
Defines functions allDA

Documented in allDA

#' Run many differential abundance/expression methods
#' Run many differential abundance and expression tests at a time, to easily compare their results
#' mva is excluded by default, as it is slow.
#' @param data Either a data.frame with counts/abundances, OR a \code{phyloseq} object. If a data.frame is provided rows should be taxa/genes/proteins and columns samples, and there should be rownames
#' @param predictor The predictor of interest. Either a Factor or Numeric, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object the name of the variable in \code{sample_data(data)} in quotation. If the \code{predictor} is numeric it will be treated as such in the analyses
#' @param paired For paired/blocked experimental designs. Either a Factor with Subject/Block ID for running paired/blocked analysis, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object the name of the variable in \code{sample_data(data)} in quotation.
#' @param covars Either a named list with covariates, OR if \code{data} is a \code{phyloseq} object a character vector with names of the variables in \code{sample_data(data)}
#' @param tests Character. Which tests to include. Default all
#' @param relative Logical. TRUE (default) for compositional data. FALSE for absoloute abundances or pre-normalized data.
#' @param cores Integer. Number of cores to use for parallel computing. Default one less than available
#' @param p.adj Character. Method for p-value adjustment. See \code{p.adjust} for details. Default "fdr"
#' @param args List. A list with lists of arguments passed to the different methods. See details for more.
#' @param out.all If TRUE models will output results and p-values from \code{anova}/\code{drop1}. If FALSE will output results for 2. level of the \code{predictor}. If NULL (default) set as TRUE for multi-class \code{predictor} and FALSE otherwise
#' @param alpha q-value threshold for calling significance. Default 0.1
#' @param core.check If TRUE (default) will make an interactive check that the amount of cores specified are desired. Only if \code{cores>20}. This is to ensure that the function doesn't automatically overloads a server with workers.  
#' @param verbose If TRUE will print informative messages
#' @return A list of results:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item raw - A data.frame with raw p-values from all methods
#'  \item adj - A data.frame with adjusted p-values from all methods (detection/no-detection from sam)
#'  \item est - A data.frame with estimates/fold.changes from all relevant methods
#'  \item details - A dataframe with details from the run
#'  \item results - A complete list of output from all the methods. Example: Get wilcoxon results from 2. run as such: \code{$results[[2]]["wil"]}
#' }
#' @examples 
#' # Creating random count_table and predictor
#' set.seed(5)
#' mat <- matrix(rnbinom(500, size = 0.1, mu = 500), nrow = 50, ncol = 10)
#' pred <- c(rep("Control", 5), rep("Treatment", 5))
#' # Running allDA to compare methods
#' # This example uses 1 core (cores = 1). 
#' # Remove the cores argument to get it as high (and thereby fast) as possible.
#' res <- allDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, cores = 1)
#' # View adjusted p-values from all methods
#' print(res$adj)
#' # View estimates from all methods
#' print(res$est)
#' \donttest{
#' # Include a paired variable for dependent/blocked samples
#' subject <- rep(1:5, 2)
#' res <- allDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, paired = subject, cores = 1)
#' # Include covariates
#' covar1 <- rnorm(10)
#' covar2 <- rep(c("A","B"), 5)
#' res <- allDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, 
#'              covars = list(FirstCovar = covar1, CallItWhatYouWant = covar2), cores = 1)
#' # Data is absolute abundance
#' res <- allDA(data = mat, predictor = pred, relative = FALSE, cores = 1)
#' }
#' @export

allDA <- function(data, predictor, paired = NULL, covars = NULL,
                  tests = c("bay","ds2","ds2x","per","adx","znb","zpo","msf","zig",
                  relative = TRUE, cores = (detectCores()-1),
                  p.adj = "fdr", args = list(), out.all = NULL, alpha = 0.1, core.check = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){

  # Check for servers
    if(cores > 20){
      ANSWER <- readline(paste("You are about to run allDA using",cores,"cores. Enter y to proceed "))
      if(ANSWER != "y") stop("Process aborted")
  # Extract from phyloseq
  if(is(data, "phyloseq")){
    data <- DA.phyloseq(data, predictor, paired, covars)
    count_table <- data$count_table
    predictor <- data$predictor
    paired <- data$paired
    covars <- data$covars
  } else {
    count_table <- data

