
Defines functions plotScanpyViolin plotScanpyMatrixPlot plotScanpyDotPlot plotScanpyHeatmap plotScanpyMarkerGenesMatrixPlot plotScanpyMarkerGenesDotPlot plotScanpyMarkerGenesHeatmap plotScanpyMarkerGenesViolin plotScanpyMarkerGenes runScanpyFindMarkers plotScanpyEmbedding runScanpyTSNE runScanpyUMAP runScanpyFindClusters plotScanpyPCAVariance plotScanpyPCAGeneRanking plotScanpyPCA runScanpyPCA plotScanpyHVG runScanpyFindHVG runScanpyScaleData runScanpyNormalizeData .updateAssaySCEFromScanpy

Documented in plotScanpyDotPlot plotScanpyEmbedding plotScanpyHeatmap plotScanpyHVG plotScanpyMarkerGenes plotScanpyMarkerGenesDotPlot plotScanpyMarkerGenesHeatmap plotScanpyMarkerGenesMatrixPlot plotScanpyMarkerGenesViolin plotScanpyMatrixPlot plotScanpyPCA plotScanpyPCAGeneRanking plotScanpyPCAVariance plotScanpyViolin runScanpyFindClusters runScanpyFindHVG runScanpyFindMarkers runScanpyNormalizeData runScanpyPCA runScanpyScaleData runScanpyTSNE runScanpyUMAP

### Helper Functions ##################

#' .updateAssaySCEFromScanpy
#' Update/Modify/Add an assay in the provided SingleCellExperiment object from
#' an AnnData object
#' @param inSCE Input SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param scanpyObject Input annData object
#' @param assaySlotSCE Selected assay to update in the input
#' SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param scanpyAssaySlot Selected assay from annData object. Default
#' \code{"X"}.
#' @return A \link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment} object with
#'  data from annData object appended to the \link{assay} slot.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay<-
#' @noRd
.updateAssaySCEFromScanpy <- function(inSCE,
                                      scanpyAssaySlot = "X") {
  assay(inSCE, assaySlotSCE) <- NULL
  temp.matrix <- t(scanpyObject[[scanpyAssaySlot]])
  colnames(temp.matrix) <- colnames(inSCE)
  rownames(temp.matrix) <- rownames(inSCE)
  assay(inSCE, assaySlotSCE) <- temp.matrix

#### Normalization and Scaling function ############

#' runScanpyNormalizeData
#' Wrapper for NormalizeData() function from scanpy library
#' Normalizes the sce object according to the input parameters
#' @param inSCE (sce) object to normalize
#' @param useAssay Assay containing raw counts to use for normalization.
#' @param targetSum If NULL, after normalization, each observation (cell) has a 
#' total count equal to the median of total counts for observations (cells) 
#' before normalization. Default \code{1e4}
#' @param maxFraction Include cells that have more counts than max_fraction of 
#' the original total counts in at least one cell. Default \code{0.05}
#' @param normAssayName Name of new assay containing normalized data. Default
#' \code{scanpyNormData}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' sce <- subsetSCECols(sce, colData = "type != 'EmptyDroplet'")
#' rownames(sce) <- rowData(sce)$feature_name
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' }
#' @return Normalized \code{SingleCellExperiment} object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyNormalizeData <- function(inSCE,
                                   targetSum = 1e4,
                                   maxFraction = 0.05,
                                   normAssayName = "scanpyNormData") {
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if (missing(useAssay)) {
    useAssay <- SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(inSCE)[1]
      "'useAssay' parameter missing. Using the first available assay ",
      "instead: '",
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE, 
                                             X_name = useAssay,
                                             assays = FALSE,
                                             colData = TRUE,
                                             rowData = TRUE,
                                             varm = TRUE,
                                             reducedDims = FALSE,
                                             metadata = FALSE,
                                             colPairs = FALSE,
                                             rowPairs = FALSE,
                                             skip_assays = FALSE,
                                             verbose = NULL)
  normValue <- sc$pp$normalize_total(scanpyObject, 
                                     target_sum = targetSum, 
                                     max_fraction =  maxFraction,
                                     inplace = FALSE)
  scanpyObject$obs$n_counts <- normValue$norm_factor
  scanpyObject$X <- normValue$X
  # log transform the data.
  scanpyObject <- sc$pp$log1p(scanpyObject, copy = TRUE)
  inSCE <-
    .updateAssaySCEFromScanpy(inSCE, scanpyObject, normAssayName)
  metadata(inSCE)$scanpy$normValues <- normValue$X
  colData(inSCE)$n_counts <- 
  inSCE <- expSetDataTag(inSCE = inSCE,
                         assayType = "normalized",
                         assays = normAssayName)

#' runScanpyScaleData
#' Scales the input sce object according to the input parameters
#' @param inSCE (sce) object to scale
#' @param useAssay Assay containing normalized counts to scale.
#' @param scaledAssayName Name of new assay containing scaled data. Default
#' \code{scanpyScaledData}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' }
#' @return Scaled \code{SingleCellExperiment} object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyScaleData <- function(inSCE,
                               useAssay = "scanpyNormData",
                               scaledAssayName = "scanpyScaledData") {
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE, 
                                             X_name = useAssay,
                                             assays = FALSE,
                                             colData = TRUE,
                                             rowData = TRUE,
                                             varm = TRUE,
                                             reducedDims = FALSE,
                                             metadata = TRUE,
                                             colPairs = FALSE,
                                             rowPairs = FALSE,
                                             skip_assays = FALSE,
                                             verbose = NULL)
  sc$pp$scale(scanpyObject, max_value=10)
  inSCE <-
    .updateAssaySCEFromScanpy(inSCE, scanpyObject, scaledAssayName, "X")
  rowData(inSCE)$"Scanpy_mean" <- scanpyObject$var$mean 
  rowData(inSCE)$"Scanpy_std" <- scanpyObject$var$std 
  inSCE <- expSetDataTag(inSCE = inSCE,
                         assayType = "scaled",
                         assays = scaledAssayName)

