
Defines functions haystack_highD get_grid_points get_D_KL_highD get_dist_two_sets get_euclidean_distance

Documented in get_dist_two_sets get_D_KL_highD get_euclidean_distance get_grid_points haystack_highD

#' Calculate the Euclidean distance between x and y.
#' @param x A numerical vector.
#' @param y A numerical vector.
#' @return A numerical value, the Euclidean distance.
get_euclidean_distance = function(x,y){

#' Calculate the pairwise Euclidean distances between the rows of 2 matrices.
#' @param set1 A numerical matrix.
#' @param set2 A numerical matrix.
#' @return A matrix of pairwise distances between the rows of 2 matrices.
get_dist_two_sets = function(set1,set2){
  pairwise.dist <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(set1), ncol=nrow(set2))
  for(s2 in 1:nrow(set2)){
    point2 <- set2[s2,]
    pairwise.dist[,s2] <- apply(set1,1,function(x) get_euclidean_distance(x,point2))
  }# end for each point in set2

#' Calculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence between distributions for the high-dimensional version of haystack().
#' @param classes A logical vector. Values are T is the gene is expressed in a cell, F is not.
#' @param density.contributions A matrix of density contributions of each cell (rows) to each center point (columns).
#' @param reference.prob A reference distribution to calculate the divergence against.
#' @param pseudo A pseudocount, used to avoid log(0) problems.
#' @return A numerical value, the Kullback-Leibler divergence
get_D_KL_highD = function(classes, density.contributions, reference.prob, pseudo = 0){
  # NOTE: Remove when we remove binary version.

  class.types = c(FALSE, TRUE)

  # the reference distribution Q of cells in the 2D plot
  Q <- reference.prob

  # calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the distribution
  # of cells expressing and not expressing gene X vs reference distribution Q
  D_KLs <- c()
  for(c in 1:length(class.types)){
    cl <- class.types[c]
    cl.subset <- classes==cl
    if(sum(cl.subset)==0){ # this means a gene is expressed or not expressed in all cells; return 0
      #D_KLs[c] <- 0
    } else {
      P <- colSums(density.contributions[cl.subset, , drop = FALSE])
      P <- P + pseudo
      P <- P / sum(P)
      D_KL <- sum(P * log(P/Q))
      D_KLs[c] <- D_KL

#' A function to decide grid points in a higher-dimensional space
#' @param input A numerical matrix with higher-dimensional coordinates (columns) of points (rows)
#' @param method The method to decide grid points. Should be "centroid" (default) or "seeding".
#' @param grid.points The number of grid points to return. Default is 100.
#' @return Coordinates of grid points in the higher-dimensonal space.
get_grid_points = function(input, method="centroid", grid.points = 100){

  if(nrow(input) < grid.points){
    warning("Fewer input points than grid.points. Adjusting value of grid.points to ",nrow(input))
    grid.points <- nrow(input)

    # perform k-means clustering and get the centroids (centers) of each cluser
    # suppressing "did not converge" warnings, because convergence is not really important here
      res.kmeans <- kmeans(input, centers=grid.points, iter.max = 10, nstart = 10)
    grid.coord <- res.kmeans$centers

  } else if(method=="seeding"){
    # do seeing as used in the seeding step of the kmeans++ algorithm
    # one by one pick points which are distal to the points picked so far

    input.dim <- ncol(input)
    input.points <- nrow(input)

    # pick a first grid point at random
    index <- sample(input.points,1)
    grid.coord <- matrix(NA, nrow=grid.points, ncol=input.dim)
    grid.coord[1,] <- input[index,]
    min.dist.to.grid <- get_dist_two_sets(set1 = input,set2 = grid.coord[1,,drop=F])

    # matrix with distances between inputs and grid points
    dist.to.grid <- matrix(NA, nrow=input.points, ncol = grid.points)
    dist.to.grid[,1] <- min.dist.to.grid

    for(i in 2:grid.points){

      # get probabilities based on min. distance to grid points
      probs <- min.dist.to.grid^2

      # pick new grid point
      index <- sample(input.points,1,prob = probs)
      grid.coord[i,] <- matrix(input[index,], nrow=1)

