
Defines functions map.snps.to.genes map_snps_to_genes

Documented in map_snps_to_genes

#' Map SNPs to their nearby genes
#' Make two external calls to MAGMA. First use it to annotate SNPs
#'  onto their neighbouring genes. Second, use it to calculate
#'  the gene level trait association.
#' @param path_formatted Filepath of the summary statistics file
#' (which is expected to already be in the required format).
#' Can be uncompressed or compressed (".gz" or ".bgz").
#' @param genome_build The build of the reference genome
#'  (\code{"GRCh37"} or \code{"GRCh38"}).
#' If \code{NULL}, it will be inferred with
#' \link[MungeSumstats]{get_genome_build}.
#' @param upstream_kb How many kilobases (kb) upstream of the gene
#'  should SNPs be included?
#' @param downstream_kb How many kilobases (kb) downstream of the gene
#' should SNPs be included?
#' @param N What is the N number for this GWAS? That is cases + controls.
#' @param genome_ref_path Path to the folder containing the 1000
#' genomes reference (downloaded with \link[MAGMA.Celltyping]{get_genome_ref}).
#' @param genes_only The \emph{.genes.raw} file is the intermediary file 
#' that serves as  the input for subsequent gene-level analyses. 
#'  To perform only a gene analysis, with no subsequent gene-set analysis,
#'  the \code{--genes-only} flag can be added (\code{TRUE}). 
#'  This suppresses the creation of the \emph{.genes.raw} file, 
#'  and significantly reduces the running time and memory required.
#' @param duplicate The duplicate modifier can be used to specify the desired
#'  behaviour for dealing with duplicate SNPs in the file, and can be set to 
#'  one of four values: 'drop', 'first', 'last', and 'error'. When set to 
#'  'drop', the corresponding SNP is removed from the analysis entirely. 
#'  When set to 'first' or 'last', either the first or the last entry for
#'   that SNPs in the file is used. When set to 'error', the program terminates 
#'   if encountering any duplicate SNPs. The default mode is 'duplicate=drop'. 
#'   Note that SNPs are only checked for duplication if they are present in 
#'   the genotype data, and if they have a non-missing pvalue 
#'   (and sample size, if ncol is set). When synonymous SNP IDs have been 
#'   loaded, different SNP IDs referring to the same SNP are considered 
#'   duplicates as well. Unless duplicate is set to 'error', a list of 
#'   duplicate SNPs will be written to the supplementary log file.
#' @param synonym_dup When loading SNP ID synonyms, MAGMA may detect SNP IDs 
#' in the genotype data that are synonyms of each other. The synonym-dup
#'  modifier for the --bfile flag can be used to specify the desired behaviour 
#'  for dealing with such SNPs. This modifier can be set to one of four values:
#'   'drop', 'drop-dup', 'skip', 'skip-dup' and 'error'. When set to 'drop', 
#'   SNPs that have multiple synonyms in the data are removed from the analysis.
#'    Conversely, when set to 'skip' the SNPs are left in the data and the 
#'    synonym entry in the synonym file is skipped. When set to 'drop-dup', 
#'    for each synonym entry only the first listed in the synonym file is 
#'    retained; for subsequent SNP IDs in the same entry that are found in 
#'    the data are removed, and their IDs are mapped as synonyms to the first
#'     SNP. When set to 'skipdup' the genotype data for all synonymous SNPs 
#'     is retained; SNP IDs not found in the data are mapped to the first SNP
#'      in the synonym entry that is. Finally, when set to 'error', the program
#'       will simply terminate when encountering synonymous SNPs in the data. 
#'       The default mode is 'synonym-dup=skip'. Unless synonym-dup is set to 
#'       error, a list of synonymous SNPs in the data will be written to the 
#'       supplementary log file.
#' @param force_new Set to \code{TRUE} to
#' rerun \code{MAGMA} even if the output files already exist.
#'  (Default: \code{FALSE}).
#' @inheritParams get_genome_ref
#' @inheritParams celltype_associations_pipeline
#' @returns Path to the genes.out file.
#' @export
#' @importFrom MungeSumstats get_genome_builds
#' @importFrom tools R_user_dir
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' path_formatted <- MAGMA.Celltyping::get_example_gwas()
#' genesOutPath <- MAGMA.Celltyping::map_snps_to_genes(
#'     path_formatted = path_formatted,
#'     genome_build = "hg19",
#'     N = 5000)
#' } 
map_snps_to_genes <- function(path_formatted,
                              genome_build = NULL,
                              upstream_kb = 35,
                              downstream_kb = 10,
                              N = NULL,
                              duplicate = c("drop","first","last","error"),
                              synonym_dup = c("skip","skip-dup",
                              genome_ref_path = NULL,
                              population = "eur",
                              genes_only = FALSE,
                              storage_dir = tools::R_user_dir(
                              force_new = FALSE,
                              version = NULL,
                              verbose = TRUE) {
  # devoptera::args2vars(map_snps_to_genes)