### High Variable Genes ###############

#' runScanpyFindHVG
#' Find highly variable genes and store in the input sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object to compute highly variable genes from and to store
#' back to it
#' @param useAssay Specify the name of the assay to use for computation
#'  of variable genes. It is recommended to use log normalized data, except when 
#'  flavor='seurat_v3', in which counts data is expected.
#' @param method selected method to use for computation of highly variable
#' genes. One of \code{'seurat'}, \code{'cell_ranger'}, or \code{'seurat_v3'}.
#' Default \code{"seurat"}.
#' @param altExpName Character. Name of the alternative experiment object to
#' add if \code{returnAsAltExp = TRUE}. Default \code{featureSubset}.
#' @param altExp Logical value indicating if the input object is an
#' altExperiment. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param hvgNumber numeric value of how many genes to select as highly
#' variable. Default \code{2000}
#' @param minMean If n_top_genes unequals None, this and all other cutoffs for 
#' the means and the normalized dispersions are ignored. Ignored if 
#' flavor='seurat_v3'. Default \code{0.0125}
#' @param maxMean If n_top_genes unequals None, this and all other cutoffs for 
#' the means and the normalized dispersions are ignored. Ignored if 
#' flavor='seurat_v3'. Default \code{3}
#' @param minDisp If n_top_genes unequals None, this and all other cutoffs for 
#' the means and the normalized dispersions are ignored. Ignored if 
#' flavor='seurat_v3'. Default \code{0.5}
#' @param maxDisp If n_top_genes unequals None, this and all other cutoffs for 
#' the means and the normalized dispersions are ignored. Ignored if 
#' flavor='seurat_v3'. Default \code{Inf}
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' g <- getTopHVG(sce, method = "seurat", hvgNumber = 500)
#' }
#' @return Updated \code{SingleCellExperiment} object with highly variable genes
#' computation stored
#' \code{\link{getTopHVG}}, \code{\link{plotTopHVG}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyFindHVG <- function(inSCE,
                             useAssay = "scanpyNormData",
                             method = c("seurat", "cell_ranger", "seurat_v3"),
                             altExpName = "featureSubset",
                             altExp = FALSE,
                             hvgNumber = 2000,
                             minMean = 0.0125,
                             maxMean = 3,
                             minDisp = 0.5,
                             maxDisp = Inf) {
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  method <- match.arg(method)
  fullSCE_cellranger <- NULL
  if (!altExp) {
    if (method == "cell_ranger"){
      # for cell_ranger method only
      fullSCE_cellranger <- inSCE
      inSCE <- inSCE[which(rowSums(assay(inSCE, useAssay)) > 0), ]
    scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE, 
                                               X_name = useAssay,
                                               assays = FALSE,
                                               colData = TRUE,
                                               rowData = TRUE,
                                               varm = TRUE,
                                               reducedDims = FALSE,
                                               metadata = TRUE,
                                               colPairs = FALSE,
                                               rowPairs = FALSE,
                                               skip_assays = FALSE,
                                               verbose = NULL)
    if (method == "cell_ranger"){
      # for cell_ranger method only
      tempSCE <- inSCE
      inSCE <- altExp(inSCE, altExpName)[which(rowSums(assay(altExp(inSCE, altExpName), useAssay)) > 0), ]
    scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = altExp(inSCE, altExpName), 
                                               X_name = useAssay,
                                               assays = FALSE,
                                               colData = TRUE,
                                               rowData = TRUE,
                                               varm = TRUE,
                                               reducedDims = FALSE,
                                               metadata = FALSE,
                                               colPairs = FALSE,
                                               rowPairs = FALSE,
                                               skip_assays = FALSE,
                                               verbose = NULL)
  if (method == "seurat") {
    scanpyObject$var['mean'] <- rowData(inSCE)$"Scanpy_mean"
    scanpyObject$var['std'] <- rowData(inSCE)$"Scanpy_std"
                                flavor = method,
                                n_top_genes = as.integer(hvgNumber),
                                min_mean = minMean,
                                max_mean = maxMean,
                                min_disp = minDisp,
                                max_disp = maxDisp)
    #tmpSCE <- zellkonverter::AnnData2SCE(adata = scanpyObject)
    metadata(inSCE)$hvg <- scanpyObject$uns['hvg']
    rowData(inSCE)$dispersions <-
    rowData(inSCE)$dispersions_norm <-
    rowData(inSCE)$means <-
    rowData(inSCE)$highly_variable <-
    metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runFeatureSelection$seurat <-
        useAssay = useAssay,
        rowData = c(
  #for this approach it is required that sce basic filering of cells and genes 
  #must be done
  else if (method == "cell_ranger") {
                                flavor = method,
                                n_top_genes = as.integer(hvgNumber),
                                min_mean = minMean,
                                max_mean = maxMean,
                                min_disp = minDisp,
                                max_disp = maxDisp)
    #metadata(inSCE)$hvg <- metadata(tmpSCE)['hvg'][['hvg']] 
    metadata(fullSCE_cellranger)$hvg <- scanpyObject$uns['hvg']
    if (!altExp) {
      rowData(inSCE)$dispersions <-
      rowData(inSCE)$dispersions_norm <-
      rowData(inSCE)$means <-
      rowData(inSCE)$highly_variable <-
      altExpRows <- match(rownames(inSCE), rownames(scanpyObject))
      rowData(inSCE)$dispersions <-
      rowData(inSCE)$dispersions_norm <-
      rowData(inSCE)$means <-
      rowData(inSCE)$highly_variable <-
    metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runFeatureSelection$cell_ranger <-
        useAssay = useAssay,
        rowData = c(
    mergedRowData <- merge(rowData(fullSCE_cellranger), rowData(inSCE)[, metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runFeatureSelection$cell_ranger$rowData],
                           by = 'row.names', all = TRUE)
    row.names(mergedRowData) <- mergedRowData$Row.names
    mergedRowData$Row.names <- NULL
    rowData(fullSCE_cellranger) <- mergedRowData
    inSCE <- fullSCE_cellranger
  else if (method == "seurat_v3") {
                                flavor = method,
                                n_top_genes = as.integer(hvgNumber),
                                min_mean = minMean,
                                max_mean = maxMean,
                                min_disp = minDisp,
                                max_disp = maxDisp)
    metadata(inSCE)$hvg <- scanpyObject$uns['hvg']
    rowData(inSCE)$variances <-
    rowData(inSCE)$variances_norm <-
    rowData(inSCE)$means <-
    rowData(inSCE)$highly_variable <-
    metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runFeatureSelection$seurat_v3 <-
        useAssay = useAssay,
        rowData = c(