      # get distances to this new grid point and update min. distances
      tmp.dist.to.grid <- get_dist_two_sets(set1 = input,set2 = grid.coord[i,,drop=F])
      dist.to.grid[,i] <- tmp.dist.to.grid
      min.dist.to.grid <- apply(cbind(min.dist.to.grid,tmp.dist.to.grid),1,min)


    # if necessary, average grid points out to nearest few points
    # here we always do this
    average.grid.points = TRUE
      weights <- c(2,1,1) # more weight to closest point
      for(i in 1:grid.points){
        o <- order(dist.to.grid[,i])
        grid.coord[i,] <- apply(input[o[1:3],],2, weighted.mean, weights)



#' The main Haystack function, for higher-dimensional spaces.
#' @param x Coordinates of cells in a 2D or higher-dimensional space. Rows represent cells, columns the dimensions of the space.
#' @param detection A logical matrix showing which genes (rows) are detected in which cells (columns)
#' @param use.advanced.sampling If NULL naive sampling is used. If a vector is given (of length = no. of cells) sampling is done according to the values in the vector.
#' @param dir.randomization If NULL, no output is made about the random sampling step. If not NULL, files related to the randomizations are printed to this directory.
#' @param scale Logical (default=TRUE) indicating whether input coordinates in x should be scaled to mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
#' @param grid.points An integer specifying the number of centers (grid points) to be used for estimating the density distributions of cells. Default is set to 100.
#' @param grid.method The method to decide grid points for estimating the density in the high-dimensional space. Should be "centroid" (default) or "seeding".
#' @return An object of class "haystack", including the results of the analysis, and the coordinates of the grid points used to estimate densities.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # I need to add some examples.
#' # A toy example will be added too.
haystack_highD = function(x, detection, grid.points = 100, use.advanced.sampling=NULL, dir.randomization = NULL, scale=TRUE, grid.method="centroid"){
  .Deprecated(msg = "This function has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.")

  message("### calling haystack_highD()...")

  # check input
  if(!is.numeric(x) && !all(apply(x, 2, is.numeric)))
    stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame")
  if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x))
    stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame")
  if(ncol(x) < 2)
    stop("'x' must have at least 2 columns")
  if(!is.matrix(detection) && ! inherits(detection, "lgCMatrix") && ! inherits(detection, "lgRMatrix"))
    stop("'detection' must be a matrix, lgCMatrix, or lgRMatrix")
  if(ncol(detection) != nrow(x))
    stop("The number of columns in 'detection' must be the same as the rows in 'x'")
    stop("The value of 'grid.points' must be a numeric")
  if(grid.points >= ncol(detection))
    stop("The number of grid points appears to be very high (higher than the number of cells). You can set the number of grid points using the 'grid.points' parameter.")
      stop("'use.advanced.sampling' must either be NULL or a numeric vector")
    if(length(use.advanced.sampling) != nrow(x))
      stop("The length of 'use.advanced.sampling' must be the same as the number of rows in 'x'")
  if(!is.logical(scale) | length(scale) > 1)
    stop("The value of 'scale' must be either TRUE or FALSE")
  if(grid.method!="centroid" & grid.method!="seeding")
    stop("The value of 'grid.method' must be either 'centroid' or 'seeding'")

  # if detection is a lgCMatrix, convert it to a lgRMatrix
  if(inherits(detection, "lgCMatrix")){
    message("### converting detection data from lgCMatrix to lgRMatrix")
    detection <- as(detection, "RsparseMatrix")

  count.cells <- ncol(detection)
  count.genes <- nrow(detection)

  # warn about unusual input sizes
  if(nrow(x) < 50)
    warning("The number of cells seems very low (",nrow(x),"). Check your input.")
  if(nrow(detection) < 100)
    warning("The number of genes seems very low (",nrow(detection),"). Check your input.")

  # warn about extreme values for 'grid.points'
  if(grid.points < 10)
    warning("The value of 'grid.points' appears to be very low (<10). You can set the number of grid points using the 'grid.points' parameter.")
  if(grid.points > count.cells/10)
    warning("The value of 'grid.points' appears to be very high (> No. of cells / 10). You can set the number of grid points using the 'grid.points' parameter.")

