
Defines functions plot_profile

Documented in plot_profile

#' Logarithm of \emph{P}-value (LOP) profile plots. Modified version of QTLpoly function.
#' Plots profiled logarithm of score-based \emph{P}-values (LOP) from individual or combined traits.
#' @param profile data.frame with: pheno - phenotype ID; LOP - significance value for the QTL. 
#' It can be LOP, LOD or DIC depending of the software used
#' @param qtl_info data.frame with: LG - linkage group ID; Pos - position in linkage map (cM); 
#' Pheno - phenotype ID; Pos_lower - lower position of confidence interval; 
#' Pos_upper - upper position of the confidence interval; Pval - QTL p-value; h2 - herdability
#' @param selected_mks data.frame with: LG - linkage group ID; mk - marker ID; pos - position in linkage map (cM)
#' @param pheno.col integer identifying phenotype  
#' @param lgs.id integer identifying linkage group
#' @param by_range logical TRUE/FALSE. If TRUE range.min and range.max will set a colored window in the plot and the other positions will be gray.
#' If FALSE, range.min and range.max is ignored
#' @param range.min position in centimorgan defining the start of the colored window
#' @param range.max position in centimorgan defining the end of the colored window
#' @param plot logical TRUE/FALSE. If FALSE the function return a data.frame with information for \code{only_plot_profile} function. 
#' If TRUE, it returns a ggplot graphic.
#' @param software character defining which software was used for QTL analysis. Currently support for: QTLpoly, diaQTL and polyqtlR.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom plotly TeX
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @return ggplot graphic (if plot == TRUE) or data.frame (if plot == FALSE) with information 
#' from QTL significance profile
#' @keywords internal
plot_profile <- function(profile, qtl_info, selected_mks, pheno.col = NULL, 
                         lgs.id = NULL, by_range = TRUE, range.min = NULL, 
                         range.max = NULL, plot=TRUE, software = NULL) {
  pheno <- LG <- `Position (cM)` <- Trait <- INT <- . <- NULL
  lgs.size <- selected_mks %>% group_by(.data$LG) %>% group_map(~ tail(.x, 1)) %>% do.call(rbind, .) 
  lgs.size <- lgs.size$pos
  lines <- points <- thre <- map <- data.frame()
  y.dat <- trait.names <- c()
  count <- 0
  nphe <- length(pheno.col)
  LGS <- selected_mks$LG
  POS <- selected_mks$pos
  for(p in 1:nphe) { #lines
    TRT <- rep(unique(profile$pheno)[pheno.col[p]], length(LGS))
    SIG <- profile[which(profile$pheno == TRT),2]
    lines <- rbind(lines, data.frame(TRT=as.factor(TRT), LGS=LGS, POS=POS, SIG=SIG))
  count <- 0
  y.dat <- c()
  for(p in 1:nphe) { #points
    trait.names <- unique(profile$pheno)[pheno.col[p]]
    if(!is.null(qtl_info)) {
      qtl_info.sub <- qtl_info %>% filter(pheno == trait.names) %>% filter(LG %in% lgs.id)
      if(dim(qtl_info.sub)[1] > 0){
        nqtls <-  qtl_info.sub %>% summarize(n()) 
        TRT <- qtl_info.sub$pheno
        LGS <- qtl_info.sub$LG
        POS <- qtl_info.sub$Pos
        INF <- qtl_info.sub$Pos_lower
        SUP <- qtl_info.sub$Pos_upper
        PVAL <- qtl_info.sub[,6]
        H2 <- qtl_info.sub$h2
          points <- rbind(points, data.frame(TRT=TRT, LGS=LGS, POS=POS, INF=INF, SUP=SUP, PVAL = PVAL, H2 = round(H2,2)))
        } else 
          points <- rbind(points, data.frame(TRT=TRT, LGS=LGS, POS=POS, INF=INF, SUP=SUP, PVAL = PVAL))
        count <- count+1
        y.dat <- c(y.dat, rep((-0.5*count), nqtls))
  points <- cbind(points, y.dat)
  # The axis name change according with software
  y.lab <- colnames(profile)[2]
  if(y.lab == "LOP")  {
      y.lab <- "LOP"
    }  else {
      y.lab <- expression(-log[10](italic(P)))
  } else if(y.lab == "deltaDIC") {
    lines$SIG <- -lines$SIG
    y.lab <- "-\U0394 DIC"
  # Filter group
    lines <- lines[which(lines$LGS %in% lgs.id),]
    points <- points[which(points$LGS %in% lgs.id),]
  # Interval
  lines$INT <- NA
