordinates of shape point for triangle a. a should be a 3x2 
#  matrix.

# sim1(n, d, s) simulated n points with normal distribution 
#  (mean=fcel(n,d) sd=s )

# vec1(a3) vectorizes matrices a3[ , , i]


add <- function(a3)
   s <- 0
   for (i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
      s <- s + a3[,  , i]

bgpa <- function(a3, proc.output = FALSE)
   #assumes a3 is centred
   h <- 0
   #	zd <- cnt3(a3)
   zd <- a3
   s <- 0
   n <- dim(a3)[3]
   #	for(j in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
   #		s <- s + (Enorm(zd[,  , j])^2)
   #	}
   aa <- apply(zd, c(3), Enorm) ^ 2
   s <- sum(aa)
   #	for(i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
   #		h[i] <- sqrt(s/(Enorm(zd[,  , i])^2)) * eigen(zz)$vectors[i, 1]
   #	}
   #try to speed it up!
   omat <- t(vec1(zd))
   kk <- dim(omat)[2]
   nn <- dim(omat)[1]
   if (nn > kk) {
      #      qq<-diag(cov(vec1(zd)))
      qq <- rep(0, times = nn)
      for (i in 1:n) {
         qq[i] <- var(omat[i, ]) * (n - 1) / n
         omat[i, ] <- omat[i, ] - mean(omat[i, ])
      omat <- diag(sqrt(1 / qq)) %*% omat
      n <- kk
      Lmat <- t(omat) %*% omat / n
      eig <- eigen(Lmat, symmetric = TRUE)
      U <- eig$vectors
      lambda <- eig$values
      V <- omat %*% U
      vv <- rep(0, times = n)
      for (i in 1:n) {
         vv[i] <- sqrt(t(V[, i]) %*% V[, i])
         V[, i] <- V[, i] / vv[i]
      delta <- sqrt(abs(lambda / n)) * vv
      od <- order(delta, decreasing = TRUE)
      delta <- delta[od]
      V <- V[, od]
      h <- sqrt(s / aa) * V[, 1]
   if (kk >= nn) {
      zz <- cor(vec1(zd))
      h <- sqrt(s / aa) * eigen(zz)$vectors[, 1]
   h <- abs(h)

close1 <- function(a)
   a1 <- matrix(0:0, nrow = dim(a)[1] + 1, ncol = dim(a)[2])
   for (i in 1:dim(a)[1]) {
      a1[i,] <- a[i,]
   a1[dim(a)[1] + 1,] <- a[1,]

cnt3 <- function(a3)
   #zz <- array(c(0:0), dim = c(dim(a3)[1], dim(a3)[2], dim(a3)[3]))
   #for(i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
   #zz[,  , i] <- fcnt(a3[,  , i])
   zz <- apply(a3, 3, fcnt)
   zz <- array(zz, dim(a3))

del <- function(po, w1)
        type = "n",
        xlab = "x",
        ylab = "y")
   n <- dim(po)[1]
   for (i in 1:n) {
      for (j in i:n) {
         if (w1[i, j] > 0) {
            a1 <- c(po[i, 1], po[j, 1])
            b1 <- c(po[i, 2], po[j, 2])
            lines(a1, b1)

dis <- function(a, b, c)
   d <- 0
   d[1] <- sqrt((a[1] - b[1]) ^ 2 + (a[2] - b[2]) ^ 2)
   d[2] <- sqrt((a[1] - c[1]) ^ 2 + (a[2] - c[2]) ^ 2)
   d[3] <- sqrt((c[1] - b[1]) ^ 2 + (c[2] - b[2]) ^ 2)

dif.old <- function(a3)
   s <- 0
   for (i in 1:(dim(a3)[3] - 1)) {
      for (j in (i + 1):dim(a3)[3]) {
         s <- s + ((Enorm(a3[,  , i] - a3[,  , j])) ^ 2)

#original (slow) version
#        s <- 0
#for (i in 1:n){

##faster version

dif <- function (a3)
   #version that does not depend on scale of original measurements
   # assumes already centred
   cc <- centroid.size(add(a3) / dim(a3)[3])
   x <- sweep(a3, c(1, 2), apply(a3, c(1, 2), mean))
   z <- Enorm(as.vector(x) / cc) ^ 2 / dim(a3)[3]

fJ <- function(n)
   zz <- matrix(1:1, n, n)
   H <- diag(n) - (1 / n) * zz

fcel <- function(n, d)
   v <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
   p <- matrix(c(0:0), n, 2)
   for (i in 1:v) {
      for (j in 1:v) {
         if ((v * (i - 1) + j) < (n + 1)) {
            p[(v * (i - 1) + j), 1] <- (d / 4) * (-1) ^ i + (d *
            p[(v * (i - 1) + j), 2] <- i * ((d * sqrt(3)) / 2)

fcnt <- function(a)
   aa <- fJ(dim(a)[1]) %*% a

fgpa.singleiteration <- function(a3, p)
   # Note this is an approximation to GPA -
   # It carries out an initial match by optimally rotating all the data,
   # the rescaling the observations, then rotating the observations
   # NB it does not repeat this until convergence, but in practice
   # for many real datasets this gives an excellent registration
   zd <- list(
      rot. = 0,
      r.s.r. = 0,
      Gpa = 0,
      I.no. = 0,
      mshape = 0
   zd$rot. <- rgpa(a3, p)
   zz <- rgpa(sgpa(zd$rot.$rotated), p)
   zd$r.s.r. <- zz$rotated
   zd$Gpa <- zz$dif
   zd$I.no. <- zz$r.no.
   zd$mshape <- msh(zd$r.s.r.)

