
Defines functions createGiottoVisiumObject createGiottoObject evaluate_spatial_locations evaluate_expr_matrix readExprMatrix explainGiottoInstructions replaceGiottoInstructions changeGiottoInstructions showGiottoInstructions readGiottoInstructions createGiottoInstructions set_giotto_python_path

Documented in changeGiottoInstructions createGiottoInstructions createGiottoObject createGiottoVisiumObject evaluate_expr_matrix evaluate_spatial_locations explainGiottoInstructions readExprMatrix readGiottoInstructions replaceGiottoInstructions set_giotto_python_path showGiottoInstructions

#' @title S4 giotto Class
#' @description Framework of giotto object to store and work with spatial expression data
#' @keywords giotto, object
#' @slot raw_exprs raw expression counts
#' @slot norm_expr normalized expression counts
#' @slot norm_scaled_expr normalized and scaled expression counts
#' @slot custom_expr custom normalized counts
#' @slot spatial_locs spatial location coordinates for cells
#' @slot cell_metadata metadata for cells
#' @slot gene_metadata metadata for genes
#' @slot cell_ID unique cell IDs
#' @slot gene_ID unique gene IDs
#' @slot spatial_network spatial network in data.table/data.frame format
#' @slot spatial_grid spatial grid in data.table/data.frame format
#' @slot spatial_enrichment slot to save spatial enrichment-like results
#' @slot dimension_reduction slot to save dimension reduction coordinates
#' @slot nn_network nearest neighbor network in igraph format
#' @slot images slot to store giotto images
#' @slot parameters slot to save parameters that have been used
#' @slot instructions slot for global function instructions
#' @slot offset_file offset file used to stitch together image fields
#' @slot OS_platform Operating System to run Giotto analysis on
#' @export
giotto <- setClass(
  slots = c(
    raw_exprs = "ANY",
    norm_expr = "ANY",
    norm_scaled_expr = "ANY",
    custom_expr = "ANY",
    spatial_locs = "ANY",
    cell_metadata = "ANY",
    gene_metadata = "ANY",
    cell_ID = "ANY",
    gene_ID = "ANY",
    spatial_network = "ANY",
    spatial_grid = "ANY",
    spatial_enrichment = "ANY",
    dimension_reduction = 'ANY',
    nn_network = "ANY",
    images = "ANY",
    parameters = "ANY",
    instructions = "ANY",
    offset_file = "ANY",
    OS_platform = "ANY"

  prototype = list(
    raw_exprs = NULL,
    norm_expr = NULL,
    norm_scaled_expr = NULL,
    custom_expr = NULL,
    spatial_locs = NULL,
    cell_metadata = NULL,
    gene_metadata = NULL,
    cell_ID = NULL,
    gene_ID = NULL,
    spatial_network = NULL,
    spatial_grid = NULL,
    spatial_enrichment = NULL,
    dimension_reduction = NULL,
    nn_network = NULL,
    images = NULL,
    parameters = NULL,
    instructions = NULL,
    offset_file = NULL,
    OS_platform = NULL

  validity = function(object) {

    if(any(lapply(list(object@raw_exprs), is.null) == TRUE)) {
      return('expression and spatial locations slots need to be filled in')

    # check validity of instructions vector if provided by the user
    if(!is.null(object@instructions)) {

      instr_names = c("python_path", "save_dir", "plot_format", "dpi", "units", "height", "width")
      missing_names = instr_names[!instr_names %in% names(object@instructions)]
      if(length(missing_names) != 0) {
        return('\t Instruction parameters are missing for: ', missing_names, '\t')

    #if(any(lapply(list(object@raw_exprs, object@spatial_locs), is.null) == TRUE)) {
    #  return('expression and spatial locations slots need to be filled in')

    #if(ncol(object@raw_exprs) != nrow(object@spatial_locs)) {
    #  return('number of cells do not correspond between expression matrix and spatial locations')

#' show method for giotto class
#' @param object giotto object
#' @aliases show,giotto-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname show-methods

  f = "show",
  signature = "giotto",
  definition = function(object) {
      "An object of class",
      nrow(x = object@raw_exprs),
      "genes across",
      ncol(x = object@raw_exprs),
      "samples.\n \n"
    cat('Steps and parameters used: \n \n')
    invisible(x = NULL)

#' @title set_giotto_python_path
#' @name set_giotto_python_path
#' @description sets the python path and/or installs miniconda and the python modules
set_giotto_python_path = function(python_path = NULL,
                                  packages_to_install = c('pandas==1.1.5',
                                                          'scikit-learn==0.24.2')) {

  ## if a python path is provided, use that path
  if(!is.null(python_path)) {
    cat('\n python path provided \n')
    python_path = as.character(python_path)
    reticulate::use_python(required = T, python = python_path)

  } else {

    ## identify operating system and adjust the necessary packages
    os_specific_system = get_os()

    # exclude python.app for windows and linux
    if(os_specific_system != 'osx') {
      packages_to_install = packages_to_install[packages_to_install != 'python.app==2']

    ## check if giotto environment is already installed
    conda_path = reticulate::miniconda_path()
    if(os_specific_system == 'osx') {
      full_path = paste0(conda_path, "/envs/giotto_env/bin/pythonw")
    } else if(os_specific_system == 'windows') {
      full_path = paste0(conda_path, "\\envs\\giotto_env\\python.exe")
    } else if(os_specific_system == 'linux') {
      full_path = paste0(conda_path, "/envs/giotto_env/bin/python")

    if(file.exists(full_path)) {
      cat('\n giotto environment found \n')
      python_path = full_path
      reticulate::use_python(required = T, python = python_path)

    } else {

      ## if giotto environment is not found, ask to install miniconda and giotto environment
      install_giotto = utils::askYesNo(msg = 'Install a miniconda Python environment for Giotto?')