  for(i in 1:dim(points)[1]){
    idx <- which(lines$POS >= points$INF[i] & 
                   lines$POS <= points$SUP[i] & 
                   lines$LGS == points$LGS[i] &
                   lines$TRT == points$TRT[i])
    lines$INT[idx] <- lines$POS[idx]
  # Filter position
  lines$range <- NA
    lines$range[which(lines$POS >= range.min & lines$POS <= range.max)] <- lines$SIG[which(lines$POS >= range.min & lines$POS <= range.max)]
    lines$SIG[which(lines$POS > range.min & lines$POS < range.max)] <- NA
  if(dim(points)[1] > 0){
    dot.height <- data.frame(trt = unique(points$TRT), heigth = unique(points$y.dat))
    y.dat.lines <- dot.height$heigth[match(lines$TRT, dot.height$trt)]
    lines$y.dat <- y.dat.lines
    colnames(points)[1:3] <- c("Trait", "LG", "Position (cM)")
  } else lines$y.dat <- NA
  colnames(lines) <- c("Trait", "LG", "Position (cM)", "SIG", "INT", "range","y.dat")
  if(max(lgs.size[lgs.id]) > 200) cutx <- 150 else cutx <- 100
  if(length(lgs.size[lgs.id]) > 10) {linesize <- 1} else {cutx <- 50; linesize <- 1.25}
  lines$y.dat <- lines$y.dat + min(lines$SIG, na.rm = T)
  points$y.dat <- points$y.dat + min(lines$SIG, na.rm = T)
  scale.max <- round(max(lines$SIG[which(is.finite(lines$SIG))], na.rm = T),0)
  scale.max <- scale.max*1.2
  scale.min <- round(min(lines$SIG[which(is.finite(lines$SIG))], na.rm = T),0)
  if(scale.max > 50) {
    lines$y.dat <- lines$y.dat*3
    points$y.dat <- points$y.dat*3
    scale.each <- 10
  } else scale.each = 2 
      pl <- ggplot(data = lines, aes(x = `Position (cM)`, color = Trait)) +
        facet_grid(.~LG, space = "free") +
        {if(!all(is.na(lines$INT))) geom_path(data=lines, aes(x = INT, y = y.dat), colour = "black", na.rm = TRUE)} +
        geom_line(data=lines, aes(y = range, color = Trait), linewidth=linesize, alpha=0.8, lineend = "round", na.rm = TRUE) +
        geom_line(data=lines, aes(y = SIG, group = Trait),  colour = "gray", linewidth=linesize, alpha=0.8, lineend = "round", na.rm = TRUE) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,max(lgs.size),cutx)) +
        {if(dim(points)[1] > 0) geom_point(data=points, aes(y = y.dat, color = Trait), shape = 2, size = 2, stroke = 1, alpha = 0.8)} +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(scale.min, scale.max,scale.each)) +
        guides(color = guide_legend("Trait")) + 
        labs(y = y.lab, x = "Position (cM)", subtitle="Linkage group") + 
        theme_classic() + theme(plot.margin = margin(0.8,1,1.5,1.2, "cm")) 
    } else {
      pl <- ggplot(data = lines, aes(x = `Position (cM)`, color = Trait, group=1)) +
        facet_grid(.~LG, space = "free") +
        {if(!all(is.na(lines$INT))) geom_path(data=lines, aes(x = INT, y =y.dat), colour = "black", na.rm = TRUE)} +
        geom_line(data=lines, aes(y = SIG, color = Trait), linewidth=linesize, alpha=0.8, lineend = "round", na.rm = TRUE) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,max(lgs.size),cutx)) +
        {if(dim(points)[1] > 0) geom_point(data=points, aes(y = y.dat, color = Trait), shape = 2, size = 2, stroke = 1, alpha = 0.8)} +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(scale.min, scale.max, scale.each)) +
        guides(color = guide_legend("Trait")) + 
        labs(y = y.lab, x = "Position (cM)", subtitle="Linkage group") +
  } else {
    pl <- list(lines = lines, points =points, linesize = linesize, 
               cutx = cutx, y.lab = y.lab)
    size <- table(pl$lines$Trait)[1]
    pl$lines$x <- rep(1:size, length(table(pl$lines$Trait)))
    pl$lines$x.int <- NA
    pl$lines$x.int[which(!is.na(pl$lines$INT))] <- pl$lines$x[which(!is.na(pl$lines$INT))]
    if(dim(points)[1] > 0){
      all <- paste0(pl$lines$Trait, "_", round(pl$lines$`Position (cM)`,2), "_", pl$lines$LG)
      point <- paste0(pl$points$Trait, "_", round(pl$points$`Position (cM)`,2), "_", pl$points$LG)
      pl$points$x <- pl$lines$x[match(point, all)]
    pl$lines$SIG[which(pl$lines$SIG == "Inf")] <- NA ## Bugfix!!!

