
Defines functions lessdB_wrblr_int warbleR_style has_color colortext message2 warning2 stop2 wpd_feature_wrblr_int stft_wrblr_int spectro_wrblr_int2 soscillo_wrblr_int spectro_wrblr_int specprop_wrblr_int rectw_wrblr_int pblapply_wrblr_int img_wrlbr_int frd_wrblr_int fix_cntr_wrblr_int frd_plot_wrblr_int filled_contour_wrblr_int filled_contour_color_wrblr_int fade_env_wrblr_int boxw_wrblr_int

# internal warbleR function called by catalog. Type argument similar to par("bty") but added _ for only bottom and - for top
# xys must be a 4 element numeric vector c(x1, x2, y1, y2)
#' @noRd
boxw_wrblr_int <-
  function(xys = NULL,
           bty = "o",
           col = "black",
           lwd = 1,
           lty = 1) {
    if (is.null(xys)) {
      wh <- par("din")
      xs <- c(0, wh[1])
      ys <- c(0, wh[2])
    } else {
      xys <- c(xys)
      xs <- xys[1:2]
      ys <- xys[3:4]

    xs <- grconvertX(xs, from = "nic", to = "user")

    ys <- grconvertY(ys, from = "nic", to = "user")

    cmb <-
      rbind(combn(rep(xs, 2), 2), combn(rep(ys, 2), 2)[, c(2:6, 1)])[, -c(3, 6)]

    if (bty == "c") {
      cmb <- cmb[, -4]
    if (bty == "l") {
      cmb <- cmb[, -(3:4)]
    if (bty == "7") {
      cmb <- cmb[, 3:4]
    if (bty == "u") {
      cmb <- cmb[, -3]
    if (bty == "^") {
      cmb <- cmb[, -1]
    if (bty == "]") {
      cmb <- cmb[, -2]
    if (bty == "_") {
      cmb <- matrix(cmb[, 1], nrow = 4)
    if (bty == "-") {
      cmb <- matrix(cmb[, 3], nrow = 4)

    for (i in seq_len(ncol(cmb))) {
        x = cmb[1:2, i],
        y = cmb[3:4, i],
        xpd = TRUE,
        col = col,
        lwd = lwd,
        lty = lty

# author Marcelo Araya-Salas (\email{marcelo.araya@@ucr.ac.cr})
# last modification on aug-3-2017 (MAS)

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. It is a modified version of seewave::fadew
# fades the start and end of an amplitude envelope
# last modification on feb-23-2018 (MAS)
fade_env_wrblr_int <-
           fin = 0.1,
           fout = 0.2,
           shape = "linear") {
    if (fin + fout > 1) {
      stop2("'fin' + 'fout' cannot be higher than 1")
    if (fin < 0 |
      fout < 0) {
      stop2("'fin' and 'fout' cannot be negative")

    n <- length(nvlp)
    IN <- seq(0, 1, length.out = fin * n)
    OUT <- seq(0, 1, length.out = fout * n)

    # applied exponential
    if (shape == "exp") {
      IN <- exp(IN)
      IN <- IN - 1
      IN <- IN / max(IN)
      OUT <- exp(OUT)
      OUT <- OUT - 1
      OUT <- OUT / max(OUT)

    # applied cosine
    if (shape == "cos") {
      if (fin == 0) {
        IN <- integer(0)
      } else {
        IN <- cos(rev(IN))
        IN <- IN - min(IN)
        IN <- IN / max(IN)

      if (fout == 0) {
        OUT <- integer(0)
      } else {
        OUT <- cos(rev(OUT))
        OUT <- OUT - min(OUT)
        OUT <- OUT / max(OUT)

    MID <- rep(1, n - (length(IN) + length(OUT)))
    MID <- nvlp[(length(IN) + 1):(n - length(OUT))]
    return(c(IN, MID, rev(OUT)))

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. It is a modified version of seewave::filled.contour.modif2
# that allows to plot spectrograms on top of each other.
filled_contour_color_wrblr_int <-
  function(x = seq(0, 1, len = nrow(z)),
           y = seq(0, 1, len = ncol(z)),
           xlim = range(x, finite = TRUE),
           ylim = range(y, finite = TRUE),
           zlim = range(z, finite = TRUE),
           levels = pretty(zlim, nlevels),
           add = FALSE,
           nlevels = 20,
           color.palette = cm.colors,
           col = color.palette(length(levels) -
           asp = NA,
           xaxs = "i",
           yaxs = "i",
           las = 1,
           axisX = TRUE,
           axisY = TRUE,
           bg.col = "white") {
    if (missing(z)) {
      if (!missing(x)) {
        if (is.list(x)) {
          z <- x$z
          y <- x$y
          x <- x$x
        } else {
          z <- x
          x <- seq(0, 1, len = nrow(z))
      } else {
        stop2("no 'z' matrix specified")
    } else if (is.list(x)) {
      y <- x$y
      x <- x$x
    if (any(diff(x) <= 0) || any(diff(y) <= 0)) {
      stop2("increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected")
    if (!add) {
        xaxs = xaxs,
        yaxs = yaxs,
        asp = asp,
        bg = bg.col

      usr <- par("usr")
        xleft = usr[1],
        xright = usr[2],
        ybottom = usr[3],
        col = bg.col,
        border = bg.col

      if (!is.matrix(z) || nrow(z) <= 1 || ncol(z) <= 1) {
        stop2("no proper 'z' matrix specified")
    if (!is.double(z)) {
      storage.mode(z) <- "double"
    .filled.contour(as.double(x), as.double(y), z, as.double(levels),
      col = col
    if (missing(plot.axes)) {
      if (axisX) {
          main = "",
          xlab = "",
          ylab = ""
      if (axisY) {
          main = "",
          xlab = "",
          ylab = ""
    } else {
    if (missing(plot.title)) {
    } else {

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. It is a modified version of seewave::filled.contour.modif2
# that allows to plot spectrograms on top of each other.
filled_contour_wrblr_int <-
  function(x = seq(0, 1, len = nrow(z)),
           y = seq(0, 1, len = ncol(z)),
           xlim = range(x, finite = TRUE),
           ylim = range(y, finite = TRUE),
           zlim = range(z, finite = TRUE),
           levels = pretty(zlim, nlevels),
           add = FALSE,
           nlevels = 20,
           color.palette = cm.colors,
           col = color.palette(length(levels) -
           asp = NA,
           xaxs = "i",
           yaxs = "i",
           las = 1,
           axisX = TRUE,
           axisY = TRUE,
           bg.col = "white",
           bx = TRUE,
           cex.axis = 1) {
    if (missing(z)) {
      if (!missing(x)) {
        if (is.list(x)) {
          z <- x$z
          y <- x$y
          x <- x$x
        } else {
          z <- x
          x <- seq(0, 1, len = nrow(z))
      } else {
        stop2("no 'z' matrix specified")
    } else if (is.list(x)) {
      y <- x$y
      x <- x$x
    if (any(diff(x) <= 0) || any(diff(y) <= 0)) {
      stop2("increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected")
    if (!add) {
      xaxs = xaxs,
      yaxs = yaxs,
      asp = asp
    usr <- par("usr")
      xleft = usr[1],
      xright = usr[2],
      ybottom = usr[3],
      col = bg.col,
      border = bg.col

    if (!is.matrix(z) || nrow(z) <= 1 || ncol(z) <= 1) {
      stop2("no proper 'z' matrix specified")
    if (!is.double(z)) {
      storage.mode(z) <- "double"
    .filled.contour(as.double(x), as.double(y), z, as.double(levels),
      col = col
    if (missing(plot.axes)) {
      if (axisX) {
          main = "",
          xlab = "",
          ylab = ""
      if (axisY) {
          main = "",
          xlab = "",
          ylab = ""
    } else {
    if (bx) {
    if (missing(plot.title)) {
    } else {

