# Risk Score Functions ----------------------------------------------------
#' Get list of genes to use for Prolaris Risk Score calculation
#' @return list of genes for calculating Prolaris Risk Score
#' @examples
#' prolaris_genes <- getProlarisGenes()
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
getProlarisGenes <- function() {
"FOXM1" = c("FOXM1"),
"CDC20" = c("CDC20"),
"CDKN3" = c("CDKN3"),
"CDC2" = c("CDC2"),
"KIF11" = c("KIF11"),
"KIAA0101" = c("KIAA0101"),
"NUSAP1" = c("NUSAP1"),
"CENPF" = c("CENPF"),
"ASPM" = c("ASPM"),
"BUB1B" = c("BUB1B"),
"RRM2" = c("RRM2"),
"DLGAP5" = c("DLGAP5"),
"BIRC5" = c("BIRC5"),
"KIF20A" = c("KIF20A"),
"PLK1" = c("PLK1"),
"TOP2A" = c("TOP2A"),
"TK1" = c("TK1"),
"PBK" = c("PBK"),
"ASF1B" = c("ASF1B"),
"C18orf24" = c("C18orf24"),
"RAD54L" = c("RAD54L"),
"PTTG1" = c("PTTG1"),
"CDCA3" = c("CDCA3"),
"MCM10" = c("MCM10"),
"PRC1" = c("PRC1"),
"DTL" = c("DTL"),
"CEP55" = c("CEP55"),
"RAD51" = c("RAD51"),
"CENPM" = c("CENPM"),
"CDCA8" = c("CDCA8"),
"ORC6L" = c("ORC6L"),
"SKA1" = c("SKA1"),
"ORC6" = c("ORC6"),
"CDK1" = c("CDK1")
#' Get Genes for Oncotype DX Risk Score calculation
#' @return list of genes used for calculating Oncotype DX Risk Score
#' @examples
#' oncotype_genes <- getOncotypeGenes()
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
getOncotypeGenes <- function() {
"AZGP1" = c("AZGP1"),
"KLK2" = c("KLK2"),
"SRD5A2" = c("SRD5A2"),
"FAM13C" = c("FAM13C"),
"FLNC" = c("FLNC"),
"GSN" = c("GSN"),
"TPM2" = c("TPM2"),
"GSTM2" = c("GSTM2"),
"TPX2" = c("TPX2"),
"BGN" = c("BGN"),
"COL1A1" = c("COL1A1"),
"SFRP4" = c("SFRP4")
#' Get "over" Genes for Decipher Risk Score Calculation
#' Genes were pulled from Tabe 2:
#' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3691249/
#' @return list of genes used for Decipher risk score calculation
#' @examples
#' decipher_over_genes <- getDecipherOverGenes()
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
getDecipherOverGenes <- function() {
"CAMK2N1" = c("CAMK2N1"),
"EPPK1" = c("EPPK1"),
"IQGAP3" = c("IQGAP3"),
"LASP1" = c("LASP1"),
"NFIB" = c("NFIB"),
"NUSAP1" = c("NUSAP1"),
"PBX1" = c("PBX1"),
"S1PR4" = c("S1PR4"),
"THBS2" = c("THBS2"),
"UBE2C" = c("UBE2C"),
#' Get "under" Genes for Decipher Risk Score Calculation
#' Genes were pulled from Tabe 2:
#' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3691249/
#' @return list of genes used for Decipher risk score calculation
#' @examples
#' decipher_over_genes <- getDecipherUnderGenes()
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
getDecipherUnderGenes <- function() {
"ANO7" = c("ANO7"),
"C6orf10" = c("C6orf10", "TSBP1"),
"PCDH7" = c("PCDH7"),
"MYBPC1" = c("MYBPC1"),
"TSBP" = c("TSBP"),
"RABGAP1" = c("RABGAP1"),
"PCAT-32" = c("PCAT-32", "PCAT1"),
"PCAT-80" = c("PCAT-80", "GLYATL1P4"),
"TNFRSF19" = c("TNFRSF19")
#' Get a list of genes for AR Risk Score calculation
#' @return list of genes used to calculate AR Risk Score
#' @examples
#' ar_genes <- getARGenes()
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
getARGenes <- function() {
"KLK3" = c("KLK3", "PSA", "APS", "KLK2A1"), # Possibly HK3; ambiguous
"KLK2" = c("KLK2", "HGK-1", "HGK.1", "KLK2A2"), # Possibly HK2; ambiguous
"PMEPA1" = c("PMEPA1", "STAG1", "TMEPAI"),
"ABCC4" = c("ABCC4", "MRP4", "MOATB", "MOAT-B", "MOAT.B"),
"NKX3-1" = c("NKX3-1", "NKX3.1", "BAPX2", "NKX3A"),
"C1orf116" = c("C1orf116", "SARG", "FLJ36507", "MGC2742", "MGC4309"),
"FKBP5" = c("FKBP5", "FKBP51", "FKBP54", "FKBP-51", "FKBP.51", "AIG6", "FKBP-5", "FKBP.5"),
"ACSL3" = c("ACSL3", "FACL3", "LACS3"),
