
Defines functions loadAnyCaptureRegions findFinishedCohortIndividuals loadClusterList loadQsList runSummaryPostAnalysis makeCSVofAllPointMutations checkRelatednessCrossBatch checkRelatedness superCohort mergeBatches bringAnnotation loadCohortMethods makeMetaDataFromBatch cohortAnalyseBatchContrast cohortAnalyseBatch

Documented in cohortAnalyseBatch cohortAnalyseBatchContrast mergeBatches runSummaryPostAnalysis superCohort

#' Analyse individuals for reccuring mutations
#' @param metaDataFile character: path to the metaData file.
#' @param outputDirectories A named list of output directories, containing the entries Rdirectory and plotDirectory where the saved data and plots will be stored respectively.
#' @param cpus integer: the maximum number of cpus to run on.
#' @param clonalityCut numeric: the minimum required clonality to be included in the analysis. Deafult 0.4.
#' @param excludeSamples character: The samples to be excluded from the analysis. Default c().
#' @param excludeIndividuals character: The individuals to be excluded from the analysis. Default c().
#' @param cosmicDirectory character: The directory with the COSMIC data.
#' @param analysisName character: The name of the directory where the analysis results are saved.
#'                                Default "cohortAnalysis".
#' @param forceRedoVariants boolean: Force redo the merging of the variants between individuals. Default FALSE.
#' @param forceRedoMean boolean: Force redo the mean CNAs ans SNVs rates over individuals. Default FALSE.
#' @param forceRedoMatrixPlot boolean: Force redo the hit matrix plot. Default FALSE.
#' @param forceRedoMeanPlot boolean: Force redo the mean CNA plot. Default FALSE.
#' @param genome character: the genome being studied. Default "hg19".
#' @details This function calculates mutation rates over genes, both protein changing SNVs, as well as CNA rates for complete loss, loss, gain (3 copies) and amplification (4 or more copies). It also track biallelic loss of genes in samples, by complete loss, a protein changing SNV plus a loss, or two SNVs (that are assumed to be on different alleles). Output is a plot over the genome of the CNA rates, as well as a "top table" of frequently mutated genes. It is run as an afterburner, and needs a finished superFreq analysis to be run on the samples.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' metaDataFile = '/absolute/path/to/metaData.txt'
#' Rdirectory = '/absolute/path/to/R'
#' plotDirectory = '/absolute/path/to/plots'
#' cpus=6
#' genome = 'hg19'
#' outputDirectories = list('Rdirectory'=Rdirectory, 'plotDirectory'=plotDirectory)
#' cohortAnalyseBatch(metaDataFile, outputDirectories, cpus=cpus, genome=genome)
#' }
cohortAnalyseBatch = function(metaDataFile, outputDirectories, cpus=1, onlyDNA=T, clonalityCut=0.4, includeNormal=F,
  excludeSamples=c(), excludeIndividuals=c(), cosmicDirectory='', analysisName='cohortAnalysis', cnvWeight=1,
  forceRedoVariants=F, forceRedoMean=F, forceRedoMatrixPlot=F, forceRedoMeanPlot=F, genome='hg19', ignoreCNAonly=F) {

  ensureDirectoryExists(outputDirectories$Rdirectory, verbose=F)
  logFile = paste0(normalizePath(outputDirectories$Rdirectory), '/runtimeTracking.log')
  assign('catLog', function(...) {cat(..., file=logFile, append=T); cat(...)}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  catLog('Running superFreq version', superVersion(), '\n')

  metaData =
    makeMetaDataFromBatch(metaDataFile, outputDirectories, analysisName=analysisName,
                          excludeSamples=excludeSamples, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals)
  bringAnnotation(metaData, genome)
  projects = getProjects(metaData, onlyDNA=onlyDNA)
  for ( project in projects ) {
    catLog('Cohort analysing', project, '\n')
    a = projectMeanCNV(metaData, project, cpus=cpus, onlyDNA=onlyDNA, clonalityCut=clonalityCut, includeNormal=includeNormal,
      forceRedoMean=forceRedoMean, forceRedoVariants=forceRedoVariants, cosmicDirectory=cosmicDirectory, cnvWeight=cnvWeight,
      forceRedoMatrixPlot=forceRedoMatrixPlot, forceRedoMeanPlot=forceRedoMeanPlot, genome=genome, ignoreCNAonly=ignoreCNAonly)
    if ( inherits(a, 'try-error') ) {
      catLog('Failed project mean CNV for project ', project, ' with error message: ', a, '\n', sep='')
      warning('Failed project mean CNV for project ', project, ' with error message: ', a)