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. Plots detected frequency range.

frd_plot_wrblr_int <-
           wl = 512,
           wn = "hanning",
           flim = NULL,
           bp = NULL,
           fast.spec = FALSE,
           ovlp = 50,
           pal = reverse.gray.colors.2,
           widths = c(2, 1),
           main = NULL,
           all.detec = F) {
    # attach freq and amplitude values
    z <- detections$af.mat[, 1]
    zf <- detections$af.mat[, 2]

    # sampling rate
    f <- wave@samp.rate
    dur <- seewave::duration(wave)

    # detection limits
    if (!all.detec) {
      min.start <- detections$frange$bottom.freq
      max.end <- detections$frange$top.freq
    } else {
      min.start <- detections$detections[, 1]
      max.end <- detections$detections[, 2]

    # fix flim
    if (!is.null(flim)) {
      if (flim[2] > floor(f / 2000)) {
        flim[2] <- f / 2000
    } else {
      flim <- c(0, floor(f / 2000))

    # set limits for color rectangles down
    if (is.null(bp)) {
      lims <- flim
    } else {
      lims <- bp

    # split screen
    m <- rbind(
      c(0, widths[1] / sum(widths), 0, 0.93),
      # 1
      c(widths[1] / sum(widths), 1, 0, 0.93),
      c(0, 1, 0.93, 1)
    ) # 3

    try(invisible(close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)), silent = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(3.4, 3.4, 0.5, 0))

    # create spectro
      wave = wave,
      f = f,
      flim = flim,
      fast.spec = fast.spec,
      palette = pal,
      ovlp = ovlp,
      wl = wl,
      grid = F,
      tlab = "",
      flab = "",
      wn = wn

    # add gray polygon on detected frequency bands
    out <- lapply(seq_len(length(min.start)), function(e) {
        xleft = 0,
        ybottom = ifelse(is.na(min.start[e]), lims[1], min.start[e]),
        xright = dur,
        ytop = ifelse(is.na(max.end[e]), lims[2], max.end[e]),
        col = adjustcolor("#07889B", alpha.f = 0.1),
        border = adjustcolor("gray", 0.2)

    # add line highlighting freq range
      h = c(min.start, max.end),
      col = "#80C3FF",
      lty = 3,
      lwd = 2

    # add axis labels
      side = 1,
      text = "Time (s)",
      line = 2.3
      side = 2,
      text = "Frequency (kHz)",
      line = 2.3

    # second plot
    par(mar = c(3.4, 0, 0.5, 0.8))

      type = "l",
      ylim = flim,
      yaxs = "i",
      xaxs = "i",
      yaxt = "n",
      xlab = "",
      col = "white",
      xaxt = "n"

    minz <- min(z)
    maxz <- max(z)

    # add axis& labels
    if (detections$type == "percentage") {
      axis(1, at = seq(0.2, 1, by = 0.4))
        side = 1,
        text = "Amplitude (%)",
        line = 2.3
    } else {
      axis(1, at = round(seq(0, maxz, by = 10), 0))
        side = 1,
        text = "Amplitude (dB)",
        line = 2.3

    # fix amplitude values to close polygon (just for ploting)
    z3 <- c(minz, z, minz)

    # addd  extremes to make polygon close fine
    zf3 <- c(lims[1], zf, lims[2])

    # plot amplitude values curve
    polygon(cbind(z3, zf3), col = adjustcolor("#E37222", 0.8))

    # add border line
    points(z3, zf3, type = "l", col = adjustcolor("gray", 0.3))

    # add background color
      xleft = minz,
      ybottom = flim[1],
      xright = maxz,
      ytop = flim[2],
      col = adjustcolor("#4D69FF", 0.05)

    # add gray polygon on detected frequency bands
    lapply(seq_len(length(min.start)), function(e) {
        xleft = minz,
        ybottom = ifelse(is.na(min.start[e]), lims[1], min.start[e]),
        xright = maxz,
        ytop = ifelse(is.na(max.end[e]), lims[2], max.end[e]),
        col = adjustcolor("#07889B", alpha.f = 0.1),
        border = adjustcolor("gray", 0.2)

    # add gray boxes in filtered out freq bands
    if (!is.null(bp)) {
        xleft = minz,
        ybottom = bp[2],
        xright = maxz,
        ytop = flim[2],
        col = adjustcolor("gray", 0.5)
        xleft = minz,
        ybottom = flim[1],
        xright = maxz,
        ytop = bp[1],
        col = adjustcolor("gray", 0.5)

    # add line to highligh freq range
      v = ifelse(
        detections$type == "percentage",
        detections$threshold / 100,
      col = adjustcolor("#07889B", 0.7),
      lty = 3,
      lwd = 2
      h = c(min.start, max.end),
      col = "#80C3FF",
      lty = 3,
      lwd = 2

    if (!is.null(main)) {
      par(mar = rep(0, 4))
        xlim = c(0, 1),
        ylim = c(0, 1),
        type = "n",
        axes = FALSE,
        xlab = "",
        ylab = "",
        xaxt = "n",
        yaxt = "n"

        x = 0.5,
        y = 0.35,
        labels = main,
        font = 2

    # close screens
    on.exit(invisible(close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)))

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. it plots contours, runs locator and return tailored contours
# @author Marcelo Araya-Salas (\email{marcelo.araya@@ucr.ac.cr})
# last modification on mar-12-2016 (MAS)

fix_cntr_wrblr_int <-
           ending.buttons = 1:4,
           l) {
    prev.plot <- recordPlot()

    if (!l) {
      ts.df.t <-
        seq(X$start[j], X$end[j], length.out = length(ncl)) - tlim[1]
      ts.df <- X[, ncl]
      ncl2 <- ncl
    } else {
      ts.df.t <-
        X[j, grep("...TIME", ncl, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)] - tlim[1]
      ncl2 <- grep("...FREQ", ncl, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
      ts.df.f <- X[j, ncl2]
      ts.df <- X[, ncl]

    out <- TRUE

    x <- 1

    while (all(out)) {
      if (x > 1) {

        x = ts.df.t,
        y = ts.df[j, ncl2],
        pch = 20,
        cex = 1.2,
        col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = alpha)

      if (any(is.na(ts.df[j, seq_len(which.max(ts.df.t))]))) {
          x = ts.df.t[is.na(ts.df.f[seq_len(which.max(ts.df.t))])],
          y = ((flim[2] - flim[1]) * 0.02) + flim[1],
          pch = 20,
          cex = 1.2,
          col = adjustcolor("gray", alpha.f = alpha)