#' Only the plot part of plot_profile function
#' @param pl.in output object from \code{plot_profile} when plot == TRUE
#' @return ggplot graphic with QTL significance profile
#' @keywords internal
only_plot_profile <- function(pl.in){
  x <- x.int <- y.dat <- SIG <- Trait <- qtl <- NULL
  vlines <- split(pl.in$lines$x, pl.in$lines$LG)
  vlines <- sapply(vlines, function(x) x[1])
  pl <- ggplot(data = pl.in$lines, aes(x = x)) +
    {if(!all(is.na( pl.in$lines$INT))) geom_path(data= pl.in$lines, aes(x = x.int, y =y.dat), colour = "black", na.rm = TRUE)} +
    geom_line(data=pl.in$lines, aes(y = SIG, color = Trait), linewidth=pl.in$linesize, alpha=0.8) +
    #guides(color = guide_legend("Trait")) + 
    {if(dim(pl.in$points)[1] > 0) geom_point(data=pl.in$points, aes(y = y.dat, color = Trait), shape = 2, size = 2, stroke = 1, alpha = 0.8)} +
    {if(length(vlines) > 1) geom_vline(xintercept=vlines, linetype="dashed", linewidth=.5, alpha=0.8, na.rm = TRUE)} +  #threshold
    labs(y = pl.in$y.lab, x = "Linkage group") +
    annotate(x=vlines,y=+Inf,label= paste0("LG", names(vlines)),vjust=1, hjust= -0.1,geom="label") +
    ylim(c(min(pl.in$lines$y.dat),max(pl.in$lines$SIG, na.rm = T) + 3)) +
    theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),

#' Get effects information
#' @param qtl_info data.frame with: LG - linkage group ID; Pos - position in linkage map (cM); 
#' Pheno - phenotype ID; Pos_lower - lower position of confidence interval; 
#' Pos_upper - upper position of the confidence interval; Pval - QTL p-value; h2 - herdability
#' @param effects data.frame with: pheno - phenotype ID; qtl.id - QTL ID; haplo - haplotype ID; effect - haplotype effect value
#' @param pheno.col integer identifying phenotype  
#' @param parents vector with parents ID
#' @param lgs vector of integers with linkage group ID of selected QTL/s
#' @param groups vector of integers with selected linkage group ID
#' @param position vector of centimorgan positions of selected QTL/s
#' @param software character defining which software was used for QTL analysis. Currently support for: QTLpoly, diaQTL and polyqtlR.
#' @param design character defining the graphic design. Options: `bar` - barplot of the effects; 
#' `circle` - circular plot of the effects (useful to compare effects of different traits); 
#' `digenic` - heatmap plotting sum of additive effects (bottom diagonal) and digenic effects (top diagonal) when present   
#' @return ggplot graphic
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom dplyr filter `%>%`
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
data_effects <- function(qtl_info, effects, pheno.col = NULL, 
                         parents = NULL,
                         lgs = NULL, groups = NULL, position = NULL, 
                         software, design = c("bar", "circle", "digenic")) {
  CI.lower <- CI.upper <- x <- y <- z <- Estimates <- LG <- unique.id <- NULL
  x.axis <- haplo <- effect <- qtl.id <- Alleles <- . <- NULL
  if(is.null(pheno.col)) {
    pheno.col.n <- 1:length(unique(qtl_info$pheno))
  } else {
    pheno.col.n <- which(unique(qtl_info$pheno) %in% pheno.col)
  if(software == "QTLpoly" | software == "diaQTL"){
    if(software == "QTLpoly"){
      ploidy <- max(nchar(effects$haplo))
      if(is.null(parents)) {# Multi-population still not implemented
        parents <- c("P1", "P2")
      if(ploidy == 4){
        p1_old <- c("a","b","c","d")
        p2_old <- c("e","f","g", "h")
      } else if(ploidy == 6){
        p1_old <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f")
        p2_old <- c("g", "h","i", "j","k","l")
      duo <- expand.grid(c(p1_old, p2_old), c(p1_old, p2_old))
      duo <- apply(duo, 1, function(x) paste0(sort(unique(x)),collapse = ""))
      duo <- unique(duo)
      p1 <- parents[1]
      p2 <- parents[2]
      p1_new <- paste0(p1,".",1:ploidy)
      p2_new <- paste0(p2,".",1:ploidy)
      duo_new <- expand.grid(c(p1_new, p2_new), c(p1_new, p2_new))
      duo_new <- apply(duo_new, 1, function(x) paste0(sort(unique(x)),collapse = "x"))
      duo_new <- unique(duo_new)
      names(duo_new) <- duo
    } else if(software == "diaQTL") {
      get.size <-  filter(effects, .data$pheno == unique(qtl_info$pheno)[1] & .data$qtl.id == 1 & !grepl("x",.data$haplo)) # issue if parents name has x: fixme!
      ploidy = as.numeric(table(substring(unique(get.size$haplo), 1, nchar(unique(get.size$haplo)) -2))[1])
      old.parents.names <- unique(substr(get.size$haplo,1,nchar(get.size$haplo)-2))
      n.parents <- length(old.parents.names)
      if(is.null(parents))  {
        parents <- paste0("P", 1:n.parents)
      } else {
        if(length(parents) != n.parents)
          stop(safeError(paste0("Your data set has", n.parents, " parental genotyopes. Please, provide a name for each one.")))
