
Defines functions weights.olmm vcov.olmm print.VarCorr.olmm VarCorr.olmm update.olmm terms.olmm print.summary.olmm summary.olmm simulate.olmm resid.olmm ranefCov.olmm ranef.olmm print.olmm predict.olmm nobs.olmm neglogLik2.olmm model.matrix.olmm model.frame.olmm logLik.olmm getCall.olmm olmm_gefp formula.olmm fixef.olmm fitted.olmm extractAIC.olmm olmm_estfun predecor_control deviance.olmm coef.olmm anova.olmm

Documented in anova.olmm coef.olmm deviance.olmm fitted.olmm fixef.olmm formula.olmm getCall.olmm logLik.olmm model.frame.olmm model.matrix.olmm neglogLik2.olmm olmm_estfun olmm_gefp predecor_control predict.olmm print.olmm print.summary.olmm print.VarCorr.olmm ranefCov.olmm ranef.olmm resid.olmm simulate.olmm summary.olmm terms.olmm update.olmm VarCorr.olmm vcov.olmm weights.olmm

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:       Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:       rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:         2019-12-15
## Description:
## methods for olmm objects.
## anova:       Likelihood-ratio tests for the comparison of
##              models
## coef, coefficients: Extract model coefficients
## deviance:    -2*Log-likelihood at the ML estimator
## drop1:       Drop single fixed effects
## estfun:      Negative scores
## extractAIC:  Extract the AIC
## fitted:      Extract fitted values from the model
## fixef:       Extract fixed effect parameters
## formula:     Extracts 'formula'
## gefp:        Extract cumulated decorrelated score process
## getCall:     Extracts 'call'
## logLik:      Log-likelihood at the ML estimator
## model.frame: Model frame (all needed variables)
## model.matrix: Model matrix (for the fixed effects)
## predict:     Predict from the fitted model
## print:       Print summary output (method for olmm and
##              olmm.summary objects)
## ranef:       Extract predicted random effects
## ranefCov:    Covariance-matrix of random effect terms
## resid, residuals Extract different types of residuals from the
##              fitted model
## show:        Print summary output (method for olmm and
##              olmm.summary objects)
## simulate:    Simulate responses based on a fitted model
## summary:     Extract summary information
## terms, terms.olmm: Extracting the terms of the model frame
##              for fixed effects
## update:      Refits a model
## VarCorr, print.VarCorr.olmm: Extract variance and standard
##              deviation of random effects and their correlation
## vcov:        Variance-covariance matrix for fixed effect parameters
## weights:     Weights
## Modifications:
## 2024-05-03: rename 'gefp.olmm' to 'olmm_gefp' and 'olmm_estfun' to 'olmm_estfun'
## 2019-12-15: modify checks for classes (newly use function 'inherits')
## 2017-08-19: prettified code
## 2016-10-31: checked new implementation of C-code
## 2016-02-22: removed 'rdig' argument from 'VarCorr' method
## 2014-01-16: - improve 'predict.olmm' function
## 2014-12-07: - add argument 'center' to 'predecor_control'
## 2014-10-24: - improve simulate.olmm
##             - improved 'olmm_estfun' call in 'gefp.olmm'
## 2014-10-23: - fix bug in predict.olmm
## 2014-09-22: - (internal) change 'Ninpute' to 'Nimpute' in olmm_estfun
## 2014-09-20: - use tile case in titles
## 2014-09-08: - partial substitution of 'rep' by 'rep.int'
##             - replace 'do.call' by 'call' in 'resid.olmm'
## 2013-03-17: changed many methods to S3 methods (as in lme4)
## 2013-09-06: modify formula() method. Now the formula slot
##             is called
## 2013-09-06: add S3 for terms() method
## 2013-09-06: add drop1() method
## To do:
## - improve update method
## - plot methods
## - olmm_estfun: handle equal zero random effects
## - anova with a single model
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

anova.olmm <- function(object, ...) {

    mCall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
    dots <- list(...)
    modp <- if (length(dots) > 0) {
                sapply(dots, is, "olmm")
            } else {
    if (any(modp)) {
        ## multiple models
        opts <- dots[!modp]
        mods <- c(list(object), dots[modp])
        names(mods) <- sapply(as.list(mCall)[c(FALSE, TRUE, modp)],
        mods <- mods[order(sapply(lapply(mods, logLik),
                                  attr, "df"))]
        calls <- lapply(mods, getCall)
        data <- lapply(calls, "[[", "data")
        if (any(data != data[[1]]))
            stop("all models must be fit to the same data object")
        header <- paste("Data:", data[[1]])
        subset <- lapply(calls, "[[", "subset")
        if (any(subset != subset[[1]]))
            stop("all models must use the same subset")
        if (!is.null(subset[[1]]))
            header <-
                c(header, paste("Subset", deparse(subset[[1]]), sep = ": "))
        llks <- lapply(mods, logLik)
        Df <- sapply(llks, attr, "df")
        llk <- unlist(llks)
        chisq <- 2 * pmax(0, c(NA, diff(llk)))
        dfChisq <- c(NA, diff(Df))
        val <- data.frame(Df = Df,
                          AIC = sapply(llks, AIC),
                          BIC = sapply(llks, BIC),
                          logLik = llk,
                          "Chisq" = chisq,
                          "Chi Df" = dfChisq,
                          "Pr(>Chisq)" = pchisq(chisq,
                                                lower.tail = FALSE),
                          row.names = names(mods), check.names = FALSE)
        class(val) <- c("anova", class(val))
        attr(val, "heading") <-
            c(header, "Models:", paste(rep(names(mods), times = unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(calls, "[[", "formula"), deparse), length))), unlist(lapply(lapply(calls, "[[", "formula"), deparse)), sep = ": "))
    } else {
        ## single model
        stop("single argument anova for 'olmm' objects not yet implemented")

