
Defines functions .DefaultLogisticLogNormalOrdinal LogisticLogNormalOrdinal .DefaultFractionalCRM FractionalCRM .DefaultOneParExpPrior OneParExpPrior .DefaultOneParLogNormalPrior OneParLogNormalPrior .DefaultTITELogisticLogNormal TITELogisticLogNormal .DefaultDALogisticLogNormal DALogisticLogNormal .DefaultEffFlexi EffFlexi .DefaultEffloglog Effloglog .DefaultLogisticIndepBeta LogisticIndepBeta .DefaultModelEff .DefaultModelTox .DefaultModelPseudo .DefaultDualEndpointEmax DualEndpointEmax .DefaultDualEndpointBeta DualEndpointBeta .DefaultDualEndpointRW DualEndpointRW .DefaultDualEndpoint DualEndpoint .DefaultLogisticLogNormalMixture LogisticLogNormalMixture .DefaultLogisticNormalFixedMixture LogisticNormalFixedMixture .DefaultLogisticNormalMixture LogisticNormalMixture .DefaultLogisticKadaneBetaGamma LogisticKadaneBetaGamma .DefaultLogisticKadane LogisticKadane .DefaultLogisticLogNormalGrouped LogisticLogNormalGrouped .DefaultProbitLogNormalRel ProbitLogNormalRel .DefaultProbitLogNormal ProbitLogNormal .DefaultLogisticLogNormalSub LogisticLogNormalSub .DefaultLogisticLogNormal LogisticLogNormal .DefaultLogisticNormal LogisticNormal .DefaultModelLogNormal ModelLogNormal .DefaultGeneralModel

Documented in DALogisticLogNormal .DefaultDALogisticLogNormal .DefaultDualEndpoint .DefaultDualEndpointBeta .DefaultDualEndpointEmax .DefaultDualEndpointRW .DefaultEffFlexi .DefaultEffloglog .DefaultFractionalCRM .DefaultGeneralModel .DefaultLogisticIndepBeta .DefaultLogisticKadane .DefaultLogisticKadaneBetaGamma .DefaultLogisticLogNormal .DefaultLogisticLogNormalGrouped .DefaultLogisticLogNormalMixture .DefaultLogisticLogNormalOrdinal .DefaultLogisticLogNormalSub .DefaultLogisticNormal .DefaultLogisticNormalFixedMixture .DefaultLogisticNormalMixture .DefaultModelEff .DefaultModelLogNormal .DefaultModelPseudo .DefaultModelTox .DefaultOneParExpPrior .DefaultOneParLogNormalPrior .DefaultProbitLogNormal .DefaultProbitLogNormalRel .DefaultTITELogisticLogNormal DualEndpoint DualEndpointBeta DualEndpointEmax DualEndpointRW EffFlexi Effloglog FractionalCRM LogisticIndepBeta LogisticKadane LogisticKadaneBetaGamma LogisticLogNormal LogisticLogNormalGrouped LogisticLogNormalMixture LogisticLogNormalOrdinal LogisticLogNormalSub LogisticNormal LogisticNormalFixedMixture LogisticNormalMixture ModelLogNormal OneParExpPrior OneParLogNormalPrior ProbitLogNormal ProbitLogNormalRel TITELogisticLogNormal

#' @include helpers.R
#' @include helpers_jags.R
#' @include Model-validity.R
#' @include ModelParams-class.R
#' @include CrmPackClass-class.R

# GeneralModel-class ----

#' `GeneralModel`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`GeneralModel`] is a general model class, from which all other specific
#' model-like classes inherit.
#' @note The `datamodel` must obey the convention that the data input is
#'   called exactly in the same way as in the corresponding data class.
#'   All prior distributions for parameters should be contained in the
#'   model function `priormodel`. The background is that this can
#'   be used to simulate from the prior distribution, before obtaining any data.
#' @slot datamodel (`function`)\cr a function representing the `JAGS` data model
#'   specification.
#' @slot priormodel (`function`)\cr a function representing the `JAGS` prior
#'   specification.
#' @slot modelspecs (`function`)\cr a function computing the list of the data
#'   model and prior model specifications that are required to be specified
#'   completely (e.g. prior parameters, reference dose, etc.), based on the data
#'   slots that are required as arguments of this function.
#'   Apart of data arguments, this function can be specified with one additional
#'   (optional) argument `from_prior` of type `logical` and length one. This
#'   `from_prior` flag can be used to differentiate the output of the `modelspecs`,
#'   as its value is taken directly from the `from_prior` argument of the `mcmc`
#'   method that invokes `modelspecs` function. That is, when `from_prior` is
#'   `TRUE`, then only `priormodel` JAGS model is used (`datamodel` is not used)
#'   by the `mcmc`, and hence `modelspecs` function should return all the parameters
#'   that are required by the `priormodel` only. If the value of `from_prior` is
#'   `FALSE`, then both JAGS models `datamodel` and `priormodel` are used in the
#'   MCMC sampler, and hence `modelspecs` function should return all the parameters
#'   required by both `datamodel` and `priormodel`.
#' @slot init (`function`)\cr a function computing the list of starting values
#'   for parameters required to be initialized in the MCMC sampler, based on the
#'   data slots that are required as arguments of this function.
#' @slot datanames (`character`)\cr the names of all data slots that are used
#'   by `datamodel` JAGS function. No other names should be specified here.
#' @slot datanames_prior (`character`)\cr the names of all data slots that are
#'   used by `priormodel` JAGS function. No other names should be specified here.
#' @slot sample (`character`)\cr names of all parameters from which you would
#'   like to save the MCMC samples.
#' @seealso [`ModelPseudo`].
#' @aliases GeneralModel
#' @export
.GeneralModel <- setClass(
  Class = "GeneralModel",
  slots = c(
    datamodel = "function",
    priormodel = "function",
    modelspecs = "function",
    init = "function",
    datanames = "character",
    datanames_prior = "character",
    sample = "character"
  prototype = prototype(
    datamodel = I,
    priormodel = I,
    init = function() {
  contains = "CrmPackClass",
  validity = v_general_model

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname GeneralModel-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultGeneralModel()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultGeneralModel <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class GeneralModel should not be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# ModelLogNormal ----

## class ----

#' `ModelLogNormal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`ModelLogNormal`] is the class for a model with a reference dose and bivariate
#' normal prior on the model parameters `alpha0` and natural logarithm of `alpha1`,
#' i.e.: \deqn{(alpha0, log(alpha1)) ~ Normal(mean, cov),}. Transformations other
#' than `log`, e.g. identity, can be specified too in `priormodel` slot.
#' The parameter `alpha1` has a log-normal distribution by default to ensure
#' positivity of `alpha1` which further guarantees `exp(alpha1) > 1`.
#' The slots of this class contain the mean vector, the covariance and
#' precision matrices of the bivariate normal distribution, as well as the
#' reference dose. Note that the precision matrix is an inverse of the
#' covariance matrix in the `JAGS`.
#' All ("normal") model specific classes inherit from this class.
#' @slot params (`ModelParamsNormal`)\cr bivariate normal prior parameters.
#' @slot ref_dose (`positive_number`)\cr the reference dose.
#' @seealso [`ModelParamsNormal`], [`LogisticNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormal`],
#'   [`LogisticLogNormalSub`], [`ProbitLogNormal`], [`ProbitLogNormalRel`].
#' @aliases ModelLogNormal
#' @export
.ModelLogNormal <- setClass(
  Class = "ModelLogNormal",
  contains = "GeneralModel",
  slots = c(
    params = "ModelParamsNormal",
    ref_dose = "positive_number"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname ModelLogNormal-class
#' @param mean (`numeric`)\cr the prior mean vector.
#' @param cov (`matrix`)\cr the prior covariance matrix. The precision matrix
#'   `prec` is internally calculated as an inverse of `cov`.
#' @param ref_dose (`number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*} (strictly positive
#'   number).
#' @export
ModelLogNormal <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose = 1) {
  params <- ModelParamsNormal(mean, cov)
    params = params,
    ref_dose = positive_number(ref_dose),
    priormodel = function() {
      theta ~ dmnorm(mean, prec)
      alpha0 <- theta[1]
      alpha1 <- exp(theta[2])
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      ms <- list(mean = params@mean, prec = params@prec)
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$ref_dose <- ref_dose
    init = function() {
      list(theta = c(0, 1))
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x"),
    sample = c("alpha0", "alpha1")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname ModelLogNormal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultModelLogNormal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultModelLogNormal <- function() {
  ModelLogNormal(mean = c(-0.85, 1), cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2))

# LogisticNormal ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticNormal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticNormal`] is the class for the usual logistic regression model with
#' a bivariate normal prior on the intercept and slope.
#' @details The covariate is the natural logarithm of the dose \eqn{x} divided by
#'   the reference dose \eqn{x*}, i.e.:
#'   \deqn{logit[p(x)] = alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x/x*),}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x}.
#'   The prior \deqn{(alpha0, alpha1) ~ Normal(mean, cov).}
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormalSub`],
#'   [`ProbitLogNormal`], [`ProbitLogNormalRel`], [`LogisticNormalMixture`].
#' @aliases LogisticNormal
#' @export
.LogisticNormal <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticNormal",
  contains = "ModelLogNormal"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticNormal-class
#' @inheritParams ModelLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticNormal.R
LogisticNormal <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose = 1) {
  model_ln <- ModelLogNormal(mean = mean, cov = cov, ref_dose = ref_dose)

    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    priormodel = function() {
      theta ~ dmnorm(mean, prec)
      alpha0 <- theta[1]
      alpha1 <- theta[2]

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticNormal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticNormal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticNormal <- function() {
  LogisticNormal(mean = c(-0.85, 1), cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2))

# LogisticLogNormal ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticLogNormal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticLogNormal`] is the class for the usual logistic regression model
#' with a bivariate normal prior on the intercept and log slope.
#' @details The covariate is the natural logarithm of the dose \eqn{x} divided by
#'   the reference dose \eqn{x*}, i.e.:
#'   \deqn{logit[p(x)] = alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x/x*),}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x}.
#'   The prior \deqn{(alpha0, log(alpha1)) ~ Normal(mean, cov).}
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormalSub`],
#'   [`ProbitLogNormal`], [`ProbitLogNormalRel`], [`LogisticLogNormalMixture`],
#'   [`DALogisticLogNormal`].
#' @aliases LogisticLogNormal
#' @export
.LogisticLogNormal <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticLogNormal",
  contains = "ModelLogNormal"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormal-class
#' @inheritParams ModelLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticLogNormal.R
LogisticLogNormal <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose = 1) {
  model_ln <- ModelLogNormal(mean = mean, cov = cov, ref_dose = ref_dose)

    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticLogNormal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticLogNormal <- function() {
    mean = c(-0.85, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2),
    ref_dose = 50

# LogisticLogNormalSub ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticLogNormalSub`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticLogNormalSub`] is the class for a standard logistic model with
#' bivariate (log) normal prior with subtractive dose standardization.
#' @details The covariate is the dose \eqn{x} minus the reference dose \eqn{x*},
#'   i.e.:
#'   \deqn{logit[p(x)] = alpha0 + alpha1 * (x - x*),}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x}.
#'   The prior \deqn{(alpha0, log(alpha1)) ~ Normal(mean, cov).}
#' @slot params (`ModelParamsNormal`)\cr bivariate normal prior parameters.
#' @slot ref_dose (`number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*}.
#' @seealso [`LogisticNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormal`], [`ProbitLogNormal`],
#'   [`ProbitLogNormalRel`].
#' @aliases LogisticLogNormalSub
#' @export
.LogisticLogNormalSub <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticLogNormalSub",
  slots = c(
    params = "ModelParamsNormal",
    ref_dose = "numeric"
  contains = "GeneralModel"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalSub-class
#' @param mean (`numeric`)\cr the prior mean vector.
#' @param cov (`matrix`)\cr the prior covariance matrix. The precision matrix
#'   `prec` is internally calculated as an inverse of `cov`.
#' @param ref_dose (`number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*}.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticLogNormalSub.R
LogisticLogNormalSub <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose = 0) {
  params <- ModelParamsNormal(mean, cov)
    params = params,
    ref_dose = ref_dose,
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * (x[i] - ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    priormodel = function() {
      theta ~ dmnorm(mean, prec)
      alpha0 <- theta[1]
      alpha1 <- exp(theta[2])
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      ms <- list(mean = params@mean, prec = params@prec)
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$ref_dose <- ref_dose
    init = function() {
      list(theta = c(0, -20))
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x"),
    sample = c("alpha0", "alpha1")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalSub-class
#' @note Typically, end-users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticLogNormalSub()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticLogNormalSub <- function() {
    mean = c(-0.85, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2),
    ref_dose = 50

# ProbitLogNormal ----

## class ----

#' `ProbitLogNormal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`ProbitLogNormal`] is the class for probit regression model with a
#' bivariate normal prior on the intercept and log slope.
#' @details The covariate is the natural logarithm of dose \eqn{x} divided by a
#'   reference dose \eqn{x*}, i.e.:
#'   \deqn{probit[p(x)] = alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x/x*),}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x}.
#'   The prior \deqn{(alpha0, log(alpha1)) ~ Normal(mean, cov).}
#' @note This model is also used in the [`DualEndpoint`] classes, so this class
#'   can be used to check the prior assumptions on the dose-toxicity model, even
#'   when sampling from the prior distribution of the dual endpoint model is not
#'   possible.
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormal`],
#'   [`LogisticLogNormalSub`], [`ProbitLogNormalRel`].
#' @aliases ProbitLogNormalLogDose
#' @export
.ProbitLogNormal <- setClass(
  Class = "ProbitLogNormal",
  contains = "ModelLogNormal"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname ProbitLogNormal-class
#' @inheritParams ModelLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-ProbitLogNormal.R
ProbitLogNormal <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose = 1) {
  model_ln <- ModelLogNormal(mean = mean, cov = cov, ref_dose = ref_dose)

