
#' Extract Summary Binary from MultiOmics Objects
#' Given an omic summarized by "summarizeToBinaryEvents" extract the most important features.
#' @param omic a summarized omic
#' @param n maximum number of features to retrieve
#' @return Meant for internal use only. The summary for omic summarized using clusters
#' \item{sigModule}{the original data for significant features}
#' \item{discrete}{the discrete version of the significant covariates converted (when needed) into the discrete version}
#' \item{subset}{data.frame(row.names=names(topGenes), metClust=topGenes)}
#' \item{covsConsidered}{the name of the considered omic}
#' @export

extractSummaryFromBinary <- function(omic, n=3) {
  moduleMat <- omic$dataModule
  covs <- omic$namesCov
  # involved <- head(mostlyMutated(moduleMat), n)
  # sigModule <- omic$dataModule[row.names(involved), , drop=F]
  impact <- lapply(covs, mostlyMutated, moduleMat=t(omic$dataModule), name=omic$omicName,
  mostlyImpacted <- lapply(impact, head, n=n)
  involved <- unique(unlist(lapply(mostlyImpacted, row.names)))
  sigModule <- moduleMat[involved, , drop=F]
  discrete=data.frame(lapply(omic$x, as.numeric), row.names=row.names(omic$x))
  list(sigModule=sigModule, discrete=discrete, subset=mostlyImpacted, covsConsidered=omic$namesCov)

# mostlyMutated <- function(moduleMat) {
#   priority <- colSums(moduleMat, na.rm=T)
#   priority <- data.frame(row.names = names(priority), patientsMutated=priority)
#   priority[order(priority$patientsMutated, decreasing = T),, drop=F]
# }

#' Extract Summary CLuster from MultiOmics Objects
#' Given an omic summarized by "summarizeToBinaryEvents" extract the most important features.
#' @param omic a summarized omic
#' @param n maximum number of features to retrieve
#' @return summary for omic summarized using clusters
#' \item{sigModule}{the original data for significant features}
#' \item{discrete}{the discrete version of the significant covariates converted (when needed) into the discrete version}
#' \item{subset}{data.frame(row.names=names(topGenes), metClust=topGenes)}
#' \item{pvalues}{Kruskal Wallis pvalues of the selected features}
#' \item{covsConsidered}{the name of the considered omic}
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
extractSummaryFromCluster <-function(omic, n=3) {
  moduleMat <- t(omic$dataModule)
  classes <- omic$x[,1]
  KMsigMat <- KWtest(moduleMat, classes)
  # if (is.list(KMsigMat) & !is.data.frame(KMsigMat))
  #   stop("Something wrong 458. Contact maintainer.")
  if (is.null(names(omic$cls)))
    stop("cls in omic need to be a list or named vector")
  g <- lapply(names(omic$cls), function(gene) {
    cbind(gene, omic$cls[[gene]])
  g <- do.call(rbind, g)
  genes <- g[,1]
  names(genes) <- g[,2]

  involved <- head(KMsigMat, n)
  sigModule <- omic$dataModule[row.names(involved), , drop=F]
  topGenes <- genes[row.names(involved)]
  topGenes <- tapply(names(topGenes), topGenes, paste, collapse=";")

  list(sigModule=sigModule, discrete=omic$x, subset=data.frame(row.names=names(topGenes), metClust=topGenes), pvalues=involved,

#' @importFrom stats kruskal.test
KWtest <- function(moduleMat, classes) {
  kwTest <- apply(moduleMat, 2, function(gene) {
    kruskal.test(x=gene, g=classes)[c("p.value", "statistic")]
  res <- do.call(rbind, kwTest)
  res[order(as.numeric(res[,"p.value"])),, drop=FALSE]

#' Extract Summary PCA from MultiOmics Objects
#' Given an omic summarized by "summarizeToBinaryEvents" extract the most important features.
#' @param omic a summarized omic
#' @param moduleCox the coxObj of the interesting module
#' @param loadThr the thr value to select the most influent features according to the loading
#' @param atleast the minimum number of gene to retrieve
#' @param minprop the minimal proportion of cutp
#' @return summary for omic summarized using clusters
#' \item{sigModule}{the original data for significant features}
#' \item{discrete}{the discrete version of the significant covariates converted (when needed) into the discrete version}
#' \item{subset}{data.frame(row.names=names(topGenes), metClust=topGenes)}
#' \item{covsConsidered}{the name of the considered omic}
#' @export

extractSummaryFromPCA <- function(omic, moduleCox, loadThr=0.6, atleast=1, minprop=0.1) {
  covs <- omic$namesCov
  lds <- omic$loadings
  discretePC <- createDiscreteClasses(coxObj=moduleCox, covs, minprop=minprop)
  topLoad <- extractHighLoadingsGenes(lds, thr=loadThr, atleast=atleast)
  sigModule <- omic$dataModule[row.names(topLoad), , drop=F]
  list(sigModule=sigModule, discrete=discretePC, subset=topLoad, covsConsidered=covs)