coef.olmm <- function(object, which = c("all", "fe"), ...) {

    which <- match.arg(which)
    if (which == "fe") return(fixef(object))
    dims <- object$dims
    if (object$family$family == "adjacent") {
        T <- diag(dims["nPar"])
        subsRows <- seq(1, dims["pCe"] * (dims["nEta"] - 1L), 1L)
        subsCols <- seq(dims["pCe"] + 1L,
                        dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"], 1L)
        if (length(subsRows) == 1L) {
            T[subsRows, subsCols] <- c(-1.0)
        } else {
            diag(T[subsRows, subsCols]) <- c(-1.0)
        rval <- c(T %*% object$coefficients)
        names(rval) <- names(object$coefficients)
    } else {
        rval <- object$coefficients
    if (dims["hasRanef"] == 0L)
        rval <- rval[!grepl("ranefCholFac", names(rval))]

coefficients.olmm <- coef.olmm

deviance.olmm <- function(object, ...)
    return(-as.numeric(2.0 * logLik(object)))

predecor_control <- function(impute = TRUE, seed = NULL,
                             symmetric = TRUE, center = FALSE,
                             reltol = 1e-6, maxit = 250L, minsize = 1L, 
                             include = c("observed", "all"),
                             verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(is.logical(impute) && length(impute) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.null(seed) | is.numeric(seed) && length(seed) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(symmetric) && length(symmetric) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(center) && length(center) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(reltol) && reltol > 0 && length(reltol) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(maxit) && maxit > 0 && length(maxit) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(minsize) && minsize > 0 && length(minsize) == 1L)
    include <- match.arg(include)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(silent) && length(silent) == 1L)
    return(structure(list(impute = impute, seed = seed, 
                          symmetric = symmetric, center = center,
                          reltol = reltol, maxit = maxit,
                          minsize = minsize, include = include,
                          verbose = verbose, silent = silent),
                     class = "predecor_control"))

olmm_estfun <- function(x, predecor = FALSE, control = predecor_control(),
                        nuisance = NULL, ...) {
    ## append '...' arguments to control
    cArgs <- list(...)
    cArgs <- cArgs[intersect(names(cArgs), names(formals(olmm_control)))]
    cArgsNames <- names(cArgs)
    cArgs <- do.call("predecor_control", cArgs)
    control[cArgsNames] <- cArgs[cArgsNames]
    if (control$verbose) cat("* extract original scores ... ")
    ## check 'x'
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "olmm"))
    Ni <- table(x$subject)
    Nmax <- as.integer(max(Ni))
    xOld <- x # store the original model for restoring at the end
    ## check 'predecor'
    if (x$dims["hasRanef"] == 0L) predecor <- FALSE
    predecor <- predecor[1L]
    ## check 'control'
    ## check 'nuisance'
    if (is.character(nuisance))
      nuisance <- which(colnames(x$score_obs) %in% nuisance)
    stopifnot(all(nuisance %in% seq_along(colnames(x$score_obs))))
    parm <- seq_along(x$coefficients) # internal variable
    if (!is.null(nuisance) & is.character(nuisance))
      nuisance <- which(names(coef(x)) %in% nuisance)
    nuisance <- sort(union(nuisance, which(x$restricted)))
    parm <- setdiff(parm, nuisance)
    attr <- list() # default attributes
    scores <- x$score_obs
    if (control$verbose) cat("OK")
    ## impute data
    subsImp <- rep.int(FALSE, nrow(scores))  
    if (predecor && any(Ni != Nmax)) {
      Nimpute <- Nmax - Ni
      subsImp <- c(rep.int(FALSE, x$dims["n"]), rep.int(TRUE, sum(Nimpute)))
      sbjImp <- factor(rep.int(names(Ni), Nimpute), names(Ni))
      ranef <- ranef(x)
      ranefImp <- ranef[rownames(ranef) %in% unique(sbjImp),,drop = FALSE]
      ## get predictors from empirical distribution
      yName <- deparse(lhs(formula(x)))
      yLevs <- levels(x$y)
      newFrame <- x$frame[rep.int(1L, sum(Nimpute)),,drop=FALSE]
      newFrame[, x$subjectName] <- rep.int(names(Nimpute), Nimpute)
      newX <- x$X[rep.int(1L, sum(Nimpute)),,drop=FALSE]
      newW <- x$W[rep.int(1L, sum(Nimpute)),,drop=FALSE]
      ## add imputations to model
      x$frame <- rbind(x$frame, newFrame)
      x$y <- ordered(c(as.character(x$y),
                     as.character(newFrame[, yName])), yLevs)
      x$X <- rbind(x$X, newX)
      x$W <- rbind(x$W, newW)
      x$subject <-
        factor(c(as.character(x$subject), newFrame[, x$subjectName]),
             levels = names(Ni))
      x$weights <- x$weights_sbj[as.integer(x$subject)]
      x$offset <- rbind(x$offset, matrix(0.0, sum(Nimpute), x$dims["nEta"]))
      x$dims["n"] <- nrow(x$frame)
      x$eta <- rbind(x$eta, matrix(0.0, sum(Nimpute), x$dims["nEta"]))
      x$score_obs <- rbind(
          x$score_obs, matrix(0.0, sum(Nimpute), x$dims["nPar"]))    

