#as a function of mean=ksi and sigma=tau=1/omega
# Modified by Mikis Monday, March 21, 2005
# Modified by Bob 1/12/2004
# Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 14:34
# Modified by Kalliope Akantziliotou
#Uses the Dean and Lawless iterative algorithm and for the derivative of nu
#uses numerical derivative
SICHEL <-function (mu.link ="log", sigma.link="log", nu.link="identity")
mstats <- checklink("mu.link", "Sichel", substitute(mu.link),
c("1/mu^2", "log", "identity"))
dstats <- checklink("sigma.link", "Sichel", substitute(sigma.link),
c("inverse", "log", "identity"))
vstats <- checklink("nu.link", "Sichel",substitute(nu.link),
c("1/nu^2", "log", "identity"))
list(family = c("SICHEL", "Sichel"),
parameters = list(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE),
nopar = 3,
type = "Discrete",
mu.link = as.character(substitute(mu.link)),
sigma.link = as.character(substitute(sigma.link)),
nu.link = as.character(substitute(nu.link)),
mu.linkfun = mstats$linkfun,
sigma.linkfun = dstats$linkfun,
nu.linkfun = vstats$linkfun,
mu.linkinv = mstats$linkinv,
sigma.linkinv = dstats$linkinv,
nu.linkinv = vstats$linkinv,
mu.dr = mstats$mu.eta,
sigma.dr = dstats$mu.eta,
nu.dr = vstats$mu.eta,
dldm = function(y,mu,sigma,nu)
sigma <- ifelse(sigma>10000&nu>0, 10000, sigma )
ty <- tofySICHEL(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu)
dldm <- (y-ty)/mu
d2ldm2 = function(y,mu,sigma,nu)
sigma <- ifelse(sigma>10000&nu>0, 10000, sigma )
ty <- tofySICHEL(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,nu=nu)
dldm <- (y-ty)/mu
d2ldm2 <- - dldm * dldm
d2ldm2 <- ifelse(d2ldm2 < -1e-15, d2ldm2,-1e-15)
dldd = function(y,mu,sigma,nu)
sigma <- ifelse(sigma>10000&nu>0, 10000, sigma )
ty <- tofySICHEL(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,nu=nu)
c <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
dcdd <- (c*sigma*(2*nu+1)+1-c*c)/(sigma*sigma)
dldd <- (((ty*(c+sigma*mu)/mu) - (sigma*y)-c)/(sigma^2))+dcdd*(ty-y)/c
d2ldd2 = function(y,mu,sigma,nu)
sigma <- ifelse(sigma>10000&nu>0, 10000, sigma )
ty <- tofySICHEL(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,nu=nu)
c <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
dcdd <- (c*sigma*(2*nu+1)+1-c*c)/(sigma*sigma)
dldd <- (((ty*(c+sigma*mu)/mu) - (sigma*y)-c)/(sigma^2))+dcdd*(ty-y)/c
d2ldd2 <- -dldd*dldd
d2ldd2 <- ifelse(d2ldd2 < -1e-15, d2ldd2,-1e-15)
#d2ldmdd = function() 0,
d2ldmdd = function(y,mu,sigma,nu)
sigma <- ifelse(sigma>10000&nu>0, 10000, sigma )
ty <- tofySICHEL(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu)
dldm <- (y-ty)/mu
c <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
dcdd <- (c*sigma*(2*nu+1)+1-c*c)/(sigma*sigma)
dldd <- (((ty*(c+sigma*mu)/mu) - (sigma*y)-c)/(sigma^2))+dcdd*(ty-y)/c
d2ldmdd <- -dldm *dldd
d2ldmdv = function(y,mu,sigma,nu) {
sigma <- ifelse(sigma>10000&nu>0, 10000, sigma )
ty <- tofySICHEL(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu)
dldm <- (y-ty)/mu
#calculates the dldv
nd <- numeric.deriv(dSICHEL(y, mu, sigma, nu, log=TRUE), "nu", delta=0.001)