      # Update parents names in effects data
      for(z in 1:n.parents)
        effects$haplo <- gsub(old.parents.names[z], parents[z], effects$haplo)
    } else if(software == "polyqtlR"){
      ploidy <- (dim(effects)[2] - 3)/2
      if(is.null(parents)) {# Multi-population still not implemented
        p1 <- "P1"
        p2 <- "P2" 
      } else {
        p1 <- parents[1]
        p2 <- parents[2]
    qtl_info.sub <- qtl_info %>% filter(.data$pheno %in% unique(qtl_info$pheno)[pheno.col.n]) %>%
      filter(.data$Pos %in% position) %>% filter(.data$LG %in% lgs)
    total <- split(qtl_info, qtl_info$pheno)
    total <- lapply(total, function(x) paste0(x[,1], "_", x[,2], "_", x[,5]))
    total <- total[match(unique(qtl_info$pheno), names(total))]
    sub <- split(qtl_info.sub, qtl_info.sub$pheno)
    sub <- lapply(sub, function(x) paste0(x[,1], "_", x[,2], "_", x[,5]))
    sub <- sub[order(match(names(sub), pheno.col))]
    group.idx <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(pheno.col.n)){
      idx <- match(names(sub)[i], names(total))
      group.idx[[idx]] <- match(sub[[i]], total[[idx]])
    plots2 <- all.additive <- list()
    count <-  count.p <- 1
    for(p in pheno.col.n) {
      effects.sub <- effects %>% filter(.data$pheno == unique(qtl_info$pheno)[p]) %>% 
        filter(.data$qtl.id %in% group.idx[[p]]) 
      nqtl <- length(unique(effects.sub$qtl.id))
      if(nqtl > 0) {
        plots1 <- list()
        count.q <- 1
        for(q in group.idx[[p]]) {
          data <- filter(effects.sub, qtl.id == q)
          if(ploidy == 4) {
            if(software == "diaQTL"){
              if(any(data$type == "Digenic")){
                data <- data.frame(Estimates=as.numeric(data$effect), CI.lower = data$CI.lower, CI.upper = data$CI.upper, Alleles=data$haplo, Parent=c(rep(parents, each = ploidy),rep(NA,dim(data)[1]-n.parents*ploidy)), Effects=c(rep("Additive",n.parents*ploidy),rep("Digenic",dim(data)[1]-n.parents*ploidy)))
              } else  {
                data <- data.frame(Estimates=as.numeric(data$effect), CI.lower = data$CI.lower, CI.upper = data$CI.upper, Alleles=data$haplo, Parent=rep(parents, each = ploidy), Effects="Additive")
            } else {
              data <- data[1:36,]
              data <- data.frame(Estimates=as.numeric(data$effect), Alleles=data$haplo, Parent=c(rep(p1,4),rep(p2,4),rep(p1,14),rep(p2,14)), Effects=c(rep("Additive",8),rep("Digenic",28)))
              data$Alleles <- duo_new[match(data$Alleles, names(duo_new))]
          } else if(ploidy == 6) {
            #data <- data[-c(18:23,28:33,37:42,45:50,52:63,83:88,92:97,100:105,107:133,137:142,145:150,152:178,181:186,188:214,216:278,299:1763),] # fix me
            data <- data[1:78,]
            data <- data.frame(Estimates=as.numeric(data$effect), Alleles=data$haplo, Parent=c(rep(p1,6),rep(p2,6),rep(p1,33),rep(p2,33)), Effects=c(rep("Additive",12),rep("Digenic",66)))
            data$Alleles <- duo_new[match(data$Alleles, names(duo_new))]
          data$Parent <- factor(data$Parent, levels=unique(data$Parent))
          if(design == "bar"){
            if(software == "QTLpoly"){
              lim <- max(abs(data[which(data$Effects == "Additive"),]$Estimates))
            } else 
              lim <- max(abs(c(data[which(data$Effects == "Additive"),]$CI.lower, data[which(data$Effects == "Additive"),]$CI.upper)))
            plot <- ggplot(data[which(data$Effects == "Additive"),], aes(x = Alleles, y = Estimates, fill = Estimates)) +
              geom_bar(stat="identity") + ylim(c(-lim, lim)) +
              {if(software == "diaQTL") geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=CI.lower, ymax=CI.upper), width=.2, position=position_dodge(.9))} +
              scale_fill_gradient2(low = "red", high = "blue", guide = "none") +
              labs(title=unique(qtl_info$pheno)[p], subtitle=paste("LG:", sapply(strsplit(sub[[count.p]][count.q], "_"), "[",1), 
                                                                   "Pos:", sapply(strsplit(sub[[count.p]][count.q], "_"), "[",2))) +
              facet_wrap(. ~ Parent, scales="free_x", ncol = 2, strip.position="bottom") +
              theme_minimal() +
              theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), 
                    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), 
                    axis.text.x.bottom = element_text(hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, angle = 90))
            plots1[[q]] <- plot
          } else if(design == "digenic"){
            if(!all(is.na(data[which(data$Effects == "Digenic"),]$Estimates))){
              temp <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(data$Alleles, "x"))
              data$x <- temp[,1]
              data$y <- temp[,2]
              digenic.effects <- data[which(data$Effects == "Digenic"),]
              additive.effects <- data[which(data$Effects == "Additive"),]
              if(software == "QTLpoly") {
                plot.data <- data.frame(x= c(digenic.effects$y),
                                        y= c(digenic.effects$x),