        ## simulate responses      
        if (control$verbose) cat("\n* impute scores ... ")
        ## set seed
        if (!is.null(control$seed)) set.seed(control$seed)
        if (control$impute) {
            ## impute predictors
            times <- Nimpute[x$subject[!subsImp]]
            rows <- unlist(tapply(1:sum(Ni), x$subject[!subsImp], function(x) sample(x, times[x[1L]], replace = TRUE)))
            x$frame[subsImp,] <- x$frame[rows,,drop=FALSE]
            x$X[subsImp, ] <- x$X[rows,,drop=FALSE]
            x$W[subsImp, ] <- x$W[rows,,drop=FALSE]
            ## draw responses
            subsW <- c(rep(which(attr(xOld$W, "merge") == 1L),
                       which(attr(xOld$W, "merge") == 2L))
            tmatW <- rbind(kronecker(diag(x$dims["nEta"]),
                           matrix(1, x$dims["qGe"], x$dims["nEta"]))
            etaFixef <- x$X[subsImp, ] %*% x$fixef     
            etaRanef <- (x$W[subsImp, subsW,drop = FALSE] *
                         ranef[as.integer(x$subject[subsImp])]) %*% tmatW
            eta <- etaFixef + etaRanef
            probs <- x$family$linkinv(eta)
            x$y[subsImp] <- # simulate responses
                ordered(apply(probs, 1L, function(x) sample(yLevs, 1L, prob = x)), yLevs)
            ## recompute scores
            new <-
                .Call("olmm_update_marg", x,
                      x$coefficients, PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
            x <- modifyList(x, new)
        scores <- x$score_obs
        if (control$center && max(abs(cSums <- colSums(scores))) > 1e-6)
            scores <- scores -
                matrix(cSums / nrow(scores),
                       nrow(scores), ncol(scores), byrow = TRUE)
    ## drop the nuisance coefficients
    scores <- scores[, parm, drop = FALSE]
    if (predecor) {    
        ## compute transformation matrix
        if (control$verbose) cat("\n* compute transformation matrix ...")
        subsT <- if (control$include == "observed")
                     !subsImp else rep(TRUE, nrow(scores))
        T <- olmm_decormat(scores = scores[subsT,,drop = FALSE],
                           subject = x$subject[subsT],
                           control = control)
        ## if transformation failed, return raw scores
        if (attr(T, "conv") > 0L) {
            if (control$verbose) cat("\n* transforming scores ... ")
            ## transformation matrix for one subject
            Ti <- kronecker(matrix(1, Nmax, Nmax) - diag(Nmax), T)
            diag(Ti) <- 1
            subsOrd <- order(x$subject)      
            sTmp <- matrix(c(t(scores[subsOrd,,drop=FALSE])),
                           Nmax * ncol(scores),length(Ni))
            sTmp <- matrix(c(Ti %*% sTmp),
                           nrow(scores), ncol(scores), byrow = TRUE)
            sTmp <- sTmp[order(subsOrd),,drop = FALSE]
            scores[] <- sTmp
            if (control$verbose) cat("OK")
        scores <- subset(scores, !subsImp)
        attr(scores, "T") <- T
    ## ^hack: recompute old model
    x <- xOld
    new <- .Call("olmm_update_marg", x, x$coefficients, PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
    x <- modifyList(x, new)
    if (control$verbose) cat("\n* return negative scores\n")
    ## return scores

## thanks lme4
extractAIC.olmm <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...) {
    L <- logLik(fit)
    edf <- attr(L,"df")
    c(edf,-2*L + k*edf)

fitted.olmm <- function(object, ...) vcrpart_fitted(object, ...)

fixef.olmm <- function(object, which = c("all", "ce", "ge"), ...) {

  which <- match.arg(which)
  dims <- object$dims
  coef <- coef(object)
  rval <- c()

  ## category-specific coefficients
  if (which %in% c("all", "ce") && dims["pCe"] > 0) {
    subs <- seq(from  = 1, to = dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"], by = 1)
    rval <- c(rval, coef[subs])

  ## global coefficients
  if (which %in% c("all", "ge") && dims["pGe"] > 0) { 
    subs <- seq(from = dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"] + 1,
                to = dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"] + dims["pGe"],
                by = 1)
    rval <- c(rval, coef[subs])

formula.olmm <- function(x, ...) as.formula(x$formula, env = parent.frame())

olmm_gefp <- function(object, scores = NULL, order.by = NULL, subset = NULL,
                      predecor = TRUE, parm = NULL, center = TRUE,
                      drop = TRUE, silent = FALSE, ...) {
  ## extract scores (if scores is not a matrix)
  if (is.null(scores)) {
    estfunCall <- list(name = as.name("olmm_estfun"),
                       x = quote(object),
                       predecor = quote(predecor))
    dotargs <- list(...)
    dotargs <- dotargs[intersect(names(formals(olmm_estfun)), names(dotargs))]
    estfunCall[names(dotargs)] <- dotargs
    mode(estfunCall) <- "call"
    scores <- try(eval(estfunCall))
  } else if (is.function(scores)) {    
    scores <- scores(object)
  } else if (is.matrix(scores)) {
    if (!silent && !is.null(attr(scores, "predecor")) &&
        as.integer(predecor) != attr(scores, "predecor"))
      warning("'scores' is not pre-decorrelated")
  if (!is.matrix(scores)) stop("extracting the score function failed.")

