
Defines functions predict.riskreg.targeted summary.riskreg.targeted print.summary.riskreg.targeted riskreg_fit riskreg_mle riskreg

Documented in riskreg riskreg_fit riskreg_mle

##' @description Risk regression with binary exposure and nuisance model for the odds-product.
##' Let \eqn{A} be the binary exposure, \eqn{V} the set of covariates, and
##' \eqn{Y} the binary response variable, and define
##' \eqn{p_a(v) = P(Y=1 \mid A=a, V=v), a\in\{0,1\}}{pa(v) = P(Y=1|A=a,V=v), a=0,1}.
##' The \bold{target parameter} is either the \emph{relative risk}
##' \deqn{\mathrm{RR}(v) = \frac{p_1(v)}{p_0(v)}}{RR(v) = p1(v)/p0(v)}
##' or the \emph{risk difference}
##' \deqn{\mathrm{RD}(v) = p_1(v)-p_0(v)}{RD(v)=p1(v)-p0(v)}
##' We assume a target parameter model given by either
##' \deqn{\log\{RR(v)\} = \alpha^t v}{log[RR(v)] = a'v}
##' or
##' \deqn{\mathrm{arctanh}\{RD(v)\} = \alpha^t v}{arctanh[RD(v)] = a'v}
##' and similarly a working linear \bold{nuisance model} for the \emph{odds-product}
##' \deqn{\phi(v) = \log\left(\frac{p_{0}(v)p_{1}(v)}{(1-p_{0}(v))(1-p_{1}(v))}\right)
##' = \beta^t v}{log[p0(v)p1(v)/{(1-p0(v))(1-p1(v))}] = b'v}.
##' A \bold{propensity model} for \eqn{E(A=1|V)} is also fitted using a logistic regression working model
##' \deqn{\mathrm{logit}\{E(A=1\mid V=v)\} = \gamma^t v.}{logit[E(A=1|V=v)] = c'v.}
##' If both the odds-product model and the propensity model are correct the estimator is efficient.
##' Further, the estimator is consistent in the union model, i.e., the estimator is
##' double-robust in the sense that only one of the two models needs to be correctly specified
##' to get a consistent estimate.
##' @title Risk regression
##' @param formula formula (see details below)
##' @param target (optional) target model (formula)
##' @param nuisance nuisance model (formula)
##' @param propensity propensity model (formula)
##' @param data data.frame
##' @param weights optional weights
##' @param type type of association measure (rd og rr)
##' @param optimal If TRUE optimal weights are calculated
##' @param std.err If TRUE standard errors are calculated
##' @param start optional starting values
##' @param mle Semi-parametric (double-robust) estimate or MLE (TRUE gives MLE)
##' @param ... additional arguments to unconstrained optimization routine (nlminb)
##' @return An object of class '\code{riskreg.targeted}' is returned. See \code{\link{targeted-class}}
##' for more details about this class and its generic functions.
##' @references  Richardson, T. S., Robins, J. M., & Wang, L. (2017). On modeling and
##'  estimation for the relative risk and risk difference. Journal of the
##'  American Statistical Association, 112(519),
##'  1121–1130. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1192546
##' @details
##' The 'formula' argument should be given as
##' \code{response ~ exposure | target-formula | nuisance-formula}
##' or
##' \code{response ~ exposure | target | nuisance | propensity}
##' E.g., \code{riskreg(y ~ a | 1 | x+z | x+z, data=...)}
##' Alternatively, the model can specifed using the target, nuisance and propensity arguments:
##' \code{riskreg(y ~ a, target=~1, nuisance=~x+z, ...)}
##' The \code{riskreg_fit} function can be used with matrix inputs rather than formulas.
##' @export
##' @aliases riskreg riskreg_fit riskreg_mle
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @examples
##' m <- lvm(a[-2] ~ x,
##'          z ~ 1,
##'          lp.target[1] ~ 1,
##'          lp.nuisance[-1] ~ 2*x)
##' distribution(m,~a) <- binomial.lvm("logit")
##' m <- binomial.rr(m, "y","a","lp.target","lp.nuisance")
##' d <- sim(m,5e2,seed=1)
##' I <- model.matrix(~1, d)
##' X <- model.matrix(~1+x, d)
##' with(d, riskreg_mle(y, a, I, X, type="rr"))
##' with(d, riskreg_fit(y, a, nuisance=X, propensity=I, type="rr"))
##' riskreg(y ~ a | 1, nuisance=~x ,  data=d, type="rr")
##' ## Model with same design matrix for nuisance and propensity model:
##' with(d, riskreg_fit(y, a, nuisance=X, type="rr"))
##' ## a <- riskreg(y ~ a, target=~z, nuisance=~x,  propensity=~x, data=d, type="rr")
##' a <- riskreg(y ~ a | z, nuisance=~x,  propensity=~x, data=d, type="rr")
##' a
##' predict(a, d[1:5,])
##' riskreg(y ~ a, nuisance=~x,  data=d, type="rr", mle=TRUE)
riskreg <- function(formula,
             data, weights, type="rr",
             optimal=TRUE, std.err=TRUE, start=NULL, mle=FALSE, ...) {
  if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("Formula needed")
  yf <- lava::getoutcome(formula, sep="|")
  xf <- attr(yf, "x")
  xf[[1]] <- as.formula(paste0(yf, deparse(xf[[1]])))
  dots <- list(...)
  if ("semi"%in%names(dots)) ## Backward compatibility
    mle <- !dots$semi
  if (length(xf)>1)
    target <- xf[[2]]
  response_exposure <- design(xf[[1]], data=data, intercept=FALSE)
  target <- design(target, data=data, intercept=TRUE)
  nuisance <- design(nuisance, data=data, intercept=TRUE)
  propensity <- design(propensity, data=data, intercept=TRUE)
  a <- response_exposure$x
  y <- response_exposure$y
  x1 <- target$x
  x2 <- nuisance$x
  x3 <- propensity$x
  nn <- list(yf[1], colnames(a), colnames(x1), colnames(x2), colnames(x3))
  if (missing(weights)) weights <- rep(1, length(y))
  if (inherits(weights, "formula")) weights <- all.vars(weights)
  if (is.character(weights)) weights <- as.vector(data[, weights])
  val <- riskreg_mle(y=y, a=a, x1=x1, x2=x2, weights=weights, std.err=std.err,
                     type=type, start=start, ...)
  ##val$labels <- nn[1:4]
  if (!mle) {
    val <- riskreg_fit(y=y, a=a, target=x1, nuisance=x2, propensity=x3,
                       weights=weights, std.err=std.err, type=type,
                       optimal=optimal, start=start,
                       mle=val, ...)
    val$prop <- lava::estimate(val$prop, labels=nn[[5]])
  ##val$labels <- nn
  val$des.response_exposure <- update(response_exposure)
  val$des.target <- update(target)
  val$des.nuisance <- update(nuisance)
  val$des.propensity <- update(propensity)
  val$labels <- nn
  val$call <- match.call()