                                        z= c(additive.effects$Estimates[match(digenic.effects$x, additive.effects$Alleles)] + 
                                               additive.effects$Estimates[match(digenic.effects$y, additive.effects$Alleles)]))
              } else {
                plot.data <- data.frame(x= c(digenic.effects$x, digenic.effects$y),
                                        y= c(digenic.effects$y, digenic.effects$x),
                                        z= c(digenic.effects$Estimates, digenic.effects$Estimates+
                                               additive.effects$Estimates[match(digenic.effects$x, additive.effects$Alleles)] + 
                                               additive.effects$Estimates[match(digenic.effects$y, additive.effects$Alleles)]))
              plot = ggplot(data= plot.data,aes(x= x, y= y, fill= z)) + 
                geom_tile() + scale_fill_gradient2(name="") + 
                labs(title = paste("Trait:", unique(qtl_info$pheno)[p]),
                     subtitle = paste("LG:", sapply(strsplit(sub[[count.p]][count.q], "_"), "[",1), 
                                      "Pos:", sapply(strsplit(sub[[count.p]][count.q], "_"), "[",2))) +
                theme_bw() + xlab("") + ylab("") +
                theme(text = element_text(size=13),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,vjust=0.5,hjust=1)) +
              plots1[[q]] <- plot
            } else plots1[[q]] <- NULL
          } else if(design == "circle"){
            additive.effects <- data[which(data$Effects == "Additive"),]
            additive.effects$pheno <- unique(qtl_info$pheno)[p]
            additive.effects$qtl_id <- q
            additive.effects$LG <- qtl_info.sub$LG[count]
            additive.effects$Pos <- qtl_info.sub$Pos[count]
            additive.effects$Estimates <- additive.effects$Estimates/max(abs(additive.effects$Estimates)) # normalize to be between -1 and 1
            all.additive[[count]] <- additive.effects
            names(all.additive)[count] <- unique(additive.effects$LG)
            count <- count + 1
            plots1 <- NULL
          count.q <- count.q + 1
        plots2[[p]] <- plots1
      count.p <- count.p + 1
    if(design != "circle"){
      p <- unlist(plots2, recursive = F)
      nulls <- which(sapply(p, is.null))
      if(length(nulls) > 0)  p <- p[-nulls]
    } else {
      all.additive <- lapply(all.additive, function(x) rbind(x, x[1,]))
      all.additive <- do.call(rbind, all.additive)
      all.additive$unique.id <- paste0(all.additive$pheno, "/ LG:", all.additive$LG, "/ Pos:", all.additive$Pos)
      breaks <- c(-1,0,1)
      lgs <- unique(all.additive$LG)
      p <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(lgs)){
        p[[i]] <- all.additive %>% filter(LG == lgs[i]) %>% 
          ggplot(aes(x=Alleles, y=Estimates, group=unique.id, colour=unique.id, alpha = abs(Estimates))) +
          geom_path(alpha =0.7, linewidth = 1.5) +
          #geom_polygon(fill = NA, size =1, alpha = abs(data_temp$Estimates))+
          geom_point(size=5) +  
          coord_radar() +
          labs(title = paste0("LG", lgs[i])) +
          annotate(x= 0,y=c(-1.3,breaks), label= round(c(NA, breaks),2),geom="text", na.rm = TRUE) +
          theme_bw() + 
                legend.title = element_blank()) + guides(alpha = "none") 
  } else if(software == "polyqtlR"){
    if(design == "circle" | design == "digenic"){
      stop(safeError("Design option not available for: polyqtlR"))
    } else {
      effects.df <- effects %>% filter(.data$pheno %in% unique(qtl_info$pheno)[pheno.col.n]) %>% 
        filter(.data$LG %in% groups) %>% pivot_longer(cols = 4:ncol(.), names_to = "haplo", values_to = "effect") 
      effects.df <- effects.df %>% group_by(.data$haplo, .data$pheno) %>% mutate(x.axis = 1:n()) %>% ungroup() %>% as.data.frame()
      vlines <- split(effects.df$x.axis, effects.df$LG)
      vlines <- sapply(vlines, function(x) x[1])
      p <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(pheno.col.n)){
        p[[i]] <- effects.df %>% filter(.data$pheno == unique(qtl_info$pheno)[pheno.col.n][i]) %>%  
          ggplot() +
          geom_path(aes(x=x.axis, y=haplo, col = effect), linewidth = 5)  +
          scale_color_gradient2(low = "purple4", mid = "white",high = "seagreen") +
          {if(length(vlines) > 1) geom_vline(xintercept=vlines, linetype="dashed", linewidth=.5, alpha=0.8, na.rm = TRUE)} +
          labs(y = "Haplotype", x = "Linkage group", title = unique(qtl_info$pheno)[pheno.col.n][i]) +
          annotate(x=vlines,y=+Inf,label= paste0("LG", names(vlines)),vjust= 1, hjust= -0.1,geom="label") +
          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(1,8.5)) +
          theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),
                                  axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), legend.title = element_blank())

#' Change ggplot coordinates to plot radar - From package see
#' @param theta ariable to map angle to (x or y)
#' @param start offset of starting point from 12 o'clock in radians. Offset is applied clockwise or anticlockwise depending on value of direction.