  ## set 'order.by'
  if (is.null(order.by)) order.by <- 1:nobs(object)
  if (is.factor(order.by)) order.by <- droplevels(order.by)
  ## set subset
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (is.character(subset)) subset <- rownames(scores) %in% subset
    if (is.numeric(subset)) subset <- (1:nobs(object)) %in% subset
  } else {
    subset <- rep.int(TRUE, nobs(object))
  subsScores <- rownames(model.frame(object)) %in% rownames(scores)

  ## create process
  process <- scores[subset[subsScores],,drop=FALSE]
  cn <- colnames(process) 
  order.by <- order.by[subset & subsScores]
  ## get dimensions
  n <- nrow(scores)
  k <- ncol(scores)
  ## if necessary, subtract the column means
  if (center & max(abs(cMeans <- colMeans(process))) > 1e-6)
    process <- process - matrix(cMeans, nrow(process), ncol(process), byrow = TRUE)
  ## scale scores by the number of observations
  process <- process / sqrt(n)

  ## multiply scores with the inverse of the square root of their crossproduct
  subs <- rep.int(TRUE, k)
  J12 <- crossprod(process)
  J12Inv <- matrix(0, k, k)
  if (drop)
    subs <- subs & apply(process, 2, function(x) max(abs(x)) > .Machine$double.eps)
  mat <- try(chol2inv(chol(root.matrix(J12[subs, subs, drop = FALSE]))), TRUE)
  if (inherits(mat, "try-error") && drop) {
    subs <- subs & (diag(J12) / max(diag(J12)) > 1e-6)
    mat <- try(chol2inv(chol(root.matrix(J12[subs, subs, drop = FALSE]))), TRUE)
  if (inherits(mat, "try-error") && drop && length(parm) > 0L) {
    subs <- subs & colnames(process) %in% parm
    mat <- try(chol2inv(chol(root.matrix(J12[subs, subs, drop = FALSE]))), TRUE)
  if (inherits(mat, "try-error")) return(mat)
  if (!silent && !all(subs))
    warning("covariance matrix is not positive semidefinite. Omit terms: ",
            paste(cn[!subs], collapse = ", "))

  J12Inv[subs, subs] <- mat  
  process <- t(J12Inv %*% t(process))

  ## order and cumulate the process
  index <- order(order.by)
  process <- apply(process[index, , drop = FALSE], 2, cumsum)
  process <- rbind(0, process)
  colnames(process) <- cn

  ## transform process to a multivariate time series
  time <- order.by[index]
  if (is.factor(time)) time <- as.numeric(droplevels(time))
  time <- suppressWarnings(c(time[1] - as.numeric(diff(time[1:2])), time))

  ## extract terms
  if (!is.null(parm)) process <- process[, parm, drop = FALSE]

  ## return a list of class "gefp"
  rval <- list(process = suppressWarnings(zoo(process, time)),
               nreg = k,
               nobs = n,
               call = match.call(),
               fit = NULL,
               scores = NULL, 
               fitted.model = getCall(object),
               par = NULL,
               lim.process = "Brownian bridge",
               type.name = "M-fluctuation test",
               order.name = deparse(substitute(order.by)),
               subset = rownames(model.frame(object))[subset & subsScores],
               J12 = NULL)
  class(rval) <- "gefp"

getCall.olmm <- function(x, ...) return(x$call)

logLik.olmm <- function(object, ...) {
  dims <- object$dims
  rval <- object$logLik
  attr(rval, "nall") <- attr(rval, "nobs") <- dims[["n"]]
  nPar <- dims[["nPar"]] - (1 - dims[["hasRanef"]])
  attr(rval, "df") <- nPar
  class(rval) <- "logLik"

model.frame.olmm <- function(formula, ...) formula$frame

model.matrix.olmm <- function(object, which = c("fe", "fe-ce", "fe-ge",
                                        "re", "re-ce", "re-ge"), ...) {
  which <- match.arg(which)
  rval <- switch(substr(which, 1L, 2L),
                 fe = object$X,
                 re = object$W)
  if (!which %in% c("fe", "re")) {
    attr <- attributes(rval)
    subs <- attr(rval, "merge") == switch(substr(which, 4, 5), ce = 1, ge = 2)
    attr$assign <- attr$assign[subs]
    attr$merge <- attr$merge[subs]
    attr$orig.colnames <- attr$orig.colnames[subs]
    rval <- rval[, subs, drop = FALSE]
    attributes(rval) <- appendDefArgs(attributes(rval), attr)

neglogLik2.olmm <- function(object, ...)
    return(-2 * as.numeric(logLik(object, ...)))

nobs.olmm <- function(object, ...) object$dims[["n"]]

predict.olmm <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
                         type = c("link", "response", "prob",
                                  "class", "ranef"),
                         ranef = FALSE, na.action = na.pass, ...) {