    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        probit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname ProbitLogNormal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultProbitLogNormal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultProbitLogNormal <- function() {
    mean = c(-0.85, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2),
    ref_dose = 7.2

# ProbitLogNormalRel ----

## class ----

#' `ProbitLogNormalRel`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`ProbitLogNormalRel`] is the class for probit regression model with a bivariate
#' normal prior on the intercept and log slope.
#' @details The covariate is the dose \eqn{x} divided by a reference dose \eqn{x*},
#'   i.e.:
#'   \deqn{probit[p(x)] = alpha0 + alpha1 * x/x*,}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x}.
#'   The prior \deqn{(alpha0, log(alpha1)) ~ Normal(mean, cov).}
#' @note This model is also used in the [`DualEndpoint`] classes, so this class
#'   can be used to check the prior assumptions on the dose-toxicity model, even
#'   when sampling from the prior distribution of the dual endpoint model is not
#'   possible.
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormal`],
#'   [`LogisticLogNormalSub`], [`ProbitLogNormal`].
#' @aliases ProbitLogNormalRel
#' @export
.ProbitLogNormalRel <- setClass(
  Class = "ProbitLogNormalRel",
  contains = "ModelLogNormal"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname ProbitLogNormalRel-class
#' @inheritParams ModelLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-ProbitLogNormalRel.R
ProbitLogNormalRel <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose = 1) {
  model_ln <- ModelLogNormal(mean = mean, cov = cov, ref_dose = ref_dose)

    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        probit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * (x[i] / ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname ProbitLogNormalRel-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultProbitLogNormalRel()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultProbitLogNormalRel <- function() {
  ProbitLogNormalRel(mean = c(-0.85, 1), cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2))

# LogisticLogNormalGrouped ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticLogNormalGrouped`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`LogisticLogNormalGrouped`] is the class for a logistic regression model
#'  for both the mono and the combo arms of the simultaneous dose escalation
#'  design.
#' @details The continuous covariate is the natural logarithm of the dose \eqn{x} divided by
#'   the reference dose \eqn{x*} as in [`LogisticLogNormal`]. In addition,
#'   \eqn{I_c} is a binary indicator covariate which is 1 for the combo arm and 0 for the mono arm.
#'   The model is then defined as:
#'   \deqn{logit[p(x)] = (alpha0 + I_c * delta0) + (alpha1 + I_c * delta1) * log(x / x*),}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x},
#'   and `delta0` and `delta1` are the differences in the combo arm compared to the mono intercept
#'   and slope parameters `alpha0` and `alpha1`.
#'   The prior is defined as \deqn{(alpha0, log(delta0), log(alpha1), log(delta1)) ~ Normal(mean, cov).}
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormal`].
#' @aliases LogisticLogNormalGrouped
#' @export
.LogisticLogNormalGrouped <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticLogNormalGrouped",
  contains = "ModelLogNormal"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalGrouped-class
#' @inheritParams ModelLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticLogNormalGrouped.R
LogisticLogNormalGrouped <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose = 1) {
  params <- ModelParamsNormal(mean, cov)
    params = params,
    ref_dose = positive_number(ref_dose),
    priormodel = function() {
      theta ~ dmnorm(mean, prec)
      alpha0 <- theta[1]
      delta0 <- exp(theta[2])
      alpha1 <- exp(theta[3])
      delta1 <- exp(theta[4])
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        logit(p[i]) <- (alpha0 + is_combo[i] * delta0) +
          (alpha1 + is_combo[i] * delta1) * log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    modelspecs = function(group, from_prior) {
      ms <- list(
        mean = params@mean,
        prec = params@prec
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$ref_dose <- ref_dose
        ms$is_combo <- as.integer(group == "combo")
    init = function() {
      list(theta = c(0, 1, 1, 1))
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x"),
    sample = c("alpha0", "delta0", "alpha1", "delta1")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalGrouped-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticLogNormalGrouped()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticLogNormalGrouped <- function() {
    mean = rep(0, 4),
    cov = diag(rep(1, 4)),

# LogisticKadane ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticKadane`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticKadane`] is the class for the logistic model in the parametrization
#' of Kadane et al. (1980).
#' @details Let `rho0 = p(xmin)` be the probability of a DLT at the minimum dose
#'   `xmin`, and let `gamma` be the dose with target toxicity probability `theta`,
#'   i.e. \eqn{p(gamma) = theta}. Then it can easily be shown that the logistic
#'   regression model has intercept
#'   \deqn{[gamma * logit(rho0) - xmin * logit(theta)] / [gamma - xmin]}
#'   and slope
#'   \deqn{[logit(theta) - logit(rho0)] / [gamma - xmin].}
#'   The priors are \deqn{gamma ~ Unif(xmin, xmax).} and
#'   \deqn{rho0 ~ Unif(0, theta).}
#' @note The slots of this class, required for creating the model, are the target
#'   toxicity, as well as the minimum and maximum of the dose range. Note that
#'   these can be different from the minimum and maximum of the dose grid in the
#'   data later on.
#' @slot theta (`proportion`)\cr the target toxicity probability.
#' @slot xmin (`number`)\cr the minimum of the dose range.
#' @slot xmax (`number`)\cr the maximum of the dose range.
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`]
#' @aliases LogisticKadane
#' @export
.LogisticKadane <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticKadane",
  contains = "GeneralModel",
  slots = c(
    theta = "numeric",
    xmin = "numeric",
    xmax = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    theta = 0.3,
    xmin = 0.1,
    xmax = 1
  validity = v_model_logistic_kadane

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticKadane-class
#' @param theta (`proportion`)\cr the target toxicity probability.
#' @param xmin (`number`)\cr the minimum of the dose range.
#' @param xmax (`number`)\cr the maximum of the dose range.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticKadane.R
LogisticKadane <- function(theta, xmin, xmax) {
    theta = theta,
    xmin = xmin,
    xmax = xmax,
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        logit(p[i]) <- (1 / (gamma - xmin)) *
          (gamma * logit(rho0) - xmin * logit(theta) + x[i] * (logit(theta) - logit(rho0)))
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    priormodel = function() {
      rho0 ~ dunif(0, theta)
      gamma ~ dunif(xmin, xmax)
    modelspecs = function() {
      list(theta = theta, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax)
    init = function() {
      list(rho0 = theta / 10, gamma = (xmax - xmin) / 2)
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x"),
    sample = c("rho0", "gamma")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticKadane-class
#' @note Typically, end-users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticKadane()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticKadane <- function() {
  LogisticKadane(theta = 0.33, xmin = 1, xmax = 200)

# LogisticKadaneBetaGamma ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticKadaneBetaGamma`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`LogisticKadaneBetaGamma`] is the class for the logistic model in the parametrization
#' of Kadane et al. (1980), using a beta and a gamma distribution as the model priors.
#' @details Let `rho0 = p(xmin)` be the probability of a DLT at the minimum dose
#'   `xmin`, and let `gamma` be the dose with target toxicity probability `theta`,
#'   i.e. \eqn{p(gamma) = theta}. Then it can easily be shown that the logistic
#'   regression model has intercept
#'   \deqn{[gamma * logit(rho0) - xmin * logit(theta)] / [gamma - xmin]}
#'   and slope
#'   \deqn{[logit(theta) - logit(rho0)] / [gamma - xmin].}
#'   The prior for `gamma`, is \deqn{gamma ~ Gamma(shape, rate).}.
#'   The prior for `rho0 = p(xmin)`, is \deqn{rho0 ~ Beta(alpha, beta).}
#' @note The slots of this class, required for creating the model, are the same
#'   as in the `LogisticKadane` class. In addition, the shape parameters of the
#'   Beta prior distribution of `rho0` and the shape and rate parameters of the
#'   Gamma prior distribution of `gamma`, are required for creating the prior model.
#' @slot theta (`proportion`)\cr the target toxicity probability.
#' @slot xmin (`number`)\cr the minimum of the dose range.
#' @slot xmax (`number`)\cr the maximum of the dose range.
#' @slot alpha (`number`)\cr the first shape parameter of the Beta prior distribution
#'   of `rho0 = p(xmin)` the probability of a DLT at the minimum dose `xmin`.
#' @slot beta (`number`)\cr the second shape parameter of the Beta prior distribution
#'   of `rho0 = p(xmin)` the probability of a DLT at the minimum dose `xmin`.
#' @slot shape (`number`)\cr the shape parameter of the Gamma prior distribution
#'   of `gamma` the dose with target toxicity probability `theta`.
#' @slot rate (`number`)\cr the rate parameter of the Gamma prior distribution
#'   of `gamma` the dose with target toxicity probability `theta`.
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticKadane`].
#' @aliases LogisticKadaneBetaGamma
#' @export
.LogisticKadaneBetaGamma <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticKadaneBetaGamma",
  contains = "LogisticKadane",
  slots = c(
    alpha = "numeric",
    beta = "numeric",
    shape = "numeric",
    rate = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    theta = 0.3,
    xmin = 0.1,
    xmax = 1,
    alpha = 1,
    beta = 0.5,
    shape = 1.2,
    rate = 2.5
  validity = v_model_logistic_kadane_beta_gamma

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticKadaneBetaGamma-class
#' @inheritParams LogisticKadane
#' @param alpha (`number`)\cr the first shape parameter of the Beta prior distribution
#'   `rho0 = p(xmin)` the probability of a DLT at the minimum dose `xmin`.
#' @param beta (`number`)\cr the second shape parameter of the Beta prior distribution
#'   `rho0 = p(xmin)` the probability of a DLT at the minimum dose `xmin`.
#' @param shape (`number`)\cr the shape parameter of the Gamma prior distribution
#'   `gamma` the dose with target toxicity probability `theta`.
#' @param rate (`number`)\cr the rate parameter of the Gamma prior distribution
#'   `gamma` the dose with target toxicity probability `theta`.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticKadaneBetaGamma.R
LogisticKadaneBetaGamma <- function(theta, xmin, xmax, alpha, beta, shape, rate) {
  model_lk <- LogisticKadane(theta = theta, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax)
    alpha = alpha,
    beta = beta,
    shape = shape,
    rate = rate,
    priormodel = function() {
      rho0 ~ dbeta(alpha, beta)
      gamma ~ dgamma(shape, rate)
      lowestdose <- xmin
      highestdose <- xmax
      DLTtarget <- theta
    modelspecs = function() {
        theta = theta,
        xmin = xmin,
        xmax = xmax,
        alpha = alpha,
        beta = beta,
        shape = shape,
        rate = rate

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticKadaneBetaGamma-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.Default()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticKadaneBetaGamma <- function() {
    theta = 0.3,
    xmin = 0,
    xmax = 7,
    alpha = 1,
    beta = 19,
    shape = 0.5625,
    rate = 0.125

# LogisticNormalMixture ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticNormalMixture`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticNormalMixture`] is the class for standard logistic regression model
#' with a mixture of two bivariate normal priors on the intercept and slope parameters.
#' @details The covariate is the natural logarithm of the dose \eqn{x} divided by
#'   the reference dose \eqn{x*}, i.e.:
#'   \deqn{logit[p(x)] = alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x/x*),}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x}.
#'   The prior
#'   \deqn{(alpha0, alpha1) ~ w * Normal(mean1, cov1) + (1 - w) * Normal(mean2, cov2).}
#'   The weight w for the first component is assigned a beta prior `B(a, b)`.
#' @note The weight of the two normal priors is a model parameter, hence it is a
#'   flexible mixture. This type of prior is often used with a mixture of a minimal
#'   informative and an informative component, in order to make the CRM more robust
#'   to data deviations from the informative component.
#' @slot comp1 (`ModelParamsNormal`)\cr bivariate normal prior specification of
#'   the first component.
#' @slot comp2 (`ModelParamsNormal`)\cr bivariate normal prior specification of
#'   the second component.
#' @slot weightpar (`numeric`)\cr the beta parameters for the weight of the
#'   first component. It must a be a named vector of length 2 with names `a` and
#'   `b` and with strictly positive values.
#' @slot ref_dose (`positive_number`)\cr the reference dose.
#' @seealso [`ModelParamsNormal`], [`ModelLogNormal`],
#'   [`LogisticNormalFixedMixture`], [`LogisticLogNormalMixture`].
#' @aliases LogisticNormalMixture
#' @export
.LogisticNormalMixture <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticNormalMixture",
  contains = "GeneralModel",
  slots = c(
    comp1 = "ModelParamsNormal",
    comp2 = "ModelParamsNormal",
    weightpar = "numeric",
    ref_dose = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    comp1 = ModelParamsNormal(mean = c(0, 1), cov = diag(2)),
    comp2 = ModelParamsNormal(mean = c(-1, 1), cov = diag(2)),
    weightpar = c(a = 1, b = 1),
    ref_dose = 1
  validity = v_model_logistic_normal_mix