#' Analyse individuals for reccuring mutations
#' @param metaDataFile character: path to the metaData file.
#' @param outputDirectories A named list of output directories, containing the entries Rdirectory and plotDirectory where the saved data and plots will be stored respectively.
#' @param project character: The project containing the subgroups.
#' @param subgroup1 character: The first subgroup(s).
#' @param subgroup2 character: The second subgroup(s).
#' @param name character: The name of the comparison. This names the output directory.
#' @param cpus integer: the maximum number of cpus to run on.
#' @param clonalityCut numeric: the minimum required clonality to be included in the analysis. Deafult 0.4.
#' @param excludeSamples character: The samples to be excluded from the analysis. Default c().
#' @param excludeIndividuals character: The individuals to be excluded from the analysis. Default c().
#' @param cosmicDirectory character: The directory with the COSMIC data.
#' @param analysisName character: The name of the directory where the analysis results are saved.
#'                                Default "cohortAnalysis".
#' @param forceRedoVariants boolean: Force redo the merging of the variants between individuals. Default FALSE.
#' @param forceRedoMean boolean: Force redo the mean CNAs ans SNVs rates over individuals. Default FALSE.
#' @param forceRedoMatrixPlot boolean: Force redo the hit matrix plot. Default FALSE.
#' @param forceRedoMeanPlot boolean: Force redo the mean CNA plot. Default FALSE.
#' @param genome character: the genome being studied. Default "hg19".
#' @details This function calculates mutation rates over genes, both protein changing SNVs, as well as CNA rates for complete loss, loss, gain (3 copies) and amplification (4 or more copies). It also track biallelic loss of genes in samples, by complete loss, a protein changing SNV plus a loss, or two SNVs (that are assumed to be on different alleles). Output is a plot over the genome of the CNA rates, as well as a "top table" of frequently mutated genes. It is run as an afterburner, and needs a finished superFreq analysis to be run on the samples.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' metaDataFile = '/absolute/path/to/metaData.txt'
#' Rdirectory = '/absolute/path/to/R'
#' plotDirectory = '/absolute/path/to/plots'
#' cpus=6
#' genome = 'hg19'
#' outputDirectories = list('Rdirectory'=Rdirectory, 'plotDirectory'=plotDirectory)
#' cohortAnalyseBatch(metaDataFile, outputDirectories, cpus=cpus, genome=genome)
#' }
cohortAnalyseBatchContrast = function(metaDataFile, outputDirectories, project, subgroups1, subgroups2, name, cpus=1,
  onlyDNA=T, clonalityCut=0.4, 
  excludeSamples=c(), excludeIndividuals=c(), cosmicDirectory='', analysisName='cohortAnalysis', cnvWeight=1,
  forceRedoVariants=F, forceRedoMean=F, forceRedoMatrixPlot=F, forceRedoMeanPlot=F, genome='hg19', ignoreCNAonly=F) {

  logFile = normalizePath(paste0(Rdirectory, '/runtimeTracking.log'))
  assign('catLog', function(...) {cat(..., file=logFile, append=T); cat(...)}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  catLog('Running superFreq version', superVersion(), '\n')

  metaData =
    compareGroups(metaDataFile=metaDataFile, outputDirectories=outputDirectories, project=project,
                  subgroups1=subgroups1, subgroups2=subgroups2,
                  name=name, clonalityCut=clonalityCut, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals,
                  cosmicDirectory=cosmicDirectory, analysisName=analysisName, cpus=cpus, forceRedoVariants=forceRedoVariants,
                  forceRedoMean=forceRedoMean, ignoreCNAonly=ignoreCNAonly, cnvWeight=cnvWeight,
                  forceRedoMeanPlot=forceRedoMeanPlot, forceRedoMatrixPlot=forceRedoMatrixPlot, genome=genome)


