
Defines functions getHNR getSpectralFlux getFeatureFlux formatPitchManual updateAnalyze summarizeAnalyze getPrior analyzeFrame

Documented in analyzeFrame formatPitchManual getFeatureFlux getHNR getPrior getSpectralFlux summarizeAnalyze updateAnalyze


#' Analyze fft frame
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' This function performs the heavy lifting of pitch tracking and acoustic
#' analysis in general: it takes the spectrum of a single fft frame as input and
#' analyzes it.
#' @param frame the abs spectrum of a frame, as returned by
#'   \code{\link[stats]{fft}}
#' @param bin spectrogram bin width, Hz
#' @param freqs frequency per bin of spectrogram
#' @param autoCorrelation pre-calculated autocorrelation of the input frame
#'   (computationally more efficient than to do it here)
#' @param samplingRate sampling rate (Hz)
#' @param trackPitch if TRUE, attempt to find F0 in this frame (FALSE if entropy
#'   is above some threshold - specified in \code{\link{analyze}})
#' @inheritParams analyze
#' @return Returns a list with two components: $pitchCands_frame contains pitch
#'   candidates for the frame, and $summaries contains other acoustic predictors
#'   like HNR, specSlope, etc.
#' @keywords internal
analyzeFrame = function(frame, bin, freqs,
                        autoCorrelation = NULL,
                        trackPitch = TRUE,
                        pitchMethods = c('dom', 'autocor'),
                        pitchDom = list(),
                        pitchAutocor = list(),
                        pitchCep = list(),
                        pitchSpec = list(),
                        pitchHps = list(),
                        pitchCeiling) {
  absSpec = data.frame(freq = freqs,
                       amp = frame)
  # Cut spectral band from pitchFloor to cutFreq Hz (used for spectral
  # descriptives only - pitch tracking is always done with the full spectrum)
  if (is.null(cutFreq)) {
    absSpec_cut = absSpec
  } else {
    absSpec_cut = absSpec[absSpec$freq > cutFreq[1] &
                            absSpec$freq < cutFreq[2], ]
    # Above 5-6 kHz or so, spectral energy depends too much on the original
    # sampling rate, noises etc. Besides, those frequencies are not super
    # relevant to human vocalizations in any case. So we cut away all info above
    # 5 kHz before we calculate quartiles of spectral energy

  # plot(absSpec_cut$freq, absSpec_cut$amp, type = 'l')
  amplitude = sum(absSpec_cut$amp)
  absSpec_cut$w = absSpec_cut$amp / amplitude
  specCentroid = sum(absSpec_cut$freq * absSpec_cut$w)
  peakFreq = absSpec_cut$freq[which.max(absSpec_cut$amp)]
  cums = cumsum(absSpec_cut$amp)
  # first quartile of spectral energy distribution
  quartile25 = absSpec_cut$freq[min(which(cums >= 0.25 * amplitude))]
  # second quartile (same as medianFreq within this spectral band)
  quartile50 = absSpec_cut$freq[min(which(cums >= 0.5 * amplitude))]
  # third quartile. Note: half the energy in the band from pitchFloor to
  # cutFreq kHz lies between quartile25 and quartile75
  quartile75 = absSpec_cut$freq[min(which(cums >= 0.75 * amplitude))]

  # get spectral slope in dB/kHz
  absSpec_cut$amp_dB = 20 * log10(absSpec_cut$amp)
  absSpec_cut$amp_dB = absSpec_cut$amp_dB - max(absSpec_cut$amp_dB)
  # plot(absSpec_cut$freq, absSpec_cut$amp_dB, type = 'l')
  specSlope = summary(lm(amp_dB ~ freq, data = absSpec_cut))$coef[2, 1] * 1000

  # scale correction for loudness estimation
  if (is.numeric(scaleCorrection)) {
    loudness = getLoudnessPerFrame(
      spec = frame * scaleCorrection,
      samplingRate = samplingRate,
      spreadSpectrum = loudness$spreadSpectrum
    )  # in sone, assuming scaling by SPL_measured in analyze()
  } else {
    loudness = NA

  frame = frame / max(frame) # plot(frame, type='l')