fgpa <- function(a3,
                 proc.output = FALSE,
                 reflect = FALSE)
   #  Fully iterative fgpa (now assumes a3 is already centred)
   zd <- list(
      rot. = 0,
      r.s.r. = 0,
      Gpa = 0,
      I.no. = 0,
      mshape = 0
   p <- tol1
   if (proc.output) {
      cat(" Step             | Objective function | change \n")
   if (proc.output) {
   x1 <- dif(a3)
   if (proc.output) {
      cat("Initial objective fn", x1, "  -  \n")
   if (proc.output) {
   zz <- rgpa(a3, p, proc.output = proc.output, reflect = reflect)
   x2 <- dif(zz$rotated)
   if (proc.output) {
      cat("Rotation step      0", x2, x1 - x2, " \n")
   if (proc.output) {
   ii <- 1
   zz <- rgpa(
      sgpa(zz$rotated, proc.output = proc.output),
      proc.output = proc.output,
      reflect = reflect
   x1 <- x2
   x2 <- dif(zz$rotated)
   rho <- x1 - x2
   if (proc.output) {
      cat("Scale/rotate step ", ii, x2, rho, " \n")
   if (proc.output) {
   if (rho > tol2) {
      while (rho > tol2) {
         x1 <- x2
         ii <- ii + 1
         zz <- rgpa(
            sgpa(zz$rotated, proc.output = proc.output),
            proc.output = proc.output,
            reflect = reflect
         x2 <- dif(zz$rotated)
         rho <- x1 - x2
         if (proc.output) {
            cat("Scale/rotate step ", ii, x2, rho, " \n")
         if (proc.output) {
   zd$r.s.r. <- zz$rotated
   zd$Gpa <- zz$dif
   zd$I.no. <- ii
   zd$mshape <- msh(zd$r.s.r.)

fgpa.rot <- function(a3,
                     proc.output = FALSE,
                     reflect = FALSE)
   # Assumes that a3 has been centred already
   zd <- list(
      rot. = 0,
      r.s.r. = 0,
      Gpa = 0,
      I.no. = 0,
      mshape = 0
   p <- tol1
   zz <- rgpa(a3, p, proc.output = proc.output, reflect = reflect)
   x1 <- msh(zz$rotated)
   ii <- zz$r.no.
   #	zz <- rgpa(zz$rotated, p,proc.output=proc.output,reflect=reflect)
   #        while (rho > tol2){
   #	zz <- rgpa(zz$rotated, p,proc.output=proc.output)
   #     x2<-msh(zz$rotated)
   #        }
   zd$r.s.r. <- zz$rotated
   zd$Gpa <- zz$dif
   zd$I.no. <- ii
   zd$mshape <- msh(zd$r.s.r.)

fopa <- function(a, b)
   abar <- fcnt(a)
   bbar <- fcnt(b)
   q1 <- sum(diag(abar %*% t(abar)))
   q2 <- fos(a, b) ^ 2 * sum(diag(bbar %*% t(bbar)))
   q3 <- 2 * fos(a, b) * sum(diag(fort(a, b) %*% t(abar) %*% bbar))
   gs <- q1 + q2 - q3

fort.ROTATEANDREFLECT <- function(a, b)
   x <- t(fcnt(a)) %*% fcnt(b)
   xsvd <- svd(x)
   t <- xsvd$v %*% t(xsvd$u)

fos.REFLECT <- function(a, b)
   abar <- fcnt(a)
   bbar <- fcnt(b)
   z <- ftrsq(abar, bbar) / sum(diag(t(bbar) %*% bbar))

fos <- function (a, b)
   z <- cos(riemdist(a, b)) * centroid.size(a) / centroid.size(b)

ftrsq <- function(a, b)
   z <- sum(sqrt(abs(eigen(
      t(b) %*% a %*% t(a) %*% b

graf <- function(a3)
   l <- 0
   xmin <- 0
   xmax <- 0
   ymin <- 0
   ymax <- 0
   for (i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
      xmin[i] <- min(a3[, 1, i])
      xmax[i] <- max(a3[, 1, i])
      ymin[i] <- min(a3[, 2, i])
      ymax[i] <- max(a3[, 2, i])
   l <- c(min(xmin), min(ymin), max(xmax), max(ymax))
   plot((min(l) - 1):(max(l) + 1), (min(l) - 1):(max(l) + 1), type = "n")
   for (i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
      lines(close1(a3[,  , i]))

msh <- function(a3)
   s <- 0
   #	print("finding mean shape")
   m <- apply(a3, c(1, 2), mean)
   #	print("found mean shape")
   #	for(i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
   #		s <- s + a3[,  , i]
   #	}
   #	m <- (1/dim(a3)[3]) * s

#	return(sqrt(sum(diag(t(a) %*% a))))

rgpa <- function(a3,
                 reflect = FALSE,
                 proc.output = FALSE)
   # assumes a3 already centred now
   if (reflect == TRUE)
      fort <- fort.ROTATEANDREFLECT
   zd <- list(
      rotated = 0,
      dif = 0,
      r.no. = 0,
      inc = 0
   l <- dim(a3)[3]
   a <- 0
   d <- 0
   n <- 0
   #	zz <- cnt3(a3)
   zz <- a3
   #        print("Rotations ...")
   #       print("Iteration,meanSS before,meanSS after,difference,tolerance")
   d[1] <- 10 ^ 12
   d[2] <- dif(zz)
   a[1] <- d[2]
   s <- add(zz)
   #       print(c(d[1],d[2]))
   if (dif(zz) > p) {
      while (d[1] - d[2] > p) {
         n <- n + 1
         d[1] <- d[2]
         for (i in 1:l) {
            old <- zz[,  , i]
            zz[,  , i] <- old %*% fort(((1 / (l - 1)) * (s - old)),
            s <- s - old + zz[,  , i]
         d[2] <- dif(zz)
         a[n + 1] <- d[2]
         #		print(c(n,d[1],d[2],d[1]-d[2],p))
         if (proc.output) {
            cat("  Rotation iteration  ", n, d[2], d[1] - d[2], " \n")
   zd$rotated <- zz
   zd$dif <- a
   zd$r.no. <- n
   zd$inc <- d[1] - d[2]
   if (proc.output) {
   fort <- fort.ROTATION