#' plotScanpyHVG
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param log Plot on logarithmic axes. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' plotScanpyHVG(sce)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyHVG <- function(inSCE,
                          log = FALSE){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             assays = FALSE,
                                             colData = TRUE,
                                             rowData = TRUE,
                                             varm = TRUE,
                                             reducedDims = FALSE,
                                             metadata = TRUE,
                                             colPairs = FALSE,
                                             rowPairs = FALSE,
                                             skip_assays = TRUE,
                                             verbose = NULL)
      " High variable genes not found. Please run the 'runScanpyFindHVG' first."
                                     log = log))

######## PCA Function #########################

#' runScanpyPCA
#' Computes PCA on the input sce object and stores the calculated principal
#' components within the sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute PCA
#' @param useAssay Assay containing scaled counts to use in PCA. Default
#' \code{"scanpyScaledData"}.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Scanpy PCA.
#' Default \code{scanpyPCA}.
#' @param nPCs numeric value of how many components to compute. Default
#' \code{50}.
#' @param method selected method to use for computation of pca. 
#' One of \code{'arpack'}, \code{'randomized'}, \code{'auto'} or \code{'lobpcg'}.
#' Default \code{"arpack"}.
#' @param use_highly_variable boolean value of whether to use highly variable 
#' genes only. By default uses them if they have been determined beforehand. 
#' @param seed Specify numeric value to set as a seed. Default \code{12345}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' }
#' @return Updated \code{SingleCellExperiment} object which now contains the
#' computed principal components
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<- rowSubset
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyPCA <- function(inSCE,
                         useAssay = "scanpyScaledData",
                         reducedDimName = "scanpyPCA",
                         nPCs = 50,
                         method = c("arpack", "randomized", "auto", "lobpcg"),
                         use_highly_variable = TRUE,
                         seed = 12345){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    reticulate::py_set_seed(seed = seed)
  params <- as.list(environment())
  params$inSCE <- NULL
  method <- match.arg(method)
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             X_name = useAssay,
                                             assays = FALSE,
                                             colData = TRUE,
                                             rowData = TRUE,
                                             varm = TRUE,
                                             reducedDims = FALSE,
                                             metadata = FALSE,
                                             colPairs = FALSE,
                                             rowPairs = FALSE,
                                             skip_assays = FALSE,
                                             verbose = NULL)
            svd_solver= method, 
            n_comps = as.integer(nPCs), 
            use_highly_variable = use_highly_variable)
  metadata(inSCE)$scanpy$PCA <- scanpyObject
  temp <- scanpyObject$obsm[['X_pca']]
  #colnames(temp) <- paste0(rep("PC", ncol(temp)), seq(ncol(10)))
  rownames(temp) <- colnames(inSCE)
  rotation <- scanpyObject$varm[['PCs']]
  rownames(rotation) <- rownames(inSCE)
  reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName) <- temp
  attr(reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName), "percentVar") <- 
  attr(reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName), "rotation") <- rotation
  metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runDimReduce$reddim[[reducedDimName]] <- params

#' plotScanpyPCA
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Scanpy PCA. 
#' @param color Keys for annotations of observations/cells or variables/genes.
#' @param title Provide title for panels either as string or list of strings
#' @param legend Location of legend, either 'on data', 'right margin' or a 
#' valid keyword for the loc parameter of Legend.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' plotScanpyPCA(sce)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyPCA <- function(inSCE,
                          reducedDimName = "scanpyPCA", 
                          color = NULL,
                          title = '',
                          legend = 'right margin'){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if(!reducedDimName %in% reducedDimNames(inSCE)){
      "PCA results not found. Please run the 'runScanpyPCA' function first."
  reducedDim (inSCE, "X_pca") <- reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName)
  useAssay = metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runDimReduce$reddim[[reducedDimName]]$useAssay
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             X_name = useAssay,
                                             colData = TRUE,
                                             rowData = TRUE,
                                             varm = TRUE,
                                             reducedDims = TRUE,
                                             metadata = FALSE,
                                             colPairs = TRUE,
                                             rowPairs = TRUE,
                                             verbose = NULL)
                   color = color,
                   title = title, 
                   legend_loc = legend))

#' plotScanpyPCAGeneRanking
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param PC_comp For example, '1,2,3' means [1, 2, 3], first, second, 
#' third principal component.
#' @param includeLowest Whether to show the variables with both highest and 
#' lowest loadings. Default \code{TRUE}
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' plotScanpyPCAGeneRanking(sce)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyPCAGeneRanking <- function(inSCE, 
                                     PC_comp = "1,2,3",
                                     includeLowest = TRUE){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- metadata(inSCE)$scanpy$PCA
                            components = PC_comp,
                            include_lowest = includeLowest))

#' plotScanpyPCAVariance
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param nPCs Number of PCs to show. Default \code{50}.
#' @param log Plot on logarithmic scale. Default \code{FALSE}
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' plotScanpyPCAVariance(sce)
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyPCAVariance <- function(inSCE,
                                  nPCs = 50,
                                  log = FALSE){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- metadata(inSCE)$scanpy$PCA
                                  n_pcs = as.integer(nPCs),
                                  log = log))