dldv <- as.vector(attr(nd, "gradient"))
#calculates the d2ldmdv
d2ldmdv <- -dldm *dldv
d2ldddv = function(y,mu,sigma,nu) {
ty <- tofySICHEL(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,nu=nu)
c <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
dcdd <- (c*sigma*(2*nu+1)+1-c*c)/(sigma*sigma)
dldd <- (((ty*(c+sigma*mu)/mu) - (sigma*y)-c)/(sigma^2))+dcdd*(ty-y)/c
#calculates the dldv
nd <- numeric.deriv(dSICHEL(y, mu, sigma, nu, log=TRUE), "nu", delta=0.001)
dldv <- as.vector(attr(nd, "gradient"))
#calculates the d2ldddv
d2ldddv <- -dldd *dldv
dldv = function(y,mu,sigma,nu) {
nd <- numeric.deriv(dSICHEL(y, mu, sigma, nu, log=TRUE), "nu", delta=0.001)
dldv <- as.vector(attr(nd, "gradient"))
d2ldv2 = function(y,mu,sigma,nu){
# delta <- 0.01
# dldv <- (dSI(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu+delta, log = TRUE)-
# dSI(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu, log= TRUE))/ delta
nd <- numeric.deriv(dSICHEL(y, mu, sigma, nu, log=TRUE), "nu", delta=0.001)
dldv <- as.vector(attr(nd, "gradient"))
d2ldv2 <- -dldv*dldv
d2ldv2 <- ifelse(d2ldv2 < -1e-15, d2ldv2,-1e-15)
} ,
G.dev.incr = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,...) -2*dSICHEL(y, mu, sigma, nu, log=TRUE),
rqres = expression(
rqres(pfun="pSICHEL", type="Discrete", ymin=0, y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu)
mu.initial = expression(mu<- (y+mean(y))/2 ),
sigma.initial = expression(
sigma <- rep( max( ((var(y)-mean(y))/(mean(y)^2)),0.1),length(y))),
nu.initial = expression({ nu <- rep(-0.5,length(y)) }),
mu.valid = function(mu) all(mu > 0) ,
sigma.valid = function(sigma) all(sigma > 0),
nu.valid = function(nu) TRUE,
y.valid = function(y) all(y >= 0),
mean = function(mu, sigma, nu) mu,
variance = function(mu, sigma, nu) {
K1 <- besselK(1 / sigma, nu + 1)
K2 <- besselK(1 / sigma, nu)
b <- K1 / K2
g <- 2 * sigma * (nu+1) / b + 1 / b^2 - 1
return(mu + mu^2 * g)
class = c("gamlss.family","family"))
# this is only for checking with tofySICHEL
#tofySNN <- function (y, mu, sigma, nu, bsum=FALSE, ...)
# ty <- rep(0,length(y))
# sumlty <- rep(0,length(y))
# for (z1 in length(y):1)
# {
# #browser()
# lyp1 <- Dum <- swi <- dum1 <- alpha <- lbes <- c <- 0
# lyp1 <- y[z1]+1
# tynew <- rep(0,lyp1)
# c <- exp(log(besselK(1/sigma[z1],nu[z1]+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma[z1]),nu[z1])))
# alpha <- sqrt(1+2*sigma[z1]*(mu[z1]/c))/sigma[z1]
# #cat("c, alphs",c,alpha,"\n")
# lbes <- log(besselK(alpha,nu[z1]+1))-log(besselK((alpha),nu[z1]))
# tynew[1] <- dum1 <- (mu[z1]/c)*((1+2*sigma[z1]*(mu[z1]/c))^(-0.5))*exp(lbes)
# dum <- ifelse(lyp1==1, 1,2)
# j <- dum:lyp1
# for (i in j)
# {
# if (i !=1)
# tynew[i] <- (c*sigma[z1]*(2*(i-1+nu[z1])/mu[z1])+(1/tynew[i-1]))*(mu[z1]/(sigma[z1]*alpha*c))**2
# tynew[1] <- dum1
# ty[z1] <- tynew[lyp1]
# }
# if (bsum )
# sumlty[z1] <- ifelse(lyp1==1, 0 , sum(log(tynew))-log(tynew[i]))
# }
# result <- cbind(ty, sumlty)
tofySICHEL <- function (y, mu, sigma, nu)