      # select second point
      xy <- locator(n = 1, type = "n")

      # if on buttoms
      out <-
        sapply(ending.buttons, function(w) {
          out <-
            !all(xy$x > min(xs) &
              xy$x < max(xs) & xy$y > min(ys[[w]]) & xy$y < max(ys[[w]]))

      if (!all(out)) {
      } else {
        ts.df[j, ncl2[which.min(abs(ts.df.t - xy$x))]] <- xy$y

        # if selected is lower than 0 make it
        xy$x[xy$x < 0] <- 0
        xy$y[xy$y < 0] <- 0

      x <- x + 1

    return(list(ts.df = ts.df, xy = xy))

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. Detects frequency range.

frd_wrblr_int <-
           wl = 512,
           fsmooth = 0.1,
           threshold = 10,
           wn = "hanning",
           bp = NULL,
           ovlp = 50,
           dB.threshold = NULL) {
    # get sampling rate
    f <- wave@samp.rate

    if (wl >= length(wave@left)) {
      wl <- length(wave@left) - 1
    if (wl %% 2 != 0) {
      wl <- wl - 1

    # mean spectrum
    if (is.null(dB.threshold)) {
      spc <-
          plot = FALSE,
          wl = wl,
          f = f,
          wn = wn,
          ovlp = ovlp

      # get frequency windows length for smoothing
      step <- wave@samp.rate / wl / 1000

      # number of samples
      n <- nrow(spc)

      # smoothing parameter
      if (!is.null(fsmooth)) {
        fsmooth <- fsmooth / step

        FWL <- fsmooth - 1

        # smooth
        z <-
          apply(as.matrix(1:(n - FWL)), 1, function(y) {
            sum(spc[y:(y + FWL), 2])
        zf <-
          seq(min(spc[, 1]), max(spc[, 1]), length.out = length(z))
      } else {
        z <- spc[, 2]
        zf <- spc[, 1]

      # remove range outside bp
      if (!is.null(bp)) {
        # if there are complete freq bins within freq range
        if (any(zf > bp[1] & zf < bp[2])) {
          fbins <- which(zf > bp[1] & zf < bp[2])
        } else {
          # select the one that contains the freq range
          fbins <-
            which.max(ifelse(zf - bp[1] > 0, NA, zf - bp[1])):which.max(ifelse(zf - bp[2] > 0, NA, zf - bp[1]))

        z <- z[fbins]
        zf <- zf[fbins]

      # make minimum amplitude 0
      z <- z - min(z)
      z[z < 0] <- 0

      # normalize amplitude from 0 to 1
      if (length(z) > 1) {
        z <- z / max(z)

      # get freqs crossing threshold
      z1 <- rep(0, length(z))
      z1[z > threshold / 100] <- 1
      z2 <- z1[2:length(z1)] - z1[1:(length(z1) - 1)]

      # add 0 to get same length than z
      z2 <- c(0, z2)

      # determine start and end of amplitude hills
      strt <- zf[z2 == 1]
      nd <- zf[z2 == -1]

      # add NAs when some ends or starts where not found
      if (length(strt) != length(nd)) {
        if (z1[1] == 0) {
          nd <- c(nd, NA)
        } else {
          strt <- c(NA, strt)

      if (length(strt) == 1) {
        if (z1[1] == 1 & z1[length(z1)] == 1 & strt > nd) {
          strt <- c(NA, strt)
          nd <- c(nd, NA)
      # substract half a step to calculate mid point between the 2 freq windows in which the theshold has passed
      nd <- nd - (step / 2)
      strt <- strt - (step / 2)

      meanpeakf <- zf[which.max(z)] + (step / 2)
    } else {
      spc <-
          plot = FALSE,
          wl = wl,
          f = f,
          wn = wn,
          ovlp = ovlp,
          dB = "max0",
          dBref = 2 * 10e-5

      # get frequency windows length for smoothing
      step <- wave@samp.rate / wl / 1000

      # number of samples
      n <- nrow(spc)

      # smoothing parameter
      if (!is.null(fsmooth)) {
        fsmooth <- fsmooth / step

        FWL <- fsmooth - 1

        # smooth
        z <-
          apply(as.matrix(1:(n - FWL)), 1, function(y) {
            sum(spc[y:(y + FWL), 2])
        zf <-
          seq(min(spc[, 1]), max(spc[, 1]), length.out = length(z))

        z <-
          (max(spc[, 2]) - min(spc[, 2])) / (max(z) - min(z)) * (z - max(z)) + max(spc[, 2])
      } else {
        z <- spc[, 2]
        zf <- spc[, 1]

      if (!is.null(bp)) {
        # remove range outsde bp
        z <- z[zf > bp[1] & zf < bp[2]]
        zf <- zf[zf > bp[1] & zf < bp[2]]

      z1 <- rep(0, length(z))
      z1[z > max(z) - dB.threshold] <- 1
      z2 <- z1[2:length(z1)] - z1[1:(length(z1) - 1)]

      # add 0 to get same length than z
      z2 <- c(0, z2)

      # determine start and end of amplitude hills
      strt <- zf[z2 == 1]
      nd <- zf[z2 == -1]

      # add NAs when some ends or starts where not found
      if (length(strt) != length(nd)) {
        if (z1[1] == 0) {
          nd <- c(nd, NA)
        } else {
          strt <- c(NA, strt)

      if (length(strt) == 1) {
        if (z1[1] == 1 & z1[length(z1)] == 1 & strt > nd) {
          strt <- c(NA, strt)
          nd <- c(nd, NA)

      # step <- mean(zf[-1] - zf[1:(length(zf) - 1)])

      # substract half a step to calculate mid point between the 2 freq windows in which the theshold has passed
      nd <- nd - (step / 2)
      strt <- strt - (step / 2)
      meanpeakf <- zf[which.max(z)] + (step / 2)

    # fix range
    # only start lower than peakf
    strt <- strt[strt <= meanpeakf]

    # only ends higher than peakf
    nd <- nd[nd >= meanpeakf]

    # get freq range
    min.strt <-
      ifelse(length(strt) == 1, strt, strt[which.min(meanpeakf - strt)])
    max.nd <-
      ifelse(length(nd) == 1, nd, nd[which.min(nd - meanpeakf)])

    if (!any(is.na(c(min.strt, max.nd)))) {
      if (min.strt > max.nd) {
        min.strt <- NA
        max.nd <- NA

