
Defines functions merge_finemapping_results

Documented in merge_finemapping_results

#' Merge fine-mapping results from all loci
#' Gather fine-mapping results from \pkg{echolocatoR} across all loci
#' and merge into a single data.frame.
#' @param dataset Path to the folder you want to recursively search
#' for results files within
#'  (e.g. \url{"Data/GWAS/Nalls23andMe_2019"}).
#' Set this to a path that includes multiple subfolders if you want
#' to gather results
#' from multiple studies at once
#' (e.g. \url{"Data/GWAS"}).
#' @param minimum_support Filter SNPs by the minimum number
#'  of fine-mapping tools that contained the SNP in their Credible Set.
#' @param include_leadSNPs Include lead GWAS/QTL SNPs per locus
#'  (regardless of other filtering criterion).
#' @param from_storage Search for stored results files. 
#' @param exclude_methods Exclude certain fine-mapping methods when estimating
#' \strong{mean.CS} and \strong{Consensus_SNP}.
#' @param save_path Path to save merged table to.
#' @param top_CS_only Only include the top 1 CS per fine-mapping method.
#' @param nThread Number of threads to parallelise across.
#' @param verbose Print messages.
#' @inheritParams find_consensus_snps
#' @inheritParams echoLD::get_LD
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr rename 
#' @importFrom data.table merge.data.table data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @examples
#' dataset <- get_Nalls2019_loci(return_dir = TRUE)
#' merged_DT <- merge_finemapping_results(dataset = dataset)
merge_finemapping_results <- function(dataset = file.path(
                                        minimum_support = 1,
                                        include_leadSNPs = TRUE,
                                        LD_reference = NULL,
                                        save_path = tempfile(
                                            fileext = "merged_results.csv.gz"
                                        from_storage = TRUE,  
                                        credset_thresh = .95,
                                        consensus_thresh = 2,
                                        exclude_methods = NULL,
                                        top_CS_only = FALSE,
                                        verbose = TRUE,
                                        nThread = 1) {
    Gene <- Support <- NULL;
    if (from_storage) {
        messager("+ Gathering all fine-mapping results from storage...",
                 v = verbose
        # Find all multi-finemap_results files
        multifinemap_pattern <- 
            file.path(dataset, paste0("*.*Multi-finemap.tsv*"))
        multifinemap_pattern2 <- 
            file.path(dataset, paste0("*.*multi_finemap.csv*"))
        multi_dirs <- list.files(
            path = dataset,
            pattern = paste0(c(
            ), collapse = "|"),
            recursive = TRUE,
            full.names = TRUE
        ) |> unique()
        if (length(multi_dirs) == 0) {
            stop("+ No multi-finemap files found.")
        } else {
            messager("+", length(multi_dirs), "multi-finemap files found.",
                     v = verbose
        loci <- basename(dirname(dirname(multi_dirs)))
        if (length(loci) > length(unique(loci))) {
            messager("+ Removing duplicate Multi-finemap files per locus.",
                     v = verbose
            loci <- loci[!duplicated(loci)]
        dataset_names <- dirname(dirname(dirname(multi_dirs))) |> unique()
        # Loop through each GENE
        finemap_results <- lapply(
                     multi_dirs. = multi_dirs,
                     .nThread = nThread) {
                # Loop through each gene folder
                all_results <- parallel::mclapply(multi_dirs.,
                       nThread = .nThread) {
                  locus <- basename(dirname(dirname(md)))
                  messager("+ Importing results...", locus, v = verbose)
                  multi_data <- data.table::fread(md, nThread = nThread)
                  multi_data <- update_cols(multi_data)
                  multi_data <- assign_lead_snp(
                      dat = multi_data,
                      verbose = verbose
                  if (!"Locus" %in% colnames(multi_data)) {
                      multi_data <- cbind(Locus = locus, multi_data)
                  if (!"Dataset" %in% colnames(multi_data)) {
                      multi_data <- cbind(
                          Dataset = basename(dn),
                  # Bind loci
              mc.cores = nThread
                ) |>
                    data.table::rbindlist(fill = TRUE)
        ) |> data.table::rbindlist(fill = TRUE) # Bind datasets
    #### Add/Update Support/Consensus cols ####
    merged_results <- find_consensus_snps(
        dat = finemap_results,
        credset_thresh = credset_thresh,
        consensus_thresh = consensus_thresh,
        exclude_methods = exclude_methods,
        verbose = verbose
    merged_results <- subset(merged_results, Support >= minimum_support)
    if (!"Locus" %in% colnames(merged_results)) {
        merged_results <- merged_results |>
            dplyr::rename(Locus = Gene) |>
    #### Save ####
    if (save_path != FALSE) {
        dir.create(dirname(save_path), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
        # openxlsx::write.xlsx(merged_results, xlsx_path)
        messager("+ Saving merged results ==>", save_path, v = verbose)
        data.table::fwrite(merged_results, save_path, nThread = nThread)
RajLabMSSM/echodata documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 8 a.m.