  # lowest dominant frequency band
  if (trackPitch & 'dom' %in% pitchMethods) {
    d = do.call(getDom,
                  list(frame = frame,
                       bin = bin,
                       freqs = freqs,
                       pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
                       pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling)))
    pitchCands_frame = d$dom_array
    dom = d$dom
  } else {
    pitchCands_frame = data.frame(
      'pitchCand' = numeric(),
      'pitchCert' = numeric(),
      'pitchSource' = character(),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      row.names = NULL
    )    # initialize an empty dataframe
    dom = NA

  # autocorrelation (PRAAT)
  if (trackPitch & 'autocor' %in% pitchMethods) {
    pa = do.call(getPitchAutocor,
                   list(autoCorrelation = autoCorrelation,
                        samplingRate = samplingRate,
                        nCands = nCands,
                        pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
                        pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling)))
    if(!is.null(pa$pitchAutocor_array)) {
      pitchCands_frame = rbind(pitchCands_frame, pa$pitchAutocor_array)
    HNR = pa$HNR
  } else {
    HNR = NA

  # cepstrum
  if (trackPitch & 'cep' %in% pitchMethods) {
    pitchCep_array = do.call(getPitchCep,
                               list(frame = frame,
                                    samplingRate = samplingRate,
                                    bin = bin,
                                    nCands = nCands,
                                    pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
                                    pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling)))
    if(!is.null(pitchCep_array)) {
      pitchCands_frame = rbind(pitchCands_frame, pitchCep_array)

  # spectral: ratios of harmonics (BaNa)
  if (trackPitch & 'spec' %in% pitchMethods) {
    pitchSpec_array = do.call(getPitchSpec,
                                list(frame = frame,
                                     bin = bin,
                                     freqs = freqs,
                                     HNR = NULL,
                                     nCands = nCands,
                                     pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
                                     pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling)))
      pitchCands_frame = rbind(pitchCands_frame, pitchSpec_array)

  # harmonic product spectrum (hps)
  if (trackPitch & 'hps' %in% pitchMethods) {
    pitchHps_array = do.call(getPitchHps,
                               list(frame = frame,
                                    freqs = freqs,
                                    bin = bin,
                                    # nCands = nCands,
                                    pitchFloor = pitchFloor,
                                    pitchCeiling = pitchCeiling)))
      pitchCands_frame = rbind(pitchCands_frame, pitchHps_array)

  # some adjustments of pitch candidates
  if (nrow(pitchCands_frame) > 0) {
    pitchCands_frame[, 1:2] = apply(pitchCands_frame[, 1:2],
                                    function(x) as.numeric(x))
    # otherwise they become characters after rbind
  if (nrow(pitchCands_frame[pitchCands_frame$pitchSource == 'dom', ]) > 0 &
      !is.na(HNR)) {
    pitchCands_frame$pitchCert[pitchCands_frame$pitchSource == 'dom'] =
      1 / (1 + exp(3 * HNR - 1)) # dom is worth more for noisy sounds,
    # but its weight approaches ~0.2 as HNR approaches 1
    # (NB: this is before HNR is converted to dB). Visualization:
    # a = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
    # b = 1 / (1 + exp(3 * a - 1))
    # plot (a, b, ylim = c(0, 1))

    'pitchCands_frame' = pitchCands_frame,
    'summaries' = data.frame(
      loudness = loudness,
      HNR = HNR,
      dom = dom,
      specCentroid = specCentroid,
      peakFreq = peakFreq,
      quartile25 = quartile25,
      quartile50 = quartile50,
      quartile75 = quartile75,
      specSlope = specSlope