    ## extract data
    type <- match.arg(type) # retrieve type
    ## resolve conflicts with the 'ranef' argument
    if (type == "ranef" & !is.null(newdata))
        stop("prediction for random effects for 'newdata' is not ",
    if (type == "ranef") return(ranef(object, ...))
    if (type == "prob") type <- "response"
    formList <-
        vcrpart_formula(formula(object), object$family) # extract formulas
    offset <- list(...)$offset
    subset <- list(...)$subset
    dims <- object$dims
    ## checks
    if (!is.null(newdata) && !inherits(newdata, "data.frame"))
        stop("'newdata' must be a 'data.frame'.")
    if (!(inherits(ranef, "logical") | inherits(ranef, "matrix")))
        stop("'ranef' must be a 'logical' or a 'matrix'.")
    if (dims["hasRanef"] < 1L) {
        ranef <- FALSE
        formList$re$eta$ge <- as.formula(~ 1)
        formList$re$eta$ce <- as.formula(~ -1)
    if (is.null(newdata)) {
        ## extract data from the model fit
        X <- model.matrix(object, "fe")
        W <- model.matrix(object, "re")
        subject <- object$subject
        offset <- object$offset
        ## check and extract random effects
        if (is.logical(ranef)) {
            if (ranef) ranef <- ranef(object)
        } else {
            if (any(dim(ranef) != c(dims["N"], dims["qEta"])))
                stop("'ranef' matrix has wrong dimensions")
    } else {
        ## data preparation
        mfForm <- formList$allTerms
        if (!object$subjectName %in% colnames(newdata))
            mfForm <- update(mfForm, paste(". ~ . -", object$subjectName))
        mf <- model.frame(object)
        Terms <- delete.response(terms(mfForm))
        xlevels <- .getXlevels(attr(mf, "terms"), mf)
        xlevels <- xlevels[names(xlevels) %in%  all.vars(Terms)]
        xlevels <- xlevels[names(xlevels) != object$subjectName]
        newdata <- as.data.frame(model.frame(Terms, newdata,
                                             na.action = na.action,
                                             xlev = xlevels))
        if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
            .checkMFClasses(cl, mf)   
        ## extract fixed effect model matrix from newdata
        X <- olmm_merge_mm(model.matrix(terms(formList$fe$eta$ce, keep.order = TRUE), newdata, attr(object$X, "contrasts")[intersect(all.vars(formList$fe$eta$ce), names(attr(object$X, "contrasts")))]), model.matrix(terms(formList$fe$eta$ge, keep.order = TRUE), newdata, attr(object$X, "contrasts")[intersect(all.vars(formList$fe$eta$ge), names(attr(object$X, "contrasts")))]), TRUE)
        rownames(X) <- rownames(newdata)

        ## delete columns of dropped terms
        X <- X[, colnames(object$X), drop = FALSE]
        if (is.null(offset))
            offset <- matrix(0.0, nrow(X), dims["nEta"])
        if (is.logical(ranef) && ranef) {
            if (object$subjectName %in% colnames(newdata)) {
                subjLevs <- unique(newdata[, object$subjectName])
                ranef <- matrix(0.0, length(subjLevs), ncol(object$u),
                                dimnames =
                                    list(subjLevs, colnames(object$u)))
                if (!all(subjLevs %in% levels(object$subject)))
                    message(paste("set random effects of new subjects",
                                        collapse = ", "), "to 0."))
                ranef[intersect(rownames(ranef), rownames(object$u)), ] <-
                                  drop = FALSE]
            } else {
                message("set random effects of new subjects to 0.")
                ranef <- matrix(0.0, nrow(X), ncol(object$u),
                                dimnames = list(
                                    paste("New", 1:nrow(X), sep = ""),
        if (is.matrix(ranef) && ncol(ranef) != ncol(object$u)) 
            stop("random effects matrix has wrong dimensions")
        ## random effects
        if (object$subjectName %in% colnames(newdata)) {
            subject <- factor(newdata[, object$subjectName])
      if (is.matrix(ranef)) {
          if (any(!levels(subject) %in% rownames(ranef))) {
              stop(paste("random effects missing for subjects",
                         paste(setdiff(levels(subject), rownames(ranef)),
                               collapse = ", ")))
          ## !!! has problems with ids = ""
          ranef <- ranef[rownames(ranef) %in% levels(subject),,drop = FALSE]
            subject <- factor(subject,
                              levels = unique(c(levels(object$subject),
        } else {
            subject <- factor(paste("New", 1:nrow(X), sep = ""))
        ## extract model formulas
        W <- olmm_merge_mm(model.matrix(terms(
            formList$re$eta$ce, keep.order = TRUE),
            newdata, attr(object$W, "contrasts")),
            model.matrix(terms(formList$re$eta$ge, keep.order = TRUE),
                         newdata, attr(object$W, "contrasts")),
        rownames(W) <- rownames(newdata)
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
        X <- X[subset, , drop = FALSE]
        W <- W[subset, , drop = FALSE]
        if (!is.null(subject)) subject <- subject[subset]
        offset <- offset[subset,,drop = FALSE]
        if (is.matrix(ranef))
            ranef <-
                ranef[rownames(ranef) %in% levels(subject), , drop = FALSE]
    yLevs <- levels(object$y)
    if (nrow(X) > 0) {
        ## compute linear predictor
        eta <- offset + X %*% object$fixef
        ## predict marginal ...
        if (is.logical(ranef) && !ranef &
            type %in% c("response", "class")) {
            if (any(subject %in% levels(object$subject))) {
                ## cluster-averaged expectation (works also if person is
                ## not present)
                probs <- matrix(0, nrow(X), ncol(eta) + 1L)
                colnames(probs) <- levels(object$y)
                rownames(probs) <- rownames(X)
                probs <-
                    .Call("olmm_pred_margNew", object, eta, W, subject,
                          nrow(X), probs, PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
            } else {
                ## population-averaged expectation 
                probs <- matrix(0, nrow(X), ncol(eta) + 1L)
                colnames(probs) <- levels(object$y)
                rownames(probs) <- rownames(X)
                probs <-
                    .Call("olmm_pred_marg", object, eta, W, nrow(X), probs,
                          PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
        } else {
            ## or conditional expected probabilities (or linear predictor)
            subsW <- c(rep(which(attr(W, "merge") == 1L), dims["nEta"]),
                       which(attr(W, "merge") == 2L))
            tmatW <- rbind(kronecker(diag(dims["nEta"]),
                           matrix(1, dims["qGe"], dims["nEta"]))
            ## extend linear predictor
            if (is.matrix(ranef))
                eta <- eta +
                    (W[, subsW,drop = FALSE] *
                     ranef[as.character(subject),,drop=FALSE]) %*% tmatW
            rownames(eta) <- rownames(X)
            colnames(eta) <- colnames(object$eta)
            if (type == "link") return(eta)
            probs <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
            colnames(probs) <- yLevs
            rownames(probs) <- rownames(X)
        if (type == "response") {
            ## return probabilites
            rval <- probs
        } else if (type == "class") {
            ## return most probable category
            rval <- apply(probs, 1, which.max)
            rval <- ordered(yLevs[rval], levels = yLevs)
            names(rval) <- rownames(X)
    } else { # useful for predict.tvcm
        if (type == "response") {
            rval <- matrix(, 0, dims["J"], dimnames = list(NULL, yLevs))
        } else if (type == "class") {
            rval <- NULL