#' @importFrom survminer surv_cutpoint surv_categorize
createDiscreteClasses <- function(coxObj, covs, labels= c("low", "high"), minprop=0.1) {
  diff <- setdiff(covs, colnames(coxObj))
  if (length(diff) != 0) {
    stop(paste0(paste(diff, collapse=", "), " not in coxObj."))
  check <- sapply(coxObj[, covs, drop=F], check_minimal_proportion, min_prop=minprop)
  if (any(!check)){
    stop(paste0("minprop ", minprop, " is too high. Try a smaller one"))
  sc <- surv_cutpoint(coxObj, time="days", event="status", variables = covs, minprop=minprop)
  surv_categorize(sc, labels=labels)

#' @importFrom survminer surv_cutpoint surv_categorize
retrieveNumericClasses <- function(coxObj, covs) {
  diff <- setdiff(covs, colnames(coxObj))
  if (length(diff) != 0) {
    stop(paste0(paste(diff, collapse=", "), " not in coxObj."))
  coxObj[, c("days", "status", covs), drop=F]

extractHighLoadingsGenes <- function(loadings, thr, atleast=1) {
  l <- lapply(colnames(loadings), function(pc) {
    ld <- loadings[, pc]
    genes <- names(which(abs(ld) >= thr))
    if (length(genes)==0)
      genes = names(ld[order(abs(ld), decreasing = T)][seq_len(atleast)])
    data.frame(row.names=genes, component=rep(pc, length(genes)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  l <- collapse(l)
  do.call(rbind, l)

collapse <- function(list) {
  df <- data.frame(genes=unlist(lapply(list, function(x) row.names(x))),
                   components=unlist(lapply(list, function(x) x$component)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  tapply(seq_len(NROW(df)), df$genes, function(idx){
    paste(df$components[idx], collapse=";")
  }, simplify = F)

#' Extract Summary Binary from MultiOmics Objects
#' Given an omic summarized by "summarizeToBinaryEvents" extract the most important features.
#' @param omic a summarized omic
#' @param moduleCox the coxObj of the interesting module
#' @param n maximum number of features to retrieve
#' @param minprop the minimal proportion of cutp
#' @param labels the category labels
#' @return Meant for internal use only. The summary for omic summarized using clusters
#' \item{sigModule}{the original data for significant features}
#' \item{discrete}{the discrete version of the significant covariates converted (when needed)
#'   into the discrete version}
#' \item{subset}{data.frame(row.names=names(topGenes), metClust=topGenes)}
#' \item{covsConsidered}{the name of the considered omic}
#' @export
extractSummaryFromNumberOfEvents <- function(omic, moduleCox, n=3, minprop=0.1, labels=c("few","many")) {
  covs <- omic$namesCov
  discreteClass <- createDiscreteClasses(coxObj=moduleCox, covs, labels=labels,
  numericClass <- retrieveNumericClasses(coxObj=moduleCox, covs)
  impact <- lapply(covs, mostlyMutated, moduleMat=t(omic$dataModule), name=omic$omicName, 
                   eventThr = omic$eventThr)
  mostlyImpacted <- lapply(impact, head, n=n)
  names(mostlyImpacted) <- covs
  covNames <- lapply(covs, function(cov) {
    rep(cov, length(row.names(mostlyImpacted[[cov]])))
  covNames <- do.call(c, covNames)
  mostlyImpactedGenes <- unlist(lapply(mostlyImpacted, row.names))
  sigModule <- omic$dataModule[mostlyImpactedGenes, , drop=F]
  # involved <- moduleMat[mostlyImpactedGenes, , drop=F]
  covariates <- tapply(covNames, mostlyImpactedGenes,  function(x) x)
  involved <- data.frame(covariates, stringsAsFactors = F)
  list(sigModule=sigModule, discrete=discreteClass, subset=involved,
       covsConsidered=omic$namesCov, numericClass=numericClass)

mostlyMutated <- function(cov, moduleMat, name, eventThr=2) {
  direction <- gsub(name, "", cov)
  if (direction == "NEG"){
  } else {
  priority <- extractPositivePortion(moduleMat, invert = invert)
  priority <- colSums(priority >= eventThr, na.rm=T)
  priority <- data.frame(row.names = names(priority), priority)
  names(priority) <- cov
  priority[order(priority[[cov]], decreasing = T),, drop=F]
cavei/MOSClip documentation built on May 12, 2019, 5:22 p.m.