"ZBTB10" = c("ZBTB10", "RINZFC", "RINZF"),
"HERC3" = c("HERC3"),
"PTGER4" = c("PTGER4", "EP4", "P4R"), # Possibly PTGER2; ambiguous
"MPHOSPH9" = c("MPHOSPH9", "MPHOS9", "MPP9", "MPP-9", "MPP.9"),
"EAF2" = c("EAF2", "TRAITS", "BM040", "U19"),
"MED28" = c("MED28", "EG1"),
"NNMT" = c("NNMT"),
"MAF" = c("MAF", "CTRCT21", "AYGRP", "CCA4", "C-MAF", "C.MAF"),
"GNMT" = c("GNMT"),
"CENPN" = c("CENPN", "ICEN32", "BM039", "FLJ13607", "FLJ22660"),
"ELL2" = c("ELL2", "MRCCAT1"),
"TMPRSS2" = c("TMPRSS2", "PRSS10")
#' Retrieve the gene aliases in BioMart for a gene
#' @param gene single HUGO gene symbol
#' @return vector of gene aliases for input HUGO symbol
#' @examples
#' p53_aliases <- expandAliases("TP53")
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
expandAliases <- function(gene) {
if (length(which(curatedPCaData:::curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol == gene)) > 0) {
which(curatedPCaData:::curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol == gene), "Aliases"
], ";")[[1]]
} else {
#' Prepare gene expression matrices for risk score calculations
#' @param GEX gene expression matrix
#' @param gene_list list of genes to prepare
#' @param log_transform whether the gene expression matrix should be log transformed or not
#' @return Modified gene expression matrix
#' @examples
#' GEX <- mae_tcga@ExperimentList$gex.rsem.log
#' gene_list <- lapply(getOncotypeGenes, expandAliases)
#' preppedGEX <- prepGEX(GEX, gene_list, log_transform = FALSE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
prepGEX <- function(GEX, gene_list, log_transform = TRUE) {
# check if we get what we are expecting
if (length(dim(GEX)) != 2) {
stop("Please use a gene expression matrix with more than 1 dimension")
if (!inherits(gene_list, "list")) {
stop("Please enter a gene list")
# check orientation of gene expression table
# make column names genes
tmp_genes <- unlist(gene_list)
if (TRUE %in% (tmp_genes %in% row.names(GEX))) {
GEX <- t(GEX)
# transform log if needed
if (log_transform) {
GEX <- log2(GEX + 1)
GEX <- data.frame(GEX, check.names = F)
# select main gene, or average alias matches
GEX_prepped_list <- lapply(seq(gene_list), function(x) {
if (names(gene_list)[x] %in% colnames(GEX)) {
} else {
dat <- t(data.frame(as.list(rowMeans(GEX[colnames(GEX) %in% gene_list[[x]]], na.rm = T))))
colnames(dat)[1] <- names(gene_list)[x]
# list to df and drop missing genes
GEX_prepped_df <- cbind.data.frame(GEX_prepped_list)
GEX_prepped_df[, !apply(is.na(GEX_prepped_df), 2, all)]
# Oncotype DX Functions ---------------------------------------------------
cellular_organization_module <- function(GEX_df) {
val <- (0.163 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$FLNC)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$FLNC)) +
(0.504 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$GSN)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$GSN)) +
(0.421 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$TPM2)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$TPM2)) +
(0.394 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$GSTM2)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$GSTM2))
stromal_module <- function(GEX_df) {
val <- (0.527 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$BGN)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$BGN)) +
(0.457 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$COL1A1)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$COL1A1)) +
(0.156 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$SFRP4)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$SFRP4))