makeMetaDataFromBatch =
  function(metaDataFile, outputDirectories, analysisName, excludeSamples=c(), excludeIndividuals=c(),
           defaultProjectName='myProject', defaultCaptureRegions='myCapture',
           defaultBatchName='thisBatch', defaultDatatype='DNA') {
  samples = importSampleMetaData(metaDataFile)
  if ( any(samples$NAME %in% excludeSamples) ) {
    catLog('Excluding samples: ')
    catLog(samples[samples$NAME %in% excludeSamples,]$NAME, sep='\n')
    samples = samples[!(samples$NAME %in% excludeSamples),]
  if ( any(samples$INDIVIDUAL %in% excludeIndividuals) ) {
    catLog('Excluding individuals: ')
    catLog(unique(samples[samples$INDIVIDUAL %in% excludeIndividuals,]$INDIVIDUAL))
    samples = samples[!(samples$INDIVIDUAL %in% excludeIndividuals),]
  dataDirectory = paste0(dirname(metaDataFile), '/', analysisName)
  if ( !file.exists(dataDirectory) ) dir.create(dataDirectory)
  samples$NORMAL = samples$NORMAL == 'YES'
  samples$RDIRECTORY = paste0(dataDirectory, '/R/samples/',samples$NAME)
  samples$PLOTDIRECTORY = paste0(dataDirectory, '/plots/samples/',samples$NAME)
  rownames(samples) = samples$NAME
  if ( !('PROJECT' %in% names(samples)) ) samples$PROJECT = rep(defaultProjectName, nrow(samples))
  if ( !('PROJECT.SUBGROUP' %in% names(samples)) ) samples$PROJECT.SUBGROUP = rep('', nrow(samples))
  if ( !('BATCH' %in% names(samples)) ) samples$BATCH = rep(defaultBatchName, nrow(samples))
  if ( !('DATATYPE' %in% names(samples)) ) samples$DATATYPE = rep(defaultDatatype, nrow(samples))
  if ( !('CAPTUREREGIONS' %in% names(samples)) ) samples$CAPTUREREGIONS = rep(defaultCaptureRegions, nrow(samples))

  individuals = data.frame('individual'=unique(samples$INDIVIDUAL))
  individuals$Rdirectory = paste0(dataDirectory, '/R/individuals/',individuals$NAME)
  individuals$plotDirectory = paste0(dataDirectory, '/plots/individuals/',individuals$NAME)
  rownames(individuals) = individuals$individual
  projects = if( 'PROJECT' %in% names(samples) ) {
    unique(unlist(strsplit(samples$PROJECT, split=',')))
  } else defaultProjectName
  projects = data.frame(
    'Rdirectory'=paste0(dataDirectory, '/R/projects/',projects),
    'plotDirectory'=paste0(dataDirectory, '/plots/projects/',projects), stringsAsFactors=F)
  rownames(projects) = projects$project
  paths = list(

  ret = list('samples'=samples,

loadCohortMethods = function() {

bringAnnotation = function(metaData, genome) {
  fromPath = paste0(metaData$paths$outputDirectories$Rdirectory, '/ensembl', genome, 'annotation.Rdata')
  toPath = paste0(metaData$paths$dataDirectory, '/resources/ensembl', genome, 'annotation.Rdata')
  if ( file.exists(fromPath) )
    system(paste0('cp ', fromPath, ' ', toPath))

#' Merges data from several batches for cohort analysis
#' @param paths data.frame: One row for each batch to be merged.
#"                          Columns are metaDataFile and Rdirectory.
#' @param targetMetaDataFile character: Path to where the merged metaData will be stored.
#'                           This also affect where a downstream cohort analysis is stored.
#' @param targetRdirectory character: Path to where the Rdata will be stored.
#' @details This function merges the data from multiple batches, setting them up for a joint cohort analysis. Note that this is only for the purpose of a downstream cohort analysis. The output R directory cannot be run as a batch Rdirectory.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' paths = data.frame('metaDataFile' = c('~/superFreq/myFirstBatch/metaData.txt', '~/superFreq/mySecondBatch/metaData.txt'),
#'            'Rdirectory'= c('~/superFreq/myFirstBatch/R', '~/superFreq/myFirstBatch/R'))
#' targetMetaDataFile = '~/superFreq/mergedAnalysis/metaData.txt'
#' targetRdirectory = '~/superFreq/mergedAnalysis/R'
#' mergeBatches(paths, targetMetaDataFile, targetRdirectory)
#' outputDirectories = list('Rdirectory'=targetRdirectory)
#' cohortAnalyseBatch(targetMetaDataFile, outputDirectories, cpus=6, genome='hg19')
#' }
mergeBatches = function(paths, targetMetaDataFile, targetRdirectory, cpus=1) {  
  if ( !('metaDataFile' %in% names(paths)) ) stop('paths need to have an metaDataFile column.')
  if ( !('Rdirectory' %in% names(paths)) ) stop('paths need to have an Rdirectory column.')