      if(install_giotto == TRUE) {

        ## check and install miniconda locally if necessary
        conda_path = reticulate::miniconda_path()

        if(!file.exists(conda_path)) {
          cat('\n |---- install local miniconda ----| \n')

        cat('\n |---- install giotto environment ----| \n')
        conda_path = reticulate::miniconda_path()

        ## for unix-like systems ##
        if(.Platform[['OS.type']] == 'unix') {

          conda_full_path = paste0(conda_path,'/','bin/conda')
          reticulate::conda_create(envname = 'giotto_env',
                                   conda = conda_full_path)

          full_envname = paste0(conda_path,'/envs/giotto_env')

          if(os_specific_system == 'osx') {
            python_full_path = paste0(conda_path, "/envs/giotto_env/bin/pythonw")
          } else if(os_specific_system == 'linux') {
            python_full_path = paste0(conda_path, "/envs/giotto_env/bin/python")

          reticulate::py_install(packages = packages_to_install,
                                 envname = 'giotto_env',
                                 method = 'conda',
                                 conda = conda_full_path,
                                 python_version = '3.6')

          reticulate::py_install(packages = 'smfishhmrf',
                                 envname = full_envname,
                                 method = 'conda',
                                 conda = conda_full_path,
                                 pip = TRUE,
                                 python_version = '3.6')

          ## for windows systems ##
        } else if(.Platform[['OS.type']] == 'windows') {

          conda_full_path = paste0(conda_path,'/','condabin/conda.bat')
          reticulate::conda_create(envname = 'giotto_env',
                                   conda = conda_full_path)

          full_envname = paste0(conda_path,'/envs/giotto_env')
          python_full_path = paste0(conda_path, "/envs/giotto_env/python.exe")

          reticulate::py_install(packages = packages_to_install,
                                 envname = 'giotto_env',
                                 method = 'conda',
                                 conda = conda_full_path,
                                 python_version = '3.6',
                                 channel = c('conda-forge', 'vtraag'))

          reticulate::py_install(packages = 'smfishhmrf',
                                 envname = full_envname,
                                 method = 'conda',
                                 conda = conda_full_path,
                                 pip = TRUE,
                                 python_version = '3.6')

        python_path = python_full_path
        reticulate::use_python(required = T, python = python_path)

      } else {

        if(.Platform[['OS.type']] == 'unix') {
          python_path = try(system('which python', intern = T))
        } else if(.Platform[['OS.type']] == 'windows') {
          python_path = try(system('where python', intern = T))

        if(class(python_path) == "try-error") {
          cat('\n no python path found, set it manually when needed \n')
          python_path = '/need/to/set/path/to/python'
        } else {
          cat('\n try default python \n')
          python_path = python_path
          reticulate::use_python(required = T, python = python_path)

#' @title createGiottoInstructions
#' @description Function to set global instructions for giotto functions
#' @param python_path path to python binary to use
#' @param show_plot print plot to console, default = TRUE
#' @param return_plot return plot as object, default = TRUE
#' @param save_plot automatically save plot, dafault = FALSE
#' @param save_dir path to directory where to save plots
#' @param plot_format format of plots (defaults to png)
#' @param dpi resolution for raster images
#' @param units units of format (defaults to in)
#' @param height height of plots
#' @param width width of  plots
#' @param is_docker using docker implementation of Giotto (defaults to FALSE)
#' @return named vector with giotto instructions
#' @seealso More online information can be found here \url{https://rubd.github.io/Giotto_site/articles/instructions_and_plotting.html}
#' @export
#' @details
#' ## This is a simple guide to help explain the different Giotto instructions:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item Instructions can be set at the beginning of each workflow with \code{\link{createGiottoInstructions}}
#'  \item The provided instructions for a giotto object can be viewed with \code{\link{showGiottoInstructions}}
#'  \item One or more parameters can be changed with \code{\link{changeGiottoInstructions}}
#'  \item All instructions can be replaced with the \code{\link{replaceGiottoInstructions}} function
#' }
#' ## The following list of parameters can be provided to save_param:
#' \itemize{
#'       \item  python_path: here you can provide the path to your custom python binary (only at beginning of script)
#'       \item  show_plot: TRUE or FALSE, show the plot to the console
#'       \item  return_plot: TRUE or FALSE, return the ggplot object (e.g. to further modify or save the plot)
#'       \item  save_plot: TRUE or FALSE, automatically save the plot to your designated save_dir
#'       \item  save_dir: directory to save the plot to
#'       \item  plot_format: default picture format to use, default is .png
#'       \item  dpi: default dpi for each plot if plot is in raster format
#'       \item  units: default plotting units (e.g. in)
#'       \item  height: default height of plot
#'       \item  width: default width of plot
#' }
#'#' Specific saving instructions can also be directly provided for each plotting function.
#' See \code{\link{showSaveParameters}} for more details
#' @examples
#' instructions <- createGiottoInstruction(python_path = '/path/to/python',
#'                                         save_plot = TRUE,
#'                                         save_dir = '/path/to/working/dir')
#' giotto_object <- createGiottoObject(raw_exprs = '/path/to/expression/matrix',
#'                                     spatial_locs = '/path/to/spatial/locations',
#'                                     instructions = instructions)
createGiottoInstructions <- function(python_path =  NULL,
                                     show_plot = NULL,
                                     return_plot = NULL,
                                     save_plot = NULL,
                                     save_dir = NULL,
                                     plot_format = NULL,
                                     dpi = NULL,
                                     units = NULL,
                                     height = NULL,
                                     width = NULL,
                                     is_docker = FALSE) {

  # pyton path to use
    python_path = set_giotto_python_path(python_path = "/usr/bin/python3") # fixed in docker version
  }  else{
    python_path = set_giotto_python_path(python_path = python_path)