print.olmm <- function(x, etalab = c("int", "char", "eta"), ...) {

    etalab <- match.arg(etalab)
    so <- summary.olmm(x, silent = TRUE)
    if (length(so$methTitle) > 0) cat(so$methTitle, "\n\n")
    if (length(so$family) > 0)
        cat(" Family:", so$family$family, so$family$link, "\n")
    if (length(so$formula) > 0) cat("Formula:", so$formula, "\n")
    if (length(so$data) > 0) cat("   Data:", so$data, "\n")
    if (length(so$subset) > 0) cat(" Subset:", so$subset ,"\n")
    if (length(so$na.action) > 0L) { cat("\n"); cat(so$na.action, "\n"); }
  if (length(so$AICtab) > 0) {
      cat("\nGoodness of fit:\n")
      print(so$AICtab, ...)
    if (length(so$REmat) > 0) {
        cat("\nRandom effects:\n")
            so$REmat, so$yLevs, so$family, etalab), ...)
        cat(sprintf("Number of obs: %d, subjects: %d\n",
                    so$dims["n"], so$dims["N"]))

    if (length(so$feMatGe) > 0 && nrow(so$feMatGe) > 0) {
    cat("\nGlobal fixed effects:\n")
    text <- so$feMatGe[, 1]; names(text) <- rownames(so$feMatGe);
    print(text, ...)
    if (length(so$feMatCe) > 0 && nrow(so$feMatCe) > 0) {
        cat("\nCategory-specific fixed effects:\n")
        text <- so$feMatCe[, 1]; names(text) <- rownames(so$feMatCe);
        print(olmm_rename(text, so$yLevs, so$family, etalab), ...)

ranef.olmm <- function(object, norm = FALSE, ...) {
    if (!norm) {
        rval <- object$u %*% t(object$ranefCholFac)
    } else {
        rval <- object$u

ranefCov.olmm <- function(object, ...) {

    dims <- object$dims
    ## transformation for the adjacent-categories model
    if (object$family$family == "adjacent" & dims["qCe"] > 0) {
        ranefCholFac <- rval <- object$ranefCholFac
        ## row-wise subtraction of category-specific effects
        for (i in 1L:dims["qCe"]) {
            subs <- seq(i, dims["qCe"] * dims["nEta"], dims["qCe"])
            for (j in 1L:(dims["nEta"] - 1L)) {
                rval[subs[j], ] <- ranefCholFac[subs[j], ] -
                    ranefCholFac[subs[j + 1L], ]
        for (i in 1L:(dims["nEta"] - 1L)) {
            rval[dims["qCe"]*(i-1)+1:dims["qCe"], ] <-
                ranefCholFac[dims["qCe"]*(i-1L)+1:dims["qCe"], ] -
                ranefCholFac[dims["qCe"]*i+1L:dims["qCe"], ]
        return(rval %*% t(rval))
    } else {
        ## cumulative-link model or baseline-category model
        return(object$ranefCholFac %*% t(object$ranefCholFac))