# sgpa<-function(a3)
#	zz <- a3
#	a <- bgpa(zz)
#	for(i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
#		zz[,  , i] <- a[i] * a3[,  , i]
#	}
#	return(zz)

sgpa <- function(a3, proc.output = FALSE)
   #assumes a3 is centred
   zz <- a3
   di <- dim(a3)
   a <- bgpa(zz, proc.output = proc.output)
   i <- rep(dim(a3)[1] * dim(a3)[2], dim(a3)[3])
   sequen <- rep(a, i)
   zz <- array(as.vector(a3) * sequen, di)
   if (proc.output) {
      cat("  Scaling updated \n")

sh <- function(a)
   u1 <- (a[2, 1] - a[1, 1]) / sqrt(2)
   u2 <- (a[2, 2] - a[1, 2]) / sqrt(2)
   v1 <- (2 * a[3, 1] - a[2, 1] - a[1, 1]) / sqrt(6)
   v2 <- (2 * a[3, 2] - a[2, 2] - a[1, 2]) / sqrt(6)
   d <- c(0, 0)
   d[1] <- (u1 * v1 + u2 * v2) / (u1 ^ 2 + u2 ^ 2)
   d[2] <- (u1 * v2 - u2 * v1) / (u1 ^ 2 + u2 ^ 2)

sim1 <- function(n, d, s)
   a <- fcel(n, d)
   sig <- matrix(c(1:1), n, 1)[, 1]
   sig <- sig * s
   b <- a
   b[, 1] <- rnorm(n, mean = a[, 1], sd = sig)
   b[, 2] <- rnorm(n, mean = a[, 2], sd = sig)

vec1 <- function(a3)
   #zz <- array(c(0:0), dim = c((dim(a3)[1] * dim(a3)[2]), dim(a3)[3]))
   #for(i in 1:dim(a3)[3]) {
   #for(j in 1:dim(a3)[2]) {
   #for(k in 1:dim(a3)[1]) {
   #zz[((j - 1) * dim(a3)[1] + k), i] <- a3[k, j, i
   zz <- matrix(a3, dim(a3)[1] * dim(a3)[2], dim(a3)[3])

fort.ROTATION <- function(a, b)
   x <- t(fcnt(a)) %*% fcnt(b)
   xsvd <- svd(x)
   v <- xsvd$v
   u <- xsvd$u
   tt <- v %*% t(u)
   chk1 <- Re(prod(eigen(v)$values))
   chk2 <- Re(prod(eigen(u)$values))
   if ((chk1 < 0) && (chk2 > 0))
      v[, dim(v)[2]] <- v[, dim(v)[2]] * (-1)
      tt <- v %*% t(u)
   if ((chk2 < 0) && (chk1 > 0))
      u[, dim(u)[2]] <- u[, dim(u)[2]] * (-1)
      tt <- v %*% t(u)

############end of Mohammad Faghihi's (adapted) routines

#alias functions (all lower-case)

hotelling2d <- Hotelling2D
hotellingtest <- Hotellingtest
procrustesgpa <- procrustesGPA
goodall2d <- Goodall2D
goodalltest <- Goodalltest

# alias
TPSgrid <- tpsgrid

#if you wish the default to *not* include reflection
#invariance (as is normal in shape analysis) then you need the line below.

fort <- fort.ROTATION

#  Datasets

# Gorillas


# mice

digit3.dat[,2,]<- -digit3.dat[,2,]