    # force nd and strt the same length adding NAs
    if (length(nd) > length(strt)) {
      strt <- c(strt, rep(NA, length(nd) - length(strt)))
    if (length(strt) > length(nd)) {
      nd <- c(nd, rep(NA, length(strt) - length(nd)))

    # save everything in a list
    rl <-
        frange = data.frame(bottom.freq = min.strt, top.freq = max.nd),
        af.mat = cbind(z, zf),
        meanpeakf = meanpeakf,
        detections = cbind(start.freq = strt, end.freq = nd),
        threshold = ifelse(is.null(dB.threshold), threshold, max(z) - dB.threshold),
        type = ifelse(is.null(dB.threshold), "percentage", "dB")

    # return rl list

# internal warbleR function to save image files in jpeg and tiff format, arguments similar to jpeg
# filename must include the image type (jpeg, jpg or tiff)
img_wrlbr_int <-
           path = NULL,
           res = 160,
           units = "in",
           width = 8.5,
           height = 11,
           horizontal = FALSE) {
    if (horizontal & missing(width)) {
      width <- 11
      height <- 8.5

    # add path to filename
    flnm <- file.path(path, filename)

    # jpeg
    if (grepl("jpeg$|jpg$", filename)) {
        filename = flnm,
        res = res,
        units = units,
        width = width,
        height = height
    } else {
      # or tiff
        filename = flnm,
        res = res,
        units = units,
        width = width,
        height = height

# author Marcelo Araya-Salas (\email{marcelo.araya@@ucr.ac.cr})
# last modification on jun-02-2020 (MAS)

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. It is a modified version of pbapply::pblapply
# that allows to define internally if progress bar would be used (pbapply::pblapply uses pboptions to do this)
# last modification on aug-10-2021 (MAS)
pblapply_wrblr_int <- function(X,
                               cl = 1,
                               pbar = TRUE,
                               ...) {
  # conver parallel 1 to null
  if (!inherits(cl, "cluster")) {
    if (cl == 1) {
      cl <- NULL

  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X)) {
    X <- as.list(X)
  if (!length(X)) {
    return(lapply(X, FUN, ...))
  if (!is.null(cl)) {
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      if (!inherits(cl, "cluster")) {
        cl <- NULL
    } else {
      if (inherits(cl, "cluster")) {
        if (length(cl) < 2L) {
          cl <- NULL
      } else {
        if (cl < 2) {
          cl <- NULL

  if (is.null(cl)) {
    if (!pbar) {
      return(lapply(X, FUN, ...))
    Split <- pbapply::splitpb(length(X), 1L, nout = 100)
    B <- length(Split)
    pb <- pbapply::startpb(0, B)
    on.exit(pbapply::closepb(pb), add = TRUE)
    rval <- vector("list", B)
    for (i in seq_len(B)) {
      rval[i] <- list(lapply(X[Split[[i]]], FUN, ...))
      pbapply::setpb(pb, i)
  } else {
    if (inherits(cl, "cluster")) {
      PAR_FUN <- parallel::parLapply
      if (pbar) {
        return(PAR_FUN(cl, X, FUN, ...))
      Split <- pbapply::splitpb(length(X), length(cl), nout = 100)
      B <- length(Split)
      pb <- pbapply::startpb(0, B)
      on.exit(pbapply::closepb(pb), add = TRUE)
      rval <- vector("list", B)
      for (i in seq_len(B)) {
        rval[i] <- list(PAR_FUN(
          cl, X[Split[[i]]], FUN,
        pbapply::setpb(pb, i)
    } else {
      if (!pbar) {
        return(parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.cores = as.integer(cl)))
      Split <-
        pbapply::splitpb(length(X), as.integer(cl), nout = 100)
      B <- length(Split)
      pb <- pbapply::startpb(0, B)
      on.exit(pbapply::closepb(pb), add = TRUE)
      rval <- vector("list", B)
      for (i in seq_len(B)) {
        rval[i] <- list(parallel::mclapply(X[Split[[i]]],
          FUN, ...,
          mc.cores = as.integer(cl)
        pbapply::setpb(pb, i)
  rval <- do.call(c, rval, quote = TRUE)
  names(rval) <- names(X)

# internal warbleR function called by catalog

rectw_wrblr_int <-
           ang = NULL,
           den = NULL,
           pattern = "no.pattern",
           lw = 2,
           lt = 1) {
    if (pattern == "no.pattern") {
        xleft = xl,
        ybottom = yb,
        xright = xr,
        ytop = yt,
        border = bor,
        col = cl,
        angle = ang,
        density = den,
        lwd = lw,
        lty = lt
    } else {
        xleft = xl,
        ybottom = yb,
        xright = xr,
        ytop = yt,
        border = bor,
        col = "white",
        angle = ang,
        density = den,
        lwd = lw,
        lty = lt

      if (pattern == "diamond") {
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 45,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 135,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt

      if (pattern == "grid") {
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 0,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 90,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt

      if (pattern == "forward") {
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 45,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt

      if (pattern == "backward") {
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 315,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt

      if (pattern == "vertical") {
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 90,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt

      if (pattern == "horizontal") {
          xleft = xl,
          ybottom = yb,
          xright = xr,
          ytop = yt,
          border = bor,
          col = cl,
          density = den,
          angle = 0,
          lwd = lw,
          lty = lt
# author Marcelo Araya-Salas (\email{marcelo.araya@@ucr.ac.cr})
# last modification on aug-3-2017 (MAS)

specprop_wrblr_int <- function(spec, f = NULL, flim = NULL, ...) {
  fhz <- f

  if (is.null(f)) {
    if (is.vector(spec)) {
      stop2("'f' is missing")
    } else if (is.matrix(spec)) {
      f <- spec[nrow(spec), 1] * 2000 * nrow(spec) / (nrow(spec) - 1)

  if (is.matrix(spec)) {
    freq <- spec[, 1]
    freq <- freq * 1000
    spec <- spec[, 2]
  L <- length(spec)
  wl <- L * 2
  if (any(spec < 0)) {
    stop2("The frequency spectrum to be analysed should not be in dB")
  if (!is.null(flim)) {
    if (flim[1] < 0 || flim[2] > fhz / 2) {
      stop2("'flim' should range between 0 and f/2")
  } else {
    flim <- c(0, (f / 2 - f / wl) / 1000)
  g <- (1000 * wl / 2) / (f / 2 - f / wl)
  spec <- spec[(flim[1] * g):(flim[2] * g)]
  spec <- spec[!is.na(spec)]
  L <- length(spec)
  amp <- spec / sum(spec)
  cumamp <- cumsum(amp)
  freq <- seq(
    from = flim[1] * 1000,
    to = flim[2] * 1000,
    length.out = L
  mean <- sum(amp * freq)
  sd <- sqrt(sum(amp * ((freq - mean)^2)))
  sem <- sd / sqrt(L)
  median <- freq[length(cumamp[cumamp <= 0.5]) + 1]
  mode <- freq[which.max(amp)]
  Q25 <- freq[length(cumamp[cumamp <= 0.25]) + 1]
  Q75 <- freq[length(cumamp[cumamp <= 0.75]) + 1]
  IQR <- Q75 - Q25
  cent <- sum(freq * amp)
  z <- amp - mean(amp)
  w <- sd(amp)
  skew <- (sum(z^3) / (L - 1)) / w^3
  kurt <- (sum(z^4) / (L - 1)) / w^4
  sfm <- sfm(amp)
  sh <- sh(amp)
  prec <- f / wl
  results <- list(
    mean = mean,
    sd = sd,
    median = median,
    sem = sem,
    mode = mode,
    Q25 = Q25,
    Q75 = Q75,
    IQR = IQR,
    cent = cent,
    skewness = skew,
    kurtosis = kurt,
    sfm = sfm,
    sh = sh,
    prec = prec


# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. It is a modified version of seewave::spectro
# that allows to plot spectrograms using image() which substantially increases speed (although makes some options unavailable)
# there is also a soscillo function (soscillo_wrblr_int) down below copied from seewave v2.0.5 (later versions give problems with oscillogram in spectrogram apparently due to fastdisp)
# last modification on feb-09-2018 (MAS)
spectro_wrblr_int <-
           wl = 512,
           wn = "hanning",
           zp = 0,
           ovlp = 0,
           fast.spec = FALSE,
           complex = FALSE,
           norm = TRUE,
           correction = "none",
           fftw = FALSE,
           dB = "max0",
           dBref = NULL,
           plot = TRUE,
           flog = FALSE,
           grid = TRUE,
           osc = FALSE,
           scale = TRUE,
           cont = FALSE,
           collevels = NULL,
           palette = spectro.colors,
           contlevels = NULL,
           colcont = "black",
           colbg = "white",
           colgrid = "black",
           colaxis = "black",
           collab = "black",
           cexlab = 1,
           cexaxis = 1,
           tlab = "Time (s)",
           flab = "Frequency (kHz)",
           alab = "Amplitude",
           scalelab = "Amplitude\n(dB)",
           main = NULL,
           scalefontlab = 1,
           scalecexlab = 0.75,
           axisX = TRUE,
           axisY = TRUE,
           tlim = NULL,
           trel = TRUE,
           flim = NULL,
           flimd = NULL,
           widths = c(6, 1),
           heights = c(3, 1),
           oma = rep(0, 4),
           rnd = NULL,
           rm.lwst = FALSE,
           colwave = adjustcolor("#07889B", alpha.f = 0.7),
           box = TRUE,
           ...) {
    if (wl >= length(wave@left)) {
      wl <- length(wave@left) - 1
    if (wl %% 2 != 0) {
      wl <- wl - 1

    # remove scale if fast.spec
    if (fast.spec) {
      scale <- FALSE

    if (!is.null(dB) && all(dB != c("max0", "A", "B", "C", "D"))) {
      stop2("'dB' has to be one of the following character strings: 'max0', 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'")

    if (complex) {
      if (plot) {
        plot <- FALSE
        warning2("\n'plot' was turned to 'FALSE'")
      if (norm) {
        norm <- FALSE
        warning2("\n'norm' was turned to 'FALSE'")
      if (!is.null(dB)) {
        dB <- NULL
        warning2("\n'dB' was turned to 'NULL'")

    input <- inputw(wave = wave, f = wave@samp.rate)

    if (!is.null(tlim) && trel && osc) {
      wave <- wave0 <- input$w
    } else {
      wave <- input$w

    f <- input$f

    if (!is.null(tlim)) {
      wave <- cutw(wave,
        f = f,
        from = tlim[1],
        to = tlim[2]

    if (!is.null(flimd)) {
      mag <- round((f / 2000) / (flimd[2] - flimd[1]))
      wl <- wl * mag
      if (ovlp == 0) {
        ovlp <- 100
      ovlp <- 100 - round(ovlp / mag)
      flim <- flimd
    n <- nrow(wave)
    step <- seq(1, n - wl, wl - (ovlp * wl / 100))

    # to fix function name change in version 2.0.5
    # if (exists("stdft")) stft <- stdft
    z <- stft_wrblr_int(
      wave = wave,
      f = f,
      wl = wl,
      zp = zp,
      step = step,
      wn = wn,
      fftw = fftw,
      scale = norm,
      complex = complex,
      correction = correction

    if (!is.null(tlim) && trel) {
      X <- seq(tlim[1], tlim[2], length.out = length(step))
    } else {
      X <- seq(0, n / f, length.out = length(step))

    pl <- pretty(X)
    if (any(pl < 0)) {
      pl <- pl + abs(min(pl))
    xat <- xlabel <- pl

    if (!is.null(rnd)) {
      xlabel <- round(xlabel, rnd)

    if (is.null(flim)) {
      Y <- seq(0, (f / 2) - (f / (wl + zp)), by = f / (wl + zp)) / 1000
    } else {
      fl1 <- flim[1] * nrow(z) * 2000 / f
      fl2 <- flim[2] * nrow(z) * 2000 / f
      z <- z[(fl1:fl2) + 1, , drop = FALSE]
      Y <- seq(flim[1], flim[2], length.out = nrow(z))

    yat <- ylabel <- pretty(Y)
    if (rm.lwst) {
      ylabel[1] <- ""
    if (flog) {
      Y <- log(Y + 1)
      yat <- log(yat + 1)
    if (!is.null(dB)) {
      if (is.null(dBref)) {
        z <- 20 * log10(z)
      } else {
        z <- 20 * log10(z / dBref)
      if (dB != "max0") {
        if (dB == "A") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$A
        if (dB == "B") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$B
        if (dB == "C") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$C
        if (dB == "D") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$D
    Z <- t(z)
    # fix when no amplitude variation is found i wave
    if (all(is.nan(Z))) {
      Z[, ] <- -Inf

    if (plot) {
      if (!isTRUE(norm) && isTRUE(scale)) {
        stop2("dB colour scale cannot be plot when 'norm' is FALSE")
      suppressWarnings(maxz <- round(max(z, na.rm = TRUE)))

