## Some functions to help with classification
#' Rerun a model generator and classifier on a training/testing set multiple times.
#' @param full_df The matrix of preProcessed() data.
#' @param interesting_meta dataframe of metadata of potential interest.
#' @param outcome_column metadata column of interest.
#' @param p The proportion of training/testing
#' @param list How to return the partitions.
#' @param formula_string Optional formula string, otherwise genrated on thee fly.
#' @param run_times How many times to repeat this process
#' @param method Modelling method to employ with caret.
#' @param sampler Sampler to employ, bootstrap or cv right now.
#' @param sample_number How many times to use the sampler
#' @param tuner Tuning arguments for the method above.
#' @param state When provided, passes the state of the data to the return
#' so it may be reported later.
#' @param ... Others, currently unused I think
#' @export
classify_n_times <- function(full_df, interesting_meta, outcome_column = "finaloutcome",
p = 0.4, list = FALSE, formula_string = NULL,
run_times = 10, method = "xgbTree",
sampler = "cv", sample_number = 10,
tuner = NULL, state = NULL, ...) {
## Note, the function declaration assumes outcome_factor is a single element character,
## but in my actual document it is a factor of 1 element per sample,
## e.g. 109 cures and 57 fails. This should be addressed by create_partitions!()
parameter_lst <- list(
"proportion_trained" = p,
"method_used" = method,
"model_iterations" = run_times,
"outcome_column" = outcome_column,
"sampler_used" = sampler,
"sampler_iterations" = sample_number)
if (!is.null(state)) {
parameter_lst <- append(state, parameter_lst)
if (! outcome_column %in% colnames(interesting_meta)) {
stop("The outcome column: ", outcome_column, " is not in the metadata.")
outcome_factor <- as.factor(interesting_meta[[outcome_column]])
partitions <- create_partitions(full_df, interesting_meta, outcome_factor = outcome_factor,
p = p, list = list, times = run_times)
if (is.null(formula_string)) {
formula_string <- "outcome ~ ."
train_method <- NULL
if (sampler == "cv") {
sampling_method <- caret::trainControl(method = "cv", number = sample_number)
parameter_lst[["return_resample"]] <- "unused"
} else if (sampler == "bootstrap") {
sampling_method <- caret::trainControl(method = "boot", number = sample_number,
returnResamp = "all")
parameter_lst[["return_resample"]] <- "all"
} else {
sampling_method <- sampler
trainer <- NULL
train_args <- list()
if (method == "xgbTree") {
if (is.null(tuner)) {
tuner <- data.frame(
"nrounds" = 200,
"eta" = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.3),
"max_depth" = 4,
"gamma" = 0,
"colsample_bytree" = 1,
"subsample" = 0.5,
"min_child_weight" = 1)
} else if (method == "ranger") {
if (is.null(tuner)) {
tuner <- data.frame(
mtry = 200,
min.node.size = 1,
splitrule = "gini")
train_args <- list(
"importance" = "permutation")
parameter_lst[["importance"]] <- "permutation"
} else if (method == "glmnet") {
if (is.null(tuner)) {
tuner <- data.frame(
alpha = 0.5,
lambda = seq(0.1, 0.7, 0.05))
train_args <- list(
"family" = "binomial",
"importance" = "permutation",
"verbose" = TRUE)
parameter_lst <- append(parameter_lst, train_args)
} else if (method == "knn") {
if (is.null(tuner)) {
tuner <- data.frame("k" = 1:10)
} else {
stop("I do not yet know this method.")
for (key in names(tuner)) {
new_key <- paste0("tuner_", key)
if (length(tuner[[key]]) > 1) {
parameter_lst[[new_key]] <- toString(tuner[[key]])
} else {
parameter_lst[[new_key]] <- tuner[[key]]
## I learned something important when setting this up,
## the trainer I am using has parallelism built in, so if I try and use doParallel,
## badness is likely to ensue.
## 20231129: FIXME
## !!!! Another _VERY_IMPORTANT_ note: do _NOT_ set verbose=TRUE!!!!!
## For reasons passing all understanding, it causes the trainer to fail.
all_results <- list()
test_eval_df <- data.frame()
train_eval_df <- data.frame()
for (d in seq_len(sample_number)) {
message("Working on iteration: ", d, ".")