  assign('catLog', function(...) {cat(...)}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  catLog('Running superFreq version', superVersion(), '\n')

  variantsSaveFile = paste0(targetRdirectory, '/allVariants.Rdata')
  clustersSaveFile = paste0(targetRdirectory, '/clusters.Rdata')
  if ( file.exists(variantsSaveFile) & file.exists(clustersSaveFile) ) {
    catLog('Batches already merged. Moving along.\n')

  #merge metaData files.
  metaDatas = lapply(as.character(paths$metaDataFile), function(metaDataFile) importSampleMetaData(metaDataFile))
  #fill in missing columns with blanks.
  columns = Reduce(union, lapply(metaDatas, names))
  metaDatas = lapply(metaDatas, function(metaData) {
    if ( all(columns %in% names(metaData)) ) return(metaData)
    missingColumns = lapply(setdiff(columns, names(metaData)), function(a) rep('', nrow(metaData)))
    names(missingColumns) = setdiff(columns, names(metaData))
    metaData = cbind(metaData, do.call(data.frame, missingColumns))
  #merge and write to file
  metaData = do.call(rbind, metaDatas)
  write.table(metaData, file=targetMetaDataFile, sep='\t', quote=F, row.names=F)

  #merge data
  catLog('Loading data for merge')
  datas = mclapply(as.character(paths$Rdirectory), function(Rdirectory) {
    load(paste0(Rdirectory, '/allVariants.Rdata'))
    load(paste0(Rdirectory, '/clusters.Rdata'))
    allVariants = allVariants['variants']
    data = list(allVariants=allVariants, clusters=clusters)
  }, mc.cores=cpus)
  #merge piece by piece
  variants = do.call(c, lapply(datas, function(d) d$allVariants$variants$variants))
  SNPs = do.call(rbind, lapply(datas, function(d) d$allVariants$variants$SNPs))
  SNPs = SNPs[!duplicated(rownames(SNPs)),]
  allVariants = list('variants'=list('variants'=variants, 'SNPs'=SNPs))
  save(allVariants, file=variantsSaveFile)

  clusters = do.call(c, lapply(datas, function(d) d$clusters))
  save(clusters, file=clustersSaveFile)

#' looks for reccuring events across all individuals in a batch run
#' @param metaDataFile character: path to the tab separated meta data file.
#' @param Rdirectory character: path to the Rdirectory of the batch run.
#' @param plotDirectory character: path to the plotDirectory of the batch run.
#' @param cpus integer: maximum number of threads used. default 1.
#' @param genome character: The genome build. 'hg19', hg38' or 'mm10'. Default 'hg19'
#' @param resourceDirectory character: path to the superFreq resources. Default 'superFreqResources'.
#' @param ...: Remaing argument are passed to superFreq::cohortAnalyseBatch()
#' @details This function merges the data from multiple batches, setting them up for a joint cohort analysis. Note that this is only for the purpose of a downstream cohort analysis. The output R directory cannot be run as a batch Rdirectory.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' superFreq(metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
#'           Rdirectory=Rdirectory,
#'           plotDirectory=plotDirectory,
#'           cpus=cpus,
#'           genome=genome)
#' #The resource directory defaults to the same in superFreq() and superCohort()
#' #so do not need to be specified.
#' superCohort(metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
#'           Rdirectory=Rdirectory,
#'           plotDirectory=plotDirectory,
#'           cpus=cpus,
#'           genome=genome)
#' }
superCohort = function(metaDataFile, Rdirectory, plotDirectory, genome, cpus=1, resourceDirectory='superFreqResources', excludeIndividuals=c(), excludeSamples=c(), ...) {
  metaDataDir = paste0(dirname(metaDataFile), '/splitMetaData')
  metaDataFiles = list.files(metaDataDir, pattern='*.tsv', full.names=T)
  metaDataFiles = metaDataFiles[!(basename(metaDataFiles) %in% paste0(excludeIndividuals, '.tsv'))]
  cohortDir = paste0(plotDirectory, '/cohort')
  cohortDir = normalizePath(cohortDir)
  batchDir = paste0(cohortDir, '/data')
  batchDir = normalizePath(batchDir)
  md = importSampleMetaData(metaDataFile)
  Rdirectories = paste0(Rdirectory, '/', unique(md$INDIVIDUAL))
  Rdirectories = Rdirectories[dir.exists(Rdirectories)]
  Rdirectories = Rdirectories[!(basename(Rdirectories) %in% excludeIndividuals)]
  paths = data.frame('metaDataFile' = metaDataFiles, 'Rdirectory'= Rdirectories)

