#' Simplification function for gostats, in the same vein as those written for
#' clusterProfiler, goseq, and topGO.
#' GOstats has a couple interesting peculiarities: Chief among them: the gene
#' IDs must be integers. As a result, I am going to have this function take a
#' gff file in order to get the go ids and gene ids on the same page.
#' @param sig_genes Input list of differentially expressed genes.
#' @param gff Annotation information for this genome.
#' @param gff_df I do not remember what this is for.
#' @param go_db Set of GOids, as before in the format ID/GO.
#' @param universe_merge Column from which to create the universe of genes.
#' @param second_merge_try If the first universe merge fails, try this.
#' @param species Genbank organism to use.
#' @param pcutoff Pvalue cutoff for deciding significant.
#' @param conditional Perform a conditional search?
#' @param categorysize Category size below which to not include groups.
#' @param gff_id key in the gff file containing the unique IDs.
#' @param gff_type Gff column to use for creating the universe.
#' @param excel Print the results to an excel file?
#' @param ... More parameters!
#' @return List of returns from GSEABase, Category, etc.
#' @seealso [GSEABase] [Category] [load_gff_annotations()] [GOstats]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' knickerbockers <- simple_gostats(sig_genes, gff_file, goids)
#' }
#' @export
simple_gostats <- function(sig_genes, go_db = NULL, gff = NULL, gff_df = NULL, universe_merge = "id",
second_merge_try = "locus_tag", species = "fun", pcutoff = 0.1,
conditional = FALSE, categorysize = NULL, gff_id = "ID",
gff_type = "cds", excel = NULL, ...) {
## The import(gff) is being used for this primarily because it uses integers
## for the rownames and because it (should) contain every gene in the
## 'universe' used by GOstats, as much it ought to be pretty much perfect.
arglist <- list(...)
if (is.null(gff_df) && is.null(gff)) {
warning("This requires a gff or gff database of gene IDs.")
## Perhaps I should make this a bit more flexible, I can integer index orgdbs etc.
} else if (is.null(gff)) {
annotation <- gff_df
} else {
annotation <- load_gff_annotations(gff, type = gff_type, id_col = gff_id)
colnames(annotation) <- tolower(colnames(annotation))
colnames(annotation) <- gsub(pattern = "length", replacement = "width", x = colnames(annotation))
## This is similar to logic in ontology_goseq and is similarly problematic.
## Some gff files I use have all the annotation data in the type called
## 'gene', others use 'CDS', others use 'exon'. I need a robust method of
## finding the correct feature type to call upon.
## I think there might be a weird environment collision occuring which is causing
## some gostats functionality to fail when functions are called using
## Category:: explicitly. Therefore I am loading these environments here and
## calling the functions without :: For a further discussion of what is happening:
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioconductor/2009-November/030348.html
try(detach("package:GOstats", unload = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
try(detach("package:Category", unload = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
## In theory, requireNamespace is sufficient, but that is not true.
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("GOstats"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("GSEABase"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("AnnotationDbi"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("Category"))
lib_result <- sm(requireNamespace("GOstats"))
att_result <- sm(try(attachNamespace("GOstats"), silent = TRUE))
message("simple_gostats(): gff_type is: ", gff_type,
". Change that if there are bad merges.")
types <- c("cds", "gene", "exon", "protein_coding")
for (type in types) {
message("simple_gostats(): type ", type, " has ",
sum(annotation[["type"]] == type), " annotations.")
annotation_idx <- annotation[["type"]] == gff_type
annotation <- annotation[annotation_idx, ]
message("simple_gostats(): the current annotations has: ", nrow(annotation),
" rows and ", ncol(annotation), " columns.")
annotation[, universe_merge] <- make.names(annotation[, universe_merge], unique = TRUE)
if (universe_merge %in% names(annotation)) {
universe <- annotation[, c(universe_merge, "width")]
} else if (second_merge_try %in% names(annotation)) {
universe <- annotation[, c(second_merge_try, "width")]
} else if ("transcript_name" %in% names(annotation)) {
universe <- annotation[, c("transcript_name", "width")]
} else {
stop("simple_gostats(): Unable to cross reference annotations into universe,
perhaps change gff_type to make the merge work.")