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticNormalMixture-class
#' @param comp1 (`ModelParamsNormal`)\cr bivariate normal prior specification of
#'   the first component. See [`ModelParamsNormal`] for more details.
#' @param comp2 (`ModelParamsNormal`)\cr bivariate normal prior specification of
#'   the second component. See [`ModelParamsNormal`] for more details.
#' @param weightpar (`numeric`)\cr the beta parameters for the weight of the
#'   first component. It must a be a named vector of length 2 with names `a` and
#'   `b` and with strictly positive values.
#' @param ref_dose (`number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*}
#'   (strictly positive number).
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticNormalMixture.R
LogisticNormalMixture <- function(comp1,
                                  ref_dose) {

    comp1 = comp1,
    comp2 = comp2,
    weightpar = weightpar,
    ref_dose = ref_dose,
    datamodel = function() {
      # The logistic likelihood - the same as for non-mixture case.
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    priormodel = function() {
      w ~ dbeta(weightpar[1], weightpar[2])
      wc <- 1 - w
      comp0 ~ dbern(wc)
      comp <- comp0 + 1
      # Conditional on the component index "comp", which is  1 or 2.
      # comp = 1 with probability "w" and comp = 2 with probability "1 - w".
      theta ~ dmnorm(mean[1:2, comp], prec[1:2, 1:2, comp])
      alpha0 <- theta[1]
      alpha1 <- theta[2]
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      ms <- list(
        mean = cbind(comp1@mean, comp2@mean),
        prec = array(data = c(comp1@prec, comp2@prec), dim = c(2, 2, 2)),
        weightpar = weightpar
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$ref_dose <- ref_dose
    init = function() {
      list(theta = c(0, 1))
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x"),
    sample = c("alpha0", "alpha1", "w")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticNormalMixture-class
#' @note Typically, end-users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticNormalMixture()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticNormalMixture <- function() { # nolint
    comp1 = ModelParamsNormal(
      mean = c(-0.85, 1),
      cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
    comp2 = ModelParamsNormal(
      mean = c(1, 1.5),
      cov = matrix(c(1.2, -0.45, -0.45, 0.6), nrow = 2)
    weightpar = c(a = 1, b = 1),
    ref_dose = 50

# LogisticNormalFixedMixture ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticNormalFixedMixture`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticNormalFixedMixture`] is the class for standard logistic regression
#' model with fixed mixture of multiple bivariate (log) normal priors on the
#' intercept and slope parameters. The weights of the normal priors are fixed,
#' hence no additional model parameters are introduced. This type of prior is
#' often used to better approximate a given posterior distribution, or when the
#' information is given in terms of a mixture.
#' @details The covariate is the natural logarithm of the dose \eqn{x} divided
#'   by the reference dose \eqn{x*}, i.e.:
#'   \deqn{logit[p(x)] = alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x/x*),}
#'   where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given dose \eqn{x}.
#'   The prior
#'   \deqn{(alpha0, alpha1) ~ w1 * Normal(mean1, cov1) + ... + wK * Normal(meanK, covK),}
#'   if a normal prior is used and
#'   \deqn{(alpha0, log(alpha1)) ~ w1 * Normal(mean1, cov1) + ... + wK * Normal(meanK, covK),}
#'   if a log normal prior is used.
#'   The weights \eqn{w1, ..., wK} of the components are fixed and sum to 1.
#'   The slots of this class comprise a list with components parameters. Every
#'   single component contains the mean vector and the covariance matrix of
#'   bivariate normal distributions. Remaining slots are the weights of the
#'   components as well as the reference dose. Moreover, a special indicator
#'   slot specifies whether a log normal prior is used.
#' @slot components (`list`)\cr the specifications of the mixture components,
#'   a list with [`ModelParamsNormal`] objects for each bivariate (log) normal
#'   prior.
#' @slot weights (`numeric`)\cr the weights of the components; these must be
#'   positive and must sum to 1.
#' @slot ref_dose (`positive_number`)\cr the reference dose.
#' @slot log_normal (`flag`)\cr should a log normal prior be used, such
#'   that the mean vectors and covariance matrices are valid for the intercept
#'   and log slope?
#' @seealso [`ModelParamsNormal`], [`ModelLogNormal`],
#'   [`LogisticNormalMixture`], [`LogisticLogNormalMixture`].
#' @aliases LogisticNormalFixedMixture
#' @export
.LogisticNormalFixedMixture <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticNormalFixedMixture",
  contains = "GeneralModel",
  slots = c(
    components = "list",
    weights = "numeric",
    ref_dose = "numeric",
    log_normal = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    components = list(
      comp1 = ModelParamsNormal(mean = c(0, 1), cov = diag(2)),
      comp2 = ModelParamsNormal(mean = c(-1, 1), cov = diag(2))
    weights = c(0.5, 0.5),
    ref_dose = 1,
    log_normal = FALSE
  validity = v_model_logistic_normal_fixed_mix

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticNormalFixedMixture-class
#' @param components (`list`)\cr the specifications of the mixture components,
#'   a list with [`ModelParamsNormal`] objects for each bivariate (log) normal
#'   prior.
#' @param weights (`numeric`)\cr the weights of the components; these must be
#'   positive and will be normalized to sum to 1.
#' @param ref_dose (`number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*}
#'   (strictly positive number).
#' @param log_normal (`flag`)\cr should a log normal prior be specified, such
#'   that the mean vectors and covariance matrices are valid for the intercept
#'   and log slope?
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticNormalFixedMixture.R
LogisticNormalFixedMixture <- function(components,
                                       log_normal = FALSE) {

  # Normalize weights to sum to 1.
  weights <- weights / sum(weights)

    components = components,
    weights = weights,
    ref_dose = positive_number(ref_dose),
    log_normal = log_normal,
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    priormodel = if (log_normal) {
      function() {
        comp ~ dcat(weights)
        theta ~ dmnorm(mean[1:2, comp], prec[1:2, 1:2, comp])
        alpha0 <- theta[1]
        alpha1 <- exp(theta[2])
    } else {
      function() {
        comp ~ dcat(weights)
        theta ~ dmnorm(mean[1:2, comp], prec[1:2, 1:2, comp])
        alpha0 <- theta[1]
        alpha1 <- theta[2]
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      ms <- list(
        weights = weights,
        mean = do.call(cbind, lapply(components, h_slots, "mean", simplify = TRUE)),
        prec = array(
          do.call(c, lapply(components, h_slots, "prec", simplify = TRUE)),
          dim = c(2, 2, length(components))
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$ref_dose <- ref_dose
    init = function() {
      list(theta = c(0, 1))
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x"),
    sample = c("alpha0", "alpha1")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticNormalFixedMixture-class
#' @note Typically, end-users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticNormalFixedMixture()`
#' function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticNormalFixedMixture <- function() { # nolint
    components = list(
      comp1 = ModelParamsNormal(
        mean = c(-0.85, 1),
        cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
      comp2 = ModelParamsNormal(
        mean = c(1, 1.5),
        cov = matrix(c(1.2, -0.45, -0.45, 0.6), nrow = 2)
    weights = c(0.3, 0.7),
    ref_dose = 50

# LogisticLogNormalMixture ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticLogNormalMixture`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticLogNormalMixture`] is the class for standard logistic model with
#' online mixture of two bivariate log normal priors.
#' @details This model can be used when data is arising online from the informative
#'   component of the prior, at the same time with the data of the trial of
#'   main interest. Formally, this is achieved by assuming that the probability
#'   of a DLT at dose \eqn{x} is given by
#'   \deqn{p(x) = \pi * p1(x) + (1 - \pi) * p2(x)}
#'   where \eqn{\pi} is the probability for the model \eqn{p(x)} being the same
#'   as the model \eqn{p1(x)}, which is the informative component of the prior.
#'   From this model data arises in parallel: at doses `xshare`, DLT information
#'   `yshare` is observed, in total `nObsshare` data points (see [`DataMixture`]).
#'   On the other hand, \eqn{1 - \pi}, is the probability of a separate model
#'   \eqn{p2(x)}. Both components have the same log normal prior distribution,
#'   which can be specified by the user, and which is inherited from the
#'   [`LogisticLogNormal`] class.
#' @slot share_weight (`proportion`)\cr the prior weight for the share component
#'   \eqn{p_{1}(x)}.
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticNormalMixture`],
#'   [`LogisticNormalFixedMixture`].
#' @aliases LogisticLogNormalMixture
#' @export
.LogisticLogNormalMixture <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticLogNormalMixture",
  contains = "LogisticLogNormal",
  slots = c(
    share_weight = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    share_weight = 0.1
  validity = v_model_logistic_log_normal_mix

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalMixture-class
#' @inheritParams ModelLogNormal
#' @param share_weight (`proportion`)\cr the prior weight for the share component.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticLogNormalMixture.R
LogisticLogNormalMixture <- function(mean,
                                     share_weight) {

  params <- ModelParamsNormal(mean, cov)
    params = params,
    ref_dose = positive_number(ref_dose),
    share_weight = share_weight,
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        # comp gives the component: non-informative (1) or share (2) the two components.
        stand_log_dose[i] <- log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        logit(p[i]) <- alpha0[comp] + alpha1[comp] * stand_log_dose[i]
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
      for (j in 1:nObsshare) {
        stand_log_dose_share[j] <- log(xshare[j] / ref_dose)
        logit(pshare[j]) <- alpha0[2] + alpha1[2] * stand_log_dose_share[j]
        yshare[j] ~ dbern(pshare[j])
    priormodel = function() {
      for (k in 1:2) {
        theta[k, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(mean, prec)
        alpha0[k] <- theta[k, 1]
        alpha1[k] <- exp(theta[k, 2])
      # The component indicator.
      comp ~ dcat(cat_probs)
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      ms <- list(
        cat_probs = c(1 - share_weight, share_weight),
        mean = params@mean,
        prec = params@prec
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$ref_dose <- ref_dose
    init = function() {
      list(theta = matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1), nrow = 2))
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x", "nObsshare", "yshare", "xshare"),
    sample = c("alpha0", "alpha1", "comp")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalMixture-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultLogNormalMixture()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticLogNormalMixture <- function() { # nolint
    share_weight = 0.1,
    mean = c(-0.85, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2),
    ref_dose = 50

# DualEndpoint ----

## class ----

#' `DualEndpoint`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`DualEndpoint`] is the general class for the dual endpoint model.
#' @details The idea of the dual-endpoint models is to model not only the
#'   dose-toxicity relationship, but also to model, at the same time, the
#'   relationship of a PD biomarker with the dose. The sub-classes of this class
#'   define how the dose-biomarker relationship is parametrized. This class here
#'   shall contain all the common features to reduce duplicate code.
#'   (This class however, must not be virtual as we need to create objects
#'   of it during the construction of subclass objects.)
#'   The dose-toxicity relationship is modeled with probit regression model
#'   \deqn{probit[p(x)] = betaZ1 + betaZ2 * x/x*,}
#'   or
#'   \deqn{probit[p(x)] = betaZ1 + betaZ2 * log(x/x*),}
#'   in case when the option `use_log_dose` is `TRUE`.
#'   Here, \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of observing a DLT for a given
#'   dose \eqn{x} and \eqn{x*} is the reference dose.
#'   The prior \deqn{(betaZ1, log(betaZ2)) ~ Normal(mean, cov).}
#'   For the biomarker response \eqn{w} at a dose \eqn{x}, we assume
#'   \deqn{w(x) ~ Normal(f(x), sigma2W),}
#'   where \eqn{f(x)} is a function of the dose \eqn{x}, which is further
#'   specified in sub-classes. The biomarker variance \eqn{sigma2W} can be fixed
#'   or assigned an Inverse-Gamma prior distribution; see the details below under
#'   slot `sigma2W`.
#'   Finally, the two endpoints \eqn{y} (the binary DLT variable) and \eqn{w}
#'   (the biomarker) can be correlated, by assuming a correlation of level
#'   \eqn{rho} between the underlying continuous latent toxicity variable \eqn{z}
#'   and the biomarker \eqn{w}. Again, this correlation can be fixed or assigned
#'   a prior distribution from the scaled Beta family; see the details below
#'   under slot `rho`.
#'   Please see the example vignette by typing `crmPackExample()` for a full example.
#' @slot betaZ_params (`ModelParamsNormal`)\cr for the probit toxicity model, it
#'   contains the prior mean, covariance matrix and precision matrix which is
#'   internally calculated as an inverse of the covariance matrix.
#' @slot ref_dose (`positive_number`)\cr for the probit toxicity model, the
#'   reference dose.
#' @slot use_log_dose (`flag`)\cr for the probit toxicity model, whether a log
#'   transformation of the (standardized) dose should be used?
#' @slot sigma2W (`numeric`)\cr the biomarker variance. Either a fixed value or
#'   Inverse-Gamma distribution parameters, i.e. vector with two elements named
#'   `a` and `b`.
#' @slot rho (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed value for the correlation
#'   (between `-1` and `1`), or a named vector with two elements named `a` and `b`
#'   for the Beta prior on the transformation `kappa = (rho + 1) / 2`, which is
#'   in `(0, 1)`. For example, `a = 1, b = 1` leads to a uniform prior on `rho`.
#' @slot use_fixed (`logical`)\cr indicates whether a fixed value for `sigma2W`
#'   or `rho` (for each parameter separately) is used or not. This slot is
#'   needed for internal purposes and must not be touched by the user.
#' @seealso [`DualEndpointRW`], [`DualEndpointBeta`], [`DualEndpointEmax`].
#' @aliases DualEndpoint
#' @export
.DualEndpoint <- setClass(
  Class = "DualEndpoint",
  slots = c(
    betaZ_params = "ModelParamsNormal",
    ref_dose = "positive_number",
    use_log_dose = "logical",
    sigma2W = "numeric",
    rho = "numeric",
    use_fixed = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    betaZ_params = ModelParamsNormal(mean = c(0, 1), cov = diag(2)),
    ref_dose = positive_number(1),
    use_log_dose = FALSE,
    sigma2W = 1,
    rho = 0,
    use_fixed = c(sigma2W = TRUE, rho = TRUE)
  contains = "GeneralModel",
  validity = v_model_dual_endpoint