  # print plot to console
  if(is.null(show_plot)) {
    show_plot = TRUE

  # print plot to console
  if(is.null(return_plot)) {
    return_plot = TRUE

  # print plot to console
  if(is.null(save_plot)) {
    save_plot = FALSE

  # directory to save results to
  if(is.null(save_dir)) {
    save_dir = getwd()
  save_dir = as.character(save_dir)

  # plot format
  if(is.null(plot_format)) {
    plot_format = "png"
  plot_format = as.character(plot_format)

  # dpi of raster images
  if(is.null(dpi)) {
    dpi = 300
  dpi = as.numeric(dpi)

  # units for height and width
  if(is.null(units)) {
    units = 'in'
  units = as.character(units)

  # height of plot
  if(is.null(height)) {
    height = 9
  height = as.numeric(height)

  # width of plot
  if(is.null(width)) {
    width = 9
  width = as.numeric(width)

  instructions_list = list(python_path, show_plot, return_plot,
                           save_plot, save_dir, plot_format, dpi, units, height, width, is_docker)
  names(instructions_list) = c('python_path', 'show_plot', 'return_plot',
                               'save_plot', 'save_dir', 'plot_format', 'dpi', 'units', 'height', 'width', 'is_docker')


#' @title readGiottoInstrunctions
#' @description Retrieves the instruction associated with the provided parameter
#' @param giotto_instructions giotto object or result from createGiottoInstructions()
#' @param param parameter to retrieve
#' @return specific parameter
#' @export
readGiottoInstructions <- function(giotto_instructions,
                                   param = NULL) {

  # get instructions if provided the giotto object
  if(class(giotto_instructions) == 'giotto') {
    giotto_instructions = giotto_instructions@instructions

  # stop if parameter is not found
  if(is.null(param)) {
    stop('\t readGiottoInstructions needs a parameter to work \t')
  } else if(!param %in% names(giotto_instructions)) {
    stop('\t parameter ', param, ' is not part of Giotto parameters \t')
  } else {
    specific_instruction = giotto_instructions[[param]]

#' @title showGiottoInstructions
#' @description Function to display all instructions from giotto object
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @return named vector with giotto instructions
#' @export
showGiottoInstructions = function(gobject) {

  instrs = gobject@instructions

#' @title changeGiottoInstructions
#' @description Function to change one or more instructions from giotto object
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param params parameter(s) to change
#' @param new_values new value(s) for parameter(s)
#' @param return_gobject (boolean) return giotto object
#' @return giotto object with one or more changed instructions
#' @export
changeGiottoInstructions = function(gobject,
                                    params = NULL,
                                    new_values = NULL,
                                    return_gobject = TRUE) {

  instrs = gobject@instructions

  if(is.null(params) | is.null(new_values)) {
    stop('\t params and new_values can not be NULL \t')

  if(length(params) != length(new_values)) {
    stop('\t length of params need to be the same as new values \t')

  if(!all(params %in% names(instrs))) {
    stop('\t all params need to be part of Giotto instructions \t')

  ## swap with new values
  instrs[params] = new_values

  ## make sure that classes remain consistent
  new_instrs = lapply(1:length(instrs), function(x) {

    if(names(instrs[x]) %in% c('dpi', 'height', 'width')) {
      instrs[[x]] = as.numeric(instrs[[x]])
    } else {
      instrs[[x]] = instrs[[x]]


  names(new_instrs) = names(instrs)

  if(return_gobject == TRUE) {
    gobject@instructions = new_instrs
  } else {


#' @title replaceGiottoInstructions
#' @description Function to replace all instructions from giotto object
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param instructions new instructions (e.g. result from createGiottoInstructions)
#' @return giotto object with replaces instructions
#' @export
replaceGiottoInstructions = function(gobject,
                                     instructions = NULL) {

  old_instrs_list = gobject@instructions

  # validate new instructions
  if(!all(names(instructions) %in% names(old_instrs_list)) | is.null(instructions)) {
    stop('\n You need to provide a named list for all instructions, like the outcome of createGiottoInstructions \n')
  } else {
    gobject@instructions = instructions


#' @title explainGiottoInstructions
#' @description Simple function to explain how to use \code{\link{createGiottoInstructions}}
#' @return Instructions in txt format
#' @export
explainGiottoInstructions = function() {

  cat("This is a simple guide to help explain the different Giotto instructions. \n")

  cat("Instructions can be set at the beginning of each workflow with createGiottoInstructions() \n")

  cat("The provided instructions for a giotto object can be viewed with showGiottoInstructions() \n")

  cat("One or more parameters can be changed with changeGiottoInstructions() \n")

  cat("All instructions can be replaced with the replaceGiottoInstructions() function \n")


  cat("The following list of parameters can be provided to save_param: \n
      - python_path: here you can provide the path to your custom python binary (only at beginning of script)

      - show_plot: TRUE or FALSE, show the plot to the console
      - return_plot: TRUE or FALSE, return the ggplot object (e.g. to further modify or save the plot
      - save_plot: TRUE or FALSE, automatically save the plot to your designated save_dir

      - save_dir: directory to save the plot to
      - plot_format: default picture format to use, default is .png
      - dpi: default dpi for each plot if plot is in raster format
      - units: default plotting units (e.g. in)
      - height: default height of plot
      - width: default width of plot \n")


  cat("Example: \n
      instructions <- createGiottoInstruction(python_path = '/path/to/python',
                                              save_plot = TRUE,
                                              save_dir = '/path/to/working/dir'")

  cat(" \n

      giotto_object <- createGiottoObject(raw_exprs = '/path/to/expression/matrix',
                                          spatial_locs = '/path/to/spatial/locations',
                                          instructions = instructions")

  cat('\n \n')

  cat('Specific saving instructions can also be directly provided for each plotting function.