##' @export
riskreg_mle <- function(y, a, x1, x2=x1, weights=rep(1, length(y)), std.err=TRUE,
                        type="rr", start=NULL, control=list(), ...) {
    x1 <- cbind(x1)
    x2 <- cbind(x2)
    type <- substr(type, 1, 2)
    f <- function(p) -as.vector(bin_logl(y=y, a=cbind(a),
                                      x1=cbind(x1), x2=cbind(x2),
                                      par=p, weights=weights, type=type))
    df <- function(p, ...) -bin_dlogl(y=y, a=cbind(a),
                              x1=cbind(x1), x2=cbind(x2),
                              par=p, weights=weights, type=type, ...)
    d2f <- function(theta) deriv(function(p) -bin_dlogl_c(y=y, a=cbind(a),
                                        x1=cbind(x1), x2=cbind(x2),
                                        par=p, weights=weights, type=type), theta)
    # Starting values
    if (is.null(start))
        start <- rep(0.0, ncol(x1)+ncol(x2))
    op <- nlminb(start, f, df, control=control)
    if (std.err) {
        U <- -df(op$par, indiv=TRUE)
        V <- lava::Inverse(d2f(op$par))
        ii <- U%*%V
    } else {
        ii  <- NULL
        V <- matrix(NA, length(op$par), length(op$par))
    loglik  <- -f(op$par)
    if (!("labels"%in%names(list(...)))) {
      nam <- c(colnames(x1), paste0("odds-product:", colnames(x2)))
      est <- lava::estimate(coef=op$par, vcov=V, labels=nam)
    } else {
      est <- lava::estimate(coef=op$par, vcov=V, ...)
    est$IC <- ii * NROW(ii)
    rownames(est$IC) <- rownames(cbind(y))
    structure(list(estimate=est, npar=c(ncol(x1), ncol(x2)), logLik=loglik, nobs=length(y),
                   opt=op, bread=V*NROW(ii), type=type, estimator="mle"),
              class=c("riskreg.targeted", "targeted"))