sooty.dat<- c(-1426,-310.4167





schizophrenia.dat<-c( 0.345632   , -0.0360314
                      , -0.356301   , 0.0234333
                      , 0.0119311     , 0.17692
                      , 0.37789    , 0.480402
                      , 0.719631     , -0.41189
                      , 0.397921    , -0.140558
                      , 0.351751    , -0.385748
                      , 0.333756    , -0.655051
                      , 0.032181    , -0.275235
                      , 0.112563    , -0.506533
                      , -0.233126     , -0.28334
                      , -0.667337   , 0.0522613
                      , 0.188945    , -0.142714
                      , 0.237198    , 0.048306
                      , -0.340236   , 0.0997385
                      , -0.0161814    , 0.201017
                      , 0.301584    , 0.516546
                      , 0.510795    , -0.323537
                      , 0.269407   , -0.0562209
                      , 0.239301    , -0.253218
                      , 0.229339     , -0.48236
                      , 0.0201328    , -0.122625
                      , 0.048306    , -0.341874
                      , -0.200997    , -0.122698
                      , -0.62316    , 0.120534
                      , 0.124688   , -0.0262477
                      , 0.341616    , 0.048306
                      , -0.408509    , 0.119819
                      , -0.00814926    , 0.277322
                      , 0.39797     , 0.62498
                      , 0.591116    , -0.299441
                      , 0.35776   , -0.0361405
                      , 0.27143    , -0.249202
                      , 0.273516    , -0.530553
                      , 0.032181    , -0.110577
                      , 0.0724024     , -0.34589
                      , -0.188949    , -0.138762
                      , -0.707498    , 0.140615
                      , 0.124688   , -0.0262477
                      , 0.329567     , -0.10832
                      , -0.359859   , 0.0341931
                      , -0.056342    , 0.152824
                      , 0.377668    , 0.474464
                      , 0.673363    , -0.462009
                      , 0.373825    , -0.228912
                      , 0.323639    , -0.450005
                      , 0.34179    , -0.735372
                      , 0.0924219    , -0.295315
                      , 0.100555    , -0.540522
                      , -0.181195    , -0.260518
                      , -0.651361   , 0.0963372
                      , 0.174798    , -0.178741
                      , 0.193021   , 0.0683864
                      , -0.539516    , 0.210918
                      , -0.16074    , 0.333555
                      , 0.293246    , 0.639288
                      , 0.520753    , -0.301366
                      , 0.245311   , -0.0281084
                      , 0.142916     , -0.28133
                      , 0.128938    , -0.510473
                      , -0.152558    , -0.118609
                      , -0.0761516    , -0.379879
                      , -0.414127    , -0.127988
                      , -0.848201    , 0.246974
                      , -0.00592517  , -0.00203414
                      , 0.337599    , -0.076192
                      , -0.356431    , 0.146356
                      , 0.068156    , 0.201017
                      , 0.520571    , 0.464342
                      , 0.601074    , -0.518234
                      , 0.321616    , -0.208831
                      , 0.251349    , -0.409844
                      , 0.197211    , -0.695211
                      , -0.00797966    , -0.251139
                      , -0.00787855    , -0.500361
                      , -0.26726    , -0.201009
                      , -0.719602     , 0.25526
                      , 0.110557    , -0.140611
                      , 0.223261    , 0.228767
                      , -0.431293    , 0.230133
                      , -0.0439952    , 0.389752
                      , 0.23941    , 0.819652
                      , 0.641234    , -0.088515
                      , 0.377841    , 0.140566
                      , 0.339703     , -0.10864
                      , 0.393998    , -0.345813
                      , 0.0201328   , -0.0583678
                      , 0.172844    , -0.283494
                      , -0.268058   , -0.0890055
                      , -0.777652    , 0.251188
                      , 0.154806     , 0.12832
                      , 0.243341    , -0.052358
                      , -0.451374    , 0.145795
                      , -0.0480112    , 0.297382
                      , 0.408185    , 0.574616
                      , 0.56291    , -0.538339
                      , 0.31561    , -0.190749
                      , 0.251349    , -0.437957
                      , 0.169098    , -0.715291
                      , 0.00005         , -0.194914
                      , 0.000153631    , -0.492329
                      , -0.278085    , -0.117118
                      , -0.797732    , 0.255204
                      , 0.122674   , -0.0905492
                      , 0.287518   , 0.0600918
                      , -0.503583    , 0.121699
                      , -0.0861578    , 0.307424
                      , 0.355977    , 0.614776
                      , 0.603071    , -0.277295
                      , 0.303562   , -0.0100258
                      , 0.259382    , -0.293379
                      , 0.241387    , -0.538584
                      , -0.0521564    , -0.114593
                      , 0.0443303    , -0.343735
                      , -0.274068   , -0.0930217
                      , -0.805764    , 0.138738
                      , 0.12669  , 0.00182023
                      , 0.319646     , 0.20467
                      , -0.431294    , 0.153827
                      , -0.0660775    , 0.391762
                      , 0.29172    , 0.793493
                      , 0.771746  , -0.00420256
                      , 0.407979    , 0.166681
                      , 0.387896     , -0.12872
                      , 0.393998    , -0.394006
                      , 0.0864079   , -0.0382915
                      , 0.168828    , -0.279477
                      , -0.225876    , -0.109086
                      , -0.779633    , 0.126677
                      , 0.190947    , 0.126318
                      , 0.303582    , 0.208686
                      , -0.395149    , 0.302422
                      , -0.00985258    , 0.387746
                      , 0.388105     , 0.72522
                      , 0.611103    , -0.289343
                      , 0.327658   , 0.0743116
                      , 0.283478    , -0.229121
                      , 0.201226    , -0.494408
                      , 0.00608663   , -0.0141951
                      , 0.0362983    , -0.279477
                      , -0.24194  , -0.00466831
                      , -0.699312    , 0.339529
                      , 0.12669   , 0.0901736
                      , 0.287518   , -0.0362937
                      , -0.428786    , 0.133507
                      , -0.0801519    , 0.233129
                      , 0.374063    , 0.614792
                      , 0.671344    , -0.478098
                      , 0.383883    , -0.134524
                      , 0.315606    , -0.417876
                      , 0.265483    , -0.675131
                      , 0.0342193     , -0.19491
                      , 0.0443223    , -0.466226
                      , -0.266036    , -0.201455
                      , -0.735453    , 0.202987
                      , 0.176577   , -0.0906634
                      , 0.251373    , 0.212702
                      , -0.42477    , 0.149571
                      , -0.124329    , 0.345579
                      , 0.145148    , 0.767403
                      , 0.671344  , -0.00821852
                      , 0.424044    , 0.138569
                      , 0.407976    , -0.116671
                      , 0.44219    , -0.377942
                      , 0.122573   , -0.0583636
                      , 0.202939    , -0.283647
                      , -0.14957   , -0.0970378
                      , -0.755533    , 0.114633
                      , 0.180593   , 0.0940755
                      , 0.29555   , -0.0362937
                      , -0.348465 , 0.000976592
                      , -0.0480233    , 0.148792
                      , 0.273662    , 0.458166
                      , 0.65528    , -0.341552
                      , 0.371835    , -0.106411
                      , 0.327655    , -0.377715
                      , 0.333757     , -0.65505
                      , 0.0984763    , -0.247119
                      , 0.118601    , -0.500514
                      , -0.181699    , -0.253664
                      , -0.675212   , 0.0182479
                      , 0.192642    , -0.122792