#' Get prior for pitch candidates
#' Prior for adjusting the estimated pitch certainties in \code{\link{analyze}}.
#' For ex., if primarily working with speech, we could prioritize pitch
#' candidates in the expected pitch range (100-1000 Hz) and decrease our
#' confidence in candidates with very high or very low frequency as unlikely but
#' still remotely possible. You can think of this as a "soft" alternative to
#' setting absolute pitch floor and ceiling. Algorithm: the multiplier for each
#' pitch candidate is the density of prior distribution with mean = priorMean
#' (Hz) and sd = priorSD (semitones) normalized so max = 1 over [pitchFloor,
#' pitchCeiling]. Useful for previewing the prior given to
#' \code{\link{analyze}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{analyze}} \code{\link{pitch_app}}
#' @return Returns a numeric vector of certainties of length \code{len} if
#'   pitchCands is NULL and a numeric matrix of the same dimensions as
#'   pitchCands otherwise.
#' @inheritParams analyze
#' @param len the required length of output vector (resolution)
#' @param distribution the shape of prior distribution on the musical scale:
#'   'normal' (mode = priorMean) or 'gamma' (skewed to lower frequencies)
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots the prior
#' @param ... additional graphical parameters passed on to plot()
#' @param pitchCands a matrix of pitch candidate frequencies (for internal
#'   soundgen use)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' soundgen:::getPrior(priorMean = 150,  # Hz
#'                     priorSD = 2)      # semitones
#' soundgen:::getPrior(150, 6)
#' s = soundgen:::getPrior(450, 24, pitchCeiling = 6000)
#' plot(s, type = 'l')
getPrior = function(priorMean,
                    distribution = c('normal', 'gamma')[1],
                    pitchFloor = 75,
                    pitchCeiling = 3000,
                    len = 100,
                    plot = TRUE,
                    pitchCands = NULL,
                    ...) {
  freqs = seq(HzToSemitones(pitchFloor),
              length.out = len)
  if (is.numeric(priorMean) & is.numeric(priorSD)) {
    priorMean_semitones = HzToSemitones(priorMean)
    if (distribution == 'normal') {
      prior_normalizer = dnorm(freqs, priorMean_semitones, priorSD)
    } else if (distribution == 'gamma') {
      shape = priorMean_semitones ^ 2 / priorSD ^ 2
      rate = priorMean_semitones / priorSD ^ 2
      prior_normalizer = dgamma(
        shape = shape,
        rate = rate
    prior_norm_max = max(prior_normalizer)
    prior = prior_normalizer / prior_norm_max
  } else {
    # flat prior
    prior = rep(1, len)

  out = data.frame(freq = semitonesToHz(freqs),
                   prob = prior)
  if (plot) {
    plot(out, type = 'l', log = 'x',
         xlab = 'Frequency, Hz',
         ylab = 'Multiplier of certainty',
         main = 'Prior belief in pitch values',
  if (!is.null(pitchCands)) {
    if (is.numeric(priorMean) & is.numeric(priorSD)) {
      if (distribution == 'normal') {
        pitchCert_multiplier = dnorm(
          HzToSemitones(pitchCands), priorMean_semitones, priorSD
        ) / prior_norm_max
      } else if (distribution == 'gamma') {
        pitchCert_multiplier = dgamma(
          HzToSemitones(pitchCands), shape, rate
        ) / prior_norm_max
    } else {
      pitchCert_multiplier = matrix(1, nrow = nrow(pitchCands),
                                    ncol = ncol(pitchCands))
  } else {

#' Summarize the output of analyze()
#' Internal soundgen function
#' @param result dataframe returned by analyze(summary = FALSE)
#' @param summaryFun summary functions
#' @param var_noSummary variables that should not be summarized
#' @keywords internal
summarizeAnalyze = function(
    summaryFun = c('mean', 'sd'),
    var_noSummary = c('duration', 'duration_noSilence', 'voiced', 'time', 'epoch')
) {
  if (is.character(var_noSummary)) {
    vars = colnames(result)[!colnames(result) %in% var_noSummary]
  } else {
    vars = colnames(result)
  ls = length(summaryFun)
  lv = length(vars)
  vars_f = paste0(rep(vars, each = ls), '_', rep(summaryFun, each = lv))

  # pre-parse summary function names to speed things up
  functions = vector('list', length(summaryFun))
  for (f in 1:length(summaryFun)) {
    functions[[f]] = eval(parse(text = summaryFun[f]))