###### Clustering function ############################

#' runScanpyFindClusters
#' Computes the clusters from the input sce object and stores them back in sce
#' object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object from which clusters should be computed and stored
#' in
#' @param useAssay Assay containing scaled counts to use for clustering.
#' @param useReducedDim Reduction method to use for computing clusters. 
#' Default \code{"scanpyPCA"}.
#' @param nNeighbors The size of local neighborhood (in terms of number of 
#' neighboring data points) used for manifold approximation. Larger values 
#' result in more global views of the manifold, while smaller values result in 
#' more local data being preserved. Default \code{10}.
#' @param dims numeric value of how many components to use for computing
#' clusters. Default \code{40}.
#' @param method selected method to compute clusters. One of "louvain",
#' and "leiden". Default \code{louvain}.
#' @param colDataName Specify the name to give to this clustering result. 
#'  Default is \code{NULL} that will generate a meaningful name automatically.
#' @param resolution A parameter value controlling the coarseness of the 
#' clustering. Higher values lead to more clusters Default \code{1}.
#' @param niterations How many iterations of the Leiden clustering method to 
#' perform. Positive values above 2 define the total number of iterations to 
#' perform, -1 has the method run until it reaches its optimal clustering.
#' Default \code{-1}.
#' @param flavor Choose between to packages for computing the clustering.
#' Default \code{vtraag} 
#' @param use_weights Boolean. Use weights from knn graph. Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param cor_method correlation method to use. Options are ‘pearson’, 
#' ‘kendall’, and ‘spearman’. Default \code{pearson}.
#' @param inplace If True, adds dendrogram information to annData object, 
#' else this function returns the information. Default \code{TRUE}
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduce object if PCA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed Specify numeric value to set as a seed. Default \code{12345}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' }
#' @return Updated sce object which now contains the computed clusters
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyFindClusters <- function(inSCE,
                                  useAssay = "scanpyScaledData",
                                  useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA",
                                  nNeighbors = 10,
                                  dims = 40,
                                  method = c("leiden", "louvain"),
                                  colDataName = NULL,
                                  resolution = 1,
                                  niterations = -1,
                                  flavor = 'vtraag',
                                  use_weights = FALSE,
                                  cor_method = 'pearson',
                                  inplace = TRUE,
                                  externalReduction = NULL,
                                  seed = 12345) {
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "louvain")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'louvain', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, louvain can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install louvain) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "leidenalg")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'leidenalg', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, leidenalg can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install leidenalg) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    reticulate::py_set_seed(seed = seed)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,  
                                             X_name = useAssay,
                                             assays = FALSE,
                                             colData = TRUE,
                                             rowData = TRUE,
                                             varm = TRUE,
                                             reducedDims = useReducedDim,
                                             metadata = FALSE,
                                             colPairs = FALSE,
                                             rowPairs = FALSE,
                                             skip_assays = FALSE,
                                             verbose = NULL)
  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    scanpyObject$obsm <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    useReducedDim <- "pca"
    colDataName = paste0("Scanpy", "_", method, "_", resolution) 
                  n_neighbors = as.integer(nNeighbors), 
                  n_pcs = as.integer(dims),
                  use_rep = useReducedDim)
  if (method == "louvain") {
    sc$tl$louvain(adata = scanpyObject,
                  key_added = colDataName,
                  flavor = flavor,
                  use_weights = use_weights)
  } else if (method == "leiden") {
    sc$tl$leiden(adata = scanpyObject,
                 key_added = colDataName,
                 n_iterations = as.integer(niterations))
  colData(inSCE)[[colDataName]] <-
  S4Vectors::metadata(inSCE)$scanpy[method] <- colDataName

###### Embedding functions #####################

#' runScanpyUMAP
#' Computes UMAP from the given sce object and stores the UMAP computations back
#' into the sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute the UMAP
#' @param useAssay Specify name of assay to use. Default is \code{NULL}, so
#' \code{useReducedDim} param will be used instead.
#' @param useReducedDim Reduction to use for computing UMAP. 
#' Default is \code{"scanpyPCA"}.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Scanpy UMAP
#' Default \code{scanpyUMAP}.
#' @param dims Numerical value of how many reduction components to use for UMAP
#' computation. Default \code{40}.
#' @param minDist Sets the \code{"min_dist"} parameter to the underlying UMAP
#' call. Default \code{0.5}.
#' @param nNeighbors Sets the \code{"n_neighbors"} parameter to the underlying
#' UMAP call. Default \code{10}.
#' @param spread Sets the \code{"spread"} parameter to the underlying UMAP call.
#' Default \code{1}.
#' @param alpha Sets the \code{"alpha"} parameter to the underlying UMAP call.
#' Default \code{1}.
#' @param gamma Sets the \code{"gamma"} parameter to the underlying UMAP call.
#' Default \code{1}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduce object if PCA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed Specify numeric value to set as a seed. Default \code{12345}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyUMAP(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' }
#' @return Updated sce object with UMAP computations stored
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<-
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyUMAP <- function(inSCE,
                          useAssay = NULL,
                          useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA",
                          reducedDimName = "scanpyUMAP",
                          dims = 40,  
                          minDist = 0.5,
                          nNeighbors = 10, 
                          spread = 1,
                          externalReduction = NULL,
                          seed = 12345) {
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    reticulate::py_set_seed(seed = seed)
  params <- as.list(environment())
  params$inSCE <- NULL
    scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE, 
                                               X_name = useAssay,
                                               assays = FALSE,
                                               colData = TRUE,
                                               rowData = TRUE,
                                               varm = TRUE,
                                               reducedDims = useReducedDim,
                                               metadata = FALSE,
                                               colPairs = FALSE,
                                               rowPairs = FALSE,
                                               skip_assays = FALSE,
                                               verbose = NULL)
  } else{
    scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE, 
                                               reducedDims = useReducedDim,
                                               assays = FALSE,
                                               colData = TRUE,
                                               rowData = TRUE,
                                               varm = TRUE,
                                               metadata = FALSE,
                                               colPairs = FALSE,
                                               rowPairs = FALSE,
                                               skip_assays = FALSE,
                                               verbose = NULL)
  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    scanpyObject$obsm <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    useReducedDim <- "pca"
                  n_neighbors = as.integer(nNeighbors), 
                  n_pcs = as.integer(dims),
                  use_rep = useReducedDim)
             n_components = 2L,
             min_dist = minDist,
             alpha = alpha, 
             gamma = gamma,
             spread = spread)
  temp <- scanpyObject$obsm[['X_umap']]
  rownames(temp) <- colnames(inSCE)
  reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName) <- temp
  metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runDimReduce$reddim[[reducedDimName]] <- params