## This might require .packages = c("hpgltools" ...)
train_all <- partitions[["trainers"]][[d]]
train_df <- partitions[["trainers_stripped"]][[d]]
train_idx <- partitions[["train_idx"]][[d]]
train_outcomes <- partitions[["trainer_outcomes"]][[d]]
test_df <- partitions[["testers"]][[d]]
test_idx <- partitions[["test_idx"]][[d]]
test_outcomes <- partitions[["tester_outcomes"]][[d]]
all_train_args <- list(
"form" = as.formula("outcome ~ ."),
"data" = train_all,
"method" = method,
"trControl" = sampling_method,
"tuneGrid" = tuner)
for (a in seq_along(train_args)) {
name <- names(train_args)[a]
value <- train_args[[a]]
all_train_args[[name]] <- value
trainer <- BiocGenerics::do.call(what = caret::train, args = all_train_args)
trained <- stats::predict(trainer, train_df)
message("Evaluating predictions.")
trained_eval <- self_evaluate_model(trained, partitions,
which_partition = d, type = "train")
tested <- stats::predict(trainer, test_df)
tested_eval <- self_evaluate_model(tested, partitions,
which_partition = d, type = "test")
this_result <- list(
"trainer" = trainer,
"trained" = trained,
"trained_eval" = trained_eval,
"tested" = tested,
"tested_eval" = tested_eval)
all_results[[d]] <- this_result
train_eval_df <- data.frame()
test_eval_df <- data.frame()
for (i in seq_along(all_results)) {
train_eval <- all_results[[i]][["trained_eval"]]
train_confused <- train_eval[["confusion_mtrx"]]
## Lets assume cure/fail for these categories.
## When the reference is cure and prediction is cure.
true_positive <- train_confused[["table"]][1, 1]
## reference is fail and prediction is fail.
true_negative <- train_confused[["table"]][2, 2]
## reference is fail and prediction is cure.
false_positive <- train_confused[["table"]][1, 2]
## reference is cure and prediction is fail.
false_negative <- train_confused[["table"]][2, 1]
train_roc <- train_eval[["roc"]]
truefalse <- c(true_positive, true_negative, false_positive, false_negative)
names(truefalse) <- c("true_positive", "true_negative", "false_positive", "false_negative")
train_numbers <- c(truefalse, train_confused[["overall"]], train_confused[["byClass"]])
train_numbers <- c(train_numbers, train_eval[["auc"]])
last <- length(train_numbers)
names(train_numbers)[last] <- "auc"
train_eval_df <- rbind(train_eval_df, train_numbers)
colnames(train_eval_df) <- names(train_numbers)
test_eval <- all_results[[i]][["tested_eval"]]
test_confused <- test_eval[["confusion_mtrx"]]
## Lets assume cure/fail for these categories.
## When the reference is cure and prediction is cure.
true_positive <- test_confused[["table"]][1, 1]
## reference is fail and prediction is fail.
true_negative <- test_confused[["table"]][2, 2]
## reference is fail and prediction is cure.
false_positive <- test_confused[["table"]][1, 2]