  # apply the specified summary function to each column of result
  out = list()
  for (v in vars) {
    for (s in 1:ls) {
      # remove NAs for the most common summary functions
      if (summaryFun[s] %in% c('mean', 'median', 'sd', 'min', 'max', 'range', 'sum')) {
        var_values = na.omit(result[, v])
      } else {
        var_values = result[, v]
      var_f_name = paste0(v, '_', summaryFun[s])
      if (any(is.finite(var_values))) {
        # not finite, eg NA or -Inf - don't bother to calculate
        mySummary = do.call(functions[[s]], list(var_values))  # NAs already removed
        # for smth like range, collapse and convert to character
        if (length(mySummary) > 1) {
          mySummary = paste0(mySummary, collapse = ', ')
        out[[var_f_name]] = mySummary
      } else {
        out[[var_f_name]] = NA

  ## global measures that are not summarized per frame
  if (is.character(var_noSummary)) {
    # called from analyze()
    temp = result[1, c('duration', 'duration_noSilence')]
    len_voiced = length(which(!is.na(result$pitch)))
    temp$voiced = len_voiced / nrow(result)
    temp$voiced_noSilence = len_voiced / sum(!is.na(result$peakFreq))
    # could use sum(result$ampl > silence), but silence is re-set dynamically in analyze
    out = c(temp, out)


#' Update analyze
#' Internal soundgen function
#' Updates the output of analyze using manual pitch. Called by pitch_app().
#' @param result the matrix of results returned by analyze()
#' @param pitch_true manual pitch contour of length nrow(result), with NAs
#' @param spectrogram spectrogram with ncol = nrow(result)
#' @param freqs frequency labels of spectrogram bins
#' @param bin spectrogram bin width
#' @param harmHeight_pars same as argument "harmHeight" to analyze() - a list of
#'   settings passed to soundgen:::harmHeight()
#' @param smooth,smoothing_ww,smoothingThres smoothing parameters
#' @param varsToUnv set these variables to NA in unvoiced frames
#' @keywords internal
updateAnalyze = function(
    pitchCands_list = NULL,
    freqs = NULL,
    bin = NULL,
    samplingRate = NULL,
    windowLength = NULL,
    harmHeight_pars = list(),
    subh_pars = list(),
    flux_pars = list(),
    fmRange = NULL,
    varsToUnv = NULL
) {
  # remove all pitch-related columns except dom
  result = result[-which(grepl('pitch', colnames(result)))]
  result$pitch = pitch_true

  # Finalize voicing (some measures are only reported for voiced frames)
  result$voiced = !is.na(pitch_true)
  unvoiced_frames = which(!result$voiced)
  result[unvoiced_frames, varsToUnv] = NA

  # Calculate how far harmonics reach in the spectrum and how strong they are
  # relative to f0
  result[, c('harmEnergy', 'harmHeight', 'subRatio', 'subDep', 'CPP')] = NA
  voiced_frames = which(result$voiced)
  len_voiced = length(voiced_frames)
  if (len_voiced > 0) {
    if (is.null(freqs)) freqs = as.numeric(rownames(spectrogram)) * 1000
    if (is.null(bin)) bin = freqs[2] - freqs[1]

    # Calculate the % of energy in harmonics based on the final pitch estimates
    result$harmEnergy = to_dB(harmEnergy(
      pitch = result$pitch,
      s = spectrogram,
      freqs = freqs))
    # Calculate how high harmonics reach in the spectrum
    for (f in voiced_frames) {
      temp = try(do.call('harmHeight', c(
        list(frame = spectrogram[, f],
             bin = bin,
             freqs = freqs,
             pitch = result$pitch[f]
        ))), silent = TRUE)
      if (!inherits(temp, 'try-error')) {
        result$harmHeight[f] = temp$harmHeight
        # result$harmSlope[f] = temp$harmSlope
        # not super meaningful - often too few harmonics, strong formants, etc

    # Calculate subharmonics-to-harmonics ratio
    for (f in voiced_frames) {
      temp = try(do.call('subhToHarm', c(
        list(frame = spectrogram[, f],
             bin = bin,
             freqs = freqs,
             samplingRate = samplingRate,
             pitch = result$pitch[f],
             pitchCands = data.frame(freq = pitchCands_list$freq[, f],
                                     cert = pitchCands_list$cert[, f])
        ))), silent = TRUE)
      if (!inherits(temp, 'try-error')) {
        result[f, c('subRatio', 'subDep')] = temp[c('subRatio', 'subDep')]
    # # result[, c('subRatio', 'subDep')]
    if (smooth > 0) {
      result$harmHeight = medianSmoother(
        result[, 'harmHeight', drop = FALSE],
        smoothing_ww = smoothing_ww,
        smoothingThres = smoothingThres)[, 1]