androgen_module <- function(GEX_df) {
val <- (0.634 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$FAM13C)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$FAM13C)) +
(1.079 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$KLK2)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$KLK2)) +
(0.997 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$SRD5A2)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else ifelse(GEX_df$SRD5A2 < 5.5, 5.5, GEX_df$SRD5A2))) +
(0.642 * (if (is.null(GEX_df$AZGP1)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else GEX_df$AZGP1))
proliferation_module <- function(GEX_df) {
val <- (if (is.null(GEX_df$TPX2)) rep(0, nrow(GEX_df)) else ifelse(GEX_df$TPX2 < 5.0, 5.0, GEX_df$TPX2))
#' Oncotype DX Score calculation
#' @param GEX_df gene expression matrix prepped with prepGEX
#' @return vector of scores
#' @examples
#' GEX <- mae_tcga@ExperimentList$gex.rsem.log
#' gene_list <- lapply(getOncotypeGenes, expandAliases)
#' preppedGEX <- prepGEX(GEX, gene_list, log_transform = FALSE)
#' oncotype <- oncotype_score(preppedGEX)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
oncotype_score <- function(GEX_df) {
risk_score <- 0.735 * stromal_module(GEX_df) -
0.368 * cellular_organization_module(GEX_df) -
0.352 * androgen_module(GEX_df) +
0.095 * proliferation_module(GEX_df)
names(risk_score) <- row.names(GEX_df)
# Prolaris Functions ------------------------------------------------------
#' Prolaris score calculation
#' @param GEX_df gene expression matrix prepped with prepGEX
#' @return vector of scores
#' @examples
#' GEX <- mae_kunderfranco@ExperimentList$gex.logr
#' gene_list <- lapply(getProlarisGenes, expandAliases)
#' preppedGEX <- prepGEX(GEX, gene_list, log_transform = FALSE)
#' prolaris <- prolaris_score(preppedGEX)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
prolaris_score <- function(GEX_df) {
medians <- apply(GEX_df, 2, stats::median)
centered_dat <- sweep(GEX_df, 2, medians)
centered_dat_sq <- centered_dat^2
score <- apply(centered_dat_sq, 1, mean) %>%
# Decipher Functions ------------------------------------------------------
#' Decipher score calculation
#' @param GEX_df gene expression matrix prepped with prepGEX
#' @return vector of scores
#' @examples
#' GEX <- mae_tcga@ExperimentList$gex.rsem.log
#' gene_list <- lapply(c(
#' decipher_genes_over,
#' decipher_genes_under
#' ), expandAliases)
#' preppedGEX <- prepGEX(GEX, gene_list, log_transform = FALSE)
#' decipher <- decipher_score(preppedGEX)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
decipher_score <- function(GEX_df) {
over_genes <- unlist(getDecipherOverGenes())
under_genes <- unlist(getDecipherUnderGenes())
medians <- apply(GEX_df, 2, median)
centered_dat <- sweep(GEX_df, 2, medians)
c1 <- apply(centered_dat[, intersect(over_genes, colnames(centered_dat))], 1, mean)
c2 <- apply(centered_dat[, intersect(under_genes, colnames(centered_dat))], 1, mean)
return(c1 - c2)
# AR Functions ------------------------------------------------------------
#' AR score calculation
#' @param GEX_df gene expression matrix prepped with prepGEX
#' @return vector of scores
#' @examples
#' GEX <- mae_tcga@ExperimentList$gex.rsem.log
#' gene_list <- lapply(getARGenes, expandAliases)
#' preppedGEX <- prepGEX(GEX, gene_list, log_transform = FALSE)
#' ar <- at_score(preppedGEX)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
ar_score <- function(GEX_df) {
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