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpoint-class
#' @param mean (`numeric`)\cr for the probit toxicity model, the prior mean vector.
#' @param cov (`matrix`)\cr for the probit toxicity model, the prior covariance
#'   matrix. The precision matrix is internally calculated as an inverse of `cov`.
#' @param ref_dose (`number`)\cr for the probit toxicity model, the reference
#'   dose \eqn{x*} (strictly positive number).
#' @param use_log_dose (`flag`)\cr for the probit toxicity model, whether a log
#'   transformation of the (standardized) dose should be used?
#' @param sigma2W (`numeric`)\cr the biomarker variance. Either a fixed value or
#'   Inverse-Gamma distribution parameters, i.e. vector with two elements named
#'   `a` and `b`.
#' @param rho (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed value for the correlation
#'   (between `-1` and `1`), or a named vector with two elements named `a` and `b`
#'   for the Beta prior on the transformation `kappa = (rho + 1) / 2`, which is
#'   in `(0, 1)`. For example, `a = 1, b = 1` leads to a uniform prior on `rho`.
#' @export
DualEndpoint <- function(mean,
                         ref_dose = 1,
                         use_log_dose = FALSE,
                         rho) {
  assert_numeric(sigma2W, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_numeric(rho, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)

  use_fixed <- c(
    sigma2W = test_number(sigma2W),
    rho = test_number(rho)
  beta_z_params <- ModelParamsNormal(mean, cov)

  datamodel <- function() {
    for (i in 1:nObs) {
      # The toxicity model.
      stand_dose_temp[i] <- x[i] / ref_dose
      stand_dose[i] <- ifelse(use_log_dose, log(stand_dose_temp[i]), stand_dose_temp[i])
      meanZ[i] <- betaZ[1] + betaZ[2] * stand_dose[i]
      z[i] ~ dnorm(meanZ[i], 1)
      y[i] ~ dinterval(z[i], 0)

      # The conditional biomarker model; betaW defined in subclasses!
      condMeanW[i] <- betaW[xLevel[i]] + rho / sqrt(precW) * (z[i] - meanZ[i])
      w[i] ~ dnorm(condMeanW[i], condPrecW)
  priormodel <- function() {
    # Priors for betaW defined in subclasses!
    theta ~ dmnorm(betaZ_mean, betaZ_prec)
    betaZ[1] <- theta[1]
    betaZ[2] <- exp(theta[2])
    # Conditional precision for biomarker.
    # Code for `precW` and `rho` will be added by
    # `h_model_dual_endpoint_sigma2W()`, `h_model_dual_endpoint_rho()` helpers, below.
    condPrecW <- precW / (1 - pow(rho, 2))
  modelspecs_prior <- list(
    betaZ_mean = beta_z_params@mean,
    betaZ_prec = beta_z_params@prec

  comp <- list(
    priormodel = priormodel,
    modelspecs = modelspecs_prior,
    init = NULL,
    sample = "betaZ"

  # Update model components with regard to biomarker regression variance.
  comp <- h_model_dual_endpoint_sigma2W(
    sigma2W = sigma2W,
    comp = comp

  # Update model components with regard to DLT and biomarker correlation.
  comp <- h_model_dual_endpoint_rho(
    rho = rho,
    comp = comp

    betaZ_params = beta_z_params,
    ref_dose = positive_number(ref_dose),
    use_log_dose = use_log_dose,
    sigma2W = sigma2W,
    rho = rho,
    use_fixed = use_fixed,
    datamodel = datamodel,
    priormodel = comp$priormodel,
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      if (!from_prior) {
        comp$modelspecs$ref_dose <- ref_dose
        comp$modelspecs$use_log_dose <- use_log_dose
    init = function(y) {
      c(comp$init, list(z = ifelse(y == 0, -1, 1), theta = c(0, 1)))
    datanames = c("nObs", "w", "x", "xLevel", "y"),
    sample = comp$sample

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpoint-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualEndpoint()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualEndpoint <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class DualEndpoint cannot be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# DualEndpointRW ----

## class ----

#' `DualEndpointRW`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`DualEndpointRW`] is the class for the dual endpoint model with random walk
#' prior for biomarker.
#' @details This class extends the [`DualEndpoint`] class so that the dose-biomarker
#'   relationship \eqn{f(x)} is modelled by a non-parametric random walk of first
#'   or second order. That means, for the first order random walk we assume
#'   \deqn{betaW_i - betaW_i-1 ~ Normal(0, (x_i - x_i-1) * sigma2betaW),}
#'   where \eqn{betaW_i = f(x_i)} is the biomarker mean at the \eqn{i}-th dose
#'   gridpoint \eqn{x_i}.
#'   For the second order random walk, the second-order differences instead of
#'   the first-order differences of the biomarker means follow the normal distribution
#'   with \eqn{0} mean and \eqn{2 * (x_i - x_i-2) * sigma2betaW} variance.
#'   The variance parameter \eqn{sigma2betaW} is important because it steers the
#'   smoothness of the function \eqn{f(x)}, i.e.: if it is large, then \eqn{f(x)}
#'   will be very wiggly; if it is small, then \eqn{f(x)} will be smooth.
#'   This parameter can either be a fixed value or assigned an inverse gamma prior
#'   distribution.
#' @note Non-equidistant dose grids can be used now, because the difference
#'   \eqn{x_i - x_i-1} is included in the modelling assumption above.
#'   Please note that due to impropriety of the random walk prior distributions,
#'   it is not possible to produce MCMC samples with empty data objects (i.e.,
#'   sample from the prior). This is not a bug, but a theoretical feature of this
#'   model.
#' @slot sigma2betaW (`numeric`)\cr the prior variance factor of the random walk
#'   prior for the biomarker model. Either a fixed value or Inverse-Gamma distribution
#'   parameters, i.e. vector with two elements named `a` and `b`.
#' @slot rw1 (`flag`)\cr for specifying the random walk prior on the biomarker
#'   level. When `TRUE`, random walk of first order is used. Otherwise, the
#'   random walk of second order is used.
#' @seealso [`DualEndpoint`], [`DualEndpointBeta`], [`DualEndpointEmax`].
#' @aliases DualEndpointRW
#' @export
.DualEndpointRW <- setClass(
  Class = "DualEndpointRW",
  slots = c(
    sigma2betaW = "numeric",
    rw1 = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    sigma2betaW = 1,
    rw1 = TRUE,
    use_fixed = c(
      sigma2W = TRUE,
      rho = TRUE,
      sigma2betaW = TRUE
  contains = "DualEndpoint",
  validity = v_model_dual_endpoint_rw

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpointRW-class
#' @param sigma2betaW (`numeric`)\cr the prior variance factor of the random walk
#'   prior for the biomarker model. Either a fixed value or Inverse-Gamma distribution
#'   parameters, i.e. vector with two elements named `a` and `b`.
#' @param rw1 (`flag`)\cr for specifying the random walk prior on the biomarker
#'   level. When `TRUE`, random walk of first order is used. Otherwise, the
#'   random walk of second order is used.
#' @param ... parameters passed to [DualEndpoint()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-DualEndpointRW.R
DualEndpointRW <- function(sigma2betaW,
                           rw1 = TRUE,
                           ...) {
  assert_numeric(sigma2betaW, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)

  start <- DualEndpoint(...)
  start@use_fixed["sigma2betaW"] <- length(sigma2betaW) == 1L

  priormodel <- if (rw1) {
    function() {
      # The 1st order differences.
      # Essentially dflat(), which is not available in JAGS.
      betaW[1] ~ dnorm(0, 0.000001)
      for (i in 2:nGrid) {
        delta[i - 1] ~ dnorm(0, precBetaW / (doseGrid[i] - doseGrid[i - 1]))
        betaW[i] <- betaW[i - 1] + delta[i - 1]
  } else {
    function() {
      # The 2nd order differences.
      delta[1] ~ dnorm(0, 0.000001)
      betaW[1] ~ dnorm(0, 0.000001)
      betaW[2] <- betaW[1] + delta[1]
      for (i in 3:nGrid) {
        # delta2: differences of the differences of betaW follow normal dist.
        delta2[i - 2] ~ dnorm(0, 2 * precBetaW / (doseGrid[i] - doseGrid[i - 2]))
        delta[i - 1] <- delta[i - 2] + delta2[i - 2]
        betaW[i] <- betaW[i - 1] + delta[i - 1]
  start@priormodel <- h_jags_join_models(start@priormodel, priormodel)
  start@datanames_prior <- c("nGrid", "doseGrid")
  start@sample <- c(start@sample, "betaW", "delta")

  # Update model components with regard to biomarker regression variance.
  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_sigma2betaW(
    sigma2betaW = sigma2betaW,
    de = start

    sigma2betaW = sigma2betaW,
    rw1 = rw1

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpointRW-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualEndpointRW()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualEndpointRW <- function() {
    mean = c(0, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2),
    sigma2W = c(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
    rho = c(a = 1, b = 1),
    sigma2betaW = 0.01,
    rw1 = TRUE

# DualEndpointBeta ----

## class ----

#' `DualEndpointBeta`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`DualEndpointBeta`] is the class for the dual endpoint model with beta
#' function for dose-biomarker relationship.
#' @details This class extends the [`DualEndpoint`] class so that the dose-biomarker
#'   relationship \eqn{f(x)} is modelled by a parametric, rescaled beta density
#'   function:
#'   \deqn{f(x) = E0 + (Emax - E0) * Beta(delta1, delta2) * (x/x*)^{delta1} * (1 - x/x*)^{delta2},}
#'   where \eqn{x*} is the maximum dose (end of the dose range to be considered),
#'   \eqn{delta1} and \eqn{delta2} are the two beta function parameters, and
#'   \eqn{E0}, \eqn{Emax} are the minimum and maximum levels, respectively.
#'   For ease of interpretation, we use the parametrization based on \eqn{delta1}
#'   and the mode, where
#'   \deqn{mode = delta1 / (delta1 + delta2),}
#'   so that multiplying this by \eqn{x*} gives the mode on the dose grid.
#'   All parameters can currently be assigned uniform distributions or be fixed
#'   in advance. Note that \code{E0} and \code{Emax} can have negative values or
#'   uniform distributions reaching into negative range, while \code{delta1} and
#'   \code{mode} must be positive or have uniform distributions in the positive
#'   range.
#' @slot E0 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution
#'   parameters.
#' @slot Emax (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform
#'   distribution parameters.
#' @slot delta1 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed positive number or the two
#'   parameters of the uniform distribution, that can take only positive values.
#' @slot mode (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed positive number or the two
#'   parameters of the uniform distribution, that can take only positive values.
#' @slot ref_dose_beta (`positive_number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*} (note
#'   that this is different from the `ref_dose` in the inherited [`DualEndpoint`]
#'   model).
#' @seealso [`DualEndpoint`], [`DualEndpointRW`], [`DualEndpointEmax`].
#' @aliases DualEndpointBeta
#' @export
.DualEndpointBeta <- setClass(
  Class = "DualEndpointBeta",
  slots = c(
    E0 = "numeric",
    Emax = "numeric",
    delta1 = "numeric",
    mode = "numeric",
    ref_dose_beta = "positive_number"
  prototype = prototype(
    E0 = c(0, 100),
    Emax = c(0, 500),
    delta1 = c(0, 5),
    mode = c(1, 15),
    ref_dose_beta = positive_number(1),
    use_fixed = c(
      sigma2W = TRUE,
      rho = TRUE,
      E0 = FALSE,
      Emax = FALSE,
      delta1 = FALSE,
      mode = FALSE
  contains = "DualEndpoint",
  validity = v_model_dual_endpoint_beta

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpointBeta-class
#' @param E0 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution
#'   parameters.
#' @param Emax (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution
#'   parameters.
#' @param delta1 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed positive number or the two parameters
#'   of the uniform distribution, that can take only positive values.
#' @param mode (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed positive number or the two parameters
#'   of the uniform distribution, that can take only positive values.
#' @param ref_dose_beta (`number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*} (strictly
#'   positive number). Note that this is different from the `ref_dose` in the
#'   inherited [`DualEndpoint`] model).
#' @param ... parameters passed to [DualEndpoint()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-DualEndpointBeta.R
DualEndpointBeta <- function(E0,
                             ref_dose_beta = 1,
                             ...) {
  assert_numeric(E0, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_numeric(Emax, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_numeric(delta1, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_numeric(mode, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)

  start <- DualEndpoint(...)

  ms <- start@modelspecs
  start@modelspecs <- function(from_prior) {
    c(list(ref_dose_beta = ref_dose_beta), ms(from_prior))
  start@datanames_prior <- c("nGrid", "doseGrid")
  start@sample <- c(start@sample, "betaW")

  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_beta(
    param = E0,
    param_name = "E0",
    priormodel = function() {
      E0 ~ dunif(E0_low, E0_high)
    de = start

  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_beta(
    param = Emax,
    param_name = "Emax",
    priormodel = function() {
      Emax ~ dunif(Emax_low, Emax_high)
    de = start

  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_beta(
    param = delta1,
    param_name = "delta1",
    priormodel = function() {
      delta1 ~ dunif(delta1_low, delta1_high)
    de = start

