bladder_data_upload: Bladder data upload This function uploads the Bladder data...

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bladder_data_uploadR Documentation

Bladder data upload This function uploads the Bladder data set from the bladderbatch package. This dataset is from bladder cancer data with 22,283 different microarray gene expression data. It has 57 bladder samples with 3 metadata variables (batch, outcome and cancer). It contains 5 batches, 3 cancer types (cancer, biopsy, control), and 5 outcomes (Biopsy, mTCC, sTCC-CIS, sTCC+CIS, and Normal). Batch 1 contains only cancer, 2 has cancer and controls, 3 has only controls, 4 contains only biopsy, and 5 contains cancer and biopsy


Bladder data upload This function uploads the Bladder data set from the bladderbatch package. This dataset is from bladder cancer data with 22,283 different microarray gene expression data. It has 57 bladder samples with 3 metadata variables (batch, outcome and cancer). It contains 5 batches, 3 cancer types (cancer, biopsy, control), and 5 outcomes (Biopsy, mTCC, sTCC-CIS, sTCC+CIS, and Normal). Batch 1 contains only cancer, 2 has cancer and controls, 3 has only controls, 4 contains only biopsy, and 5 contains cancer and biopsy




a SE object with counts data and metadata


se_object <- bladder_data_upload()

compbiomed/BatchQC documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 10:52 a.m.