    # Calculate Cepstral Peak Prominence for the final pitch contour
    for (f in voiced_frames) {
      result$CPP[f] = getCPP(
        frame = spectrogram[, f],
        samplingRate = samplingRate,
        pitch = pitch_true[f],
        bin = bin

  # calculate flux from features
  if (!is.null(flux_pars$smoothWin)) {
    flux_pars$smoothing_ww = round(flux_pars$smoothWin / windowLength)
  } else {
    flux_pars$smoothing_ww = 1
  flux_pars$smoothWin = NULL
  flux = do.call(getFeatureFlux, c(flux_pars, list(an = result)))
  result[, c('flux', 'epoch')] = flux[, c('flux', 'epoch')]

  # calculate FM
  result[, c('fmFreq', 'fmPurity', 'fmDep')] = NA
  if (length(voiced_frames) > 1) {
    step = result$time[2] - result$time[1]
    if (is.null(fmRange)) {
      # calculate reasonable defaults for FM frequency range
      fmRange = c(5, 1000 / step / 2)
    nr = nrow(result)

    # interpolate NAs in pitch contour
    env = intplNA(pitch_true)
    # sp = spectrogram(env, samplingRate = 1000 / step, windowLength = 1000 / fmRange[1] * 4)

    # get peak frequency (in this case the most pronounced FM)
    fm = getPeakFreq(env,
                     samplingRate = 1000 / step,
                     freqRange = fmRange,
                     plot = FALSE)

    if (any(!is.na(fm$freq))) {
      # get FM from inflections to evaluate fmDep in semitones
      ps = .bandpass(list(sound = env, samplingRate = 1000/step),
                     lwr = min(fm$freq), upr = max(fm$freq),
                     action = 'pass', plot = FALSE)
      infl = findInflections(ps, thres = 0, plot = FALSE)
      # amFreq = 1000 / (step * diff(infl) * 2)
      # too noisy w/o bandpass, therefore need FFT first
      fmDep = abs(diff(HzToSemitones(ps[infl]))) / 2

      # fm should be the same length as pitch
      result$fmFreq = .resample(list(sound = fm$freq), len = nr,
                                lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
      result$fmPurity = .resample(list(sound = fm$purity), len = nr,
                                  lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
      result$fmDep = .resample(list(sound = fmDep), len = nr,
                               lowPass = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
      result[unvoiced_frames, c('fmFreq', 'fmPurity', 'fmDep')] = NA
  } else {

  # plot(result$time, result$fmFreq, type = 'b', cex = result$fmPurity * 10)
  # plot(result$time, result$fmDep, type = 'b', cex = result$fmPurity * 10)

  # Arrange columns in alphabetical order (except the first three)
  result = result[, c(1:3, 3 + order(colnames(result)[4:ncol(result)]))]