  # Coerce data
  if(!is.null(paired)) paired <- as.factor(paired)
  count_table <- as.data.frame(count_table)

  # Checks
  if(relative) if(!isTRUE(all(unlist(count_table) == floor(unlist(count_table))))) stop("Count_table must only contain integer values when relative=TRUE")
  if(min(count_table) < 0) stop("Count_table contains negative values!")
  if(sum(colSums(count_table) == 0) > 0) stop("Some samples are empty!")
  if(ncol(count_table) != length(predictor)) stop("Number of samples in count_table does not match length of predictor")
  if(length(unique(predictor)) < 2) stop("predictor should have at least two levels")
  # Remove Features not present in any samples
  if(sum(rowSums(count_table) == 0) != 0 && verbose) message(paste(sum(rowSums(count_table) == 0),"empty features removed"))
  count_table <- count_table[rowSums(count_table) > 0,]
  # Prune tests argument
  decimal <- zeroes <- FALSE
  if(!isTRUE(all(unlist(count_table) == floor(unlist(count_table))))) decimal <- TRUE
  if(any(count_table == 0)) zeroes <- TRUE
  tests <- unique(tests)
  if(!"zzz" %in% tests) tests <- pruneTests(tests, predictor, paired, covars, relative, decimal, zeroes)
  if(length(tests) == 0) stop("No tests to run!")

  if(verbose) message(paste("Running on",cores,"cores"))
  # predictor
  if(any(is.na(predictor))) warning("Predictor contains NAs!")
    if(verbose)  message(paste("predictor is assumed to be a quantitative variable, ranging from",min(predictor, na.rm = TRUE),"to",max(predictor, na.rm = TRUE)))
    if(length(levels(as.factor(predictor))) == 2){
      ANSWER <- readline("The predictor is quantitative, but only contains 2 unique values. Are you sure this is correct? Enter y to proceed ")
      if(ANSWER != "y") stop("Wrap the predictor with as.factor(predictor) to treat it is a categorical variable")
  } else {
    if(length(levels(as.factor(predictor))) > length(unique(predictor))) stop("predictor has more levels than unique values!")
    if(verbose) message(paste("predictor is assumed to be a categorical variable with",length(unique(predictor)),"levels:",paste(levels(as.factor(predictor)),collapse = ", ")))
    if(verbose) message(paste("The paired variable has",length(unique(paired)),"levels"))
    if(length(unique(paired)) < 5) warning("The paired variable has less than 5 levels. Mixed-effect models are excluded")

  # out.all
    if(length(unique(predictor)) == 2) out.all <- FALSE
    if(length(unique(predictor)) > 2) out.all <- TRUE
    if(is.numeric(predictor)) out.all <- FALSE
  # Covars
    for(i in seq_along(covars)){
      if(any(is.na(covars[[i]]))) warning(names(covars)[i],"contains NAs!")
        if(verbose) message(paste(names(covars)[i],"is assumed to be a quantitative variable, ranging from",min(covars[[i]], na.rm = TRUE),"to",max(covars[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)))
      } else {
        if(verbose) message(paste(names(covars)[i],"is assumed to be a categorical variable with",length(unique(covars[[i]])),"levels:",paste(levels(as.factor(covars[[i]])),collapse = ", ")))
  # Extract test arguments
  if(!all(names(args) %in% tests)) stop("One or more names in list with additional arguments does not match names of tests")
  argsL <- list()
  for(a in seq_along(tests)){
    argsL[tests[a]] <- args[tests[a]]
  # Run tests
  if(verbose) cat(paste("Running",length(tests),"methods...\n"))
  # Progress bar
  pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(tests), style = 3)
  progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
  opts <- list(progress = progress)
  # Start parallel
  if(cores == 1) {
  } else {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
  # Run tests in parallel
  results <- foreach(i = tests, .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {

