Man pages for compbiomed/BatchQC
Batch Effects Quality Control Software

batch_correctBatch Correct This function allows you to Add batch corrected...
batch_designThis function allows you to make a batch design matrix
batch_indicatorBatch and Condition indicator for signature data
BatchQCRun BatchQC shiny app
batchqc_explained_variationReturns a list of explained variation by batch and condition...
bladder_data_uploadBladder data upload This function uploads the Bladder data...
check_valid_inputHelper function to check for valid input
color_paletteColor palette
combat_correctionCombat Correction This function applies combat correction to...
combat_seq_correctionCombat-Seq Correction This function applies combat-seq...
confound_metricsCombine std. Pearson correlation coefficient and Cramer's V
cor_propsThis function allows you to calculate correlation properties
covariates_not_confoundedReturns list of covariates not confounded by batch; helper...
cramers_vThis function allows you to calculate Cramer's V
DE_analyzeDifferential Expression Analysis
dendrogram_alpha_numeric_checkDendrogram alpha or numeric checker
dendrogram_color_paletteDendrogram color palette
dendrogram_plotterDendrogram Plot
EV_plotterThis function allows you to plot explained variation
EV_tableEV Table Returns table with percent variation explained for...
get.resHelper function to get residuals
heatmap_num_to_char_converterHeatmap numeric to character converter
heatmap_plotterHeatmap Plotter
normalize_SEThis function allows you to add normalized count matrix to...
PCA_plotterThis function allows you to plot PCA
plot_dataThis function formats the PCA plot using ggplot
preprocessPreprocess assay data
process_dendrogramProcess Dendrogram
protein_dataProtein data with 39 protein expression levels
protein_sample_infoBatch and Condition indicator for protein expression data
pval_plotterP-value Plotter This function allows you to plot p-values of...
pval_summaryReturns summary table for p-values of explained variation
ratio_plotterThis function allows you to plot ratios of explained...
signature_dataSignature data with 1600 gene expression levels
std_pearson_corr_coefCalculate a standardized Pearson correlation coefficient
summarized_experimentThis function creates a summarized experiment object from...
variation_ratiosCreates Ratios of batch to variable variation statistic
volcano_plotVolcano plot
compbiomed/BatchQC documentation built on May 23, 2024, 6:56 a.m.