#' runScanpyTSNE
#' Computes tSNE from the given sce object and stores the tSNE computations back
#' into the sce object
#' @param inSCE (sce) object on which to compute the tSNE
#' @param useAssay Specify name of assay to use. Default is \code{NULL}, so
#' \code{useReducedDim} param will be used instead.
#' @param useReducedDim selected reduction method to use for computing tSNE.
#' Default \code{"scanpyPCA"}.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of new reducedDims object containing Scanpy tSNE
#' Default \code{scanpyTSNE}.
#' @param dims Number of reduction components to use for tSNE computation.
#' Default \code{40}.
#' @param perplexity Adjust the perplexity tuneable parameter for the underlying
#' tSNE call. Default \code{30}.
#' @param externalReduction Pass DimReduc object if PCA computed through
#' other libraries. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed Specify numeric value to set as a seed. Default \code{12345}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyTSNE(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' }
#' @return Updated sce object with tSNE computations stored
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<-
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyTSNE <- function(inSCE,
                          useAssay = NULL,
                          useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA", 
                          reducedDimName = "scanpyTSNE",
                          dims = 40,
                          perplexity = 30,
                          externalReduction = NULL,
                          seed = 12345){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    reticulate::py_set_seed(seed = seed)
  params <- as.list(environment())
  params$inSCE <- NULL
    scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE, 
                                               X_name = useAssay,
                                               assays = FALSE,
                                               colData = TRUE,
                                               rowData = TRUE,
                                               varm = TRUE,
                                               reducedDims = useReducedDim,
                                               metadata = FALSE,
                                               colPairs = FALSE,
                                               rowPairs = FALSE,
                                               skip_assays = FALSE,
                                               verbose = NULL)
  } else{
    scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                               reducedDims = useReducedDim,
                                               assays = FALSE,
                                               colData = TRUE,
                                               rowData = TRUE,
                                               varm = TRUE,
                                               metadata = FALSE,
                                               colPairs = FALSE,
                                               rowPairs = FALSE,
                                               skip_assays = FALSE,
                                               verbose = NULL)
  if (!is.null(externalReduction)) {
    scanpyObject$obsm <- list(pca = externalReduction)
    useReducedDim <- "pca"
             n_pcs = as.integer(dims),
             use_rep = useReducedDim, 
             perplexity = as.integer(perplexity))
  temp <- scanpyObject$obsm[['X_tsne']]
  rownames(temp) <- colnames(inSCE)
  reducedDim(inSCE, reducedDimName) <- temp
  metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runDimReduce$reddim[[reducedDimName]] <- params

#' plotScanpyEmbedding
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param reducedDimName Name of reducedDims object containing embeddings.
#' Eg. scanpyUMAP.
#' @param useAssay Specify name of assay to use. Default is \code{NULL},
#' which will use scaled assay by default. 
#' @param color Keys for annotations of observations/cells or variables/genes.
#' @param title Provide title for panels either as string or list of strings
#' @param legend Location of legend, either 'on data', 'right margin' or a 
#' valid keyword for the loc parameter of Legend.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyUMAP(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' plotScanpyEmbedding(sce, reducedDimName = "scanpyUMAP", color = 'Scanpy_louvain_1')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyEmbedding <- function(inSCE,
                                useAssay = NULL,
                                color = NULL,
                                legend = 'right margin',
                                title = ''){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  if(!reducedDimName %in% reducedDimNames(inSCE)){
      "Embedding result not found. Please run the 'runScanpyUMAP' or 
      'runScanpyTSNE' first."
  useAssay <- metadata(inSCE)$sctk$runDimReduce$reddim[[reducedDimName]]$useAssay
    useAssay <- "scanpyScaledData"
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             X_name = useAssay,
                                             assays = FALSE,
                                             colData = TRUE,
                                             rowData = TRUE,
                                             varm = TRUE,
                                             reducedDims = reducedDimName,
                                             metadata = FALSE,
                                             colPairs = FALSE,
                                             rowPairs = FALSE,
                                             skip_assays = FALSE,
                                             verbose = NULL)
                         basis = reducedDimName,
                         color = color,
                         legend_loc = legend,
                         title = title))