      if (!is.null(dB)) {
        if (is.null(collevels)) {
          collevels <- seq(maxz - 30, maxz, by = 1)
        if (is.null(contlevels) & cont) {
          contlevels <- seq(maxz - 30, maxz, by = 10)
      } else {
        if (is.null(collevels)) {
          collevels <- seq(0, maxz, length = 30)
        if (is.null(contlevels) & cont) {
          contlevels <- seq(0, maxz, length = 3)
      suppressWarnings(Zlim <- range(Z, finite = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE))
      if (osc & scale) {
        layout(matrix(c(3, 1, 2, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
          widths = widths,
          heights = heights
          las = 0,
          oma = oma,
          col = "white",
          col = colaxis,
          col.lab = collab,
          cex.lab = cexlab,
          cex.axis = cexaxis,
          bg = colbg
        par(mar = c(0, 1, 4.5, 3))
          collevels = collevels,
          palette = palette,
          fontlab = scalefontlab,
          cexlab = scalecexlab,
          collab = collab,
          textlab = scalelab,
          colaxis = colaxis
        par(mar = c(5, 4.1, 0, 0))
        if (!is.null(tlim) && trel) {
          wave <- wave0
          from <- tlim[1]
          to <- tlim[2]
        } else {
          from <- FALSE
          to <- FALSE
          wave = wave,
          f = f,
          bty = "u",
          from = from,
          to = to,
          collab = collab,
          colaxis = colaxis,
          colline = colaxis,
          ylim = c(
          tickup = max(abs(wave), na.rm = TRUE),
          tlab = tlab,
          alab = alab,
          cexlab = cexlab,
          cexaxis = cexaxis,
          xaxt = {
            if (!axisX) {
          mar = c(0, 4.1, 1, 0),
          las = 1,
          cex.lab = cexlab +

        if (!fast.spec) {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            levels = collevels,
            nlevels = 20,
            plot.title = title(
              main = main,
              xlab = "",
              ylab = flab
            plot.axes = {
              if (axisY) {
                axis(2, at = yat, labels = ylabel)
              } else {
            color.palette = palette
        } else {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            col = palette(30),
            xlab = tlab,
            ylab = flab

        if (grid) {
            h = yat,
            col = colgrid,
            lty = "dotted"
        if (cont) {
            add = TRUE,
            levels = contlevels,
            nlevels = 5,
            col = colcont,
        if (colaxis != colgrid) {
          abline(h = 0, col = colaxis)
        } else {
          abline(h = 0, col = colgrid)
      if (osc == FALSE & scale) {
        layout(matrix(c(2, 1), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
          widths = widths
          mar = c(5, 1, 4.5, 3),
          oma = oma,
          las = 0,
          bg = colbg
          collevels = collevels,
          palette = palette,
          fontlab = scalefontlab,
          cexlab = scalecexlab,
          collab = collab,
          textlab = scalelab,
          colaxis = colaxis
          mar = c(5, 4.1, 1, 0),
          las = 1,
          cex = 1,
          col = colaxis,
          col.axis = colaxis,
          col.lab = collab,
          bg = colbg,
          cex.lab = cexlab + 0.2
        if (!fast.spec) {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            levels = collevels,
            nlevels = 20,
            plot.title = title(
              main = main,
              xlab = tlab,
              ylab = flab
            plot.axes = {
              if (axisX) {
                axis(1, at = xat, labels = xlabel)
              if (axisY) {
                axis(2, at = yat, labels = ylabel)
            color.palette = palette,
            bx = box
        } else {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            col = palette(30),
            xlab = tlab,
            ylab = flab
        if (grid) {
            h = yat,
            col = colgrid,
            lty = "dotted"
        if (colaxis != colgrid) {
          abline(h = 0, col = colaxis)
        } else {
          abline(h = 0, col = colgrid)
        if (cont) {
            add = TRUE,
            levels = contlevels,
            nlevels = 5,
            col = colcont,
      if (osc & scale == FALSE) {
        layout(matrix(c(2, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),
          heights = heights
          mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 2.1),
          las = 0,
          oma = oma,
          bg = colbg
        if (!is.null(tlim) && trel) {
          wave <- wave0
          from <- tlim[1]
          to <- tlim[2]
        } else {
          from <- FALSE
          to <- FALSE
          wave = wave,
          f = f,
          bty = "u",
          from = from,
          to = to,
          collab = collab,
          colaxis = colaxis,
          colline = colaxis,
          tickup = max(abs(wave), na.rm = TRUE),
          ylim = c(-max(abs(wave)), max(abs(wave))),
          tlab = tlab,
          alab = alab,
          cexlab = cexlab,
          cexaxis = cexaxis,
          colwave = colwave,
          xaxt = {
            if (!axisX) {
          mar = c(0, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1),
          las = 1,
          cex.lab = cexlab
        if (!fast.spec) {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            levels = collevels,
            nlevels = 20,
            plot.title = title(
              main = main,
              xlab = "",
              ylab = flab
            color.palette = palette,
            plot.axes = {
              if (axisY) {
                axis(2, at = yat, labels = ylabel)
              } else {
            col.lab = collab,
            colaxis = colaxis,
            bx = box,
        } else {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            col = palette(30),
            xlab = tlab,
            ylab = flab,
            axes = FALSE
          if (axisY) {
            axis(2, at = yat, labels = ylabel)
          if (box) {
          if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (grid) {
            h = yat,
            col = colgrid,
            lty = "dotted"
        if (cont) {
            add = TRUE,
            levels = contlevels,
            nlevels = 5,
            col = colcont,
        if (colaxis != colgrid) {
          abline(h = 0, col = colaxis)
        } else {
          abline(h = 0, col = colgrid)
      if (osc == FALSE & scale == FALSE) {
          las = 1,
          col = colaxis,
          col.axis = colaxis,
          col.lab = collab,
          bg = colbg,
          cex.axis = cexaxis,
          cex.lab = cexlab

        if (!fast.spec) {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            levels = collevels,
            nlevels = 20,
            plot.title = title(
              main = main,
              xlab = tlab,
              ylab = flab
            plot.axes = {
              if (axisX) {
                axis(1, at = xat, labels = xlabel)
              if (axisY) {
                axis(2, at = yat, labels = ylabel)
            color.palette = palette,
            col.lab = collab,
            colaxis = colaxis,
            bx = box
        } else {
            x = X,
            y = Y,
            z = Z,
            col = palette(30),
            xlab = tlab,
            ylab = flab
        if (grid) {
            h = yat,
            col = colgrid,
            lty = "dotted"
        if (cont) {
            add = TRUE,
            levels = contlevels,
            nlevels = 5,
            col = colcont,
        if (colaxis != colgrid) {
          abline(h = 0, col = colaxis)
        } else {
          abline(h = 0, col = colgrid)

        time = X,
        freq = Y,
        amp = z
    } else {
        time = X,
        freq = Y,
        amp = z

soscillo_wrblr_int <- function(wave,
                               from = FALSE,
                               to = FALSE,
                               colwave = "black",
                               coltitle = "black",
                               collab = "black",
                               colline = "black",
                               colaxis = "black",
                               cexaxis = 1,
                               coly0 = "grey47",
                               tlab = "Times (s)",
                               alab = "Amplitude",
                               cexlab = 1,
                               fontlab = 1,
                               title = FALSE,
                               xaxt = "s",
                               yaxt = "n",
                               tickup = NULL,
                               ...) {
  input <- inputw(wave = wave, f = f)
  wave <- input$w
  f <- input$f