## reference is cure and prediction is fail.
false_negative <- test_confused[["table"]][2, 1]
test_roc <- test_eval[["roc"]]
truefalse <- c(true_positive, true_negative, false_positive, false_negative)
names(truefalse) <- c("true_positive", "true_negative", "false_positive", "false_negative")
test_numbers <- c(truefalse, test_confused[["overall"]], test_confused[["byClass"]])
test_numbers <- c(test_numbers, test_eval[["auc"]])
last <- length(test_numbers)
names(test_numbers)[last] <- "auc"
test_eval_df <- rbind(test_eval_df, test_numbers)
colnames(test_eval_df) <- names(test_numbers)
parameter_df <- t(as.data.frame(parameter_lst))
colnames(parameter_df) <- c("Parameters Used")
retlist <- list(
"parameters" = parameter_df,
"train_eval_summary" = train_eval_df,
"test_eval_summary" = test_eval_df,
"all_results" = all_results,
"tuner" = tuner)
class(retlist) <- "classified_n_times"
#' Use createDataPartition to create test/train sets and massage them a little.
#' This will also do some massaging of the data to make it easier to work with for
#' downstream tasks. Most notably, since I am mostly evaluating classifiers of
#' clinical data to see how well they agree with extant annotations, I want to make sure
#' the relevant columns are renamed in the testing sets.
#' @param full_df Dataframe containing the measured data and relevant factors.
#' @param interesting_meta Other metadata (maybe not needed)
#' @param outcome_factor Name of the outcome column
#' @param p Ratio to split trainer and testers.
#' @param list Generate result as list or dataframe
#' @param times How many times to iterate
#' @seealso https://topepo.github.io/caret/data-splitting.html#simple-splitting-based-on-the-outcome
#' and https://github.com/compgenomr/book/blob/master/05-supervisedLearning.Rmd
#' @export
create_partitions <- function(full_df, interesting_meta, outcome_factor = "condition",
p = 0.4, list = FALSE, times = 5) {
if (length(outcome_factor) == 1) {
outcome_fct <- as.factor(as.character(interesting_meta[[outcome_factor]]))
} else {
outcome_fct <- as.factor(outcome_factor)
training_mtrx <- caret::createDataPartition(outcome_fct, p = p,
list = list, times = times)
full_df <- as.data.frame(full_df)
full_df[["outcome"]] <- outcome_fct
cbind_df <- full_df %>%
dplyr::select("outcome", tidyselect::everything())
trainers <- list()
trainers_stripped <- list()
trainers_idx <- list()
trainer_outcomes <- list()
testers <- list()
testers_idx <- list()
tester_outcomes <- list()
## Each column of the training matrix is a set of training indices.
## I want extract from the cbind_df the relevant samples for them for
## testing/training and also move the outcome_factor to {outcome_factor}_bak
## for the testing data so that I can run predict but also find the data to
## create a ROC curve later.
for (col in colnames(training_mtrx)) {
train_idx <- training_mtrx[, col]
train_rownames <- rownames(cbind_df)[train_idx]
train_outcomes <- cbind_df[train_idx, "outcome"]
names(train_outcomes) <- train_rownames
test_idx <- ! rownames(cbind_df) %in% train_rownames
test_rownames <- rownames(cbind_df)[test_idx]
test_outcomes <- cbind_df[test_idx, "outcome"]
names(test_outcomes) <- test_rownames
train_df <- as.data.frame(cbind_df[train_rownames, ])
test_df <- as.data.frame(cbind_df[test_rownames, ])
trainers[[col]] <- train_df
trainers_stripped[[col]] <- train_df
trainers_stripped[[col]][["outcome"]] <- NULL
trainers_idx[[col]] <- train_idx
trainer_outcomes[[col]] <- train_outcomes
## Remove the outcome factor from the test data.
test_df[["outcome"]] <- NULL
testers[[col]] <- test_df
testers_idx[[col]] <- test_idx
tester_outcomes[[col]] <- test_outcomes
retlist <- list(
"trainers" = trainers,
"trainers_stripped" = trainers_stripped,
"train_idx" = trainers_idx,
"trainer_outcomes" = trainer_outcomes,
"testers" = testers,
"test_idx" = testers_idx,
"tester_outcomes" = tester_outcomes,
p = p,
outcome_factor = outcome_factor,
list = list,
times = times)
class(retlist) <- "partitioned_data"
#' Given an n-dimensional matrix, try some KNN-esque clustering on it.