      See showSaveParameters() for more details \n \n')


#' @title readExprMatrix
#' @description Function to read an expression matrix into a sparse matrix.
#' @param path path to the expression matrix
#' @param cores number of cores to use
#' @param transpose transpose matrix
#' @return sparse matrix
#' @details The expression matrix needs to have both unique column names and row names
#' @export
readExprMatrix = function(path,
                          cores = NA,
                          transpose = FALSE) {

  # check if path is a character vector and exists
  if(!is.character(path)) stop('path needs to be character vector')
  if(!file.exists(path)) stop('the path: ', path, ' does not exist')

  # set number of cores automatically, but with limit of 10
  cores = determine_cores(cores)
  data.table::setDTthreads(threads = cores)

  # read and convert
  DT = suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(input = path, nThread = cores))
  spM = Matrix::Matrix(as.matrix(DT[,-1]), dimnames = list(DT[[1]], colnames(DT[,-1])), sparse = T)

  if(transpose == TRUE) {
    spM = t_giotto(spM)


#' @title evaluate_expr_matrix
#' @description Evaluate expression matrices.
#' @param inputmatrix inputmatrix to evaluate
#' @param sparse create sparse matrix (default = TRUE)
#' @param cores how many cores to use
#' @return sparse matrix
#' @details The inputmatrix can be a matrix, sparse matrix, data.frame, data.table or path to any of these.
#' @keywords internal
evaluate_expr_matrix = function(inputmatrix,
                                sparse = TRUE,
                                cores = NA) {

  if(methods::is(inputmatrix, 'character')) {
    mymatrix = readExprMatrix(inputmatrix, cores =  cores)
  } else if(methods::is(inputmatrix, 'Matrix')) {
    mymatrix = inputmatrix
  } else if(methods::is(inputmatrix, 'data.table')) {
    if(sparse == TRUE) {
      # force sparse class
      mymatrix = Matrix::Matrix(as.matrix(inputmatrix[,-1]),
                                dimnames = list(inputmatrix[[1]],
                                                colnames(inputmatrix[,-1])), sparse = TRUE)
    } else {
      # let Matrix decide
      mymatrix = Matrix::Matrix(as.matrix(inputmatrix[,-1]),
                                dimnames = list(inputmatrix[[1]],

  } else if(inherits(inputmatrix, what = c('data.frame', 'matrix'))) {
    mymatrix = methods::as(as.matrix(inputmatrix), "sparseMatrix")
  } else {
    stop("raw_exprs needs to be a path or an object of class 'Matrix', 'data.table', 'data.frame' or 'matrix'")


#' @title evaluate_spatial_locations
#' @description Evaluate spatial location input
#' @param spatial_locs spatial locations to evaluate
#' @param cores how many cores to use
#' @param dummy_n number of rows to create dummy spaial locations
#' @param expr_matrix expression matrix to compare the cell IDs with
#' @return data.table
#' @keywords internal
evaluate_spatial_locations = function(spatial_locs,
                                      cores = 1,
                                      dummy_n = 2,
                                      expr_matrix = NULL) {

  if(is.null(spatial_locs)) {
    warning('\n spatial locations are not given, dummy 3D data will be created \n')
    spatial_locs = data.table::data.table(sdimx = 1:dummy_n,
                                          sdimy = 1:dummy_n,
                                          sdimz = 1:dummy_n)

  } else {

    if(!any(class(spatial_locs) %in% c('data.table', 'data.frame', 'matrix', 'character'))) {
      stop('spatial_locs needs to be a data.table or data.frame-like object or a path to one of these')
    if(methods::is(spatial_locs, 'character')) {
      if(!file.exists(spatial_locs)) stop('path to spatial locations does not exist')
      spatial_locs = data.table::fread(input = spatial_locs, nThread = cores)
    } else {
      spatial_locs = data.table::as.data.table(spatial_locs)

    # check if all columns are numeric
    column_classes = lapply(spatial_locs, FUN = class)
    #non_numeric_classes = column_classes[column_classes != 'numeric']
    non_numeric_classes = column_classes[!column_classes %in% c('numeric','integer')]

    if(length(non_numeric_classes) > 0) {

      non_numeric_indices = which(!column_classes %in% c('numeric','integer'))

      warning('There are non numeric or integer columns for the spatial location input at column position(s): ', non_numeric_indices,
              '\n The first non-numeric column will be considered as a cell ID to test for consistency with the expression matrix',
              '\n Other non numeric columns will be removed')

      if(!is.null(expr_matrix)) {
        potential_cell_IDs = spatial_locs[[ non_numeric_indices[1] ]]
        expr_matrix_IDs = colnames(expr_matrix)

        if(!identical(potential_cell_IDs, expr_matrix_IDs)) {
          warning('The cell IDs from the expression matrix and spatial locations do not seem to be identical')


      spatial_locs = spatial_locs[,-non_numeric_indices, with = F]


    # check number of columns: too few
    if(ncol(spatial_locs) < 2) {
      stop('There need to be at least 2 numeric columns for spatial locations \n')

    # check number of columns: too many
    if(ncol(spatial_locs) > 3) {
      warning('There are more than 3 columns for spatial locations, only the first 3 will be used \n')
      spatial_locs = spatial_locs[, 1:3]