      j <- i
      i <- "zzz"
    res.sub <- tryCatch(switch(i,
                               zzz = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars), argsL[[j]])),
                               mva = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               wil = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired, relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ttt = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired, relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ttr = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired, relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ltt = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               tta = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ttc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ltt2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               neb = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               erq = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars, out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ere = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               erq2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars, out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ere2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               msf = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               zig = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               abc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ds2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               ds2x = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               per = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired, relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               bay = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor), argsL[[i]])),
                               adx = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor), argsL[[i]])),
                               lim = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lli = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lia = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lic = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lli2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               kru = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor, relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               aov = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars, relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lao = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars,relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               aoa = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               aoc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lao2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lrm = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars, relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               llm = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lma = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               lmc = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               llm2 = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               spe = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               pea = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,relative, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               poi = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               qpo = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               vli = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,covars,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               zpo = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               znb = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,covars,relative,out.all, p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               fri = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,relative,p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               qua = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,relative,p.adj), argsL[[i]])),
                               sam = do.call(get(noquote(paste0("DA.",i))),c(list(count_table,predictor,paired,fdr.output = alpha), argsL[[i]]))),
                        error = function(e) NULL)
    if(!is.null(res.sub) & !i %in% c("sam","adx")){
      res.sub[is.na(res.sub$pval),"pval"] <- 1
      res.sub[is.na(res.sub$pval.adj),"pval.adj"] <- 1
  names(results) <- tests
  # Handle failed tests
  results <- results[!sapply(results,is.null)]
  if(length(names(results)) != length(tests)){
    if(length(tests) - length(names(results)) == 1){
      if(verbose) message(paste(paste(tests[!tests %in% names(results)],collapse = ", "),"was excluded due to failure"))
    } else {
      if(verbose) message(paste(paste(tests[!tests %in% names(results)],collapse = ", "),"were excluded due to failure"))
    # Produce informative messages
    if(all(tests[!tests %in% unique(gsub(".*_","",names(results)))] == "sam")){
      if(verbose) message("sam usually fails if some samples has too many zeroes")
    if(all(c("sam","ere2","erq2","ds2x") %in% tests[!tests %in% unique(gsub(".*_","",names(results)))])){
      if(verbose) message("sam, ere2, erq2 and ds2x usually fails if all features contain at least one zero")
    tests <- names(results)
  # Split ALDEx2 results in t.test and wilcoxon
  if("adx" %in% names(results)){
    adx.t <- as.data.frame(results["adx"])[,c(1:7,12:13)]
    adx.w <- as.data.frame(results["adx"])[,c(1:7,12:13)]
    colnames(adx.t) <- gsub("adx.","",colnames(adx.t))
    colnames(adx.w) <- colnames(adx.t)
    adx.t$pval <- as.numeric(as.data.frame(results["adx"])$adx.we.ep)
    adx.w$pval <- as.numeric(as.data.frame(results["adx"])$adx.wi.ep)
    adx.t$pval.adj <- as.numeric(as.data.frame(results["adx"])$adx.we.eBH)
    adx.w$pval.adj <- as.numeric(as.data.frame(results["adx"])$adx.wi.eBH)
    adx.t$Method <- "ALDEx2 t-test (adx)"
    adx.w$Method <- "ALDEx2 wilcox (adx)"
    results["adx"] <- NULL
    res.names <- names(results)
    results <- c(results,list(adx.t),list(adx.w))
    names(results) <- c(res.names,"adx.t","adx.w")
  # Raw p-values
  Pval.raw <- lapply(results,function(x) tryCatch(as.data.frame(x[,c("Feature","pval")]), error = function(e) NULL))
  Pval.raw <- Pval.raw[!sapply(Pval.raw,is.null)]
  if(length(Pval.raw) > 0){
    df.raw <- suppressWarnings(Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x, y, by= "Feature", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE), Pval.raw))
    colnames(df.raw)[2:ncol(df.raw)] <- names(Pval.raw)
    if(is(data, "phyloseq")) df.raw <- addTax(data, df.raw)
  } else {
    df.raw <- NULL