  targetMetaDataFile = paste0(batchDir, '/metaData.tsv')
  targetRdirectory = paste0(batchDir, '/R')
  mergedPaths = mergeBatches(paths, targetMetaDataFile, targetRdirectory)
  metaData = importSampleMetaData(targetMetaDataFile)

  if ( !('PROJECT' %in% names(metaData)) )
    metaData$PROJECT = 'myProject'
  if ( !('GROUP' %in% names(metaData)) )
    metaData$GROUP = 'myGroup'
  cohortMetaDataFile = paste0(batchDir, '/cohortMetaData.tsv')
  write.table(metaData, file=cohortMetaDataFile, row.names=F, col.names=T, sep='\t', quote=F)
  outputDirectories = list('Rdirectory'=targetRdirectory)
                     cosmicDirectory=paste0(resourceDirectory, '/COSMIC'),


#calculates hwo related the sampels are based on germline SNPs, and makes a heatmap.
#purpose is to catch mislabeled samples assigned to the wrong individual
checkRelatedness = function(Rdirectory, plotDirectory, metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=c(), excludeSamples=c(), cpus=1) {
  qsList = superFreq:::loadQsList(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
                                  excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus)
  qs = do.call(c, qsList)
  cat('Calculating relatedness matrix')
  samples = names(qs)
  relatednessList = mclapply(samples, function(sample1) {
    sapply(samples, function(sample2) {
      q1 = qs[[sample1]]
      q2 = qs[[sample2]]
      het1 = rownames(q1)[q1$db & !is.na(q1$dbMAF) & q1$dbMAF > 0.01 & q1$flag == '' &
        q1$var < 0.9*q1$cov & q1$var > 0.2*q1$cov & q1$cov > 20]
      het1loose = rownames(q1)[q1$var < 0.95*q1$cov & q1$var > 0.1*q1$cov & q1$cov > 5]
      het2 = rownames(q2)[q2$db & !is.na(q2$dbMAF) &  q2$dbMAF > 0.01 & q2$flag == '' &
        q2$var < 0.9*q2$cov & q2$var > 0.2*q2$cov & q2$cov > 20]
      het2loose = rownames(q2)[q2$var < 0.95*q2$cov & q2$var > 0.1*q2$cov & q2$cov > 5]
      agreeHet = (sum(het1 %in% het2loose) + sum(het2 %in% het1loose))/2
      hetScore = agreeHet/((length(het1) + length(het2))/2)
  }, mc.cores=5, mc.preschedule=F)
  names(relatednessList) = samples
  relatednessMx = do.call(rbind, relatednessList)
  cohortPlots = paste0(plotDirectory, '/cohortWide')
  pdf(paste0(cohortPlots, '/relatedness.pdf'), height=10, width=15)
  makeHeatmap(relatednessMx, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col='sunset')

