# link funtions had added for nu and tau to make sure that gamlssML() works 31-1-18
NET <- function (mu.link ="identity", sigma.link="log", nu.link ="identity", tau.link ="identity")
mstats <- checklink("mu.link", "NET", substitute( mu.link), c("inverse", "log", "identity", "own"))
dstats <- checklink("sigma.link", "NET", substitute(sigma.link), c("inverse", "log", "identity", "own"))
vstats <- checklink("nu.link", "NET", substitute(nu.link), c("identity"))
tstats <- checklink("tau.link", "NET", substitute(tau.link), c("identity"))
list(family = c("NET", "Normal Exponential t"),
parameters = list(mu=TRUE, sigma=TRUE, nu=FALSE, tau=FALSE),
nopar = 4,
type = "Continuous",
mu.link = as.character(substitute(mu.link)),
sigma.link = as.character(substitute(sigma.link)),
nu.link = as.character(substitute(mu.link)),
tau.link = as.character(substitute(tau.link)),
mu.linkfun = mstats$linkfun,
sigma.linkfun = dstats$linkfun,
nu.linkfun = vstats$linkfun,
tau.linkfun = tstats$linkfun,
mu.linkinv = mstats$linkinv,
sigma.linkinv = dstats$linkinv,
nu.linkinv = vstats$linkinv,
tau.linkinv = tstats$linkinv,
mu.dr = mstats$mu.eta,
sigma.dr = dstats$mu.eta,
nu.dr = vstats$mu.eta,
tau.dr = tstats$mu.eta,
dldm = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau){
k1 <- nu
k2 <- tau
tc <- (y-mu)/sigma
dldtc <- (abs(tc)<= k1)*(-tc) +
((abs(tc)>k1)&(abs(tc)<= k2))*(-k1*sign(tc)) +
(abs(tc) > k2)*(-k1*k2/tc)
dldm <- -dldtc/sigma
d2ldm2 = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau) {
k1 <- nu
k2 <- tau
c1 <- (1-2*pnorm(-k1))*sqrt(2*pi)
c2 <- (2/k1)*exp(-((k1^2)/2))
c3 <- 2*exp(-k1*k2+((k1^2)/2))/((k1*k2-1)*k1)
ct <- 1/(c1+c2+c3)
# tc <- (y-mu)/sigma
d2ldm2 <- -ct*sqrt(2*pi)*(1-2*pnorm(-k1))+
d2ldm2 <- d2ldm2/sigma^2},
dldd = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau) {
k1 <- nu
k2 <- tau
tc <- (y-mu)/sigma
dldtc <- (abs(tc)<= k1)*(-tc) +
((abs(tc)>k1)&(abs(tc)<= k2))*(-k1*sign(tc)) +
(abs(tc) > k2)*(-k1*k2/tc)
dldd <- -(1+tc*dldtc)/sigma
d2ldd2 = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau) {
k1 <- nu
k2 <- tau
c1 <- (1-2*pnorm(-k1))*sqrt(2*pi)
c2 <- (2/k1)*exp(-((k1^2)/2))
c3 <- 2*exp(-k1*k2+((k1^2)/2))/((k1*k2-1)*k1)
ct <- 1/(c1+c2+c3)
#tc <- (y-mu)/sigma
d2ldd2 <- 2*ct*k1*exp(-(k1^2)/2)-
d2ldd2 <- (d2ldd2-1)/(sigma^2)
d2ldmdd = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
dldv = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
dldt = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
d2ldv2 = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
d2ldt2 = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
d2ldmdv = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
d2ldmdt = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
d2ldddv = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
d2ldddt = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
d2ldvdt = function(y) rep(0,length(y)),
G.dev.incr = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau,...) -2*dNET(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau, log=TRUE),
rqres = expression(rqres(pfun="pNET", type="Continuous", y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu, tau=tau)),
mu.initial = expression(mu <- (y-mean(y))/2 ),
sigma.initial = expression(sigma <- rep((sd(y)+0.001),length(y))),
nu.initial = expression(nu <- rep(1.5,length(y))), # 1.5 default
tau.initial = expression(tau <- rep(2,length(y))), # 2 default
mu.valid = function(mu) TRUE,
sigma.valid = function(sigma) all(sigma > 0),
nu.valid = function(nu) all(nu > 0),
tau.valid = function(tau, nu) all(tau > nu),
y.valid = function(y) TRUE,
mean = function(mu, sigma, nu, tau) {
if (nu * tau > 2) {mu} else{NaN}
variance = function(mu, sigma, nu, tau) {
if (nu * tau > 3) {
c1 <- sqrt(2*pi) * (2*pnorm(nu) - 1)
c2 <- 2/nu * exp(-nu^2/2)
c3 <- 2/(nu*(nu*tau-1)) * exp(-nu*tau + nu^2/2)
c <- 1/(c1 + c2 + c3)
return(2 * sigma^2 * c * (sqrt(2*pi) * (pnorm(nu) - 1/2) +
(2/nu + 2/nu^3) * exp(-nu^2/2) +
(nu^2*tau^2 + 4*nu*tau + 6) / (nu^3 * (nu*tau - 3)) * exp(-nu*tau + nu^2/2)))
} else {
class = c("gamlss.family","family"))
dNET <- function(x, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=1.5, tau=2, log=FALSE)