                      , 0.309487    , 0.265173
                      , -0.3438    , 0.289185
                      , 0.0199632    , 0.482141
                      , 0.355444    , 0.735605
                      , 0.613122    , -0.156788
                      , 0.357761    , 0.128518
                      , 0.315607    , -0.132736
                      , 0.305644     , -0.36991
                      , 0.0121007   , 0.0380178
                      , 0.100555    , -0.223253
                      , -0.182924   , 0.0134128
                      , -0.623245    , 0.301185
                      , 0.162814    , 0.142714
                      , 0.193021    , 0.305334
                      , -0.472766    , 0.163996
                      , -0.172808     , 0.38174
                      , 0.0847168    , 0.829799
                      , 0.538908    , 0.114214
                      , 0.249327    , 0.273096
                      , 0.199141   , 0.0319229
                      , 0.273516    , -0.165091
                      , -0.0360921   , 0.0340017
                      , 0.0563381    , -0.141071
                      , -0.257222   , -0.0263121
                      , -0.791835   , 0.0884059
                      , -0.00382644    , 0.178572
                      , 0.39784    , -0.011935
                      , -0.440185    , 0.132558
                      , -0.00814926    , 0.309451
                      , 0.470037    , 0.542738
                      , 0.580994    , -0.385704
                      , 0.389889    , -0.212847
                      , 0.283478    , -0.401812
                      , 0.237372    , -0.675131
                      , 0.0201328    , -0.267203
                      , 0.0644106    , -0.508393
                      , -0.23742    , -0.196261
                      , -0.711598    , 0.184719
                      , 0.0944764    , -0.130548
                      , 0.269326   , 0.0844506
                      , -0.327735    , 0.048221
                      , -0.0242135    , 0.253226
                      , 0.257186    , 0.643139
                      , 0.601074      , -0.1849
                      , 0.325632   , 0.0160683
                      , 0.307574    , -0.217073
                      , 0.301629    , -0.442199
                      , 0.0803737    , -0.126641
                      , 0.112603    , -0.351767
                      , -0.153083     , -0.13602
                      , -0.635293   , 0.0280923
                      , 0.158733  , -0.00605034
                      , 0.217118    , 0.212965
                      , -0.416089    , 0.192799
                      , -0.104535    , 0.353627
                      , 0.229073    , 0.727476
                      , 0.601074      , -0.1849
                      , 0.293503    , 0.112454
                      , 0.267414    , -0.112655
                      , 0.285565    , -0.402039
                      , 0.0281649   , -0.0101749
                      , 0.0844909    , -0.259397
                      , -0.221356   , -0.0275863
                      , -0.743727    , 0.188735
                      , 0.0944764    , 0.118448
                      , 0.293423    , -0.076192
                      , -0.327736   , 0.0442049
                      , -0.0121653    , 0.160856
                      , 0.357587    , 0.394143
                      , 0.572961    , -0.457993
                      , 0.281455    , -0.228912
                      , 0.263398    , -0.470085
                      , 0.189179    , -0.679147
                      , 0.00005         , -0.259171
                      , 0.02425    , -0.524458
                      , -0.193244    , -0.208309
                      , -0.583084   , 0.0883332
                      , 0.142669    , -0.178741
                      , 0.289407   , 0.0201935
                      , -0.351832    , 0.164687
                      , 0.00389893    , 0.265274
                      , 0.40578    , 0.510609
                      , 0.49264    , -0.433896
                      , 0.3176    , -0.120478
                      , 0.235285    , -0.329523
                      , 0.201227    , -0.554649
                      , 0.00406852     , -0.17885
                      , 0.0081857    , -0.403976
                      , -0.245452    , -0.107908
                      , -0.647341    , 0.228896
                      , 0.0583318   , -0.0622752
                      , 0.301455   , 0.0603542
                      , -0.391993    , 0.224928
                      , -0.0121653    , 0.341579
                      , 0.441925    , 0.594946
                      , 0.45248    , -0.389719
                      , 0.29752   , -0.0963815
                      , 0.17906     , -0.30141
                      , 0.140986    , -0.570714
                      , -0.02806    , -0.106561
                      , -0.0560713    , -0.391927
                      , -0.245452   , -0.0556988
                      , -0.683486    , 0.293153
                      , 0.0583318  , -0.00605033
                      , 0.237198   , -0.0922563
                      , -0.396005  , 0.00807245
                      , -0.116583     , 0.11668
                      , 0.29333    , 0.402175
                      , 0.47256    , -0.502169
                      , 0.22523     , -0.22088
                      , 0.17906    , -0.433941
                      , 0.157051    , -0.634971
                      , -0.0320761    , -0.271219
                      , -0.0400071    , -0.500361
                      , -0.257501    , -0.260518
                      , -0.69955   , 0.0521888
                      , 0.0382515    , -0.158661
                      , 0.321535   , -0.0641438
                      , -0.379941    , 0.108474
                      , -0.0201975    , 0.192985
                      , 0.445941    , 0.450368
                      , 0.49264    , -0.506185
                      , 0.325632    , -0.184735
                      , 0.203157    , -0.365667
                      , 0.124922    , -0.675131
                      , -0.0119958    , -0.206962
                      , -0.0279589    , -0.476265
                      , -0.285613    , -0.192245
                      , -0.651357    , 0.176687
                      , 0.0944764    , -0.126532
                      , 0.317519   , -0.0761919
                      , -0.219297   , -0.0300639
                      , 0.072172    , 0.140776
                      , 0.40578    , 0.430287
                      , 0.580994    , -0.457993
                      , 0.345712    , -0.216863
                      , 0.287494    , -0.417876
                      , 0.2695    , -0.663083
                      , 0.096438    , -0.259171
                      , 0.0764588    , -0.496345
                      , -0.165131     , -0.24847
                      , -0.518831  , -0.00808046
                      , 0.162749    , -0.178741
                      , 0.363819    , -0.132663
                      , -0.295482    , 0.140679
                      , 0.178874    , 0.174894
                      , 0.568759     , 0.29153
                      , 0.593042    , -0.550362
                      , 0.345712    , -0.297185
                      , 0.267414     , -0.50623
                      , 0.136969     , -0.74742
                      , -0.0039636    , -0.275235
                      , 0.0724427    , -0.520442
                      , -0.239946    , -0.153262
                      , -0.524623    , 0.229146
                      , 0.194967    , -0.196981
                      , 0.255389    , 0.160493
                      , -0.435309    , 0.214068
                      , -0.124316    , 0.357623
                      , 0.267522     , 0.65901
                      , 0.597058    , -0.136708
                      , 0.305552   , 0.0763094
                      , 0.255365    , -0.140768
                      , 0.257451    , -0.402038
                      , 0.032181   , -0.0382875
                      , 0.084491    , -0.279478
                      , -0.243962   , -0.0167163
                      , -0.761587    , 0.231107
                      , 0.0945651   , 0.0881595
                      , 0.279486  , 0.00788297
                      , -0.330892    , 0.141779
                      , 0.0222759    , 0.267264
                      , 0.386119    , 0.484248
                      , 0.574959    , -0.365648
                      , 0.33569    , -0.102395
                      , 0.263398    , -0.345587
                      , 0.233355    , -0.566697
                      , -0.0180098    , -0.178854
                      , 0.0965392    , -0.387911
                      , -0.233908     , -0.12515
                      , -0.627023    , 0.206999
                      , 0.0681437   , -0.0866473)