  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_beta(
    param = mode,
    param_name = "mode",
    priormodel = function() {
      mode ~ dunif(mode_low, mode_high)
    de = start

  start@priormodel <- h_jags_join_models(
    function() {
      # delta2 <- delta1 * (1 - (mode/ref_dose_beta)) / (mode/ref_dose_beta) # nolint
      delta2 <- delta1 * (ref_dose_beta / mode - 1)
      # betafun <- (delta1 + delta2)^(delta1 + delta2) * delta1^(- delta1) * delta2^(- delta2) # nolint
      betafun <- (1 + delta2 / delta1)^delta1 * (delta1 / delta2 + 1)^delta2
      for (i in 1:nGrid) {
        stand_dose_beta[i] <- doseGrid[i] / ref_dose_beta
        betaW[i] <- E0 + (Emax - E0) * betafun * stand_dose_beta[i]^delta1 * (1 - stand_dose_beta[i])^delta2

    E0 = E0,
    Emax = Emax,
    delta1 = delta1,
    mode = mode,
    ref_dose_beta = positive_number(ref_dose_beta)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpointBeta-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualEndpointBeta()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualEndpointBeta <- function() {
    mean = c(0, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2),
    ref_dose = 10,
    use_log_dose = TRUE,
    sigma2W = c(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
    rho = c(a = 1, b = 1),
    E0 = c(0, 100),
    Emax = c(0, 500),
    delta1 = c(0, 5),
    mode = c(1, 15),
    ref_dose_beta = 1000

# DualEndpointEmax ----

## class ----

#' `DualEndpointEmax`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`DualEndpointEmax`] is the class for the dual endpoint model with `Emax`
#' function for dose-biomarker relationship.
#' @details This class extends the [`DualEndpoint`] class so that the dose-biomarker
#'   relationship \eqn{f(x)} is modelled by a parametric `Emax` function:
#'   \deqn{f(x) = E0 + [(Emax - E0) * (x/x*)]/[ED50 + (x/x*)],}
#'   where \eqn{x*} is a reference dose, \eqn{E0} and \eqn{Emax} are the minimum
#'   and maximum levels for the biomarker, and \eqn{ED50} is the dose achieving
#'   half of the maximum effect \eqn{0.5 * Emax}.
#'   All parameters can currently be assigned uniform distributions or be fixed.
#' @slot E0 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution
#'   parameters.
#' @slot Emax (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform
#'   distribution parameters.
#' @slot ED50 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform
#'   distribution parameters.
#' @slot ref_dose_emax (`positive_number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*} (note
#'   that this is different from the `ref_dose` in the inherited [`DualEndpoint`]
#'   model).
#' @seealso [`DualEndpoint`], [`DualEndpointRW`], [`DualEndpointBeta`].
#' @aliases DualEndpointEmax
#' @export
.DualEndpointEmax <- setClass(
  Class = "DualEndpointEmax",
  slots = c(
    E0 = "numeric",
    Emax = "numeric",
    ED50 = "numeric",
    ref_dose_emax = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    E0 = c(0, 100),
    Emax = c(0, 500),
    ED50 = c(0, 500),
    ref_dose_emax = positive_number(1),
    use_fixed = c(
      sigma2W = TRUE,
      rho = TRUE,
      E0 = FALSE,
      Emax = FALSE,
      ED50 = FALSE
  contains = "DualEndpoint",
  validity = v_model_dual_endpoint_emax

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpointEmax-class
#' @param E0 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution
#'   parameters.
#' @param Emax (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution
#'   parameters.
#' @param ED50 (`numeric`)\cr either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution
#'   parameters.
#' @param ref_dose_emax (`number`)\cr the reference dose \eqn{x*} (strictly
#'   positive number). Note that this is different from the `ref_dose` in the
#'   inherited [`DualEndpoint`] model).
#' @param ... parameters passed to [DualEndpoint()].
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-DualEndpointEmax.R
DualEndpointEmax <- function(E0,
                             ref_dose_emax = 1,
                             ...) {
  assert_numeric(E0, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_numeric(Emax, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_numeric(ED50, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)

  start <- DualEndpoint(...)

  start@sample <- c(start@sample, "betaW")
  start@datanames_prior <- c("nGrid", "doseGrid")
  ms <- start@modelspecs
  start@modelspecs <- function(from_prior) {
    c(list(ref_dose_emax = ref_dose_emax), ms(from_prior))

  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_beta(
    param = E0,
    param_name = "E0",
    priormodel = function() {
      E0 ~ dunif(E0_low, E0_high)
    de = start

  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_beta(
    param = Emax,
    param_name = "Emax",
    priormodel = function() {
      Emax ~ dunif(Emax_low, Emax_high)
    de = start

  start <- h_model_dual_endpoint_beta(
    param = ED50,
    param_name = "ED50",
    priormodel = function() {
      ED50 ~ dunif(ED50_low, ED50_high)
    de = start

  start@priormodel <- h_jags_join_models(
    function() {
      for (i in 1:nGrid) {
        stand_dose_emax[i] <- doseGrid[i] / ref_dose_emax
        betaW[i] <- E0 + (Emax - E0) * stand_dose_emax[i] / (ED50 + stand_dose_emax[i])

    E0 = E0,
    Emax = Emax,
    ED50 = ED50,
    ref_dose_emax = positive_number(ref_dose_emax)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DualEndpointEmax-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDualEndpointEmax()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDualEndpointEmax <- function() {
    mean = c(0, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2),
    sigma2W = c(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
    rho = c(a = 1, b = 1),
    E0 = c(0, 100),
    Emax = c(0, 500),
    ED50 = c(10, 200),
    ref_dose_emax = 1000

# ModelPseudo ----

## class ----

#' `ModelPseudo`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`ModelPseudo`] is the parent class for models that express their prior in
#' the form of pseudo data (as if there is some data before the trial starts).
#' @seealso [`GeneralModel`].
#' @aliases ModelPseudo
#' @export
.ModelPseudo <- setClass(
  Class = "ModelPseudo",
  contains = "CrmPackClass"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname ModelPseudo-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultModelPseudo()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultModelPseudo <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class ModelPseudo should not be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# ModelTox ----

## class ----

#' `ModelTox`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`ModelTox`] is the parent class for DLE (dose-limiting events) models using
#' pseudo data prior. It is dedicated for DLE models or toxicity models that
#' have their prior specified in the form of pseudo data (as if there is some
#' data before the trial starts).
#' The `data` must obey the convention of the [`Data`] class. This refers to any
#' observed DLE responses (`y` in [`Data`]), the dose levels (`x` in [`Data`])
#' at which these responses are observed, all dose levels considered in the
#' study (`doseGrid` in [`Data`]), and finally other specifications in [`Data`]
#' class that can be used to generate prior or posterior modal estimates or
#' samples estimates for model parameter(s).
#' If no responses are observed, at least `doseGrid` has to be specified
#' in `data` for which prior modal estimates or samples can be obtained for
#' model parameters based on the specified pseudo data.
#' @slot data (`Data`)\cr observed data that is used to obtain model parameters
#'   estimates or samples (see details above).
#' @seealso [`ModelEff`].
#' @aliases ModelTox
#' @export
.ModelTox <- setClass(
  Class = "ModelTox",
  slots = c(
    data = "Data"
  contains = "ModelPseudo"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname ModelTox-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultModelTox()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultModelTox <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class ModelTox should not be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# ModelEff ----

## class ----

#' `ModelEff`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`ModelEff`] is the parent class for efficacy models using pseudo data prior.
#' It is dedicated all efficacy models that have their prior specified in the
#' form of pseudo data (as if there is some data before the trial starts).
#' The `data` must obey the convention of the [`DataDual`] class. This refers to
#' any observed efficacy/biomarker responses (`w` in [`DataDual`]), the dose
#' levels at which these responses are observed (`x` in [`DataDual`]), all dose
#' levels considered in the study (`doseGrid` in [`DataDual`]), and finally
#' other specifications in [`DataDual`] class that can be used to generate prior
#' or posterior modal estimates or samples estimates for model parameter(s).
#' If no responses are observed, at least `doseGrid` has to be specified
#' in `data` for which prior modal estimates or samples can be obtained for
#' model parameters based on the specified pseudo data.
#' @slot data (`DataDual`)\cr observed data that is used to obtain model
#'   parameters estimates or samples (see details above).
#' @seealso [`ModelTox`].
#' @aliases ModelEff
#' @export
.ModelEff <- setClass(
  Class = "ModelEff",
  slots = c(
    data = "DataDual"
  contains = "ModelPseudo"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname ModelEff-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultModelEff()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultModelEff <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class ModelEff should not be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# LogisticIndepBeta ----

## class ----

#' `LogisticIndepBeta`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`LogisticIndepBeta`] is the class for the two-parameters logistic regression
#' dose-limiting events (DLE) model with prior expressed in form of pseudo data.
#' This model describes the relationship between the binary DLE responses
#' and the dose levels. More specifically, it represents the relationship of the
#' probabilities of the occurrence of a DLE for corresponding dose levels in log
#' scale. This model is specified as
#' \deqn{p(x) = exp(phi1 + phi2 * log(x)) / (1 + exp(phi1 + phi2 * log(x)))}
#' where \eqn{p(x)} is the probability of the occurrence of a DLE at dose \eqn{x}.
#' The two parameters of this model are the intercept \eqn{phi1} and the slope
#' \eqn{phi2}. The `LogisticIndepBeta` inherits all slots from [`ModelTox`] class.
#' In the context of pseudo data, the following three arguments are used,
#' `binDLE`, `DLEdose` and `DLEweights`. The `DLEdose` represents fixed dose
#' levels at which the pseudo DLE responses `binDLE` are observed. `DLEweights`
#' represents total number of subjects treated per each dose level in `DLEdose`.
#' The `binDLE` represents the number of subjects observed with DLE per each
#' dose level in `DLEdose`. Hence, all these three vectors must be of the same
#' length and the order of the elements in any of the vectors `binDLE`,
#' `DLEdose` and `DLEweights` must be kept, so that an element of a given vector
#' corresponds to the elements of the remaining two vectors (see the example for
#' more insight).
#' Finally, since at least two DLE pseudo responses are needed to
#' obtain prior modal estimates (same as the maximum likelihood estimates) for
#' the model parameters, the `binDLE`, `DLEdose` and `DLEweights` must all be
#' vectors of at least length 2.
#' @details The pseudo data can be interpreted as if we obtain some observations
#'   before the trial starts. It can be used to express our prior, i.e. the
#'   initial beliefs for the model parameters. The pseudo data is expressed in
#'   the following way. First, fix at least two dose levels, then ask for experts'
#'   opinion on how many subjects are to be treated at each of these dose levels
#'   and on the number of subjects observed with a DLE. At each dose level, the
#'   number of subjects observed with a DLE, divided by the total number of
#'   subjects treated, is the probability of the occurrence of a DLE at that
#'   particular dose level. The probabilities of the occurrence of a DLE based
#'   on this pseudo data are independent and they follow Beta distributions.
#'   Therefore, the joint prior probability density function of all these
#'   probabilities can be obtained. Hence, by a change of variable, the joint
#'   prior probability density function of the two parameters in this model can
#'   also be obtained. In addition, a conjugate joint prior density function of
#'   the two parameters in the model is used. For details about the form of all
#'   these joint prior and posterior probability density functions, please refer
#'   to Whitehead and Willamson (1998).
#' @slot binDLE (`numeric`)\cr a vector of total numbers of DLE responses.
#'   It must be at least of length 2 and the order of its elements must
#'   correspond to values specified in `DLEdose` and `DLEweights`.
#' @slot DLEdose (`numeric`)\cr a vector of the dose levels corresponding to
#'   It must be at least of length 2 and the order of its elements must
#'   correspond to values specified in `binDLE` and `DLEweights`.
#' @slot DLEweights (`integer`)\cr total number of subjects treated at each of
#'   the pseudo dose level `DLEdose`.
#'   It must be at least of length 2 and the order of its elements must
#'   correspond to values specified in `binDLE` and `DLEdose`.
#' @slot phi1 (`number`)\cr  the intercept of the model. This slot is used in
#'   output to display the resulting prior or posterior modal estimate of the
#'   intercept obtained based on the pseudo data and (if any) observed data/responses.
#' @slot phi2 (`number`)\cr  the slope of the model. This slot is used in output
#'   to display the resulting prior or posterior modal estimate of the slope
#'   obtained based on the pseudo data and (if any) the observed data/responses.
#' @slot Pcov (`matrix`)\cr refers to the 2x2 covariance matrix of the intercept
#'   (\eqn{phi1}) and the slope parameters (\eqn{phi2}) of the model.
#'   This is used in output to display the resulting prior and posterior
#'   covariance matrix of \eqn{phi1} and \eqn{phi2} obtained, based on the
#'   pseudo data and (if any) the observed data and responses. This slot is
#'   needed for internal purposes.
#' @aliases LogisticIndepBeta
#' @export
.LogisticIndepBeta <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticIndepBeta",
  slots = c(
    binDLE = "numeric",
    DLEdose = "numeric",
    DLEweights = "integer",
    phi1 = "numeric",
    phi2 = "numeric",
    Pcov = "matrix"
  prototype = prototype(
    binDLE = c(0, 0),
    DLEdose = c(1, 1),
    DLEweights = c(1L, 1L)
  contains = "ModelTox",
  validity = v_model_logistic_indep_beta