#' @param direction 1, clockwise; -1, anticlockwise
#' @keywords internal
coord_radar <- function (theta = "x", start = 0, direction = 1) {
  theta <- match.arg(theta, c("x", "y"))
  r <- if (theta == "x") "y" else "x"
  ggproto("CordRadar", CoordPolar, theta = theta, r = r, start = start, 
          direction = sign(direction),
          is_linear = function(coord) TRUE)

#' Plot effects data
#' @param data_effects.obj output of function \code{data_effects}
#' @param software character defining which software was used for QTL analysis. Currently support for: QTLpoly, diaQTL and polyqtlR.
#' @param design character defining the graphic design. Options: `bar` - barplot of the effects; 
#' `circle` - circular plot of the effects (useful to compare effects of different traits); 
#' `digenic` - heatmap plotting sum of additive effects (bottom diagonal) and digenic effects (top diagonal) when present   
#' @keywords internal
plot_effects <- function(data_effects.obj, software, 
                         design = c("bar", "circle", "digenic")){
  if(software == "polyqtlR"){
    p.t <- ggarrange(plotlist = data_effects.obj, common.legend = T, ncol = 1, legend = "right")
  } else {
    if(design == "circle"){
      rows <- ceiling(length(data_effects.obj)/2)
      if(rows == 0) rows <- 1
      p.t <- ggarrange(plotlist = data_effects.obj, nrow = rows, ncol = 2)
    } else {
      rows <- ceiling(length(data_effects.obj)/4)
      if(rows == 0) rows <- 1
      p.t <- ggarrange(plotlist = data_effects.obj, nrow = rows, ncol = 4)

#' Estimate breeding values - Adapted function from QTLpoly
#' @param qtl_info data.frame with: LG - linkage group ID; Pos - position in linkage map (cM); 
#' Pheno - phenotype ID; Pos_lower - lower position of confidence interval; 
#' Pos_upper - upper position of the confidence interval; Pval - QTL p-value; h2 - herdability
#' @param probs data.frame with first column (named `ind`) as individuals ID and next columns 
#' named with markers ID and containing the genotype probability at each marker
#' @param selected_mks data.frame with: LG - linkage group ID; mk - marker ID; pos - position in linkage map (cM)
#' @param blups data.frame with: haplo - haplotype ID; pheno - phenotype ID; qtl - QTL ID; u.hat - QTL estimated BLUPs
#' @param beta.hat data.frame with: pheno - phenotype ID; beta.hat - estimated beta
#' @param pos selected QTL position (cM)
#' @return data.frame containing breeding values
#' @import dplyr
#' @keywords internal
breeding_values <- function(qtl_info, probs, selected_mks, blups, beta.hat, pos) {
  pheno.names <- unique(as.character(qtl_info$pheno))
  results <- vector("list", length(pheno.names))
  names(results) <- pheno.names
  # possible to index individuals
  phenos <- which(pheno.names %in% names(pos))
  for(p in phenos) { # select pheno
    nqtl <- length(pos[[pheno.names[p]]])
    infos <- filter(qtl_info, .data$pheno == pheno.names[p])
    infos <- infos[which(infos$Pos %in% pos[[pheno.names[p]]]),]
    markers <- which((round(selected_mks$pos,2) %in% infos$Pos) & (selected_mks$LG %in% infos$LG))
    Z <- probs[,markers,] # select by pos
    u.hat <- filter(blups, .data$pheno == pheno.names[p])
    u.hat <- split(u.hat$u.hat, u.hat$qtl)
    beta.hat.sub <- filter(beta.hat, .data$pheno == pheno.names[p])
    beta.hat.v <- beta.hat.sub$beta.hat
    Zu <- vector("list", nqtl)
    if(nqtl > 1) {
      for(m in 1:nqtl) {
        Zu[[m]] <- t(Z[,m,]) %*% u.hat[[m]]
      nind <- dim(Z)[3]
      y.hat <- matrix(rep(beta.hat.v, nind), byrow = FALSE) + Reduce("+", Zu)
    } else if(nqtl == 1) {
      Zu <- t(Z) %*% u.hat[[1]]
      nind <- dim(Z)[2]
      y.hat <- matrix(rep(beta.hat.v, nind), byrow = FALSE) + Zu
    colnames(y.hat) <- pheno.names[p]
    results[[p]] <- round(y.hat,2)
  id.names <- rownames(results[[which(sapply(results, function(x) !is.null(x)))[1]]])
  results <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, results))
  results <- cbind(gen=id.names, results)

#' Calculates homologues probabilities - Adapted from MAPpoly
#' @param probs data.frame with first column (named `ind`) as individuals ID and next columns named with markers ID and containing the genotype probability at each marker