###################### Additional functions by other authors ##################

# =============================================================================
# Authors
# =============================================================================
# Gregorio Quintana-Orti
#   Depto. de Ingenieria y Ciencia de Computadores,
#   Universitat Jaume I,
#   12.071 Castellon, Spain
# Amelia Simo
#   Depto. de Matematicas,
#   Universitat Jaume I,
#   12.071 Castellon, Spain
# =============================================================================
# Copyright
# =============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2018,
#   Universitat Jaume I.
# =============================================================================
# Disclaimer
# =============================================================================
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# This module contains several modifications of some functions provided by
# the noteworthy "shapes" package by Ian L. Dryden. These new implementations 
# have been accelerated to be much faster for medium and large datasets 
# than the original codes. All the other functions in the library that employ
# the accelerated ones will also take advantage of this performance 
# improvement.
# The new code includes the original code in commented lines with four "#" 
# chars as a reference. 
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
uji_preshape = function( x ) {
   # It computes the preshape in a faster way on medium and large datasets
   # on real (non-complex) data.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   if ( is.complex( x ) ) {
      # Complex case.
      k <- nrow( as.matrix( x ) )
      h <- uji_defh( k - 1 )
      zstar <- x
      ztem <- h %*% zstar
      size <- sqrt( diag( Re( st( ztem ) %*% ztem ) ) )
      if ( is.vector( zstar ) )
         z <- ztem / size
      if ( is.matrix(zstar ) )
         z <- ztem %*% diag( 1.0 / size )
   } else {
      # Real case.
      if (length(dim(x)) == 3) {
         # Argument X is a 3D array.
         k <- dim( x )[ 1 ]
         #### h <- uji_defh( k - 1 )
         n <- dim( x )[ 3 ]
         m <- dim( x )[ 2 ]
         z <- array( 0, c( k - 1, m, n ) )
         for ( i in 1 : n ) {
            #### z[, , i] <- h %*% x[, , i]
            # Accelerated code.
            z[ , , i ] <- multiply_by_helmert( x[ , , i ] )
            size <- uji_centroid.size( x[ , , i ] )
            z[ , , i ] <- z[ , , i ] / size
      } else {
         # Argument X is not a 3D array.
         k <- nrow( as.matrix( x ) )
         #### h <- defh(k - 1)
         #### ztem <- h %*% x
         # Accelerated code.
         ztem <- multiply_by_helmert( x )
         size <- uji_centroid.size( x )
         z <- ztem / size
   return( z )

# =============================================================================
uji_centroid.size = function( x ) {
   # It returns the centroid size of a configuration (or configurations).
   # Input: 
   #   k x m matrix, or
   #   a complex k-vector, or
   #   a real k x m x n array to get a vector of sizes for a sample
   # It computes the centroid size in a faster way on medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   if ((is.vector(x) == FALSE) && is.complex(x)) {
      k <- nrow(x)
      n <- ncol(x)
      tem <- array(0, c(k, 2, n))
      tem[, 1, ] <- Re(x)
      tem[, 2, ] <- Im(x)
      x <- tem
      if (length( dim( x ) ) == 3 ) {
         # Argument x is a 3D array.
         n <- dim( x )[ 3 ]
         sz <- rep( 0, times = n )
         k <- dim( x )[ 1 ]
         #### h <- defh( k - 1 )
         for ( i in 1 : n ) {
            #### xh <- h %*% x[, , i]
            #### sz[ i ] <- sqrt( sum( diag( t( xh ) %*% xh ) ) )
            # Accelerated code.
            xh <- multiply_by_helmert( x[ , , i ] )
            sz[ i ] <- uji_Enorm( xh )
      } else {
         if ( is.vector( x ) && is.complex( x ) ) {
            x <- cbind( Re( x ), Im( x ) )
         k <- nrow( x )
         #### h <- defh(k - 1)
         #### xh <- h %*% x
         #### size <- sqrt( sum( diag( t( xh ) %*% xh ) ) )
         #cat( "pepe\n" )
         # Accelerated code.
         xh <- multiply_by_helmert( x )
         size <- uji_Enorm( xh )

# =============================================================================
uji_defh = function( nrow ) {
   # It generates a Helmert matrix in a faster way on medium and large datasets.
   # The use of this function should be avoided when the Helmert matrix is
   # just built to multiply another matrix or vector.
   # In this case, the "multiply_by_helmert_implicitly" and
   # "multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_implicitly" should be employed since 
   # this approach is much faster.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   k <- nrow
   h <- matrix( 0, k, k + 1 )
   if( nrow > 0 ) {
      for( j in seq( 1, k ) ) {
         val = -1 / sqrt( j * ( j + 1 ) )
         h[ j, seq( 1, j ) ] = val
         h[ j, j+1 ]         = - j * val

# =============================================================================
uji_Enorm = function( X ) {
# Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 if( is.complex( X ) ) {
   #### n <- sqrt( sum( diag( Re( st(X) %*% X ) ) ) )
   n <- sqrt( sum( Re( X )^2 + Im( X )^2 ) )
 } else {
   #### n <- sqrt(sum(diag(t(X) %*% X)))
   n <- sqrt( sum( X^2 ) )
 return( n )

# =============================================================================
uji_distProcrustesFull = function( P1, P2 ) {
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   #### H <- defh( dim( P1 )[ 1 ] )
   #### Q1 <- t( H ) %*% rootmat( P1 )
   #### Q2 <- t( H ) %*% rootmat( P2 )
   # Accelerated code.
   Q1 <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( rootmat( P1 ) )
   Q2 <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( rootmat( P2 ) )
   ans <- riemdist( Q1, Q2, reflect = TRUE )

# =============================================================================
uji_distProcrustesSizeShape = function( P1, P2 ) {
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   #### H <- defh( dim( P1 )[ 1 ] )
   #### Q1 <- t( H ) %*% rootmat( P1 )
   #### Q2 <- t( H ) %*% rootmat( P2 )
   # Accelerated code.
   Q1 <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( rootmat( P1 ) )
   Q2 <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( rootmat( P2 ) )
   ans <- sqrt(centroid.size(Q1)^2 + centroid.size(Q2)^2 - 2 * 
                  centroid.size(Q1) * centroid.size(Q2) * cos(riemdist(Q1, 
                                                                       Q2, reflect = TRUE)))

# =============================================================================
uji_distCholesky = function( P1, P2 ) {
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   #### H <- defh( dim( P1 )[ 1 ] )
   #### Q1 <- t( H ) %*% t( chol( P1 ) )
   #### Q2 <- t( H ) %*% t( chol( P2 ) )
   # Accelerated code.
   Q1 <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( t( chol( P1 ) ) )
   Q2 <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( t( chol( P2 ) ) )
   ans <- Enorm( Q1 - Q2 )

# =============================================================================
uji_estSS = function( S, weights = 1 ) {
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   M <- dim( S )[ 3 ]
   k <- dim( S )[ 1 ]
   #### H <- defh( k )
   if ( length( weights ) == 1 ) {
      weights <- rep( 1, times = M )
   Q <- array( 0, c( k+1, k, M ) )
   for ( j in 1 : M ){
      #### Q[,,j]<-t(H)%*%(rootmat(S[,,j]))
      # Accelerated code.
      Q[ , , j ] <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( 
         rootmat( S[ , , j ] ) )
   ans <- procWGPA( Q, fixcovmatrix = diag( k + 1 ), scale = FALSE, 
                    reflect = TRUE, sampleweights = weights )
   #### H%*%ans$mshape%*%t(H%*%ans$mshape)
   # Accelerated code.
   auxMat = multiply_by_helmert( ans$mshape )
   return( auxMat %*% t( auxMat ) )