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticIndepBeta-class
#' @param binDLE (`numeric`)\cr the number of subjects observed with a DLE, the
#'   pseudo DLE responses, depending on dose levels `DLEdose`.
#'   Elements of `binDLE` must correspond to the elements of `DLEdose` and
#'   `DLEweights`.
#' @param DLEdose (`numeric`)\cr dose levels for the pseudo DLE responses.
#'   Elements of `DLEdose` must correspond to the elements of `binDLE` and
#'   `DLEweights`.
#' @param DLEweights (`numeric`)\cr the total number of subjects treated at each
#'   of the dose levels `DLEdose`, pseudo weights.
#'   Elements of `DLEweights` must correspond to the elements of `binDLE` and
#'   `DLEdose`.
#' @param data (`Data`)\cr the input data to update estimates of the model
#'   parameters.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticIndepBeta.R
LogisticIndepBeta <- function(binDLE,
                              data) {
  assert_integerish(DLEweights, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
  assert_class(data, "Data")

  # Combine pseudo and observed data. It can also happen that data@nObs == 0.
  y <- c(binDLE, data@y)
  x <- c(DLEdose, data@x)
  w <- c(DLEweights, rep(1, data@nObs))

  fit_dle <- suppressWarnings(
    glm(y / w ~ log(x), family = binomial(link = "logit"), weights = w)
  phi1 <- coef(fit_dle)[["(Intercept)"]]
  phi2 <- coef(fit_dle)[["log(x)"]]
  Pcov <- vcov(fit_dle)

    binDLE = binDLE,
    DLEdose = DLEdose,
    DLEweights = as.integer(DLEweights),
    phi1 = phi1,
    phi2 = phi2,
    Pcov = Pcov,
    data = data

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticIndepBeta-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticIndepBeta()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticIndepBeta <- function() {
  my_model <- LogisticIndepBeta(
    binDLE = c(1.05, 1.8),
    DLEweights = c(3L, 3L),
    DLEdose = c(25, 300),
    data = Data(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))

# Effloglog ----

## class ----

#' `Effloglog`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`Effloglog`] is the class for the linear log-log efficacy model using pseudo
#' data prior. It describes the relationship between continuous efficacy
#' responses and corresponding dose levels in log-log scale. This efficacy
#' log-log model is given as
#' \deqn{y_i = theta1 + theta2 * log(log(x_i)) + epsilon_i,}
#' where \eqn{y_i} is the efficacy response for subject \eqn{i}, \eqn{x_i} is
#' the dose level treated for subject \eqn{i} and \eqn{epsilon_i} is the random
#' error term of efficacy model at subject \eqn{i}. The error term
#' \eqn{epsilon_i} is a random variable that follows normal distribution with
#' mean \eqn{0} and variance \eqn{nu^{-1}}, which is assumed to be the
#' same for all subjects.
#' There are three parameters in this model, the intercept \eqn{theta1}, the
#' slope \eqn{theta2} and the precision \eqn{nu} of the efficacy responses, also
#' known as the inverse of the variance of the pseudo efficacy responses. It can
#' be a fixed constant or having a gamma distribution. Therefore, a single scalar
#' value or a vector with two positive numbers values must be specified for `nu`
#' slot. If there are some observed efficacy responses available, in the output,
#' `nu` will display the updated value of the precision or the updated values
#' for the parameters of the gamma distribution.
#' The `Effloglog` inherits all slots from [`ModelEff`] class.
#' @details The prior of this model is specified in form of pseudo data. First,
#'   at least two dose levels are fixed. Then, using e.g. experts' opinion, the
#'   efficacy values that correspond to these dose levels can be obtained,
#'   The `eff` and `eff_dose` arguments represent the prior in form of the pseudo
#'   data. The `eff` represents the pseudo efficacy values. The `eff_dose`
#'   represents the dose levels at which these pseudo efficacy values are
#'   observed. Hence, the positions of the elements specified in `eff` and
#'   `eff_dose` must correspond to each other between these vectors.
#'   Since at least 2 pseudo efficacy values are needed to obtain modal
#'   estimates of the intercept and slope parameters, both `eff` and `eff_dose`
#'   must be vectors of length at least 2.
#'   The joint prior distribution of the intercept \eqn{theta1} and the slope
#'   \eqn{theta2} of this model follows bivariate normal distribution with mean
#'   \eqn{mu} and covariance matrix \eqn{(nu * Q)^{-1}}.
#'   The mean \eqn{mu} is a \eqn{2 x 1} column vector that contains the prior
#'   modal estimates of the intercept and the slope.
#'   Scalar \eqn{nu} is the precision of the pseudo efficacy responses and
#'   \eqn{Q} is the prior or posterior (given that observed, no DLT data is
#'   available) precision matrix.
#'   It is specified as \eqn{Q = X0^T * X0 + X^T * X}, where \eqn{X0} is a
#'   design matrix that is based on pseudo dose levels only, and \eqn{X} is a
#'   design matrix that is based on dose levels corresponding to the no DLT
#'   efficacy responses observed only (if any).
#'   Hence, the \eqn{X0} (or \eqn{X}) will be of size \eqn{r x 2}, if
#'   there are \eqn{r >= 2} pseudo efficacy responses specified (or
#'   if there are \eqn{r} no DLT efficacy responses observed in the `data`).
#' @slot eff (`numeric`)\cr the pseudo efficacy responses. Each element here
#'   must represent responses treated based on one subject.
#'   It must be a vector of length at least 2 and the order of its elements must
#'   correspond to values specified in `eff_dose`.
#' @slot eff_dose (`numeric`)\cr the pseudo efficacy dose levels at which the
#'   pseudo efficacy responses are observed.
#'   It must be a vector of length at least 2 and the order of its elements must
#'   correspond to values specified in `eff`.
#' @slot nu (`numeric`)\cr parameter of the prior precision of pseudo efficacy
#'   responses. This is either a fixed value or a named vector with two positive
#'   numbers, the shape (`a`), and the rate (`b`) parameters for the gamma
#'   distribution.
#' @slot use_fixed (`flag`)\cr indicates whether `nu` specified is a fixed value
#'   or a vector with two parameters for gamma distribution. This slot is for
#'   internal purposes only and must not be used by the user.
#' @slot theta1 (`number`)\cr the intercept in this efficacy log-log model. This
#'   slot is used in output to display the resulting prior or posterior modal
#'   estimates obtained based on the pseudo and observed (if any) data.
#' @slot theta2 (`number`)\cr the slope in this efficacy log-log model. This
#'   slot is used in output to display the resulting prior or posterior modal
#'   estimates obtained based on the pseudo and observed (if any) data.
#' @slot Pcov (`matrix`)\cr refers to the \eqn{2 x 2} covariance matrix of the
#'   estimators of the intercept \eqn{theta1} and the slope \eqn{theta2}
#'   parameters in this model.
#'   This is used in output to display the resulting prior and posterior
#'   covariance matrix of \eqn{theta1} and \eqn{theta2} obtained, based on the
#'   pseudo and observed (if any) data. This slot is needed for internal purposes.
#' @slot X (`matrix`)\cr is the design matrix that is based on either the pseudo
#'   dose levels or observed dose levels (without DLT). This is used
#'   in the output to display the design matrix for the pseudo or the observed
#'   efficacy responses.
#' @slot Y (`numeric`)\cr is a vector that either contains the pseudo efficacy
#'   responses or observed efficacy responses (without DLT).
#' @slot mu (`numeric`)\cr a vector of the prior or the posterior modal estimates
#'   of the intercept (\eqn{theta1}) and the slope (\eqn{theta2}).
#'   This slot is used in output to display as the mean of the prior or posterior
#'   bivariate normal distribution for \eqn{theta1} and \eqn{theta2}.
#' @slot Q (`matrix`)\cr is the prior or posterior (given that observed, no DLT
#'   data is available) precision matrix. It is specified as
#'   \eqn{Q = X0^T * X0 + X^T * X}, where \eqn{X0} is a design matrix that is
#'   based on pseudo dose levels only, and \eqn{X} is a design matrix that is
#'   based on dose levels corresponding to the observed, no DLT efficacy values
#'   only (if any).
#' @slot const (`number`)\cr a non-negative number (default to 0), leading to the
#'   model form described above. In general, the model has the form
#'   \eqn{y_i = theta1 + theta2 * log(log(x_i + const)) + epsilon_i}, such that
#'   dose levels greater than \eqn{1 - const} can be considered as described in
#'   Yeung et al. (2015).
#' @aliases Effloglog
#' @export
.Effloglog <- setClass(
  Class = "Effloglog",
  slots = c(
    eff = "numeric",
    eff_dose = "numeric",
    nu = "numeric",
    use_fixed = "logical",
    theta1 = "numeric",
    theta2 = "numeric",
    Pcov = "matrix",
    X = "matrix",
    Y = "numeric",
    mu = "numeric",
    Q = "matrix",
    const = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    eff = c(0, 0),
    eff_dose = c(1, 1),
    nu = 1 / 0.025,
    use_fixed = TRUE,
    const = 0
  contains = "ModelEff",
  validity = v_model_eff_log_log

## constructor ----

#' @rdname Effloglog-class
#' @param eff (`numeric`)\cr the pseudo efficacy responses.
#'   Elements of `eff` must correspond to the elements of `eff_dose`.
#' @param eff_dose (`numeric`)\cr dose levels that correspond to pseudo efficacy
#'   responses in `eff`.
#' @param nu (`numeric`)\cr the precision (inverse of the variance) of the
#'   efficacy responses. This is either a fixed value or a named vector with two
#'   positive numbers, the shape (`a`), and the rate (`b`) parameters for the
#'   gamma distribution.
#' @param data (`DataDual`)\cr observed data to update estimates of the model
#'   parameters.
#' @param const (`number`)\cr the constant value added to the dose level when
#'   the dose level value is less than or equal to 1 and a special form of the
#'   linear log-log has to applied (Yeung et al. (2015).).
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-Effloglog.R
Effloglog <- function(eff,
                      const = 0) {
  assert_numeric(eff_dose, len = length(eff))
  assert_numeric(nu, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_class(data, "Data")
  assert_number(const, finite = TRUE)

  use_fixed <- length(nu) == 1L

  eff_dose <- eff_dose + const
  # Get observed efficacy data without DLT (if any).
  eff_obsrv_w_x <- getEff(data, no_dlt = TRUE)
  eff_obsrv <- eff_obsrv_w_x$w_no_dlt
  eff_obsrv_dose <- eff_obsrv_w_x$x_no_dlt + const

  # Fit pseudo and observed (if any) efficacy.
  w <- c(eff, eff_obsrv)
  x <- c(eff_dose, eff_obsrv_dose)
  fit_eff <- suppressWarnings(lm(w ~ log(log(x))))
  X <- model.matrix(fit_eff)
  Y <- w
  mu <- coef(fit_eff) # This is [theta1, theta2]^T est.
  Q <- crossprod(X)
  Pcov <- vcov(fit_eff)

  nobs_no_dlt <- length(eff_obsrv)
  if (nobs_no_dlt > 0L) { # Observed data available.
    # Set X, Y to observed data only.
    X <- model.matrix(fit_eff)[-seq_along(eff), ]
    Y <- eff_obsrv

    fit_eff0 <- lm(eff ~ log(log(eff_dose))) # Pseudo only.
    X0 <- model.matrix(fit_eff0)
    mu0 <- coef(fit_eff0)
    Q0 <- crossprod(X0)
    # Note that mu = (Q0 + X^T * X)^{-1} * (Q0 * mu0 + X^T * X * (X^T * X)^{-1} X^T * Y),
    # given that (X^T * X) is invertible and X, Y, mu0, Q0, are specified in this else block.
    if (!use_fixed) {
      nu["a"] <- nu["a"] + (nobs_no_dlt) / 2
      nu["b"] <- nu["b"] + (crossprod(Y) + t(mu0) %*% Q0 %*% mu0 - t(mu) %*% Q %*% mu) / 2

    eff = eff,
    eff_dose = eff_dose,
    nu = nu,
    use_fixed = use_fixed,
    theta1 = mu[["(Intercept)"]],
    theta2 = mu[["log(log(x))"]],
    Pcov = Pcov,
    X = X,
    Y = Y,
    mu = as.vector(mu),
    Q = Q,
    const = const,
    data = data

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname Effloglog-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultEffloglog()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultEffloglog <- function() {
  emptydata <- DataDual(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25), placebo = FALSE)

  my_data <- DataDual(
    x = c(25, 50, 50, 75, 100, 100, 225, 300),
    y = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1),
    w = c(0.31, 0.42, 0.59, 0.45, 0.6, 0.7, 0.6, 0.52),
    doseGrid = emptydata@doseGrid,
    ID = 1L:8L,
    cohort = as.integer(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6))

    eff = c(1.223, 2.513),
    eff_dose = c(25, 300),
    nu = c(a = 1, b = 0.025),
    data = my_data