#' I want some functions to help me understand clustering. This is a
#' first pass at that goal.
#' @param mtrx Matrix to cluster, usually 2d from a point plot.
#' @param resolution Used after cluster generation for making neighbor
#' groups.
#' @param k Used during cluster generation.
#' @param type Define the type of clustering to perform, currently
#' only KNN/SNN
#' @param full Get the full set of metrics from bluster.
#' @param merge_to Use the neighborhood collapse function to set a
#' hard ceiling on the number of clusters in the final result.
#' @param ... Extra args for bluster.
#' @return List containing the resulting groups and some information about them.
#' @export
generate_nn_groups <- function(mtrx, resolution = 1, k = 10, type = "snn",
full = TRUE, merge_to = NULL, ...) {
params <- bluster::SNNGraphParam(k = k, ...)
if (type == "knn") {
params <- bluster::KNNGraphParam(k = k)
clusters <- bluster::clusterRows(mtrx, params, full = full)
merged <- NULL
groups <- as.factor(paste0("g", clusters$clusters))
message("After clustering, there are: ", length(levels(groups)), " groups.")
if (!is.null(merge_to)) {
merged <- bluster::mergeCommunities(clusters[["objects"]][["graph"]],
steps = merge_to)
merged_groups <- as.factor(paste0("m", merged))
message("After merging, there are: ", length(levels(merged_groups)), " groups.")
retlist <- list(
"clusters" = clusters,
"merged" = merged,
"start_groups" = groups,
"merged_groups" = merged_groups)
#' Create a confusion matrix and ROC of a model against its training data. (and test data
#' if the annotations are known)
#' This assumes a set of partitions from create_partitions() which
#' keeps the training metadata alongside the matrix of model
#' variables. When available, that function also keeps the known
#' annotations of the testing data. Given those annotations and the
#' model created/tested from them, this runs confusionMatrix and ROC,
#' collects the results, and provides them as a list.
#' @param predictions Model created by train()
#' @param datasets Set of training/testing partitions along with
#' associated metadata annotations.
#' @param which_partition Choose a paritiont to evaluate
#' @param type Use the training or testing data?
#' @export
self_evaluate_model <- function(predictions, datasets, which_partition = 1, type = "train") {
stripped <- data.frame()
idx <- numeric()
outcomes <- factor()
if (type == "train") {
stripped <- datasets[["trainers_stripped"]][[which_partition]]
idx <- datasets[["train_idx"]][[which_partition]]
outcomes <- datasets[["trainer_outcomes"]][[which_partition]]
} else {
stripped <- datasets[["testers_stripped"]][[which_partition]]
idx <- datasets[["test_idx"]][[which_partition]]
outcomes <- datasets[["tester_outcomes"]][[which_partition]]
## This assumes the input is a matrix of class probabilities. First convert that to
## classes.
predict_type <- "factor"
predict_numeric <- NULL
predict_df <- NULL
if (class(predictions)[1] == "factor") {
predict_class <- as.factor(predictions)
names(predict_class) <- names(outcomes)
predict_numeric <- as.numeric(predict_class)
} else {
predict_type <- "data.frame"
predict_df <- as.data.frame(predictions)
rownames(predict_df) <- names(outcomes)