  if (from | to) {
    if (from == 0) {
      a <- 1
      b <- round(to * f)
    if (from == FALSE) {
      a <- 1
      b <- round(to * f)
      from <- 0
    if (to == FALSE) {
      a <- round(from * f)
      b <- nrow(wave)
      to <- nrow(wave) / f
    } else {
      a <- round(from * f)
      b <- round(to * f)
    wave <- as.matrix(wave[a:b, ])
    n <- nrow(wave)
  } else {
    n <- nrow(wave)
    from <- 0
    to <- n / f

    tcl = 0.5,
    col.axis = colaxis,
    cex.axis = cexaxis,
    col = colline,
    col.lab = collab,
    las = 0

  wave <- ts(wave[0:n, ],
    start = from,
    end = to,
    frequency = f

    col = colwave,
    type = "l",
    xaxs = "i",
    yaxs = "i",
    xlab = "",
    ylab = "",
    xaxt = xaxt,
    yaxt = yaxt,
    bty = "l",
    side = 1,
    col = colline,
    labels = FALSE
    side = 2,
    at = tickup,
    col = colline,
    labels = FALSE

    col = collab,
    font = fontlab,
    cex = cexlab,
    side = 1,
    line = 3
    col = collab,
    font = fontlab,
    cex = cexlab,
    side = 2,
    line = 3

  abline(h = 0, col = coly0, lty = 2)

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. It is a modified version of seewave::spectro
# that allows to plot spectrograms without resetting the graphic device, which is useful for multipannel figures. It also allow using image()
# which substantially increases speed (although makes some options unavailable)
# last modification on feb-27-2019 (MAS)
spectro_wrblr_int2 <-
           wl = 512,
           wn = "hanning",
           zp = 0,
           ovlp = 0,
           complex = FALSE,
           norm = TRUE,
           fftw = FALSE,
           dB = "max0",
           dBref = NULL,
           plot = TRUE,
           grid = TRUE,
           cont = FALSE,
           collevels = NULL,
           palette = spectro.colors,
           contlevels = NULL,
           colcont = "black",
           colbg = "white",
           colgrid = "gray",
           colaxis = "black",
           collab = "black",
           cexlab = 1,
           cexaxis = 1,
           tlab = "Time (s)",
           flab = "Frequency (kHz)",
           alab = "Amplitude",
           scalelab = "Amplitude\n(dB)",
           main = NULL,
           scalefontlab = 1,
           scalecexlab = 0.75,
           axisX = TRUE,
           axisY = TRUE,
           tlim = NULL,
           trel = TRUE,
           flim = NULL,
           flimd = NULL,
           = c(6, 1),
           heights = c(3, 1),
           oma = rep(0, 4),
           listen = FALSE,
           fast.spec = FALSE,
           rm.zero = FALSE,
           amp.cutoff = NULL,
           X = NULL,
           palette.2 = reverse.topo.colors,
           bx = TRUE,
           add = FALSE,
           collev.min = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(dB) && all(dB != c("max0", "A", "B", "C", "D"))) {
      stop2("'dB' has to be one of the following character strings: 'max0', 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'")
    sel.tab <- X

    if (is.list(palette)) {
      palette <- unlist(palette[[1]])
    if (is.null(palette)) {
      palette <- spectro.colors
    if (!is.function(palette)) {
      palette <- get(palette)

    if (is.null(collevels) & !is.null(collev.min)) {
      collevels <- seq(collev.min, 0, 1)

    if (!is.null(sel.tab)) {
      fast.spec <- TRUE

    if (complex & norm) {
      norm <- FALSE
      warning2("\n'norm' was turned to 'FALSE'")
    if (complex & !is.null(dB)) {
      dB <- NULL
      warning2("\n'dB' was turned to 'NULL'")
    input <- seewave::inputw(wave = wave, f = f)

    wave <- input$w

    f <- input$f
    if (!is.null(tlim)) {
      wave <- cutw(wave,
        f = f,
        from = tlim[1],
        to = tlim[2]
    if (!is.null(flimd)) {
      mag <- round((floor(f / 2000)) / (flimd[2] - flimd[1]))
      wl <- wl * mag
      if (ovlp == 0) {
        ovlp <- 100
      ovlp <- 100 - round(ovlp / mag)
      flim <- flimd
    n <- nrow(wave)
    step <- seq(1, n - wl, wl - (ovlp * wl / 100))

    # to fix function name change in after version 2.0.5
    # if (exists("stdft")) stft <- stdft
    z <- stft_wrblr_int(
      wave = wave,
      f = f,
      wl = wl,
      zp = zp,
      step = step,
      wn = wn,
      fftw = fftw,
      scale = norm,
      complex = complex
    if (!is.null(tlim) && trel) {
      X <- seq(tlim[1], tlim[2], length.out = length(step))
    } else {
      X <- seq(0, n / f, length.out = length(step))
    if (is.null(flim)) {
      Y <- seq(0, (f / 2) - (f / wl), length.out = nrow(z)) / 1000
    } else {
      fl1 <- flim[1] * nrow(z) * 2000 / f
      fl2 <- flim[2] * nrow(z) * 2000 / f
      z <- z[(fl1:fl2) + 1, ]
      Y <- seq(flim[1], flim[2], length.out = nrow(z))
    if (!is.null(dB)) {
      if (is.null(dBref)) {
        z <- 20 * log10(z)
      } else {
        z <- 20 * log10(z / dBref)
      if (dB != "max0") {
        if (dB == "A") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$A
        if (dB == "B") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$B
        if (dB == "C") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$C
        if (dB == "D") {
          z <- dBweight(Y * 1000, dBref = z)$D
    Z <- t(z)

    maxz <- round(max(z, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (!is.null(dB)) {
      if (is.null(collevels)) {
        collevels <- seq(maxz - 30, maxz, by = 1)
      if (is.null(contlevels)) {
        contlevels <- seq(maxz - 30, maxz, by = 10)
    } else {
      if (is.null(collevels)) {
        collevels <- seq(0, maxz, length = 30)
      if (is.null(contlevels)) {
        contlevels <- seq(0, maxz, length = 3)
    Zlim <- range(Z, finite = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(amp.cutoff)) {
      Z[Z >= (diff(range(Z)) * amp.cutoff) + min(Z)] <- 0

    if (!fast.spec) {
        x = X,
        y = Y,
        z = Z,
        bg.col = colbg,
        levels = collevels,
        nlevels = 20,
        plot.title = title(
          main = main,
          xlab = tlab,
          ylab = flab
        color.palette = palette,
        axisX = FALSE,
        axisY = axisY,
        col.lab = collab,
        colaxis = colaxis,
        add = add
    } else {
        x = X,
        y = Y,
        z = Z,
        col = palette(30),
        xlab = tlab,
        ylab = flab,
        axes = FALSE
      if (!is.null(sel.tab)) {
        out <- lapply(1:nrow(sel.tab), function(i) {
            x = X[X > sel.tab$start[i] &
              X < sel.tab$end[i]],
            y = Y[Y > sel.tab$bottom.freq[i] &
              Y < sel.tab$top.freq[i]],
            z = Z[X > sel.tab$start[i] &
              X < sel.tab$end[i], Y > sel.tab$bottom.freq[i] &
              Y < sel.tab$top.freq[i]],
            col = palette.2(30),
            xlab = tlab,
            ylab = flab,
            axes = FALSE,
            xlim = range(X),
            add = TRUE

      if (axisY) {
          at = pretty(Y),
          labels = pretty(Y),
          cex.axis = cexlab
      if (bx) {
      if (!is.null(main)) {

    if (axisX) {
      if (rm.zero) {
          at = pretty(X)[-1],
          labels = pretty(X)[-1],
          cex.axis = cexaxis
      } else {
          at = pretty(X),
          labels = pretty(X),
          cex.axis = cexaxis

    if (grid) {
      grid(nx = NA, ny = NULL, col = colgrid)