ly <- max(length(y),length(mu),length(sigma),length(nu))
y <- rep(y, length = ly)
sigma <- rep(sigma, length = ly)
mu <- rep(mu, length = ly)
nu <- rep(nu, length = ly)
cvec <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
#cvec is c=R_nu(1/sigma) where R_lambda(t)=K_{lambda+1}(t)/K_{lambda}(t) page 10
alpha <- sqrt(1+2*sigma*(mu/cvec))/sigma # alpha^2=sigma^-2+(2*mu)/(c*sigma)
lbes <- log(besselK(alpha,nu+1))-log(besselK((alpha),nu)) #R_nu(alpha) page 30
sumlty <- as.double(.C("tofySICHEL1", as.double(y), as.double(mu),
as.double(sigma), as.double(nu), as.double(lbes),
as.double(cvec), ans=double(length(y)),as.integer(length(y)),
as.integer(max(y)+1), PACKAGE="gamlss.dist")$ans)
# this function is using tofySNN
#dSInew<-function(y, mu=1, sigma=1, nu=-0.5, log=FALSE)
# {
# if (any(mu <= 0) ) stop(paste("mu must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
# if (any(sigma <= 0) ) stop(paste("sigma must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
# if (any(y < 0) ) stop(paste("y must be >=0", "\n", ""))
# ly <- length(y)
# sigma <- rep(sigma, length = ly)
# mu <- rep(mu, length = ly)
# nu <- rep(nu, length = ly)
# cvec <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
# alpha <- sqrt(1+2*sigma*(mu/cvec))/sigma
## lbes <- log(besselK(alpha,nu+1))-log(besselK((alpha),nu))
#sumlty <- as.double(.C("tofys_", as.double(y), as.double(mu),
# as.double(sigma), as.double(nu), as.double(lbes),
# as.integer(length(y)), as.integer(max(y)+1))[[2]])
#sumlty<-tofySNN(y=y, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu, bsum=TRUE)[,2]
#logfy <- -lgamma(y+1)-nu*log(sigma*alpha)+sumlty+log(besselK(alpha,nu))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu))
# if(log==FALSE) fy <- exp(logfy) else fy <- logfy
# fy
# }
dSICHEL<-function(x, mu=1, sigma=1, nu=-0.5, log=FALSE)
if (any(mu <= 0) ) stop(paste("mu must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(sigma <= 0) ) stop(paste("sigma must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(x < 0) ) stop(paste("x must be >=0", "\n", ""))
ly <- max(length(x),length(mu),length(sigma),length(nu))
x <- rep(x, length = ly)
sigma <- rep(sigma, length = ly)
mu <- rep(mu, length = ly)
nu <- rep(nu, length = ly)
cvec <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
alpha <- sqrt(1+2*sigma*(mu/cvec))/sigma
lbes <- log(besselK(alpha,nu+1))-log(besselK((alpha),nu))
#cat("mu, sigma and nu", mu[1], sigma[1], nu[1], "\n")
sumlty <- as.double(.C("tofySICHEL2", as.double(x), as.double(mu),
as.double(sigma), as.double(nu), as.double(lbes),
as.double(cvec), ans=double(length(x)),as.integer(length(x)),
as.integer(max(x)+1), PACKAGE="gamlss.dist")$ans)
logfy <- -lgamma(x+1)-nu*log(sigma*alpha)+sumlty+log(besselK(alpha,nu))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu))
if(log==FALSE) fy <- exp(logfy) else fy <- logfy
if (length(sigma)>1) fy <- ifelse((sigma>10000)&(nu>0), dNBI(x, mu = mu, sigma= 1/nu, log = log) ,fy)
else fy <- if ((sigma>10000)&(nu>0)) dNBI(x, mu = mu, sigma= 1/nu, log = log)