########## Marker Genes function ###################

#' runScanpyFindMarkers
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param nGenes The number of genes that appear in the returned tables. 
#' Defaults to all genes.
#' @param useAssay Specify the name of the assay to use for computation
#'  of marker genes. It is recommended to use log normalized assay. 
#' @param colDataName colData to use as the key of the observations grouping to 
#' consider.
#' @param group1 Name of group1. Subset of groups, to which comparison shall be 
#' restricted, or 'all' (default), for all groups.
#' @param group2 Name of group2. If 'rest', compare each group to the union of 
#' the rest of the group. If a group identifier, compare with respect to this 
#' group. Default is 'rest'
#' @param test Test to use for DE. Default \code{"t-test"}.
#' @param corr_method p-value correction method. Used only for 't-test', 
#' 't-test_overestim_var', and 'wilcoxon'.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindMarkers(sce, colDataName = "Scanpy_louvain_1" )
#' }
#' @return A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object that contains marker genes
#' populated in a data.frame stored inside metadata slot.
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
runScanpyFindMarkers <- function(inSCE,
                                 nGenes = NULL,
                                 useAssay = "scanpyNormData",
                                 group1 = "all",
                                 group2 = "rest",
                                 test = c("wilcoxon", "t-test", "t-test_overestim_var", "logreg"),
                                 corr_method = c("benjamini-hochberg", "bonferroni")) {
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  test <- match.arg(test)
  corr_method <- match.arg(corr_method)
  #store results in a temporary sce object
  tmpSCE <- SingleCellExperiment(
    assays = list(counts = counts(inSCE), temp = as.matrix(assay(inSCE, useAssay))))
  # store back colData from sce into the tmpSCE colData slot
  colData(tmpSCE)[colDataName] <- as.character(colData(inSCE)[[colDataName]])
  rowData(tmpSCE)$id <- rownames(inSCE)
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = tmpSCE, X_name = "temp")
    nGenes = as.integer(nGenes)
                          groupby = colDataName, 
                          groups = group1,
                          reference = group2,
                          method = test, 
                          n_genes = nGenes,
                          corr_method = corr_method)
  py <- reticulate::py
  py$scanpyObject <- scanpyObject
  reticulate::py_run_string("import pandas as pd")
    "names = pd.DataFrame(scanpyObject.uns['rank_genes_groups']['names'])", 
    convert = TRUE)
    "logFoldChanges = pd.DataFrame(scanpyObject.uns['rank_genes_groups']['logfoldchanges'])", 
    convert = TRUE)
    "pvals_adj = pd.DataFrame(scanpyObject.uns['rank_genes_groups']['pvals_adj'])", 
    convert = TRUE)
    "scores = pd.DataFrame(scanpyObject.uns['rank_genes_groups']['scores'])",
    convert = TRUE)
  markerGenesNames <- utils::stack(py$names)
  colnames(markerGenesNames) <- c("Gene","findMarker_cluster")
  Log2_FC <- unlist(py$logFoldChanges)
  Pvalue <- unlist(py$pvals_adj)
  zscore <- unlist(py$scores)
  markerGenesTable <- data.frame()
  markerGenesTable <- cbind(markerGenesNames, Log2_FC, Pvalue, zscore)
  S4Vectors::metadata(inSCE)$"findMarkerScanpyObject" <- scanpyObject
  S4Vectors::metadata(inSCE)$scanpyMarkersTable <- markerGenesTable

#' plotScanpyMarkerGenes
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param groups The groups for which to show the gene ranking. Default \code{NULL}
#' means that all groups will be considered. 
#' @param nGenes Number of genes to show. Default \code{10}
#' @param nCols Number of panels shown per row. Default \code{4}
#' @param sharey Controls if the y-axis of each panels should be shared. 
#' Default \code{FALSE} allows each panel to have its own y-axis range.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindMarkers(sce, colDataName = "Scanpy_louvain_1" )
#' plotScanpyMarkerGenes(sce, groups = '0')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyMarkerGenes <- function(inSCE,
                                  groups = NULL,
                                  nGenes = 10,
                                  nCols = 4,
                                  sharey = FALSE){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
    stop("Marker genes not found. Please run the 'runScanpyFindMarkers' function first.")
  scanpyObject <- metadata(inSCE)[["findMarkerScanpyObject"]]
                                 groups = groups, 
                                 n_genes = as.integer(nGenes),
                                 ncols = as.integer(nCols), 
                                 sharey = sharey))

#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesViolin
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param groups The groups for which to show the gene ranking. Default \code{NULL}
#' means that all groups will be considered. 
#' @param features List of genes to plot. Is only useful if interested in a 
#' custom gene list
#' @param nGenes Number of genes to show. Default \code{10}
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindMarkers(sce, colDataName = "Scanpy_louvain_1" )
#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesViolin(sce, groups = '0')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyMarkerGenesViolin <- function(inSCE,
                                        groups = NULL,
                                        features = NULL,
                                        nGenes = 10){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
    stop("Marker genes not found. Please run the 'runScanpyFindMarkers' function first.")
  scanpyObject <- metadata(inSCE)[["findMarkerScanpyObject"]]
                                        groups = groups,
                                        gene_names = features,
                                        n_genes = as.integer(nGenes)))

#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesHeatmap
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param groups The groups for which to show the gene ranking. Default \code{NULL}
#' means that all groups will be considered.
#' @param groupBy The key of the observation grouping to consider. By default, 
#' the groupby is chosen from the rank genes groups parameter.
#' @param nGenes Number of genes to show. Default \code{10}
#' @param features Genes to plot. Sometimes is useful to pass a specific list of
#'  var names (e.g. genes). The var_names could be a dictionary or a list. 
#' @param log2fcThreshold Only output DEGs with the absolute values of log2FC
#' larger than this value. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindMarkers(sce, colDataName = "Scanpy_louvain_1" )
#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesHeatmap(sce, groupBy = 'Scanpy_louvain_1')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyMarkerGenesHeatmap <- function(inSCE,
                                         groups = NULL,
                                         nGenes = 10,
                                         features = NULL,
                                         log2fcThreshold = NULL){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
    stop("Marker genes not found. Please run the 'runScanpyFindMarkers' function first.")
  scanpyObject <- metadata(inSCE)[["findMarkerScanpyObject"]]
                                           groups = groups,
                                           groupby = groupBy,
                                           var_names = features,
                                           min_logfoldchange = log2fcThreshold,
                                           show_gene_labels = TRUE,
                                           dendrogram = FALSE))
                                           groups = groups,
                                           groupby = groupBy,
                                           n_genes = as.integer(nGenes),
                                           var_names = NULL,
                                           min_logfoldchange = log2fcThreshold,
                                           show_gene_labels = TRUE,
                                           dendrogram = FALSE))