# =============================================================================
uji_estShape = function( S, weights = 1 ) {
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   M <- dim( S )[ 3 ]
   k <- dim( S )[ 1 ]
   H <- defh( k )
   if ( length( weights ) == 1 ) {
      weights <- rep( 1, times = M )
   Q <- array( 0, c( k+1, k, M ) )
   for ( j in 1 : M ) {
      #### Q[,,j]<-t(H)%*%(rootmat(S[,,j]))
      # Accelerated code.
      Q[ , , j ] <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( 
         rootmat( S[ , , j ] ) )
   ans <- procWGPA( Q, fixcovmatrix = diag( k + 1 ), scale = TRUE,
                    reflect = TRUE, sampleweights = weights)
   #### H%*%ans$mshape%*%t(H%*%ans$mshape)
   # Accelerated code.
   auxMat = multiply_by_helmert( ans$mshape )
   return( auxMat %*% t( auxMat ) )

# =============================================================================
uji_centroid.size.complex = function( zstar ) {
   # It returns the centroid size of a complex vector zstar.
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   #### h <- defh( nrow( as.matrix( zstar ) ) - 1 )
   #### ztem <- h %*% zstar
   # Accelerated code.
   ztem <- multiply_by_helmert( zstar )
   size <- sqrt( diag( Re( st( ztem ) %*% ztem ) ) )

# =============================================================================
uji_centroid.size.mD = function( x ) {
   # It returns the centroid size of a  k x m matrix.
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   if( is.complex( x ) ) {
      x <- cbind( Re( x ), Im( x ) )
   #### k <- nrow( x )
   #### h <- defh( k - 1 )
   #### xh <- h %*% x
   #### size <- sqrt( sum( diag( t( xh ) %*% xh ) ) )
   # Accelerated code.
   xh <- multiply_by_helmert( x )
   size <- uji_Enorm( xh )
   return( size )

# =============================================================================
uji_preshape.mD = function( x ) {
   # Input:   k x m matrix
   # Output:  k-1 x 1 matrix 
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   #### h <- defh( nrow( x ) - 1 )
   #### ztem <- h %*% x
   #### size <- centroid.size.mD( x )
   # Accelerated code.
   ztem <- multiply_by_helmert( x )
   size <- uji_centroid.size.mD( x )
   z <- ztem / size
   return( z )

# =============================================================================
uji_preshape.mat = function( zstar ) {
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   #### h <- defh( nrow( as.matrix( zstar ) ) - 1 )
   #### ztem <- h %*% zstar
   # Accelerated code.
   ztem <- multiply_by_helmert( zstar )
   size <- sqrt( diag( Re( st( ztem ) %*% ztem ) ) )
   if( is.vector( zstar ) )
      z <- ztem / size
   if( is.matrix( zstar ) )
      z <- ztem %*% diag( 1.0 / size )
   return( z )

# =============================================================================
uji_tanfigure = function( vv, gamma ) {
   # Inverse projection from complex tangent plane coordinates vv, using pole 
   # gamma.
   # Output: centred icon
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   zvv <- tanpreshape(vv, gamma)
   #### k <- nrow( gamma ) + 1
   #### h <- defh( k - 1 )
   #### zstvv <- t( h ) %*% zvv
   # Accelerated code.
   zstvv <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( zvv )
   return( zstvv )

# =============================================================================
uji_tanfigurefull = function( vv, gamma ) {
   # Inverse projection from complex tangent plane coordinates vv, using pole 
   # gamma 
   # Using Procrustes to with scaling to the pole gamma.
   # Output: centred icon 
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   f1 <- uji_tanfigure( vv, gamma )
   #### k <- nrow( gamma ) + 1
   #### h <- defh( k - 1 )
   #### f2 <- t(h) %*% gamma
   # Accelerated code.
   f2 <- multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert( gamma )
   beta <- Mod( st( f1 ) %*% f2 )
   f1 <- f1 * c( beta )

# =============================================================================
uji_kendall.shpv = function( x ) {
   # Accelerated version of the original function for medium and large datasets.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   k <- dim( x )[ 1 ]
   #### h <- defh( k - 1 )
   #### zz <- h %*% x
   # Accelerated code.
   zz <- multiply_by_helmert( x )
   kendall <- ( zz[2:(k-1),1] + 1i*zz[2:(k-1),2] ) / ( zz[1,1] + 1i*zz[1,2] )
   kendall <- cbind( Re( kendall ), Im( kendall ) )

# =============================================================================
multiply_by_helmert = function( x ) {
# This code multiplies the "x" argument by the transpose of the Helmert matrix
# of the corresponding size.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 # threshold chosen as 30
 if( nrow( x ) < 30 ) {
   xh = multiply_by_helmert_explicitly( x )
 } else {
   xh = multiply_by_helmert_implicitly( x )

# =============================================================================
multiply_by_helmert_explicitly = function( x ) {
# This code multiplies the "x" argument by the transpose of the Helmert matrix
# of the corresponding size by explicitly building the matrix.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 k <- nrow( x )
 h <- defh( k - 1 )
 xh <- h %*% x

# =============================================================================
multiply_by_helmert_implicitly = function( x ) {
   # This code multiplies the "x" argument by the Helmert matrix of the 
   # corresponding size without explicitly building the matrix in order to 
   # increase performances.
   # Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
   # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
   m = dim( x )[ 1 ] - 1
   n = dim( x )[ 2 ]
   result <- matrix( 0, m, n )
   vsum   <- rep( 0, n )
   if( m > 0 ) {
      for( i in seq( 1, m ) ) {
         val  = -1 / sqrt( i * ( i + 1 ) )
         hi   = val
         hip1 = - i * val
         vsum = vsum + x[ i, ]
         result[ i, ] = vsum *  hi + x[ i + 1, ] * hip1
   return( result )

# =============================================================================
multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert = function( x ) {
# This code multiplies the "x" argument by the transpose of the Helmert matrix
# of the corresponding size.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 k = nrow( x )
 if( k < 30 ) {
   result = multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_explicitly( x )
 } else {
   result = multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_implicitly( x )
 return( result )

