
Defines functions .final CLUSTERING SC MCL GRAPH

Documented in CLUSTERING .final GRAPH MCL SC

#' @include generics.R
#' @include Classes.R

#' generate graph
#' genrate graph
#' @param blocks input blocks
GRAPH <- function(blocks) {
    A <- readLines(blocks)
    TEMP <- grep("Conds", A, value = TRUE)  ## extract condition lines in each BC
    BC <- vapply(strsplit(TEMP, ":", 2), "[", 2)  # only keep cell names
    CONDS <- as.character()  # store the conditions
    label_C <- as.numeric()  # store the occurence of one condistions
    for (j in seq_len(length(BC))) {
        BCcond <- unlist(strsplit(BC[j], split = " "))
        BCcond <- BCcond[BCcond != ""]  # exclude the blank string
        CONDS <- c(CONDS, BCcond)
        label_C <- c(label_C, rep(j, length(BCcond)))
    df_C <- data.frame(conds = CONDS, label = label_C)
    uniq_C <- df_C$conds[!duplicated(df_C$conds)]  # unique conditions
    Node <- t(combn(uniq_C, 2))
    Wt <- rep(-1, dim(Node)[1])
    for (k in seq_len(dim(Node)[1])) {
        member1 <- df_C[which(df_C$conds %in% Node[k, 1]), ]  # identify which BC the k th Node appear
        member2 <- df_C[which(df_C$conds %in% Node[k, 2]), ]
        Wt[k] <- length(intersect(member1[, 2], member2[, 2]))  # the weight between two node
    Graph <- data.frame(Node[, 1], Node[, 2], Wt)
    names(Graph) <- c("Node1", "Node2", "Weight")
    if (dim(Graph)[1] != 0) {

####### 2. cell type prediction ####### cell type prediction based on weighted graph

#' MCL clustering
#' MCL clustering
#' @importFrom igraph graph.data.frame
#' @importFrom igraph as_adjacency_matrix
#' @importFrom MCL mcl
#' @param Raw input data
#' @param blocks input blocks
#' @return MCL clustering results
MCL <- function(Raw, blocks) {
    RAW <- read.table(Raw, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
    CellNum <- dim(RAW)[2] - 1  # the number of cells
    Graph <- GRAPH(blocks)
    G <- igraph::graph.data.frame(Graph, directed = FALSE)  # convert file into graph
    A <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(G, type = "both", attr = "Weight", names = TRUE, sparse = FALSE)  # convert graph into adjacency matrix
    V_name <- rownames(A)  # the vertix
    Covered <- length(V_name)  # the #of covered cells
    CLUST <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(100)) {
        CLUST[[i]] <- MCL::mcl(A, addLoops = FALSE, inflation = i, max.iter = 200)
    KK <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(CLUST, "[[", 1)))  # extract the number of clusters
    CAN_I <- c(which(as.numeric(as.character(KK$V1)) >= 2))  # results that has more than 5 clusters
    tt <- as.numeric(as.character(KK$V1))
    tt <- sort(table(tt), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
    Final_K <- as.numeric(names(tt))
    if (length(CAN_I) != 0) {
        MATRIX <- rep(0, Covered) %o% rep(0, Covered)
        for (k in seq_len(length(CAN_I))) {
            MCL_label <- CLUST[[CAN_I[k]]]$Cluster  # record the label
            ClusterNum <- unique(MCL_label)  # record the number of clusters
            TEMP <- rep(0, Covered) %o% rep(0, Covered)
            temp <- rep(0, Covered) %o% rep(0, length(ClusterNum))
            for (n in seq_len(length(ClusterNum))) {
                index <- which(MCL_label == ClusterNum[n])
                temp[index, n] <- 1
                TEMP <- TEMP + temp[, n] %o% temp[, n]
            MATRIX <- MATRIX + TEMP
        MATRIX <- MATRIX/length(CAN_I)
        rownames(MATRIX) <- colnames(MATRIX) <- rownames(A)
        hc <- hclust(dist(MATRIX))
        memb <- cutree(hc, k = Final_K)
        if (length(rownames(A)) == CellNum) {
            label <- memb
        } else {
            LEFT <- setdiff(names(RAW)[-1], V_name)
            LEFT_Cluster <- rep(Final_K + 1, length(LEFT))
            df_cell_label <- data.frame(cell = c(names(memb), LEFT), cluster = c(memb, LEFT_Cluster), K = rep(Final_K + 1, CellNum))
            label <- df_cell_label$cluster
    } else {
        stop("cannot find cluster because of limited block being found, if user wants to get cell type, try the quick mode.")