# EffFlexi ----

## class ----

#' `EffFlexi`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`EffFlexi`] is the class for the efficacy model in flexible form of prior
#' expressed in form of pseudo data. In this class, a flexible form is used to
#' describe the relationship between the efficacy responses and the dose levels
#' and it is specified as
#' \deqn{(W | betaW, sigma2W) ~ Normal(X * betaW, sigma2W * I),}
#' where \eqn{W} is a vector of the efficacy responses, \eqn{betaW} is a column
#' vector of the mean efficacy responses for all dose levels, and \eqn{X} is
#' the design matrix with entries \eqn{I_i,j} that are equal to 1 if subject
#' \eqn{i} is allocated to dose \eqn{j}, and \eqn{0} otherwise. The \eqn{sigma2W}
#' is the variance of the efficacy responses which can be either a fixed number
#' or a number from an inverse gamma distribution.
#' This flexible form aims to capture different shapes of the dose-efficacy
#' curve. In addition, the first (RW1) or second order (RW2) random walk model
#' can be used for smoothing data. That is the random walk model is used to model
#' the first or the second order differences of the mean efficacy responses to
#' its neighboring dose levels of their mean efficacy responses.
#' The RW1 model is given as
#' \deqn{betaW_j - betaW_j-1) ~ Normal(0, sigma2betaW),}
#' and for RW2 as
#' \deqn{betaW_j-2 - 2 * betaW_j-1 + beta_j ~ Normal(0, sigma2betaW),}
#' where \eqn{betaW_j} is the vector of mean efficacy responses at dose j, and
#' the \eqn{sigma2betaW} is the prior variance which can be either a fixed
#' number or a number from an inverse gamma distribution.
#' The `eff` and `eff_dose` are the pseudo efficacy responses and dose levels at
#' which these pseudo efficacy responses are observed. Both, `eff` and `eff_dose`
#' must be vectors of length at least 2. The positions of the elements specified
#' in `eff` and `eff_dose` must correspond to each other between these vectors.
#' @details This model will output the updated value or the updated values of the
#'   parameters of the inverse gamma distributions for \eqn{sigma2W} and
#'   \eqn{sigma2betaW}. The `EffFlexi` inherits all slots from [`ModelEff`] class.
#' @slot eff (`numeric`)\cr the pseudo efficacy responses. Each element here
#'   must represent responses treated based on one subject.
#'   It must be a vector of length at least 2 and the order of its elements must
#'   correspond to values specified in `eff_dose`.
#' @slot eff_dose (`numeric`)\cr the pseudo efficacy dose levels at which the
#'   pseudo efficacy responses are observed.
#'   It must be a vector of length at least 2 and the order of its elements must
#'   correspond to values specified in `eff`.
#' @slot sigma2W (`numeric`)\cr the prior variance of the flexible efficacy form.
#'   This is either a fixed value or a named vector with two positive numbers,
#'   the shape (`a`), and the rate (`b`) parameters for the gamma distribution.
#' @slot sigma2betaW (`numeric`)\cr the prior variance of the random walk model
#'   for the mean efficacy responses. This is either a fixed value or a named
#'   vector with two positive numbers, the shape (`a`), and the rate (`b`)
#'   parameters for the gamma distribution.
#' @slot use_fixed (`logical`)\cr indicates whether a fixed value for
#'   `sigma2W` and `sigma2betaW` (for each parameter separately) is used or not.
#'   This slot is needed for internal purposes and must not be touched by the user.
#' @slot rw1 (`flag`)\cr used for smoothing data for this efficacy model. If it
#'   is `TRUE`, the first-order random walk model is used for the mean efficacy
#'   responses. Otherwise, the random walk of second order is used.
#' @slot X (`matrix`)\cr the design matrix for the efficacy responses. It is
#'   based on both the pseudo and the observed efficacy responses.
#' @slot RW (`matrix`)\cr the difference matrix for the random walk model. This
#'   slot is needed for internal purposes and must not be used by the user.
#' @slot RW_rank (`integer`)\cr is the rank of the difference matrix. This
#'   slot is needed for internal purposes and must not be used by the user.
#' @aliases EffFlexi
#' @export
.EffFlexi <- setClass(
  Class = "EffFlexi",
  slots = c(
    eff = "numeric",
    eff_dose = "numeric",
    sigma2W = "numeric",
    sigma2betaW = "numeric",
    use_fixed = "logical",
    rw1 = "logical",
    X = "matrix",
    RW = "matrix",
    RW_rank = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    eff = c(0, 0),
    eff_dose = c(1, 1),
    sigma2W = 0.025,
    sigma2betaW = 1,
    rw1 = TRUE,
    use_fixed = c(sigma2W = TRUE, sigma2betaW = TRUE)
  contains = "ModelEff",
  validity = v_model_eff_flexi

## constructor ----

#' @rdname EffFlexi-class
#' @param eff (`numeric`)\cr the pseudo efficacy responses.
#'   Elements of `eff` must correspond to the elements of `eff_dose`.
#' @param eff_dose (`numeric`)\cr dose levels that correspond to pseudo efficacy
#'   responses in `eff`.
#' @param sigma2W (`numeric`)\cr the prior variance of the efficacy responses.
#'   This is either a fixed value or a named vector with two positive numbers,
#'   the shape (`a`), and the rate (`b`) parameters for the inverse gamma
#'   distribution.
#' @param sigma2betaW (`numeric`)\cr the prior variance of the random walk model
#'   used for smoothing. This is either a fixed value or a named vector with two
#'   positive numbers, the shape (`a`), and the rate (`b`) parameters for the
#'   inverse gamma distribution.
#' @param rw1 (`flag`)\cr used for smoothing data for this efficacy model. If it
#'   is `TRUE`, the first-order random walk model is used for the mean efficacy
#'   responses. Otherwise, the random walk of second order is used.
#' @param data (`DataDual`)\cr observed data to update estimates of the model
#'   parameters.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-EffFlexi.R
EffFlexi <- function(eff,
                     rw1 = TRUE,
                     data) {
  assert_numeric(sigma2W, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_numeric(sigma2betaW, min.len = 1, max.len = 2)
  assert_class(data, "DataDual")

  use_fixed <- c(
    sigma2W = test_number(sigma2W),
    sigma2betaW = test_number(sigma2betaW)

  x <- c(eff_dose, getEff(data, no_dlt = TRUE)$x_no_dlt)
  x_level <- match_within_tolerance(x, data@doseGrid)
  X <- model.matrix(~ -1L + factor(x_level, levels = seq_len(data@nGrid)))
  X <- matrix(as.integer(X), ncol = ncol(X)) # To remove some obsolete attributes.

  # Set up the random walk penalty matrix and its rank.
  # D1: difference matrix of order 1.
  D1 <- cbind(0, diag(data@nGrid - 1)) - cbind(diag(data@nGrid - 1), 0)
  if (rw1) { # the rank-deficient prior precision for the RW1 prior.
    RW <- crossprod(D1)
    RW_rank <- data@nGrid - 1L # rank = dimension - 1. # nolintr
  } else { # Second-order difference.
    D2 <- D1[-1, -1] %*% D1
    RW <- crossprod(D2)
    RW_rank <- data@nGrid - 2L # nolintr

    eff = eff,
    eff_dose = eff_dose,
    sigma2W = sigma2W,
    sigma2betaW = sigma2betaW,
    use_fixed = use_fixed,
    rw1 = rw1,
    X = X,
    RW = RW,
    RW_rank = RW_rank,
    data = data

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname EffFlexi-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultEffFlexi()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultEffFlexi <- function() {
  empty_data <- DataDual(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))
    eff = c(1.223, 2.513),
    eff_dose = c(25, 300),
    sigma2W = c(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
    sigma2betaW = c(a = 20, b = 50),
    rw1 = FALSE,
    data = empty_data

  data <- DataDual(
    x = c(25, 50, 50, 75, 100, 100, 225, 300),
    y = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1),
    w = c(0.31, 0.42, 0.59, 0.45, 0.6, 0.7, 0.6, 0.52),
    doseGrid = empty_data@doseGrid,
    ID = 1L:8L,
    cohort = as.integer(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6))

    eff = c(1.223, 2.513),
    eff_dose = c(25, 300),
    sigma2W = c(a = 0.1, b = 0.1),
    sigma2betaW = c(a = 20, b = 50),
    rw1 = FALSE,
    data = data

# DALogisticLogNormal ----

## class ----

#' `DALogisticLogNormal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`DALogisticLogNormal`] is the class for the logistic model with bivariate
#' (log) normal prior and data augmentation. This class inherits from the
#' [`LogisticLogNormal`] class.
#' @note We still need to include here formula for the lambda prior.
#' @slot npiece (`number`)\cr the number of pieces in the `PEM`.
#' @slot l (`numeric`)\cr a vector used in the lambda prior.
#' @slot c_par (`numeric`)\cr a parameter used in the lambda prior; according to
#'   Liu's paper, `c_par = 2` is recommended.
#' @slot cond_pem (`flag`)\cr is a conditional piecewise-exponential model used?
#'   (default). Otherwise an unconditional model is used.
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`], [`LogisticNormal`], [`LogisticLogNormal`].
#' @aliases DALogisticLogNormal
#' @export
.DALogisticLogNormal <- setClass(
  Class = "DALogisticLogNormal",
  slots = c(
    npiece = "integer",
    l = "numeric",
    c_par = "numeric",
    cond_pem = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    npiece = 3L,
    l = 0.5,
    c_par = 2,
    cond_pem = TRUE
  contains = "LogisticLogNormal",
  validity = v_model_da_logistic_log_normal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname DALogisticLogNormal-class
#' @param npiece (`number`)\cr the number of pieces in the `PEM`.
#' @param l (`numeric`)\cr a vector used in the lambda prior.
#' @param c_par (`numeric`)\cr a parameter used in the lambda prior; according to
#'   Liu's paper, `c_par = 2` is recommended.
#' @param cond_pem (`flag`)\cr is a conditional piecewise-exponential model used?
#'   (default). Otherwise an unconditional model is used.
#' @inheritDotParams LogisticLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-DALogisticLogNormal.R
DALogisticLogNormal <- function(npiece = 3,
                                c_par = 2,
                                cond_pem = TRUE,
                                ...) {

  start <- LogisticLogNormal(...)

  datamodel <- function() {
    for (i in 1:nObs) {
      # Part I: describe the logistic model of DLTs vs dose.
      logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x[i] / ref_dose)

      # Part II: describe the piecewise exponential.
      # Notice that:
      # when y=1             -> DLT=1 and u=<T;
      # when y=0 & T<t (u=T) -> DLT=0;
      # when y=0 & T>t (u<T) -> DLT=NA/missing;
      # when indx=0 -> censored, i.e u<T and event=0;
      # when indx=1 -> not censored, i.e. u>=T or event=1;
      indx[i] <- 1 - step(Tmax - u[i] - eps) * (1 - y[i])

      for  (j in 1:npiece) {
        # When not censored, i.e DLT!=NA & t[i]=u[i];
        # if t[i]<h[j], d[i,j]=0;
        # if h[j]<t[i]=<h[j+1], d[i,j]=1
        # if h[j+1]<t[i], d[i,j]=0
        # When censored t[i]>u[i] -> d[i,j]=0
        d[i, j] <- y[i] * step(u[i] - h[j] - eps) * step(h[j + 1] - u[i])

        # DLT free survival(time) for patient i in interval I(j);
        # if t[i]<h[j], s[i,j]=0;
        # if h[j]<t[i]<=h[j+1], s[i,j]=t[i]-h[j]
        # if h[j+1]<=t[i], s[i,j]=h[j+1]-h[j]
        s[i, j] <- min(u[i] - h[j], h[j + 1] - h[j]) * step(u[i] - h[j])

        # piecewise exponential hazard rate lambda[j];
        mu_u[i, j] <- lambda[j] * s[i, j]
        mu[i, j] <- d[i, j] * log(lambda[j]) - y[i] * mu_u[i, j]

      # The likelihood function.
      L_obs[i] <- exp(sum(mu[i, ])) * pow(p[i] / A, y[i]) * pow(1 - p[i], 1 - y[i]) # Not censored. # nolintr
      L_cnsr[i] <- 1 - p[i] * (1 - exp(-sum(mu_u[i, ]))) / A # Censored. # nolintr
      L[i] <- pow(L_obs[i], indx[i]) * pow(L_cnsr[i], 1 - indx[i])

      # Apply zero trick in JAGS.
      phi[i] <- -log(L[i]) + cadj
      zeros[i] ~ dpois(phi[i])

  priormodel <- h_jags_join_models(
    function() {
      g_beta <- 1 / c_par
      for  (j in 1:npiece) {
        g_alpha[j] <- l[j] / c_par
        lambda[j] ~ dgamma(g_alpha[j], g_beta)
        mu_T[j] <- lambda[j] * (h[j + 1] - h[j]) # nolintr
      # If cond = 1, then conditional PEM is used and A is defined as
      # the probability to have DLT, i.e. t<T, otherwise
      # cond = 0 and A is just 1 (so no impact in likelihood).
      A <- cond * (1 - exp(-sum(mu_T))) + (1 - cond)

  modelspecs <- function(nObs, Tmax, from_prior) {
    ms <- list(
      prec = start@params@prec,
      mean = start@params@mean,
      npiece = npiece,
      l = l,
      c_par = c_par,
      h = seq(from = 0L, to = Tmax, length = npiece + 1),
      cond = as.integer(cond_pem)
    if (!from_prior) {
      ms <- c(list(ref_dose = start@ref_dose, zeros = rep(0, nObs), eps = 1e-10, cadj = 1e10), ms)

  assert_integerish(npiece, lower = 1)

    npiece = as.integer(npiece),
    l = l,
    c_par = c_par,
    cond_pem = cond_pem,
    datamodel = datamodel,
    priormodel = priormodel,
    modelspecs = modelspecs,
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x", "u", "Tmax"),
    sample = c("alpha0", "alpha1", "lambda")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname DALogisticLogNormal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultDALogisticLogNormal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultDALogisticLogNormal <- function() {
  npiece <- 10
  Tmax <- 60

  lambda_prior <- function(k) {
    npiece / (Tmax * (npiece - k + 0.5))

    mean = c(-0.85, 1),
    cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2),
    ref_dose = 56,
    npiece = npiece,
    l = as.numeric(t(apply(as.matrix(c(1:npiece), 1, npiece), 2, lambda_prior))),
    c_par = 2