resid.olmm <- function(object, norm = FALSE, ...) {
    call <- list(name = as.name("predict"),
                 object = quote(object), type = "response")
    call <- appendDefArgs(call, list(...))
    mode(call) <- "call"
    fitted <- eval(call)
    y <- as.integer(model.response(model.frame(object)))
    J <- object$dims["J"]
    n <- length(y)
    rval <- sapply(1:n, function(i) {
        sum(fitted[i, 1L:J > y[i]]) - sum(fitted[i, 1L:J < y[i]])
    if (norm) {
        var <- (1.0 - apply(fitted^3, 1, sum)) / 3.0
        rval <- rval / sqrt(var)

residuals.olmm <- resid.olmm

simulate.olmm <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL,
                          newdata = NULL, ranef = TRUE, ...) {

    dotArgs <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) runif(1) 
    RNGstate <- .Random.seed
    dotArgs$type <- "response"
    if (is.logical(ranef) && ranef) {
        if (object$subjectName %in% colnames(newdata)) {
            subject <- droplevels(newdata[, object$subjectName])
            ranef <- ranef(object)
            if (any(!levels(subject) %in% rownames(ranef))) {
                ranef <- matrix(rnorm(nlevels(subject) * ncol(ranef)),
                                nrow = nlevels(subject), ncol = ncol(ranef),
                                dimnames =
                                    list(levels(subject), colnames(ranef)))
                ranef <- ranef %*% t(object$ranefCholFac)       
            } else {
                ranef <- ranef[rownames(ranef) %in%
                               levels(subject),,drop = FALSE]
        } else {
            stop(paste("'newdata' must contain a column '",
                       object$subjectName, "'", sep = ""))
    pred <- predict(object, newdata = newdata,
                    type = "prob", ranef = ranef, ...)
    FUN <- function(x) sample(levels(object$y), 1, prob = x)
    rval <- as.data.frame(replicate(nsim, apply(pred, 1L, FUN)))
    for (i in 1:nsim)
        rval[,i] <-
            factor(rval[, i], levels = levels(object$y), ordered = TRUE)
    if (nsim == 1) {
        colnames(rval) <-
    } else {
        colnames(rval) <-
            paste(colnames(model.frame(object))[1], 1:nsim, sep = ".")
    attr(rval, "seed") <- RNGstate

summary.olmm <- function(object, etalab = c("int", "char", "eta"),
                         silent = FALSE, ...) {

    etalab <- match.arg(etalab)
    dims <- object$dims
    ## goodness of fit measures
    lLik <- logLik(object)
    AICtab <- data.frame(AIC = AIC(lLik),
                         BIC = BIC(lLik),
                         logLik = as.vector(lLik),
                         row.names = "")
    ## fixed-effect coefficients
    fixef <- fixef(object)
    ## fixed-effect coefficient-covariance matrix
    vcov <- try(vcov(object), silent = TRUE)
    validVcov <- !inherits(vcov, "try-error") && min(diag(vcov)) > 0
    if (!silent && !validVcov)
        warning("computation of variance-covariance matrix failed")
    ## global fixed effects
    if (dims["pGe"] > 0) {
        subs <- seq(dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"] + 1L,
                    dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"] + dims["pGe"], 1L)
        feMatGe <- 
            cbind("Estimate" = fixef[subs],
                  "Std. Error" = rep.int(NaN, length(subs)),
                  "z value" = rep.int(NaN, length(subs)))
        if (validVcov) {
            feMatGe[, 2L] <- sqrt(diag(vcov)[subs])
            feMatGe[, 3L] <- feMatGe[, 1L] / feMatGe[, 2L]
    } else { # empty matrix
        feMatGe <- matrix(, 0L, 3L, dimnames = list(c(), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value")))
    ## category-specific fixed effects
    if (dims["pCe"] > 0L) {
        subs <- seq(1L, dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"], 1L)
        feMatCe <-
            cbind("Estimate" = fixef[subs],
                  "Std. Error" = rep.int(NaN, length(subs)),
                  "z value" = rep.int(NaN, length(subs)))
        if (validVcov) {
            feMatCe[, 2L] <- sqrt(diag(vcov)[subs])
            feMatCe[, 3L] <- feMatCe[, 1L] / feMatCe[, 2L]
    } else { # empty matrix
        feMatCe <- matrix(, 0L, 3L, dimnames = list(c(), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value")))
    ## random effects
    if (dims["hasRanef"] > 0L) {
        VarCorr <- VarCorr(object)
    } else {
        VarCorr <-
            matrix(, 0L, 3L,
                   dimnames = list(c(), c("Variance", "StdDev", "")))
    ## title
    methTitle <- "Linear"
    if (dims["hasRanef"] > 0L) methTitle <- paste(methTitle, "Mixed")
    methTitle <- paste(methTitle, "Model")
    if (dims["hasRanef"] > 0L)
        methTitle <- paste(methTitle, " fit by Marginal Maximum\n",
                           "Likelihood with Gauss-Hermite Quadrature",
                           sep = "")
    na.action <- naprint(attr(model.frame(object), "na.action"))
    na.action <- if (na.action == "") character() else paste("(", na.action, ")", sep = "")
    call <- getCall(object)
    yLevs <- if (is.factor(object$y)) levels(object$y) else 1L
    ## return a 'summary.olmm' object
        list(methTitle = methTitle,
             family = object$family,
             formula = paste(deparse(formula(object)), collapse = "\n"),
             data = deparseCall(call$data),
             subset = deparseCall(call$subset),
             AICtab = AICtab,
             feMatCe = feMatCe,
             feMatGe = feMatGe,
             REmat = VarCorr,
             na.action = na.action,
             dims = dims,
             yLevs = levels(object$y),
             etalab = etalab,
             dotargs = list(...)), class = "summary.olmm"))