# ==============================================================================
multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_explicitly = function( x ) {
# This code multiplies the "x" argument by the transpose of the Helmert matrix
# of the corresponding size by explicitly building the matrix.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 #### m = dim( x )[ 1 ]
 m = nrow( x )
 h = defh( m )
 result = t( h ) %*% x
 return( result )

# =============================================================================
multiply_by_transpose_of_helmert_implicitly = function( x ) {
# This code multiplies the "x" argument by the transpose of the Helmert matrix
# of the corresponding size without explicitly building the matrix in order to
# increase performances.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 #### m = dim( x )[ 1 ] + 1
 #### n = dim( x )[ 2 ]
 m = nrow( x ) + 1
 n = ncol( x )

 result   <- matrix( 0, m, n )
 rowAccum <- rep( 0, n )
 if( m > 0 ) {
   for( i in seq( m, 1, by = -1 ) ) {
     val  = - 1 / sqrt( ( i - 1 ) * i )
     hi   = val
     hip1 = - ( i - 1 ) * val

     if( i == 1 ) {
       result[ i, ] = rowAccum
     } else {
       result[ i, ] = hip1 * x[ i - 1, ] + rowAccum
       rowAccum = rowAccum + hi * x[ i - 1, ]
 return( result )

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
uji2_centroid.size = function( x ) {
# It returns the centroid size of a configuration (or configurations).
# Input:
#   k x m matrix, or
#   a complex k-vector, or
#   a real k x m x n array to get a vector of sizes for a sample
# It computes the centroid size in a faster way on medium and large datasets.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 if ((is.vector(x) == FALSE) && is.complex(x)) {
   k <- nrow(x)
   n <- ncol(x)
   tem <- array(0, c(k, 2, n))
   tem[, 1, ] <- Re(x)
   tem[, 2, ] <- Im(x)
   x <- tem
   if (length( dim( x ) ) == 3 ) {
     # Argument x is a 3D array.
     n <- dim( x )[ 3 ]
     k <- dim( x )[ 1 ]
     sz <- rep( 0, times = n )
     for ( i in 1 : n ) {
       xh <- multiply_by_helmert( x[ , , i ] )
       sz[ i ] <- Enorm( xh )
   } else {
     if ( is.vector( x ) && is.complex( x ) ) {
        x <- cbind( Re( x ), Im( x ) )
     #### k <- nrow( x )
     #### h <- defh(k - 1)
     #### xh <- h %*% x
     #### size <- sqrt( sum( diag( t( xh ) %*% xh ) ) )
     # Accelerated code.
     xh <- multiply_by_helmert( x )
     size <- Enorm( xh )

uji3_centroid.size = function( x ) {
# It returns the centroid size of a configuration (or configurations).
# Input:
#   k x m matrix, or
#   a complex k-vector, or
#   a real k x m x n array to get a vector of sizes for a sample
# It computes the centroid size in a faster way on medium and large datasets.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 if ((is.vector(x) == FALSE) && is.complex(x)) {
   k <- nrow(x)
   n <- ncol(x)
   tem <- array(0, c(k, 2, n))
   tem[, 1, ] <- Re(x)
   tem[, 2, ] <- Im(x)
   x <- tem
   if (length( dim( x ) ) == 3 ) {
     # Argument x is a 3D array.
     n <- dim( x )[ 3 ]
     k <- dim( x )[ 1 ]
     z <- multiply_by_helmert_implicitly_3d( x )
     sz <- rep( 0, times = n )
     for ( i in 1 : n ) {
       sz[ i ] <- Enorm( z[ , , i ] )
   } else {
     if ( is.vector( x ) && is.complex( x ) ) {
        x <- cbind( Re( x ), Im( x ) )

     #### k <- nrow( x )
     #### h <- defh(k - 1)
     #### xh <- h %*% x
     #### size <- sqrt( sum( diag( t( xh ) %*% xh ) ) )

     # Accelerated code.
     xh <- multiply_by_helmert( x )
     size <- Enorm( xh )


# =============================================================================
multiply_by_helmert_implicitly_3d = function( x ) {
# This code multiplies the "x" argument by the Helmert matrix of the
# corresponding size without explicitly building the matrix in order to
# increase performances.
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

 # Initialize result and vsum.
 k <- dim( x )[ 1 ] - 1
 m <- dim( x )[ 2 ]
 n <- dim( x )[ 3 ]
 result <- array( 0, c( k, m, n ) )
 vsum <- matrix( 0, m, n )
 if( m > 0 ) {
   for( i in seq( 1, k ) ) {
     val  = -1 / sqrt( i * ( i + 1 ) )
     hi   = val
     hip1 = - i * val

     vsum = vsum + x[ i, , ]
     result[ i, , ] = vsum *  hi + x[ i + 1, , ] * hip1
 return( result )

# ===========================
# Replace original functions  
# ===========================

# =============================================================================
defh = function( nrow ) {
# Written by G. Quintana-Orti and Amelia Simo, University Jaume I, Spain.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 if ( nrow < 100 ) {
   return( ild_defh( nrow ) )
 } else {
   return( uji_defh( nrow ) )

centroid.size <- function(x){
if (is.vector(x)==FALSE){
if ( ( m == 2 ) | ( m == 3 ) ) {
 # Matrices with 2D or 3D landmarks.
 if ( k < 40 ) {
   return( ild_centroid.size(x) )
 } else {
   return( uji3_centroid.size(x) )
} else {
# Often square or nearly-square matrices where m is larger
 if ( k < 85 ) {
   return( ild_centroid.size(x) )
 } else {
   return( uji2_centroid.size(x) )

distProcrustesFull <- uji_distProcrustesFull
distProcrustesSizeShape <- uji_distProcrustesSizeShape
distCholesky <- uji_distCholesky
estSS <- ild_estSS
estShape <- ild_estShape
centroid.size.complex <- uji_centroid.size.complex
centroid.size.mD <- uji_centroid.size.mD
preshape.mD <- uji_preshape.mD
preshape.mat <- uji_preshape.mat
tanfigure <- uji_tanfigure
tanfigurefull <- uji_tanfigurefull
kendall.shpv <- uji_kendall.shpv


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shapes documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:16 p.m.