# TITELogisticLogNormal ----

## class ----

#' `TITELogisticLogNormal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`TITELogisticLogNormal`] is the class for TITE-CRM based on a logistic
#' regression model using a bivariate normal prior on the intercept and log
#' slope parameters.
#' This class inherits from the [`LogisticLogNormal`].
#' @slot weight_method (`string`)\cr the weight function method: either linear
#'   or adaptive. This was used in Liu, Yin and Yuan's paper.
#' @seealso [`DALogisticLogNormal`].
#' @aliases TITELogisticLogNormal
#' @export
.TITELogisticLogNormal <- setClass(
  Class = "TITELogisticLogNormal",
  slots = c(weight_method = "character"),
  prototype = prototype(weight_method = "linear"),
  contains = "LogisticLogNormal",
  validity = v_model_tite_logistic_log_normal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname TITELogisticLogNormal-class
#' @param weight_method (`string`)\cr the weight function method: either linear
#'   or adaptive. This was used in Liu, Yin and Yuan's paper.
#' @inheritDotParams LogisticLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-TITELogisticLogNormal.R
TITELogisticLogNormal <- function(weight_method = "linear",
                                  ...) {
  assert_character(weight_method, min.len = 1L, max.len = 2L, any.missing = FALSE)

  start <- LogisticLogNormal(...)

  datamodel <- function() {
    for (i in 1:nObs) {
      logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * log(x[i] / ref_dose)

      # The piecewise exponential likelihood. Notice that:
      # when y=1             -> DLT=1 and u=<T;
      # when y=0 & T<t (u=T) -> DLT=0;
      # when y=0 & T>t (u<T) -> DLT=NA/missing;
      # when indx=0 -> censored, i.e u<T and event=0;
      # when indx=1 -> not censored, i.e. u>=T or event=1;
      L[i] <- pow(p[i], y[i]) * pow((1 - w[i] * p[i]), (1 - y[i]))

      # Apply zero trick in JAGS.
      phi[i] <- -log(L[i]) + cadj
      zeros[i] ~ dpois(phi[i])

  modelspecs <- function(nObs, u, Tmax, y, from_prior) {
    ms <- list(prec = start@params@prec, mean = start@params@mean)
    # Calculate weights `w` based on the input data.
    if (!from_prior && nObs > 0L) {
      if (weight_method == "linear") {
        w <- u / Tmax
      } else if (weight_method == "adaptive") {
        nDLT <- sum(y)
        if (nDLT > 0) {
          u_dlt <- sort(u[y == 1])
          w <- sapply(u, function(u_i) {
            m <- sum(u_i >= u_dlt)
            w_i <- if (m == 0) {
              u_i / u_dlt[1]
            } else if (m < nDLT) {
              m + (u_i - u_dlt[m]) / (u_dlt[m + 1] - u_dlt[m])
            } else { # m == nDLT. nolintr
              m + (u_i - u_dlt[m]) / (Tmax + 0.00000001 - u_dlt[m])
            w_i / (nDLT + 1)
        } else {
          w <- u / Tmax
      w[y == 1] <- 1
      w[u == Tmax] <- 1

      ms <- c(list(ref_dose = start@ref_dose, zeros = rep(0, nObs), cadj = 1e10, w = w), ms)

    weight_method = weight_method,
    datamodel = datamodel,
    modelspecs = modelspecs,
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname TITELogisticLogNormal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultTITELogisticLogNormal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultTITELogisticLogNormal <- function() {
    mean = c(0, 1),
    cov = diag(2),
    ref_dose = 1,
    weight_method = "linear"

# OneParLogNormalPrior ----

## class ----

#' `OneParLogNormalPrior`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`OneParLogNormalPrior`] is the class for a standard CRM with a normal prior on
#' the log power parameter for the skeleton prior probabilities.
#' @slot skel_fun (`function`)\cr function to calculate the prior DLT probabilities.
#' @slot skel_fun_inv (`function`)\cr inverse function of `skel_fun`.
#' @slot skel_probs (`numeric`)\cr skeleton prior probabilities. This is a vector
#'   of unique and sorted probability values between 0 and 1.
#' @slot sigma2 (`number`)\cr prior variance of log power parameter alpha.
#' @seealso [`ModelLogNormal`].
#' @aliases OneParLogNormalPrior
#' @export
.OneParLogNormalPrior <- setClass(
  Class = "OneParLogNormalPrior",
  slots = c(
    skel_fun = "function",
    skel_fun_inv = "function",
    skel_probs = "numeric",
    sigma2 = "numeric"
  contains = "GeneralModel",
  validity = v_model_one_par_exp_normal_prior

## constructor ----

#' @rdname OneParLogNormalPrior-class
#' @param skel_probs (`numeric`)\cr skeleton prior probabilities. This is a vector
#'   of unique and sorted probability values between 0 and 1.
#' @param dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr dose grid. It must be must be a sorted vector
#'   of the same length as `skel_probs`.
#' @param sigma2 (`number`)\cr prior variance of log power parameter alpha.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-OneParLogNormalPrior.R
OneParLogNormalPrior <- function(skel_probs,
                                 sigma2) {
  assert_probabilities(skel_probs, unique = TRUE, sorted = TRUE) # So that skel_fun_inv exists.
  assert_numeric(dose_grid, len = length(skel_probs), any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)

  skel_fun <- approxfun(x = dose_grid, y = skel_probs, rule = 2)
  skel_fun_inv <- approxfun(x = skel_probs, y = dose_grid, rule = 2)

    skel_fun = skel_fun,
    skel_fun_inv = skel_fun_inv,
    skel_probs = skel_probs,
    sigma2 = sigma2,
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        p[i] <- skel_probs[xLevel[i]]^exp(alpha)
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    priormodel = function() {
      alpha ~ dnorm(0, 1 / sigma2)
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      ms <- list(sigma2 = sigma2)
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$skel_probs <- skel_probs
    init = function() {
      list(alpha = 1)
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "xLevel"),
    sample = "alpha"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname OneParLogNormalPrior-class
#' @return an instance of the `OneParLogNormalPrior` class
#' @export
.DefaultOneParLogNormalPrior <- function() {
    skel_probs = seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.9, length = 5),
    dose_grid = 1:5,
    sigma2 = 2

# OneParExpPrior ----

## class ----

#' `OneParExpPrior`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`OneParExpPrior`] is the class for a standard CRM with an exponential prior
#' on the power parameter for the skeleton prior probabilities. It is an
#' implementation of a version of the one-parameter CRM (O’Quigley et al. 1990).
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultOneparExpPrior()` function.
#' @slot skel_fun (`function`)\cr function to calculate the prior DLT probabilities.
#' @slot skel_fun_inv (`function`)\cr inverse function of `skel_fun`.
#' @slot skel_probs (`numeric`)\cr skeleton prior probabilities. This is a vector
#'   of unique and sorted probability values between 0 and 1.
#' @slot lambda (`number`)\cr rate parameter of prior exponential distribution
#'   for theta.
#' @aliases OneParExpPrior
#' @export
.OneParExpPrior <- setClass(
  Class = "OneParExpPrior",
  slots = c(
    skel_fun = "function",
    skel_fun_inv = "function",
    skel_probs = "numeric",
    lambda = "numeric"
  contains = "GeneralModel",
  validity = v_model_one_par_exp_prior

## constructor ----

#' @rdname OneParExpPrior-class
#' @param skel_probs see slot definition.
#' @param dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr dose grid. It must be must be a sorted vector
#'   of the same length as `skel_probs`.
#' @param lambda see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-OneParExpPrior.R
OneParExpPrior <- function(skel_probs,
                           lambda) {
  assert_probabilities(skel_probs, unique = TRUE, sorted = TRUE) # So that skel_fun_inv exists.
  assert_numeric(dose_grid, len = length(skel_probs), any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)

  skel_fun <- approxfun(x = dose_grid, y = skel_probs, rule = 2)
  skel_fun_inv <- approxfun(x = skel_probs, y = dose_grid, rule = 2)

    skel_fun = skel_fun,
    skel_fun_inv = skel_fun_inv,
    skel_probs = skel_probs,
    lambda = lambda,
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        p[i] <- skel_probs[xLevel[i]]^theta
        y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
    priormodel = function() {
      theta ~ dexp(lambda)
    modelspecs = function(from_prior) {
      ms <- list(lambda = lambda)
      if (!from_prior) {
        ms$skel_probs <- skel_probs
    init = function() {
      list(theta = 1)
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "xLevel"),
    sample = "theta"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname OneParExpPrior-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultOneParLogNormalPrior()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultOneParExpPrior <- function() {
    skel_probs = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9),
    dose_grid = 1:5,
    lambda = 2

# FractionalCRM ----

## class ----

#' `FractionalCRM`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`FractionalCRM`] is the class for a fractional CRM model based on a one
#' parameter CRM (with normal prior on the log-power parameter) as well as
#' Kaplan-Meier based estimation of the conditional probability to experience a
#' DLT for non-complete observations.
#' This fractional CRM model follows the paper and code by Guosheng Yin et al.
#' @seealso [`TITELogisticLogNormal`].
#' @aliases FractionalCRM
#' @export
.FractionalCRM <- setClass(
  Class = "FractionalCRM",
  contains = "OneParLogNormalPrior"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname FractionalCRM-class
#' @inheritDotParams OneParLogNormalPrior
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-FractionalCRM.R
FractionalCRM <- function(...) {
  start <- OneParLogNormalPrior(...)

  # This is adapted from the TITELogisticLogNormal class.
  datamodel <- function() {
    for (i in 1:nObs) {
      p[i] <- skel_probs[xLevel[i]]^exp(alpha)

      # The piecewise exponential likelihood. Notice that:
      # when y=1             -> DLT=1 and u=<T;
      # when y=0 & T<t (u=T) -> DLT=0;
      # when y=0 & T>t (u<T) -> DLT=NA/missing.
      # Therefore, `yhat` is used instead of `y` for the likelihood f. (see `modelspecs`).
      L[i] <- pow(p[i], yhat[i]) * pow((1 - p[i]), (1 - yhat[i]))

      # Apply zero trick in JAGS.
      phi[i] <- -log(L[i]) + cadj
      zeros[i] ~ dpois(phi[i])

  modelspecs <- function(nObs, u, Tmax, y, from_prior) {
    ms <- list(sigma2 = start@sigma2)
    if (!from_prior) {
      # Calculate fractional contribution `yhat`
      # based on the input data using the Kaplan-Meier method.
      yhat <- if (nObs > 0) {
        km <- survival::survfit(survival::Surv(u, y) ~ 1)
        s_tau <- tail(km$surv[km$time <= Tmax], 1) # Survival probability = S(Tmax).
          u < Tmax & y == 0L, # Within the assessment window and so far no DLT.
          yes = 1 - s_tau / sapply(u, function(u_i) tail(km$surv[km$time <= u_i], 1)),
          no = y
      } else {
      ms <- c(
        list(skel_probs = start@skel_probs, zeros = rep(0, nObs), cadj = 1e10, yhat = yhat),

    datamodel = datamodel,
    modelspecs = modelspecs,
    datanames = c("nObs", "xLevel")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname FractionalCRM-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultTITELogisticLogNormal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultFractionalCRM <- function() {
    skel_probs = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4),
    dose_grid = c(10, 30, 50, 100),
    sigma2 = 2

## class ----

#' `LogisticLogNormalOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`LogisticLogNormalOrdinal`] is the class for a logistic lognormal CRM model
#' using an ordinal toxicity scale.
#' @aliases LogisticLogNormalOrdinal
#' @export
.LogisticLogNormalOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "LogisticLogNormalOrdinal",
  contains = "ModelLogNormal",
  validity = v_logisticlognormalordinal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalOrdinal-class
#' @inheritParams ModelLogNormal
#' @export
#' @example examples/Model-class-LogisticLogNormalOrdinal.R
LogisticLogNormalOrdinal <- function(mean, cov, ref_dose) {
  params <- ModelParamsNormal(mean, cov)
    params = params,
    ref_dose = positive_number(ref_dose),
    priormodel = function() {
      alpha[1] ~ dnorm(mean[1], prec[1, 1])
      for (i in 2:(k - 1)) {
        alpha[i] ~ dnorm(mean[i], prec[i, i]) %_% T(, alpha[i - 1])
      gamma ~ dnorm(mean[k], prec[k, k])
      beta <- exp(gamma)
    datamodel = function() {
      for (i in 1:nObs) {
        xhat[i] <- log(x[i] / ref_dose)
        for (j in 1:(k - 1)) {
          z[i, j] <- alpha[j] + beta * xhat[i]
          p[i, j] <- exp(z[i, j]) / (1 + exp(z[i, j]))
          tox[i, j] ~ dbern(p[i, j])
    modelspecs = function(y, from_prior) {
      ms <- list(
        mean = params@mean,
        prec = params@prec,
        k = length(mean),
        tox = array(dim = c(length(y), length(mean) - 1))
      if (!from_prior) {
        for (i in seq_along(y)) {
          for (j in 1:(ms$k - 1)) {
            ms$tox[i, j] <- y[i] >= j
        ms$ref_dose <- ref_dose
    init = function() {
      list(alpha = sapply(1:(length(mean) - 1), function(x) -(x + 1)), gamma = 1)
    datanames = c("nObs", "y", "x"),
    # Need to provide JAGS column names here
    sample = c(paste0("alpha[", 1:(length(mean) - 1), "]"), "beta")

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname LogisticLogNormalOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultLogisticLogNormalOrdinal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultLogisticLogNormalOrdinal <- function() {
    mean = c(-3, -4, 1),
    cov = diag(c(3, 4, 1)),
    ref_dose = 50
Roche/crmPack documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 3:07 a.m.