#' @title create Giotto object
#' @description Function to create a giotto object
#' @param raw_exprs matrix with raw expression counts [required]
#' @param spatial_locs data.table or data.frame with coordinates for cell centroids
#' @param norm_expr normalized expression values
#' @param norm_scaled_expr scaled expression values
#' @param custom_expr custom expression values
#' @param cell_metadata cell annotation metadata
#' @param gene_metadata gene annotation metadata
#' @param spatial_network list of spatial network(s)
#' @param spatial_network_name list of spatial network name(s)
#' @param spatial_grid list of spatial grid(s)
#' @param spatial_grid_name list of spatial grid name(s)
#' @param spatial_enrichment list of spatial enrichment score(s) for each spatial region
#' @param spatial_enrichment_name list of spatial enrichment name(s)
#' @param dimension_reduction list of dimension reduction(s)
#' @param nn_network list of nearest neighbor network(s)
#' @param images list of images
#' @param offset_file file used to stitch fields together (optional)
#' @param instructions list of instructions or output result from \code{\link{createGiottoInstructions}}
#' @param cores how many cores or threads to use to read data if paths are provided
#' @return giotto object
#' @details
#' See \url{https://rubd.github.io/Giotto_site/articles/howto_giotto_class.html} for more details
#' [\strong{Requirements}] To create a giotto object you need to provide at least a matrix with genes as
#' row names and cells as column names. This matrix can be provided as a base matrix, sparse Matrix, data.frame,
#' data.table or as a path to any of those.
#' To include spatial information about cells (or regions) you need to provide a matrix, data.table or data.frame (or path to them)
#' with coordinates for all spatial dimensions. This can be 2D (x and y) or 3D (x, y, x).
#' The row order for the cell coordinates should be the same as the column order for the provided expression data.
#' [\strong{Instructions}] Additionally an instruction file, generated manually or with \code{\link{createGiottoInstructions}}
#' can be provided to instructions, if not a default instruction file will be created
#' for the Giotto object.
#' [\strong{Multiple fields}] In case a dataset consists of multiple fields, like seqFISH+ for example,
#' an offset file can be provided to stitch the different fields together. \code{\link{stitchFieldCoordinates}}
#' can be used to generate such an offset file.
#' [\strong{Processed data}] Processed count data, such as normalized data, can be provided using
#' one of the different expression slots (norm_expr, norm_scaled_expr, custom_expr).
#' [\strong{Metadata}] Cell and gene metadata can be provided using the cell and gene metadata slots.
#' This data can also be added afterwards using the \code{\link{addGeneMetadata}} or \code{\link{addCellMetadata}} functions.
#' [\strong{Other information}] Additional information can be provided through the appropriate slots:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{spatial networks}
#'   \item{spatial girds}
#'   \item{spatial enrichments}
#'   \item{dimensions reduction}
#'   \item{nearest neighbours networks}
#'   \item{images}
#' }
#' @keywords giotto
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
createGiottoObject <- function(raw_exprs,
                               spatial_locs = NULL,
                               norm_expr = NULL,
                               norm_scaled_expr = NULL,
                               custom_expr = NULL,
                               cell_metadata = NULL,
                               gene_metadata = NULL,
                               spatial_network = NULL,
                               spatial_network_name = NULL,
                               spatial_grid = NULL,
                               spatial_grid_name = NULL,
                               spatial_enrichment = NULL,
                               spatial_enrichment_name = NULL,
                               dimension_reduction = NULL,
                               nn_network = NULL,
                               images = NULL,
                               offset_file = NULL,
                               instructions = NULL,
                               cores = NA) {

  # create minimum giotto
  gobject = giotto(raw_exprs = raw_exprs,
                   spatial_locs = spatial_locs,
                   norm_expr = NULL,
                   norm_scaled_expr = NULL,
                   custom_expr = NULL,
                   cell_metadata = cell_metadata,
                   gene_metadata = gene_metadata,
                   cell_ID = NULL,
                   gene_ID = NULL,
                   spatial_network = NULL,
                   spatial_grid = NULL,
                   spatial_enrichment = NULL,
                   dimension_reduction = NULL,
                   nn_network = NULL,
                   images = NULL,
                   parameters = NULL,
                   offset_file = offset_file,
                   instructions = instructions,
                   OS_platform = .Platform[['OS.type']])

  # data.table: set global variable
  cell_ID = gene_ID = NULL

  # check if all optional packages are installed
  extra_packages = c("scran", "MAST", "smfishHmrf", "trendsceek", "SPARK", "multinet", "RTriangle", "FactoMiner")
  pack_index = extra_packages %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())
  extra_installed_packages = extra_packages[pack_index]
  extra_not_installed_packages = extra_packages[!pack_index]

  if(any(pack_index == FALSE) == TRUE) {
    cat("Consider to install these (optional) packages to run all possible Giotto commands for spatial analyses: ",
    cat("\n Giotto does not automatically install all these packages as they are not absolutely required and this reduces the number of dependencies")

  # if cores is not set, then set number of cores automatically, but with limit of 10
  cores = determine_cores(cores)
  data.table::setDTthreads(threads = cores)

  ## read expression matrix
  raw_exprs = evaluate_expr_matrix(raw_exprs, cores = cores, sparse = TRUE)
  gobject@raw_exprs = raw_exprs

  # check rownames and colnames
  if(any(duplicated(rownames(raw_exprs)))) {
    stop("row names contain duplicates, please remove or rename")

  if(any(duplicated(colnames(raw_exprs)))) {
    stop("column names contain duplicates, please remove or rename")

  # prepare other slots related to matrix
  gobject@cell_ID = colnames(raw_exprs)
  gobject@gene_ID = rownames(raw_exprs)
  gobject@parameters = list()

  ## set instructions
  if(is.null(instructions)) {
    # create all default instructions
    gobject@instructions = createGiottoInstructions()

  ## test if python modules are available
  python_modules = c('pandas', 'igraph', 'leidenalg', 'community', 'networkx', 'sklearn')
  my_python_path = gobject@instructions$python_path
  for(module in python_modules) {
    if(reticulate::py_module_available(module) == FALSE) {
      warning('module: ', module, ' was not found with python path: ', my_python_path, '\n')

  ## spatial locations
  dummy_n = ncol(raw_exprs)
  spatial_locs = evaluate_spatial_locations(spatial_locs = spatial_locs,
                                            cores = cores,
                                            dummy_n = dummy_n,
                                            expr_matrix = raw_exprs)

