
Defines functions NestorowaHSCData

Documented in NestorowaHSCData

#' Obtain the Nestorowa HSC data
#' Obtain the mouse haematopoietic stem cell single-cell RNA-seq data from Nestorowa et al. (2015).
#' @param remove.htseq Logical scalar indicating whether HT-seq alignment statistics should be removed.
#' @param location Logical scalar indicating whether genomic coordinates should be returned.
#' @param legacy Logical scalar indicating whether to pull data from ExperimentHub.
#' By default, we use data from the gypsum backend.
#' @details
#' Rows corresponding to HT-seq's alignment statistics are removed by default.
#' These can be retained by setting \code{remove.htseq=FALSE}.
#' Column metadata includes the cell type mapping, as described on the website (see References),
#' and the FACS expression levels of selected markers.
#' Note that these are stored as nested matrices within the \code{\link{colData}}.
#' Diffusion map components are provided as the \code{"diffusion"} entry in the \code{\link{reducedDims}}.
#' Counts for ERCC spike-ins are stored in the \code{"ERCC"} entry in the \code{\link{altExps}}.
#' If \code{location=TRUE}, the coordinates of the Ensembl gene models are stored in the \code{\link{rowRanges}} of the output.
#' All data are downloaded from ExperimentHub and cached for local re-use.
#' Specific resources can be retrieved by searching for \code{scRNAseq/nestorowa-hsc}.
#' @return A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object with a single matrix of read counts.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @references
#' Nestorowa S et al. (2016). 
#' A single-cell resolution map of mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell differentiation
#' \emph{Blood} 128, e20-e31.
#' Gene and protein expression in adult haematopoiesis: Data.
#' \url{http://blood.stemcells.cam.ac.uk/single_cell_atlas.html#data}.
#' @examples
#' sce <- NestorowaHSCData()
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment splitAltExps reducedDim<-
NestorowaHSCData <- function(remove.htseq=TRUE, location=TRUE, legacy=FALSE) {
    if (!legacy && remove.htseq) {
        sce <- fetchDataset("nestorowa-hsc-2016", "2024-04-18", realize.assays=TRUE)

    } else {
        version <- "2.0.0"
        sce <- .create_sce(file.path("nestorowa-hsc", version), has.rowdata=FALSE)

        if (remove.htseq) {
            sce <- sce[grep("^__", rownames(sce), invert=TRUE),]

        reducedDim(sce, "diffusion") <- sce$diffusion
        sce$diffusion <- NULL

        status <- ifelse(grepl("^ERCC-[0-9]+", rownames(sce)), "ERCC", "endogenous")
        sce <- splitAltExps(sce, status, ref="endogenous")

    .define_location_from_ensembl(sce, species="Mm", location=location)
LTLA/scRNAseq documentation built on June 28, 2024, 7:31 p.m.