  #### Check MAGMA installation ####
  magma_check(version = version, 
              verbose = verbose)
  #### Check duplicate args ####
  duplicate <- check_duplicate(duplicate=duplicate)
  synonym_dup <- check_synonym_dup(synonym_dup=synonym_dup)
  #### Download  1000 Genomes reference panel ####
  genome_ref_path <- get_genome_ref(genome_ref_path = genome_ref_path,
                                    storage_dir = storage_dir,
                                    population = population,
                                    verbose = verbose)
  path_formatted <- fix_path(path_formatted)
  magmaPaths <- get_magma_paths(
      gwas_sumstats_path = path_formatted,
      upstream_kb = upstream_kb,
      downstream_kb = downstream_kb
  #### Create MAGMA output file paths ####
  outPath <- fix_path(magmaPaths$filePathPrefix)
  genes_annot <- paste0(outPath,".genes.annot")
  genes_out <- paste0(outPath,".genes.out")
  #### Check for existing files ####
  if ((file.exists(genes_annot) &
      file.exists(genes_out)) &
      (force_new == FALSE)) {
      message("Precomputed file detected: ", genes_out)
  dir.create(dirname(genes_out), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  #### MAGMA requires files to be decompressed #####
  path_formatted <- decompress(path_formatted = path_formatted, 
                               storage_dir = tempdir(),
                               verbose = verbose)
  # Check whether there is an N column in the sumstats file
  # (if it wasn't provided as an argument)
  n_arg <- check_n(path_formatted = path_formatted, 
                   N = N) 
  #### Get genome build ####
  if (is.null(genome_build)) {
      genome_build <-
          MungeSumstats::get_genome_builds(sumstats_list = path_formatted,
                                           names_from_paths = TRUE)
  #### Determine which genome build it uses & get path to gene loc file ####
  genomeLocFile <- check_genomeLocFile(genome_build = genome_build,
                                       path_formatted = path_formatted,
                                       storage_dir = storage_dir)
  #### Create genes.annot ####
  message_parallel("\n==== MAGMA Step 1: Generate genes.annot file ====\n")
  magma_cmd <- sprintf(
            "--annotate window=%s,%s",
            "--snp-loc '%s'",
            "--gene-loc '%s'",
            "--out '%s'"),
  #### Run MAGMA command ####
  magma_run(cmd = magma_cmd, 
            version = version) 
  #### Create genes.out ####
  message_parallel("\n==== MAGMA Step 2: Generate genes.out ====\n")
  magma_cmd <- sprintf(
            "--bfile '%s'",paste0("synonym-dup=",shQuote(synonym_dup)),
            "--pval '%s' %s",paste0("duplicate=",shQuote(duplicate)),
            if(isTRUE(genes_only)) "--genes-only" else NULL,
            "--gene-annot '%s.genes.annot'",
            "--out '%s'"
  #### Run MAGMA command ####
  magma_run(cmd = magma_cmd, 
            version = version)
  # Return path to genes.out file

map.snps.to.genes <- function(...){
NathanSkene/MAGMA_Celltyping documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 7:19 a.m.