#' Format pitchManual
#' Internal soundgen function
#' @param pitchManual dataframe produced by analyze() or pitch_app(), path to a
#'   .csv file in which this dataframe is stored, a named list with a numeric
#'   vector of pitch values per sound, or a numeric vector
#' @return A named list of pitch contours.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' soundgen:::formatPitchManual(c(NA, 120, 180, NA))
#' soundgen:::formatPitchManual('NA, 120, 180, NA')
#' soundgen:::formatPitchManual(list(
#'   'myfile.wav' = list(pitch = c(NA, 120, 180, NA))
#' ))
#' soundgen:::formatPitchManual(data.frame(file = c('file1.wav', 'file2.wav'),
#'                                         pitch = c('NA, 120', '180, NA')))
#' soundgen:::formatPitchManual('adja')
formatPitchManual = function(pitchManual) {
  pitchManual_list = NULL
  failed = FALSE
  if (is.character(pitchManual)) {
    if (file.exists(pitchManual)) {
      # path to csv
      pitchManual_df = try(read.csv(pitchManual)[, c('file', 'pitch')])
      if (inherits(pitchManual_df, 'type-error')) {
        # problem opening file
        failed = TRUE
      } else {
        # file OK
        pitchManual_list = vector('list', nrow(pitchManual_df))
        names(pitchManual_list) = pitchManual_df$file
        for (i in 1:nrow(pitchManual_df)) {
          pitchManual_list[[i]] = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(
            as.character(pitchManual_df$pitch[[i]]), ','))))
    } else {
      # just a string - try to convert to numeric
      temp = try(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(
        as.character(pitchManual), ',')))))
      if (inherits(temp, 'try-error') || !any(!is.na(temp))) {
        failed = TRUE
        pitchManual_list = NULL
      } else {
        pitchManual_list = list(sound = temp)
  } else if (is.list(pitchManual)) {
    # list or dataframe
    if (!is.null(pitchManual$file) && !is.null(pitchManual$pitch) &&
        is.character(pitchManual$pitch[1])) {
      # output of analyze() imported as dataframe
      pitchManual_df = as.data.frame(pitchManual)
      pitchManual_list = vector('list', nrow(pitchManual_df))
      names(pitchManual_list) = pitchManual_df$file
      for (i in 1:nrow(pitchManual_df)) {
        pitchManual_list[[i]] = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(
          as.character(pitchManual_df$pitch[[i]]), ','))))
    } else {
      # preformatted list - return as is
      pitchManual_list = lapply(pitchManual, function(x) x$pitch)
  } else if (is.numeric(pitchManual)) {
    # numeric vector (pitch contour of a single sound)
    pitchManual_list = list(sound = pitchManual)
  } else {
    failed = TRUE

  if (failed) {
      "pitchManual not recognized; should be a numeric vector, named list,",
      "csv file or dataframe containing the output of analyze() with columns",
      "'file' and 'pitch', or a named list with pitch contours per file"))


#' Get flux from features
#' Internal soundgen function
#' Calculates the change in acoustic features returned by analyze() from one
#' STFT frame to the next. Since the features are on different scales, they are
#' normalized depending on their units (but not scaled). Flux is calculated as
#' mean absolute change across all normalized features. Whenever flux exceeds
#' \code{thres}, a new epoch begins.
#' @param an dataframe of results from analyze()
#' @param thres threshold used for epoch detection (0 - 1)
#' @param smoothing_ww if > 1, \code{\link{medianSmoother}} is called on input dataframe
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots the normalized feature matrix and epochs
#' @return Returns a data frame with flux per frame and epoch numbers.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' an = analyze(soundgen(), 16000)
#' fl = soundgen:::getFeatureFlux(an$detailed, plot = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # or simply:
#' an = analyze(soundgen(sylLen = 500), 16000, plot = TRUE, ylim = c(0, 8),
#'              extraContour = 'flux', flux = list(smoothWin = 100, thres = .15))
#' }
getFeatureFlux = function(an,
                          thres = 0.1,
                          smoothing_ww = 1,
                          plot = FALSE) {
  if (nrow(an) == 1) return(data.frame(frame = 1, flux = 0, epoch = 1))
  # just work with certain "trustworthy" variables listed in soundgen:::featureFlux_vars
  m = an[, match(featureFlux_vars$feature, colnames(an))]

  # remove columns with nothing but NAs
  col_rm = which(apply(m, 2, function(x) !any(!is.na(x))))
  if (length(col_rm) > 0) m = m[, -col_rm]

  # log-transform features measured in Hz
  for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
    if (featureFlux_vars$log_transform[i]) {
      m[, i] = log2(m[, i] + 1)  # +1 b/c otherwise 0 produces NA

  # normalize according to unit of measurement (don't z-transform because then
  # even uniform files will show spurious variation - the changes here should be
  # absolute, not relative)
  cm = colMeans(m, na.rm = TRUE)
  cm[which(colnames(m) == 'voiced')] = 0  # voiced
  for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
    # if (featureFlux_vars$feature[i] != 'voiced')
    m[, i] = (m[, i] - cm[i]) / featureFlux_vars$norm_scale[i]
  # m[is.na(m)] = 0   # NAs become 0 (mean)
  m$voiced = as.numeric(m$voiced)
  # summary(m)