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. It is a modified version of seewave::stft
# last modification on feb-09-2018 (MAS)
stft_wrblr_int <-
           scale = TRUE,
           norm = FALSE,
           correction = "none",
           fftw = FALSE,
           complex = FALSE) {
    if (zp < 0) {
      stop2("zero-padding cannot be negative")
    W <- ftwindow(
      wl = wl,
      wn = wn,
      correction = correction
    if (fftw) {
      p <- fftw::planFFT(wl + zp)
      z <- apply(as.matrix(step), 1, function(x) {
        fftw::FFT(c(wave[x:(wl +
          x - 1), ] * W, rep(0, zp)), plan = p)
    } else {
      z <- apply(as.matrix(step), 1, function(x) {
        stats::fft(c(wave[x:(wl +
          x - 1), ] * W, rep(0, zp)))
    z <- z[1:((wl + zp) %/% 2), , drop = FALSE]
    z <- z / (wl + zp)
    if (complex == FALSE) {
      z <- 2 * Mod(z)
      if (scale) {
        if (norm) {
          z <- z / apply(
            X = z,
            MARGIN = 2,
            FUN = max
        } else {
          z <- z / max(z)

# internal warbleR function, not to be called by users. it calculates descriptors of wavelet packet decompositions
# based on A. Selin, J. Turunen, and J. T. Tanttu, "Wavelets in recognition of bird sounds" EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Pro- cessing, vol. 2007, Article ID 51806, 9 pages, 2007.
# @author Marcelo Araya-Salas (\email{marcelo.araya@@ucr.ac.cr})
# last modification on oct-7-2019 (MAS)

wpd_feature_wrblr_int <-
           normalize = FALSE,
           thr1 = 6,
           thr2 = 0.5) {
    # force wave object to have a length exp2
    # get target duration
    exp2 <- `^`(2, 1:1000)

    # target duration
    trg <- exp2[which.min(!exp2 > length(wave@left))]

    # margin to add at both sides
    mar <- rep(0, (trg - length(wave@left)) / 2)

    # amplitude vector
    amp.vctr <- c(mar, wave@left, mar)

    # fix if still not exp2
    if (length(amp.vctr) < trg) {
      amp.vctr <- c(amp.vctr, trg - length(amp.vctr))

    # compute wavelet packet decomposition
    out <- wavethresh::wp(amp.vctr, filter.number = 4)

    # coefficients
    mat <- out$wp
    bins <- dim(mat)[2]
    num_wpd_coefs <- dim(mat)[1]

    # sum of mean of Eb for each bin
    arr_meanEb <- sapply(1:bins, function(e) {
      sum(sapply(1:num_wpd_coefs, function(i) {
        mat[i, e]^2
      })) / num_wpd_coefs

    # find max E and position of max E
    mx <- max(arr_meanEb) # max
    ps <- which.max(arr_meanEb) # position

    # spread
    # s <- Spread(mat, bins, num_wpd_coefs)
    sprds <- sapply(1:bins, function(w) {
      # caculate threshold as in equation 6
      umbral <-
        (sum(sapply(1:num_wpd_coefs, function(i) {
          mat[i, w]^2
        })) / num_wpd_coefs) / thr1

      value <- mat[, w]^2
      j <- rep(1, length(value))

      # make lower values 0
      j[value <= umbral] <- 0

      # convert to NA the one lower than value
      value[value <= umbral] <- NA

      return(c(sum(value, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(j)))

    s <- colSums(t(sprds))

    # measure spread
    sprd <- s[1] / s[2]

    # add up square coefs by bin
    sum.coefs <- sapply(1:bins, function(e) {
      sum(sapply(1:num_wpd_coefs, function(i) {
        mat[i, e]^2

    # force to a range 0-1 (proportional to maximum)
    sum.coefs <- sum.coefs / max(sum.coefs)

    # get the ones above threshold
    w <- sum(sum.coefs > thr2)

    # w <- sum(sapply(1:bins, function(e){
    #   if(sum(sapply(1:num_wpd_coefs, function(i) mat[i, e]^2)) > thr) return(1) else return(0)
    # }))

    result <- c(mx, ps, sprd, w)

    if (normalize) {
      count <-
        sum(mat[, result[2]] > (sum(
          sapply(1:num_wpd_coefs, function(i) {
            mat[i, w]^2
        ) / num_wpd_coefs) / 6)

      if (count > 0) {
        result[1] <- result[1] / count

      result <- result * c(1, 1 / 16, 1 / 100, 1 / 20)

    names(result) <- c("max.energy", "position", "spread", "width")


# stop function that doesn't print call
stop2 <- function(...) {
  stop(..., call. = FALSE)

# warning function that doesn't print call
warning2 <- function(...) {
  warning(..., call. = FALSE)

# message function that changes colors
message2 <- function(x, color = "black") {
  message(colortext(x, as = color))

colortext <- function(text, as = c("red", "blue", "green", "magenta", "cyan", "orange", "black", "silver")) {
  if (has_color()) {
  } else {

has_color <- function() {
  cli::num_ansi_colors() > 1

warbleR_style <- function(color = c("red", "blue", "green", "magenta", "cyan", "orange", "black", "silver")) {
  type <- match.arg(color)

    red = "red",
    blue = "blue",
    green = "green",
    magenta = "magenta",
    cyan = "cyan",
    orange = "orange",
    black = "black",
    silver = "silver"

## internal function to subtract SPL from background noise
# signal = signal SPL
# noise = noise SPL
lessdB <- lessdB_wrblr_int <- function(signal.noise, noise) {
  puttative_SPLs <- seq(0.01, signal.noise, by = 0.01)

  sum_SPLs <-
    20 * log10((10^(puttative_SPLs / 20)) + (10^(noise / 20)))

  signal_SPL <-
    puttative_SPLs[which.min(abs(sum_SPLs - signal.noise))]


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warbleR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:49 a.m.