  # check if dimensions agree
  if(nrow(spatial_locs) != ncol(raw_exprs)) {
    stop('\n Number of rows of spatial location must equal number of columns of expression matrix \n')

  ## force dimension names
  spatial_dimensions = c('x', 'y', 'z')
  colnames(spatial_locs) = paste0('sdim', spatial_dimensions[1:ncol(spatial_locs)])

  # add cell_ID column
  spatial_locs[, cell_ID := colnames(raw_exprs)]
  gobject@spatial_locs = spatial_locs
  #gobject@spatial_locs[, cell_ID := colnames(raw_exprs)]

  # add other normalized expression data
  if(!is.null(norm_expr)) {

    norm_expr = evaluate_expr_matrix(norm_expr, cores = cores, sparse = F)

    if(all(dim(norm_expr) == dim(raw_exprs)) &
       all(colnames(norm_expr) == colnames(raw_exprs)) &
       all(rownames(norm_expr) == rownames(raw_exprs))) {

      gobject@norm_expr = as.matrix(norm_expr)
    } else {
      stop('\n dimensions, row or column names are not the same between normalized and raw expression \n')

  # add other normalized and scaled expression data
  if(!is.null(norm_scaled_expr)) {

    norm_scaled_expr = evaluate_expr_matrix(norm_scaled_expr, cores = cores, sparse = F)

    if(all(dim(norm_scaled_expr) == dim(raw_exprs)) &
       all(colnames(norm_scaled_expr) == colnames(raw_exprs)) &
       all(rownames(norm_scaled_expr) == rownames(raw_exprs))) {

      gobject@norm_scaled_expr = as.matrix(norm_scaled_expr)
    } else {
      stop('\n dimensions, row or column names are not the same between normalized + scaled and raw expression \n')

  # add other custom normalized expression data
  if(!is.null(custom_expr)) {

    custom_expr = evaluate_expr_matrix(custom_expr, cores = cores, sparse = F)

    if(all(dim(custom_expr) == dim(raw_exprs)) &
       all(colnames(custom_expr) == colnames(raw_exprs)) &
       all(rownames(custom_expr) == rownames(raw_exprs))) {

      gobject@custom_expr = as.matrix(custom_expr)
    } else {
      stop('\n dimensions, row or column names are not the same between custom normalized and raw expression \n')

  ## cell metadata
  if(is.null(cell_metadata)) {
    gobject@cell_metadata = data.table::data.table(cell_ID = colnames(raw_exprs))
  } else {
    gobject@cell_metadata = data.table::as.data.table(gobject@cell_metadata)
    gobject@cell_metadata[, cell_ID := colnames(raw_exprs)]
    # put cell_ID first
    all_colnames = colnames(gobject@cell_metadata)
    other_colnames = grep('cell_ID', all_colnames, invert = T, value = T)
    gobject@cell_metadata = gobject@cell_metadata[, c('cell_ID', other_colnames), with = FALSE]

  ## gene metadata
  if(is.null(gene_metadata)) {
    gobject@gene_metadata = data.table::data.table(gene_ID = rownames(raw_exprs))
  } else {
    gobject@gene_metadata = data.table::as.data.table(gobject@gene_metadata)
    gobject@gene_metadata[, gene_ID := rownames(raw_exprs)]

  ## spatial network
  if(!is.null(spatial_network)) {
    if(is.null(spatial_network_name) | length(spatial_network) != length(spatial_network_name)) {
      stop('\n each spatial network must be given a unique name \n')
    } else {

      for(network_i in 1:length(spatial_network)) {

        networkname = spatial_network_name[[network_i]]
        network     = spatial_network[[network_i]]

        if(any(c('data.frame', 'data.table') %in% class(network))) {
          if(all(c('to', 'from', 'weight', 'sdimx_begin', 'sdimy_begin', 'sdimx_end', 'sdimy_end') %in% colnames(network))) {
            spatial_network_Obj = create_spatialNetworkObject(name = networkname,networkDT = network)
            gobject@spatial_network[[networkname]] = spatial_network_Obj
          } else {
            stop('\n network ', networkname, ' does not have all necessary column names, see details \n')
        } else {
          stop('\n network ', networkname, ' is not a data.frame or data.table \n')

  ## spatial grid
  if(!is.null(spatial_grid)) {
    if(is.null(spatial_grid_name) | length(spatial_grid) != length(spatial_grid_name)) {
      stop('\n each spatial grid must be given a unique name \n')
    } else {

      for(grid_i in 1:length(spatial_grid)) {

        gridname = spatial_grid_name[[grid_i]]
        grid     = spatial_grid[[grid_i]]

        if(any(c('data.frame', 'data.table') %in% class(grid))) {
          if(all(c('x_start', 'y_start', 'x_end', 'y_end', 'gr_name') %in% colnames(grid))) {
            gobject@spatial_grid[[gridname]] = grid
          } else {
            stop('\n grid ', gridname, ' does not have all necessary column names, see details \n')
        } else {
          stop('\n grid ', gridname, ' is not a data.frame or data.table \n')