print.summary.olmm <- function(x, ...) {

    args <- appendDefArgs(list(...), x$dotargs)  
    if (length(x$methTitle) > 0L) cat(x$methTitle, "\n\n")
    if (length(x$family) > 0L) cat(" Family:",
                                   x$family$family, x$family$link, "\n")
    if (length(x$formula) > 0L) cat("Formula:", x$formula, "\n")
    if (length(x$data) > 0L) cat("   Data:", x$data, "\n")
    if (length(x$subset) > 0L) cat(" Subset:", x$subset ,"\n")
    if (length(x$AICtab) > 0L) {
        cat("\nGoodness of fit:\n")
    args$x <- x$AICtab
        do.call("print", args)
    if (length(x$REmat) > 0L) {
        cat("\nRandom effects:\n")
        args$x <- olmm_rename(x$REmat, x$yLevs, x$family, x$etalab)
        do.call("print", args)
        cat(sprintf("Number of obs: %d, subjects: %d\n",
                    x$dims["n"], x$dims["N"]))
    if (length(x$na.action) > 0L) cat(x$na.action, "\n")
    if (length(x$feMatGe) > 0 && nrow(x$feMatGe) > 0L) {   
        cat("\nGlobal fixed effects:\n")
        args$x <- x$feMatGe
        do.call("printCoefmat", args)
  if (length(x$feMatCe) > 0 && nrow(x$feMatCe) > 0L) {
      cat("\nCategory-specific fixed effects:\n")
      args$x <- olmm_rename(x$feMatCe, x$yLevs, x$family, x$etalab)
      do.call("printCoefmat", args)

terms.olmm <- function(x, which = c("fe-ce", "fe-ge",
                            "re-ce", "re-ge"), ...) {
    which <- match.arg(which)
    which <- switch(which,
                    "fe-ge" = "feGe",
                    "fe-ce" = "feCe",
                    "re-ge" = "reGe",
                    "re-ce" = "reCe")

update.olmm <- function(object, formula., evaluate = TRUE, ...) {

    call <- getCall(object)
    if (is.null(call))
        stop("need an object with call slot")
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (!missing(formula.))
        call$formula <- update.formula(formula(object), formula.)
    if (length(extras) > 0) {
        existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if (any(!existing)) {
            call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
            call <- as.call(call)
    if (evaluate)
        eval(call, parent.frame())
    else call

VarCorr.olmm <- function(x, sigma = 1., ...) {
    ## create formatted output according to VarCorr
    RECovMat <- ranefCov(x)
    REmat <- cbind(Variance = diag(RECovMat),
                   StdDev = sqrt(diag(RECovMat)))
    rval <- cbind(REmat, cov2cor(RECovMat))
    attr(rval, "title") <- paste("Subject:", x$subjectName)
    class(rval) <- "VarCorr.olmm"

print.VarCorr.olmm <- function(x, ...) { # S3 method

    rval <- format(x, ...)
    if (nrow(rval) > 1L) {
        ## prettify Corr matrix
        Corr <- rval[, 3L:ncol(rval)]
        Corr[upper.tri(Corr)] <- ""
        diag(Corr) <- colnames(Corr)
        Corr <- Corr[, -nrow(Corr), drop = FALSE]
        dimnames(Corr) <- NULL
        colnames(Corr) <- c("Corr", rep.int("", nrow(Corr) - 2L))
        rval <- cbind(rval[, 1L:2L, drop = FALSE], Corr)
    } else {
        ## random intercept models need no correlation terms
        rval <- rval[, 1L:2L, drop = FALSE]
    ## print the output
    if (!is.null(attr(x, "title"))) {
        cat(attr( x, "title" ), "\n")
        attr(x, "title") <- NULL
    print(rval, quote = FALSE)

vcov.olmm <- function(object, ...) {

    dims <- object$dims
    info <- object$info
    if (dims["hasRanef"] == 0L)
        info <- info[1L:dims["p"], 1:dims["p"]]
    ## extract inverse of negative info-matrix
    rval <- chol2inv(chol(-info)) 
    dimnames(rval) <- dimnames(info)
    ## parameter transformation for adjacent-category models
    if (object$family$family == "adjacent") {
        ## matrix T with partial derivates of transformation 
        T <- diag(nrow(rval))
        subsRows <- seq(1, dims["pCe"] * (dims["nEta"] - 1L), 1L)
        subsCols <- seq(dims["pCe"] + 1L,
                        dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"], 1L)
        if (length(subsRows) == 1L) {
            T[subsRows, subsCols] <- c(-1.0)
        } else {
            diag(T[subsRows, subsCols]) <- c(-1.0)
        subsRows <- seq(dims["pCe"] + 1L,
                        dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"], 1L)
        subsCols <- seq(1,dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"], 1L)
        if (length(subsRows) == 1L) {
            T[subsRows, subsCols] <- c(-1.0)
        } else {
            diag(T[subsRows, subsCols]) <- c(-1.0)
        ## transform covariance-matrix
        rval <- T %*% rval %*% t(T)
    dimnames(rval) <- dimnames(info)

weights.olmm <- function(object, level = c("observation", "subject"), ...) {
                  observation = object$weights,
                  subject = object$weights_sbj))

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