  # median smoothing
  if (smoothing_ww > 1) {
    m = medianSmoother(m, smoothing_ww = smoothing_ww, smoothingThres = 0)

  # calculate the average change from one STFT frame to the next and segment into epochs
  nFrames = nrow(m)
  flux = rep(NA, nFrames)
  epoch = rep(1, nFrames)
  for (i in 2:nFrames) {
    cor_i = cor(as.numeric(m[i, ]), as.numeric(m[i - 1, ]), use = 'complete.obs')
    flux[i] = 1 - (cor_i + 1) / 2  # cor_i = -1 gives a flux of 1, 0 -> 0.5, 1 -> 1
    if (is.finite(flux[i]) && flux[i] > thres) {
      epoch[i] = epoch[i - 1] + 1
    } else {
      epoch[i] = epoch[i - 1]

  # plotting
  if (plot) {
    transitions = which(diff(epoch) != 0) - 0.5
    points(seq(0, 1, length.out = length(flux)), flux, type = 'l')
    if (length(transitions) > 0) {
      for (t in transitions) abline(v = t / nFrames)
  return(data.frame(frame = 1:nFrames, flux = flux, epoch = epoch))

#' Get spectral flux
#' Internal soundgen function
#' Calculates spectral flux: the average change across all spectral bins from
#' one STFT frame to the next. Spectra are normalized in each frame, so
#' amplitude changes have no effect on flux.
#' @return vector of length ncol(s)
#' @param s raw spectrogram (not normalized): rows = frequency bins, columns = STFT frames
#' @keywords internal
getSpectralFlux = function(s) {
  nc = ncol(s)
  for (c in 1:nc) s[, c] = s[, c] / max(s[, c])  # normalize
  flux = rep(0, nc)
  for (c in 2:nc) flux[c] = mean(abs(s[, c] - s[, c - 1]))
  # or as.numeric(dist(rbind(s[, c], s[, c - 1])))

#' Get HNR
#' Calculates the harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) - that is, the ratio between
#' the intensity (root mean square amplitude) of the harmonic component and the
#' intensity of the noise component.
#' @param x time series (a numeric vector)
#' @param samplingRate sampling rate
#' @param acf_x pre-computed autocorrelation function of input \code{x}
#' @param lag.min,lag.max minimum and maximum lag to consider when looking for
#'   peaks in the ACF
#' @param interpol method of improving the frequency resolution by interpolating
#'   the ACF: "none" = don't interpolate; "parab" = parabolic interpolation on
#'   three points (local peak and its neighbors); "spline" = spline
#'   interpolation; "sinc" = sin(x)/x interpolation to a continuous function
#'   followed by a search for local peaks using Brent's method
#' @param wn window applied to \code{x} (unless acf_x is provided instead of x)
#'   as well as to the sinc interpolation
#' @param idx_max (interal) the index of the peak to investigate, if already
#'   estimated
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' signal = sin(2 * pi * 150 * (1:16000)/16000)
#' signal = signal / sqrt(mean(signal^2))
#' noise = rnorm(16000)
#' noise = noise / sqrt(mean(noise^2))
#' SNR = 40
#' s = signal + noise * 10^(-SNR/20)
#' soundgen:::getHNR(s, 16000, lag.min = 16000/1000,
#' lag.max = 16000/75, interpol = 'none')
#' soundgen:::getHNR(s, 16000, lag.min = 16000/1000,
#' lag.max = 16000/75, interpol = 'parab')
#' soundgen:::getHNR(s, 16000, lag.min = 16000/1000,
#' lag.max = 16000/75, interpol = 'spline')
#' soundgen:::getHNR(s, 16000, lag.min = 16000/1000,
#' lag.max = 16000/75, interpol = 'sinc')
getHNR = function(x = NULL,
                  samplingRate = NA,
                  acf_x = NULL,
                  lag.min = 2,
                  lag.max = length(x),
                  interpol = c('none', 'parab', 'spline', 'sinc')[4],
                  wn = 'hanning',
                  idx_max = NULL
) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    ## calculate ACF
    len = length(x)
    half_len = floor(len / 2)
    lag.min = round(lag.min)
    lag.max = round(min(lag.max, half_len))
    if (lag.min > half_len) stop('lag.min is too small')
    if (lag.max <= lag.min) stop('lag.max must be > lag.min')