  ## spatial enrichment
  if(!is.null(spatial_enrichment)) {
    if(is.null(spatial_enrichment_name) | length(spatial_enrichment) != length(spatial_enrichment_name)) {
      stop('\n each spatial enrichment data.table or data.frame must be given a unique name \n')
    } else {

      for(spat_enrich_i in 1:length(spatial_enrichment)) {

        spatenrichname = spatial_enrichment_name[[spat_enrich_i]]
        spatenrich     = spatial_enrichment[[spat_enrich_i]]

        if(nrow(spatenrich) != nrow(gobject@cell_metadata)) {
          stop('\n spatial enrichment ', spatenrichname, ' does not have the same number of rows as spots/cells, see details \n')
        } else {

          gobject@spatial_enrichment[[spatenrichname]] = spatenrich


  ## dimension reduction
  if(!is.null(dimension_reduction)) {

    for(dim_i in 1:length(dimension_reduction)) {

      dim_red = dimension_reduction[[dim_i]]

      if(all(c('type', 'name', 'reduction_method', 'coordinates', 'misc') %in% names(dim_red))) {

        coord_data = dim_red[['coordinates']]

        if(all(rownames(coord_data) %in% gobject@cell_ID)) {

          type_value = dim_red[['type']] # cells or genes
          reduction_meth_value = dim_red[['reduction_method']] # e.g. umap, tsne, ...
          name_value = dim_red[['name']]  # uniq name
          misc_value = dim_red[['misc']]  # additional data

          gobject@dimension_reduction[[type_value]][[reduction_meth_value]][[name_value]] = dim_red[c('name', 'reduction_method', 'coordinates', 'misc')]
        } else {
          stop('\n rownames for coordinates are not found in gobject IDs \n')

      } else {
        stop('\n each dimension reduction list must contain all required slots, see details. \n')



  # NN network
  if(!is.null(nn_network)) {

    for(nn_i in 1:length(nn_network)) {

      nn_netw = nn_network[[nn_i]]

      if(all(c('type', 'name', 'igraph') %in% names(nn_netw))) {

        igraph_data = nn_netw[['igraph']]

        if(all(names(igraph::V(igraph_data)) %in% gobject@cell_ID)) {

          type_value = nn_netw[['type']] # sNN or kNN
          name_value = nn_netw[['name']]  # uniq name

          gobject@nn_network[[type_value]][[name_value]][['igraph']] = igraph_data
        } else {
          stop('\n igraph vertex names are not found in gobject IDs \n')

      } else {
        stop('\n each nn network list must contain all required slots, see details. \n')



  ## images ##
  # expect a list of giotto object images
  if(!is.null(images)) {

    if(is.null(names(images))) {
      names(images) = paste0('image.', 1:length(images))

    for(image_i in 1:length(images)) {

      im = images[[image_i]]
      im_name = names(images)[[image_i]]

      if(methods::is(im, 'imageGiottoObj')) {
        gobject@images[[im_name]] = im
      } else {
        warning('image: ', im, ' is not a giotto image object')



  # other information
  # TODO



#' @title createGiottoVisiumObject
#' @description creates Giotto object directly from a 10X visium folder
#' @param visium_dir path to the 10X visium directory [required]
#' @param expr_data raw or filtered data (see details)
#' @param gene_column_index which column index to select (see details)
#' @param h5_visium_path path to visium 10X .h5 file
#' @param h5_gene_ids gene names as symbols (default) or ensemble gene ids
#' @param h5_tissue_positions_path path to tissue locations (.csv file)
#' @param h5_image_png_path path to tissue .png file (optional)
#' @param png_name select name of png to use (see details)
#' @param do_manual_adj flag to use manual adj values instead of automatic alignment based on visium values
#' @param xmax_adj adjustment of the maximum x-value to align the image
#' @param xmin_adj adjustment of the minimum x-value to align the image
#' @param ymax_adj adjustment of the maximum y-value to align the image
#' @param ymin_adj adjustment of the minimum y-value to align the image
#' @param scale_factor scaling of image dimensions relative to spatial coordinates (defaults to visium specified)
#' @param instructions list of instructions or output result from \code{\link{createGiottoInstructions}}
#' @param cores how many cores or threads to use to read data if paths are provided
#' @param verbose be verbose
#' @return giotto object
#' @details
#' If starting from a Visium 10X directory:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{expr_data: raw will take expression data from raw_feature_bc_matrix and filter from filtered_feature_bc_matrix}
#'   \item{gene_column_index: which gene identifiers (names) to use if there are multiple columns (e.g. ensemble and gene symbol)}
#'   \item{png_name: by default the first png will be selected, provide the png name to override this (e.g. myimage.png)}
#' }
#' If starting from a Visium 10X .h5 file
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{h5_visium_path: full path to .h5 file: /your/path/to/visium_file.h5}
#'   \item{h5_tissue_positions_path: full path to spatial locations file: /you/path/to/tissue_positions_list.csv}
#'   \item{h5_image_png_path: full path to png: /your/path/to/images/tissue_lowres_image.png}
#' }
#' @export
createGiottoVisiumObject = function(visium_dir = NULL,
                                    expr_data = c('raw', 'filter'),
                                    gene_column_index = 1,
                                    h5_visium_path = NULL,
                                    h5_gene_ids = c('symbols', 'ensembl'),
                                    h5_tissue_positions_path = NULL,
                                    h5_image_png_path = NULL,
                                    png_name = NULL,
                                    do_manual_adj = TRUE,
                                    xmax_adj = 0,
                                    xmin_adj = 0,
                                    ymax_adj = 0,
                                    ymin_adj = 0,
                                    scale_factor = NULL,
                                    instructions = NULL,
                                    cores = NA,
                                    verbose = TRUE) {

  # data.table: set global variable
  barcode = row_pxl = col_pxl = in_tissue = array_row = array_col = NULL

  if(!is.null(h5_visium_path)) {

    if(verbose) cat("A path to an .h5 10X file was provided and will be used \n")

    if(!file.exists(h5_visium_path)) stop("The provided path ", h5_visium_path, " does not exist \n")

    # spatial locations
    if(is.null(h5_tissue_positions_path)) stop("A path to the tissue positions (.csv) needs to be provided to h5_tissue_positions_path \n")
    if(!file.exists(h5_tissue_positions_path)) stop("The provided path ", h5_tissue_positions_path, " does not exist \n")

    # get matrix counts
    h5_results = get10Xmatrix_h5(path_to_data = h5_visium_path, gene_ids = h5_gene_ids)
    raw_matrix = h5_results[['Gene Expression']]