else fy
# tocdfS <- function (y, mu, sigma, nu, bsum=TRUE, ...)
# {
# ly <- length(y)
# sigma <- rep(sigma, length = ly)
# mu <- rep(mu, length = ly)
# nu <- rep(nu, length = ly)
# ty <- rep(0,length(y))
# cdf <- rep(0,length(y))
# cvec <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
# alpha <- sqrt(1+2*sigma*mu/cvec)/sigma
# lbes <- log(besselK(alpha,nu+1))-log(besselK((alpha),nu))
# for (i in 1:length(y))
# {
# lyp1 <- y[i]+1
# tynew <- lpnew <- rep(0,lyp1)
# tynew[1] <- (mu[i]/cvec[i])*((1+2*sigma[i]*(mu[i]/cvec[i]))^(-0.5))*exp(lbes[i])
# lpnew[1] <- -nu[i]*log(sigma[i]*alpha[i])+log(besselK(alpha[i],nu[i]))-
# log(besselK(1/sigma[i],nu[i]))
# dum <- ifelse(lyp1==1, 1,2)
# for (j in dum:lyp1)
# {
# if (j !=1)
# {
# tynew[j] <- (cvec[i]*sigma[i]*(2*(j-1+nu[i])/mu[i])+(1/tynew[j-1]))*
# (mu[i]/(sigma[i]*alpha[i]*cvec[i]))**2
# lpnew[j] <- lpnew[j-1] + log(tynew[j-1]) - log(j-1)
# }
# ty[i] <- tynew[lyp1]
# }
# if (bsum )
# cdf[i] <- sum(exp(lpnew))
# }
# cdf
# }
pSICHEL <- function(q, mu=1, sigma=1, nu=-0.5, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
if (any(mu <= 0) ) stop(paste("mu must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(sigma <= 0) ) stop(paste("sigma must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(q < 0) ) stop(paste("q must be >=0", "\n", ""))
ly <- max(length(q),length(mu),length(sigma),length(nu))
q <- rep(q,length = ly)
sigma <- rep(sigma, length = ly)
mu <- rep(mu, length = ly)
nu <- rep(nu, length = ly)
cdf <- as.double(.C("cdfSICHEL", as.double(q), as.double(mu),as.double(sigma), as.double(nu),
ans=double(ly), as.integer(ly), PACKAGE="gamlss.dist")$ans)
# as.integer(max(q)+1))#
if(lower.tail==TRUE) cdf <- cdf else cdf=1-cdf
if(log.p==FALSE) cdf <- cdf else cdf <- log(cdf)
qSICHEL <- function(p, mu=1, sigma=1, nu=-0.5, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
max.value = 10000)
if (any(mu <= 0) ) stop(paste("mu must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(sigma <= 0) ) stop(paste("sigma must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(p < 0) | any(p > 1.0001)) stop(paste("p must be between 0 and 1", "\n", ""))
if (log.p==TRUE) p <- exp(p) else p <- p
if (lower.tail==TRUE) p <- p else p <- 1-p
ly <- max(length(p),length(mu),length(sigma),length(nu))
p <- rep(p, length = ly)
QQQ <- rep(0,length = ly)
nsigma <- rep(sigma, length = ly)
nmu <- rep(mu, length = ly)
nnu <- rep(nu, length = ly)
for (i in seq(along=p))
cumpro <- 0
if (p[i]+0.000000001 >= 1) QQQ[i] <- Inf
for (j in seq(from = 0, to = max.value))
cumpro <- pSICHEL(j, mu = nmu[i], sigma = nsigma[i], nu = nnu[i], log.p = FALSE)
# else cumpro+dSICHEL(j, mu = nmu[i], sigma = nsigma[i], nu = nnu[i], log = FALSE)# the above is faster
QQQ[i] <- j
if (p[i] <= cumpro ) break
# for (i in seq(along=p))
# {
# cumpro <- pSI(0, mu = nmu[i], sigma = nsigma[i], nu = nnu, log.p = FALSE)
# for (j in seq(from = 1,to = max.value))
# {
# if (p[i]+0.000000001 >= 1) QQQ[i] <- Inf
# else if (p[i]-cumpro > 0 | identical(p[i],cumpro) )#((cumpro+.Machine$double.eps) < p.p)
# { cumpro <- if (fast == FALSE) pSI(j, mu = nmu[i], sigma = nsigma[i], nu = nnu[i], log.p = FALSE)
# else cumpro+dSI(j, mu = nmu[i], sigma = nsigma[i], nu = nnu[i], log.p = FALSE)# the above is faster
# QQQ[i] <- j-1 #if (! identical(all.equal(p[i],1),TRUE)) j-1 else Inf
# }
# else break
# }
# }
rSICHEL <- function(n, mu=1, sigma=1, nu=-0.5, max.value = 10000)