  # Adjusted p-values
  Pval.adj <- lapply(results,function(x) tryCatch(as.data.frame(x[,c("Feature","pval.adj")]), error = function(e) NULL))
  Pval.adj <- Pval.adj[!sapply(Pval.adj,is.null)]
  if(length(Pval.adj) > 0){
    df.adj <- suppressWarnings(Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x, y, by= "Feature", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE), Pval.adj))
    colnames(df.adj)[2:ncol(df.adj)] <- names(Pval.adj)
    if("sam" %in% names(results)) {
      if("Sig" %in% colnames(results$sam)){
        df.adj <- merge(df.adj, results$sam[,c("Feature","Sig")], by = "Feature")
      } else {
        sam.adj <- results$sam[,c("Feature","Sig.up","Sig.lo")]
        sam.adj$Sig <- "No"
        sam.adj[sam.adj$Sig.up == "Yes","Sig"] <- "Up"
        sam.adj[sam.adj$Sig.lo == "Yes","Sig"] <- "Down"
        df.adj <- merge(df.adj, sam.adj[,c("Feature","Sig")], by = "Feature")  
      colnames(df.adj)[ncol(df.adj)] <- "sam"
    if(is(data, "phyloseq")) df.adj <- addTax(data, df.adj)
  } else {
    df.adj <- NULL
  ## Estimate
  est.name <- list(sam = "log2FC",
                   znb = "log2FC",
                   zpo = "log2FC",
                   qpo = "log2FC",
                   poi = "log2FC",
                   neb = "log2FC",
                   lia = "log2FC",
                   lic = "log2FC",
                   vli = "logFC",
                   lim = "logFC",
                   lli = "logFC",
                   lli2 = "logFC",
                   pea = "cor",
                   spe = "rho",
                   per = "log2FC",
                   bay = "ordering",
                   adx.t = "effect",
                   adx.w = "effect",
                   wil = "log2FC",
                   ttt = "log2FC",
                   ttr = "log2FC",
                   ltt = "log2FC",
                   ltt2 = "log2FC",
                   tta = "log2FC",
                   ttc = "log2FC",
                   erq = c("logFC",paste0("logFC.predictor",levels(as.factor(predictor))[2])),
                   ere = "logFC",
                   erq2 = c("logFC",paste0("logFC.predictor",levels(as.factor(predictor))[2])),
                   ere2 = "logFC",
                   msf = "logFC",
                   zig = paste0("predictor",levels(as.factor(predictor))[2]),
                   ds2 = "log2FoldChange",
                   ds2x = "log2FoldChange",
                   mva = "log2FC",
                   abc = "Beta")

  if(!is.numeric(predictor) & length(unique(predictor)) > 2){
    df.est <- NULL
  } else {
    ll <- NULL
    list.est <- foreach(ll = names(results)) %do% {
      if(ll %in% names(est.name)){
        if(any(est.name[ll][[1]] %in% colnames(results[ll][[1]]))){
          est.sub.name <- est.name[ll][[1]][est.name[ll][[1]] %in% colnames(results[ll][[1]])]
          est.sub <- results[ll][[1]][,c("Feature",est.sub.name)]
          colnames(est.sub) <- c("Feature",paste0(ll,"_",est.sub.name,""))
        } else return(NULL)
      } else return(NULL)
    list.est <- list.est[!sapply(list.est, is.null)]
    if(length(list.est) > 0){
      df.est <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x, y, by= "Feature", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE), list.est)
      if(is(data, "phyloseq")) df.est <- addTax(data, df.est)
    } else {
      df.est <- NULL

  # Add tax table to results
  if(is(data, "phyloseq")){
    if(!is.null(phyloseq::tax_table(data, errorIfNULL = FALSE))){
      newresults <- list()
      tax <- unclass(phyloseq::tax_table(data))
      for(i in seq_along(results)){
        subres <- results[[i]] 
        subres <- merge(subres, tax, by.x = "Feature", by.y = "row.names")
        newresults[[i]] <- subres
      names(newresults) <- names(results)
    } else {
      newresults <- results
  } else {
    newresults <- results
  # Details
    pred.det <- "Quantitative"
    pred.ord <- paste(min(predictor,na.rm=TRUE),"to",max(predictor,na.rm=TRUE))
  } else {
    if(length(levels(as.factor(predictor))) == 2){
      pred.det <- "Two-class"
      pred.ord <- paste0(levels(as.factor(predictor))[2],">",levels(as.factor(predictor))[1])
    } else {
      pred.det <- "Multi-class" 
      pred.ord <- paste(levels(as.factor(predictor)), collapse = ", ")
  if(is.null(paired)) pair.det <- "No" else pair.det <- "Yes"
  det <- data.frame(Features = nrow(count_table),
                               Samples = ncol(count_table),
                               Predictor = pred.det,
                               Ordering = pred.ord,
                               Paired = pair.det,
                               Covars = paste(names(covars), collapse = ", "),
                               Relative = relative,
                               OutAll = out.all)
  rownames(det) <- ""
  det <- as.data.frame(t(det))
  colnames(det) <- ""
  return(list(raw = df.raw, adj = df.adj, est = df.est, details = det, results = newresults))

Russel88/DAtest documentation built on March 24, 2022, 3:50 p.m.