if (any(sigma <= 0)) stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(nu <= 0)) stop(paste("nu must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(tau <= 0)) stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(tau < nu)) stop(paste(" tau must greater or equal than nu", "\n", ""))
k1 <- nu
k2 <- tau
c1 <- (1-2*pnorm(-k1))*sqrt(2*pi)
c2 <- (2/k1)*exp(-((k1^2)/2))
c3 <- 2*exp(-k1*k2+((k1^2)/2))/((k1*k2-1)*k1)
ct <- 1/(c1+c2+c3)
tc <- (x-mu)/sigma
d1 <- (abs(tc) <= k1)*(-(tc^2)/2)
d2 <- ((abs(tc) > k1) & (abs(tc) <= k2))*(-k1*abs(tc)+((k1^2)/2))
d3 <- ifelse(x==0, 0, (abs(tc) > k2)*(-k1*k2*log(abs(tc)/k2)-k1*k2+((k1^2)/2)))
loglik <- log(ct)-log(sigma)+d1+d2+d3
if(log==FALSE) ft <- exp(loglik) else ft <- loglik
pNET <- function(q, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=1.5, tau=2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
if (any(sigma <= 0)) stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(nu <= 0)) stop(paste("nu must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(tau <= 0)) stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(tau < nu)) stop(paste(" tau must greater or equal than nu", "\n", ""))
k1 <- nu
k2 <- tau
c1 <- (1-2*pnorm(-k1))*sqrt(2*pi)
c2 <- (2/k1)*exp(-((k1^2)/2))
c3 <- 2*exp(-k1*k2+((k1^2)/2))/((k1*k2-1)*k1)
ct <- 1/(c1+c2+c3)
tc <- (q-mu)/sigma
#Fk2 is cdf up to the point -k2
Fk2 <- (ct*(k2^(k1*k2))/(k1*k2-1)) * exp(-k1*k2+((k1^2)/2))*
ifelse(tc==0,1, abs(tc)^(-k1*k2+1))
#cf1 is cdf value up to the point -k2
cdf1 <- (ct/(k1*(k1*k2-1)))*exp(-k1*k2+(k1^2)/2)
#Fk1 is cdf up to the point -k1
Fk1 <- cdf1 + (ct/k1)*exp(-k1*abs(tc)+(k1^2)/2)
#cf2 is cdf value up to the point -k1
cdf2 <- cdf1 +(ct/k1)*exp(-(k1^2)/2)
#F0 is cdf up to the point 0
F0 <- cdf2 + ct * sqrt(2*pi) * (pnorm(-abs(tc)) - pnorm(-k1))
#calclulate the cdf0=F(-tc) to get the cdf of
#the positive tc as 1-F(-tc)
#cdf0 <- cdf2 + ct * sqrt(2*pi) * (pnorm(-tc) - pnorm(-k1))
#cdf.tc is the cdf function of all the points
cdf <- (tc <= -k2) * Fk2 + #negative tc
((tc > -k2) & (tc <= -k1)) * Fk1 + #negative tc
((tc > -k1) & (tc <= 0)) * F0 + #negative tc
((tc > 0) & (tc <= k1)) * (1-F0)+
((tc > k1) & (tc <= k2)) * (1-Fk1)+
(tc > k2)* (1-Fk2)
#positive tc
if(lower.tail==TRUE) cdf <- cdf else cdf <- 1-cdf
if(log.p==FALSE) cdf <- cdf else cdf <- log(cdf)
qNET <- function(p, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=1.5, tau=2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE )
#if (any(mu <= 0)) stop(paste("mu must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(sigma <= 0)) stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(nu <= 0)) stop(paste("nu must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(tau <= 0)) stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", ""))
if (any(tau < nu)) stop(paste(" tau must greater or equal than nu", "\n", ""))
if (log.p==TRUE) p <- exp(p) else p <- p
if (lower.tail==TRUE) p <- p else p <- 1-p
if (any(p < 0)|any(p > 1)) stop(paste("p must be between 0 and 1", "\n", ""))
#if (any(any(p > 0.993)) stop(paste("p must be between 0 and 1", "\n", ""))
lp <- max(length(p),length(mu),length(sigma),length(nu), length(tau))
p <- rep(p, length = lp)
sigma <- rep(sigma, length = lp)
mu <- rep(mu, length = lp)
nu <- rep(nu, length = lp)
tau <- rep(tau, length = lp)
p1 <- p2 <- ifelse(p<=0.5, p,(1-p))
c1 <- (1-2*pnorm(-nu))*sqrt(2*pi)
c2 <- (2/nu)*exp(-((nu^2)/2))
c3 <- 2*exp(-nu*tau+((nu^2)/2))/((nu*tau-1)*nu)
ct <- 1/(c1+c2+c3)
b <- (ct/(nu*(nu*tau-1)))*exp(-nu*tau+(nu^2)/2)
z1 <- -(b*nu*(tau^(nu*tau))/p1)^(1/(nu*tau-1))
p1 <- ifelse(p1>=(nu*tau*b), p1, 0.5)
z2 <- -(nu/2)+(1/nu)*log((nu/ct)*(p1-b))
z3 <- qnorm(pnorm(-nu)+(1/(sqrt(2*pi)))*((p1-b)/ct - (1/nu) *exp(-(nu^2)/2)))
q1 <- (p2<=(nu*tau*b))*z1 + ( (p1>(nu*tau*b)) & (p1<=(b+(ct/nu)*exp(-(nu^2)/2))))*z2+
((p1>b+(ct/nu)*exp(-(nu^2)/2)) & (p1<0.5))*z3
q <- ifelse(p<=0.5,q1,-q1)
q <- mu+sigma*q
rNET <- function(n, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=1.5, tau=2)
if (any(sigma <= 0)) stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", ""))
n <- ceiling(n)
p <- runif(n)
r <- qNET(p, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = nu, tau = tau)
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