  # advanced sampling is slow on large datasets. Recommend using wrswoR
    if(requireNamespace("wrswoR", quietly = TRUE)){
      use.wrswoR <- TRUE
      message("### Using package wrswoR to speed up random sampling")
    } else {
      use.wrswoR <- FALSE
      message("### You are running advanced sampling. Installing the package \"wrswoR\" might result in much shorter runtimes.")

    # scale data if needed
    message("### scaling input data...")
    x <- scale(x)
    # save the mean and stdev of the scaling
    x.scale.center <- attr(x = x, which = "scaled:center")
    x.scale.scale <- attr(x = x, which = "scaled:scale")

  # make dir if needed

  ### get reference probabilities "Q"
  # using all points, set grid.points
  # from those, estimate Q
  # normalize to sum to 1
  message("### deciding grid points...")
  grid.coord <- get_grid_points(input=x, method=grid.method, grid.points=grid.points)

  # add another warning for the case that the number of grid.points was changed
  if(nrow(grid.coord) != grid.points){
    warning("The number of grid points was changed from ",grid.points," to ",nrow(grid.coord))
    grid.points <- nrow(grid.coord)

  dist.to.grid <- get_dist_two_sets(x,grid.coord)

  # process the distances to a suitable density contribution
  # first, set bandwidth
  # bandwidth <- sqrt(sum((apply(x, 2, default_bandwidth.nrd)) ^ 2))
  # message("### using new bandwidth definition...")
  bandwidth <- median(apply(dist.to.grid,1,min))
  dist.to.grid.norm <- dist.to.grid / bandwidth
  density.contributions <-
    exp(-dist.to.grid.norm * dist.to.grid.norm / 2)

    Q <- apply(density.contributions,2,sum)
  } else {
    Q <- apply(density.contributions*use.advanced.sampling,2,sum)
  pseudo <- 1e-300 # quantile(Q[Q>0],0.01)
  Q <- Q + pseudo
  Q <- Q / sum(Q) # normalize to sum to 1

  ### get probabilities "P" for each group ("F" and "T")
  ### this has to be done for every gene X

  # for class "F" points, and for "T" points, separately
  # get 2D densities (using above grid points, limits, bandwidths)
  # add pseudocount to densities to avoid Inf problems
  # normalize to sum to 1
  # get D_KL (or relative entropy) of this P vs reference Q
  message("### calculating Kullback-Leibler divergences...")
  D_KL.observed <- rep(0,count.genes)
  class.types = c(FALSE, TRUE)
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = count.genes, style = 3, file = stderr()) # progress bar
    for(i in 1:count.genes){
      D_KL.observed[i] <- get_D_KL_highD(classes=detection[i,], density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar
  } else if(inherits(detection, "lgRMatrix")){
    for(i in 1:count.genes){
      D_KL.observed[i] <- get_D_KL_highD(classes=extract_row_lgRMatrix(detection,i), density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar
  close(pb) # progress bar
  # return the sum of D_KL for "F" and "T"
  # store this value for each gene X

  ### use randomization to estimate expected values
  ### and p values for D_KL

  # Randomized D_KL values depend on the number of "F" and "T" cases
  # Therefore, for all observed numbers of "T" cases (from 0 to 100%):
  # - do x randomizations and get their D_KL
  # - get mean and SD per fraction,
  # - use those to estimate p values

  message("### performing randomizations...")
  T.counts <- Matrix::rowSums(detection)
  T.counts.unique <- sort(unique(T.counts))
  T.counts.unique.no <- length(T.counts.unique)
  p.vals <- rep(NA,nrow(detection))
  p.types <- rep(NA,nrow(detection))
  randomization.count <- 50

  # select T counts to include in randomizations
  T.counts.to.select <- 200
  if(T.counts.unique.no > T.counts.to.select){
    # random selection:
    # T.counts.selected <- sample(T.counts.unique, size=T.counts.to.select, replace = F)