#' @param selected_mks data.frame with: LG - linkage group ID; mk - marker ID; pos - position in linkage map (cM)
#' @param selected_lgs vector containing selected LGs ID
#' @return object of class \code{mappoly.homoprob}
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @keywords internal
calc_homologprob  <- function(probs, selected_mks, selected_lgs){
  input.genoprobs <- probs
  each.split <- vector()
  sizes <- table(selected_mks$LG)
  probs.b <- probs
  input.genoprobs <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(sizes)){
    input.genoprobs[[i]] <- probs.b[,1:sizes[i],]
    probs.b <- probs.b[,-c(1:sizes[i]),]
  lgs <- as.numeric(unique(selected_lgs))
  input.genoprobs <- input.genoprobs[sort(lgs)]
  selected_mks_lg <-  filter(selected_mks, .data$LG %in% lgs)
  pos <- split(selected_mks_lg$pos, selected_mks_lg$LG)
  df.res <- NULL
  for(j in 1:length(input.genoprobs)){
    stt.names <- dimnames(input.genoprobs[[j]])[[1]] ## state names
    mrk.names <- dimnames(input.genoprobs[[j]])[[2]] ## mrk names
    ind.names <- dimnames(input.genoprobs[[j]])[[3]] ## individual names
    v <- c(2,4,6,8,10,12)
    names(v) <- choose(v,v/2)^2
    ploidy <- v[as.character(length(stt.names))]
    hom.prob <- array(NA, dim = c(ploidy*2, length(mrk.names), length(ind.names)))
    dimnames(hom.prob) <- list(letters[1:(2*ploidy)], mrk.names, ind.names)
    for(i in letters[1:(2*ploidy)])
      hom.prob[i,,] <- apply(input.genoprobs[[j]][grep(stt.names, pattern = i),,], c(2,3), function(x) round(sum(x, na.rm = TRUE),4))
    df.hom <- melt(hom.prob)
    map <- data.frame(map.position = pos[[j]], marker = mrk.names)
    colnames(df.hom) <- c("homolog", "marker", "individual", "probability")
    df.hom <- merge(df.hom, map, sort = FALSE)
    df.hom$LG <- names(pos)[j]
    df.res <- rbind(df.res, df.hom)
  if(ploidy == 4){
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("a", paste0("P1.1_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("b", paste0("P1.2_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("c", paste0("P1.3_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("d", paste0("P1.4_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("e", paste0("P2.1_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("f", paste0("P2.2_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("g", paste0("P2.3_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("h", paste0("P2.4_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog = substring(df.res$homolog,1, nchar(df.res$homolog)-1)
  } else if(ploidy == 6){
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("a", paste0("P1.1_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("b", paste0("P1.2_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("c", paste0("P1.3_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("d", paste0("P1.4_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("e", paste0("P1.5_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("f", paste0("P1.6_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("g", paste0("P2.1_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("h", paste0("P2.2_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("i", paste0("P2.3_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("j", paste0("P2.4_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("k", paste0("P2.5_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog <- gsub("l", paste0("P2.6_"), df.res$homolog)
    df.res$homolog = substring(df.res$homolog,1, nchar(df.res$homolog)-1)
  structure(list(info = list(ploidy = ploidy, 
                             n.ind = length(ind.names)) , 
                 homoprob = df.res), class = "mappoly.homoprob")

#' Plots mappoly.homoprob from MAPpoly
#' @param x an object of class \code{mappoly.homoprob}
#' @param stack logical. If \code{TRUE}, probability profiles of all homologues
#'              are stacked in the plot (default = FALSE)
#' @param lg indicates which linkage group should be plotted. If \code{NULL} 
#'           (default), it plots the first linkage group. If 
#'           \code{"all"}, it plots all linkage groups
#' @param ind indicates which individuals should be plotted. It can be the 
#'            position of the individuals in the dataset or it's name. 