#calculates hwo related the sampels are based on germline SNPs, and makes a heatmap.
#purpose is to catch mislabeled samples assigned to the wrong individual
checkRelatednessCrossBatch = function(Rdirectories, plotFile, metaDataFiles, excludeIndividuals=c(),
                                      excludeSamples=c(), cpus=1, sortBySampleName=FALSE) {
  if ( length(Rdirectories) != length(metaDataFiles) ) stop('Length of Rdirectories (', length(Rdirectories),
                                                            ') does not match length of metaDataFiles (', length(metaDataFiles), ')')
  qsL = lapply(1:length(Rdirectories), function(i) {
	  qsList = superFreq:::loadQsList(Rdirectory=Rdirectories[i], metaDataFile=metaDataFiles[i],
                                  excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus)
	  qs = do.call(c, qsList)
	  names(qs) = unlist(lapply(qsList, names))
  qs = do.call(c, qsL)
  names(qs) = unlist(lapply(qsL, names))
  if ( sortBySampleName ) qs = qs[order(names(qs))]
  cat('Calculating relatedness matrix')
  samples = names(qs)
  relatednessList = mclapply(samples, function(sample1) {
    sapply(samples, function(sample2) {
      q1 = qs[[sample1]]
      q2 = qs[[sample2]]
      het1 = rownames(q1)[q1$db & !is.na(q1$dbMAF) & q1$dbMAF > 0.01 & q1$flag == '' &
                          q1$var < 0.9*q1$cov & q1$var > 0.2*q1$cov & q1$cov > 20]
      het1loose = rownames(q1)[q1$var < 0.95*q1$cov & q1$var > 0.1*q1$cov & q1$cov > 5]
      hom1 = rownames(q1)[q1$db & !is.na(q1$dbMAF) & q1$dbMAF > 0.01 & q1$flag == '' &
                          q1$var > 0.98*q1$cov & q1$cov > 20]
      het2 = rownames(q2)[q2$db & !is.na(q2$dbMAF) &  q2$dbMAF > 0.01 & q2$flag == '' &
                          q2$var < 0.9*q2$cov & q2$var > 0.2*q2$cov & q2$cov > 20]
      het2loose = rownames(q2)[q2$var < 0.95*q2$cov & q2$var > 0.1*q2$cov & q2$cov > 5]
      hom2 = rownames(q2)[q2$db & !is.na(q2$dbMAF) &  q2$dbMAF > 0.01 & q2$flag == '' &
                          q2$var > 0.98*q2$cov & q2$cov > 20]
      agreeHet = (sum(het1 %in% het2loose) + sum(het2 %in% het1loose))/2
      mismatchHetHom = sum(het1 %in% hom2) + sum(het2 %in% hom1)
      matchScore = agreeHet/(agreeHet + 10*mismatchHetHom)
  }, mc.cores=cpus, mc.preschedule=F)
  names(relatednessList) = samples
  relatednessMx = do.call(rbind, relatednessList)
  pdf(plotFile, height=10, width=15)
  makeHeatmap(relatednessMx, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col='sunset')


#takes all the somatic variants in the cohort and outputs them to a CSV.
makeCSVofAllPointMutations = function(genome, metaDataFile='metaData.tsv', Rdirectory='R', plotDirectory='plots', cpus=1, excludeIndividuals=c(), excludeSamples=c(), GoI=c()) {
  cat('Loading variants')
  qsList = superFreq:::loadQsList(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
                                  excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus)
  qsList = lapply(qsList, function(qs) {
  	qs = lapply(names(qs), function(sampleName) {
  	  q = qs[[sampleName]]
  	  q$sample = sampleName
  qs = do.call(c, qsList)
  q = do.call(rbind, qs)

  cohortPlots = paste0(plotDirectory, '/cohortWide')
  csvFile = paste0(cohortPlots, '/somaticVariants.csv')
  write.csv(q[q$somaticP > 0.5,], file=csvFile)
  if ( sum(q$consensusGene %in% GoI) > 0 ) {
    csvFile = paste0(cohortPlots, '/somaticVariants_GoI.csv')
    write.csv(q[q$consensusGene %in% GoI & q$somaticP > 0.5, ], file=csvFile)
    csvFile = paste0(cohortPlots, '/unfilteredVariants_GoI.csv')
    write.csv(q[q$consensusGene %in% GoI, ], file=csvFile)    