#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesDotPlot
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param groups The groups for which to show the gene ranking. Default \code{NULL}
#' means that all groups will be considered.
#' @param nGenes Number of genes to show. Default \code{10}
#' @param groupBy The key of the observation grouping to consider. By default, 
#' the groupby is chosen from the rank genes groups parameter.
#' @param log2fcThreshold Only output DEGs with the absolute values of log2FC
#' larger than this value. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param parameters The options for marker genes results to plot are: 
#' ‘scores’, ‘logfoldchanges’, ‘pvals’, ‘pvals_adj’, ‘log10_pvals’, ‘log10_pvals_adj’.
#' If NULL provided then it uses mean gene value to plot.  
#' @param standardScale Whether or not to standardize the given dimension 
#' between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and 
#' divide each by its maximum. Default \code{NULL} means that it doesn't perform
#' any scaling. 
#' @param features Genes to plot. Sometimes is useful to pass a specific list of
#'  var names (e.g. genes) to check their fold changes or p-values, instead of 
#'  the top/bottom genes. The gene names could be a dictionary or a list. 
#'  Default \code{NULL}
#' @param title Provide title for the figure.
#' @param vmin The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. 
#' Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param vmax The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. 
#' Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param colorBarTitle Title for the color bar. 
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindMarkers(sce, colDataName = "Scanpy_louvain_1" )
#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesDotPlot(sce, groupBy = 'Scanpy_louvain_1')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyMarkerGenesDotPlot <- function(inSCE,
                                         groups = NULL,
                                         nGenes = 10, 
                                         log2fcThreshold = NULL,
                                         parameters = "logfoldchanges",
                                         standardScale = NULL,
                                         features = NULL,
                                         title = '',
                                         vmin = NULL,
                                         vmax = NULL,
                                         colorBarTitle = "log fold change"){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
    stop("Marker genes not found. Please run the 'runScanpyFindMarkers' function first.")
  scanpyObject <- metadata(inSCE)[["findMarkerScanpyObject"]]
                                           groups = groups,
                                           groupby = groupBy,
                                           min_logfoldchange = log2fcThreshold,
                                           values_to_plot = parameters,
                                           standard_scale = standardScale,
                                           var_names = features,
                                           title = title,
                                           vmin = vmin,
                                           vmax = vmax,
                                           cmap = 'bwr',
                                           dendrogram = FALSE,
                                           colorbar_title = colorBarTitle))
                                           groups = groups,
                                           n_genes = as.integer(nGenes),
                                           groupby = groupBy,
                                           min_logfoldchange = log2fcThreshold,
                                           values_to_plot = parameters,
                                           standard_scale = standardScale,
                                           var_names = NULL,
                                           title = title,
                                           vmin = vmin,
                                           vmax = vmax,
                                           cmap = 'bwr',
                                           dendrogram = FALSE,
                                           colorbar_title = colorBarTitle))

#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesMatrixPlot
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param groups The groups for which to show the gene ranking. Default \code{NULL}
#' means that all groups will be considered.
#' @param nGenes Number of genes to show. Default \code{10}
#' @param groupBy The key of the observation grouping to consider. By default, 
#' the groupby is chosen from the rank genes groups parameter.
#' @param log2fcThreshold Only output DEGs with the absolute values of log2FC
#' larger than this value. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param parameters The options for marker genes results to plot are: 
#' ‘scores’, ‘logfoldchanges’, ‘pvals’, ‘pvals_adj’, ‘log10_pvals’, ‘log10_pvals_adj’.
#' If NULL provided then it uses mean gene value to plot.  
#' @param standardScale Whether or not to standardize the given dimension 
#' between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and 
#' divide each by its maximum. Default \code{NULL} means that it doesn't perform
#' any scaling. 
#' @param features Genes to plot. Sometimes is useful to pass a specific list of
#'  var names (e.g. genes) to check their fold changes or p-values, instead of 
#'  the top/bottom genes. The var_names could be a dictionary or a list. 
#'  Default \code{NULL}
#' @param title Provide title for the figure.
#' @param vmin The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. 
#' Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param vmax The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. 
#' Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param colorBarTitle Title for the color bar. 
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindMarkers(sce, colDataName = "Scanpy_louvain_1" )
#' plotScanpyMarkerGenesMatrixPlot(sce, groupBy = 'Scanpy_louvain_1')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyMarkerGenesMatrixPlot <- function(inSCE,
                                            groups = NULL,
                                            nGenes = 10, 
                                            log2fcThreshold = NULL,
                                            parameters = "logfoldchanges",
                                            standardScale = 'var',
                                            features = NULL,
                                            title = '',
                                            vmin = NULL,
                                            vmax = NULL,
                                            colorBarTitle = "log fold change"){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
    stop("Marker genes not found. Please run the 'runScanpyFindMarkers' function first.")
  scanpyObject <- metadata(inSCE)[["findMarkerScanpyObject"]]
                                              groups = groups,
                                              groupby = groupBy,
                                              min_logfoldchange = log2fcThreshold,
                                              values_to_plot = parameters,
                                              standard_scale = standardScale,
                                              var_names = features,
                                              title = title,
                                              vmin = vmin,
                                              vmax = vmax,
                                              cmap = 'bwr',
                                              dendrogram = FALSE,
                                              colorbar_title = colorBarTitle))
                                              groups = groups,
                                              n_genes = as.integer(nGenes),
                                              groupby = groupBy,
                                              min_logfoldchange = log2fcThreshold,
                                              values_to_plot = parameters,
                                              standard_scale = standardScale,
                                              var_names = NULL,
                                              title = title,
                                              vmin = vmin,
                                              vmax = vmax,
                                              cmap = 'bwr',
                                              dendrogram = FALSE,
                                              colorbar_title = colorBarTitle))

