#' Query IMPACT annotations
#' Query annotations/LD-scores generated by
#' \href{https://github.com/immunogenomics/IMPACT}{IMPACT}
#' (Inference and Modeling of Phenotype-related ACtive Transcription),
#' IMPACT predicts transcription factor (TF) binding at a motif site by
#' learning the epigenomic profiles at those sites
#' (primarily \href{https://www.encodeproject.org/}{ENCODE}).
#' All data are aligned to the \emph{hg19} genome build.
#' All data has also been
#' reformatted to tabix indexed files and uploaded to Zenodo
#' \href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7062238}{here}
#' to allow for rapid querying.
#' @param types File types to include.
#' @param populations Population ancestries to include
#' ("EAS" = East Asian; "EUR" = European).
#' @param output_format Output format options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"wide" : }{Spread annotation across columns and keep 1 row/SNP.}
#' \item{"long" : }{Melt annotation across rows and allow multiple rows/SNP.}
#' \item{"list" : }{Do not perform merging of queries and instead return
#' results as a named list, where the name is
#' the file the annotation came from.}
#' }
#' @param add_metadata Add metadata about each sample
#' (\emph{Warning}: can substantially increase the dataset size).
#' @inheritParams echotabix::query
#' @inheritParams echotabix::construct_query
#' @returns A named list or data.table of annotations
#' merged with \code{query_dat}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom echotabix construct_query query
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom data.table data.table melt.data.table rbindlist fread :=
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by slice_head
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @examples
#' query_dat <- echodata::BST1[1:50,]
#' annot_dt <- IMPACT_query(query_dat=query_dat, populations="EUR")
IMPACT_query <- function(query_dat,
types = c("annot","ldscore"),
populations = c("EAS","EUR"),
query_genome = "hg19",
target_genome = "hg19",
overlapping_only = TRUE,
output_format = c("wide","long","list"),
add_metadata = FALSE,
conda_env = "echoR_mini",
nThread = 1,
verbose = TRUE){
# echoverseTemplate:::args2vars(echoannot:::IMPACT_query)
# echoverseTemplate:::source_all()
IMPACT_id <- IMPACT <- variable <- chrom <- type <- population <- NULL;
IMPACT_files <- get("IMPACT_files")
#### Handle output_format ####
output_format <- tolower(output_format)[1]
if(output_format!="long" && add_metadata){
msg <- paste(
"Warning: add_metadata will only work when output_format='long'.",
"Setting add_metadata=FALSE."
#### Get file paths ####
files <- IMPACT_files[chrom %in% unique(query_dat$CHR) &
type %in% types &
population %in% populations,]
query_granges <- echotabix::construct_query(query_dat = query_dat,
verbose = verbose)
annot <- lapply(stats::setNames(files$url,
echotabix::query(target_path = x,
## Important! Simply appending ".tbi"
## to end of URL would be incorrect.
target_index = gsub("\\.bgz",".bgz.tbi",x),
query_method = "rsamtools",
overlapping_only = overlapping_only,
query_granges = query_granges,
conda_env = conda_env,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose)
#### Process results ####
id_vars <- c("CHR","BP","SNP")
#### List mode ####
#### Wide mode ####
} else if (output_format=="wide"){
annot_dt <- Reduce(function(...){
merge(..., by=c("query",id_vars))}, annot)
#### Long mode ####
} else if(output_format=="long"){
annot_dt <- data.table::melt.data.table(
data = data.table::rbindlist(annot, fill = TRUE,
use.names = TRUE,
idcol = "filename")[,-c("CM","query")],
id.vars = c(id_vars,"filename"))
#### Add metadata ####
messager("Adding metadata to table.",v=verbose)
meta <- data.table::fread(
#### Tale the first row per annotation ####
meta <- dplyr::group_by(meta, IMPACT) |>
dplyr::slice_head(n = 1) |>
annot_dt <- merge(annot_dt, meta,
by.x = "IMPACT_id",
by.y = "IMPACT")
} else {
stp <- paste("output_format must be one of:",
paste0("\n - ",eval(formals(IMPACT_query)$output_format),
collapse = ""))
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