#' runs analyses across all samples in the batch
#' @param Rdirectory character: path to the Rdirectory of the batch run.
#' @param plotDirectory character: path to the plotDirectory of the batch run.
#' @param metaDataFile character: path to the tab separated meta data file.
#' @param genome character: The genome build. 'hg19', hg38' or 'mm10'. Default 'hg19'
#' @param GoI character vector: The genes of interest to be highlighted in the analysis. Default NA uses genes that are mutated in the cohort that are also in COSMIC census or pathogenic in ClinVar.
#' @param GoIakas named character vector: changes the displayed name of the GoI. For example c('BCL2L11'='BIM', 'BCL2L1'='BCLxL') to display the commonly used gene names BIM and BCLxL instead of the SYMBOL names BCL2L11 and BCL2L1 used by superFreq. Default c().
#' @param excludeIndividuals character vector: Exclude these individuals from the analysis. Default c().
#' @param excludeSamples character vector: Exclude these samples from the analysis. Default c().
#' @param cpus integer: maximum number of threads used. default 1.
#' @details This function carries out a number analyses across the individuals analysed in the top level Rdirectory. The output is placed in the plotDirectory, in a subdirectory called cohortWide. Probably convenient to not name individuals "cohortWide", or that individual will have to share directory with these plots.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' superFreq(metaDataFile='metaData.tsv',
#'           Rdirectory='R',
#'           plotDirectory='plots',
#'           cpus=4,
#'           genome='hg38')
#' runSummaryPostAnalysis(metaDataFile='metaData.tsv',
#'           Rdirectory='R',
#'           plotDirectory='plots',
#'           cpus=4,
#'           genome='hg38')
#' }
runSummaryPostAnalysis = function(Rdirectory, plotDirectory, metaDataFile, genome, resourceDirectory='superFreqResources', GoI=NA, GoIakas=c(), excludeIndividuals=c(), excludeSamples=c(), cpus=1) {
  if ( !file.exists(Rdirectory) ) stop('Rdirectory: ', Rdirectory, ' not found.')
  if ( !file.exists(metaDataFile) ) stop('metaDataFile: ', metaDataFile, ' not found.')
  if ( !file.exists(plotDirectory) ) stop('plotDirectory: ', plotDirectory, ' not found.')
  md = importSampleMetaData(metaDataFile)
  md = md[!(md$INDIVIDUAL %in% excludeIndividuals) & !(md$NAME %in% excludeSamples),]

  logFile = paste0(normalizePath(Rdirectory), '/runtimeTracking.log')
  assign('catLog', function(...) {cat(...);cat(..., file=logFile, append=T)}, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  catLog('\nRunning summary post analysis.\n')
  if ( is.na(GoI[1]) ) {
    catLog('Finding frequently mutated genes as Genes of Interest...')
    GoI = superFreq:::findGoI(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals,
                              excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus, genome=genome)
    catLog('GoI are:', GoI, '\n')
  catLog('Making summary .csv of all somatic point mutations.\n')
  superFreq:::makeCSVofAllPointMutations(genome=genome, metaDataFile=metaDataFile, Rdirectory=Rdirectory,
                                         plotDirectory=plotDirectory, cpus=cpus, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals,
                                         excludeSamples=excludeSamples, GoI=GoI)
  catLog('Making heatmap of CNAs across all samples.\n')
  superFreq:::makeCNAbatchHeatmap(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, plotDirectory=plotDirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
                                  genome=genome, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus)
  catLog('Making relatedness matrix.\n')
  superFreq:::checkRelatedness(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, plotDirectory=plotDirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
                               excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus)
  catLog('Making heatmap of CNAs across all samples with GoI highlighted.\n')
  plotDir = paste0(plotDirectory, '/cohortWide')
  pdf(paste0(plotDir, '/GoI_cnaHeatmap.pdf'), width=15, height=pmax(7,nrow(md)/5))
  superFreq:::plotCNAheatmapWithGoI(GoI=GoI, Rdirectory=Rdirectory, genome=genome, metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
                                    excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus, GoIakas=GoIakas)
  catLog('Making heatmaps of CNAs zoomed in on the GoI.\n')
  pdf(paste0(plotDir, '/GoI_cnaHeatmap_zoomed.pdf'), width=15, height=pmax(7,nrow(md)/5))
  for ( gene in GoI )
    superFreq:::plotCNAheatmapOverGoI(gene=gene, Rdirectory=Rdirectory, genome=genome, metaDataFile=metaDataFile,
                                      excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus, GoIakas=GoIakas)
  catLog('Making mutation matrix across samples for GoI.\n')
  pdf(paste0(plotDir, '/GoI_mutationMatrix.pdf'), width=15, height=pmax(7,nrow(md)/5))
  superFreq:::plotCohortMutationHeatmap(GoI=GoI, Rdirectory=Rdirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals,
                                        excludeSamples=excludeSamples, cpus=cpus, GoIakas=GoIakas)