    # more evenly spread selection:
    #tmp.T <- T.counts.unique[!T.counts.unique %in% c(0,count.cells)] # remove 0 or all, if present
    #tmp.T.no <- length(tmp.T)
    #T.counts.selected <- tmp.T[as.integer(seq(1,tmp.T.no,length.out = T.counts.to.select))]

    # include 10 lowest and highest values, otherwise evenly spread selection:
    tmp.T <- T.counts.unique[!T.counts.unique %in% c(0,count.cells)] # remove 0 or all, if present
    tmp.T.no <- length(tmp.T)
    T.counts.selected <- tmp.T[c(1:9,
                                 as.integer(seq(10,tmp.T.no-9,length.out = T.counts.to.select-18)),

  } else {
    # include all
    tmp.T <- T.counts.unique[!T.counts.unique %in% c(0,count.cells)] # remove 0 or all, if present
    tmp.T.no <- length(tmp.T)
    T.counts.selected <- tmp.T
    T.counts.to.select <- tmp.T.no

  # to store randomization results
  all.D_KL.randomized <- matrix(NA,nrow=T.counts.to.select,ncol=randomization.count,

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = T.counts.to.select, style = 3, file = stderr()) # progress bar

  # taking if - else statements outside of the for loop
    sampling.probs <- use.advanced.sampling

    for(i in 1:T.counts.to.select){
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar

      T.count <- T.counts.selected[i]

      D_KL.randomized <- rep(NA,randomization.count)
      for(r in 1:randomization.count){
        # using sampling according to the number of genes expressed in each cell
        # pick cells according to the number of genes they express
          samp <- wrswoR::sample_int_expj(count.cells, size=T.count, prob=sampling.probs)
        } else {
          samp <- sample(x=count.cells, prob=sampling.probs, size=T.count, replace = FALSE)
        # turn into T or F
        classes <- is.element(1:count.cells,samp)
        D_KL.randomized[r] <- get_D_KL_highD(classes=classes,
                                             density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo)
      all.D_KL.randomized[i,] <- D_KL.randomized
    }# end for all T counts to select
  } else {

    for(i in 1:T.counts.to.select){
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar

      T.count <- T.counts.selected[i]

      D_KL.randomized <- rep(NA,randomization.count)
      vector.to.randomize <- c(rep(TRUE, T.count), rep(FALSE, ncol(detection)-T.count))
      for(r in 1:randomization.count){
        # using default sampling
        D_KL.randomized[r] <- get_D_KL_highD(classes=sample(x = vector.to.randomize),
                                             density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo)

      all.D_KL.randomized[i,] <- D_KL.randomized
    }# end for all T counts to select
  }# end if else
  close(pb) # progress bar

  message("### estimating p-values...")
  p.vals <- get_log_p_D_KL(T.counts = T.counts, D_KL.observed = D_KL.observed, D_KL.randomized = all.D_KL.randomized, output.dir = dir.randomization)
  info <- p.vals$info
  info$mean$observed$feature <- rownames(detection)[info$mean$observed$x]
  info$sd$observed$feature <- rownames(detection)[info$sd$observed$x]
  p.vals <- p.vals$fitted

  # bonferroni correction for multiple testing
  p.adjs <- p.vals + log10(length(p.vals))
  p.adjs[p.adjs>0] <- 0 # p values should be at most 1; so log10 should be <= 0

    message("### writing randomized Kullback-Leibler divergences to file...")
    outputfile.randomized.D_KL <- paste0(dir.randomization,"/random.D_KL.csv")

  # prepare grid coordinates to return
  # if input data was scaled, the grid points have to be re-scaled
  # else nothing has to be done
    grid.coord <- grid.coord*rep(x.scale.scale,each=nrow(grid.coord)) + rep(x.scale.center,each=nrow(grid.coord))

  message("### returning result...")
  # prepare the 'haystack' object to return
  res <- list(
    results = data.frame(
      D_KL = D_KL.observed,
      log.p.vals = p.vals,
      log.p.adj = p.adjs,
      T.counts = T.counts,
      row.names = row.names(detection)
    info = list(
      randomization = info,
      grid.coordinates = grid.coord
  class(res) <- "haystack"

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