HMMScanParse<-function(input_file="hmmscan.out", outputfile=TRUE, user_threshold=1e-5, fasta_file="extracted_sequences.fasta", clean=TRUE){
#Parse HMMScan output
# Define output file
output_file <- sub("\\.out$", "_queries.csv", input_file)
# Read the input file
lines <- readLines(input_file)
# Extract indices of lines starting with "Query:"
query_indices <- grep("^Query:", lines)
# Extract the query names using a regular expression
query_names <- sub("^Query:\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+\\[L=.*$", "\\1", lines[query_indices])
# Initialize results data frame
results <- data.frame(Query = character(), Domain = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Loop through each query and extract associated domains
for (i in seq_along(query_indices)) {
# Extract the current query name
query_name <- query_names[i]
query_line_index <- query_indices[i]
# Find the "Scores for complete sequence" section
scores_index <- grep("Scores for complete sequence", lines[(query_line_index + 1):length(lines)])
if (length(scores_index) > 0) {
# Adjust the scores_index relative to the full file
scores_index <- scores_index[1] + query_line_index
# Extract table rows starting 3 lines below "Scores for complete sequence"
table_start <- scores_index + 3
table_lines <- lines[table_start:length(lines)]
# Stop at the "------ inclusion threshold ------" line or an empty line
stop_index <- which(grepl("^\\s*-+\\s*inclusion threshold", table_lines) | table_lines == "")
if (length(stop_index) > 0) {
table_lines <- table_lines[1:(stop_index[1] - 1)]
# Process each valid table row
for (line in table_lines) {
# Only process lines that resemble table rows
if (grepl("^\\s*[0-9eE.+-]+\\s", line)) { # Starts with numeric E-value
# Split by 2 or more spaces to get columns
parts <- unlist(strsplit(line, "\\s{2,}"))
if (length(parts) >= 2) {
# Extract the description (last column)
domain_desc <- parts[length(parts)]
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Query = query_name, evalue= evalue, Model=model, Domain = domain_desc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
} else {
cat("No scores table found for query:", query_name, "\n") # Debugging message
results <- results[!grepl("-{2,}", results$Domain), ]
results <- results[as.numeric(results$evalue) <= user_threshold, ]
# Add columns for alifrom and ali to
results$alifrom <- NA
results$alito <- NA
# Loop through each query in the results
for (i in seq_len(nrow(results))) {
query <- results$Query[i]
model <- results$Model[i]
# Find the section for the query in the hmmscan file
query_line_index <- grep(paste0("^Query:\\s+", query), lines)
if (length(query_line_index) > 0) {
# Extract the relevant block for the query
query_lines <- lines[(query_line_index + 1):length(lines)]
# Find the model within this query's block
model_index <- grep(paste0("^>>\\s+", model, "\\s"), query_lines)
if (length(model_index) > 0) {
# Extract the relevant block for the model
model_lines <- query_lines[(model_index[1] + 1):length(query_lines)]
domain_lines <- model_lines[grep("^\\s*\\d+\\s+.+\\s+.+\\s+.+\\s+.+\\s+.+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+", model_lines)]
if (length(domain_lines) > 0) {
# Extract the alifrom and ali to from the first matching line
line_parts <- unlist(strsplit(domain_lines[1], "\\s+"))
alifrom <- as.numeric(line_parts[11])
alito <- as.numeric(line_parts[12])
# Update the results dataframe
results$alifrom[i] <- alifrom
results$alito[i] <- alito
# Trim whitespace from the Query column
results$Query <- trimws(results$Query)
results<-add_sequence_column_protein(results, fasta_file)
#remove duplicate domains with minor wobble in start and stop
if (clean==TRUE){
if (outputfile ==TRUE){
write.csv(results, output_file, row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
#return result
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