    # spatial locations
    spatial_results = data.table::fread(h5_tissue_positions_path)
    colnames(spatial_results) = c('barcode', 'in_tissue', 'array_row', 'array_col', 'col_pxl', 'row_pxl')
    spatial_results = spatial_results[match(colnames(raw_matrix), barcode)]
    spatial_locs = spatial_results[,.(row_pxl,-col_pxl)]
    colnames(spatial_locs) = c('sdimx', 'sdimy')

    # image (optional)
    if(!is.null(h5_image_png_path)) {

      if(!file.exists(h5_image_png_path)) stop("The provided path ", h5_image_png_path,
                                               " does not exist. Set to NULL to exclude or provide the correct path. \n")

      mg_img = magick::image_read(h5_image_png_path)

      visium_png = createGiottoImage(gobject = NULL,
                                     spatial_locs =  spatial_locs,
                                     mg_object = mg_img,
                                     name = 'image',
                                     xmax_adj = xmax_adj,
                                     xmin_adj = xmin_adj,
                                     ymax_adj = ymax_adj,
                                     ymin_adj = ymin_adj)
      visium_png_list = list(visium_png)
      names(visium_png_list) = c('image')
    } else {
      visium_png_list = NULL

    # create Giotto object
    giotto_object = createGiottoObject(raw_exprs = raw_matrix,
                                       spatial_locs = spatial_locs,
                                       instructions = instructions,
                                       cell_metadata = spatial_results[,.(in_tissue, array_row, array_col)],
                                       images = visium_png_list)

  } else {

    if(verbose) cat("A structured visium directory will be used \n")

    ## check arguments
    if(is.null(visium_dir)) stop('visium_dir needs to be a path to a visium directory \n')
    if(!file.exists(visium_dir)) stop(visium_dir, ' does not exist \n')
    expr_data = match.arg(expr_data, choices = c('raw', 'filter'))

    # set number of cores automatically, but with limit of 10
    cores = determine_cores(cores)
    data.table::setDTthreads(threads = cores)

    ## matrix
    if(expr_data == 'raw') {
      data_path = paste0(visium_dir, '/', 'raw_feature_bc_matrix/')
      raw_matrix = get10Xmatrix(path_to_data = data_path, gene_column_index = gene_column_index)
    } else if(expr_data == 'filter') {
      data_path = paste0(visium_dir, '/', 'filtered_feature_bc_matrix/')
      raw_matrix = get10Xmatrix(path_to_data = data_path, gene_column_index = gene_column_index)

    ## spatial locations and image
    spatial_path = paste0(visium_dir, '/', 'spatial/')
    # spatial_results = data.table::fread(paste0(spatial_path, '/','tissue_positions_list.csv'))
    spatial_results = data.table::fread(Sys.glob(paths = file.path(spatial_path, 'tissue_positions*')))
    colnames(spatial_results) = c('barcode', 'in_tissue', 'array_row', 'array_col', 'col_pxl', 'row_pxl')
    spatial_results = spatial_results[match(colnames(raw_matrix), barcode)]
    spatial_locs = spatial_results[,.(row_pxl,-col_pxl)]
    colnames(spatial_locs) = c('sdimx', 'sdimy')

    ## spatial image
    if(is.null(png_name)) png_name = NA
    if(is.na(png_name) | grepl('hires', png_name)) { # Automatically select and find scale_factor for hires
      png_path = Sys.glob(paths = file.path(spatial_path, paste0('*',png_name,'*')))
      if(length(png_path) == 0) stop(png_name, ' was not found within the Visium spatial folder\n')
      if(length(png_path) >1) {
        message('More than one file was found matching pattern in png_name.\n First will be selected.')
        png_path = png_path[[1]]

      json_path = Sys.glob(paths = file.path(spatial_path, '*scalefactors*'))[[1]]
      json = base::readChar(json_path, nchars = 1000)
      scale_factor = base::regmatches(json,
                                      base::gregexpr('(?<="tissue_hires_scalef": ).*?(?=,|})',
                                                     perl = TRUE)
      scale_factor = as.numeric(scale_factor)
    } else if(grepl('lowres', png_name)) {
      png_path = Sys.glob(paths = file.path(spatial_path, paste0('*',png_name,'*')))
      if(length(png_path) == 0) stop(png_name, ' was not found within the Visium spatial folder\n')
      if(length(png_path) >1) {
        message('More than one file was found matching pattern in png_name.\n First will be selected.')
        png_path = png_path[[1]]

      json_path = Sys.glob(paths = file.path(spatial_path, '*scalefactors*'))[[1]]
      json = base::readChar(json_path, nchars = 1000)
      scale_factor = base::regmatches(json,
                                      base::gregexpr('(?<="tissue_lowres_scalef": ).*?(?=,|})',
                                                     perl = TRUE)
      scale_factor = as.numeric(scale_factor)
    if(!file.exists(png_path)) stop(png_path, ' does not exist! \n')

    mg_img = magick::image_read(png_path)

    visium_png = createGiottoImage(gobject = NULL,
                                   spatial_locs =  spatial_locs,
                                   mg_object = mg_img,
                                   name = 'image',
                                   do_manual_adj = do_manual_adj,
                                   xmax_adj = xmax_adj,
                                   xmin_adj = xmin_adj,
                                   ymax_adj = ymax_adj,
                                   ymin_adj = ymin_adj,
                                   scale_factor = scale_factor)

    visium_png_list = list(visium_png)
    names(visium_png_list) = c('image')

    giotto_object = createGiottoObject(raw_exprs = raw_matrix,
                                       spatial_locs = spatial_locs,
                                       instructions = instructions,
                                       cell_metadata = spatial_results[,.(in_tissue, array_row, array_col)],
                                       images = visium_png_list)


RubD/Giotto documentation built on April 29, 2023, 5:52 p.m.