##' @export
riskreg_fit <- function(y, a,
                 target=NULL, nuisance=NULL, propensity=nuisance,
                 weights=rep(1, length(y)), optimal=TRUE,
                 std.err=TRUE, type="rr", start=NULL, control=list(),
                 mle, ...) {
    ones <- cbind(rep(1, length(y))); colnames(ones) <- c("(Intercept)")
    if (is.null(target)) target <- ones
    if (is.null(nuisance)) nuisance <- ones
    if (is.null(propensity)) propensity <- ones
    target <- cbind(target)
    nuisance <- cbind(nuisance)
    propensity <- cbind(propensity)
    if (missing(mle) || is.logical(mle)) {
      return.mle <- (!missing(mle) && is.logical(mle) && mle[1])
      mle <- riskreg_mle(y, a, target, nuisance, weights=weights,
                         std.err=std.err, type=type)
      if (return.mle) return(mle)
    theta0 <- coef(mle$estimate)
    alpha0 <- start
    if (is.null(alpha0)) {
        alpha0 <- theta0[seq(NCOL(target))]
    propmod <- glm.fit(y=a, x=propensity, weights=weights, family=binomial("logit"))
    gamma <- propmod$coefficients
    pr <- propmod$fitted
    omega <- 1
    Alt <- length(grep("2", type)) > 0
    type <- gsub("[0-9]", "", type)
    if (optimal) {
        pp <- bin_pa(y=y, a=a, x1=target, x2=nuisance, par=theta0, type=type)
        p0 <- pp[, 2]; p1 <- pp[, 3]; targetpar <- pp[, 4]
        if (type=="rd" || type=="rd2") {
            ## E(A drho/(Pa(1-Pa))|V) = pr*drho/[p1(1-p1)]
            nom <- pr*(1-targetpar^2)/(p1*(1-p1))
            ## E(1/(Pa(1-Pa))|V) =  (1-pr)/[p0(1-p0)] + pr/[p1(1-p1)]
            denom <- (1-pr)/(p0*(1-p0)) + pr/(p1*(1-p1))
            omega <- nom/denom / (pr*p0*(1-p0))
        } else {
            # E(A pa/(1-Pa) |V) = pr*drho/[p1(1-p1)]
            nom <- pr*p1/(1-p1)
            # E(A pa/(1-Pa) |V) = pr*drho/[p1(1-p1)]
            denom <- (1-pr)*p0/(1-p0) + pr*p1/(1-p1)
            omega <- nom/denom / (pr*(1-p0))
    weights1  <- weights*omega
    u <- function(p, indiv=FALSE) {
        pp <- theta0
        if (Alt) pp[seq_along(p)] <- p
        val <- bin_esteq(y=y, a=a,
                         alpha=p, par=pp,
                         weights=weights1, type=type)
        if (!indiv) val <- as.vector(colSums(val))