####### General plotting functions ############

#' plotScanpyHeatmap
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param useAssay Assay to use for plotting. By default it will use counts
#' assay.
#' @param features Genes to plot. Sometimes is useful to pass a specific list of
#'  var names (e.g. genes). The var_names could be a dictionary or a list. 
#' @param groupBy The key of the observation grouping to consider.
#' @param standardScale Whether or not to standardize the given dimension 
#' between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and 
#' divide each by its maximum. Default \code{NULL} means that it doesn't perform
#' any scaling. 
#' @param vmin The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. 
#' Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin.
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param vmax The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. 
#' Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyUMAP(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' markers <- c("MALAT1" ,"RPS27" ,"CST3")
#' plotScanpyHeatmap(sce, features = markers, groupBy = 'Scanpy_louvain_1')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyHeatmap <- function(inSCE,
                              useAssay = NULL,
                              standardScale = 'var',
                              vmin = NULL,
                              vmax = NULL){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             X_name = useAssay)
                       var_names = features,
                       groupby = groupBy,
                       standard_scale = standardScale,
                       vmin = vmin,
                       vmax = vmax,
                       show_gene_labels = TRUE,
                       dendrogram = FALSE))

#' plotScanpyDotPlot
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param useAssay Assay to use for plotting. By default it will use counts assay.
#' @param features Genes to plot. Sometimes is useful to pass a specific list of
#'  var names (e.g. genes). The var_names could be a dictionary or a list. 
#' @param groupBy The key of the observation grouping to consider.
#' @param standardScale Whether or not to standardize the given dimension 
#' between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and 
#' divide each by its maximum. Default \code{NULL} means that it doesn't perform
#' any scaling. 
#' @param title Provide title for the figure.
#' @param vmin The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. 
#' Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin.
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param vmax The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. 
#' Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param title Provide title for the figure.
#' @param vmin The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. 
#' Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param vmax The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. 
#' Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param colorBarTitle Title for the color bar. 
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyUMAP(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' markers <- c("MALAT1" ,"RPS27" ,"CST3")
#' plotScanpyDotPlot(sce, features = markers, groupBy = 'Scanpy_louvain_1')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyDotPlot <- function(inSCE,
                              useAssay = NULL,
                              standardScale = NULL,
                              title = '',
                              vmin = NULL,
                              vmax = NULL,
                              colorBarTitle = "Mean expression in group"){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             X_name = useAssay)
                       var_names = features,
                       groupby = groupBy,
                       standard_scale = standardScale,
                       title = title,
                       vmin = vmin,
                       vmax = vmax,
                       cmap = 'bwr',
                       dendrogram = FALSE,
                       colorbar_title = colorBarTitle))

#' plotScanpyMatrixPlot
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param useAssay Assay to use for plotting. By default it will use counts assay.
#' @param features Genes to plot. Sometimes is useful to pass a specific list of
#'  var names (e.g. genes). The var_names could be a dictionary or a list. 
#' @param groupBy The key of the observation grouping to consider.
#' @param standardScale Whether or not to standardize the given dimension 
#' between 0 and 1, meaning for each variable or group, subtract the minimum and 
#' divide each by its maximum. Default \code{NULL} means that it doesn't perform
#' any scaling. 
#' @param title Provide title for the figure.
#' @param vmin The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. 
#' Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin.
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param vmax The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. 
#' Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param title Provide title for the figure.
#' @param vmin The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. 
#' Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param vmax The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. 
#' Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. 
#' Default \code{NULL}
#' @param colorBarTitle Title for the color bar. 
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyUMAP(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' markers <- c("MALAT1" ,"RPS27" ,"CST3")
#' plotScanpyMatrixPlot(sce, features = markers, groupBy = 'Scanpy_louvain_1')
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyMatrixPlot <- function(inSCE,
                              useAssay = NULL,
                              standardScale = NULL,
                              title = '',
                              vmin = NULL,
                              vmax = NULL,
                              colorBarTitle = "Mean expression in group"){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             X_name = useAssay)
                       var_names = features,
                       groupby = groupBy,
                       standard_scale = standardScale,
                       title = title,
                       vmin = vmin,
                       vmax = vmax,
                       cmap = 'bwr',
                       dendrogram = FALSE,
                       colorbar_title = colorBarTitle))

#' plotScanpyViolin
#' @param inSCE Input \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param useAssay Assay to use for plotting. By default it will use counts
#' assay.
#' @param features Genes to plot. Sometimes is useful to pass a specific list of
#'  var names (e.g. genes). The var_names could be a dictionary or a list. 
#' @param groupBy The key of the observation grouping to consider.
#' @param xlabel Label of the x axis. Defaults to groupBy.
#' @param ylabel Label of the y axis. If NULL and groupBy is NULL, 
#' defaults to 'value'. If NULL and groupBy is not NULL, defaults to features.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- runScanpyNormalizeData(sce, useAssay = "counts")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindHVG(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData", method = "seurat")
#' sce <- runScanpyScaleData(sce, useAssay = "scanpyNormData")
#' sce <- runScanpyPCA(sce, useAssay = "scanpyScaledData")
#' sce <- runScanpyFindClusters(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' sce <- runScanpyUMAP(sce, useReducedDim = "scanpyPCA")
#' markers <- c("MALAT1" ,"RPS27" ,"CST3")
#' plotScanpyViolin(sce, features = markers, groupBy = "Scanpy_louvain_1")
#' }
#' @return plot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
plotScanpyViolin <- function(inSCE,
                             useAssay = NULL,
                             xlabel = '', 
                             ylabel = NULL){
  if (!reticulate::py_module_available(module = "scanpy")) {
    warning("Cannot find python module 'scanpy', please install Conda and",
            " run sctkPythonInstallConda() or run sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnv().",
            "If one of these have been previously run to install the modules,",
            "make sure to run selectSCTKConda() or selectSCTKVirtualEnvironment(),",
            " respectively, if R has been restarted since the module installation.",
            " Alternatively, Scanpy can be installed on the local machine",
            "with pip (e.g. pip install scanpy) and then the 'use_python()'",
            " function from the 'reticulate' package can be used to select the",
            " correct Python environment.")
  scanpyObject <- zellkonverter::SCE2AnnData(sce = inSCE,
                                             X_name = useAssay)
                      keys = features,
                      groupby = groupBy,
                      xlabel = xlabel,
                      ylabel = ylabel))
compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on May 8, 2024, 6:58 p.m.