## This section is a little odd
## The goal is to collect a consistent set of numeric gene IDs
## In addition, one must cross reference those IDs consistently with the
## universe of all genes. Thus in a few linues I will be doing a merge of all
## genes against the sig_genes and another merge of the gene<->go mappings,
## finally extracting the portions of the resulting dataframe into a format
## suitable for casting as a GOFrame/GOAllFrame.
colnames(universe) <- c("geneid", "width")
universe[["id"]] <- rownames(universe)
universe <- universe[complete.cases(universe), ]
## Adding this removal in case the gff file used to extract the annotations
## includes a prefix of the feature type.
remove_pattern <- glue("^{gff_type}.")
universe[["geneid"]] <- gsub(x = universe[["geneid"]], pattern = remove_pattern,
replacement = "")
if (is.null(sig_genes[["ID"]])) {
sig_genes[["ID"]] <- rownames(sig_genes)
universe_cross_de <- merge(universe, sig_genes, by.x = "geneid", by.y = "ID")
degenes_ids <- universe_cross_de[["id"]]
universe_ids <- universe[["id"]]
## Sometimes I have the columns set to 'ID','GO' -- others I have 'ORF','GO'
## FIXME! This should be standardized.
colnames(go_db) <- c("ID", "GO")
gostats_go <- merge(universe, go_db, by.x = "geneid", by.y = "ID")
if (nrow(gostats_go) == 0) {
stop("simple_gostats(): The merging of the universe vs. goids failed.")
if (ncol(gostats_go) == 5) {
colnames(gostats_go) <- c("sysName", "width", "frame.gene_id", "frame.go_id", "ID")
} else if (ncol(gostats_go) == 4) {
colnames(gostats_go) <- c("sysName", "width", "frame.gene_id", "frame.go_id")
} else {
stop("Cannot set the columns for the gostats df.")
gostats_go[["frame.Evidence"]] <- "TAS"
gostats_go <- gostats_go[, c("frame.go_id", "frame.Evidence", "frame.gene_id")]
gostats_frame <- AnnotationDbi::GOFrame(gostats_go, organism = species)
gostats_all <- suppressWarnings(AnnotationDbi::GOAllFrame(gostats_frame))
message("simple_gostats(): Creating the gene set collection. This is slow.")
gsc <- GSEABase::GeneSetCollection(gostats_all,
setType = GSEABase::GOCollection())
## 20180528: I am getting some odd errors when performing these tests:
## 'argument "go_id" is missing, with no default.
## This is doubly strange, as if I rerun the failing function with no change,
## it passes without error/warning. Thus I am thinking to wrap these in
## silent try() blocks to stop these peculiar shenanigans. hmm it appears to
## also be when I call summary(). This suggests to me that it might be a
## bigger problem than I realized. The answer appears to be here:
## https://support.bioconductor.org/p/108656/
mf_over <- bp_over <- cc_over <- NULL
mf_under <- bp_under <- cc_under <- NULL
message("simple_gostats(): Performing MF GSEA.")
mf_params <- Category::GSEAGOHyperGParams(
name = glue::glue("GSEA of {species}"), geneSetCollection = gsc,
geneIds = degenes_ids, universeGeneIds = universe_ids,
ontology = "MF", pvalueCutoff = pcutoff,
conditional = conditional, testDirection = "over")
## This is where it fell over
mf_over <- try(Category::hyperGTest(mf_params), silent = TRUE)
if (class(mf_over) == "try-error") {
mf_over <- Category::hyperGTest(mf_params)
message("Found ", nrow(GOstats::summary(mf_over)), " over MF categories.")
message("simple_gostats(): Performing BP GSEA.")
bp_params <- Category::GSEAGOHyperGParams(
name = glue::glue("GSEA of {species}"), geneSetCollection = gsc,
geneIds = degenes_ids, universeGeneIds = universe_ids,
ontology = "BP", pvalueCutoff = pcutoff,
conditional = FALSE, testDirection = "over")
bp_over <- try(Category::hyperGTest(bp_params), silent = TRUE)
if (class(bp_over) == "try-error") {
bp_over <- Category::hyperGTest(bp_params)
message("Found ", nrow(GOstats::summary(bp_over)), " over BP categories.")
message("simple_gostats(): Performing CC GSEA.")
cc_params <- Category::GSEAGOHyperGParams(
name = glue::glue("GSEA of {species}"), geneSetCollection = gsc,
geneIds = degenes_ids, universeGeneIds = universe_ids,
ontology = "CC", pvalueCutoff = pcutoff,
conditional = FALSE, testDirection = "over")
cc_over <- Category::hyperGTest(cc_params)
message("Found ", nrow(GOstats::summary(cc_over)), " over CC categories.")
message("simple_gostats(): Performing under MF GSEA.")
mf_params <- Category::GSEAGOHyperGParams(
name = glue::glue("GSEA of {species}"), geneSetCollection = gsc,
geneIds = degenes_ids, universeGeneIds = universe_ids,
ontology = "MF", pvalueCutoff = pcutoff,
conditional = conditional, testDirection = "under")
mf_under <- Category::hyperGTest(mf_params)
message("Found ", nrow(GOstats::summary(mf_under)), " under MF categories.")