if (any(mu <= 0) ) stop(paste("mu must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(sigma <= 0) ) stop(paste("sigma must be greater than 0 ", "\n", ""))
if (any(n <= 0)) stop(paste("n must be a positive integer", "\n", ""))
n <- ceiling(n)
p <- runif(n)
r <- qSICHEL(p, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu, max.value = max.value )
VSICHEL<- function(obj)
#if (!is.gamlss(obj)) stop("The object is not a gamlss object")
if (obj$family[1]!="SICHEL") stop("The distribution is not a Sichel distribution")
mu <- fitted(obj,"mu")
sigma <- fitted(obj,"sigma")
nu <- fitted(obj,"nu")
cc <- exp(log(besselK(1/sigma,nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
varY <- mu + mu^2 * (((2*sigma*(nu+1))/cc) + (1/cc^2) -1)
#Etofy <- function(mu=1, sigma=1, nu=1, maxval=1000)
# {
# ly <- maxval+1
# yy <- 0:maxval
# sigma <- rep(sigma, length = ly)
# mu <- rep(mu, length = ly)
# nu <- rep(nu, length = ly)
# ty <- tofySICHEL(yy, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu)
# Py <- dSICHEL(yy, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, nu=nu)
# Ev <-sum(ty*ty*Py)
# Ev
# }
#find.corr <- function(mu, sigma, nu )
# {
# #browser()
# cc <- exp(log(besselK((1/sigma),nu+1))-log(besselK((1/sigma),nu)))
# Alpha <- (cc/mu+2*sigma*(nu+1)+(1/cc)-cc)/(sigma*sigma)
# Ety2 <- Etofy( mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = nu)
# dcds <- (cc*sigma*(2*nu+1)+1-cc*cc)/(sigma*sigma)
# Emu <- -(1/mu)+((((2*sigma*(nu+1))/cc)+(1/(cc*cc))))-Ety2/(mu*mu)
# Esigma <- -(Alpha*Alpha)*mu+ (Alpha*cc)/(sigma*sigma) +
# (Alpha*Alpha)*(mu*mu)*((2*sigma*(nu+1))/(cc)+1/(cc*cc))-
# (Alpha*Alpha)*Ety2
#Emusigma <- (1/sigma)+(dcds/cc)-Alpha*mu*((2*sigma*(nu+1))/(cc)+1/(cc*cc))+
# (Alpha*Ety2)/mu
# MMM <- matrix(NA,2,2)
#MMM[1,1] <- Emu
#MMM[2,2] <- Esigma
#MMM[1,2] <- MMM[2,1] <- Emusigma
#MMM <- -MMM
#cov<- solve(MMM)
#corr<- cov2cor(cov)
##MIN<- solve(MMM)
##Ecor <-MIN[1,2]/ sqrt(MIN[1,1])*sqrt(MIN[2,2])
# }
## plotting the expected correlation between mu and sigma
#corr.plot <- function(mu=10, sigma=c(0.5,1,1.5), inter=c(-3,3))
# {
# #browser()
# nu.val <- seq(inter[1],inter[2], length=20)
# len <- length(nu.val)
# lens <-length(sigma)
# cor <- matrix(NA, nrow=len, ncol=lens)
# #browser()
# co<-1
# plot(cor[,1]~nu.val, ty="n", ylim=c(-1,1), ylab="asymtotic correlation.", xlab=expression(nu))
# for (j in 1:lens)
# {
# for (i in seq(along=nu.val))
# {
# cor[i,j] <- find.corr(mu=mu, sigma=sigma[j], nu= nu.val[i])
# }
# lines(cor[,j]~nu.val, col=co)
# #browser()
# text(x=nu.val[5], y=cor[5,j]+0.05, label=expression(sigma))
# text(x=nu.val[5]+0.4, y=cor[5,j]+0.05, label=paste("=",sigma[j]))
# co <-co+1
# }
# lines(rep(0,len)~nu.val)
# lines(nu.val~rep(0,len))
## plotting the c as a function of sigma ans nu
#c.plot <- function(sigma=c(0.001,2), nu=c(-3,3))
# {
#eee <- expand.grid(sigma=seq(sigma[1],sigma[2],length=20),nu=seq(nu[1],nu[2],length=20))
#ccc <- exp(log(besselK((1/eee$sigma),eee$nu+1))-log(besselK((1/eee$sigma),eee$nu)))
#eee <- data.frame(eee, c=ccc)
#sss <- seq(sigma[1],sigma[2], length=20)
#nnn <- seq(nu[1],nu[2], length=20)
#op <- par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#contour(sss,nnn,matrix(ccc,nrow=20),nlevels=50, ylab=expression(nu), xlab=expression(sigma), xlim=c(0,1)) ##bar(x) == sum(frac(x[i], n)
##wireframe(c~sigma*nu, eee, aspect=c(1,0.5), drape=TRUE, colorkey=list(space="right", height=0.6))
## par(op)
# }
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