#'            If \code{NULL} (default), the function plots the first 
#'            individual
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} (default), the current progress is shown; if
#'     \code{FALSE}, no output is produced
#' @param ... unused arguments
#' @keywords internal
plot.mappoly.homoprob <- function(x, stack = FALSE, lg = NULL, 
                                  ind = NULL, 
                                  verbose = TRUE, ...){
  qtl <- NULL
  all.ind <- as.character(unique(x$homoprob$individual))
  #### Individual handling ####
  if(length(ind) > 1){
    if (verbose) message("More than one individual provided: using the first one")
    ind <- ind[1]
    ind <- as.character(all.ind[1])
    df.pr1 <- subset(x$homoprob, individual  ==  ind)  
  } else if(is.numeric(ind)) {
    if(ind > length(all.ind))
      stop("Please chose an individual number between 1 and ", length(all.ind))
    ind <- as.character(all.ind[ind])
    df.pr1 <- subset(x$homoprob, individual  ==  ind)  
  } else if (is.character(ind)){
      stop(safeError("Invalid individual name"))
  } else stop(safeError("Invalid individual name"))
  #### LG handling ####
    lg <- 1
  if(all(lg == "all"))
    lg <- unique(x$homoprob$LG)
  LG <- individual <- map.position <- probability <- homolog <- NULL
  if(length(lg) > 1 & !stack)
    if (verbose) message("Using 'stack = TRUE' to plot multiple linkage groups")
    stack <- TRUE
    ##subset linkage group
      df.pr1 <- subset(x$homoprob, LG%in%lg)
      df.pr1 <- subset(df.pr1, individual  ==  ind)
    } else 
      df.pr1 <- subset(x$homoprob, individual  ==  ind)
    p <- ggplot(df.pr1, aes(x = map.position, y = probability, fill = homolog, color  = homolog)) +
      geom_density(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.7, position = "stack") + 
      ggtitle(ind) + 
      facet_grid(rows = vars(LG)) + 
      ylab(label = "Homologs probabilty") +
      xlab(label = "Map position") +
      geom_vline(data = df.pr1, aes(xintercept = qtl), linetype="dashed", na.rm = TRUE) +
  } else {
    ##subset linkage group
      lg <- 1
      df.pr1 <- subset(x$homoprob, LG %in% lg)
    } else df.pr1 <- subset(x$homoprob, LG %in% lg)
    df.pr1 <- subset(df.pr1, individual  ==  ind)  
    p <- ggplot(df.pr1, aes(x = map.position, y = probability, fill = homolog, color  = homolog)) +
      geom_density(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.7) + 
      ggtitle(paste(ind, "   LG", lg)) + 
      facet_grid(rows = vars(homolog)) + 
      theme_minimal() + 
      ylab(label = "Homologs probabilty") +
      xlab(label = "Map position") +
      geom_vline(data = df.pr1, aes(xintercept = qtl), linetype="dashed", na.rm = TRUE)

#' Plot selected haplotypes
#' @param input.haplo character vector with selected haplotypes. It contains the information: "Trait:<trait ID>_LG:<linkage group ID_Pos:<QTL position>" 
#' @param exclude.haplo character vector with haplotypes to be excluded. It contains the information: "Trait:<trait ID>_LG:<linkage group ID_Pos:<QTL position>" 
#' @param probs data.frame with first column (named `ind`) as individuals ID and next columns named with markers ID and containing the genotype probability at each marker
#' @param selected_mks data.frame with: LG - linkage group ID; mk - marker ID; pos - position in linkage map (cM)
#' @param effects.data output object from \code{data_effects} function
#' @return ggplot graphic
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @keywords internal
select_haplo <- function(input.haplo,probs, selected_mks, effects.data, exclude.haplo = NULL){
  LG <- map.position <- individual <- probability <- NULL
  include <- strsplit(unlist(input.haplo), "_")
  if(!is.null(exclude.haplo)) exclude <- strsplit(unlist(exclude.haplo), "_") else exclude <- NULL
  lgs <- c(sapply(include, "[[", 2), sapply(exclude, "[[", 2))
  lgs <- gsub("LG:", "", unique(lgs))
  homo.dat <- calc_homologprob(probs = probs, selected_mks = selected_mks, selected_lgs = lgs)
  data_match <- paste0("LG:",homo.dat$homoprob$LG, "_Pos:", 
                       "_homolog:", homo.dat$homoprob$homolog)
  # Include haplo
  include <- sapply(include, function(x) paste0(x[-1], collapse = "_"))
  subset <- homo.dat$homoprob[which(data_match %in% include),]
  subset <- subset[which(subset$probability > 0.5),]
  counts <- subset %>% group_by(individual) %>% summarise(n = n())
  selected <- counts$individual[counts$n == length(input.haplo)]
  if(length(selected) == 0) stop("None of the inviduals have these combination of haplotypes")
  # Exclude haplo
    exclude <- sapply(exclude, function(x) paste0(x[-1], collapse = "_"))
    subset <- homo.dat$homoprob[which(data_match %in% exclude),]
    subset <- subset[which(subset$probability > 0.5),]
    selected <- selected[-which(selected %in% unique(subset$individual))]
  if(length(selected) == 0) stop("None of the inviduals have these combination of haplotypes")
  dashline <- strsplit(c(unlist(input.haplo), unlist(exclude.haplo)), "_")
  dashline <- sapply(dashline, function(x) paste0(x[-c(1,4)], collapse = "_"))
  data_match <- sapply(strsplit(data_match, "_"), function(x) paste0(x[-length(x)], collapse = "_"))
  homo.dat$homoprob$qtl <- NA
  homo.dat$homoprob$qtl[which(data_match %in% dashline)] <- homo.dat$homoprob$map.position[which(data_match %in% dashline)]
  p <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(selected)){
    p[[i]] <- plot.mappoly.homoprob(x = homo.dat, 
                                    lg = unique(as.numeric(lgs)), 
                                    ind = as.character(selected)[i],
                                    use.plotly = FALSE)
  return(list(p, inds = as.character(selected)))

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