message("simple_gostats(): Performing under BP GSEA.")
bp_params <- Category::GSEAGOHyperGParams(
name = glue::glue("GSEA of {species}"), geneSetCollection = gsc,
geneIds = degenes_ids, universeGeneIds = universe_ids,
ontology = "BP", pvalueCutoff = pcutoff,
conditional = FALSE, testDirection = "under")
bp_under <- Category::hyperGTest(bp_params)
message("Found ", nrow(GOstats::summary(bp_under)), " under BP categories.")
message("simple_gostats(): Performing under CC GSEA.")
cc_params <- Category::GSEAGOHyperGParams(
name = glue::glue("GSEA of {species}"), geneSetCollection = gsc,
geneIds = degenes_ids, universeGeneIds = universe_ids,
ontology = "CC", pvalueCutoff = pcutoff,
conditional = FALSE, testDirection = "under")
cc_under <- Category::hyperGTest(cc_params)
message("Found ", nrow(GOstats::summary(cc_under)), " under CC categories.")
mf_over_table <- bp_over_table <- cc_over_table <- NULL
mf_under_table <- bp_under_table <- cc_under_table <- NULL
mf_over_table <- GOstats::summary(mf_over, pvalue = 1.0, htmlLinks = TRUE)
bp_over_table <- GOstats::summary(bp_over, pvalue = 1.0, htmlLinks = TRUE)
cc_over_table <- GOstats::summary(cc_over, pvalue = 1.0, htmlLinks = TRUE)
mf_under_table <- GOstats::summary(mf_under, pvalue = 1.0, htmlLinks = TRUE)
bp_under_table <- GOstats::summary(bp_under, pvalue = 1.0, htmlLinks = TRUE)
cc_under_table <- GOstats::summary(cc_under, pvalue = 1.0, htmlLinks = TRUE)
if (!is.null(dim(mf_over_table))) {
mf_over_table[["qvalue"]] <- tryCatch({
ttmp <- as.numeric(mf_over_table[["Pvalue"]])
ttmp <- qvalue::qvalue(ttmp, robust = TRUE)[["qvalues"]]
signif(x = ttmp, digits = 4)
error = function(cond) {
if (!is.null(dim(bp_over_table))) {
bp_over_table[["qvalue"]] <- tryCatch({
ttmp <- as.numeric(bp_over_table[["Pvalue"]])
ttmp <- qvalue::qvalue(ttmp, robust = TRUE)[["qvalues"]]
signif(x = ttmp, digits = 4)
error = function(cond) {
if (!is.null(dim(cc_over_table))) {
cc_over_table[["qvalue"]] <- tryCatch({
ttmp <- as.numeric(cc_over_table[["Pvalue"]])
ttmp <- qvalue::qvalue(ttmp, robust = TRUE)[["qvalues"]]
signif(x = ttmp, digits = 4)
error = function(cond) {
if (!is.null(dim(mf_under_table))) {
mf_under_table[["qvalue"]] <- tryCatch({
ttmp <- as.numeric(mf_under_table[["Pvalue"]])
ttmp <- qvalue::qvalue(ttmp, robust = TRUE)[["qvalues"]]
signif(x = ttmp, digits = 4)
error = function(cond) {
if (!is.null(dim(bp_under_table))) {
bp_under_table[["qvalue"]] <- tryCatch({
ttmp <- as.numeric(bp_under_table[["Pvalue"]])
ttmp <- qvalue::qvalue(ttmp, robust = TRUE)[["qvalues"]]
signif(x = ttmp, digits = 4)
error = function(cond) {
if (!is.null(dim(cc_under_table))) {
cc_under_table[["qvalue"]] <- tryCatch({
ttmp <- as.numeric(cc_under_table[["Pvalue"]])
ttmp <- qvalue::qvalue(ttmp, robust = TRUE)[["qvalues"]]
signif(x = ttmp, digits = 4)
error = function(cond) {
if (is.null(categorysize)) {
mf_over_sig <- GOstats::summary(mf_over)
bp_over_sig <- GOstats::summary(bp_over)
cc_over_sig <- GOstats::summary(cc_over)
mf_under_sig <- GOstats::summary(mf_under)
bp_under_sig <- GOstats::summary(bp_under)
cc_under_sig <- GOstats::summary(cc_under)
} else {
mf_over_sig <- GOstats::summary(mf_over, categorySize = categorysize)
bp_over_sig <- GOstats::summary(bp_over, categorySize = categorysize)
cc_over_sig <- GOstats::summary(cc_over, categorySize = categorysize)