  catLog('Running legacy cohort analysis of CNAs and point mutations.\n')
  superFreq:::superCohort(metaDataFile=metaDataFile, Rdirectory=Rdirectory, plotDirectory=plotDirectory, cpus=cpus, genome=genome, resourceDirectory=resourceDirectory, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals, excludeSamples=excludeSamples)

  catLog('Copying legacy meanCNV and mutationMatrix plots to cohortWide directory.\n')
  meanCNVfile = paste0(plotDirectory, '/cohort/data/cohortAnalysis/plots/projects/myProject/meanCNV.pdf')
  if ( file.exists(meanCNVfile) ) system(paste0('cp ', meanCNVfile, ' ', plotDir, '/meanCNV.pdf'))
  mmFile = paste0(plotDirectory, '/cohort/data/cohortAnalysis/plots/projects/myProject/mutationMatrix.pdf')
  if ( file.exists(mmFile) ) system(paste0('cp ', mmFile, ' ', plotDir, '/mutationMatrix.pdf'))
  catLog('Done with summary post analysis.\n\n')


loadQsList = function(Rdirectory, metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=c(), excludeSamples=c(), cpus=1) {
  individuals = superFreq:::findFinishedCohortIndividuals(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals)
  qsList = mclapply(individuals, function(ind) {
    load(paste0(Rdirectory, "/", ind, "/allVariants.Rdata"))
    allVariants$variants$variants = allVariants$variants$variants[!(names(allVariants$variants$variants) %in% excludeSamples)]
  }, mc.cores=cpus, mc.preschedule=F)
  qsList = qsList[sapply(qsList, length) > 0]

loadClusterList = function(Rdirectory, metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=c(), excludeSamples=c(), cpus=1) {
  individuals = superFreq:::findFinishedCohortIndividuals(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals)
  clusterList = mclapply(individuals, function(ind) {
    load(paste0(Rdirectory, "/", ind, "/clusters.Rdata"))
    clusters = clusters[!(names(clusters) %in% excludeSamples)]
  }, mc.cores=cpus, mc.preschedule=F)
  clusterList = clusterList[sapply(clusterList, length) > 0]

findFinishedCohortIndividuals = function(Rdirectory, metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=c()) {
  if ( !file.exists(Rdirectory) ) stop('Rdirectory: ', Rdirectory, ' not found.')
  if ( !file.exists(metaDataFile) ) stop('metaDataFile: ', metaDataFile, ' not found.')
  metaData = importSampleMetaData(metaDataFile)
  individuals = unique(metaData$INDIVIDUAL)
  individuals = individuals[!(individuals %in% excludeIndividuals)]
  names(individuals) = individuals
  files = paste0(Rdirectory, "/", individuals, "/stories.Rdata")
  if ( !all(file.exists(files)) ) {
    warning('Cant find variant files ', files[!file.exists(files)], ' maybe the superFreq run hasnt finished yet, or crashed. Trying to load the rest anyway, but this might be a problem.')
    files = files[file.exists(files)]

loadAnyCaptureRegions = function(Rdirectory, metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=c(), excludeSamples=c()) {
  individuals = superFreq:::findFinishedCohortIndividuals(Rdirectory=Rdirectory, metaDataFile=metaDataFile, excludeIndividuals=excludeIndividuals)
  load(paste0(Rdirectory, '/', individuals[1], '/captureRegions.Rdata'))
ChristofferFlensburg/superFreq documentation built on July 8, 2024, 7:51 a.m.