    f <- function(x) sqrt(sum(u(x))^2)
    opt <- nlminb(alpha0, f, control=control)
    if (opt$objective>1e-3) {
            op <- optimx::optimx(alpha0, f,
                                 method=c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "nlminb", "Rcgmin"),
        op1 <- head(summary(op, order="value"), 1)
        opt <- list(objective=op1[, "value", drop=TRUE],
                    par=unlist(op1[, seq_along(alpha0), drop=TRUE]))
    if (opt$objective>1e-3) {
        futile.logger::flog.warn("riskreg optimization: convergence issues")
    Vprop <- NULL
    if (std.err) {
        thetahat <- c(theta0, gamma)
        alphahat <- opt$par
        alpha.index <- seq_along(opt$par)
        theta.index <- seq_along(theta0) + length(alpha.index)
        gamma.index <- seq_along(gamma) + length(alpha.index) + length(theta.index)
        pp <- c(alphahat, thetahat)
        U <- function(p) bin_esteq_c(y=y, a=a,
                              x1=target, x2=nuisance, x3=propensity,
                              weights=weights1, type=type)
        DU  <- deriv(U, pp)
        U0 <- u(alphahat, indiv=TRUE)
        iid.gamma <- fast_iid(y, pr, propensity, weights)/length(y)
        Vprop <- crossprod(iid.gamma)
        iid.theta <- lava::IC(mle$estimate)
        iid.theta <- iid.theta/NROW(iid.theta)
        ii <- (U0 + iid.theta %*% t(DU[, theta.index, drop=FALSE]) +
               iid.gamma %*% t(DU[, gamma.index, drop=FALSE])) %*%
          t(-Inverse(DU[, alpha.index, drop=FALSE]))
        V <- crossprod(ii)
    } else {
      ii <- NULL
      V <- matrix(NA, length(opt$par), length(opt$par))
    if (!("labels"%in%names(list(...)))) {
      est <- lava::estimate(coef=opt$par, vcov=V, labels=colnames(target))
    } else {
      est <- lava::estimate(coef=opt$par, vcov=V, ...)
    est$IC <- ii * NROW(ii)
    rownames(est$IC) <- rownames(cbind(y))
    propmod <- lava::estimate(coef=coef(propmod), vcov=Vprop, colnames)
    structure(list(estimate=est, opt=opt, npar=c(ncol(target), ncol(nuisance), ncol(propensity)), nobs=length(y),
                   mle=mle, prop=propmod, type=type, estimator="dre"),
              class=c("riskreg.targeted", "targeted"))

##' @export
print.summary.riskreg.targeted <- function(x, ...) {
    if (!is.null(x$call)) print(x$call)
    nam <- x$names
    if (x$type=="rr") {
        cat("\nRelative risk model\n")
        model <- "log(RR)"
    if (x$type=="rd") {
        cat("\nRisk difference model\n")
        model <- "atanh(RD)"
    cat("  Response: ", nam[[1]], "\n")
    cat("  Exposure: ", nam[[2]], "\n")
    if (x$estimator=="mle") {
        print(x$estimate, unique.names=FALSE,
              sep.which=c(0, length(nam[[3]])),
              sep.labels=paste0(c(model, "log(OP)"), ":"), ...)
    } else {
        print(x$estimate, unique.names=FALSE,
              sep.which=c(0, length(nam[[3]]), length(nam[[3]])+length(nam[[4]])),
              sep.labels=paste0(c(model, "log(OP)", "logit(Pr)"), ":"), ...)

##' @export
summary.riskreg.targeted <- function(object, ...) {
    nam <- object$labels
    if (length(grep(object$type, "rr"))>0) {
        type <- "rr"
        model <- "log(RR)"
    } else if (length(grep(object$type, "rd"))) {
        type <- "rd"
        model <- "atanh(RD)"
    if (object$estimator=="mle") {
        cc <- object$estimate
        cc$IC <- NULL
    } else {
        cc <- rbind(object$mle$estimate$coefmat, object$prop$coefmat)
        cc[seq_len(object$npar[1]), ] <- object$estimate$coefmat
        cc <- lava::estimate(coef=cc[, 1], vcov=diag(cc[, 2]^2, ncol=nrow(cc)), labels=rownames(cc))
    structure(list(estimate=cc, npar=object$npar, estimator=object$estimator, call=object$call,
                   model=model, type=type, names=nam), class="summary.riskreg.targeted")

##' @export
predict.riskreg.targeted <- function(object,
                                     a, ## Binary exposure (optional if newdata is provide)
                                     X, ## Nuisance design matrix (odds-product) (optional)
                                     Z, ## Relative risk/Risk difference design matrix (optional)
                                     ...) {
  if (missing(Z))
    Z <- with(object, update(des.target, newdata)$x)
  if (missing(a))
    a <- with(object, update(des.response_exposure, newdata)$x)
  if (missing(X))
    X <- with(object, update(des.nuisance, newdata)$x)
  p <- coef(object)
  if (tolower(object$estimator)!="mle") {
    p <- coef(object$mle)
  ##nx <- NCOL(object$nuisance$x)
  ##nz <- NCOL(object$target$x)
  pz <- p[seq_len(ncol(Z))]
  px <- p[seq_len(ncol(X))+ncol(Z)]
  op <- exp(X%*%px)
  if (object$type=="rr") { # relative-risk
    r <- exp(Z%*%pz)
    pr <- rr2pr(r, op)
  } else { ## risk-difference
    r <- tanh(Z%*%pz)
    pr <- rd2pr(r, op)
  res <- pr[cbind(seq_len(NROW(pr)), a+1)]

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