mf_under_sig <- GOstats::summary(mf_under, categorySize = categorysize)
bp_under_sig <- GOstats::summary(bp_under, categorySize = categorysize)
cc_under_sig <- GOstats::summary(cc_under, categorySize = categorysize)
rownames(mf_over_sig) <- mf_over_sig[["GOMFID"]]
rownames(bp_over_sig) <- mf_over_sig[["GOBPID"]]
rownames(cc_over_sig) <- mf_over_sig[["GOCCID"]]
rownames(mf_under_sig) <- mf_under_sig[["GOMFID"]]
rownames(bp_under_sig) <- bp_under_sig[["GOBPID"]]
rownames(cc_under_sig) <- cc_under_sig[["GOCCID"]]
if (!is.null(dim(mf_over_sig))) {
mf_over_sig[["definition"]] <- try(godef(mf_over_sig[["GOMFID"]]), silent = TRUE)
} else {
mf_over_sig <- NULL
if (!is.null(dim(bp_over_sig))) {
bp_over_sig[["definition"]] <- try(godef(bp_over_sig[["GOBPID"]]), silent = TRUE)
} else {
bp_over_sig <- NULL
if (!is.null(dim(cc_over_sig))) {
cc_over_sig[["definition"]] <- try(godef(cc_over_sig[["GOCCID"]]), silent = TRUE)
} else {
bp_over_sig <- NULL
if (!is.null(dim(mf_under_sig))) {
mf_under_sig[["definition"]] <- try(godef(mf_under_sig[["GOMFID"]]), silent = TRUE)
} else {
mf_under_sig <- NULL
if (!is.null(dim(bp_under_sig))) {
bp_under_sig[["definition"]] <- try(godef(bp_under_sig[["GOBPID"]]), silent = TRUE)
} else {
bp_under_sig <- NULL
if (!is.null(dim(cc_under_sig))) {
cc_under_sig[["definition"]] <- try(godef(cc_under_sig[["GOCCID"]]), silent = TRUE)
} else {
bp_under_sig <- NULL
gostats_p_mf_over <- try(plot_histogram(
mf_over_table[["Pvalue"]], bins = 20), silent = TRUE)
gostats_p_mf_under <- try(plot_histogram(
mf_under_table[["Pvalue"]], bins = 20), silent = TRUE)
gostats_p_bp_over <- try(plot_histogram(
bp_over_table[["Pvalue"]], bins = 20), silent = TRUE)
gostats_p_bp_under <- try(plot_histogram(
bp_under_table[["Pvalue"]], bins = 20), silent = TRUE)
gostats_p_cc_over <- try(plot_histogram(
cc_over_table[["Pvalue"]], bins = 20), silent = TRUE)
gostats_p_cc_under <- try(plot_histogram(
cc_under_table[["Pvalue"]], bins = 20), silent = TRUE)
tables <- list(
"mf_subset" = mf_over_table,
"bp_subset" = bp_over_table,
"cc_subset" = cc_over_table,
"mf_under_all" = mf_under_table,
"bp_under_all" = bp_under_table,
"cc_under_all" = cc_under_table,
"mf_over_enriched" = mf_over_sig,
"bp_over_enriched" = bp_over_sig,
"cc_over_enriched" = cc_over_sig,
"mf_under_enriched" = mf_under_sig,
"bp_under_enriched" = bp_under_sig,
"cc_under_enriched" = cc_under_sig
results <- list(
"gostats_mfp_over" = gostats_p_mf_over,
"gostats_bpp_over" = gostats_p_bp_over,
"gostats_ccp_over" = gostats_p_cc_over,
"gostats_mfp_under" = gostats_p_mf_under,
"gostats_bpp_under" = gostats_p_bp_under,
"gostats_ccp_under" = gostats_p_cc_under
retlist <- list(
"go_db" = go_db,
"input" = sig_genes,
"results" = results,
"tables" = tables
class(retlist) <- c("gostats_result", "list")
pvalue_plots <- try(plot_gostats_pval(retlist))
retlist[["pvalue_plots"]] <- pvalue_plots
if (!is.null(excel)) {
message("Writing data to: ", excel, ".")
excel_ret <- sm(try(write_gostats_data(retlist, excel = excel)))
enrich_results <- list()
for (ont in c("bp", "mf", "cc")) {
message("Getting enrichResult for ontology: ", ont, ".")
enrich_results[[ont]] <- gostats2enrich(retlist, ontology = ont, cutoff = pcutoff,
cutoff_column = "Pvalue")
retlist[["enrich_results"]] <- enrich_results
## EOF
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