Man pages for acc-bioinfo/TMBleR
Tumor Mutational Burden Quantification From Gene Panels And WES

annotateTMBAnnotate TMB dataframe with clinical outcome
applyFiltersApply filters on a list of CollapsedVCF objects
applySimulatePanelDownsample a whole exome sequencing (WES) dataset to a subset...
applyTMBProvide text and graphical output for Tumor Mutational Burden...
callFiltersFilters variants according to input arguments
callTMBPerform Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) quantification
compareROCGenerate and compare two ROC curves of TMB performance in...
compareTMBdistributionCompare TMB distribution in responders and nonresponders
correlateTMBvaluesCorrelate panel-based TMB values with WES-based TMB values
COSMIC_hg19_demoCosmic coding mutations hg19
COSMIC_hg38_demoCosmic coding mutations hg38
ExamplePaneldesignDataset containing sequencing design of a panel
ExampleWESdesignDataset containing sequencing design of a WES experiment
ExampleWESvcfsDataset containing example vcf from WES
filterByVAFFilter variants according to variant allele frequency
filterCOSMICFilter variants described in COSMIC
filterTruncatingTumorSupprFilter truncating variants in tumor suppressors
filterVariantTypeFilter variants by the specified type
formatCOSMICRead in a COSMIC file and format it for usage in TMBleR
generateBoxplotGenerate boxplots of TMB distribution versus clinical...
generateROCGenerate ROC curves to evaluate TMB performance in...
Hellman_SimulatedFM1Panel_WESDataset containing tumor mutational burden and clinical data...
HumanTumorSuppressorsList of human tumor suppressors
inputToTMBProvide a suitable input to the callTMB function for TMB...
plotTMBPlots Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB)
readDesignRead design file
readVcfFilesRead VCF files
removeCancerVariantsRemove cancer variants
simulatePanelDownsample a whole exome sequencing (WES) dataset to a subset...
TMB_HorizonInput to the plotTMB function to be used in tests
TMBs_SimulatedPanelPanel-based TMB to use as input to the correlateTMBvalues and...
TMBs_WESWES-based TMB to use as input to the correlateTMBvalues and...
TMB_VanAllenInput to the plotTMB function to be used in tests
VanAllen_ClinicalDataset containing tumor mutational burden and clinical data...
vcfs_allData to use as input to the applyTMB functions in tests
vcfs_NoCancer_ForPanelData to use as input to the applySimulatedPanel function in...
acc-bioinfo/TMBleR documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 10:21 p.m.