    # prepare a windowing function
    win = seewave::ftwindow(len, wn = wn)

    # calculate ACF of the windowing function
    sp_win = fft(win) / half_len
    powerSpectrum_win = Re(sp_win * Conj(sp_win))
    acf_win = Re(fft(powerSpectrum_win, inverse = TRUE))[1:half_len]
    acf_win = acf_win / acf_win[1]
    # plot(acf_win, type = 'l')

    ## calculate ACF of the windowed signal
    sp_x = fft(x * win) / half_len
    powerSpectrum_x = Re(sp_x * Conj(sp_x))
    acf_x = Re(fft(powerSpectrum_x, inverse = TRUE))[1:half_len] / acf_win
    acf_x = acf_x / acf_x[1]
  } else {
    if (is.null(acf_x))
      stop('Please provide either signal (x) or its autocorrelation function (acf_x)')
  # plot(acf_x[lag.min:lag.max], type = 'b')

  ## find the maximum and interpolate the ACF to improve resolution
  if (is.null(idx_max)) {
    idx_max = which.max(acf_x[lag.min:lag.max]) + lag.min - 1
  # if (acf_x[idx_max] < 0) return(NA)  # causes problems in getPitchAutocor()
  if (interpol == 'none') {
    max_acf = acf_x[idx_max]
  } else if (interpol == 'parab') {
    parabInterp = parabPeakInterpol(acf_x[(idx_max - 1) : (idx_max + 1)])
    max_acf = parabInterp$ampl_p
    idx_max = idx_max + parabInterp$p
  } else if (interpol == 'spline') {
    idx = max(lag.min, (idx_max - 10)) : min(lag.max, (idx_max + 10))
    acf_ups = spline(acf_x[idx], n = length(idx) * 100)
    idx_max_ups = which.max(acf_ups$y)
    max_acf = acf_ups$y[idx_max_ups]
    idx_max = idx[1] - 1 + acf_ups$x[idx_max_ups]
  } else if (interpol == 'sinc') {
    # apply a gaussian window to the sinc interpolation as a function of the
    # distance from the max
    half_len = min(250, length(acf_x) / 2)
    idx_left = max(2, idx_max - half_len)
    # max(2, idx_max - min(250, floor(length(acf_x) / 4)))
    if (idx_max > idx_left) {
      win_left = seewave::ftwindow((idx_max - idx_left) * 2, wn = wn)[1:(idx_max - idx_left)]
    } else {
      win_left = numeric(0)
    idx_right = min(length(acf_x), idx_max + half_len)
    #   min(length(acf_x), idx_max + min(250, floor(length(acf_x) / 4)))
    if (idx_right > idx_max) {
      win_right = seewave::ftwindow((idx_right - idx_max) * 2, wn = wn)[(idx_right - idx_max):((idx_right - idx_max) * 2)]
    } else {
      win_right = numeric(0)
    win = c(win_left, win_right)
    # win = win / sum(win)
    # plot(win)
    acf_idx = idx_left:idx_right
    # length(win)
    # length(acf_idx)

    if (FALSE) {
      # visual check of sinc interpolation
      d_new = data.frame(x = seq(lag.min, lag.max, by = .1))
      for (i in 1:nrow(d_new)) {
        d_new$y[i] = sum(acf_x[acf_idx] * sinc(d_new$x[i] - acf_idx) * win)
      plot(lag.min:lag.max, acf_x[lag.min:lag.max])
      points(d_new, type = 'l', col = 'blue')

    # find max by using the sinc function in optimize (Brent 1973)
    opt = optimize(function(j) {sum(acf_x[acf_idx] * sinc(j - acf_idx) * win)},
                   interval = c(idx_max - 2, idx_max + 2), maximum = TRUE)
    # opt = optimize(function(j) {sum(acf_x[acf_idx] * sinc(j - acf_idx) * win)},
    #                interval = c(lag.min, lag.max), maximum = TRUE)
    max_acf = opt$objective
    idx_max = opt$maximum
  if (max_acf > 1) {
    max_acf = 1 / max_acf
  f0 = samplingRate / idx_max
  return(list(f0 = f0,
              max_acf = max_acf,
              HNR = to_dB(max_acf)))

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soundgen documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:41 a.m.