#predict_df <- predict_df %>%
# dplyr::mutate('class' = names(.)[apply(., 1, which.max)])
## I still do not fully understand the various implications of
## using . vs .data vs .env and when they are relevant for
## dplyr/magrittr. As a result, this might be horribly wrong.
predict_df <- predict_df %>%
dplyr::mutate("class" = names(.data)[apply(.data, 1, which.max)])
predict_class <- as.factor(predict_df[["class"]])
names(predict_class) <- rownames(predict_df)
predict_numeric <- predict_df[[1]]
confused <- caret::confusionMatrix(data = outcomes,
reference = predict_class,
mode = "everything")
self_test <- predict_class == outcomes
names(self_test) <- names(outcomes)
wrong_sample_idx <- self_test == FALSE
wrong_samples <- names(self_test)[wrong_sample_idx]
self_summary <- summary(self_test)
roc <- pROC::roc(response = outcomes, predictor = predict_numeric)
roc_plot <- plot(roc)
roc_record <- grDevices::recordPlot(roc_plot)
auc <- pROC::auc(roc)
retlist <- list(
"self_test" = self_test,
"self_summary" = self_summary,
"wrong_samples" = wrong_samples,
"confusion_mtrx" = confused,
"reference" = predict_class,
"roc" = roc,
"roc_plot" = roc_record,
"auc" = auc)
class(retlist) <- "classifier_evaluation"
#' Write out the results of classify_n_times().
#' @param result Ibid.
#' @param excel Output excel file
#' @param name Name of the sheet to write.
#' @export
write_classifier_summary <- function(result, excel = "ML_summary.xlsx", name = NULL) {
## FIXME: Make a generic and use a method here.
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- result[["parameters"]]["method_used", 1]
if (class(excel)[1] == "character" && !file.exists(excel)) {
## Then write a legend sheet
legend <- data.frame(rbind(
c("top_table", "Some information about the model generation."),
"1 row for each iteration of the model followed by some meta summary statistics."),
c("true_positive", "The raw number of true positives observed."),
c("true_negative", "The raw number of true negatives observed."),
c("false_positive", "The raw number of false positives observed."),
c("false_negative", "The raw number of false negatives observed; the sum of these are the number of samples in the data."),
c("accuracy", "Proportion of correct calls vs. all samples."),
c("kappa", "Cohen's kappa: (accuracy - p(correct values vs. chance)) / (1 - p(correct values vs. chance))"),
c("accuracy_lower", "Error rate if the model always chose the second class."),
c("accuracy_upper", "Error rate if the model always chose the first class."),
c("accuracy_null", "Error rate if the model always chose the majority class."),
c("accuracy_pvalue", "Result of a binomial t-test to see if the accuracy is better than chance, taking into account imbalances in the samples/class."),
c("mcnemar_pvalue", "McNemar's chi-squared test for row/column symmetry for 2 factors."),
c("sensitivity", "(/ true_positive (+ true_positive false_positive))"),
c("specificity", "(/ true_negative (+ true_negative false_negative))"),
c("pos_pred_value", "(/ (* sensitivity prevelence) (+ (* sensitivity prevelance) (* (- specificity 1) (- prevalence 1))))"),
c("neg_pred_value", "(/ (* specificity (- prevalence 1)) (+ (* (- specificity 1) * (- prevalence 1)) (* specificity (- prevalence 1))))"),
c("precision", "(/ true_positive (+ true_positive true_negative))"),
c("recall", "(/ true_positive (+ true_positive false_negative))"),
c("f1", "2 * (/ 1 (+ (/ 1 precision) (/ 1 recall)))"),
c("prevalence", "(/ (+ true_positive false_negative) (sum all))"),
c("detection_rate", "(/ true_positive (sum all))"),
c("detection_prevalence", "(/ (+ true_positive true_negative) (sum all))"),
c("balanced_accuracy", "(/ (+ sensitivity specificity) 2)"),
c("auc", "Area under the ROC curve.")))
excel <- write_xlsx(data = legend, start_col = 1,
start_row = 1, sheet = "legend",
excel = excel)
summary_df <- rbind_summary_rows(result[["test_eval_summary"]])
written <- write_xlsx(data = result[["parameters"]], sheet = name,
excel = excel, title = "parameters used")
written <- write_xlsx(data = summary_df, start_col = 1,
start_row = written[["end_row"]] + 1,
excel = written)
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