#' spectral Clustering method 
#' spectral Clustering method 
#' @param Raw input  
#' @param blocks input blocks
#' @param K number of clusters; this parameter is used for SC clustering method. 
#' @importFrom igraph graph.data.frame
#' @importFrom igraph as_adjacency_matrix
#' @importFrom anocva spectralClustering
SC <- function(Raw, blocks, K) {
    RAW <- read.table(Raw, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")  # expression data
    CellNum <- dim(RAW)[2] - 1  # the number of cells
    Graph <- GRAPH(blocks)
    G <- igraph::graph.data.frame(Graph, directed = FALSE)  # convert file into graph
    A <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(G, type = "both", attr = "Weight", names = TRUE, sparse = FALSE)  # convert graph into adjacency matrix
    V_name <- rownames(A)  # the vertix
    Covered <- length(V_name)  # the #of covered cells
    sc <- anocva::spectralClustering(A, k = K)
    names(sc) <- rownames(A)
    if (length(rownames(A)) == CellNum) {
        label <- sc
    } else {
        LEFT <- setdiff(names(RAW)[-1], V_name)
        LEFT_Cluster <- rep(K + 1, length(LEFT))
        df_cell_label <- data.frame(cell = c(names(sc), LEFT), cluster = c(sc, LEFT_Cluster), K = rep(K + 1, CellNum))
        label <- df_cell_label$cluster

## Raw is the path to the original expression matrix method should be either 'MCL' or 'SC', and if 'SC', user also need to specify K, the number of
## clusters

#' Packaging clustering method
#' This function is used for choosing clustering method 
#' @param Raw input raw discretized data which is chars file
#' @param blocks input block identified by IRISFGM
#' @param method chosse method, either MCL or SC.
#' @param K number of cluster
#' @return clustering results
CLUSTERING <- function(Raw, blocks, method = "MCL", K = NULL) {
    RST <- as.numeric()
    if (method == "MCL") {
        RST <- MCL(Raw, blocks)
    } else if (method == "SC") {
        RST <- SC(Raw, blocks, K)

#' Markov Clustering
#' This function is for performing Markov chain clustering regarding generated co-expression gene modules. This clustering method is working for relative small dataset.
#' If you have a large dataset, We recommend you should use Seurat clustering wrapped in this IRISFGM package. See details \code{\link{RunLTMG}},
#' \code{\link{RunDimensionReduction}}, and \code{\link{RunClassification}}.
#' @param object input IRIS-FGM object
#' @param method using MCL(Markov Cluster) algorithm to predict clusters. There is alternative option which is 'SC.' ( 
#' Unnormalized spectral clustering function. Uses Partitioning Around Medoids clustering instead of K-means.)
#' @param K expected number of predicted clusters when you are using 'SC' method for cell clustering and this parameter does not work for 'MCL'
#' @useDynLib IRISFGM
#' @name FindClassBasedOnMC
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' object <- FindClassBasedOnMC(object)
#' }
.final <- function(object = NULL, method = "MCL", K = 5) {
    # chars file
    input <- paste0(getwd(), "/tmp_expression.txt.chars")
    tmp.label <- CLUSTERING(input, paste0(input, ".blocks"), method, K = K)  # not sure how to deal with that K
    if (any(grepl("MC", colnames(object@MetaInfo), ignore.case = TRUE))) {
        number.bric.label <- length(grep("MC", colnames(object@MetaInfo)))
        bric.label.orginal.name <- colnames(object@MetaInfo)[grep("MC", colnames(object@MetaInfo))]
        object@MetaInfo <- cbind(object@MetaInfo, MC_Label = tmp.label)
        colnames(object@MetaInfo)[grep("MC", colnames(object@MetaInfo))] <- c(bric.label.orginal.name, paste0("MC_Label_", number.bric.label + 1))
    } else {
        object@MetaInfo <- cbind(object@MetaInfo, MC_Label = tmp.label)
#' @rdname FindClassBasedOnMC
#' @export
setMethod("FindClassBasedOnMC", "IRISFGM", .final)
carter-allen/IRISFGM documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 9:54 p.m.